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iff',"'" I., V THE EVENING WOBLD, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1921. $860iOOO OF ESTATE the Now Tork Life Insiirnnce anil Trust Comimy, No.R2 WaH Strt ut. Mm, Norcu'L. Gardiner, the widow, wild nho hiL given ft tlirt of tliu iiilod HiK (Mauritius to Henry PnHKh, jr., Vlee-l'roeldent of the Tnwt Ciuiipniiy, immej exetMitor of the nutate. Mr. l'arlnh mild) ho had nKed David Gardiner, U-othor of the dmixe, About thane securities, hut learned nothing of tliojn. He nui no further effort w(ui joadc to locate thcun. "I lo not Infor my brother-in-law took them," awild Mm. anjtl'ner The PKtato, ajtldo from tho alleged tnlmrtntr necurltlcw, la wild to fce worth mora tlmn 11,000,000, HAD WIFE WHEN HE WEDDED, SHE SAYS Mrs. Charlotte Cunuii'iup, Declares Ucr I ItislMiul Represented Ifon self as SiiiRle Man. In a milt for annulment of her mar riage filed In the Supreme Court here, Mrs. (Inrlottc I'rlmroie r1lliriiie 'iniinrlnrs, n McJrty wnnmn nt Mun wife llTltix. lie hxil revrewfite'l him ki If nx i xlnirle num. wbe declares. Wr. I'llfiiniiiuiK Vkjiii Iht InveMlcn liiti, hi -aU, n)tn ulie foitnt a tele uiimii to her hiixtiHiHl from "Doiothy Kell" (it Xni KrttnHcn, whirl) reatl: "lii: Worilerl, Why dijli'l you wrlleT Wire liitinedlntely, ixjve." Mr CnmniiiiM "aid her Ituntxind now la In Iliiiiff. ChiihiIii, huntliuf Mg iwiiie. Trial of the ault was positioned lo the ilaroti term. The ault la unde fendett. O'Connor, and two Pittsburgh whole aiile ii(unr dealt ra, llenjauiln K Moses nd llenrmti Hnttlcr. were Indicted by the Keilernt flriuid Jury to-day on ehric of conspiracy In withdraw tartte iiuiiiiilllea (ft liquor from 5ovcrmnent MirMlKjuea on forKed pinnita. iMra. Parkin' port,, it la lUleKed, waa to obtain letter-henda of tho Prohibition Dlrector'a ollkee for ueo of tho other do fendinrta. Mm haa beem 4ilt In $50,000 ibnM for alleKed theft at Uie lettr.r-tienda and other papora. Tho men aro tinder arreat in l'lttfturfih. ISiiKrne V. 11. Tlinyer, Danker. 111. Kuccno V. It. Thaver. Prealdent nt Iha NO WHISKEY SOLD IN CITY, Only Olorrd le..lnil llrlna Iteiiarft Mow, .Xnys Aarrnt frwell. Stuff aold aa whlakey In New York xaloona now la nolhlns but colored al cohol, aald Actinic ttupcrvtalnc PrcdJbl tlon Arent .Samuel Sewell to-day in on announcement atatlni? that Uiere have REPORTED MISSING ldw of Ute 'Robert A. Gardiner Seeks Explanation' of Alleged Disajjpearance of "Securities. ho nlhwed disappearance of I3G0.. i worth of wurities from tlfo estate been no lnrportatlona of wJilakey Into the lato Hobert A4couuidr, Qard!- 3 INDICTED IN LIQUOR PLOT. lira. I'nrlna nnil Dmlera .Irctmetl of Cttiiaptray. Mrs. Mary 13. l'arklnk. formerly a. clerk in eho olUm of Prohlbllon Director tho city in two weeka. "Rtn the atooDace of withdrawal 4r of Ent Hammton. T.. T nm. ,. permlta," he aald, "not Any le'uiur sJect of fciutry to-dity before 8ur. rotate Itotxtrt S. Plletrenu of IUver fcjad, I I., Mttlnrf In the offices of i-life, charges t)it lenwoo Tremalne OunvmlnRS, wealthy sportsman and war veteran, married her In fiyncmw on Dec. 24, 1919, while he Hlrrady had a wnifKey naa oen urvut?iii. inuj town, wliereaa nrevlotM to that time ft It or lban National llonk, la aufferln? from Aoven carload daily were brouidit here. Now the aaloona are attllnc only colored alcohol for wtilakey." ,v' tinu uvuia VI UVI tAke a roflt. It In announced. if MM "II I4' w. - mi v.r. m ' .v . f,n-V-. K Vii - - -A Open All Day To-Morrow Open All Day To-Morrow IS .i'i H RTEVER before in our 40 years in business have we' made reduc tions as sweeping, as radical as these. 4 1 4 S and en s Are .. i m, ,t. ...i n i m s i. Ml. . W ili. .- 70U have a larger and better assortment of Good . uiotnes to cnoose irom in mis sale trian can be tound in any other store in town. There are aver 9000 smart, seasonable Suits and Over coats every one of them regular Moe Levy stock,, pro duced in ourr dwn Shops, by ou- own tailors, under our own supervision. , ' , AgainPrices Radically Reduce FURTHER reductions have been made to our already ' low prices. 386 Suits and Overcoats that formerly sold for $65 are now included in our $23.50 line. 408 that were $75 are now reduced to $33.50. 443 that were $100 are now $47.50. In every pri,ce range you will find a complete assort ment of styles, fabrics, colors and sizes. There are medium and winter weight Suite, and Overcoats of ..eyery description. Sizes to fit everybody. 196 Suits were $65 465 Suits were $55 517 Suits were $50 487 Suits were $45 424 Suits were $40 118 Fur Collar Overcoats were $55 o Now 190 Overcoats were $65 585 Overcoats were $55 510 Overcoats were $50 440 Overcoats were $45 445 Overcoats were $40 180 Suits were $75 598 Suits were $65 236 Fur Collar Overcoats were $75 mi mi mm mm Now Delicatelyperfumed' hany lus trous and of abundant growth, distinguishes the .vWomaniwJao uses ED. PINAUD'S HAIR TONIC The original'French Eaude Quinine, famous for 'a century and appreciated by all who re quire toilet preparations, perior quality. PARFUMERIE ED. PINAUD American Offices ED. PINAUD BLDG. e NEW YORK The Whole' World knows that ED. PINAUD'S name guarantees quality a fragrant example is LILAC Vegetal Extract. 228 Overcoats were $75 467 Overcoats were $65 225 Suits were $100 387 Suits were $85 431 Suits were $80 335 Suits were $75 216 Fur Collar Overcoats were $100 2,168 Men's Pants Absolute Clearance of all our Men's Panto, formerly up to $11.50. 668 were $8 560 were $9 '621 were $10 145 were $11.50 $coo Now OPEN ALL DAY LINCOLN'S BIRTHDAY Special Sale of New PLAYER PIANOS 218 Overcoats were $100 458 Overcoats were $85 497 Overcoats were $80 453 Overcoats were $75 Bench, Cover, Cartage 12 Rolls of Music Included Easy Monthly Payments No Interest Charges You should know this means an additional saving to you of fully $25 on the price you would be required to pay elsewhere. coPviu'au.T -l-A " 234 Suits were $10.00 303 Suit's were $12.50 467 Suits were $16.50 114 Mackinaw were $10.00 213 Mackinaws were $12.50 287 Mackinaws were $16.50 $k75 241 Overcoats were $10.00 276 Overcoats were $12.50 431 Overcoats were $16.50 T16 Reefers Were $10.00 187 Reefers were $12.50 241 Reefers were $16.50 387 Suits were $18.50 487 Suits were $20.00 498 Suits were $25.00 235 Mackinaws were $18.50 276 Mackinaws were $20.00 341 Mackinaws were $25.00 417 Overcoats were $18.50 456 Overcoats were $20.00 583 Overcoats were $25.00 Now 231 Reefers were $18.50 256 Reefers were $20.00 398 Reefers were $25.00 Every Subway "Eletiated" from Brooklyn and New York transfers direct toCanaStreet Station, within sight of our store MogL Also a number of the Best Known Makes of Used PLAYER PIANOS Special Reduction 5 tltl MUSIC ROLLS 9 CI Cents REDUCED TO Each GOETZ & CO. i 81 to 87 COURT, Cor. Livingston St., BROOKLYN e;asy to reach One Block from Borough Hall Subway Station Our Only Store 119125 Walker Street Our Only Store Open Daily Until 7 Saturdays Until 10 Back hurt your Can't straighten up without feeling sudden pains, sharp uclics Bnd twinges? Now listen! That's lumbago, sciatica or maybe from a strain, anil you'll get blessed relief the moment you rub your bark with soothing, penetrating "St. Jacobs Oil." Nothing else takes out sore ness, Uraeness and stiffness so quick ly. You simply rub it on and out comes the pain. It is perfectly hann- lless and doesn't burn Or ilM-ulor ihs IBKIIl. l.iuilier up! Don't suffer1 ., small trial botllc from unv dru ufnrr. rifwl nflf.i nt-ii... :v i ........ ..... . juni 'll, you'll forget Unit you evi-r lmd lu. k ,unc, iiiiiiimgo or wmiira, lnuuse your buck will never hurt or rnusc any more misery, it never disappoint ml hiu been recommended for CO years. Advt. lt Makes Little Difference What You Need ' t A World "Want" Ad. Will .Go and Find J. K . Hi