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Newspaper Page Text
J n W .THE .EVENING WORLD,' WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, ;i92Z, 74 : . i 1, I? " 110 LE BLOW-UP ROCKS BUILDINGS WOMAN KILLED Mystery Explosion in Spring Street Shatters Windows and Is Felt for Blocks. Whllo Prank Galen!, tArty yoaxs o!4 of No. 32 Madison ot, -mis at irork rtanaHng Iho Inner carer of a man hole leadtnsr t6 a cwuJuU of the New TetSc ZUtaon Company at Spring and Crosby Btreeta at XL cfcSacfc to-day ei tH'nlwrtw fZaft cvdtoott EreiUtogB In jxsp flbjul tvtiu. CnoCnreS (7 Uo ' f rTN into (2M ' rCft oIrsSg Cfebs la fte doe cad XTJa fftxsH noa flwtow end teXC aa Quae Bates la Ntnr - Tpaosoioo and cJiocSikiC OmcajAos ' to mm htaxA and fcU (Or blocks. ISyvaaextSa ot omployooa of clothing triututim runbedto too etmats, Many -ajfo&rwB were broken and frosrnwnis ojtBh manhole cover ttcto found on the- roofc of Irish buildings in Prince odd Crodby Streets. Tho come of the. xploaion la a rayxtery, although it oppcara to have been duo to catoltse fames (which Wdsc&ped Iixjm a etnror and Jodgtsd irrebe conduit of the manhole. Emil Falema and Tony Flmno, 'who wtro wortdns with Qalcnl. could offer "no explanations. DotocUvca who ln- vcsUgutcd Bold they understood that one of the men had gone to a switch In tho neighborhood to turn off the current In the conduit. Unit' had de layed in doing no, and Galenl'a activi ties probably caused a short current. the flash of whloh Ignited tho gaa. France Entera for Darla Cap. France chnllengod'fOT the Davis Cup In a letter received to-day by the United States lAwn Tennis Association from Plrrre Cllllou. Secretary of the French Asaoclation. CBialteneo have now been received from five nation .luatralla. Britain, France, India and Spain. Entries to the total of ten are ixpcctcd before March 15, when tho rntnea Close, ine oraw lor prelim inary ties 'will be made Immediately after. mien 1417-1423 THIRD MIHUZ FURNITURE Cash or Credit . OPEN CVENIHQS Tltt . ran VUu. Send for 116 Pace CATALOG FREE With Special February Price List B5 Holzwauer Home Talks No. 647 wni lnortnu aaarn " rural ton "fcutalaa" la ear amtlaraiaita. for Ua ntj (ant reuon thu Um UmlUd Kc of our adnrUMatnta mold not lamlt U. ami la a meant (dm. aftac nuAf ktU a anuuy of tltlu New Tort Its crplUrt ramlum Ttlao. Uvo rubito emti dm nniro anr "ntrmrtUfiir or MnjaOonUH or lauiat' nMtel nine to draw Uitai kir itmj lot that vhatmr 6U7 or oour tber ocraa tuj vUl nod at Halnaan'i aU tha KtXL raloM Utr iuL Tin "fRtmt furalnn btutoeu la Omln Nrw York" li rrtOeaoa Okj rind vtilt tfctr eon for. Furniture bought new may be held in our waitheuw ster ile free lor six tnonlhi. From Wrat StSa fir RRth or With St. (Yoaktown Cara or br uu MIlli C.t. from BrtMidiray. 3-R00M APARTMENT '4-R00M APARTMENT $375 5-R00M APARTMENT CROC hkst stop vai.ite Paoo Our Liberal Terms 1 Vulurl Ho I WtrU llo;IO.(MHU.IM)! Mr.oiin.ooiKn.x'il IX'.' IWO .tO.o'S3.(KI ionio.(Mii.(( S.KKl'x.KMMtlBS.Odl I Lartr Amoupta Up to SS.OOQ iirmi piJj iJu ta Urn York S1.,., Ii,w. 'fnT d CooBMticut, W M, rtllrut lan( kth jr A SUGGESTION EM j The abundant health- 2 giving properties of ScottsFmiikinni q www w MaBwawaB g I are as needful to q adults as to children. Scott A Bowna, BWliU, N. J. ALSO M AKFRS OF KiMQIDS liftmen r Gramsles) 2 m IND9GEST10N V"a. J Store Hours 9 lo 5:30 Cinnamon Toast The inimitable G1MBEL cinnamon toast Just brown enough; just crisp enough Butter and cinnamon as you like 'cm. Greatest evcrl Try it for afternoon tea! G UMBELS ltESTAUUANT Eighth Floor Gimbel Brothers 32nd STREET - BRDADWAY-33n STREET NEW YORK CITY Shop Before Stpre Opens 8 to 9 o'clock on your way to work right at tho head of tho subway sjalrs, at our 83d street entrance there's a desk. ThatVfor your convcnicnce.JLyou're too, busy to shop between 9 and 6,30 Wo'll take your order at .GIMBELS SPECIAL SERVICE DESK Created by the Artistes of the Gimbel Millinery Studio x Mid w'UdU'I Hats 1 A Comprehensive Sh6w .f ' ing of Newer Modes at v Moderate Prices Cojors, styles, lovelinesses uncountable in these Gimbel Studio hats. Hats that are niarvels of exquisite needle craft; ihat mirror every Fashion and Fabric that Paris decrees. EXTRAORDINARY hats at the price level of ordinary hats; $16.50 to $28. A'EIP Veils; Cuticork: Drenched Ostrich; Earrings; Wooden Beads; Metal Threads GIMBELS MILLINERY SALON Third Floor AN IMPORTANT OFFERING OF 16-Button Heavy Milanese Silk Gloves : Sale Priced at Each Pair Is Perfect These gloves are of an especial ly fine heavy quality Milanese glove silk; with Paris point embroidered backs and double finger tips; in the much needed 16-button elbow length, for wear with short sleeves. Close to Today's Cost Price Easter 13 close at hand, .when such gloves will bo even more in demand than now but we think, will not be obtainable then, at such a price as this. The Story Is Simple A well known manufacturer was closing out his entire line of women's gloves. We bought this whole splendid lot, 5000 pairs, at a remarkable reduc tion from present wholesale price. IN WHITE; TAN AND NAVY BLUE. GIMDELS GLOVE SHOP Main Floor Phone: Pavisykania 5100 Tuxedo Sweaters of Worsted Zephyr Yarn Sizes 3G to 4G Marked Special Always in good taste! No woman's wardrobe is quite complete with out a Tuxedo Sweater. These are exceedingly well-made with pockets, belts, tassels and everything. Just tho thing for sports wear now and summer wear later. Colors: Rose, Navy, Brown, Co-pen, Buff, Black and White. GIMUELS WOMEN'S SWEATER SHOP 3d Floor Sale ! 200 Real Madeira Dresser Scarfs Save a Third Hand scalloped with elaborate hand-embroidered centres on fine round thread Irish Linen. A good buy for us means a good buy for you ! 19x36 inches, $3.75 19x45 inches, $4.50 19x54 inches, $5.25 GIMBELS LINEN SHOP Second Floor ' Misses' Crepe de Chine Frocks $19.75 Big buys in little space these two charmingly ttyled frocks in Paris's pet crepe de chine. One not sketched has shoe polish ibbon sash and faggoting. Both Styles in Nary Black: Brown'. Grey. GIMBELS Third Floor Sa e : nit Imiister I Of World Renown Slightly Imperfect 25 to 30 Less Than New 1021 Prices of Perfect Goods ' Chinese and Oriental patterns. Soft, desirable color combinations. The name stampgd on the back of every rug, your guarantee of quality. Imperfections, scarcely visible. 1 27x54 inch, $3.95 and $4.75 36x70 inch S6.75 and $7.85 . 4.6x6.6 feet S13.00.and $15.00 , 6x9 feet $24.00 and $27.50 7.6x9 feet, ' $31.75 8.3x10.6 feet, $40.00 and $46.50 9x12 feet, $46.00 12x15 feet $36.50 Armstrong Linoleum 33ls Less Some of the Rolls Slightly Imperfect Inlaid Linoleum in- Heavy Printed Lin-- Heavy Inlaid Linole- Printed Cork Lino tile and carpet pat- oleum, of varied um, including "Gran- leum, very attrac terns, $1.25sq.yd. patterns, 95c sq. yd. ite" $1.50 sq. yd. tive, 85c sq. yd. Aho Linoleum Rugs, 9x12 size, $1.50; 7.6xl0.(i size, $11.50 GIMBELS RUG AND CARPET SHOP Sixth Floor a Ml.i Galvanized Ash Cans FIRMLY MADE AND REINFORCED Another shipment has ar rivodl Plenty for all. And not just ordinary Ash Cans. They're all heavily gUlvan iied reinforced top, and bottom. Size No. 8 cans that one instinctively knows will last a long, long time! - f rgrm If you've ever bought ash cans before, you'll recognize t h e b o wonderful values. Don't fail to tako advantage of the maker's price conces sions to us our close pricing to you. Get your Ash Cans TO-DAY! . v- I jJL Aluminum Omelet Pan Very practical; can be used for 2 foods at onco over ono burner, f r? at, )OC Porcelain Table Top Bright white poiceluin, slightly$. Qanil marred l.tO up No C. O. lVs. Mail Orders Filled GIMBELS NEW KIND OK HOUSEFURN1SHING STORE-Fifth Floor Aluminum Roaster Double, Round, 10-in. diam. of heavy gauge alumi num; can uo usca as Hcparate bak- f ing pans. 145 White Dimity Flaxon 32 and 36 inch 4 Less than half last year's price a very special value in fine assortment 'of patterns, White Mercerized Batiste : 38 Inch Specially priced: a closely woven ffj) ft beautifully finished batiste; for Sv.Y underwear and baby's clothes, wVli "GIMBELS Second Floor Cyd C yd Femiiaiy eraltmir Nowhere but at Gimbels Such GOOD Furniture at Prices So Drastically Cut GOOD Furniture elsewhere of course. LOW Prices elsewhere assuredly. But nowhere but at Gimbels and we say this advisedly so much GRAND RAPIDS FURNITURE at such savings these. Grand Rapids Furniture priced not on today's market nor on yesterclay's but at the Rock Bottom prices we believe will prevail in every crossroads store in America by April, 1921. Save on Beds : Too Simmons Beds An 'ex traordinary Exposition arid Sale of Them. Simmons Beds at Prices Radically Lowered to Meet New 1921 Low Cost Basis. Simmons Beds a Tre mendous Assortment of Discontinued Numbers at . Savings Up to 45. Simmons Beds Through the Courtesy and ' Co operation of the Simmons Company Featured at Unusual Concessions in This Gimbel Sale. Square-tube Enamel Crib in walnut or mahogany; link spring, attached, $19.75 Simmons Link Spring, all sizes, $8.25 Simmons Beds as little priced as $10 4 Poster Bed in full size only ; mahogany nnisn; well made; vrt up tp and beyond the minute. Sen- i sationally Priced at we Save on Bedding : Too Box spring; rabbet edge; French roll; hair top tuf ted; best steel tempered coil springs;" finest quality ticking. Full Size - $37.75 34', Size - 36.75 Twin and Single 35.75 Mahogany Finish Day Bed 2-6 wide; vueen mine peri od design: fitted with panel ends. Sensationally Priced at 118.7! r ' MiMrH-t-rfr oor RAOlMARK EGISTERED U.S.PAT.0fr Upholstered Rabbet Edg Spring; 2-6 wide, to fit day bed; inside roll edge; top dressed with felt closely buttoned; assorted cretonne flJOC c overings, P't' PILLOWS-Less Pure Duck Feather Pillows, 22x28 inches; feather-proof ticking, J1.90ca. Pure Goose Feather Pillows, 22x28 inches; feather-proof ticking, $3.90 ca. Pure Grey Down Feather Pil lows, 22x28 inches; linen tick ing, $6.50 ca. Headlparters for Ostemtoir Mattre At Gimbels Only and For This Sale Only A 1 1 Sizes $35 Grade Ostermoor Mattress : Now $25 Ostermoor quality; service; excellence; all yours and a $10 saving to boot ! C lV- GIMBELS BEDS AND BEDDING SHOP Seventh Floor On Goes Ud Come the' Reserves! d CRETOMM Unprat k ETp3T o IlilllS Began With 50,000 Yards You Know: Quality: Patterns: Colors Superb at LESS THAN HALF PRICE -."Y.t 42efd A 'fine quality cre tonne; a world of de signs; of charming color combinations. NOTE During This Sale We Arc Offering Special Price Con cessions on the Maying of Slip' Copers and Draperies. Heavier quality still; exquisite exotic bird and foliage patterns. VALUE indeed! 65 Yd. Water-Color Opaque Window Shades : 58c Each v While, ecru, green; packed in unit wrappers with necessary fixtures. 36x72 inches in size. PERFECT & GIMBELS UPHOLSTERY SHOP Sixth Floor Brooklyn, Long Island and New Jersey Customers Direct to Gimbels via Tubes and Subways - f; fe4-4lfnM li in ---M--1 : If