Newspaper Page Text
mm THE EVENING WORLD, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1921. .fv. .I.M.MW. -Wr-i- COMPLETE STOCK. QUOTATIONS FINANCIAL NEWS AND PRICES CURB FLUCTUATIONS IN OILS AND INDUSTRIALS I WALSH EXPOSES rTTjjjijj HHP! AFFORD TO El Stock Market ' Stock price movements to-day were aa confuting o the news having n Adam Kiira .... BO Adr Ittnartf US ta ift to six per cent bofoie the clone of the week. The wheat market reacted three cents a bushol, which perhaps Is a natural consequence 01 mo kicu cent rise which occurred yesterday. Cotton was dull nnd nrm. Tho money rate dropil to 6 per cent nt the beginning of tho third footir of trndlnir. The best responso Jilt ituMtH lV be&rlnfe on Tallica. Speculation was won mnde Iy tho tobacco fthareii which uit UuH .. ... i.tii- roan innn uno iu uiiiu iitiuivn. nnn- .ijuosi Rains and looses wore fairly evenly transcontinental, (became in rood do- .in jln Um .... 8714 uiviucu. mantl, ana tne loaders 01 tins ciass Am jui IN. . . . . , Stocks' that became most prominent rose i point or more. Miscellaneous Am oit 8icr . . . . 4tm Ail ed rhunlcnl rtnldwln. At- Industrials, Including the lending m iio., uik .., wre Mi.ea cnemicni, uatawin, ai- ..ioni- Mrrt. niiwi dull i r. Htl QuU and Heading. The first ftml flrm do W ...'... amca declined nearly uvo points on in late trading cotton declined i Jnon h Wit the announcement that a special n ibale. Foreign exchange rates con- Am out oil.... stockholder had been unucu nrm. l' ..."JT.L " Am Mxnl IM... Am locutoilttt Alltnl Un juu HaMj lUiur. Am MJt ft Cm. . CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS Wall St. uossip Etneetlnff of stockholders had fcalled for March 7 to authorize an (noreaso of 160,000,000 In the pre ferred stdck and an Increase of 1,000,- 000 shares In the amount of com- ion stock. ' It was officially stated that It Is -not the Intention of the kriagomenf, to Iasuo any of this : v , t . ritook. in the near future, tiut the culatlve element professed to b neve differently. F. uaiuwin Tccedoa a point or more on account of the showing mad by thei annual report. Atlantlc-Qulf sras sold ' ruaraun liAt-imixur.. v-iwar.. Son "reports that plans for new financing I Demand sterling, 190 i-i, cables. fttavo finally been combleted and that ! 1-2. off 5-8. French franca dc- Ihe medium Will be a new fjl0,000,00l' 1 man, .0747; cables. .0748, up .ooos. i,ire note issue. Heading continued to bo dnand, .0371; cables, .037J, up .0002. 4H 'Jit ' KlVi r, MU i'J V 30H A to 'OBnk7.. Am aM IK UUHRTV UON13B. Am Umuin T.. KV, Liberty 3 l-2s opened 91.04: Hocond, "SH--- ll-ls, 16.80, off .00; Third, 90.08, off t ,H 08: Fourth, 87.02: Victory J 3-4s, 97.24, up .01; 4 J -4s, 97.24, Up .02, l.oaotlonary because of dlnappointment Boyer the terms of the now famous sac- itlon jilan. sir stocks were unaffected by the announcement that tho South Porto tioo Sugar Company had reduced the lyidend on the common stock from 12 C per cent. This proilp of shares stimulated by tho continued Btrcnglh of the raw and refined sugar Oil and motor shares were Irregu lar. United States Steel during most j of the day moved within a half-point , range. Independent steel shares were Irregular and paid little attention to renewod reports of price cutting by rmlependents. Of highly favorable Importance 1 -was a further rise in the rate fur de- nand sterling to $ This Is the Highest figure touched since the mid- "Idle of last July. Other foreign ex- Lotiange rates were flrm. mere wan a jhciuiiui supply ui can Money at the seven per cent renerwul rw-e, and predlctlona were again 'iheard that tbe rate will be dropped BANKING AND FINANCIAL. 'At .How To Trade In The Market and other rules and methods of interest to traders are civen in our free booklet, "Thelnvest ors and Traders Qoide." It tells: The General Rules of Trading. The Rights of Stock and Bond Holder. ' The Deposit Require mcnts for Carrying Stocks. How to Give a Broker Instructions. Broker's Commission Charges, How to Indorse aStock Certificate. How to Group Invest ments. Call, phone or write for No. EW-J62 Latett atatlable mw fat' n fined onacrfresecun're. JONES&BAKER SpeelattttM in New York Curb Market SecuHtiet ROAD STREET OFFICE SO Broad Street Telephone Broad 7150 MADISON SQUARE OFFICE 225 Fifth Avenue Tel. Madison Square 1377 42nd STREET OFFICE SOS Fifth Avenue Telephone Murray Hill 7120 Offices in S Principal Cities Olrrct rrirat Wire nclfilan franc demand, ,0778; cables, .07711, up .0003. Mnrks domand, ,0173; cable. ,0174, up .OQ03. Canadian dol lars demand, .8738, off ,0050, Argen tine -pesos demand .7870; cables, .7 NO, up.OMO. DIVIDENDS. The Lindsay Light Company passed tho regular quarterly dividend of 2 per cent, on tho common stock due at this time. Tho regular quar terly 1 1-4 per cent, preferred dlvl dond was declared payablo March 31 to stock of record Fdu. it. The Mergenthnler Linotype Com pany declared the regular quarterly 2 1-2 per rent dividend payablo Maroh 31 to ntock'of record March 6. The National Transit Company de clared an extra dividend of CO cents a share payablo March 16 to stock of record Fab. 28. This corresponds with an extra dividend declared a year ago. . Tho Quaker Oats-Company declared a quarterly dividend of l 1-2 per cent, on tho common and tho regular quar terly dividend of 1 1-2 per cent, on tho preferred, both payablo May 31 to stock of record May 2. Previously the company had been paying 3 per cent, quarterly on tho common stock. Directors announced that this ac tion was taken after writing down all Inventories to cost or market whichever Is lower. A. J. KENNEDY'S ESTATE $182,189 Am Tib pes UJ...1 XUt'i Am Wool Wft Am Zinc U'l Am 7,km t 2UVt AnsrmU O0 Aiik-u Itnllntlan . 2 Aim Dry !).. . 'J0V4 Abilkan 11 62 H All lilt Si Mi.... 0 AU Cbvit Uu.... K1H AU (lull U W I.. Ul'i AU Oulf St W 1 t Autn (Jm Ootv i 14 IWktwla Imi .... VI lUtUiria lira I. . . 10U tUtt UUu 'Ml, Qlult A Jlvk irf. . . 60 Sloth Mom IMUt ftl4 6 p o...liCV OkCl eutl it to Jtkljn IUv Tnn. . . 3U HVkra Uniaa liu . r.lVi Jlarta Utts MS llutta Coo Si Viae C Uutto Si Biu .... JlutlCTlrk Co 10 CtMo Cent Od ... U) Out IWtlrw .... l CU iVt ' 40S Oinuan Initio .. (MS Administrhtors File Report of- Hold ings of Late Corllandt Street Haberdasher. Dcrnnrd J. McCnnn and Jeremiah J. Qcaighan, to-day filled their ac counting as administrators of the es tate of tho tato Andrew J. Kennedy, haberdasher, of ' No. 12 Cortlandt istrcct, who died suddenly on Jan. JO, 1018. Tho nccountlrvr shown that of tho present assets of tho estate $233,921 represents Inventory of stock ahd flx- I turcfl and cotfh -1n banks amounting . to $115,000. Oltticr assets consist of the premises at Nos. 12 and 38 Cort- 1 landt Street. After deducting cost of administration and othw expensed the administrators atato they have on hand $182,189 Kennedy's v.ill made bcquerls to friends and employees of his eloro rather than to many relatives, several of Whom have brought suit to break tho will. Ootnl LHLtinr . . . Ua. UXinr it. . Goto Uo tten. . . . On ml Iff Motqn .. Oi it UtA a it a t i'.... Oil A St I' it... Ohio It I Si I'M . . c n l Si v e iw vt Chic Ural Wm ... Chic Ont Wat Vt Chic St North Itj- . tlille Coppv China Ckclwr Cluott Si TvSjail . CoolOol Coiavl tc Inn ..' Ool St tioutitani ... Cot Ou & Klrc .. Cofcisiris 0 nub .. Ooosol OiSW Ooi Uu Oauol Tutlta .... Coa 1st Ul M U)S HU)i U(i 75H Ci JS 4;ui '.1H tti 8H 98 8SH Iti'i UiK JS KIW WW oos w 70 VHi OH Coot CiM ....... 1H Conlra Oil ,..... Corn i'rai iVtKibW BtKTt .... Cub Out tiutw .. OAn Amer Nr. VA U lludiou.... IM lACk S. Wirt . . Dtn Si lUa (Irmrulo Dn St lUa Ur pt.. lom Mlwst I raUron BadkMUJoluma . Erio Hrio 1j l Kria M ii PU.n kU FOR STATE CENSORS OVER ALL MOVIES IV Bill Introduced in Assembly Pro j vides for Comniission of Three at $5,000 Each. ' ALHANY. Feb. ic Creation of a State 'Motion Picture Censorship Com mission of thrco mcmlbnrn Is ' sought in a bill Introduced In the Iv-.slaturo , to-day by Aasranblyniun Walter V. Clayton, nopubllcan, of Kings. It would 4e the duty of tho com- ; mlsalon to Cxamlno all fllnui and reels and mpprove or dlsapprovo than. For enoli S00 ifeet of film oxamlncd the fc would bo $3, but no feu would , exceed $S. , l 'Momfocra of tho commission would bo appointed by the Governor with ; tho ootrsvut or the Bcnutc for flve- . year terms at salaries of $5,000 a year. so 7814 WHi IBS aaVi lot -io 1W 4 10 V, 10 ai 13 U HI Kmk ltUUr UTi JVreiiort Tnu ... Un AatuiH iMtuu VB St Wit. Oeswrtl Wxt .... Klmivtl lUi.-tiio. . . Onicral Valor .... 41m Mtuv ixii..., UooJrkti T. Uf Nonlicrn . U4 Nor Oro OIuukui Oil ...... 3tixti Qlutsn JilkLmu auflulns Ii,inliuei Cii,ur. UMr . Cuir, . . ti Onv ll.Ur Ailr Ci'Kt 1. lul r lkirrT . . Intu IMnlw ;jt l'nt ..... luV" Mulu. ' j. 'Mir Mit t- 1i..t .Nlc'xl I liocAilt Oil l.kiwl Oil Jtmrl IW Ji-iu-l Tin if Jun Tfu Koiuvw City Ho. . Kini OAr r' ' Kll HilD(ltvM .. rtrntr. fiH Seir ritehcr. rnrsaTikou. ra.. b. . John 17 71 aft HWH 14H 40 77 3U 73 mi UK GOV. r.'i un do ' Itult :n4 H 13Vd M'i 10 Sift 4U T SIM SOMl 4l 47 Krtw so 1H IK an 1H auft .vts 411 4K M'i W)ft WW liVi !U 4fiH 47 U rL N'.fc 46 V H 30 4JtK S)ft in noft loo lltt?4 om hts, 07M 3ft WW, K!. 0 SIS Ul'i !. 14 HOVi IO-.' .11 CD 10T.K 67H- n U14 8ft 61 Mi Ml C OH ao 153i ui 40 in ai 21 TOft rft 27M 4tJ S7tt (U ft 38H 07 Vi 13ft St B2M 3!h as .(1ft OOft 10ft 61 ft WH aft 0 1 SDH 71ft OTft ,20U at! 1UO S10 lft 4 IB 10 Olft 13 ft 111 ft 111ft IK Mft 14ft 17 IH aft ll'i oau aa ft Ttift, iift 7-;ft 13U 6ft tro 6 14 U 60 ft HO M Ui 1R 6hft ISSft aa4 4ft 0ft ai Jltft 40 ft VI K Imt (K) IRS r?j ftn aw 07 ft 60 ft 41) 41) ft P.V4 ft 1 ft raft lft 80ft ft fcOft luift ft IS! ft ft 4jft a 1 ft ft Olft ft 80ft ft 40ft 4 8 10ft - ft ft 30 ft Wft ft 81 i lft IW isft 2ft i ft nyft lft U7ft ft Dft ft ft ft 90ft V4 2ft ft ft lft esft ft U ft Klft Ik a-.ft ft 42ft ft 1H 1 ua :mu to 4 106U 6ft 6 lUft l -)' 61ft Wft 6 13ft 10 011 1 40'i 117 Wft W 1 20ft ft 73 1 00ft ft as h 43ft ft f-TH 1 8 ft Wft lft OSft lft tuft ft 31 ft caft aaft ft as ft 32ft ft uoft 10 ft ca 2 TO lft atft lft ft ft lft ft 7a 0(1 ssft lui ft am 4 lft U 4 ft 10ft 10 Olft Wft 20ft 111 D 84 2 14 ft 17 70ft - ft aft - ft oi ft i:sa l 14ft ft lUft Wft ft 77 lft M ft 7a ft ft 03ft u Kfmmott OmvrT. . KiVfltonfl Tiro .... IaU Bfte A Wml. 1 Ibili A Tim.. Wilnh VIVj .... Ijr.w, lu .... llfl. Im) JtlCh. tUft lift soft las 21ft Mt 17ft lift IoirAVIIi 40 l.rltUra 110ft luh Si .Vwhiilla.. 10) UtMlMtUn rSrrmlol 01 ft atMirrll Uotor ... 6ft .Mimrrll Mot lt pi 8ft Mijr Vni Mtorin . TOft -Mexican SVUvlrua 'J Olft Middle fiUtw UU . 13ft iMWlnie 31ft Minn A fit lxmli lift Dlo Kin ft Trx . 2ft Olo D-uiric 18 ft ciio Vtrtrw t .... auft .Mont Want 18 Kt Omlult 3ft Nt tjotm d Stf.. Olft .Nt 9m,l 71ft XttuU Cowl .... Ja (N Oil T A. '51 ... TSft lV Tort AlrbrUo .. Olft Mew York Cnl .. 7a N York Dock ... acl tv v n ui k it... aoft LV.TfUk Jc Wtru ll)Vi Non fiuitU Mn4.. OkU 1' Si 11 Ontario HHn-r .... OqilMint OM-ult... Olu ISotttor 81ft ttlft nft aft ia& oft 00 ft 3ft Wft COft KUft .IB ft . ft ft lft ft aft ft 6Sft 1 15ft M Mft ft ltt. ft aaft 4'.i 7 ft ao aift aoft ft 40ft ft 47 ft 4- I I'Kinc 1 47 ft I'artftc Oil (w 1)... Illft 1'AH.Anw I'rtrol... 77ft I'ia-.Unw ivt U... 70ft I'tan Jl It 4Uft Icnn be Pttevl laft tVtptu'a (18ft Ten ManrHtUi ... 17ft PMlaiU Cumtanr.. Olft Pile Arrow trfft l'lrno Oil 11 I'ltUt'urih Col .. liOft 1'oral Cnvk Coil .. 13ft M'rawxl Hiol Cu !H I'lUlaiin Orwinor . 107 ft 1'init AW HuKir . 31 Pure Oil Sift Hill SUcI Stirimu . 87 iltand lHam B4 U ltT Ccr.tR-r 14 IlMdlnx 77 'a llfljlut M If .. 'IH'i lleadiiw 2d f . . . . 48 llfiuUiStou Tmw .. 3flft ll-p ln & Slni.. 07ft lbnubllo Motor ... 23 Ilojil IuU4i iN Y. . Olft Jit L & Vt. gt L & 6itliiMl. 21 .SinU Ok tiojur. . . 0ft Sxoa Motan 6d dMbcxuvl .Vlr 3. 1. IO'.j SeiuJU-Uft .... e'J ft Hitwa Cccncr .... 18 She!! T A. T 41 ft HlwJkdr OU 21 So Itiao Itlco tviil. 87 Huullwm Pacific. . . .oft SuuUmrn luUay. . 22U rVnitii ltailmir (.. OTft HUM OUri.N J.. 1SI Btand Oil A N J Vt ltf4ft Btort-Warnor. i... JHft rKraiaxrx 31ft 6tudobaker ffl Hwuiiwlloa).... Aft (Wunior OU Vft Snwrlor Stmd 42- Tcon Cop & Uhttn 8ft Tuu Co 43ft Tti St fao a:ift Tex & Pao Coal.. aft TNnl Are 18ft flnu &i Aut 8a!m Id ft Tobwra l"rcl .... iO TranMon Oil Oft Tnuwuo It Wma. 40ft Union Oil 23 Union Pacific 1211 Uiiitnl lrn: lOft UBXoit In ltt 47 UnUwl Vmt losft United IVxl I"rul . in Un itr inr Q . . . . 1U L'n 111 lut Co pf.'. Wft Uo IWall Slorm .. Oi U 8 O 1 Vv 32ft U H nrprrw.... Oft HN AiplKi.. 70ft U ct JUUj A Imp 47ft U A JUttaxr Tift U fj KawUBra.,.. 31ft U B tool Mft U 6 Bled if )11 Utah Conwr OI ruunUum Stwl.... IRft V-Car Rin vt... OOft VinuVlou 7 WaiaUli 8 Mt.rt & Hell 10ft Wi-lU IVm i' W.trm Ularjlaml.. 10ft W&t aid at i. . . . 18 Warrn Oirp . W.xUrn Vnkn ... H7ft Wttttincbowo 40 Whwllns St. h M. .. Oft VS4 St IU a Vt. . 10ft WbSto Motor 42 VCtlta OU OS VMn ttted .... J7 Willju-OrorUm ... 8 Mll)iUTMiand if. 37 ft WoulnofUi pt 112 Wortlli uiiitm, , Mix dilklrnt litw. 10 14! T.ft llift 2t 64 17ft lift 40 111-ft lUOft ft 70 lUtft lft tit ft aift Sft 18 nuft 18 3ft olft Tift lift Ttlft S3 ft Tift M'.i irjft Wlft 37ft 3ft 4i 27 ft 125 47 ft 30ft TOft ft 40ft 12 a-, 17 Wlft 20 10ft 6Sft 13ft ta iw 40 ft .aift 87 2.1 ft nift 7SS 410 47 .lift IWft 22 01 21 tSft u 1 . fnft 17 ft lft 23ft TOft TSft S7ft aosft M 37 ft 68ft ft Oft 42 Sft 43ft 22ft 27 18 ft lift' 66 0 soft atft iao?i wft 47 1OT 23 ft 10ft Ul lft 12 ft Oft. 03 47ft 70ft 34 ft Wft m Sift IWft t0ft Oft 8 10 i Oft 27 ft 3d 87 46 ft Oft 15ft 30ft Mft 16ft 7ft 37 112 611ft Not t, OlaaV. ID ft Wft ft Mft ft lift ft 21 ft m 4- ft 17 ft lift 40 145ft 3 ft THE CURB-2.30 P. M. lMHISTTtlAIJ!. ) Opni llkli. POO Anre Oori ft lkM Alllnt 1-arMnf .W0 llrtllah Amrr Tub tmip lift ft 100ft Oi nft 8ft ft Tuft lft lUift 4- ft 13ft 31ft H lift ft 2ft ft 18ft ft SOft 4- 1 18 - ft 3ft 4- ft . Olft ft 1 71ft ft 12 4- ft 10 lft Wft 2"ft 72 -4- ft X 4-1 20ft 4- ft 1WM Wft 37ft 4 tlft 4ft Tft 13. 47ft 31ft 4- 4- Ift ft ft ft ft TTft ")ft 40i taft 3ft 17ft .11 274i 11 UO 13 ft VI 107 ft fit 34 4- ' 87 U 23ft ft 11 4- ft 70ft ft 47ft H 48 ft 3d 4- 3ft Wft ft 23 lft 01 lft aift 4- ft ft lft 4- ft 20 . 6ft 6ft 10ft Oft Mft 41ft 23ft TOft 76ft 22ft 67 ft 153 108ft 33 3!ft 01 ft 4- ft 4- U ft 4- ft i H 4- ft 4- ft - ft ft a 8T4 ft Oft 4- ft 43 4- 1 8 ft 43ft 4- ft 23ft 4- U 20 4- 18ft ft lift ft 50 4-1 Oft 40ft ft J3 131ft ft VS 4.7 4-1 lOft',1 4- ft 51 lft 12 4- lft aift 4- lft 67ft 4- ft 1214 6ft 4- ft TOft 4- lft 17 4- lft 71ft 4- 1 (Mft ft Blft 4 1U 4- rnft 67 wft mo car lift aft 1100 UnlumMa Hmrrald 3 llOO Ihlimnt Motof Kft 100 FarrrU Cml II lot llinra KnUI A lift 1(0 llain Knllt n lift 100 lUnnt KnlU ,f.. ...... M 100 Ittti r UiiUkt lift M0 IWrr Trul Mark 0 Soo l.Wlrh Vallfj CAN.. I 0100 IVrfittlon Ti Ill 800 ludlo rxanmoa ..... S lloo ludio rt lft' 100 Una Motor Truck 23ft SOO IhfUhHc Tire Hub 10 300 11 J Ilfrnolda lfw 30ft WOO ItauUnJ l'ol rU w I... 15ft NO Undine Coat W I St Soo Hiandard (lai A llMtlo 11 260 MaixUrd U o Mot. Mft 400 Swl Co Sft SOO V 8 Hra lft MOO U 8 Hdl. Onrp 1 700 L'alted llrlall Cdr... 8H 600 t'nlMi (VrWd! Mft HTA.VPA11D OILS. 400 Anslo-Amcrlcan OU .... lift X) Wiio Oil 2 TOO a O of Indlioa IN,, 70 20 8 Oil of X Y 31 iNUWHXuicer oils. SSOO Allm Oil tft 11300 Alllnt Oil .r H 1U0O lloone Oil ' 100 lloitoa Wromlris 1 CWQ Carlb H)id ' 100 Cltlw Stt 11 mf 1 dlt 9 400 Cille S.Tih'e rf 100 Clllet Htrlc old SSI 400 Cltl IVrtloo old Vt.... TOft 1100 Donor Oil 00 Elk llarin I'll 8 5000 i1nTi Pet 1 700 Olrorork OJ 2ft 10 ltoualon OU ta C2 COO lludaua OU ft 1S00 Int. If ,0 1004 Maracaluo OU 23ft 100 Merrirt Oil Uft 10-.0 .MrilctJ OU ... lft 400 Mountain. ITod eft 100 Nat OU of N. 1 4ft 2000 Nobl OU ii 100 North Am OU ........ ' 2ft SOU Omar OU 5ft SOO ITod A Itrfln 4ft (00 Red llook OU 1 8C0 117 an Cona 'ft 100 Salt Creek Prod Oft 1300 Mmma Pet 7ft COO Skellr OU 7ft 1000 United' Tex OU l"i ft 7U 13ft J lft l?i II lift lift t ltft Aft or it. lft tft sift .79 S3 lift 33 lift Mft lft lft 1 Sft Mft lift 2M -Mft MO lft 11 lft II 7ft 29 Cft 231 70 ft -1 3 73 ft 19 23ft lift lft SU 4ft it Sft Sft 4ft 1 Sft lft 7ft 7 V. ft 5-i IN FDRDNEY BILL Wi ' m (Contlnticrt From First Page.) JM 1 I ,liUt. ft lift Sft lft 13U ' I lift lift ! country. Of course, the price of meat may not ba Increased, but the purpose of the enactment of this tariff is to Increase the price of meat. "Mr. President, wo were told In Iho 11K Bamo dolmtc, In connection with the un.. viiu. ilia Kiunvia Ui HVU- t9 stock do not net prices for what they ... Drodtlco In nnrnnlnnnn will, tt, virlfna w , paid to the packers for the product u thqy put upon tho market. In Hint connection it was conceded that tho . , ,. , purpose of that bill was to Insure silX AMan or the Ap - T '. - T' 1 -11 JfS By Irving Dacnener T OwrrtfiU Ul. t lrrta Bacballar. ClIAPTMt IX t (CaoUaued.) 1IAT romtnas mo of a nlcht when I was itpeuklafi In Havana," said Honest Abo. "A man with a ruffled shirt and massive watch chain irnt un and I.,.,, I . ... . ... , !H II Pl'IVl Oifif tK. tVtil... nr- 35 i "vurr priti-H to tne prouueers or live- ..a: stook, and it wns urs;cd, and an ap- ,octlc. Douglas In his brodd M i peal was mapo to Itopresentatlvoa C,.UV5? .and nno llnen "cm'nd3 me ,, particularly from tho New England ?f th,at man- 1ln Bolng to answer M.t I States nnd tho other manufacturing ri0"1!1.??, ns h ansiverod htm. Most of ,U States of the Kast. to oppose tho itWh,fl 1 know nro my ind ot ,x measure. It being ndvanced that If. . was a poor hoy worklnff on , , indeed, the price houla be Increased "JJ11 Vati a 'Bnt, a'lars a. month to mo prouuecrfl or livestock it would 7,, ' , , f"" mean nn Increase In prices to tho l,uy WBro, ''"ckakln. If you know tho consumers of meat In the Industrial !!a,t"re f buckskin, you know that centres. i wcn It Is wot and dried by tho sun . . ' 11 will shrink, and my brooches kopt ONLY A BUNCO GAME ON THE shrinking and deserting the sock PRODUCER. Inreu of my logs until several inches "Hut tho Senator from Jfassaohu- I otthcm wero barc "vo my shoaa. 1 14 I sells tiir. waisii) tllBClosod, by elab- '""" i srowing lunger inty 13 orato tables prepared by ihe Bureau w-ro crowing Hiiorter nna so mucti Hi i of Mariicts of tho Department of ''Shier that they lert a U'.un streak sft 88ft 18ft SM OOft Ml Total Wiami fitsi.OOU. ft ft 4. 4- ft 10ft 4- ft OS 4- 3ft 10ft 18 4- ao 4- B7M 40 4 0ft 16 4- 42 4- 14ft - ft 17 8 4- ft 37 4- ft 112 4- 1 "Jft ft SiO Victoria OU now 1 000 Y Oil ft 10NX.NU. . lSOO 'Alaa-Dr. Col U 1010 AUa Oold ii 1100 AtlanU 1 700 Ul( la-dn ft 1000 llooth COOO ltort A Mont 1000 Calcd Mln 11 SOO Cal A Jtrrona ft 1510 Candrlarla Mia 17 4oO Oorui Bluer 70 700 Cranon Gold lft 3300 YX Balradoc ft 1009 Kmma Bluer 3 1700 Eureka llollir lft (,00 (9 Mlnlna ft 1000 Oold Cona 10 1200 Hold Dcrel .......... 'i 3(600 Goldfleld Floreuc ..... 41 1100 Cold lCswaoa ... 3 1000 Cold tiUnx rick. 7 10700 Oold Zona 73 1500 Gee at Ikad 3 CSO Haola Mlnlu 4ft 200 Iron lUoaaom ft 7S00 Jumbo Kitenaion ...... 11 8700 McNuiara ....... IS 10C00 VcNamara Croaotnt .... 18 100 Harm Cop 31ft 1000 liana MU . 10 1000 Motberloda S3 4000 Murrey Uoerldfi 55 SOO Klplaalni 6ft rOO North BUr S t. ,j, u 50V oprar Dun ,7 200 Prlnra Con ft SOO llaU rail , 6ft 1C00 lur Uwculea ft 11000 llcx Cona t 30CO llootuatar UlnM ...... 0 1000 San Toj 5 1800 8ilTer Klur Dtrldo 2 109 U eJllrer lead ft 1500 Surma Mln t 200 Tonopah betmont lft 1500 Tonopah CaUl 11 oy 7 1700 Tono lHvllfo lft 200 Tooopah lUt lft 1000 TOno-ilm 11 17 1O00 Tonopah Mldwaj 13 400 Tunopab SI in lft 1100 Titwpau Mlzpah 11 llOO Tonopah Montana 1200 Tonopah UMoue Lula... 20 600 U B Oonllnantal V 6700 United EaaUm lft 1S00 Victory 300 Weal Bd C lft 1800 Whlta Cat" IW0 WUbert 3 FOUBiaX BOMM. ft 1 7ft 20 Oft 331 70Vi 8 1 2ft 71 ft 10ft Mft lift .1 Sft 4ft II 2f Sft 4ft 1 Sft ft 7ft 7ft ft 1 ft Agriculture, that such a conclusion around my legs which can bo seen to does not toiiow at all, and that the I l'"B "" ou utul lnilt arisiocracjr prices oxacted of the consumers bear ' 1 know of ono Whig that la an aristo- no relation wnatever to the prices , FUNERAL DIRECTORS. prarx s. CAvrvnx. "HIE FUKIRAL CHURCH" bs. IMon-SorUrian) J70 Broadway at66tfa St. rooara coumtoi tra ma UkOca. zh 31. A Baa Mrw. HELP WANTEtV-MALSL I i 2 I .JL URGE STATE WIDE CHAUFFEURS' FEE AutonrcAilc Association Jii 'Favor of "bowman Bill MakinR Charge of One Dollar. AfllllAN'y, TVb. 16. atcprCBcntntlvtro of automobile associations and deal ers' orsMnlrutlons are in Albany to .inii rnr. tin. ijaarlnir on a series Of B. irolllnrfrm-orth of Alcon. Tenn a, . vohUU(bllU before tho Internal pitcher, has been cirfne.l by the Tilts-, " . Tiain. fcurrh National Iaeue llaseball Club. Aflfalra Committee of tho Ilsla Parncy Dreyfuas, President of the PI- ture. rates, sail to-day Dial Ilolilngsworth Tho Neiv York Stato Automobile bad returned his signed contract Hoi-1 Association .with tnoro than 100 rep llnaroMortli, prior to tlio war. pitched, reaentatlvea iiresent, urged cnact A0,,UiS.r.B,'fe C1bJH th,? !a;.'niont of tho Lowman Ulll, designed with independent ' tams In Tennoaaoe, J to provide for a unlfoftn Stato wide I1U 111 UIO JKkSl tWO RUtUIUIHI HO lUlS .. , 1 ,w. Ilt nf 1 t 11. SAYS PROHIBITION WILL COST BILLIONS I ami iu me iklsi vwo Huaflon ne rlf ntlbl t-tt't tm-nin .... syivvitvw a,nw s --1 Ull) llV-ltll, fcUIllt.-), Vlrllm ot 1.. I. 11. 11. Wreck Dlra. William Van Twlstern, of No. 2053 Washington Avenue, the Dronx, whose I arm was amputated after he was In- jurca in tne nceiuent on me Atlantic Avenue line of the I-inir lalsmt Rlindav nlpht dlil In.dnv In fit Mn.H. I Hospital, llroolc'v-n. Illsilt Trmprrmturn In Adlrnndark. 6AR.VNAC LAKE, jv. 16. The mercury stood at 70 above zero In tbe Adirondack Mountains to-day, breaking Sill MrWtVril fit t I C4t iMHr-lHalllKAa I ' February. Streams wrre reported rising myiuij uuuvr tun taivw. conso to bo gootl until revoked, rereons under eighteen ycara of ago would 7o prohibited from driving cars tinder n provision of tho bill. Secretary of State John J. Lyons nlso advocated passago of this measure. Senator Smoot Charges Enormous loss in Income Tax io 'Dry Laws. WASHINGTON, Feb. 10. Enor- moua Incomo tax losses to tho Gov ernment will result from tho Treasury Department ruling allowing reduo tlons for losses ot lntanglblo assets; Including "good will," the Senate was told by Senators Frollnghuy sen, nopubllcan. New Jersey, and Smoot, llepubllc&n, Utah. Tho Utah Senator estimated tho loss at 11,000,000,000 annually, but Senator IFrellnghuyncn said tho total would run from two btllkma to four billions tund that tho airinclpu losses woro ibolng chargod off toy liquor dealers, brewers, wlrolosaltrrft and othors as a result of tho Prohibition laws. ftrhmal) Ilecelvcil by tlic l'apr. IIOMK, Kt). 15 Charles r. BCTiWab was rocclvc-d by Pope Itenodlct to-da. The Pop highly praised tho nobility and generosity shown by tho American Na tion, as well as by individual America. -is, and was greatly interested In Mr. HnhMb'1 views or ina aiiuaiioR l united atAtos, In the 175000 CMU Q it S004 Bvadlah U 6a 0 luvui 34000 Allied Packer Cs CDft 11000 Am Airl Cheia 7Ii I 1M0 Am Ttt 6 13 S00 Am Tet Ca 34 VSft 11000 Anaconda Cop 0 soya 13000 Anaconda-ta 2 "3ft jooo Armour A Co ta 07 11000 Uethlehim Steol 7l W S000 Ueaier board 8 00ft 11000 Ocrro do 1 co Sa 101ft lMft 23 1 c C7 11 ft 17 C7 1 ft 3 Hi ft 10 3 37 3 A i 4ft ft 10 17 19 Sift 10 S3 01 8ft 7. ft ft Sft s lft s 6 2 ft 3 lft 7 lft A It 13 lft 11 SO . 0 Sft 4 lft 8 3 U Ml 55 07 Mft 03 ft SOft 03ft DOft 113 ft 3ft II 1 ft 0 OS 11 ft 17 70 lft A 3 lft ft 10 2 43 7 22 2 4ft ft 10 17 17 21ft 10 ? S7 tft I ft A Sft ft B i I 2 A 3 lft 7 lft lft 11 13 lft a v 20 Sft 4 1A s 3 roooj a tit rJerrtoo 7a C 07 ft 1S00O Cona Oaa Sa ft 21000 Copper Kljiort tl S3.... 100 SOOO Cow rSport Sa SB osfc 18000 Copper Eiport ! 3l.... Mft 49000 Copper 1 Vrt la 2S. . , . 09 3000 Diamond Mateh tft". wlft UO00 Oalrna HO ll St 5000 General Aavhalt ta 101 7000 Goodrich Tire 7 Wft 11000 Grand Trunk Ofta WS!i 00000 Gulf Oil 7 7ft 1000 Helot Co ta 07 15009 Inter 11 T fa c 1000 Kennecett C 7a Wft 2000 Morrlt A Co Ifta 8ft COOO Ohio ClUr Tl 31 ft 6000 Ol-lo aura 7a 24 OSft 4000 Pan Am Pet 7a "'ft 3000 Hoari Hortiuck 7i .... Wft 1000 Sean llorburk Tl St.... 93ft 39000 Sinclair C 7ftl 03 6000 (Wear t Cle la 100 151)00 FouUiwert lletl Tl ft 13000 8 O N Y Tl M 101 11900 HON VJl ll 2000 8 O N V 7a 27 lot 1000 8 O N Y Tl 10 IJlft 1000 H O N Y Tl 9 101ft .1IKI0 H O N Y Ta 31 101S 11000 Klft A Co Tl wft lliooo Tviai Co Tl 00S 100O Vnloa Tank T.. 1WJ. ipo tnsi Va-Car Chrm Tfti 5ft l 2000 Weitern lilen 7i....... W rJ 07 19 ft Sft 09 ft Olft lotft 101ft 03 ft OSft so (lft Wft Wft 05ft DC ft Mft (Mil, 93 ft 09ft 101 ft 07 ft 100 OOft 00ft 00 101 00 96ft Wft 07 OTft Wft 91 IV ft 93ft 93 ft 93 ft Mft 91ft 199 OOft 100ft 100 ft 101 I01ft 101 'i 101 Wft 05 ft 07 ft W 01 Wft the packers pay to the producers of nvestocK. "If the price of meat to tho con sumer will not go up when tho price Is 'higher to the producer of livestock, the price of livestock will not go up when a higher price is paid for drcsed meat to those who put It upon tho market," "Here is the proposition which confronts ust We are offering a subsidy to the meat packers of this country of something like 5)300,000,000 In tho hope that they will divide with the growers of livestock in this country.. For myself, considering the history of the packing business, I am un wiling to indulge any hope of that chareter." The Wyoming Senator also showed up the bait thut'la thrown in for the Senators from tho corn belt. I have Invited attention to some features of the bill which bear heav ily upon tho consumer and which, In my Judgment, aro essentially vicious. said he. "I wish now to Bpeak'ot ono or two that, to use language that would pass out in our country, how ever unparliamentary It may be, arc pure ibunk," I refer particularly to the provision imposing it duty or is cents a bushel on cdrn, tho third Item of the bill: Corn or malzo, ID cents a bushel of 56 pounds." Itcrcrring to tho statistical ab stract, I learn that In the year 1919 we produced in this country 5,502, eeS.OW bushels of corn; that wc ex ported of that 23.018,822 bushels; that we retained for domestic consump tion, 175,646,178 bushels, and that tho not Imports to thl3 country aro 3.31C, 463. In other words, in 1919. of corn we exported seven times the amount that wo Imported and wo produced seventy times the amount that wo Imported. I wish some ex port In finance would explain to mo how, under those circumstances, the imposition of 15 cents a bushel on corn or US a bushel on corn would advantage tho growers ot corn by u single cent. "I cannot bring myself to vote for a subsidy of $300,000,000 to the meat trust in the vain hope that it will divide on an equitable basis or on any basis with the pro ducers of live stock. I am un willing to burden the householder of the country with an added su gar bill of $160,000,000, one million of which would be contributed by the peoplo of my State, in the in fantile belief that tho Sugar Trust' and other refiners and manufac turers will turn it, or any sub stantial part of it, over to the farmers who produce cane or sugar beets. "These are not tho only infamies In this measure, but they sufficiently charcterlze It. They not only char acterize it, but they Illustrate the natural tendency of every tariff bill framed on the protective prin ciple to becomo a bundle of Infamies. The frozen meat amendment appears here on the Insistence of a member ot tho commltteo coming from a sec tlon of the country In which tho load Ing Industry Is tho production of live stock nnd whoso support it was deemed wIbo to secure. The sugar Hut look at tho Now England type nt Whig exemplified by tho Imperious and majestic Webster," said Douglas. "Wobstcr was another poor lad," Lincoln answered. "His fathers home was u log cabin in a lonely land until about the timo Daniel was born, when tho family moved to a small frame house. His is the majesty ot a great Intellect." It was nearlng midnight ono night when Samson and Albe heard foot steps cn tho board walk In front of tho house. In a moment Harry Needles entered In cavalry uniform with lino top booU and silver spurs, erect as a young Indian brave and bronzed by tropic suns. "Hello!" ho said as ho took oft hUs bolt and clanking sabre. "I hong up my sword. 1 novo luuf enough of war." Ho had ridden across country from .'.ho boat landing and arriving so late bad loft hts horse at a livery stabler "I'm lucky to find you and Abe all UP and wultlng for me," ho said as ho shook Choir hamfc. "How la mother?" "I'm well," Sarah called, from the top ot the fltairway. "I'll be down ii. a minute." Var an hour or more thev flat bv the fireside while Hairy told of his advonturcn In the great owomps ot Southorn Florida. "rvo done my shore of tho fight ing," ho said at length. "I'm going North to-morrow to find Dim and her mother." "I shall want you to servo a com plaint on one Lionel Davis," said Mr. Lincoln. 'T liavo ono of my own to servo on him," Harry answered. "Uut I hope that our case can be settled out of court." "I think that I'll go with you as far as TazewcJl County and draw the papers there," wild Lincoln. When tho latter had loft for his lodgings nnd Joe and his mother had gono to bed. Samson told Harry the details of his visit to Chicago. "I am not going to worry about Davis," said tho young man. "Uut when I got there I wouldn't wonder if he'd huvo to worry a lititlo ubout tne." CHAPTER X. HEY found many of Davis's notes in Tazowcll County. Abe Lincoln's complaint repre sented seven clients and a sum exceeding twenty thousand dol lars. "Now, Harry, you don't llkp Davis and I can't blame you for it," said Honest Abe before they parted. "Don't spoil our case by trying to take it out of Iris hide, nrst we've got to tano r. out of his pockot. When I get tlvrousTi there may not bo any hide on him worth speaking of, but if there is you can have it and welcome. WlUi the papers in his pockot Harry wnnt nn to Chicago nnd found that lllm had been anting as a nurse in a small-pox detention camp omaiuo mi city limits, auu was uu uuuci iii' amino T amendment assures at least two Harry spent tho ttf"" with Democratic votes for the bill. Pea- I Mrs. Kelso and Dim's baby boy. Iho aro offered .good woman was ihuuimw niifa rinii fv-it f r n tn- n nil a a u vj aau w avaaiv. vu wis it l J vitLl vv i a - . a t- P.....I r-i a a 1 ..i.a l nt t ho nunr Haulier. dlttonally oposeU to lcfrinlatlon of "Wo liavo had a terrible ear, slio t.t ura.. n 42 a 'diii "Wft couldn't have Uvea lino uiirttni. n-i . v-wi ii 111111x1 it 'mil c ntAiu. - - . . ti f in tho list of commodities protected through it without tho hp oi u by this emergency ineaRtire. ;irlond. uim went "-a.j v" , , What Is the emergency that should of the sick in tho siruUlpox nciguoor Impel Congress to como to tho aid of hood. She was. rather discouraged. 41. l.nH nn.l fVnm ,(1,,h frlnnrl Air. Ia.Vl. IB in 1OV0 WlUl Is It essential' to exclude importations her. Sho promised to marry lilm. It of com? Let us have soroo exposition seemed to be tne oniy wuj uUl u. of the nocessity of how the price of troubles. Hut she will not ovon write com can bo raised by an Import duty, to him now. I think that she is very otherwise wo aro forced to the con- junliappy." .1.lnn Minf lil itlm WIU Innnp. "1 ,ll nnt trv to InCrCOSC her troll poratcd to give members from tho' Idas, but I shall prevent her from corn eountrv an opportunity to fool imnrrvlnn Davos if I can," saltt narrj. their constituents Into tho belief that "Why?" nroflt bv the bill which no I !(..., nor. I think he Is dlShonCBt. generously 'scatters plenty over a I "He had convinced me that all tho -.iiino-lnnrl.' " L,nn.i. nrn wronc." Mrs. Kelso de- , clarcd. "I think that he is one ot tho kindest and best ot mon. "I shall not argue with you as to the character of my rival," Harry answered. "The facts will be on rrcnnl one of theso days and then you can form your own Judgment, I hope jou won't mind ray coming hero to SCO you unu me imuy ,tw "You aro always woloome. uut iur, DO YOU KNOW? OaurrizIU. lWI. br tlx l"ro ISjolWHiif Co. iTl Ntw York l')neiinir World.l solemn promlso of marriage and must neep it unless some mlracio occurreu. In a few weeks tho suit came on. It was tried In tho new brick Court House In Chicago. Davis's defense, aa glvon In tho answer, alleged that tho notes woro to be paid out, of the proceeds of the sole of lots and that in consequenco of tho collapse of the boom there had been no such pro ceeds. His claim was supported by the testimony of his secretary and another and by cortaln letters of his. promising payment as soon as the land was sold, nnd by loiters from tbo Plaintiffs allowing that grace. As to the understanding upon which the notes were drawn, there was a direct issue of veracity for which Abo Lincoln was exceedingly well prepared. Ho had gained possession of many facts lit tho history of tin. young speculator, Including, tho Im portant one that ho had boon con victed of fraud In Now Orleans. Mr. Lincoln's cross-examination was us merctloss as sunlight "falling rouna a helpless thing." It was kindly And polite in tone but rolcutleHS In lit earchlng. When it ended, tho weight of Davis'a character had been accu rately established. In his masterly summing up Mr. Lincoln presented every circumstance in favor of tho defendant's position. With remark - nblo insight he anticipated tho argu ment ot nis aitornoy. lie presented tnem fairly and generously to ihe court and Jury. ' According to Sam son, tho opposing lawyers admitted in a private talk that Lincoln had thought of presumptions in favor of Davis which had not occurred to them. Therein lay tho characteristic of Mr. Lincoln's method In a lawsuit First ho put tho thing to be weighed on tho scalo fully and fairly Thon. ono by one, ho put tho units ai gravity on tho other side so that tho court and jury saw the turning of tho balance. Ho covered tho point at Ishuo with few words "cverv on of -which drew blood," to quoto a phraso from tho alary. Ho showed that tho va lidity of such claims rested wholly on tho character of tho man who mad mem, especially when they woro op posed to the testimony of people whoso honesty had been Questioned only by that man. "Now as to the secretary," oold Mr. Lincoln, "I honestly regret that h has disagreed with himself. A young man ought not to disagree with him self as to tho truth and tspeclally when ho contradicts tho oath of wit nesses whom wo havo no reason to discredit, I want to bo kind to him on ncoount of his youth. Ho reminds mo ot me young man who hired out to a Captain In Gloucester and shipped lor the China coast and learned presently that ho was on a pirato vemel. Ho had been a yourr man of good Intentions but ho had wtUrai.r.0 an$ ncIp tl10 business along. When tho ship was captured ho said: ' '1 didn't want in , i. , lCnT, .T?3 nlK ono klnrt ' mimes on that ship and tho majority was 6. largo I thought that tho vote might u. ncil be UUanimrma At - .. ,... . i iius in ,tr,t'c.lbJln' but tbo wulkln' was i,ni ba,i 1 had lo dcoiJo between a. harp and a cutlass.' . para5l0 erves to illustrate tho history uf moat ,.,,,,.. J rail into bad company. The walking becomes more or lias bad t.r tm" , They get Into the bondage f i'L.!r e know not how It may have m Matc- 1 "'ly since the hard lmes began, the walking has looked tod to him. but still uieS- U Malt ing. i am stirrv it miiKt (. .1... there was walking, and I hope t at he will now make some use of It iT1""1, m ,tlmo wnfessod f Samoon Traykir that Mr. Lincoln'-. a P,n; hecn the vlng of him A judgment was rendered In favor " ' h.i,-I,Ilinn,t"rsr ,h0 fu" "mount or their claim with costs. Tho charat tor of Lionel Davl, had been Zt Mrs. Kelso turned against him m7 Lincoln's skill as a lawyer wiio rccoK Jn lh.?.?.ort' 'i? well if ....wuiu ivuiuiuA. r Torn that rt-, forth no man enjoyed a uw not' 'Agjv in Taoweu County. P1" When Runnon nnrf lr- .. left U,o Court "Houso theVo e,n.0,O k"ta bcUxvcn tho young wi "VJ0 ,conBUmmation of h s wlBhea. Unfortunately, as they mro going down the steps, DavK ho Warned Samson for his rouble nTmu an insult at tho sturdy "CoS Samson, who had thrA arV??cd at iS!?-of, '"n dlBetion, wna littla dlntnrbed by tho anger of a mat 1 so or tho hateful worria i,.i 1 ... rrd,1in1,dcaU thl! specutatof KJ i? -Wloh for a .iu,i uoprivnt hint, of thu power of epweh. That evoking a friend of Davis called at the CiU Hall with a rk.-,H.. mu. TUn SO,dlcr e'pted i JtY w Mr L,n?,ln living left tho rJ?," afa? 'i"" of e time .. in Hiimu up and shoot at each othor after such a nuarrii Hut Davis. Bince thn 1.5rrf: 2r??er T dnd nnd theVcfoTe n" Bt?n,tfr th. nm of honor with a man of Hnrry's standing n .t,. young officer had promised to right and was npt to bo dissuaded. The next day on tho prnlrlrs Harry hlslung. ' WUh a bU"et ,hr0U"" QUESTIONS. ) hWheat t&Uh the0 Ard tUn- Davis coone'n feeling" you nel w,rL".th ?u , ,A '? . do It might bo unpleasant for you to , .L Jli ? - ' irn.i..D. moet him." lot ft lot. 100 loon in Lord flnrenaboroUKh .Salla for U. 8, LONDON, Feb.. It Lord Queens borouBh, aocompanled by his daughter. sailed yesterday on the Aqultanla at tend the inauguration In Washington. Ills wife, wbo died In 191t, was the dAUghter ot the lata Wlllltun C. Wilt ncy of New rk City. Vuleanlsrr nioTm Out 'llounjr T'ront. The front of No. 1 Wadsworth Ave nuo was blown Into the street when a vulcanising machlno operated by Bert Led as of No. 37 Bronx (Park Avenue exploded thero to-day. Tho explosion Kill Wft OSft 93ft of the Chinese and Japanese seas . ..jt vvouid. I'll keep away until the ,,, ! called? ' i- ntrnrs." Raid Harry. 100 3. From what country Is rosewood He wrolo a very tender letter to Blm 90ft Imported? 1 that day. Ho told her that he had lot 4. Who was the fifteenth President come to Chicago to llvo eo that ho looft 1 of the united states ( . ,niBht be near her and ready to ncip ft. What is the name of the bona In ,.i.v, snm ni,l lnim l.i In .nv lio.-irt thnt .. I U. 1 -J ,L-... -:--- ------ tne arm omii auuuiuci mm eioun i indo mo want, you ior my who ions 6. What part of a ton is a hundred- g0i that has filled my lottors and weight? sustained m in many Rlt hour of wnai 11 mo luiyt" city in ,,cril." ho wrote: "if you reauy mink Utah? . . . vou must marry Davis, I ask you 8. On what large river is the Aus- nt lc(Uit t0 wait for the development of 1 .7ur. 1 ji rx"' ' a HUlt which ado uncoin is urmginR 9 What is a condimnt7 i.half of many cltlzons of Tazewell 10. l-rpm tne intestines or wnat ,.,.. it in likely that we shall know more tlinn wc do now tiefore that cato ends. I saw your beautiful llttlo hoy. Ho looks no muoh like you that I long to steal him ana Keep mm witn me, 101U 191ft animal is catgut usually madq? 1. Slmplon; 2, tiThoons; 2, Ilnizll; I, James lluchanan; 5, humerus; 6, was due to a defective safety valve. 1 one-twentieth; 7, Salt Lake City; J, no ono was injurta. uanuoe; v, scasonuie; iv, aaeep. kt In a few dnys ho received a brief I ...ktAI .liinl 11 fcwl si ViA WAQ llft.lA I Cn.Vl'TEU XI. T was a new town to which Sani- .i returneu. xno CJovornor and tho State olllcers hid moved to Springfield. The new ijaptto was ntwrlng completion Tho hard times which hud follow ,.u tho downfall or '37 had unjnstlj dim I""1? ,..Mr' "col"'" corlnd-nrr ,, his nltlllty as a legislator. Hr cn Joyed the practice ot the law win. 1, had begun to turn his Interest f, , the affairs of tatc. itut the m't IKilltlcul science bollptl iboforV n" flroplacn in tho roar of Josh ," 1 Speed's storj. every evquin that coin nnd hU os.oolute,s were in ttpiringflrid. The wit and wwdo which bubbled into IU vap.U an tho Uioat that mirrounded It were til a talk or the town. Many cime , . witness tho process and present! v ,t wns moved, for a time. tv more nc commodlous riuartcrs. nc Read To-Mor'rovs Intertst'pg In- .-, . tUlmerit 01 l' t SMC (Mr ill t. s . . .-j. -L- . 1 j . : i . IM M