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Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING WORLD, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23; l'92T, f DON'T DRINK f STANDING UP, IS r . DOCTOR'S ADVICE "foils American College of Phy- &chns Beverages Should Be l Taken Sitting. 3 D.VLTIMORB. Feb. 8. ( A BO 1,1 811 Perpendicular J A-Y urlnkln said Dr. (I Sol New "fork. President of Uie 'JLrncrloan Collect) of Physlo-lanii, ;, who ts In Baltimore attending the iidtlh annual meeting of theAmor- , IcjLn Congress oa Internal Medl ino. ' "That la my parsonal idea of a Solution of tho problem of na Sapnal toroperancc," said. Dr. WIN cox "abollshlnc perpendicular drlrddns. Make everybody drink . ItUnc down. ; ""Perpendicular dflnklntr that Is, drinking n.t bars la a standing t t' jjbsltlon could only be-abollilicd try doing away with the bars. Tables and chairs should be sub- ;.!ltuted and pernons deslrlne fidrlnka required to sit down. The ij eaen would form tho 1 habit of i 'drinking only when they could ?ialt down and do It In leisurely t, 'aiashlon. l. Pf RSII RftTh r.flSH IIH IIJ-UAT. .federal Statutory Court n Hear Cltr'n Artlon Anmlnut V. H. ctlon of the city against the Unlteil ktea Government and the Interstate 3. jjommerce XTomiTvIeslon to retraJn the l6e Ialaqd Railroad Company and tin Stiten Island Railroad Company from Sgttactlng tho 25 per cent, incrense in es recently ordered by the oommli Pn. was to begin this aftenoon In iiSrooklyn before ft Federal atulutory firt. conslittlne of Judge llarUn T. nton of the Federal Circuit Court of peals and Federal Judges Chatfteld and Girrtn. : TtiA mntntinn rtt thi. iHv in that th 1Hlnei Is exclusive an Intra-Htate mnt- r, DOin roaai opcraimr enareiy wiui the -State of New York and there - e sot Ubjot to riling of the Iriter ite Commeroo Cojnnilmlon. Tills Is flrot statutory court huld In tlw deral Kaatem District In a number of rs. ROUND TRIP luhdiif Wir Til Washington on Baltimore SUNDAYS, February 27 March 13 April 10. 24 . st'l-CMI THAI LKAVt Kw Yetk (P.nnm. SU.) ilA&i TUtumlntf Leeree Mar..-. Txltti m utt ftxtfot ( aiewiim OTTb rttbt It rmrveO to limit U ula ot llckeu to IM cpcJl cl i Pennsylvania System w r Get the Fall Benefit of every food you eat, by getting the fullest enjoyment out of it. Roasts, steaks, sea food, soups, chowders, omelettes and saladn become doubly inviting with till IM4IMH Sauce At Grocers and Delicatessen Stores. E. Pritchard, 327 Sprint St.. N.Y. S Jj MADE IN U. S. A BtVj 7O47Jh'L'STXn0HATCcM ffSGr"3- DOWN ON 50.' Sh"w 7wrvMiiM am imn. DOWN on &o: DOWN ON 75f DOWN on ioa' Healthy Liver MeaMty life 1 Yow Hrcr healthy or docged, acthr e -or siuxjlsi mikes an the diflerenee between a rlcoroui. b. .cheerful life end lew jgL WflllM SUIU I All' Uro. To ettbduo a'tbborn Iffer, oyer dome constl latleu disci- Beo, bilious. IITTLE IVER rJS mm. ladlaeatloa b 4Ptt ffeere Is nothing on earth to good PWJL eadache and tt on earth to lUaUronai. ftirrly vegeuble iissllill fMfJPi1,W fc lsCTsBss,ffc sswlsy. i It m LIJsl 9 JtjrMB. Store Hours 9 to 5.30 Ostcrmoor Mattresses Specially Priced In the Gimbel February Furniture Sale GIMIIKLS KUIIN1TUKK SHOP Sccnlli Hoor Gimbel Brothers 32no STREET -BROADWAY-33 hd STREET NEW YORK CITY 7200 Men's High Grade Woven Madras Shirts SALE PRICED SALE PRICED When you see the shirts and appreciate the quality of these materials you will realize that there is no proper basis of coir.parison between these shirts and those that have been featured about town recently at a similar price. Wonderful Assortments : Wonderful Materials WONDERFUL VALUES V Fine Woven Madras Crepe Weave Madras Fibre Silk Striped Madras Jacquard Figured Madras ' ALSO: shirts of white Cheviot, highly mercerized, with soft button-down collar attached. NOTE: Every Shirt in this lot, excepting only thochev- The patterns and colorings are in wide variety, iots, is of a woven stripe, material and in fast colors. tho newest, the smartest, the most wanted. Extra sales people Will expedite sales and enable you to pic out a years supply of these wonderful shirts in less time than it lakes to tell it. GIMIIELS MEN'S FURNISHING SHOP Main Floor SALE lite Irish Lin At a Fraction of Its Rightful Price i- 98c Yd. 1,000 yards of it fine EXTRA fine qual ity. Good as only Ireland can make it 3G inches wide. White. 7r TEA NAPKINS- 100 dossil J'uru lridh It) Linen Satin DntnnuU; neatly scalloped; Doz. 59c Ea. 59c Ea. 15x15 iucbes in size. STARTEX ROLLER TOWELS 50 dozen ol tho fumoua St art ox Roller Towels; red or blutf borders; 2JJ yardd long. TURKISH BATH TOWELS Splendid nseortmcnt of towels. Pink and blue Jucquurd borders. Heavy; large. GIMIIELS LINEN SHOP Second Floor For Your Convenience A Special Service Desk is placed inside the 33rd Street cntranco of Gimbols near Uroadway, right ut the head of tho subway and tube stairs. You can shop here beforo tho storo opens this desk is at your service from 8 to 9 A. M. GIMIIELS SERVICE DESK 33rd Street Enlranco February Sale of PETTICOATS Features Several New Items Many new modish styles are shown in this February Sale at such remarkably lower prices that we can realize at last that prices arc down and that now is the time for buying. CO QK Good Quality ipO.VO TaiTeta Petticoats in several pretty models, with smartly tucked flounce and pleated foot ruffle; in changeable coloring, navy and black. Cfi OP: Daphne Satin fVJ.ttrputLic coats. A shimmering soft satin. The pointed pleated flounce of this pretty skirt is espe cially new and smart. In many lovely shades, navy and black. Especially Pretty CM QK Silk PetticoatsP4- in a frilled flounce taffeta model or in a silk Jersey model with pleated flounce. In many colors, including navy and black. Extra Si r.e.tUH? fiCT Taffeta Petticoats ?),VO These are of fxrpllfnr. mini. . ity taffeta in models de signed to suit the stout figure. A 1 1 reasonably priced. Others: S6.95 and 58.95. GIMIIELS PETTICOAT SHOP Second Floor Manufacturers' Clearance Brings 3 Carloads of t29 75 Trunks at Price Picture and price will suf fice in telling the story. $9.75 Kibro Steamer Trunks in 3", 30 and 40 in. sizes. Fibre oovored and reinforced with tray having divisions and hinged top. $19.75 40 Inch Steamer Wardrobe Trunks, of excellent construction $10.75 Fibre Dross Trunks in S2, 36 and 40 in. sizes. Fibre covered with steel bandings, deep top tray having hat compartment. $29.75 - Full Sizo Wardrobe Trunks of excellent construction. G1MULI.S TKLNK SHOP Fifth Floor and Downstairs Balcony Fancy Sateen 36 INCHES WIDE 65c yd. A good, pretty and durable material for lining your new spring suit and wrap:, in large assortment of designs for your selection. Colon Drown, Gtty, Tar, Black, 9 Cofxn, Rost. Two-Season SATIN $1.50 yd. Cotton back but a lus trous, superior grade. Me dium weight, suitable for dress foundations and fancy costumes as well as wrap and suit linings. Colors Grty, Ton, Natv, Lattn dir. Pirk. Lltht Blue, Yellow, Rti. Creen, Rote, and Black and White, GIMIIELS Second Floor Picture Frames HALF PRICE $3.75 to $6.75 Swinging Fumes Antique Finish Hand Carted A very attractive assort ment at unusually attrac tive prices the outcome of a proposition made to a manufacturer with hun dreds of these frames in stock and now offered to our customers at exactly one-half of their former prices. Complete with glass and fit tings. Bring your photo graphs in and have them fitted into these frames. Sizes 5x8, 6x8, 7x9, 9x12, 10x12, 11x14. GIMD'iLS-Sixth Floor Gimbels Hard Water Soap Once-a-Year 3ale t Order Now 1 Save Money 1 An economy at the regular price - -A double economy at the sale 7P doz price 1 'Wt cakc's GIMIIELS TOILET AKTICLES SHOP Main Floor i Phone : Pennsylvania 5100 Genii z DmDinanon onus Sale! Women's Spring Weight G 68c EVERY GARMENT PERFECT G300 of these fine quality, famous make suits we are able to offer at this wonderfully low price simply because they are a "discontinued" number. Which means little or nothing to the buyer except that the maker "cleared" this great lot to us at a greatly reducpd price. Two low neck sleeveless models are included in while and in pink REGULAR SIZES EXTRA SIZES A low neck sleeveless model with loose shell knee and tailored band top. A low neck sleeveless model with a tight ribbed knee and tailored band top. NOTE: We open the sale with all sizes, regular and extra. GIMBELS UNDERWEAR SHOP Main Floor Mohair Sweaters Tuxed(hStyle Special qjpoJ0(oJ Day Exceedingly smart and stylish, null braided belt and pockets. In all desirable Spring shaucs. Tie-Back Tuxedo Sweater In all the latest shades, cial Spe-$2.95 GIMBELS Third Floor Beds t Ha f me In These Last Supreme Value Giving Days of the Supreme Value-giving Gimbel February Furniture Sale Twin Size Brass Beds: Half Price 1 ' 2-inch continuous tube, with panel in head and foot. 3x3v size only. Satin fin ish. You Pay 19.7! vjyi n Colonial Post Brass Beds: Half Price 4.0 size only; satin finish: 1 i-inch filler: 5-inch head and foot; 2-inch posts.,You Pay mm Colonial Post Ivory Enamel Bed: Half Save a Third on Simmons Beds Colonial post ivory enamel iron bed; panel effect; in 4.0 size only. You Pay. . i; oo Square tube bc!d, Co lonial design; full, 4 three-quarter or twin size; walnut, ivory, white, mahogany fin ishes, lou ray GIMBELS BEDS AND 17: Simmons Cribs One-Third Less a 2.6x4.6; fitted with L . famous Simmons link 7n spring; white or wal- v 1)Ut finish only. You ray BEDDING SHOP Seventh Floor 19.7! A Most Important Purchase of Fine p Ivory yr o Erjpl o Ml I Oil Du Barry Style HALF PRICE AND LESS etWare Pla in Pyralin irrtl ARTICLES $12,000 worth of Ivory Pyralin, "Imperial" grade, for less than Siz i.i i! sniri hv rnn maKers as manuuiciuiui a oclumup. xjuu so sngnt are uie niiyiaiwuuHo superior to manv "firsts" of other makes. 'seconds" are sl Du Barrv Style You Pay Tlair Brush $3.75 Mirror , 3.75 Bonnet Mirror 4.88 Comb .5 J Puff Box ; l. J Hair Receiver. ... , IM Cloth Brush .Kf Hat Brush 2.15 Jewel Box J.UU BudVaio 1.10 .98 1.1 S 2.7(5 .;:! .63 vory Pyralin, Plain " " You Pay Hair Brush 2.00 Mirror 7,'nn Bonnet Mirror 3.00 Comb 3a Puff Box 05 Hair Receiver 05 Cloth Brush 2.00 Hat'Brush. 1.25 Buffer. . Cream Box. . . Trays Trays File ilntMii Knifo. Shoo Horn : . . 1.00 Button Hook C3 Monogram Engraved at Special Low Price As an added foature we shall engrave your monogram in either of the five illustrated stylus at 25c per monogram when less than 6 pieces aru bought. At 15c per mongram when G or more pieces aro bought. TOILET SHOPS Tooth Brush Holder 50 Bud Vase 95 Buffer 89 Soap Box 25 Tray 1.3S File 39 Cuticle Knifo ,39 Shoe 'Horn 75 Button Hook 39 Brooklyn,' Long Island and New Jersey Customers Direct to Gimbels via Tubes and Subway sr- k A