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Newspaper Page Text
16 ?H EVENING" WORLD, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1921. GAT IN JEALOUS FIT felTES INFANT'S FACE 'jiieo Attacks and Wounds Mother Who Had Just Given Bottle to Baby. it required th,o efforts of a polloe. mSn, janitor, an ambulance surgeon Mveral nolghbora to relieve the excitement caused last ntfht when a hitherto meek family cat attacked Mrs. John IVutrdon and ber eight month' old son, John Jr.. In their borne at No. l(A West lth Street. lira, Itoardon tried to slvo a botuV of milk to the baby, who was In a movable crib, when the cat looped ifyo the crib and bit tbo child about the face. When the mother Inter, fared, the cat sprang at her repeated ly, biting her right arm six times. Attraciod by screams. Patrolman rilimaurlce of the West 177th Street ' BUUon ran Into the placo and placed tho cat In a box. taking It to the sta tion house. An ambulance surgoon from Polumbus Hospital dressed the wounds of the mother and the baby. The cat will be examined to-day by inspectors of the Board of Health. It hail belonged for six years to Mrs. Reunion' t. otlicr-ln-law and seemed (a resent the marriage of John Hear Jun int'wu yt.ii ago and the coming oi his two children, John Jr. and Eu gene. JkoVEhWV. LOST IN 5lln-OCEA. MONTREAI reb. 31 Har propnllcr lest, the British steamer Orelarlle yester day sent out BOH mrstaimi from mid Atlantic. Several ablps had been doU fVd ef hex plight. I AMERICAN CARPET CO. will offer fov 3 DAYS ONLYj Sl at their wholesale salesrooms their entire stork of DRUS- attfl , 5S553J5?S38 SELS, AXMINSTER, VELVET, WILTON and GRASS BAs ssH RUGS to the public at prices REGARDLESS OF COST. T 0::0f ' Brussels vB.j'lb$2o!0.r.r r0.0,?:.r?la" 10 WM I fi smius's B I No metal iff No pads J Smith's R'vtt W ,Ar rlfflR . il Smaller Rugs at Pries, in Proportion Ml M f( M JhI MMIends, assorted lengths. Values up to J. Per Yd. iHHlife&ht. A" -fft sWwmBm 9x12 Grass Rags $5.00 fl 't Between Madison and Fifth Avenues ' in nrn yni um 11 11 ifii wth ii in iwn urn mm ..... ....a i The Convenience of a Charge Account Will Make Your Shopping a Pleasure D.PRICEfiCO. FULTON AND BRIDGE STREETS THURSDAYINTRODUCTORY SALE Exclusive Spring Suits 'indicating How Much That Is Unusual in the Way of Perfect Workmanship, Fine Materials and Ultra-Smart Styling We Have Made Possible at a Very Moderate Price! Tricotine, Piquetine, Twill Cord & Covert Tailormades In Navy, Black, Tan, Pewter, Rookie, Etc., SHOWN IN EXTENSIVE,, VARIETY, AT 49 .75 Soils of real distinction possessing character as weO u style; smartness in their perfect lines, lasting shapeliness In their hand tailor Ing and excellent finish. Lengthy mannish coats with new pockets, soutache embroideries and braid bindings. Also graceful Pony Coats, braided or beaded. Fancy or harmon izing silks used for linings. All Sizes for Women, Misses and Juniors -REMARKABLE SALE THURSDAY- Dresses from Our Advanced Storing Assortments in a Clearance. At Tremendously Reduced Prices High quality, splendidly made dresses in the newest, most becoming styles at prices which are a lialf to a third less than such dresses ordinarily bringl DRESSES FORMERLY TO $22.50 This lot comprises new Tricotine and Wool Jersey Dresses, braided with soutache, girdled with embroidered sashes ejT contrasting colors. Trico tine In Nstj only; Wool Jerseys In Brown sad Tan. All sixes from 14 to 44. 10 DRESSES FORMERLY TO $29.75 Nary Tricotine Dresses, fashioned with tonics, or slim straisht line ef fects that are In highest accord with the latest fashions. Embroideries, silk braids, loops, fringes and wide girdle esahes. AUsizcs. DRESSES FORMERLY TO $35.00 Taffeta Dresses with bee tunics, frilled, raffled or eyelet embroidered. Georgettes sod 8atlns. richly beaded r band embroidered. Models trailed Car tbe very best occasions. Allelic. 16 .75 D ' B They're just YOUR SPEED YOU are entitled to all the service, your legs to all the comfdit and peace of mind, that money can buy In Ivory Garters. ' Your garters are with you as long as you have socks on, and you naturally want the best. There's not a grain of metal in Ivory Garters, to rust and dent; never a pad to slip or press. Ivory Garters arc throughout crisp, lively fabric web that holds secure without constriction or binding. They're so blissfully easy and gentle and light, you never know you have them on. They wear so well and last so long, you'll get to calling them your little twin brothers. Your demUr ee tho comforf.erWc com biration. When you toy "Give mo Ivory Qmriwr,," ho'lt ptmco you for tho winnor, IVORY GARTER CO., New Orleans, U. S. A. NorthWestCorner Sixth Ave&I5-5tr, Last Week of February Values Exceptional reductions are offered you this month from the new low prices that are bound to prove sur prising. You will fully realize it after an inspection. REDUC TION UP TO 40. Certainly Our LIBERAL CREDIT Is at Your Disposal. All Goods Marked in Plain Ffguret. Englandcr Windsor Bed Outfit Consisting of Ivory Enamel Bed and EngLnder link $" .25 luitratcd Hish Grade Queen Anne Period Suite in American Walnut Consisting of BUFFET, CHINA CLOSET, SERVING t - . en CHEST, DINING TABLE, 48 inches, 6 ft. extension yV'50 Four Pieces, as illustrated, at i3V Three-Piece High Grade Upholstyled Lioing Room Suite $1 "7f.50 1 6 Zf This Queen Anne Period Suite illustrated is cbsracterized by excellent workmanship and the best spring construction. Unholstercd in Velour. the frames or this suite are handsomely finished in Ma hogany, with genuine cano panels; as shown here, t The Sunburst Pillows are extra. We Are Headquarters for Nali jnally AJiertlied Home Furnishings OPEN SATURDAY EVENINOS. MOTOR TRUCK DELIVERIES Wfc A I a-s -- 11 ... sBROOKLYNe For your convenience may we number you among our Select "Charge" Customers? 1329-1331 BROADWAY Near Gate Avenue BROOKLYN 4810-4812 FIFTH AVE. Bet. 4 th and 49th St: BROOKLYN OUR FULTON STREET carBRIDGE STBEEl QfifotffJifubyaiJktion Brooklyn m RE Hi u OCR 4 Offered Thursday Final Reductions 50 to 60? Decidedly the Most Remarkable Values We Have Ever Offered NATURAL SCOTCH Mole Wrap 48 IN. LONG HANDSOMELY MATCHED SKINS EXQUISITELY LINED FORMERLY $Z50 REDUCED TO Hudson Seal LARGE CAPE EF FECT COLLAR OF SABLE SQUIRREL 52 IN. LONG FORMERLY $1,250 REDUCED TO 775 Hudson Seal Wrap 48 IN. LONG WITH DEEP EASTERN MINK COLLAR AND CUFFS FORMERLY $1,200 REDUCED TO 695 Pictured is a Hudson Seal Coat, Skunk-trimmed. For merly $8S0 NOW $375 Eastern Mink Wrap Coat 48 IN. LONG HANDSOME DARK SKINS, YOKE BACK FORMERLY $4,500 REDUCED TO 1,950 Odd m Coats . . Bay Seal Coaits . Fremich Sea! Coaits Hwdsoira Seal Coats Hundsoo Sea! Coats MANY TRIMMED MODELS; FOR MERLY TO $225.C0; NOW. . . 36 INCHES LONG, FORMERLY TO $225.00; NOW AUSTRALIAN OPOSSUM TRIM MED; FORMERLY TO $2$0.00; NOW LARGE BEAVER OR SQUIRREL COLLARS; FORMERLY TO $350.00; NOW LARGE NATURAL SKUNK COL LAR AND CUFFS; FORMERLY TO $495.00; NOW $55 $79 $150 $275 , Furs Purchased in This Sale May Be Stored Free Until Called for Upon Payment of a Reasonable Deposit. IH! HUE SI fiS Hi Rub Pain from back with small trial bottle of old "St. Jacobs Oil." Hack hurt you? Can't straighten up without feeling sudden pains, sharp aches and twinges? Now listen! That's lumbago, sciatica or tnnybe from a strain, and you'll get relief the moment you rub your back with soothing, penetrating "SL Jacobs Oil." Nothing else takes out soreness, lameness and sickness so quickly. You simply rub it on your back nnd out comes the pain. It is harmless and doesn't burn the skin. Limber up I Don't buffer! Get a small trial bottle of old, honest "St. Jacobs Oil" from any drug store, and aftei using it just once, you'll forget that you ever had backache, lumbago or sciatica, because your back will never hurt or cause any more misery. It never disappoints and has been recommended for 60 years. Advt. It Makes Little Difference What You Need A World "Want" Ad. WiU Go and Find It XHflton your head feels like VY cfj a basket o, broken bottles you need SEECriAtVTS FILLS Stomach or bowel dis order poisons the blood and. thus irritates the rest of the body. LTrt UU irfAif ts felaa U lU WaU, ( At the first chill! Take Genuine Aspirin marked with the "Bayer Cross" to break up your Cold and relieve, the Headache, Fever, Stuffiness. Warning! To get Genuine Aspirin, prescribed by physicians for over 19 years, yoli must ask for "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," and look for the name "Bayer" on the package and on each tablet. Always say "Bayer." Each "Bayer package" contains safe and proper directions for the relief of Colds also for Headache, Neuralgia, Toothache, Barache, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Neuritis and for Pain generally. Bayer-la Wets of Aspiri n Boxci ol 12 Bottlts ol 2 Dottles ol 100 All Cipmln All druggies Aapirln It Ih. trr nrk of n.ytr MtnuUrlur. ot Menoacttlrcld.trr it S.llollcadt Cuticura Soap Tho Safety Razor Shaving Soap OatlnrsBMpilan.'wItbsetmf. ErtrywbmS.. All tost nd Fountr srtleles In The Worn or reports! to "Lo.t and Found," Itoom 108. World Building, will be listed (or tblrty day.. Thtao Hits can ti. attn at any of The World'a Of fleta. "Lost and Found" adrertlsementa can be left at any ot Tho World'! Adrtrtlslnr Acencles, or can ba t.ltvboned directly to The World. Call 4000 Bwkman. New TorU. or, Brooklyn Ottlce, 4100 Main. 1 J 1 A 6nNP.IT WOULD WANTS WOUK VONDKU8 i JL-.