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Newspaper Page Text
4" THE EVENING WORLD, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1921. ft - DEATH OF EIGH I IN TROLLEY CRASH i ' DUE TO GASOLINE Five-Gallon Cm on Platform ,- Set Fire to Wreck, Coroner Declares. ''BIUDOEPOnT, Conn., Feb. 23. In realisations were begun to-day Into the, cause of the traffic collision yes terday ott two trolley cars In South Shelton and tho rcaultlnsr gasoline uc pfoskm which snuffed out eight (Ives, tejured more than a score, and wrecked tho cars. ;PoUoo at Sbclton announced that the five gallon can of jrnaollno which exploded on the platform of ono uf tho oars when the crat came had be lonccd to Stephen T. Palmer, Town 3erk and Probate Judgu of Shelton. Coroner John J. l'hclan, in a state anient batted on his first Investigation, placed main responsibility Sor the lftS of life upon the explosion. Loss ftt llfo probably would havo been small had not the flro followed the colllolon, the statement added, Ho aaJd the theory advanced was that ' tho rootorman of ono of the care either ran by a signal set against hrtn or (ailed to set It against tho afeher car. s.The Pulbllo Utilities Commission rlll alt here to-morrow with Coroner PheSan to bear testimony concerning tfMi accident. Two of the eight per- omui killed In the wreck romalnod un Identified to-day. A score of Injured re In hospitals, while physicians treated others la their hornets. American jazz wins approval of paderewski Pianist Says It Is Strong, . s Vital and Typical of , Enthusiasm. PlTTSBUnaH, Pa, Fob. 23. THE shimmering strains and discordant notes of "Jazz" arc typical of American en tbuslaum, Ignace Padcrowskl be lieves, and, in an Interview here, amid he liked It "There Is no muelc Vth more ftrength, vitality and verve than .American popular music," be fold. "It can be distingulsncd Anywhere because of those char acteristics." The pianist, who deserted h i art to assume1 leadership of his country during the dark days of War, is hero to attend the Polish conference. Ho said tho primary pbjtec of his visit to Amor ca was to take a rest and to get away from politics. Ho will return to fcw York Trday and later will go to California. NEW STORM ON WAY, OLD ONE IS LICKED Tractors and Men Finishing Up the Clearing of Snow and Flushing Streets. While a new storm Is due In New York to-morrow, etrcet Cleaning Commissioner Leo announced to-day that tho city "has tho enow licked." Tho Commissioner's men an trac tors aro now finishing up thr loan ing of Fifth Avenue and M Leo declared that by this afternoon that street would be as clean as ever. The enow Is being carried to sewors. Wanner weather la helping in tho work. Tho temperature this morning had risen to 37 degrees and the Weivther Bureau Indicated It would go to 40 during tho day. Warm rnlni nro due lato this afternoon and prob ably will contlnuo all night. To-anor-ruw, however, H will bo shArply cldor, tho bureau said, with nrw northwest elcs and (flight snow flur ries. OommlnBloner Leo said he had tho work so well In hand now that ho would begin lnylng off to-day nomc of tho force of 20.000 snow hoviMors ho has had at work. In Droorklyn, aa well as Manhattan, all the principal traffic arteries have been cleaned of snow and service on all the elevated, subway and surface lines throughout the city Is again at normal, with tho exception of Qvc surface lines still tied up In Brooklyn. It is hoped to reopen these lines by to-night- Staten Island, which wan hard on t hit by the storm, had all Its transit facilities In full operation ij day. mmmmm ANTZEN'S PRICE REDUCTIONS CLOSING OUT of remaining Winter itylta at Phenomenally Low Pricci in order to make room (or Spring stock. Oct acquainted with our high-grade well made ahota and save on their regular pticea. Women's Styttt NOW 7.85 & $12 miCTY-FOUIVraSTSISB Aik ttr 0r Om "The Abnx t ttta Oil Tm." NO HUANCII KTOIiliH Our Oulr AddrtM 660 Sixth Acv., Above 33th HI. Cuatom Itofltmahrn Oter SO Yrra Op fen hei H9 34th Street iNew York Continuing Thursday Final Fur Clearance Sale Our long Established Policy has been to close out each February our Season s Stock of Furs rather than place them in Storage The Entire Remaining" Assortment of Coats, Wraps and Small Furs The Greatest Price Reductions We ;iave Ever Made The Merchandise in this Sale represents in its En tirety only our own Very High Quality Stock. The Opportunity for Unusual Economy is Unprecedented Free Storage on Purchases Until Needed Next Fall This Sale Also Applies to Our Brooklyn Store OPPENHElM.(LlUNS & & 34th Street New YorK Final Clearance Thursday 350 Tailored Street Dresses For Women and Misses Extraordinary Values fl 2. 00 175 Smart Tricolette Dresses For Women and Misses Values to 37.50 For Women and Misses 100 Fur Collared Coats Values to 85.00 48 00 75 Misses' Fur Collar oats Values to 55.00 Reduced to 25.00 50 Misses' Tailored Suits Values to 48.00 Reduced to 20.00 100 Wool Plaid Skirts For Women and Misses Values to 22.50 9.75 75 Girls' Fur Collar Coats Sizes 6 to 14 years Values to 39.75 1975 . 1 ma MEN'S Slyltt IIILM EN'S I I 2 NOW NOW I $8.5 $4.85 I IS J ' S NEW YORf 5 i 1 1 3 (oINA.(Q i n i l m m P I I I 5 50- . . All Sales Must Be Final ' HH I H 11 M ft Connaetim With Any Qlhtr EsfabJlstiRrmt In the Woritt WORTH Latei Ad IE G f ROCIZS IN THAT OFFER AVANY INTERESTING SUGGESTIONS TO THE FASHIONABLE WOMAN OH MISS- THE VALUES ARB SOST EXTRAORDINARY Afternoon frocks OF CANTON CREPE EMPHASIZING THE NEW TAILORED AOD IN A DISTINCTIVE AO DEL, SHOWING A SL1A GRACEFUL D0DICE AND FLARING TUNIC SKIRT TITH- ACC0RDE0N PLEATED SIDE PANELS AND EMBROIDERY OP METALLIC THREAD ftemoon moas OF TAFFETA SILK THAT TAKE THEIR INSPIRATION FROA THE VARIEiD GRACEFUL SILHOUETTES FOR, SPRIKGj SNUGLY FITTED BODICES ARE SET ABOVE-O WIDELY FLARING SlURTSt. ELABOT3ATED BY LMNUAEIiABLE RUFFLES - !l Our Annual February Sale Save 4U'0 on Lvery Purchase OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS Our Liberal Credit Terma Apply to Long Island, New Jeraey and Con necticut. 8Gth St. Croaatown r - X Two ni- i, a ENGLANDERt 1 Iwo Block! Away. COUCH'BBD 1 ft l t 1 All Coeds Marked S"L"St" with" one ZSlTnt in Plain Figures t,on at 0a' Door. afull aizo bed" Molor Truck 3d Ave. Street Can pele witn 8pring Deliveries Paaa Our Door. and mattress V JmL9 K JsJsPasfOsl H I Slx 29-25 I - y w 'ii hi if twr II 41 it as m a i 10-Piece Queen Anne Period 9 ' American Walnut Suilc Hp Connection With Any Oihar Establishmani in the World nmn-zomm street BROADWAY-E1FTH AVENUE NE CLOTH FROCKS FOR SPRING DISPLAYING TAILORED LINES 0? CHAEAUNG SIMPLICITY AND GPACE Conflating of Buffet, CO in. wide; China Closet, Sorv ingTable, Dining Table (48 inches 6 foot extension, 1 C Arm and 5 Side Chairs with genuine leather slip aeatsi 10 pieces) as illustrated 398 Three-Piece Genuine Leather Living Room Suite MniMve moulded frames, In mahogany finish, highly P'-f ,98 iahrd, upholstered seats, backs and arms in genuine 4 leathery indestructiblo springs In seatsi as illustrated, " PRESENTING PHENOMENAL VALUE? Sunday World Wants Work Monday Morning Wonder: TWO DISTINCTIVE ODELS; ONE OF POIRET ITWILL WITH A SLENDER, BODICE rND FLARING SIIRT, TRIiAED "WITH ROWS OF NARROW SlLi: BRAID THEO OTHER OF TRICOTINB, A SttART DTLAI TAILORED ODELs HANDSOAELV'Z "BEADED 35 OO iwiwwiipinii IF t f