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1 1 ' COMIC PAGE f SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1921 About Plays and Players By BIDE DUDLEY offaln soon. A THOUGHT FOR TO-DAY. Oh, Mr. Souther, I -bonder if "my father thankfi you, tny mother thanks you," and so forth? CltdJiENGE to tho Touring for two fine Oliver cups at the Ter Manaeers' Aa-oclatloa to ex- c Garden Dance Pntacc Tucyday i Uia why tho roposed equity n.ti i. VArw tM, ki i,ftm on ,iv la Sin. American" host been Id- TVVfct Tint MtrMt. It hu many tSXi,t , jfthn Mmorson, President of frlenda In tho profession who r:xiJ . AnritJon. I hoplmr he'll be around aai unjwhwia - - s . .rrfiio Tourlnr Alanacers." oays Mr. f'thuum "hnvn TMti. an mo nunv wax ,.wa and o many lied Crona drives W'thelr theatres that they aro letting SJeJr patrlotWm ma away with tnfllr 'Jfeajrlnatlona. They are regular pa ' 6iotcem. Why the Equity shop ahouid tie called un American' Is In- tact, cue runaamenuLt principle ui Mrteastsm la that the witi o the ESWttv mhnU ba enforced, oven It it 'does confllot with the Interests of the minority. Slavery was once an issue in. the country, but the majority wan as&last It and the "rill of the majority erevaued, ana tno minority wan over , roled. despite their somewhat violent notes ts. , f"JJt an overwheJmlnc majority of de actors of this country desire tho 3SraHty Bhop. it la their rtffht, as Americans, to Institute It, even If a . minority feels It la an affront to their dignity to be aaked to Join their pro i Jeaslonal organ! ration. The Equity Shop Is a free Institution which will emancipate Che actor from the feudal , system under "which a. manager could teare a whole company stranded 3,000 'ipttOM trom home. A beneficial lnatl- '' tution of this Sort la certainly In ao eordanoe with tiba highest American tWeals." "To our way of thinking the Baulty -V.Bbop will be all rlsht Just so Ion as it ; affects only Equity members and does f'-ffiot, doprtvo Jlie non-CEJqnltr actor of .work, wnen u ooes gcjht ujo FOOLISH MENT. know an old girl at Lahore, Whote cottage it down on the shore. But left not discuss her; I fear it would fust her, Therft no use In getting her tore. FROM THE CHESTNUT TREE. 'Somebody has robbed me of my good name." is mat dot ' "Yen, It was In my umbrella," equity actor of work the shop win bo atauto buck and the Ojuitr win have Y; THEY WANT "UNCOLN." 'An omctal request from ttra City of Ijos AnrelM was nicelved yester- by WBliam Hams jr. tor inn iTflegn of baving "Abraham oln" open cne new uo Angela finlcktal Theatre.. The telegram. fleaed by iMayor Snyder, sold: the highest American ideala, Can city Use 'Abraham Unvioln" for ono week's (benefit performanoea7" r . Mr. Harris had to decline Oie otter because of booking arrangements. .;. BATHS AT PROMENADE, The RatSi Brothers, acrobats, win appear as a feature of "The Mld 'nlgbt Itoundera of at the Ccn ' t&ry Fromenado beginning next Monday. The services of these two Jung men have been the causa ot - Xnach 11 titration recently. Althonrh 'Uin'lirMnra tShrHynr nlaimwl - thjv had 'the acrobati under contraot, tho brotSiera went to another manatrcv- t.inect. The Bhiubcrt contract has ',nnauy been upheld by the United yhv GOSSIP. lifted fitooe has some new enow- - kboca to use In mninr errands Cor ma wife. . imorenoa Qsat has been made Mabel 5vHheo's underatndy in "The Rose Carl. Ruth ItOae has gone to Toledo to Meoms leadlst; woman In a stock jmuiuany. , "Wlllaitl Mode win give a profes- Wwnal mauneo performance ot ,mooth as SUk". at tho IVexlngton uasooay aiiernoon. There will be a etasr waits content L By Way of Diversion. 1 1 tr-0 "fond, on the stage, it piavca tow tntngt eaued cJ- esl cji' others "all the rage." I didn't carts much for their truck' istu about to go, when to my ffij&ra there came a tune I love lwtflwuj "Old Black Joe." I settled TftH&cJc an closed my eye; the "3md began it How. It took me f rVTtnric in tnmorw to .inrnn nt ""Song ago. I taw an old melode-' mother ptayin' there. J vfthcard that old-time melody float upon, the air. I heard tlte Prpedalt tqucak again; 1 taw Dad ttin' near, just conn" up fftaf mple tong to both of us. to dear. I heard once more my 'mother's voice in mind, t-ou vn fj&rstand. an' every note just tfjshartnonised with that big con When, it r.njt throuah 4mo should 'a teen the way they "'"oloppcd thote men. The leader ,..Mf nn him hit heart, nlaued .vVVIVWi ' . - if)tat old fune again. Bay, when left I knew Td got my money't , rth, for Oce that "Old Black ITsJoe" Til a!uay tove. It's good i .1 enotiflh for me. SHU TDO YOU 11 KNOW? REWSJllNPEft Three PLUfiBERS TO SERVE 3 YEARS-THEY'RE 0SEP TO PoiriG TIME OYER A JOB (VE TOQGOr lrC SINK J iRirV 1 &bJ xzorw-i FEAR OF WIFE DRWes VEHSkiMAfl TO SLttl VYITH PI6E0HS COOtfKS MAKES tmt FCATHtft. A NEST jIew York WETnESS " cvr BLAMEP On .(v CAMAPA ' Wj.r jt M IMPORTED aTAial. HlCKSYILUe, WAHT5 TO CHANGE IT'S J1AME TAKtftG The nick OUT OF it IS tfo HARDER. THAN TAKIIiG VfE MALT OUT OP MALTA 'ARIS DOCTOR. SAYS OYSTERS need a whiskey CHASER. -J AfOST BVERYOME 15 FdllP OYSTERS oysTEa's VOICE , I Myuouori.'. kuhg on A TOH OF So? WW CHAtAPlOU EATER. OP KHOXVIUE. DEVOURS It, CMS OF HAM AT OME MEAI A CERTfilri Politician was WELL FCP UP Off 16 To I BRITISHER. WEARS GREEH EVENING SUIT AT WASHINGTON PANCE MANY AH 0LP OfiE- MS oEEi PYEP JOE'S CAR Car's OH His Mind To-Day! 21 '1 f9? joe'. do you (J "TfONK JUST'S NCE UWGUAGE. 7b.BE. usinff in the. p 0 'yiH OUT-JlOOR UHGUAtfE - Rirr liAuirtoMWiT. I've. Gotta story in ani FltffiER. OUT WlftT OWE- BILL EDWARDS; WELL who (5 Bill EDWARDS ? if l- 'IU. 1 I I III' U ( TheTaT" E TTlREE. L WHO IS HE- FRIEND OF MIKE TTlHEE. Hundred an sivtv fooRAYs outta Tn' Year -- pj ' 1 - Bur OU TflE THREE. KUHl)RED AH 5IXTY FIFTH AV fVE oT ABSOLUTELY" J 1 NO USE Wfc HIM '. r 1771 Jfe 1 I Jjflfar HE SETS L "CV.l fi I WWW.-.. 1 Utek-rAX on 1 1 1 iviy jg THE BIG LITTIiE FAMILY "Wa's er Complaint? Everything!" BILLS. BILL5-N0W TO'DO'CTbR" BILL6-1 GOTTA PoT TV' 'BEE' OM TH' Bo 56 Fo A "FlCWM 9 IS M Y6AV St7UR' W1FE6 BEEN Oiittis ILL UtlUr CP N I HGR-BuT NoTmrJ' d 16 HER Condition "CRVTvCAL? 1 A CRvTlCAL ( ME EVE 7 ITS ABUSIVE. ! 1 . . - I o,iV.w,,- KATINKA Has an Inheritance! VIVIAN THE VAMP OhAt are vtoo ' Visage aboot now? UMEU THAT DUMB ' T "POT" COMES IN HERE OUT . r (SAY! UHAT DYMeAr4 By lOlNS HE A PLATC OMT SoZve f fry Algebra, Yiv! VJEtt BOSS, I'UC ADMIT U 'THOSE TUo THOrlB HARKS ARg HIKE 1 ' But That pried rtosTARD) was tmere BEFORE UOVl L0H& UNieNOU "&EE1A CAIJRMIHto'CXJT TUOSe CLb) PAPERS- PUOK TWE store Too V"1 I NOU CK&riY IN ("TEN BASKETS) PULL Win h I fa , fill M. y - ALlTtheX t0NT "SEE? J NOW mm 7 LITTLE MARY EIIXUP rtiJjt. 1M. tir tfaa ftM PUUWMo Ob. (TU Nnr Tork Cralw WU.l QUESTION 8. -I. In what battle did the famou fx Oharoa of the Light Drigade" occur? T ".5.-What are peraona at mixad uuro- k; $Mn and Aaiatio blood called? P F 1 llndar what familiar nom de plum did Henry W. Shaw write? Wnul la an apparvn.iy aii-csn- (etory atatemant caltad? Wno waa xne iwomyiounn Idant of the United StateeT 'What la the arraignment of a lo officer for malfeaunce in office lad? d at Myeaena? Of what State la Helena the tal .city 7 . Who wrote The Rlvala"? 0. In what ocean are the ialanda Nova Zambia located? ANSWERS. Balaklava; S, Kurastans; 3, Joih go; 4, paraaox: 6, rover ciere S. wmeaohment: 7. Ciuiaands! ata riAj, J,' HhttidSAl, 10, ArsUc 4- .' . EAT RfXT POISOH PANCAKES "Mr yso,:"' MAXES MttY A BUN sirThos.Liptoh MAY ENTER, YACHT IN KACE GREAT EXCTEMEfT AT MOOSE FACTORY (Wt C-otta. c sobb - we Hi o-4c cawt come H. I jyaor lo Kju. I r. -rp-ui 1, I h'M rJlS. COME; OUTj S A- vJiHTNQW Ari!h 4t Ajf U TVr,J rokWBv ARooH C! i a Ntyjgw m Hiiiiiim m'J I e X)dnV Do Anything to Them ! 3ont 3rP t6oft -oceAb 'He TwYTTtm. lofiSY' uWo art oar Hiu.1 - H T?or Hai.yu v CDomV PoaCtT To WASff Tbue. EMil 5a,r sav tMT ahB HAtMT- 3ONT KOJJtfTiT T3VsBAB TixJR. tflf?r PJTTSBURQ- HlGll SCHOOL Girls rebel AGAINST BAH OH Rouge. Power causes Minr Af EXPlOSOf LOU It Was the "Finishing Touch1 . 7TTTT1 TrA your u go Breao anc? - spoil, ih' eiL.;; i L I -a