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Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING WORLD, TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 1921. HUSBANDS WHO 'LED INTO CANADA ? k rn rvTD a riTirM Shop Before Store 0pen& 8 to 9 o'clock on your way to work right at tho honcl of tho subway stairs, at our 33rd strcet'cntrancc thoroVi a desk. That's for your convenience. If you'ro too busy to shop between 9 and 6:30. We'll take your order nt the GIMDELS SPECIAL SKIIVICH DESK Gimbel Brothers 32nd STREET -BROADWAY- 33rd STREET NEW YORK .CITY Music Salons Open Every Store Hours 9 h 5:30 "For. Other Gimbel News See 'Page 13 livening until 9 o'Clocb New Player Pianos, $339 Period PhonogTaphs, $129. And ' treaty 'Awaiting firitfch Approval T Will Enable Arrest of Those the Music Salons (Eighth Floor) open every evening so that' you can come, listen at your leisure, buy. to your advantage Use 33rd Street Entrance near Broadway Who Desaned r-amtiies. T ALTER XI. ldEDitA.Ni President of tbo National .W" Desertion ttlureou, No. 2&6 iCKawinii Avenue, and Charlrs t 1 nuvi ' ' inferred to-day with Acting Jetrlct Attorney Benton on tha albla Jndtolmont and extradi tion, cf 600 men uecuneJ of dMort- Jfclns their wives and culldron in -Tfs'cw York and ilndlnp refuge m Km The conterenco-vroa undertaken fbocause of the octton ot lie ZUntted States fienxeto yesterday fin ratUytnff a treaty wifeh Great ,jBBrlU4n irhloh provides for tho WoxtrwltUon of tnon who desert ilfchoJr minor children. Me. Mot) tf wan said bo believed the treaty Swould tax bo ratified by Great JiDrltain, wheoerapon, acuon cuuu kORTY PASSENGERS GO TO QUARANTINE dfieSfcaxaee of the-Imoerator and Will Be Examined -1 r Cholera. jjtealth Department Inapectora thla i ..r.mlnd eleven ImmleranU A rvntral Stntlon In the war 2alrurt rjta. AU were paaaed an ' aftUafactory. Ttirse Immigrant a had ' . . . v.-.. n mil ffiA ftrtin that Janata ajvww.. - - frossht ttetn -mas held piorc twelve n: -"v -i..-. ,t , I' :0th?" rennajlvmnU , Statfon ' 192 F (mmlirrinU from Philadelphia ,havo i wmismv- eleven aent to Wiard TpTker HorrplUI to be OKU. , . , arty paaaensera -of the u.hln Iirroerator. which arrived . . In IVnffman 5aad to be examined for cholera. i cleansed. 2 1 L r- oiirn- tm in rr A T U ff?l3UT- ur o onui i u uumiii. uroner IJolfla Death Aroiopnui 1 . - . . - nl .. ."ana.. AjIHIVITT .1 u s ' .PlSlfner phuhower, nve-year-oia son. iAmtln Pbllhower, a wealthy farmer. Hattover Neck, between CaJawel MorrHtoWn. w. J., waa miiea yo- iilxy afternoon with a ahoUrun. His ether waa In the yard when ho heard - -i . I nn Ht.htnir Intn t hit hmtut I fouivi another aon. Stephen, elsht years . Wlln ine raoipuu in mm nmun epnen aaM uie younxir dot. piajlnff wun QU sun. wuku urn cr bad careleaaty left loaaeo. ana i m i . i. i . m.i. .i.iA . II'JID flU BIW IIIIUKII. HUB - r . hIUKmm n wniut.. hnw Vboy o email could manaco to pull B" xnnrer on a Run ao iarK ao u to WW IH. W v. M. ivw f Coroner Krod II. Seward, of fifadlcon. t X. deelared after an InveatHratlon ; XBatHino aeaui was uaocnuu. jxq aia . tTot dve an cfrimon aa to now too ac tum i. oafvonvu. ufuiicu iaccc muni n i inuL.ii LuoLo humiii. ! trsolle Bervlee Beard Oenlea Ar pUeactln Sa (Brldse Trolley Apnr. Tho PnbUo Serrtoo Cotmnlaaion to dy denied tha application of drover "Wlnklea. Oommlaaloner of Plant and Rfcfigpjetcrea. tor a certificate permitting 1 .Kfrnanlclnat trolley service planned for , the VlUamieurtr Bridge. The com L xdaslon said the merlta of the nppllca- .(, uen were not paaaeu on ana mo ao- m II.OTM VI. IB.. W. till tMita the matter back 'before Jul- ttce "BenedlcJ of the dlrookryn Supreme rsvs?"- plan on the eround the apur would aa two of Ita car linea. IHOBWASSER I4I7-W23 THIRD ATEKUE FURNITURE CashorCredit I IKI KVCNIMBl Till I Utarty Bf4 AMtoa at ran wmm iiihi Send (or 116 Pace CATALOG FREE Special February 1 Price Utt HI Holzwaater Home Talks No. 650 Wmwsnszii OVB Ua to, rirat.lklan U lrt U Ul. rolr oflln Iwjlni rornltun l Uu quAUlY. if jou int i our rurnUurf. bousbt runr. to Itit for reinr jt"- a lirttlm.. In HH ,tni ibould nika tun ton art VOrrtuilag of a hoiuo wtirra tht nuiKUon l ouch toil jou an atlAlUNTKXD tlMt lafrrtor awamiuhip anil nilrrllU. Huon fhetue U HolfwaiMT'a And mra I Hi furBit ur ihrr bin tali for a mmr of a omiorr "Ufr re" au.lltr, l.n rmi nmaMir that 1-lllCEH IIRnK A1IE Tlllt tOWEXT lif MOV YORK and ' frnu ilwari Uta mot rormnltnt. wHv iRrt bni la ir bom. tho nyf wdm ror our uaiaiofua, rurnilca beurht new maybe 1 rid in our varthouia tier art trt tor th pMntha. lVMt HldA l.v final, a. BUthst. ('rM.tuwn ira or hr tram Mftli bl. Utu front Ilroadwar :.R00M APARTMENT fMoMkfkKlfmt BUTT WW TtV $375 A TAT.TTB S-ROOM APARTMENT tCQt: OmIt liberal Terms Sin.oojf ISjDO 2.2S iatjlA.fVa1 annual IMI.'B WI.RUI i.oo iw 20! 'aS1" Tllwu iPfil alaa la frw Yiui Ui H". ' "a" a OmaMUniL HALF PRICE SALE! 100 traveling Bags In black long-grain cowhide With sewed frames, edges and corners, leather lined. 18 inch size. HI Worth Close to Twice This Price 100 Week-End Suit Cases Inblack longtgrain Icath cr With stitched edges, double locks, attrac tively Moire lined, with pocket in cover. 20 inch size. GIMDELS LEATHER GOODS SHOP Main Floor A Wonderful Purchase of the Maker's . Complete Surplus Stock Brings Fine Quality All Wool Jersey Cloth at $1.65 yd- A Price Which Is LESS Than the Manufacturer's Wholesale Price Today Full 54 inches wide : In a wonderful range of colors. In Tan Sand Pearl Grey Taupe Rose llonty Bird Belie French Blue Kangaroo Putty Henna JoJJre Blue Copenhagen Caster Purple . Blue Bird Medium Broun Dark Brown 'Navu Black GIMDELS WOOLEN FABRIC SHOP Swond Floor Pretty New Colored Cottons Remarkably Reduced : Wednesday 18c yd 32 Inch Woven TavAnaa fit lart la ma g UIVOD vaiUfaaoutis CvtvA ImportedJapancsc W(lOp Colored Crepes 38 In. Plaid and o Ginghams. WAN Checked Imported 38 Inch Printed Voiles Daintily Patterned Printed Dimities Wonderful Assort ment of Colored Organdies 18c yd cyi. GIMDELS WASH FABRICS SHOP Second Floor J Whitney and Cartoy Baby Coaches : Your Spring Sale at 87.50 Don't have to tell you what a very special .sale-price that is. Nor what a wonder carriage ia yours at the sale-price. You know Whitney and Cartoy carriages well as wo do. Brand tells the hig-buy story! Finely made; best materials; all round weave; most of them with artillery wheels and reversible gears; tubular Bteel pushers; patent reclining back; strong safety brake. Weather Right; Carriage Right; Price Rht; Here's Luck for Baby GIMDELS BABY CARRIAGE SHOP Fourth Floor New Items Featured As Big New Lots Add to the Savings of the Gimbel Sale of Household Linens 39c 59 TOWELS : Turkish bath towels with col ored borders. Good weight. TOWELS: pure Irish linen twilled kitchen towels, 23x31. TOWELS: tea, 'and glass tow els of pure Irish linen, 22x31. 1200 Yards Fine White Cambric Dress Linen Last lot we had at this price sold out in a. day. And this is better quality! Children's dresses your own drosses handkerchiefs a hundred uses suggest themselves when such cood linen can be had at such a price YARD 13-Piece Real Madeira Luncheon Sets: Third Less $5.75 and $6.75 AnothCr repeat ! Last time we had them we couldn't sup ply the demand. And small wonder ! Made of fine round thread Irish linen, hand scalloped and exquisitely hand embroidered centers. Madeira Table Cloths, Luncheon and Dinner cloths of similar v pattern and the same exceptional quality: 45 in. diameter - $7.25 ' 54 in. diameter $9.25 63 in. diameter 13.50 72 in. diameter - 21.50 prea armer White Crinkled Bed Spreads of Summer Weight: Scalloped Scalloped edge and cut corners. And value that puts them on the thrifty housewife's list at once. They need no ironing they're low priced. Insti tutions, please note. Bed'S TfTT flff in nan r ds;'at .Prices 63x90 ins. 80x90 ins. $1.75 $1.95 72x90 ins. 90x100 ins. $1.85 $2.75 White Satin Finish Bed Spreads Down to fl r f or good quality spreads PJ with plain hem. potUO spread scalloped GIMDELS LINEN AND BLANKET SHOPS Second Floor I?C OK for the same bed All-Wool Sits Ii Wilton a'. Sale That Prices Them A Full Third Less 9 x 12 ft. 8.3 x 10.6 ft. $59.50 $58.00 The cry in the Wilton rug market is "None to be had." Mills are closed production -halted. But wo hurc them I And by an early and fortunate buy, we have this very beau tiful lot of all-wool Wiltons of finp quality on salo at just the savings we made one-third under to-day's prices and n good half less than you paid last year. Soft Oriental colorings beautiful Persian patterns all fringed rugs of high quality -stamped with a maker's name that places them at once among quality rugs. i GIMDELS ROGTSTORH Sixth Floor asaaas I i Hats . One Finds in Paris Only on the Rue de la Paix a. And in America: Only in ' the Gimbel Millinery Salon The exquisite originals, and the no less exquisite' Gimbel reproductions, in the materials of Paris : with all the spirit of Paris : hall-marked by flawless craftsmanship, aa characteristic of the Gmbcl Millinery Designing Studio as it is of Paris herself. A superb ensemble I Prices as They Used to Be: $22.50 to, $55 The Lantrel Model Sketched Shows the Very New Paris Way 0 Weighting Cooue Plumes with Calochons of Jit. GIMBELS MILLINERY SALON-THIRD FLOOR NEW Togs Too for the Kiddies : and Lower Priced Rompers and Creepers: $1.00 $1.50 $1.95 $2.95 Good news! All that's new and smart in Eabyland cunning creepers saucy peg top bloomers; all that's practical" and durable strong gingham and cham bray. Priced less. Picture shows haw pretty they are can't half show how good they are. Buy them for less now at Gimbels. Sailor Suits For Baby Boy $2.95 to $4.95 Here's for the little man white sailor blouseTrtiny white knickers with blue collar bravely braided and a sure enough 'emblem on tho sleeve. Good and strong, too! ( G 1MB. ELS BABY SHOP Second Floor REDUCED : Drapery and Upholstery Fabrics Already Marked at New Low 1921 Levels: Still Fur- , ther Marked Down to Clear 6,000 Yards of Drapery Velours; 11 colors; 60 Inches 1 qq 'xtj wlde;pre-warprice pX.0 IQ. Repp: 40 Inches wide; blue, red, green, brown and -1 r "Y"! mulberry - - - tpJL.J.0 I Q. 1 Heavy Furniture Damask:-50 Inches wide: $4.75 to $6.00 Yd. 0 Figured Velours for coveringrrurposes: $6.50 to $9.50 Yd. Repp and Poplin; 50 Inches wide: 15 colors in each t.-. rtr v J fabric tl.E)D id. Double Faced Armure, 47 Inches wide ; for door dra- VA peries; six colors - pA.uD id. Tapestries: 50 Inches wide; many colors: $2.50 to $5.75 "Yd. Heavy Plain Furniture Velourai $4.50 to $6.25 GIMBELS UPHOLSTERY SHOP Sixth Fluor 4- 1 - lijw Aala Trark M iiw v aarar aaawa