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THE EVENING WORLD, TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 1921. 16 r i T j SEIZED, POISING AS IF FORDEATH LEAP Polfce Win Race With Woman Who Climbs to. Eighth Floor Fire-Escape of Palace Theatre. A young sromac. describing hrtetf as Hoso Clifton, of No. Hi Weat Sth Street, la under observation to-day In Bellerue a result of a climb up tho I'alaco TJieattji fire eaeape on tho 47th Street aide. She first attracted atten tion In a restaurant by putting off and on her hat and sweater several times. She suddenly darted to the street, fol lowed by a crowd, and started up the theatru flre-escano which cornea down to the sidewalk. s?ho looked over the ralllng'at each landing; until she reached the eighth floor love!, where aho poised herself aa ft to leap. In the, meantime Policeman Knudsen yn racing up the stairs In the building to head her off, and Policeman Wills up the fire-escape. Knudsen slipped out from the tonlldlng through a steel door and seized her, but she struggled until Wills arrived. She saJd hor mother, Mrs. Adeline Morley, Uvea at No. 663 Eagle Avenue, tho Uronx. She was un able to explain her actions. FOG M AKES SLOW GOING ON WATER Uners Held Up and Sound Steamers Took It Easy While the Pall Lasted. I Von thla morning delayed all waUr traffic In the vicinity of tho city. The SVench Uner Touralne,- anchored at Sandy Hook, reported by wireless sho would come In when the going was hot ter. A number of freighters took tho earn precaution. The Red Cross liner Rosalind and a number of the big boats which use the Bound route were simi larly careful and' waited at City Island rather tl'in go through Hell date In the murlc The Municipal ferryboat Manhattan, bound for SUten Island, stopped with a big Jar off Robblns Reef Lighthouse. It vas found that the forward shaft had Veen broken and the propeller had dropped off into the bay. She made her J Id with the other propeller. All ferries Cvere from Ave minutes to half an hour late. MAY URGE ACTION ON COLOMBIA'PACT President Harding. Expected to Send Message to Senate Very Soon. r WAKIUNQTON, March J. A special meftMKe to the Penato requesting Im mediate ratification or the Colombian Treaty Is being prepared by President Harding, according to reports Among Senators to-day In the wake of last night's White House conference. It waa understood that President Harding had accepted ' the view of Senator Lodge, of Massachusetts, Its- ....1-11 .1 - 1 .1 1 C , n I ' Pall of the Interior Department that action on the treaty during me special session of tho Senate waa desirable. Disposal of the treaty waa dlacuaacd by Prealdent Harding with Senator last night, but only In a cursory man ner, it waa said. 28 YEARS FOR BANDIT. One f Masked Hand In llrou Given bona; l'rlaon Term. Joseph Meyena, No. 4070 Park Avenue, the Bronx, waa sentenced to Sing Ulng for 28 yeara by Judge Olbba lln ,tho Uronx County Court to-day for his part In the robbery of the Metropolitan Tobacco Company's plant, at No. tSSl Park Avenue a year ago. Meyers was one of four masked and armed men who overpowered and gagged tho watchman, Paolo Dl Mato, No. I33 Tlnton Avenue, blew the oafe and cot (8.200, mostly In Liberty Honda. JMward Connolly, twenty-four, of No. SIS Wwt 143d Street, was arraigned In Weat Side Court to-day on a charge of burglary which he la said to 'have ad mitted. With two other men Connelly Is said to have lowered himself to the apartment of Frank Cowan on West 73d Street, iwhero 300 worth of (cloth ing was stolen. The two other men were captured and sent to prison. Con nelly left New York and was arrested on hla return to the city laat night. MAZtE HAS TWO SUITORS. nientslngrr Jealous Whti Dunn Takes Her Oat. .T-rvni T it twenty, of VNo. 241 Bck .'jiu .s.ief , l-i. . i, waa held In 11,100 ball to-day by Magistrate Mo Closkey 1 1 llrldre Plaaa. Court for ex- amlnnlim March 16, on a ehargo of relonluUi atsnult. Tlio complainant. Theodore McnUinger of No. 172 North 8th Street, uho wore bandages cover ing cuts on 1)1 neck and hand, said he waa set upon by four men last night as ha was escorting Miss Mario I'lynrt, eighteen, from a theatre they had at tended to her home, No. 205 Kunt Street. He Was beaten senseless ami cut with a knife. Detective Joseph Ilenzlg. who nr. reeled Dunn at his home, said Dunn took Miss Ilynn to a dance Saturday night ahd waa angry because she pre ferred to go out last night with Mem linger to accepting hla Invitation. Sent in Workfcause far Swindling' Louis Hodman, No. 40 Hast ldd Street, waa sent to the workhouse for thirty days thla morning In Jefferson Market Court Ho w.a charged with poslnff as a "ticket Inspector" at the Pennsylvania Terminal and swindling a foreigner out of a ticket to Norrls town, Pa. Hodman was arrested when he tried later to have the ticket redeemed for caah at the ticket window. mTIONALFlsi? U. S. Bureau of Fisheries Suggests Fish Recipe Help make National Fish Day, March 9. a success by learning to cook fish appetiangly, economically, and without odor in the house. Pan-Broiled FUb, Quick-Oven Method The following method of cooking fish was originated by Mrs. Evelyn Spencer and used by her ih demonstrations of fish cookery under the auspicea of the Dureau of Fisheries during, the war. It ia particularly recommended as preserving the natural juices and flavor of the fish, eliminating the odor of cooking, and economizing in the use of fuel and expensive cooking fats. ' Wath the fuii In cold water. Cut Into pieces of da proper size for tndmdWl service. Dtp In salted milk (one-half teaapoonfol salt in ooa cap milk) ana then into dry finely ihed bread crumbs. Ffocethe pieces in a veU.graatMi pan. sprinkle allnlecookina oil or meuea fat over tho surface, of each, ana bake in a very quick oven for lOip 13 minute, depending on tho thickness of the pieces. When the fish is baked to a deep E olden brawn, pUce on a hot platter and tmlh with parsley or slices of lemon. May s served plain or with tartar sauce. Plan a Fish Menu for Tomorrow Thlt adeettUIng tutucrihtd to hy the United States Flthtrlet Auedathn. The MASCO MOP is one hundred per cent bettei Every MASCO it trmde marked, wrapped and tmbtled. g MASCO j PRODUCTS mm Mtt at kft erne WE have improved on the regulation floor mop by making the MASCO twice as absorbent and again as durable. Th1 makes the MASCO soak up water twice as fast as the mop you are acquainted with. This lets the MASCO do that clean up job in half the usual tunc. It cleans easier. It cleans cleaner. It wrings ouv with half the effort. It dries two times quicker. If you have passed up the mop as a clumsy unsatisfactory implement if you now get down on your hands and knees to clean floors buy a MASCO and do this work just assthoroughly with more com fort and case. There is a light, 8 ounce, short stringed MASCO made especially for housework; It gets into and cleans the hard-to-clean places. It fits women's hands. Its short strings do not swish and fling the water around. The MASCO can also be had in other sizes up to big, generous 32 ounce mops, for cleaning large floors, regular "he" mops. Remember the name MASCO. Remem ber the triangle trademark. Remember every MASCO is wrapped and labeled just to make it easy for you to reorder and get the same quality when you need another. The light, household size MASCO re tails for 45c, the medium size for 60c and the large size for 75c. , The MASCO deee the work in' halt the. ueuml time. For sale by grocers, house furnishing and 1 , hardware dealers and department stores, MASSASOIT MANUFACTURING COMPANY Factory, Fall River, Mass. New York Office, 276 Fifth Ave. Established J882 Telephone, Longaere 5606 "Here's a regular meal!9' i HEIN Oven Baked Beans Try HEINZ Baked Beans m place of those expen sive, steaks and chops you have too often anyvtfay. . . You will save money. You will "benefit your health. But first of all, y6u will like the beans. BARED in Real Ovens FOUR KINDS HEINZ Beans are good, rich, mealy and wholesome because they are really pven baked. This preserves the real bean flavor and the real. bean nutri ment, and thus makes them an economical food. One of the HEINZ Baked Beans with Pork and Tomato Sauce HEINZ Baked Pork and Beans (without Tomato Sauce) Boston style HEINZ Baked Beans in Tomato Sauce without Meat (Vegetarian) HEINZ Baked Red Kidney Beans Varieties i HEAVY FAEAT EATERS HAVE SLOW KIDNEYS East less meat if you feci Baekachy or have Blad 'der trouble. No man or woman who cuts meat regularlyjn make u mistake by flushing the kidneys occaslonully, suys well-known authority, iucm tonus In nrA urMnli frits ilii klflnrVK. tl I II mum "-'" - i li.nmn iiv.pwnrL'.il f r (1 111 1 1 1 (i strain, Ret sluRtrlsh and full to filter the waste and musons irom mc mumi, then we get sick. Nearly all rheumatism-, headaches, liver trouble, nerv ousness, dlnlness, sleeplessness and urinary disorders come from sluggish WW. . The moment you ieei a nun ucne in the kidney or your back hurts or if the "urine is cloudy, offensive, full of sediment, Irregular of pussagc or at tended by a sensation of scalding, stop eating meat(and get about four ounces of Jnd Salts from any plmr maryt taie a teaspoonful ht a glass . l,.fnF. firnWfiiit and In n few days your kidneys will act fine. this lamoua daiu io m.. acid, of grapes and lemon juice, com bined with llthla, and has been used for generation's to flush and stimulate the kldnevs, also to neutralize tiic acids in urine. in. I d,.lt l InMcnrnKlvc and cannot . I I... . .l.llol.tfnl .H'rrv.'l. I in urn iuklb n - cent iKhlft-water drink which every one should take nowjana men to Keep the "kldneya clean and active and the WobdTure, thereby avoiding serious MIM . I I I II ' IHI Ill l I I II I I I I i ill I itMI I i fc HI ill 1 1 1 M ii liiill'llwpiHI h i i 1 i