Newspaper Page Text
IV- $r'. THE EVE-NINO WORLD, TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 1921. 20 S-i M4 V If i i i- r I0URT OF APPEALS HOLDS REN! W ITI , J (Continued From First Page.) L tutes, the legislation should be up held. "W uphold the right of the landlord to maintain ejectment vtouid do u orsok the legislative design Into frog lnCnts whloh would afford little pro tection to th" tenants In posaeeslon. "The irtrlriAtlvc or police power l dynamic 'agency, vague nnd nnde. lined In ltd scope, which takes privato property or limits Its use when great public needs require, uncontrolled by Ilho constitutional requirement of due pro cent. "Either the rlghls of property nnd contract must when necessary yield to the nubile convenience and the pub- tee lease, was upheld In IU entirety, He advantage, or It muat da found ttuMh mmnimi the, rieclatnn of the that Uio State has surrendered one Apellate Division Ta the First Do- Vi0 ?.!S!1' & A, llvlll(;u vtuvcilllliouio iw iuuhuvu meat . 'made Itself jtowerlcss to secure to Its The Appellate Division held that citizens the blessings of freedom and the legislature could not constltu- to promote the general welfare, tlonallv withdraw the right of tho.l ''fe In theory It may toe said Ut landlord to ejectment nt the expira-1 monopolistic privilege: that houses ' tlon oz the term or mo lease wnn- tit-o not public irtwtties hko raiiroaua t aut Impairing the obllgaUon of the ond that. If tho landlord turn ono I eats a, m . at aa h a Fl lrn Ifl I . I ft T , tenant's contract to surrender pos session, but otherwise upholding the lower courts. oft another may take him In; t'.iat rents are fixed by economic rules and the market values the reason able valuo: that pcoplo often move After statin? the four principal irora one cuiy 10 ftnuwer w "y." Alter mating ine iour prmp dvnntages: that no orfo Is ooastltutloniU objections raised COTnDeni to have a homo In Now galnet the acts: First, that they yorkr that no crisis exists: that to deny to the landlords the equal pro- call tho legislation an excrcUo of lllO PUI1CU WffVI HUCIl lb ... j a taking of private property for pri vate use and without compensation lectloa of the laws; second, that they ' deprive tho landlord of property wlth ' VHlt due process of law, third, that ifiev Interfere with freedom of con itol: fourth, that they Impair the obligation of contracts, Judgo round JftJd that those objections were uu . (sable, and added; ' "Whether or not a public emergency . existed was a question of fact, de tfbftted and debatable, which addressed Is a mens transfer of labels wiiicu does not affoct the naturo ot tno legislation. Yet the legislature has found that In practice thp stole of demand nnd supply Is at present abnormal: that no ono builds, because It is Unprofit able to build: that those who own seek the uttermost farthing from viiflnniuau ov lun cumuiuiiuum . .... 'liJtatlons upon legislative power, so far TOils who now challenge the U- tlsclf primarily to tho Legislature, i tnose w,o choooo to live In New York That It existed, promised not to be 1 ,ni py for tho privilege rather than elsewhere: ana tnat promoenng anu oppression have become general. "It Is with this rondltton and not with economic theory that the State has to deal In tha existing emergency. The distinction between the power of ti proiently self-curative and called for aBtion appeared from public docu- roents and from common knowledge fcwd observation, "If the law-making power on sum evidence bos determined tno exist' Jfefce of the emergency and ho, m, -'n ZXt KrVU'ti utionai "ilm- o.. ."'.. " malnALLn" BANKING AND FINANCIAL. V 400 Questions Answered Free Never before in the history of the United States have financial words and phrases been so generally used. Do you understand all of them or is market news "Greek" to you? A free booklet ex plaining more than 200 which are used con stantly by brokers, bankers and financial reporters is yours for the asking. Call, phont or wnt for No. EW-376 Atk for latest available neuM on actio securities. JONES & BAKER SpeciaCtt in New York Cart' Market Secaritie BROAD STREET OFFICE SO Broad Street Ttlphon Broad 7)50 MADISON SQUASH OFFICE 225 Fifth Avenua Tsl. Madison Square 1377 42nd STREET OPFICE SOS Fifth Avenue Telephone Murray Hill 7120 Offices in B Principal Cities DUct FHy1. WItu LOST. FOUND AND REWARDS. 'iio ' AMil Viii 1i" ija ii rtJim uS .MU lU-rU uttti. dttur a IitastDi r U tut, - ' HELP WANTED MALE. h"iul coMi ca.ll Wiiodj. tartima6 ud , COMPLETE STOCK QUOTAIONS Financial News and Prices. . CURB FLUCTUATIONS IN OILS AND INDUSTRIALS CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS OCIWI&W, MXi 0UI WCT.t IWW Wlem PERSONALS. ,1 YtXUL par no fcllli roAtnMM by ror mtm. Lillian M. liar. r tny aen. Allan , M, liar, or ethara, wlUwut a rrtiiea order jjttm m. A. W. Mar. PROPOSALS. Hl)HM).N KiVKll VKHI7I1U TtlNMEI., ,Nounr iand siiait. -', SOUTH 1AMD SlIATr. JERflET CITT, a. J. ' lilM YORK STATU HIUDOB AMD T TUMNIST C030USSIOU AND rl kbw ncnsicr ivrKJurr.VTK brume; AND TINXU. UOnKiaSIO.-X. Saalas proposal, tor tha oonairuotlaa oC 1 two aoarti in tha Cttr f Jmar CUr. i. J., for ba vablcalar tunnel under tba !Hi4aaa Rtver. w.ll be rooelTad at tho oKlea o( tb Kaw Torlc State llrldce and r 3aknal Cotnmlaaiou. and the Hfcw Jaraar PtlntarataU Bride and Tunnel Ooramlaalen. JtMm Hall et necorda, Boreush of Manhattan. New Tertc Cltr. until Marco 1BJI, at 8.00 o'clock r. M.. at which time thar will be vuMlclr opened and read, Tola contract will Includ the furnish. ins- oC labor and material, for all work reqolrad In the construction and slnkine 6l two ahaTta, located In the Brie Railroad - xara. Jeratr air. n. J., ejboat one hun dred and fertr (140 ftl feet west of bulk head and aoproxlmatelr la the extended .,, jje of Twelfth Street, and the car and pwppen nuiiiua, pwvr. pipva, rail raada and other aarfac. aub-aurfaca end njcrhesd atructure. tha maintenance of traffic and the reetoratleo. ot pavamcsta aad other surfaces. , Ftoposala mtiat bo In the form and on ;v ,tta blanks nrescrtbed br tba Oemintaalona. - pna muk vm otohij,,w vj iwp tcriinr e ' aecks for $11,000 each. , ritm, 1 orrn or proposal, contract and ' 'peclfkiatlons mar be obtained br proj- pwiifi viuuu. ft, via ..w,,i,u. v ' 11 : l Xatineer, Itocm 014. Hall of Record. : 1 .'I " ' J H".l V. lrylA-00 will ba required. raarsi. aar and ail bid. OEOSOB It. DrSK. cxialnnaa. NM Tork But Qrldr and Tsnnsi cgmmiaMs. ISCLKe H. X0TB8. aialrmaa jmmt 'WMeaW oa oa whether the thlnp bi destroyed or Is taken over for the public use. it property rlffhts arc here invaded. In a degree, compensation therefor has been provided and possession Is to be regained when such compensation re malnn unpaid. "What is taken it the right to use ons's property oppressively and it is the destruction of the right that is contemplated and not the transfer thereof to the public us. Tha taking is there- . fore analagous to the abatemsnt of a nuisance or to the eitablish ment of building restrictions, and is within the police power. "Emergency laws In time of peace are uncommon but not unknown. Wholesale disaster, financial panic, the aftermath of war, earthquake, pestilence, famine and fire, a combi nation of men or tno roroe or circum stances may, as tho alternative of confusion or chaos, demand tho en actment of laws that -would be thought arbltrar under normal con ditions. Although emorgency cannot become the source of power, and al though the Constitution cannot ho suspended in any complication or peace or war, an, emergency may af ford a reason for putting forth a latent governmental power already enjoyed but not previously exercised. "Changing economic oonaiitous, temporury or permanent, may make necessary or benotlcial tba right of public regulation. Housing In nor mal times may bo and often 13 a competitive business. Landlords may in tne loan years and In periods of over-supply bo unable to secure a fair return on their Investments, competition w.ll then regulate icnta more euectlvcly man legislation can. "An historical justification of lib erty of contract between landlord and tenant Is not a demonstration that the system must survive every exig ency, wnen it temporarily swwi w ba adaDted to tha demands of the nreeent i mav be modified. If the beat interests of socUty are thereby served. "Ln it mate governmental au thorlty ought to be able to protect unobjectionaDie tenanta, roauy inn willing to pay reasonable rents, from wholesale evictions tor tne innncr of Drofiteera who have brought themselves to the notice of the Legislature by their greed and extortion without subjecting land lord who have not offended and ten anta who hSvo no substantial griev ance to a restraint tnat ciaaa n Invited by its conduct. "One class of landlords Is selected for regulation because one class ron nlcunuslv offends: one class of ten ants nas protection uecuuec u -u seek homes cannot bo provided with nlacfls to sicca und cat. Those who are out of possession, willing to p.ty exorbitant rentals, or unablo to pay any rentals whatever, novo uecn icu to shift lor inemseivcs. "But such classifications deny to no' one the equal protection of the laws. The distinction between the groups la real and res Us on a substantial basis. The rule alike for State and Nation is that nrlvate contract rights must yield to the public welfare, when tho latter Is appropriately ueoiarcu anu defined and the laws conflict, llut It tho law Is arbitrary. unrcasonaDio ana not designed to accomplish a legiti mate public purpose the courts will dccluro it invalid. "I.vwb directly nullifying some es senllal port of private contracts are rare and ore not llarhtly to oe upheld hv (heavy and swecolng generalizations on the common gooa, mil no occimon upholds the extreme vlow that the obligation of private contracts may nwver too directly impaired In tho ex ercise of the legislative pcrwer "No vital distinction may be drawn between the exercise In times of emergency 01 mw pwico powrr upon the nropcrty right and upon the con tract Obligation, for the protection of the public wealth. The Htato in an emergency caused py nooa or fire, when multitudes are homeless, might conceivably compel owners of houncs to take la undcsired occupants In or- Alu nnbbw .. Alatl (JoM Aluk Juntas . AJU4Xlnn . Am Afr Gbttn.. Am Jluk Not Am lit Buitr Am IVaoh MtfnaW RIS Am Urn , sv Ca tf 83 Car H fUrr., IMU Aa Cot Inn Oil. ... 21 14 Am Unw Stud.... K Am Kiumi lsgyt AroaiJ. A lot... 0 4m La Franm s Am loteraauonil. . 44U Am ludlaua- TSS Am iMomcttie.... Ml Allial Uma 42 Am Safrtr IUaor.. ,7U Am Shlo A Un 10 Am tkneU A JU. 40 in .Smelt A Ut t 70!, Am SnuV 101 Ai Btv rr a1a Am Oneu 1)1 U Am ltamt Tub.. (O), Am Tel A TU. . 11 Aa TutavRU 11A L Am TUjtro Kit tS 110 Am Vnol utt Am Wool vt ...... IO 1i Am r.lor ,. AnacuiJ 34 Atcbfaon Rj fc! Atrfilatm Mr pf .. 70S Alt Coast Una ... MU Atl JuJf A IV 1.. 41 Atl Oolf A W t Ml. Ilaldvln Los )OS Halt A Utilo Halt A Oulo'pf..., at 1J i'otom 3. Ileeh ISent Ui JWh 0lel li B7U lauro Jt T Km... 71 Biwra One .... m Brow Trim . . . 4 u llutU Cop A Zmr 4? Bistarick Co JV CnMo Cut Oil. .. iim Calif Iaokmf .... ui!i fStUt 1'rtrolrom .. ; Ouxlian I'arSio U3K mtnl Lxmttmr ... MK Cerro Do ltan ,,. 71 CbamBor Motun .. 72 On A Ohio ... W C. M A Ht 1 lilt ;S O, M t 6t V JUt 41!. OJIal1 27 c it i Acepopf oi v Chi C Wo t. . . . 17 V Oa A Norttoetnn. 07 Chllo Oaoer. 10?t Chmo Ctnvr 31 OkuU A ltabodr.. 46 Com OJ , . 21 OA A ckaaom..., 05 Col Ota A Hoc. . . 3 CeramhW IJngta. . . i Cmri Textile .... 19 Con JnterAal Oils. CK Coot Can OH Omt Canlj Hi Cosleu Oil SBh Com Iroi)noia .... 71 CnalAt Sled . . . . (VU Oaba Cane fltapu. . VZ Ctaxn Amrr Uvapv S Del I. A W.. .. 250 Dm A lllo (Inada 1 Don A IUo Or pf 3 Dome Oleua 104 KAborn Coal 10 XolkuUohmon .. 00 Krl 1 Erf 1st p 10 H Pamou I1m ... fad Mia A So..... Ps&er Bod l II Kb. ti. 31 ail i 1 is 4S 44 Nat last. (u'a. SH '. 1 IS S44 H 4SW ?4 it 1 4.-IH - G8 38 - W m itt 31W H ot; 123 m o 8 H 44 12 85U K 43 V4 2 t 10 H 40 7o an IMS. 00 1 IK 94K 4S as 4A m SSI. M lasU zi u o lttH 8 H 4.1 13 sa &s 6 10 75 103 KK H) M M -101'. (C 118'A- 11li 116',, J16 Ol', 04 i IUK 84 SS 37S C7i' BlVi SHI 1 70 7H - V4 4 1 WV 41 1 35 38 !4 ess to SI 38 i 00(4 W &1 57 i 7S ' nak notfjer Gaanl Aaphllt ... OMton W A W . .. Cenfral nxtrie .... Owns! Motor .... Omanl llotor pf. .. GonJrWj . , Cray A ti,... Ckeat Noittwm pf Clrrat Nor Or.... (Irene 'Ceoem .. Oiian Boor Houston Oil llnou dloton llUnoai Central . . Irtllan lUflflU . . . InepiKttOQ Cuaor,. Inter Con Com, . . lutrr Con Corp Pf Inter Aa Corp, . . . later Han relet ,.. later t'sper iDTmclble Oil .... l.l.r.1 Oil Int I'tpur V eu Jewel T Jeeal Te Mnu Otj Jia. . . . Kenr.nott Oa'e. . .veto Tir' Iee'a, las UA. luj ., LofUlanl Uim A NaatirtHn. Madrar DIED. rOTTKIl. On March T. PAUL M. Berrleea, 0 A M P E L I, FUNERAL OHUnClI, Bway Slth at., March , ait s. so r. u. BMOGT-VNT. IXTUIRK B CAMPnBLtB, n'wr eih at, Wertneedar. 11 A. M FUNERAL DIRECTORS, In Cass of DsjO "Wp D THK rUHrCUt CBUiCU" aor. W . Oeoa-actarita) W M jSTPBrxaadway e 6gtli.Se. E 14S 68 i m 13 71 37 12 74 34H 21H 14 07 15 MV- S 4 12'i 87 55 SOU 3K, 73 9 Si va I0U 17S I0 55 SCIi 100 ITU 10 lao 80 81 US Si cni 7S 35 4!4 4!4 1U5. 13 01 38 113 38U MS 70 5S7. SOU 40i ai oi s 1754 oo4 U ats 44 ao4 54 Cei 814 10 5 CM i',; as 71 t Jl MS 1!4 16 19 UI 13 10 OS 5 S4 1!4 UK 133 13 71 37 1U TJU 33 'A au 13 07 13 8S oy. 3 4K i:s ss 07 C3 19 as 73 .9 K ,S2 SOU 17 15U 53 W 100 18 10 'ltx. 99 01 - a 4U 4's - UI. 1.1 u 01 V aa nss - n 3SS - li aos - u 71 t s - 40 uou Ol -17 OOJi 10 - 1 31 45 1 II Kb. Man Htull BIS UixveU Molor .... S Uueell Met let vt 8 Msr Dept. Storm... 73 atexlran Pet 157 U Miami Oncer IS Qlluale Slate Oil ,. lli'.t MHiale Steal ...... 30 !4 Minn A St I, .... 11 Me, Kaa A Ttr.... 2U Mo. Kaa A Tex pf. 4 Mo rnalfa: US Montana (Vwer .... 04 MnUloa Bod 24 ttalkmal Aome.... 31 North Aavr ao NaUonal BUuiit pt- 10 Nat Ooak A tM. 31 .VaUonal (Xnhut... 3 Nat Hum A Btp.. MS National Ia4 Ti KflaU Ckol 10 New Ort T A M. . OB N T Crotral 70 tt X Doc 2114 ft Y N II A II,.,. 1ST New York, O A W 16 Norfolk BoutLcra . 11 Norfolk A Werttm 07 K Northtra Iac(tlc . bOS CannllT "S OkHhoma 1 A H 3 Ontario Slltrr .... 4 Orphrua Clmiit . . 30 Otis atari l Pacific fl S Ildllc Mall IS H-adflc Oil (w 1) . . 3S Wn.Anxr I'etrolwan 7ti tna-Am t'et B ... 07'. rmn It 11 i IXn fie Steal .. 10 t'eople'a Cee IVre ManrMtt I-biladaCo I14I1IP .Pctroleam . 20 l"inm Arrow 1S IItoJUiwi' ... i (Pieror Oil 1 nttabwrh Coal .. " Pitii A w V... SiT. I'onJ Crwk Coal.. 1 lml l Car-. Pnlhnan Co 1 Pant. AW Outer. s l"uie OH Itail Steel Span... Mall 8tl PB p 100 2D -A4H MS - 6 19 - 6 08 IS 28 71 S OSS u 1UT4 1 2UJ4 S 210 1 IS 3 U 15 3054 - 1 60 S 13 10 00 5 -84 14S 6JU 1 2 - 1S3 13 U 71 U 37 IS 12 S 73U IS 31 S 21S - 14 07 13 H os s 33. -.- S 4 4- S 12 1 SS - S ? 54 S 1U IS 3i 73 y U - H 2S 1 20 83 n - s 1314 u 63 - 1 104 4 w 104 160 W 01 - 3 Bar Ow te.Unf Rnallnx let tX. . . . Iteadlns 2a pf. .. Item Tjp Ueilo(le Bled Hep Iron A Btrel. Olotor ... 0o;al DoUh NT.. 8t I A Bu "n St I, A ASoutliw. St I. A Boolhw pf EanU Caa eatir.. gesn-Bottax ... 3cen-Boebuck t. Copper Sinclair Oil SkaavcVaat 8ti ... 6outlra I'ac Bourbera Br Aoutiirrn By pf. ... Stan Oil of N J pf. (Kowart-Vtaruar . . . Struntjrfs MuOebakor ttstanarioe Boat.... Superior 00 Soiior Atonl. . . ... Btndebakor r Tenn Cop A Oxen Tela Cumpaar .. Texaa A rc ... Tex A rae Cnal.. TUnai 6q. Aut Sal. TUoacco rraloots. . TranKon Oil Umon Oil Union ractflc Umon lSo pf L'tated Alloy United Itns Unltnl Druf let pf. UnKnl Fruit L'RMal W Irod. . Un By lor Co pf . . Un lletaO Slona. . . U S Kxpnaa U S Realty A Imp U S RUMwr 12 74 40S 41 SOU US 00 10 00 21 2BS 37 4U 78 100 15 20 44 70 21 MS 10014 01 32S 60 U 40 04 7 41 23 24 9 '4 53 8 20 120 07 U 30 (15 45U 102 S 22S 2IU MS 6 44 W U 6 ButOr let pf 102 U H emrlttn 30 Uatl S1T4 U 8 Bted pf 100 Utah Copper 60 I'lab tteouiitk .. 1P4 VanaJma. Steel . . . 33 V Care Cnom pf. . 97 Viiaovlou t Wabiah 7S Walenh t1 A 20 Weil Ferso 01 S Won Manlnd ... 10 Wtsi Mrjlmt pf. ITS West Pao Corp pf . . W WoaUnCboua4 47 Utieetinc A li !.. U IVhlta Stottr SOS rvtiitB on iss Vriure-OerUnl ... 7 Wnlja-Oirrt pf ... 31 Waorvcrm 111 Worth Pump .... 47S Total . 405,500. 61 '5 s 75 V4 IMS 1TV4 1 13)4 ' MV4 IIS 2V4 4 IIS u s 31 oo iw 31 2S 57 72 10S 00 70S 21 18S ISS 11U 97 S 7S as 4 20 13 47 13 , 30 TS OSS 38 10 40 17S 33 25 IBS 78 10 58 27 S 13 e 104S 47 MS H8 loo 11S 73 nss 40 27 25 60 10 00 as 27 !S 4 77S 100 15 22 43 73 21U .50 IMS 31 S 33 50 S au 30 04 7 41 23 24 0 62 8 20 lies 07S 20 S 04 5 08 24S 02 0 44 ess 101 s 30 81 100U s 11 33S BIS OS 7S 20 61 OS 17 S OS 40 0 MS 13S 7S 34S 111S 47 U Net CU'a. 61 , 0 8 7S IMS 1TH 12 - SOS 11S 2S 4 1S 24S THE CURB-2.30 P. M. 21 IS 00 100 a 67 72 1 s H IS H 10U 00 70S 1 21 18.S S 1S S US s 07S S 80 8 S 3S 4 2 IS 13S S 47 S 15 30 S 74 S 07 - 3S - , 10 40 '. 17S S 33 Sberee. 1XDUSTAIAIA IKOAont Catl 317 An Store il Brit Amer Tod coup. : Car Utat IM Columotl Bmerald... 104 Duraat Mot 1(0 femll Coal I Coodjesr Tire St later ltubber 104 later Trio Mark.... COO Unrota Motors A . . . too MeClnne lit 300 Nor Am rarer IM rierleea Mutwa H00 rrrfadlon Tire ...... UN Radio Cam IS Cm Badlo pf 104 II radio j Coal na 9M S weft j Co 100 U fl Steam... 1004 U S SJ Cortj t0 United rmflt Hharlnf.. Tilth, toe. Last. I, I S 1 MS MS MS 11S its us 1 IS ITi ! IS IS MS WS MS 15 1J 15 IS U 19 lou io i 63 el 61 10 11 1U 3S 3 3 4S 4S 4 :: :t US is is is IS 1 IS 14 11 lt i JU 3S H S S S A S IS 1U IS I TS S Stock Market Judglnc by tne action of the stock marlcet to-day tho larsest financial interests, both here and in London, and tho btegctrt market operators as well, are not much perturbod over the unsatisfactory ending; of the repara tion conforencen and tho further ad- I vanco of Allied troops Into German territory. Stock prices continued to Catrnsst, lilt, at ne rn ratuausr Co. Oka New Tars Kraals world. he explained, as ho took off n is coai. C1TAPTEII XIV. Utl sister had been iralt- ln' yers two hooiB," Bally, Ix)u whispered, as eho opened the door for Varla. "I didn't lfke to no" "You g-o now, Sally," Varla Insisted, "and thank you for waiting." Y; 2BS 76 10S GB 57S 13 80 105 47 ass 83 1 ioa - s us s. 13 H 40 S 41 - IS 28 - TV, 23 - Vi 00 - S 16 1 oU - s 21 28 S 37 U 4 78 303 16 22S S 42 S 7M - H 21 66 S IMS S SIS S 32 IS oo S es as s .40 94 7 141 23S 24 OS 8 20 120 07U 30 IS 45 1 100 2 23 U 24 - S 63S S S s s s s s s s u s s s IS STAXDABO Oflrl. 204 Ande-Aa Oil 17 II H Oil of Cal 501 4W S O of Indiana new.... 70 16 S Oil of N T SJ IKOnfKNDEMT OI1A. 2S0I Allied Oil II 1(00 Boone Oil IS 100 Boston Womlai 1 3700 Car fljad ( i0 Otlee Krrrtoa otf.. SJS 104 Dtney Oil 1100 12k Badri Pet 14500 ray lVrolemn S 5000 rrderal "Oil IS 2400 dlenrack OU 3 lUXX) OinTey QlUtecle 1JH lore Uudm oil 200 Int Tetral 400 MaiaallM Oil 500 Marlaod 300 Mmlit OU ,., ISO Mldeeat lief IW Net OU N J in) No Am Oil S00 Omar OU , 300 Pennek Oil MO Flodumr A Boflaere.. 300 lied Bonk OU , S 15U 33 20 13 110 3U IS IS s IS s 400 Hyan Cone 7S US 3m US 14 IS 11 6 37 S IS s IS IS US A is 22 11 U 13S 3U 3 IS 6 IS s TS 10 7U tiS IS s s fl e-f It. -f 1.. .U, 1L. a I Ul lift. rTU.lHnl l ill w I V U1UIILT Liin nun. move within a very restricted ranjre. thinking with so'methlnc like dread with tho volume or seung anu uuymB of tho KeM before her. She distrust orders bolng fairly evenly dlvldod. etl Nna nrw. from tbo tt ot ncr Tho foreign exchange and cotton jleart. t mad her unhappy Just to markets likewise displayed almost think of seeing nor. complete Indifference to the unfavor- i jjut It must tie gone through with, ablo turn of foreign events. Demand " Xol" Nina sold casually as Varla S sterling reacted only 1 1-2 cents to camo Unto the living room. f.87 3-1 and price changes in tno ci-, Nlna was gi ln tne ci,air DV tho ton market wore Irregular and In- I dcaIj Md as Varla came ln sho put significant. Tho grain market dls- ner hand hurriedly over some sheets 441 07 101 s sou IS MS U 10OU s 4SS S 11 -1 fas 0TS - U 6 7S - S 20 u s .0 - s itS 44 C8 47 9 U 3SS 1 13'4 H 7 - S D4S S U1S tt 47 S 100 Salt Cnek ITod 10 no Slmm rrt IS 1600 fikally OU 4S Sero Traas it IS ISM United Iktx Oil S 500 Victoria OU new S 400 Y OU A M1N1NU. 3COM Ala-Ur Col A S 3300 AUaa Odd 30 II 10W Atlanta 1 1 1100 Bit Ied A U 1X0 Bootn WOO Bolt A MJM W C 150 Cated Mia 13 12 2800 Candtlarl M U 1 30V Csu VUdBla ?S IS SlOO Cortei SUeer Tl M0 Crmaun Oold 1A 1 100 Bundlo Aril 3 1 1000 Emm Slim 3 500 Eureka Croon" 'A IS 310 Eureka Holly Ill Hi 1000 41 Mnilaj S A 4300 Oold Con T 1009 Oold Del 3 3 MOO OoldfleM Klerrne S4 33 1000 Odd Kewana 3 000 Oold SUrer lick Ji00 Oold Zona 1' 1' lOOUrda MlaU 3 3 3000 lion Illoaaon 13 1 IMO Jnmbo Xituuion ....... I 7M0 Kaax Dlrtd IT 1 130 McJCln Bar 30 33 33W MeNamara 13 14 JOOO MoNamara Craaomt ..... 11 111 600 Maama Cop 31 34 1104 Marah Mia I 1000 Motherlod 33 33 200 Mother lode new 5 S 30 Nlpisdaf TS T 800 ODhlr SUrer IS 1A IN rrtnot Coe A A (00 rtallnum Palladium .... 3U 3 1300 Bax Corn IS IS 1(00 BonaeiUr Mine I 7 1300 Bllter Klnx Sltld 3 V 1300 San Toy 304 8 SUrer Isad A A 1000 Bsccen Mia ,. 3 3 too TBDorh Betmoat IA IS 4004 Tenesea Caah Boy T I 7l4Tono Dlrlda' 1A 1A 100 lvaopan Btt ' 1A 1A 1100 Tone-lla B 15 15 300 Ttmopah Minim IA IS 1301 Tenepah Mlrpah S 3 1000 TooepaX Montana I I ISOOToneoali Baama Eat.... 10 30 C000 l B Continent t S00 United Eastern 3 3A 1000 Victory t 4 400 West End C 1 1 1500 Wall Caw I 9 1400 WUbert 3 3 romaoN bonds. 7000 Baertaa Oot 0li II 14 10000 Itoadan Oot 3. 17 14 BONDS. SOOO Allied Packer Ci,.i,.., 51 1004 AhiralDua 7 MS SD000 Am Aar Chrm TS. 9tS 004 Am Tel XI 9CS lJOOO Am Tel 6a 34 Kli ITS 301 TO 334 16 IS II 3 HS S IS s IS 3 US s 13U 33 19 12 131 3 2 : 5 4 s TS 10 IS as IS u s I A A II 1 A 6 44 12 14 IS Tl IA l 3 IA ill A T 3 33 t $ 17 Sfa 13 a IT 33 IS 11 31 t S3 5 TS IA A 6 IS I 2 6 A 2 IS T IA IA 15 tA I 34 t 3A 4 1 I I 1 IT nlnvrsil the same apathy. x'rice cbanges ln wheat and corn during the morning were limited to a frac tion of a 'cent a bushel. Speculative activity to-day was confined largely to. Issues In which special lnflucncca were ut work. Reading continued to be well (bought because of the belief that there Is a fair likelihood that common share holders, as a result of their petition to the Ccurt having tbo segregation matter In .charge, will shaTe more lib erally In the distribution of coal land assets. The stock rose more tiian a point. American Sugar was freely sold and declined moro than a point In antici pation of a poor annual report which la scheduled to bo published at noon to-morrow. United Fruit was sub jected to heavy bear pressure and at ono time declined moro than three points on reports that directors would reduce tho dividend to-day. but latcf vfhen these reports wire disproved by the declaration of the regular rate the stock failed to rally. Allied Chemical was another Issue i that was sold on the strength of un favorable dividend rumors. It was persistently reported that directors at the next meeting would probably suspend payments, and while these rfnnrta nrohablv had no more relia bility than in the case of United Fruit, the stock decnuexi more mu u. ii". to a new low for the year. Steel and equipment snaree neia steady In the face of weaKncos oi specialties, with gains and losses about balancing. Oils were generally higher but without particular feature. Motor shares regimerea iriujuumu price, changes, with gains predom inating. The market continued to drift in almleu fashion to the end of the session, with Irregular and inconse quential price changes. Demand sterling broke rather sharply ln the late afternoon ana showed a net decline of four cents, at 1J.S31-4, but this weaitncas laueu to Influence tho stock market. Cotton, however, e bo wed a late decline of twenty to thirty points. Wdl St. Gossip der to shelter them from exposure to preme Court of the United States In r.torm and cold. i the Income Tax coses which led to Why then would the Slate nave no the adoption of tne sixteenth amend- power reasonably to regulate for a menu and of this court on the statute tlmo the terms upon which a landlord which fixed an eight-hour day and under such conditions may put his the prevailing rate of wages for em. tcnatits out, no long as they promptly plorees ot municipal contractors: pay a r. sonahle compensation for and on the Workmen's Compensation tho use ot tho property? I law. ISach of the latter laws was also A. constitutional difficulty presents approved by tne supremo court or Itself In the way of enforcing the laws tho United States, The reaction on on the ground of uncertainty as to the court's is that a strong opinion what constitutes a reasonable rent or in uny real or fancied public need nn oppressive agreement. Courts and has been suggested as tho fniTOclent Jurli'H are ln civil cases constantly , lest. dealing with uuestlons of proper cure, ..nut constitutional limitations on just compensation, reasonable con- the pwt.r 0f Government aro self duct, fair market value and tho like, imposed restrictions upon '.ho will of ii ia quite u uiiicirut i,unK iu ouy tne poopjf. ami qualiry the despotism that Congress may not punish the nct(0r tno majority. Such limitations do of making any Unjust or unreasonable rata or cliargo In dealing with neces saries because tho language Is too In definite and uncertain upon which to fasten criminal liability. The test Is not what the Jury may say, but what the Jury may reasonably infer from the evidence The exaction of an unjust and unreasonable rent makes oppressive the agreement under which the same Is sought to be recovered. "The question cornea back to what the State may do for tho benefit of tho community at large. Hero the leg lslatlon rests on a secure foundation. The struggle to meet changing condi tions through new logaslutlon con stantly goes on, The fundamental question Is whether society Is pro nartd for the chance. Tho law of each age Is ultimately what that age thinks should toe in law, "Decisions of the courts In conflict with legislative policy when such de cisions & been brought to be un. wisely hard and stiff, have been met by tMSanitatlpajtUasunendmenta, as In not yield to strong opinions merely. They are incorporated In the funda mental law to restrict power, iney forbid dovomment to take from tno owner without compensation what ever private right to control tha use of his property that It may earnestly desire to deprive him of. ''Isolated expressions of the courts may suggest that whatever' the Leg islature enacts on grounds of public (policy should be sustained, but the courts may not uphold tbo trxerclso ot unconstitutional and arbitrary power, What is arbitrary and wtoat Is beneficent moat be de elded by common sense applied to a conurete set or facts. To uphold pri vate contracts and to enforce their tSMlgatloiia la a matter of high public consequence, but the Legislature lias a wide latitude In doing what seems in accordance with sound Judgment and reasonableness In order to bring rwout a great good to e large class of citizens, even At some rAoriflce of privato rights. Curative aeUon Is needed. While 30004 Anaconda Ta 39 93S tool Antla Aner Oil TUf 19 3000 Armour A Co Tt t.. 9t 104 nearer Board as........ tl. SOOO Beth Steel fa 33 94 2O0U4 Cerra da Iasoe I 14 3S004 Con Oa 1 194 11000 Corner Exaort 31.... 99 0004 Diamond Match TSl...lOt 13004 Ekapin O A V 6 34..... II 1004 Ooodrtcn Tire I. 99 3004 Orand Trunk 4t 96 CEW04 Oulf OU T I'U 1004 Hclat Co' 7l. 97 10000 llftrU, Myeea 6 90 300 I. N N A 81 1. DiV 6... 1I1S 1004 Monti A Co TS 93 6404 Ohio Citle Tl 33 97 6000 Ohio OUet 71 33 94 1004 OiUo l'owera 71 9$ M0 n J Reynold 4l 91 5100 Seen lloeburk I SI.... W 3S009 Ser lloou-k T . . . . 3040 Beri Uoetiuek I 33.... Mia eaoo Sinclair C TUi 90S am - n. a. 100 IIOVO SooUwort Urn I 4S 1MW4 S O N V Jl JJ 101U I mm nun , . --- - iina H o N Y Ta 103 1WO0 S O N Y 11 J?.... aooo nun ii .. KM. IMII A, IV. I. . . . IJOW1T1U I.,.. , S3 94 9T 96 96 93 194 9S 19 93 IMS MS MU 100 IBS 94 93S 94 97S 997, 63 90S 9T 90S 93 93S 104 96 99 94 IMS 9ft WS 104 MS 94 93 94 97 IK LIBERTY BONDS. Lib., S l-ls opened 90.86, 3d is, 1S.S0 off .02; 2d 4 .1-43, 8(5.94, up.M; 8d, 90.22, off .06; 4th. 87.14, off .03; Vic tory 4 3-4s, 97.48. FOREIGN EXCHANGE. Belgian fr., dem., .0701; catlis, .0734. off .0020c; marks, dem., .0152; cables, .0153, off .0013c; Swiss fr. dem., .1S70; cables, .1675, off ,0002c; guilders, dem, .3415; cables, .3436, off .0015c: Sweden kr dem.. .2230; ca bles. .2235. off .0010c; Norway kr., dem., .1580; cableo, .1585, off ,0023c; Denmark Itr., dem., .icd; caoies, .ioeu, off .0025c. At 2.45 Foreign exchange demand sterling declined to 3.8S 1-4, corbies 3.86. off 4 cents net. French francs, demand .0702, cables 0703. off .0020; lire, demand .03G5, cables .03G6, off .0001. mVttDENTXS. The Northern Pacific Railroad de claxod the regular quarterly 1 J -4 per cent dividend, payable May 2 to stock of record March 18. The Tobacco Products Corporation declared the retrular Quarterly 1 3-4 per cent, dividend, payable April 1 to stock of record March 17. GIVES MILLIONS TO CHARITY IN WILL 1IIU 111 93S MS 1004 Uutoa Tk 7. 97 94 93 97 S MS 94 94S 94 IIS MS 111 101 101S liS 19 11 MVl 94 91 II li ire 97 94 93 97S 99 96 MS IIS 14 WS 101 101 11S IMS 11 loss 9SS 199 I) (j (aid without exaggeration tnat these enactments promote to public health or mora is or rratcty, uicy uo ta n mivuiurablo dogree promote the convenience of many, which la the niMIn conwnlonce. and the public . . . . . I , V. . welfare ana auvunuasv ia iu ittca ui tho extraordinary and untonseen pub lic exigency, which the legislature bos on sufficient evldenoo found to This rullna Is a oomplat reversal of ths Appellate Division of the 8u nnma Court. Flrat DaDartmant, which d sol a red unconstitutional the eviction Wouelnn Law on the around that It constituted un abrogation of contract nd violated the' Constitutional provl- Sine which insure against the tsklna property without dus prooess f The will of Mrs. Elizabeth Mil luank Anderson, disposing of an estate valued at more than 35,000,000 of which more than 13,000,000 was given to charities, was filed to-day In the Surrogate's office. Mrs. Ander eon, who was a daughter of the law Jeremiah MUbank, a director of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail road, besides leaving 350,000 to he nucband, Abram A. Anderson, estab llshed trust funds of $250,000 each for her daughter, Eleanor Anderson Campbell and her grand daughte Elisabeth Mllbank Anderson 2d. Sho also left $650,000 to friends and re! a Uves. Tho largcet single bequest was to the Memorial Fund Association, founded by her In 1906, and to' which she had erivon In the Interim about 33.000,000. Bamo of tho bequests to (diarltr wore: Children's Aid Society. $100,009; Legal Aid Hoc let y. Harlem Branch, 50,000; National Committee for Mental Hygiene, $100,000; Henry Street SoUIament, e50,000; Aulrondac Cottage Settlement, $25,000; Tuskcgeo Institute, $25,000; New Tork Assoola tlon for Improving the Condition of the poor, $200,000: National Child Labor Comrnavtlon. $50,000: American Bodety for Prevention of Cruelty to Aru rasas, xio,ooo; iiarnera college, uaooo: Booietv of the (New Torlc Hos of paper on which she had been writ lng. She had thrown back the wonderful wrap of moleskin, but her face, dark and lovely, had lost some of Its verve. "I was writing you a silly note, Varla," she said gravely. ''Hero It Is, if you want to read it." Sho held out the scrawled sheets and then as Varla hesitated about coming across to her, she changed - her mind as quickly. "It's tho sort of thing Td never say" She toro the pages across and flung them caroie.uly into the waste basket. "I haven't come to apologize; you don't need to think that." "No," Varla answered In a very low voice. She had sunk down on the daven port, and neither removed her bat nor lier furs. She looked steadily across at Nino. "If you're going to wear that martyr-at-the-stako sort of look, I won't stand It!" Nina stood up, her eyes flashing. Varla dropped her eyes and traced a pattern on her lap. Of course, you think I'm every thing black and bad there is to tnmif -but it's not trne, Varla. I didn't start out to do It. You don't know hat a nasty position I was In. Dad wouldn't give me a cent, and then there were my clothes: he d even left orders that they shouldn't be touched! I dldJrt Have a thing put wnat ra brought ln a suitcase the night Mel and I were married. "I adore protty clothes It's sort of Dasslon with m. You know, Varla. Some of the men, I know, have fallen ln love with my frocks, not me oui that's beside the question. "Anyway, I know you had all tnose accounts at the shops and I bought things on your accounts, went In deeoer and deeper. But I did think that nerbaps Mel would have tne money later. And Aiei is generous. -when he has anything, 1 didn't real ze what a cox u would put you ln with John." Oh Nina!" varla said, stanuin ud. her eyes tilling witn tears. knew It couldn't be quite So bad as it seemed I know'- She stopped hokllv and held out her hands. you always were a goose, aria. Vintv eald. but her own voice was iiirmtv with fellnc. "Look here, didn't mean to toll you. but I will have seen John since you were married, but I toll you ho's been straight with you and oh. well," she flung herself back In her chair nnd asked In bor old casual voice, a cigarette?" "Wouldn't you like some ten7 Varla offered, trying for a natural note. . ... Thanks, nui i musi go ou. i mm an engagomeni wiui ou remember her sue s jusi on ior wh e with her Illtlo Doy. wnai time Is It, Varla?" . Varla pulled down her lont? glove and glanced at her wrist. Tho ac tion was almost mechanical, but she stared for a moment ai me kuc wrist with dismay before sho re membered what Sho had done with her watch. Nina was watching ncr. They met each others' eyes a little shamo-facedly. Nina, warm and im pulsive as she always was, suddenly patted vana'S snouiaer. "You always were an old sweet,, oho said huskily. Then sho went qutcKiy down mo Vinll Had Nina understood, then? In that moment had she read Varla's mirpriso and known that she had sold tho watdh? But Varla taking off her Vint ttnA ,-ntt.t and toaohlmr tbo button that brought tho room Into llgbt, felt a eense of reller. Nina was not utterly heartless-as she 'haA come to think her these Jnst.days. Under that onarm, so dangerous io men, eo aangerous io .-Niuiao own nmn. wyi r n. marm nearx. vara knew that between them was a bond, a bond tnat could not bo pronen i splto of Nina's wanton seinsnncss, in spite of her own awakening to the real Nina, Tint .Tohn7 in (ho low chair by tho window In her own room varla sai, trying to see things as they were. How could she blame John for loving this passionate, luring woman ber own sister? Could he ever care for her so crystalline clear wnen comporeo with the murky depths of Nina's per sonality? . . , . . i?he saw now that she had been hoping ln vain hoping against rea- son and common senso "w's she should have faced the truth. SHE loved Nina. Through It all Nina's wildness, her moods, her tem pershe still loved her. The gray light deepened ln the room and Varla put her hands over her face. He onerea ner nia ouuer friendship, his respect but sho knew In that moment of discovery that she would have given It all for Just one tiny atom of the fire she had not struck from him. Her hands dropped away from her face and touched a small, hard ob ject ln the pocket ot her skirt. Lifting It up curiously In the half light, she saw that it was the tiny statue of St. Joseph that Molly had given her. Her heart's desire! That was not for her. A tear slid slowly down her check and touched the metal figure. Usually Varla was at caso with Adam and could teaso him and laugn with him; but to-night her voice was uncertain when she answcml and sne found she could not meet his Btcady "Oh, yes. ho said he wouldn't be homo to dinner ho" sho broUo off and went over to tho plana "Wouldn't you likd mo to piny some thing for you, some CSrleg or" "No." lio stared across at her, at her hair so soft and shining, nt tho bluo eyes tho color of dark pnnsles. She was In her street dress still. A fawn colored frock with bands of soft "Whv. Adam, vou'ro as serious a a as a lawyer," she said, hoping to rally him; "ever since i saw you in your offlccs, you'vo flUod mo with awe" Adam had shoved lu.- :.aua3 neep Inln hl.v nnrkntx. Ho leulied back 111 his chair, his long legs stretched be fore him, looking ai vana. wuu sudden Intensity. "Why do you look ai me iiko mm, Adam?" the asked stopping. "Don't you know7" in. vnlco H.1LS dean and hold. a new vlhp.ini'V. li ondiion detith of fccllnw that clutched at Varfa's breath. "I thought you understood. Aaam, she wild qulokly. "I wanted you to pretend to like mo for John's sake--but that's all over now. It it bra t necossary," he strained to catch her words. "I've learned e-o mo thing, that lovo doesn't come by playing for It--or praying either It Isn't a protty gamo to try to win" "I'm not pretending, variai- "What do you mean?" VarLa sat ud very straight, both hands catching at tho sides of the chair, tho light dying out of hor face as something ciso awoko to Knowl We've been inenas ror a long tlmo?" She nodded. "A man can't tret to bo thirty-two without having lovo affairs; you know that, don't you, dir7 I've been in fatuated once or twice, I'vo thought myself ln love. But it's the slow kind that's dangerous, Varla, tho kind that comes on gradually, friendship deep ening into lovo through understand ing and tnen me spaxK, tno suuaen conflagration." His pleasant voice was harah. He had changed so palpably that Varla felt It was another man sho was see ing with this glimpse into ins heart. "Something at tho back of my mind all tho time. Every woman I met I compared with you, sometimes un consciously. I wasn't ln lovo with you, Varia." She gave a little sigh and relaxed on her chair. "Then you asked me to piay ine game with you. wo never nau a chance, did we? John wasn't hero but I saw what was Happening, al though you thought I was blind. "If you'd whimpered and como to me for sympathy llut you have been plucky, Varla. I'vo seen the pain ln your eyes. I'vo heurd yon laugh and I've known that tears were not very far away. That's what got me, Varla, Broko mo all up. I couldn't stand it." Adam stood up and walked ( 'r to (he mantel and stood there silent for a few minutes. Vnrla was frightened. Sho felt strained and unnatural, and at any moment she expected to hear John's key grate In tho lock. "I never could bear to seo anything in pain a dog I remember once God, Varla, I thought of you night and morning! I tried to think of a way out. I've found it," "You've found It?" sho asked with dry lips. "You trust mer" "You know I do, Adam" "Let me take caro of iou. little elrt You can get your freedom. Then marry me. it startled you, dear, of course. But there's no reason why you should go on like this when I'm here. I can make you happy. Glvo me the chance. Varla. Don't ruin three lives througli prudery" He was so fcig and so ccntle and so kind! His eyes looked down at her' like the eyes of collie, faithful and full of entreaty. She could not hurt him, this man who wanted to help her. "Adam, dear, you don't understand. I couldn't" "I wouldn t expect you to lovo me the way I lovo you," ho said rfmply. "but I'd look out for you, dearest" his voice was 'hoarse and sho saw the muscles In his checks working. AVas this the rofuge after the storm? Was this the pathway to peace? "I can't think now there's been so much to-duy" He picked up his hat and took his gloves from tho tablo where he had thrown them. Sho saw he wanted to kiss her, sho rend his de sire In the face so near her own. but she pulled back and said sortly, "Good night, Adam." He cared moro for her than for himself she could sec that For ho did not touch her, but sold good night as he went quickly down the hall. For a tlmo she stood with her eyes on the rug at her feet, trying to find some answer ln tho recesses of her heart. 1 knew you were going to be alone. Varla; that's why I came," Adam THiiilina said as he strode down tha KfL Jhl SWK tbor plauolblo fib. CHAPTER XT. ' f2rT,lIB OUBAT NOTtTHEIlN HOTEJL," Nina Itogors JK, said na sho stepped Into the taxi. Just a few moments before she had been with Varla. She was deeply touched. All that was boat In her, her warm heart, her Impulsive ten derness, had been roused by her younger sister. Varla loved her. She loved her even now, after sho had discovered Nina's last act of un speakable selfishness. , 'Til do something for her!" Nina told herself. She leaned forward and taiiped on tho window. "I'vo changed my mind. I want to go to Lower Broadway, near Fulton Street," sho explained. Then sho sank back with n little sigh. Alice Dana would expect her, of course, and be disappointed but she would telephone dator and give soma !-Crdom with a. breath pt virility, eoma- '-Tth' thing 9!ltbe,cWnt$al . Kibiiuut iieaaaone, rnv TprMorrow'riUrsaJrio Jn. u case pi toe decision or toe Hu- law. . -ft. . TVSV' ' ' af-JKiJii J iLA...k..:t filgkgJa W1 ; ?m may question. Whether U may