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, .' WW"'" i ,- A ,WflM 1,1.' . i i. n , n , i lmM , , , , mini . m M,.,i.. immmemmammiiJ'1- I it- r About Plays and Players By BIDE DUDLEY THE Fidelity has climbed Into the ring ami put tip Its dukes. This organization of actora and actresses Is tho legitimate adversary of ttua Equity, and 1. does not bollove rn the Equity shoj Idea. On the ns uraptlon that uaid Idea. Is notblns tnoro or leas than the closed nhop, w. utiiftlltv has arrawred for Gov. TTnrv J an addrecw on "Amerlcanlum and tlio Open Shop- at Henry Miller b The atre a week tram to-morrow nlRh 16 Governor Is to be Introduced by Henry Miller, President of the Fidel ity. Other prominent players who irlH sit on the otaso are David War Held, Mm. Flake, Margaret Anplln, Zclda Boars, Holtorook BUnn, Louis Mann and Honrard Kylo. Admission PET AMBITIONS Walter Kempner of No. 11S8 East 13th Street, you have won the prize to-day In the Pet Ambition contest. Yes, you have, and tho nolf-nlllnj; prcscrlptlon-slzo pocket flask will bo ( sent you on receipt of $4.80 to cover Allen of Kansas to deliver packing and postage if you'll drop In well shake your hand and have our picture taken with you. Now for your rhyme: I I've travelled all about the world. And many things I've tried, Hut one thing that I'm crazy 'bout It a hobby, on the side. Now, what I'm simply daffy o'er f Altti thlm tiytthryttt rnniHIin, I Z, v.. ,iw .hirh mav be ob- ' P Pcm, short and sweet. Will ISO VJ ' i A init tained from II. E. Weaver, Manager i of Henry Miller's Theatre. Thexo will ' be no charge. Bat'.Uns Allen has had numerous bouts with Kid Unionism ' and It said to pack a punch In either hand. We bIuUI see. About my Pet Ambition. DECISION FAVOR 3 N. V. A. Justice Delehanty of the Supremo Court has denied the motions of Harry Mountford and William Conlcy to restrain the Orphcum and Marcus Xoew vaudeville circuits from clvlns the matinee receipts of Friday, April t, to the Insurance Fund of tho Na tional Vaudeville Artists. HELPING JACK OUT. Mark Eisner, who used to be Col lector of Internal Revenue, made a short talk to tho Friars yesterday at their club house. Jock Qleoson was roastmoster. At the proper momont Jock arose and began: "Gentlement and Friars, I have the pleasure to announce that a noted man will address us. It Is my privi lege to introduce" -Dave Stamper!" called a mls grtldcd bell-boy. Much excitement followed but we could learn nothing. PROF. JACKIE OFFICIATES. Jackie Ooogatl is becoming ml;hty playful here of late. Yesterday he asked Eugene D. Miller of tho Bllt more If he might lead the orchestra at feeding time. Mr. Miller asked. Hazy Natey, the musical director, about It and Hazy said, "sure thine!" Bo Jackie took the baton and beat up a lot of nice. Inoffensive air. He was excellent In the piano fortlsslmos and hocus creschendos. MAYBE IT WAS. An actor was complaining to a friend on Broadway last night about ils hard luck. Til bet," he said, T have more troubles than any other man alive." "liar, harl" came from an elderly man who wag passing. It was Lloyd George. GOSSIP. Celene Craven has been cngagod for "Love Binds." "The" Tavern" will leave the George li. Cohan Theatre In two weeks. Edward Waldmann win open a series of Shakesperlan matinees at the Longacne April 26, playing Shy lock. Helen Hoerle Is to be press miss for Edgar MacGregor's musical play, "A Dangerous Maid." The Belle of New York" has been presented In the British Isles for twenty-one years by the Bannlotor company. Beatrice and Marcelta Swanson bava been engaged for parts In "The Lost Waltz." Rosetta Duncan of "Tip Top" has received a mash note from Irkutsk. Siberia, and has put It in with tin rest. An exhibition waKz contest for two sliver cups will be held at th Tun-ace Garden Dance Palace Tuesday night It is open to all dancers. Florence Schubert of Chicago hai been engaged by 1ao Shubcrt of New York as understudy for the ladles In "The Belle of New York." Sho sing for him and be liked Miss Schubert's serenade. In the cast of the plays to be given Monday and Tuesday afternoons at the Morosco Theatre by Prof. George p. Baker's "Harvard Korty-.icven Workshop" will be Dorothy Sands, James Bemour, a nephew of Fanny Davenport; ana wmiarn vnuchan Moody Fawcctt, nephew of William Vaughan Moody. A THOUGHT FOR TO-DAY. Errors by Bonne were one blc rea- eon why the Cincinnati ball team lost to lltiturs.j i.iursaay. WlNCHEflpOrl, MASS, oikl AWAKES AFTER 5 WEEKS SLEEP SVP YET THEY CALL THEM THE Restless sex Sing sing REPORTS BRlNPELL A POOR. SCHOLAR. WELL TrjrrmrE) 'HE'S FOR. SPELL 4LT00NA MAM WHO SPEAKS 6 LANGUAGES SUES Talkative WIFE FOR DIVORCE 0E TOrtGLE HE COULPHT MASTER. JOE'S CAR Figures DmTUe, Joe! IH-UJELL, IT SEEMS Tb ME. YOUR&- j" YOU SAVU. A DOLLAR. On I f I ITwJX J c, ,,M 1UfM ,.lctx I WftSnNwflWTOFTlME.-mYINGTo -THE. CAR AND LOSE. TiDO L fc 7 r J . SOMEJTiMES I M IHCLINEO OVERMA0L-ffVT CAR YOURSELF ) TKE: OFFICE. ' I rV367 -43 7i I "Tb THINK SHE.S SOT A LOT V A I'm swhg money H i You're verv clever.'.) U J ft )?74-2t n more- BRaims "TfiAN 1 Have. ' I ) AIN'T ? HAVE YOU J T C M ' ' I ' J THE BIG LITTLE FAMILY She's "Even Tempered"! ( 6SEfeS?2Sfi ) I -THIS IS BOATOIMG HOUSE ) ? lJl f SUES KWlM m MBM'J m -&m m&, life I I fa (KEEP Au)iw WATT ZAT ELECTRICIAN JAILEP FOR BOOTLEGGING- WON'T SHOCK MM 67 YEAR 0LO SEA CAPTAIN SUEP FOR ALIENATION Op AFFECTIONS- AfAYSE THE RESULT OF HU6GIHQ THE SHORE. HUGMEfi WIN,. SCORE Phil - i rFL0AT7tf6 il lSLAt Jersey man, father of ii children can't find a suitable apartment IN N-Yt CITY T'S HHP To f C4TTAGE COTTAGE ILLINOIS POLITICIAN Wilis TOWN ELECTION BY FREE -GIFTS OF SOAP SoIP Ms ivcrt MMY stH AFFAIR. civic League ELECTON LlTTLf NP(V CLEflff jAFFAlR. J FOOLISHMENT. Sing to me, dearie. And make the song cheery, I'm tired, Come on start the yell, dear, You won'tf Very well, dear, you're fired. FROM THE CHESTNUT TREE, "lie baa smallpox. He's to be pitied." "Pitted, you mean." TEU I The uupge ABOUT THE VCHILP iQE'OB Bleaches Clothes White ROCKVILIE CENTRE WIFE 73. SAYS HUSBAND ACCUSEP HER ON,) FLIRTING To THE Papers some husbahps HAVE MAUY EYE PBfiLS "PUSSYFOOT" UOHNSON jokes over The loss OF HIS EYE sjms nest LITTLE MARY MIXUP cHocOl.TE m& . A L)L)lc ice cfeefA IS LSAtflN' ? Heads She Wins, Tails You Lose, Bobby! I OUR icecise I AY chocolate. op m AW-? p 'Tt ti I I I 1 I 1 - L- 1 Don- PoaTfirtfi You CahT Don sucr Vou TUuia - fcDwto Pagrea- tscbo .y.r SoTbo our .iiHTrrt,"J!T7t? union irfn. r -jSnitft-a.H KATINKA ?'s Go a Natural Disguise Now! w in X aMAT, THAt IfcP 1 ' si y oX H tMU&.l'Lfcl mn Kc HRgl I - g GOLLY, IPIDNT KNOW ITF 513 VIVIAN THE AMP Thr Kid Is a "Black Hander"! . V M -THE hi WE vNkS LOOKIM& FO(2- A PECE OF CRAPE T'WA.UG OM rS LOCKED 1OOB..N MEhOCW ) OF SOrAETHlMt. Ofi OTUEfe.. THAT HMO-UST- "DEATH ' CRAPE ( NUTHIN'J li lAM TO VI EL . tin. r ' V n l I1M I 1 t-l y LOU rjm'7 fit' A'o AVss si-.iiSS SRM , L-OVl'. - H' MOTHER SRWS OUR 1 rnno, t nn- Appn?, eww -rut? ( BU. OF HHGVSORl000 Ol-B CfH OO -TM OUT I ' ir-??2w I i i fcwwi'-Fi. jk. ''w' it-c y j IV I SUPPOSE t shoolo viro n) RLV."eC?EO TO OCBTH " UK ' 1 tAWS VPifA ' KORGEN V4O0L.O s MPRESS ' u, - I nWVEL. '. - -VW GROCER , vVpRONVVSED H& . FyHJ-xi we oeuvyeRs the lL JZT 'r " 11 1 loss OF THi YE Qpeiek ':Vy,v,Cy,V'.' '