Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING WORLD, SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 1921. BIG THINGS IBAHLETOSTOP LEGISLATURE ND DIDN Leader Donohue Dut Errors of Omis pnd Commission. Last L N. Y.. April It In tho ours of tho Lcfflslaturo fstulcr Cbarlca D. Donohuo itcmcnt of what had been hi by tho Lcstnlaturo In It Its treatment of New and tho State generally, era of tho Assembly lls m with politeness and re after all It was too late at bad been done, and this f. Donohuo said bad been Islaturo of 1M1 has, be aoedont, ignored the rights m, especially tho City of Legislative lllndenburgs "scraps of paper" out of itracta In order to enable, n Trust to Increase street d to roalca a market for Its ck. it the new Public Commla tt a popular uprising', the vsra are riven tcn-ycar made virtually lrremov- fn enforcement legislation onactcd wbloh out-Vol-Itoad. This Is but ono ot 1921 which add greatly to ma' burden. savins la bo necessary to no less than to the corn Industrial centres, that its orcd not submit this quca rfcmnilnm vote. Instead, lecrccd a echeme ot local devoid aliko of principle n sense, and bound to pro dmum of Inconvenience, priceless natural resource e, water power, has been I to priviito exploitation In las ot a reorganisation of lal Commission tho Legta- s mado ndmlnlstratlvo Iculated to undo a decade o factory and compensj- ir the authors of this rcc n be rid of direct nomlna- rislation enacted at this eslgned to provide for: nrjit of a Stato rajtlon worship commission with eject any and all objec ns. atlon of tho State Boxing . A new Sports Commia control over boxing and Members ot the new com aervo without pay. Uon of tho State Tax , transferring to it most of tux oollcctlnff agencies, n are those which hcreto )dgnl in tho offices of the 3f State and tho Stato ncnt of a commission to lo J45.OOO.000 in bonuses to Bore, marines and nurses In the World War. Insis ting $25,000,000 for tho im nirsoment of the bonus, an a referendum at tho last Won, was enacted. 1 of a State disability ) old to wounded and dla Uis of tho World War. of moro than 2,000 posl- Stato service by tho recommendations of the Budget Committee, .tlon or New York Stato 0 a treaty with New Jer development of tho Port rk. nuation of the Lockwood 1 life. tmcnt of the l,usk Antl- 11s, denlgncd to compel take an oath of loyalty, owcr the State Kdueation to all private 10 last bill is aimed at tho 1 of Social Science in New amendments to tho Con bicli will bo submitted to , ot the State at the next udo: i of a literacy test for all In 1922. . to World War veterans :o in civil service appoint- r the salaries of the Judges i t at Appeals to $17,500. I f the salaries of tlio mom- Legislature from $1,500 'o i i letlon of the State Gov ( ellmlruitlng tlio Secretary Treasurer and Stato Kn- ictivo otllcers. Tho State's tmld bo plnroil in twenty Separtments. i le proposed Constitutional, recommended, which I D be approved by another i beforo submission to tho f iho official terms of I 3d Lieutenant Oovernur to I Instead of two. , from tho Governor tho grant reprieves, pardons i ? and creating a pardon 1 i appointed by the Clov- c will bo justly suspicious I nomy" programme whlrli I appropriations for th.l tals and for AinerlcaniJia but lavishes $100,000 for .1 I Shlug excursion into tin New York City, and f.u is to continuo the scrvio. i appraisers, whose work. dec arcil. "coulil he ii.m., in the Lli: ilr.rirtTn.-nr " iy reductions from the l.'.'n rinauoii.f, it any tncre Ik. Ions to FRAUDS ON ALIENS WON BY COTILLO of Banking Bills Based on Evening World's Expose Sent to the Governor. (Special from a Staff Correspondent of The Evening World.) ALBANY. April 16. Senator Sal vatorg A. Cotlllo has achieved the greatest victory won in this session of the Legislature In the passage late yesterday of the last two of his bank ing bills, ono of which regulates money transmission abroad through the sub-agents of steamship and ex press companies, and the other mak ing It a misdemeanor to engage in tho banking business without the authorization of tho Superintendent of Banks. The Governor will sign both bills, for they wero passed at tho last mo ment under an emergency message from him. Senator Cotlllo's victory will bring relief to thousands of foreign born here who have been robbed of mill. AMU8EMENT3. -THEATRES UNDER THE DIRECTION R BROADWAY at 49th ST. 2) eceptioa The Colorful, Stirring Romance of Anne Bolcyn and King Henry VIII In scenes that for color and splendor have seldom been equalled on stage or screen vast ensembles, brilliant pageants stupen dous settings of palace and battlement intimate glimpses oj Court and Boudoir a triumph of screen art Special presentation by Hugo Riescnfeld with Augmented Orchestra and Chorus RIVOLI CONCERT ORCHESTRA Frederick Stahlberg and Joseph Littau, Conducting TIMES SQUARE . BEGINNING TOMORROW Fifth Anniversary Week ADOLPH ZUKOR, presents ELSIE FERGUSON "Sacred and Profane Love" SpecUI Muiic Week Programme FAMOUS RIALTO ORCHESTRA Hugo RtcenMd and Lion Vanderheiai, Conducting UitTlinToJaT,MacliSoaiIt'"ASiuirfiUol" ZT ANAnoNAL. nritij,ii4i' .Cawrine Curtis- prjii3 a RALPH CONNOR'S FAMOUy - A PICTURE DIHfCTED KING OV M53 Has "".xkrMrf I sr I mm B 55 WRRY SEM0N,MciM6PvaT,THE HICK J STRAND SYMPHONY OlimmPi TO-DAY at 2.30 TO-NIGHT at 8.30 We Are Moving Again! Ilejsinniiig lo-morrow, with Mntinci at :i I. M., WILLI M l'OX prescnls His Wumlrrful Siirfrss OVER the HILL Uy Will Cnrlcton. IJircclcil by Hurry Millardc. the PARK THEATRE S:,r.rv TWICE DAILY AND SUNDAY. All Seats Rc.erved. which thoy havo tried to sctull their distressed .uid helpless, friends and relatives abroad. The Senator's light followed ex posure by Tho Evening World of the bandit methods of certain sub-agents of big steamship anil express com panies. The Kvcnlng World spent months in investigating monev trans mission on tho lower east side and In Harlem and the llronx. Tho In vestigation developed a rotten con dltlon of graft and thievery. It was found that the Ignorant and , tllltorato foreign born residents been depositing money wmi countrymen to bo sunt to Ives in Poland, Kussla, Austria, Italy and all other foreign countries. Tho sub agents, doing a banking business as representatives of the steamship and express companies, beyond tho palo of the banking laws, had been rob bing tho unfortunate aliens on the rate of exchango a nil In many cases had not went a cont of tho money en trusted to thorn out of tho country. The Evening World's exposure at tracted the attention of bankers and of societies having for their object tho protection ot tho foreign born residents, but all those who would help the aliens found that thero was no law to protect the victims, nor to punish the thieves. Senator Cotlllo, Just re-elected from a district whero much of this swind ling had been perpetrated, then took up tho tight and drafted three bills designed to cheek the evil. Ono of these, passed some days ago, Ia now a law. Tho others will become law as soon as they reach tho Governor. Thero Is still a resolution in tho Committee of Rules calling for an In vestigation of money transmission i lit lions and it Is being held up . re, but It may be rcloascd to-day. AMUSEMENTS. OF HUGO R1ESENFELD Directed by Ernest Lubitsch, the creator of 'Tassion." With a cast that in cludes Henny Portcn and Emil Janrtings. Europe's two greatest film stars. . And 7,000 Others Adolph Zukor prcient CRITERION TIMES SQUARE Fourth Week ADOLPH ZUKOR, presents Sir James M. Barrie's "Sentimental iommy A PARAMOUNT PICTURE lKsnrvmoN "rM - nnott i jw?wig pictucizatiom HOVEL V I D OR. Mia BROADHURST THEATRE, 44th Si.. Weil of Bronclway Broadway at Ninth Street. New York. Business Hours--9 to 5. Telephone Stuyvesant 4700 Presentation Monday, of the New Summer Hand-embroidered Net Robes From China Exquisite hand - embroidered unmade robes on fine cotton net in patterns rich and massive or dainty and fine; $45. Lovely also are Chinese hand embroidered net bandings, 2 to 5 in. wide, $1.95 to $0.95. And, to match, haml-cmbrold-ered edgings on net, 2 to 7 in. wide, $2.25 to $7.50. - Main Floor, Old Building THE A Big Let-go of Many Remnants Silks and cotton weaves The main aisle in the New Building of the Down-Stairs Store will bo devoted chiefly to this remnant sale on Mon day; and the variety will be so large that every woman can find something useful and wantable underpricc. Silks, 50c yd. Good silk remnants from COc to $1.95 a yard for $1.25 to $4.95 (rrades. Georgettes, tricolcttcs, pongees and crepes do chine. Many col ors; many kinds. More good news about Banded Hats, $2 Every woman knows how useful a banded hat is; and one banded hat, at least, is a necessary part of the summer wardrobe. These are sailors and roll brims ; of barnyard, sennit, and Milan hemp ; with crepe band or gros-grain ribbon. Plenty of black, brown and navy; and all the popular high shades. You may want more than one when you see how good they are, and how inexpensive. Downstairs Store. Old Dulldlng Women's Taffeta at $10.75 So seldom can you find now taffeta dresses at $10.75 j that these should be a happy surprise. We have eighty of them, in two models both tunic variations. One, with eye let embroidery, is wonderfully effective. Sizes 31 to 41. Downstairs Store, Old Dulldlno Misses' Frocks, $20 echo the sale One of the most interesting groups of frocks in last week's salt; was tho group at $20. These were about a third underpricc The variety still offers excellent choosing from satin, taffeta and crepe de chine typical fashions for young women, with many fanciful features that fit the springtime needs of Miss 14 to 20. The crisp taf fetas and the soft, clinging crepe de chine arc two extremes that emphasize tho satisfying variety. Downstairs Store, Old Dulldlng Wool Blankets, $7.75 cause much comment These blankets weigh 4 Vi pounds. The plaids are beautifully blended. In fact, blankets like these (in view of the last four years) have a right to cause comment at $7.75 a pair. Double bed size. Khaki blankets, $5.50 These good wool blankets arc often preferred because they are so practical. 00x84 in. Very low in price, and fine for summer homes, camps, and such. Good Dinner Sets now marked down Summer cottages, bungalows and homes need just such inex pensive dinner sets us these, and we have reduced the prices to conform to new sets that aro now due. At $17.50 100-picce set; two patterns; were $22.50 and $25. Other 100 piecc and 100-piece sets at $27.50, S30. $35. $37.50 and $42.60 ueio $32 to $55. V 9 1 Four Player-Piano Music Rolls, $1 Rythmodik rolls 2,500, c 1 a s a i cal selections; regular price COc to $2 each. 200, popular selections, with the words of tlio songs printed at the side; regular price $1 and $1.25 each. Angclus rolls COO, classical selections; regu lar price COc to $2 each. First Qallery, New Dulldlng DOWN-STAIRS STORE Cottons, 10c yd. Cotton goods remnants from 10c to C8c a yard one-third to one-half less than regulnr. Percales, madras cloths, voiles, ginghams, white goods and other weaves tlio wanted kinds. Downstairs Store, New Building Dresses of Comforters, $1.95 Alost housewives like mull top comforters like these, and the plain borders harmonize so nicely that your eye will be attracted immediately. Downstairs Store, New Dulldlng At $13.50 52-piece sets service lor six persons. Others at $17.60 and $20 were $17.50 to $23. At $8.50 16-pieco imported corral sots. These arc fine sets; and at $M..r,0 they are the best sets we have seen anywhere in a long, long time. Downstairs Store. New Dulldlng Formerly A. I orLiv ing-room Breakfast room and Veranda New and delightful models, combining style with luxurious comfort. In separate pieces, or m sets of from four to ten pieces. Reed and willow nat ural, stained or enameled in all colors. Combina tions of willow with cane in enameled wood frames. All with harmonizing cushions in rich-toned hand-blocked English cre tonnes or linens, or the smart new glazed chintzes. And one thousand pieces of Chinese Reed and Grass Furniture at One-third Less An order placed nearly two years ago for these thousand pieces has just arrived. It rather crowds us. We didn't know just when it was going to get here, and so we arranged for other summer furni ture. Now, we have more than we can conveniently display. So Down go prices One-third on every one of the thou sand pieces. The regular prices arc bused on costs at the time tho older was placed I much lower thnA Music Week Tim Wanamakcr Auditor i u m announces lioginning Alonday, April 18, 2.30 I. A!.: First Public Presentation of a remarkable mntion pic ture, entitled The Musician Immortalized The story of the realiza tion of a dream in which the artist's interpretation of great music is preserved for posterity. Note: Aliihic lovers will have the opportunity of see ing for the first lime in motion pictures the follow ing great aitisLs, actually playing: RACHMANINOFF. GODOWSKY, ORNSTKIN, Z1AIHALIST, ALMA GLUCK. singing Arturo lludanzky, conduct ing and the National Sym phony Orchestra. Concert Hans Itarth, pianist. Loi.- Bennett, .-oprano. Filone Mayo, dancer. And the CIIICKFRING A.Ml'ICO KFI'KODUCING I'lANO. Admission complimentary. First Gallery, New Dulldlng Furniture for Children At tempting price 8 wicker bassinets, $17.95 our $21.95 grade. Charming model, rubber tired wheels, ivory color. 10 wicker bassinets $33.50 our $55 grade. Two models, with .stationary' or adjustable hoods. Rubber tired wheels. Ivory color. Kumi'y cribs, in white, small size $29.50 large size, $31.50. Wire screened, with adjust able sides and springs, collapsi ble model, on wheels that can be packed conveniently. Cotton mattress included in price. Sheets Less Hasginet size, 50c; hand-made, $1.25; crib Hizc, (iOc; hand made, $1.60. Pillow cases, 36r; hund-made, 85c. Blaukct.s - Large assortment in lovely .-.oft wool or cotton mixture.-. showing attractive designs or check-, in delicate tones of pink or blue. $1 to $10. Third rioor. Old Dullding T. Stewart & Co. ifP GardenFurn iture Rough hickory, au vat urcl; cypress, painted prmmt cost). So that you teally save more than a third. Charming styles Settees, rockers, chairs, tables, tea-wagons tabour ettes and chaises-Iongucs, in that comfy, springy quality characteristic of tlio Chinese weave, and in the natural color a soft, grayish-green. The Correct Gown of ample size When the Women's Sa lon planned this service for large women, it was decid ed that two things wero essential carefully studied lines; exquisite material. This standard has been kept in each gown of ample size, from the least expen sive at $49.50, to those at $135. Many materials The extra-sized gowns for present nnd summer wear arc in the smartest materials of the season crepe de chine, Canton crepe, crepe meteor, taffeta, tricot ine and I'oiret twill. Ornament is directly applied. Only the finest of beading, touches of embroidery, and cut-out eyelet work or braiding are used. Trimming is made to accentuate slender lines and not to givo the effect of elaboration. In dark blue, gray, black and brown and many two-toned combinations that arc now so smart. Second Floor, Old Dulldlno Exceptionally pretty Smocks The model illustrated is a white smock of unusual ly fine crepe. A delightful touch of color is introduced in the buttonhole stitch worked in wool that binds all the edges and forms the little tie. Soft sash is slipped through quaintly shaped pockets to tie in a careless knot. French blue, jade, purple, rose or yellow trimming, $5. Smocks of somewhat heavier cotton crepe aro equally attractive and ef fectively trimmed with motifs in outlining stitch done in black wool. In -.oft .shade- of yellow, given, rcie, orrhid or white, $2.!5. tlurd Moor Ulrt tlunuinu IT is not hz type and big talk in the newspapers but the quality, fashion and fair price of the goods in the store which make value and give lasting satisfaction. Furniture white slat-board style, English and French de signs. $80 settee at $20. $.'13.50 settee at $22.25. $.'17 settee at $24.C0. $14 rocker at $8.25. $18.C0 rocker ut $12.26. $19.00 rocker at $12.50. $20.60 rocker at $13.50. $21.50 rocker at $14.25. $22.00 rocker at $14.50. $17 chair at $11.25. $18 chair at $12.00. $19 chair at $12.50. $20 chair at $1:1.21.. $24 chair at $10.00. $1G.00 chair at $10.60. $15.00 table at $10.25. $17.50 table at $11.60. $24.00 tabic at $10.00. $?15.00 L-ible at $23.26. $3(5.00 table at $24.00. $33 tea wagons at $22. $32 Chaiscs-longues, $21.75. $13 Tabourettcs at $8.60. Fifth Qallery, New Dulldlno Bedding Sets Very low priced Mattress, filled with best quality of black .: 1 u : t. I II tl I I UfJIlUt- I stcrcd box-sprino two f $68 jf..,f.'0, teMAOU in,, iiuuij with mixed feathers; regular price $91.45. Mattress, filled with springy black horse . . i. 1 -, I nun uiiiimakciuM lup l box-sprinil two pillows ) SR3 rilin.i i r,.n. t" tinvu nihil iiii.wii 1V.1U1I- ers; regular price $108.45. Mattress, filled with best quality long gray jiui.-iu nan , w..m !, i with upholstered tufted r S85 with mixed feathers; regular price $110.45. The abovo quotations are for full bed sizes; smaller sizes may be had at proportionate reduc tions. All mattresses will bo covered with a very good grade of striped ticking with u sateen finish. Sec samples Sample bedding sets have been made up and may bo seen in the Redding Shop. Sixth Gallecv, New Dulldlng Swinging Davebport Hammocks For lawn, porch or sleeping veranda; adjustable back, low arm davenport style, furnished in gray or khaki duck, craven ette finish, button tufted back and roll edge button tufted mattress chain suspension, $33. Extension stand, $7. Canopy, $9.75. Complcto outfit, $49.76. Third Gallery, New Dulldlng. New Crepe Meteor Negligees, $18.50 Exquisite affairs just unpacked thoroughly charming and novel slip on model. In pink with blue, rose with blue, Peri winkle with rose, peach with turquoise, or light blue with pink. Third Floor, Old Dulldlng Pouch Handbags, $5 Distinctly chic in line, of good quality moire silk on pretty and well constructed etched metal or self-covered frames, lined with .silk in harmonizing tones. In side purse and mirror. Navy blue, brown or black. rl:r. Old Bulldlnj frp taxes of any kind. Jt..