Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING WORLD, TUjESDAY, APRIL 2G, 1921. 17 MILLIONS MADE M WORLD S BIGGEST OF BARGAIN SALES Walter Damrosch Will Resume His Wagner Recitals As there will bo more Wnsncr opera In town next scuson Walter Damrosoh will resume his well known recitals at the pluno on the Wanner music dramas. He will qlve u Buries of five Sunday afternoons In Aeolian Hall, devoting tils talks to the Ring of the Nlbelunuen openu. Speculators Gel War Depart ment's Left-Over Supplies At Low Figures. WASHINGTON, April S The War Department's disposal of leftover (supplies In the world's greatest bar pain sale, und shrewd speculators ure making fortunes almost dally by bid ding for hundreds of thousands and even millions of dollars worth of war tupplles that they plan to sell at three Dr even ten times the purchase price. ft0k root on the stage of tho Man- It Is no pikers game, though everything imaginable, from corned bcof to surgical Instruments, is Bold. Uncle Sam deals In large lots only und It takes capital to get Into tho Already supplies that cost tho Uovernment more than Jl.300.000,000 have been sold for approximately 1900.000,000. The last of tho leftover canned tivats sold for about i cents n pound, und will be rtwolcl at 10. Smoklnrf tobacco that costs 10 cents In the I tores is being sold at 3 cents In Im lnpnte lots. A man has made a for I ; i ic In barracks bags at 10 cents lach by having them made Into can v is Jumpers at a cost of 35 cents. Army cots that cost tc or $7 at retail t e to do sold at about $2. Hundreds nf thousands of pairs of strong shoes i e offered at Jl and J1.25 a pair. !ine stuff now being bid for cost I i-out $500,000,000. STOKES FAMILY AT DRIVER'S FUNERAL Pay Tribute to Veteran Coachman Who Had Served Them Fifty-Two Years. argnlr Constant Volgnler, coachman for fifty-two years In the family of the late Anson I'hclp Stokes, will be Inirlod this morning at l.enox. Members o", the Stokes family will attend the f ineral. The body will rest beside that nf hla wife, who wns confidential maid f,.i Mrs Stokes for forty years. At the time of his death on Saturday 5' pneumonia, olgnler was eighty-four i ar. old, and uu to two years ago he I t-quently diove a brougham or a vie ,orla In fifth Avenue. Ituth Kemper, violinist, was a late season's arrival on the concert stago, She gave her programme last eve ning In Aeolian Hall. She plays pleasantly and prettily and, if Jho were to be classified, she coxlld bo conveniently grouped with numerous fellow players that have appeared ilwoughurut the aeason, The Favorita Grand Opera Com pany, springing up from nowhere, liatlan Opera Houso last evening, Under the ministrations of Conductor Ivll-Oreflce, proppod by a sturdy chorus, watered by a few stlrrin high notes from the throat of G. Tummlsslnl, tenor, and warmed by the voices of Agnes Robinson as Uloconda, N. Frascanl as Laura, A. Klinuva as Cleca, A. Ordonez us the scoundrel Uarnaba, and 1. Plcchl as Aivlso. tho opera of the evening, "Ia Uloconda," became a thriving opera plant, growing In favor as the show progressed and winning high ap p'ause from a large and excited audience. Three of the singers nre recent ar rivals here, coming from Italy with Mr. Mugnonc, tho great conductor, whoso recent venture at the Lexing ton Theatre did not turn out well. It was a very good performance for a first time. The company Is ambitious enough to give a different work each tlmo It sings. The next pcriormnncn will be Thursday, and the opera will bo "Alda." Ana tlirrr. In mnro ntiera awaiting In tho ofllng. The Southern Comic Opera Company has taken a twelve weeks' lease. It announces, oi too Manhattan, for a senson of summer light opera, opening with a musical version of "The Three Muskatccrs,' adapted by Richard Temple, who has written tho lyrics and tnu music. . , . - AnA-nMn ut,a mllWln world will unite In a testimonial bene-. in ror Anurvas utppei ai wie polltnn Opera House, Monday eve ning, May 9 moiig the Artists who havo volunteered to appear arc: f runces Aina, ssonmc urnsiau, juhu Sara KminH, l.yilla Llpkowska, Mar garet MatKenauer, Alleo Nielsen, Frances 1'omltu; Ionora f-parkes. iieirn mnuicy, mnr.-""1" Kmma Trentlul, Alio" Zeppllt, David tllspham. RolM-rt Hlosa. Charles Hackelt, Morgan ICIngslon. Robert Leonhnrdt. Giuseppe Do Lucn, Leon, Rothlrr, Iliecordo Straculnrl, Clar-. ence Whltehill, Nicola Zcrola and Jan Kubellk. HAZING DEFENDED ! BY CORNELL SUN Enforcement of Law, "Written or Unwritten," Must Be Con tinued, It Says. ITHACA. N. Y., April 26. In answer in tho atatemcnt by Prof. Gcorgo Un rein Hurr that the hazing of Fred Mo rrill, a Cornell freshman, for refusing to near a freshman cjtp, was a "mani festation of lynch law," the Cornell Dally Sun says editorially: "Open defiance of a rule whloh the students conceive to be well grounded by a tradition of long standlne, sho (Cornell) will not tolerate." The Sun. which was criticised by I'rof. Uurr for playing a large part In Mortlli's pun ishment. Is credited with reflecting the opinion of the great majority of the un dergraduate body In Its defense of tho hating Incident. "Lynch law," continues the Sun, "Is not a part of Cornell traditions and never will be, but the enforcement of law. written or unwritten, must con-! tlnuo." I STEVENS TOLD HIM OF WILL, HE SAYS Barber Tells of Revelation, but Search Fails to Find Trace of Paper. Search for a will of Calvin Atnory Stevens has not yet revealed the missing document, If there is one The barber who had attended Mr Stevens for yenra has come forward with ,i statement that a few days before th aged man's death he attended til in ti tho hospital. Mr. Stevens told turn he had made his will and had "taken care of all of his friends," tho burbpi said. Mrs. Stevens, the widow, has dou -d an Interview published in a morning newspaper In which she was reputed to have stated that her dead husband wis penurious, sat up tor hours at night to find even once cent unac counted for in his books and neglect' o ; to take proper care of his family and their residence, No 874C Hay 27tr. I Street, Hensonhurwt rtnee llnrr Kill. ilrl. I'N'HMIt. Okln. April 26 --A five- yviii -old girl was killed and five per . lnjur(l. 'w tl.iusly, whi-i. A ra. ehor.c d.nhnd through a rni . track fence Into ,i crowd of spectators tn-li Tilt lockiv a one of the In mi JlB GasRanges 'liggff H All White, $110 Grey Enamel, $87.50 Black and White, $53 Black with White Doors, $47.50 MAKE FOR HAPPINESS What a joy to have one of these beauti ful, efficient, perfectly equipped ranges! Patented features, quick heating and sanitary surfaces save time spent in cooking and cleaning. Every meal prepared with minimum effort. Rust proof, save gas and keep the heat in. A Range for Every Need, in White or Black and White, $30 to $400. Dealers, Iiuildrrt and Landlord Supplied. J.ROSE&CO. 63 Orchard St., N. Y. One door off On, ml m.. Km Id ud 34 At. "I utd Cuil St. Bub. BROOKLYN OppenhhmQuns & (2 FULTON STREET BROOKLYN Millinery Clearance Sale An Unparalleled Closing Out of 400 High Class Hats Suitable for Every Occasion Actual Values to 16.50 Trimmings Feather Embroidery, Floral and Ribbon Trimmings Colors High and Subdued Spring Shades and Sport Colors. Also Black, Navy, Black and White, Navy and White. 7.50 Every hat taken from regular stock and of fered at this most un usual price for Im mediate clearance. Models Dressy Semi-Dress Tailored and Sport Hats Materials Leghorns Hair, Tinsel and Fancy Braids, Milan Straws, Silk and Sport Fabrics MOE LEVY & SON In the Bronx; 149th St., Dot. Third and Bergen Avon. SECOND FLOOR Downtown: 119 Walker Strcei near Canal St. i0 ' iwmm fWrwM Em 2468 All Wool Suits $25 that's all it takes to buy one of these Suits all wool and smartly styled. You have a splendid variety to choose from. There are cassimeres, worsteds, unfin ished worsteds and serges in every conceivable color and style. Every garment was produced in our own shops by our own tailors under our own super vision. Suits and Topcoats $25 $55 Men's Pants All-wool most of them cut from our regular Suit ings. Ordinarily $9, $10 ATn1.. nnd $11.50. HOW $r-.oo 5 $8-75 to $21-75 119-125 Walker Street 409 Easi34S4hSt.&K Abraham Slorc Hours. 9 to 5 JO P. M. AND BROOKLYN Straus INC Telephone : Main 6100 Specially Purchased and Specially Reduced! Handkerchiefs for Men and Women Many of these aro sample lots, meaninp not many of a kind but priced at about naif, others arc reduced from some of our best numbers in regular stock. And there are all sorts represented, plain linens, colored embroidery, novelty edges, all distinctly hiijher type handkerchiefs, and every one extraordinarily low in price. For Women Ail Linen Handkerchiefs. 25c Redwal from &() Some with machine cmhroiilfiry, hemstitched; some hand-cmbroiderrd nnd some very effectiv styles with mitred hems and colored border Linen Handkerchiefs, .at9c from 7re Daintily embroidered in whit nr rilom All Linen Handkerchiefs 6 for 98c Fine linen cambric or sheer linen. Hemstitched Jap Crepe Handkerchiefs, 25c from i'iOc In pink, maixo or heliotrope, with 1-inch hem. For Men Jap Silk Handkerchiefs, 98c from 9 1.60 24-lnch ire handkerchiefs, hemstitched, with 14. or 1-iuch hem. Very beautiful quality. Twilled Mull Handkerchiefs, 19c from S5c Imported styles, with hems printed in a variety of different desiens. All Linen Handkerchiefs, 25c Hemstitched, with narrow hems. All Linln Handkerchiefs, 48c from GO Largn niz. hemstitched. And a Special Offering of 1.500 lioxes Women's Initialed Mull Handkerchiefs 69c Box of Six Formerly 98c and $1.25 The initials worked in white or colors, the styles cither hemstitched or corded. About a dozen styles, though ovary initial is not included in each assortment. X Hmc Otatrtl. ON SALE IN THE A. & S. LUGGAGE SHOP THIRD FLOOR, CENTRAL r 200 Cowhide Leather Suitcases at $9.94 Each 24 and 26 Inch Lengths Even In the good old days "before the war" such sturdily-built suitcases ofjh'eavy cowhide nt this price were considered a! .siorc than fo.-.iiiK im portance. Only through' a 'very special purchase nre wo able to offer them now at $9.9 1. They are made of selected cowhide leather in a neat shade of tan, over strong steel frames. Fin ished with reinforced sewed corners, two leather straps all around case and sewed loops, as well as brassed locks and catches. Attractively lined with linen in plain or checked designs. The A. & S. Full-size Wardrobe Trunks, $44.75 Trunk after trunk has been compared with this new arrival in the Luggage Section and yet its equal has yet to bo seen at anywhere near this price. These trunks are built according to high A. & S. standards built to stand the most severe handling. Covered with black hard vulcanized fibre and riveted. Equipped with an automatic all-drawer locking device. Has dust-proof curtains; twelve veneer garment hangers. Laundry bag; lined shoe box. Five drawers, including convertible hat drawer. Equipped with spring lock and draw bolts. 45 inches high and 24 inches wide. A. S. Thirl turn, OrrtnL IN THE A. & S. MEN'S SHOP WITH ITS OWN ENTRANCE ON HOYT ST. Men's Spring-weight Suits $34.50 Regular symphonies of sprinErtime comfort, these creations of master tai lors. After a winter of heavy clothes, it makes one feel fine to slip into one of these suits at $34.50. The patterns and colorings are worthy of the excellent workmanship expressed in these garments and not a few for your selection, but a score or more. If you're hard to fit stout, yes, long or short, there is a particular model made exactly for you. Fashioned in tho sea son's favored all-wool fabrics. a. a m-u floor, mm , , Hon stmt. Mr SECOND FLOOR 4 31