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ii .h.'iniiiii i ni ii niHfarf i iii ! ij ii m i in ii in i i iii i mi ii i-'T-i . -i.f - j-mm THE EVENING WORLD, TUESDAY, APRIL 26, 1921. Special Dishes in Our Restaurant Wednesday ft&J6tcyl()0 AHrirfiwtAtfriee Qotlity Smie Optical Repairs Prompt and accurate replacement of broken parts and lenses in modem shop. Best materials used. Lowest-in-thc-City prices. Let us quote you a repair price on your next breakage. JJrflB Optirul DrpU, Main Floor, Halt-on?. n-lth Btrrt, Hmr. r3( Braised Country Sausage, mashed potatoes, frcsli mushroom sauce Sirloin Steak Minute, jardiniere, potatoes O'Brien Home Made Noodles, Provcncale Apple Charlotte, Chantilly JJJOWO Bitnnurt, Rth floor. our own Htrtld Squire B'drMthleJ5UiSt. ii AM Irvl Ed 3 1 1 1 968 Morning Dresses For Women $2.79 l ' ' T l Four attractive straight line models, fashioned of neat, cool fabrics. Two models illus trated. A. Of checked gingham, with roll collar of white pique finished with touches of hand embroidery. Panel front short sleeves patch pockets and separate belt. B. Figured lawn, with collar, cuffs and trimmings of or gandie, edged with pipings of batiste. Patch pockets long tic sash. Sizes 36 to 46. In Our Bouse Dress Section On Sale To-Morrow JrgjTB Ttilrd Flow, Ocntm. 1 til lkA , ajb&iii' , . . - A Filmy Handkerchief Unusual Bedspread Sale Offering Substantial Savings White Crinkled Ripplette Spreads Do not require ironing. Hemmed. 63x90 inches, $1.49 (Single size) 72x90 inches, $1.69 size) 81x90 inches, $1.98 (Full size) White Marseilles Bedspreads Jn attractive raised patterns. Satin finish. A spread of good appearance and wearing qualities. $3.44. Full Hemmed, size. White Crochet Bedspreads Marseilles patterns. Easy to launder. Soft finish. A spread that will wear well. Single or i sizes, $1.79 Cottage Colored Bedspreads Marseilles patterns. In attractive color combinations of rose and white, Copenhagen blue and white, light blue and white, pink and white and yellow and white. Hemmed, $2.94. Full size. is all the daintier in a woman's eyes if it has come from Paris. Hand-sewn inserts of swirling bits of white and colored linens and intricate embroideries proclaim an Old World handicraft in the fashioning of these sheer bits of linen. $1.14 to $2.74 ea. The latest whim that Paris sends us is a tiny 'kerchief of dove gray to match the hose and shoes she bade us wear this spnt.g. 69c ea. jjjrjjg Mala rioT, rnlrr. On Sale To-Morrow , jgfcgya -Bnwal, 34th 6irr, Bear. Brassieres and Bandeaux Three styles, different in fabric but alike in form-moulding efficiency and daintiness of finish. Satin Brassieres, $3.89 Fashioned of heavy washable satin, finished with narrow ecru lace edging and hemstitch ing. Reinforced under arm. Fasten in back. Specially designed for the long waistcd figure, this model holds diaphragm and bust firmly. High back. As illustrated. Sizes 38 to 46. Cotton Cluny Lace Bandeaux, $2.39 Fine quality cotton Cluny lace with strips of washable satin Ribbon shoulder straps, ribbon drawstring. Fasten back. Suitable for wear under diaphanous blouses. Sizes 34 to 42. Silk Brocaded Bandeaux, 79c Well fitting bandeaux of fine silk flowered brocade, hook at back. Sizes 34 to 40. jrjj Third Floor, 30th Sire. All -Silk Canton Crepe $2.97 yd. Our Usual Price $3.69 Yard This popular fabric comes in several shades of navy blue, also brown, silver, delft, henna, tan, Harding blue, all black and all white. 39 inches wide. n 0 . , On Sale To-Morrow IfimzmS HroooJ Moor, Sttth (Hire, Frent. Trim Play Togs for 1080 Small Boys! A Sale of Boys' Linen Middy Suits, $2.89 The lowest price in years for these extremely well made and desir able sailor suits. Well finished, with braided self color collar. In navy, brown or green with silk tic. Knee trousers. As illustrated. Sizes 3 to 10 years. On Sale To-Morrow figjra flrcond Floor, IMlh St., Rear. 500 Tricolette and Crepe de chine n Overblouses For Summer Sports s A Sale of 87 Sample Wraps for Women $59.75 Our usual prices $89.75 to $159.00 Featuring beautiful fabrics, exclusive and dis tinctive designs. Garments which will appeal to the woman of discerning taste. This is the entire sample stock of one of the best manufacturers of high quality wraps. There arc sport coats, wraps, motor coats and evening wraps in satin, tricotine, marvclla. silk duvctyn, Roshanara crepe, English home spun, sport stripes and plaids. Unusual fringe wraps smart country club models with vestecs and numerous other desirable styles. In street and sport shades Sizes 36 to 42. On Sale To-Morrow EfHSra Thlri' Floor, Front. $4.69 Worn with a light silk sport skirt, either one of these new blouses will, form a de lightful sport costume. One is a simple tricolette, with short sleeves and sailor collar. Colors, jade, white, Copenhagen, flesh and bisque. The other model is of crepe de chine, all over embroidery, with new stitchery de sign. Colors, white, flesh, bisque, black. Sailor collar and short sleeves, of plain materials. Sizes 34 to 46 in the lot. On Sale To-Morrow EfltyU ThlrI Floor, 3-tth Strfri. For Your Summer Cottage or Bungalow Oil-Burning Floor Lamp $23.48 Our Former Price Was $32.82 The convenience and at tractive appearance of a floor lamp can now be added to a room which is not equipped with elec tricity. This oil-burning floor lamp gives plenty of mellow lamp light without glare. Mahogany finished base, complete with oil fount, burner, chimney, ring shade holder and shade. The gold encrusted tassels and braid make the silk shade very effective. It is silk lined and edged with a four-inch silk fringe. May be had in rose, gold or blue. 24 inches in di ameter. On Sale To-Morrow lion Mil rut, 34 th Street, Front. e of Simmer Be tils mi An annual savings event for housekeepers, board house and hotel proprietors 'V Double Brim Tailored Hats of Jap Lisere Specially Priced $2.79 To wear now with tailored suits and frocks to wear later with sport clothes. Becoming straight or rolled brim shapes finished with draped scarfs of silk or ribbon bands and bows. In brown, navy and black. Solid colors or with combination facings or trimmings. On Sale To-Morrow figfrg Ontrlmmrd Millinery Krrtlnn, ftronnri Kliwr, 34th Mrrf. Reduced to yi Price! New Imported French Ve ils $2.48 to $4.96 Formerly $4.96 to $9.9i Striking novelties in French veils of the better kind reduced for a special sale only. fjrtv Meshes: Hcxapon. small and Iarce filet o o wtth daintily embroidered scroll and chiffon bordered effects. Long and square veils in the following colors and color combinations: Black, brown, navy, taupe, castor, black with gray, beige with brown, navy with tan. On Sale To-Morrow ffjrO Muln nor, 34th Wrrrt. Bedding ing Metal Beds and Cribs Bed, as illustrated with two-inch posts, finished in ivory or white enamel; in all regular sizes, $15.24 Bungalow Bed, in 3-foot size only. Complete with metal spring, 15.74 Continuous Post Bed, in ivory or white; all regular sizes, 12.74 Brass Bungalow Bed, with colonial posts, 18.24 Brass Bed, with round posts and fillers and square top rod, 33.25 St Macy-Made Mattresses Made in our own sunlit factory of the finest materials by skilled workers. Prices quoted are for the full size bed; other sizes are proportionately lower. Layer Felt Mattress, with roll edge, $10.24 Elastic Felt Mattress, with roll edge, $15.74 South American Hair Mattress, gray or black, $23.24 Superior quality White Hair Mattress, $35.25 Macy-Made Pillows Size 22x28 inches Duck Feather Pillow. $1.49 Gray Down Pillow. $-1.96 White Goose Feather Pillow, 2.97 Selected White Goose Down Pillow, 6,44 On Sale To-Morrow Eessra 8U" " fvory Enamel Bed, as illustrated D, all regular sizes, $18.24 Bungalow Bed, with square continuous posts and imitation cane panels. Fin ished in ivory enamel, $21.24 White Enameled Crib, as illustrated C, has trip lock to lower side, $11.89 Ivory Enameled Crib, with imitation cane panels, $21.24 Bed Springs Box Springs, well upholstered, $16.74, $24.24, $29.50 Metal Springs, link or woven wire $7.44 to $15.24 I? Satisfy That Motoring Appetite Motor Restaurant $16.74 Double-deck stylc Service for 6 persons. No longer need you plan your day's run to reach a certain hotel or restaurant in time for lunch. This complete, practical lunch kit adds pleasure to lunching in the open country. Case is made of veneered basswood throughout, covered with black enameled duck, with leather corner reinforce ments. Lining is enameled duck in a narrow black-and-white striped design. Tray contains compartment tor two quart vacuum bottles, while spaces arc provided in the bottom for two pint bottles. Equipment consists ol a metal food box, salt and pepper shakers, 6 plates, 6 cups, 6 knives, 6 forks and 6 tea spot Mis Other Motor Restaurants Hanging in price from $10.24 to $64.50. rryujj-j llfth Vloor, 5th Strrr. Front. ii I v l! "if i pa 1 . - iK? 4 4 i i: 1 I. (r 'It. 41