booking Forward to
Mr M , i
Girls' Frocks of Snowy White
in our large collection arc delicate of fabric, adorable of fashion, and of moderate
prie. They're trimmed with tucks, folds, faggoting, lustrous silk sashes, hand em
broidery, or wee rosebuds of silk. We illustrate only three of the innumerable models
in stock.
Materials Details
Georgette crepe, voiles, organdies, crepe de JJurnd- sl'uar,c and Y. -Hl fnd
r georgette frocks arc daintily lined with lace
chine, net. edged net.
Sizes 10 to 16 years
Prices range from $9.74 to $27.75
SILK SLIPS to wear under her frock. In Jap silk and washable satin, in all white, at $4.89 and
SEPARATE WHITE WASH SKIRTS-to wear with the regulation middy that is required for the
graduation costume in seme schools. Of fine white jean or twill sizes 10 to 16 years on bodices
or belts $1.88 to $4.49.
All white 2-piccc middy dresses, $3.74.
rjjjTg TIHril Hour, SStli Street.
WE anticipate the important event with as
much joy as the prospective alumni of ele
mentary schools. Because wc like to help them
choose the clothes for that great clay.
It gives us pleasure to be able to advise Mother
and Dad as to what's up-to-thc-minulc in Jane's
selection of a frock, and what's correct for Bill,
who's fourteen, and hates to get "dressed up."
We can't help them to quell the panicky feeling
that comes when their names arc called and they go
up to the platform for their diplomas but wc can
relieve them of any concern about their graduation
clothes and "fittings."
Let us help you to dress June or Bill for
"the thrill that comes once in a lifetime.".
You will find Peiticools, Negligees and Middies
In The Misses3 Own Section
Spe cially priced ' itc ms
Long white jean middies, $1 .69.
Some schools insist on uniformicostumes, which are usually middies
and skirts of white. These arc particularly smart. Three-inch
hems, pockets, loops for a big tie, and snugly fitted cuffs on long ,
sleeves set them apart from ordinary middies. Sizes 6 to 20.
Crepe Breakfast Coats, $2.24.
Of extra fine quality crepe, these breakfast coats will fit misses
or small women. Finished with niching of self material around
collar, sleeves, pockets and around the neck and bottom. Sizes
14 to 20. In rose, Copenhagen, light blue, pink.
jyjjjpg Thlnl lloor, :iTUi Street.
Gifts of Jewelry
are enduring mementoes of an important juvenile event and
arc most appreciated when given to graduates
by their dearest and nearest.
Diamond, Clasp Pearl Bead Necklaces
Specially priced at
Lustrous indestructible pearls, graduated strands of 18 and
20 inches. Fastened with 18 kt. white gold filigree
clasps, set with Swiss cut diamond.
In cream and pink tints.
10 kt. solid gold cuff Wrist watches, $14.89
Boys' Suits of Navy Blue
Display good taste, in style and fabric, excellent workmanship, and (wha interests
mothers and fathers) modest prices. We invite parents to shop now while stocks arc
full and choice wide.
Wc illustrate three of our many models. All suits advertised have two pairs of trousers.
At $14.74
' Same model in good quality storm serge.
At $19.74
French serge suits of exceptionally good qual
ity, in double breasted, box pleated and flap
pocket style, or plain model. With plain, yoke
or inverted pleat backs. Particularly well
made garments.
At $17.74
Plain model in fine quality storm serge.
At $16.74
French serge suits with one pair of blue serge
trousers and the other of white serge. Well
made, these form a practical combination foi
dress and school. One pair equipped with li
leather belt. Coats tailored to fit and alpaci
A Special Sale of Serge Two-Trousers Suits at $ 1 2.74
Made of durable storm serge in box plcafed, plain or patch pocket model. Sizes 7 to 18 years.
CSnHTSI rlrr,",l floor, Urnr, nith Htrret
links. $4.96
Utually $6.24 to $7.94.
Bar pins and brooches,
Platinum trimmed, 14 kt. solid
gold, ict with genuine Jtonea.
U.ually $9.94. $7.94
I 4 t . I I ll r i
it . oua goiu. u.jewel move
ment, ribbon or extension bracelet.
Wrist watches. $8.94
20-year gold filled, 15-jewel move
ment, ribbon or extension bracelet.
Graduation rings,
$4.49 to $7.24
SfXO Main l'loor. Front.
Select the proper accessories to wear with his suit'
Boys' Correct Furnishings
At Special Prices
Blouses, $1.44 to $1.88.
Are well made, nicely finished, and the youngster has his choice of
madras, plain pongees, soisettc. Sizes 6 to 16 years.
Shirts, $1.88 to $3.49.
Of desirable shirtings, in well-made styles. Sizes 12 to 14 neckbands
Boys' Scarfs, 74c
White silk four-in-hands are usually preferred by boys. They are
good-looking and manly enough for any lad.
RfJGTS llilrd lloor, SUh Street, IUr.
White Ribbon, 54c Yd.
Of high lustre satin, taffeta with a narrow satin border.
Jacquard or fine moire, with a satin border.
Widths of 5'4 to 6 inches,' just right for big perky bows and
wide sashes.
JtX57S Mirfn Floor, Centre, Bear
Long White Gloves
16-button length gloves of fine quality Milanese weave silk,
double fingertips. $1.84
16-button length gloves of real kid, overseam sewn, in tan,
champagne, black or white. $4,94
ffigggfiS) "aln Jloor, llrwulwny.
Well Cut Shoes for Boys and Girls
All our children's shoes arc designed to give comfort and proper
support to the growing foot. The materials used, and
the workmanship arc of the best.
Patent leather and gun metal
pumps with low service heel.
Sizes 2'2 to 7. (C) $6.44
One strap pumps in gun
metal and patent leather.
mciai ami paicnt icaine
Sizes I ll, to 2. (DJ $4.S
Same in white buckskin, $7.4
Boys' oxfords of gun metal.
Sizes 212 to 6. (A). $7.44
Boys' high shoes in gun metal. (B).
One strap pumDs of natent leather
Sizes 2'2 to 7. ' $6.44
White opera buckskin pumps.
Sizes 215 to 7, $7.44
SSiVSFB " MWI lloor, Omtre, Hear.
Boys' Hats and Caps
Some boys are glad to appear in their first "straws" on this
eventful day. Others stick to the beloved and familiar peaked
cap. Wc have styles to suit both fancies.
Blue serge golf caps, $1.88.
In one-piece and eight-quarter styles, all taped and ex
tremely well finished. Sizes 6l2 to 7Jjj.
Stiff brim straw hats $2.69.
A hat just like the one his dad wears, with medium brim
and crown, and a conventional blue band of the right width.
1 HreniKl lloor, .1 Hli Htrert, Itemr.
Useful Gifts for Girls
Girls of graduating age appreciate gifts which
acknowledge their approaching womanhood.
The coquetry of fans and usefulness of bags
arc appealing to them.
A Special Offering of 100
Hand Crocheted Beaded Bags
at $6.94
The smart drawstring style, unlined. Rich
floral designs in gay colors on grounds of gray
or tan. Illustrated.
Spangled fans of white gauze, $2.24, tax addi
tional; illustrated. Other styles up to $5.94.
"0,Hln Moor, nUh Htrret. H'ftf
Hosiery to Complete the Costume
Misses' Ribbed Silk Stockings, Boys' Stockings,
$1.98 pair 54c pair
In black, white and cordovan, these are A fine grade mercerized lisle, Derby rib, in
extremely good-looking. Sizes 6'2 to 9. black, white and cordovan. Sizes 6 to 9'2.
J3iR!73 Main loor, Omtre.
Store Hours 9 to 5.30
Open All Day Saturday
Useful Gifts for Boys
Of high-grade leather, made well and
carefully finished, these accessories
will aid in making the boy take better
care of his personal belongings.
Fitted cases, as illustrated. Of brown
sole leather, with military brushes,
comb, toothbrush holder and cloth
brush. $8.94
Pigskin tray purses. $1.94
"Three" fold hill fold with places for
cards, bills and identification cards.
Collar bags of heavy leather, silk
lined. $1.59
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