Newspaper Page Text
csY i5? ADMITS DECEPTION . f 4 To-Nlnht't Weather FAIR. To-Morrow's Weather PROBABLY FAIR. 1 16 1 "Circulation Books Open to All." "Circulation Books' Open to All." VOL. LXI. NO. 21,768 DAILY. Copyrlabt, 1021, liy The 1'rrH Publishing Co. (The New York World). NEW YORK, THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1921. Kntrrrd at Neennd-Ctitss Matter foot Office. New ork, N. V. PRIOE THREE CENTS . - --1 a 'MiJMjiM-iiMa'll'll'MI111111 L-i jj tLULLiz. -S 1 1 L Lin AN WITNESS - 1 UPSET WINS THE HILLSDALE; AMERICAN OAKS TO FLAMBETTE . , Racing Results, Charts a! Baseball 1 i 1 1 1 . . 1 BASEBALL NATIONAL LEAGUE AT PITTSBURGH. AT CHICAGO: Giants ...00 0 1 O 1 H Chicago .0000 1 O0H Batteries Douglass and Smith: Alexandor and Killlfcr. Brooklyn. 000 002 0030 Bl R1 ffl -Pittsburgh 010 000 0400 12 S Smith and Miller; Glazner and Schmidt. " AT CINCINNATI: Phila.... 0 10 0 3 Cincinnati 0 12 2 0 Batteries Hubhell and Bruggy; Marquard and Wingo. AMERICAN LEAGUE VT ni;w Chicago . . Yankees ., YORK: o o o 0 o 2 and 1 o Schalk BatteriesWilkinson AT BOSTON: Detroit .. . O O O Boston 0 12 Bat I erirs--Middle tun and 2 2 Uas.8 AT PHILADELPHIA: Cleveland. 20000001 0 Phila 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 W0- Batteries I'hle and Nunamaker; .Naylor and Perkins. AT WASHINGTON: St. Louis.. 10 0 Wash'ton. 0 2 1 Batteries Palmcro and .Severe ONE, TWO IN Clark Entry Sets Record for1 Stake in Running Mile1 and 3 Furlongs in 2.17 2-5. By Vincent Treanor. RACE TRACK. BEL.MONT PARK. June 16. The P. A. Clark entry, Flambctte and Nancy Lee, at 1 to 5, ran one, two In tho Coaching Club's American Oaks this afternoon. It waa an odd slg'it to sec tho pair be ing driven to the limit down tho stretch to beat each other, Sando on Klambctte putting it on McAtcc on Nancy Ie, the ono really expected to make it a hollow contest. Ten Ituttons waa far back of them, with Joan Marie lengths nut of It, In fourth position. The time of the rare, 2.17 2-5, for the mile mid three furlongs, Is the fastest the slnke has been run in. Clropatra'n murk of 2. IS last season waa tho best previous lime. Nanny le went out to mane pnrp, followed by riamhctte. They ran that Sunday World Classified Advertisements Should Be in The World Office On or Before Friday Order Sunday World Classified Advertising To-Day. The World MEITE AND NANCY UU.N8. o 0 o o ; Shawkey o m 3 b and Hoffman 0 0 1 0 0 2 1 0 ler: Myers and Ruel. 1- 4 8 3 2 id; Acosta and Gharrlty. LEE AMERICAN OAKS wav ntu wen mto the stretch, when the driving finish ensued. Ten Buttons and Joan Mario wore nenr serious contenders. This was getaway day here. To morrow racing shifts to Aqueduct, where the $10,000 Brooklyn Handicap will bo run. Everything scratched away from Whitney's Upset In the Hillside Iiundlciip, tho third event, Sea Mint and Goaler were all that were left. Despite this Upset was a receding choice in the oral market with a great play on Sea Mint to beat him. Upset lay off tho pace of Sea Mint to the head of the stretch and then came around and away from him handily to win by two lengths In the good time of 1.36 1-5. ba Mint had little contention for tho place from Ooaler. who. althoucli he run third. flowed a good pcrfonjianco ronsld- ering the time and the company. John Paul Jones got out of ,lu, ,, , , . f ' 1 maiden class In tho first, a mile oun- dltlon event. Ho led all the way but at tho end was doing his best . ntly to stall off Scotland Vet. Da-t-moor, tho lukewarm favorite, followed John Paul Jones all the way. N cur ing tho stretch turn he closed some ground on htm .only to rail back in the Stretch. It wo,s at this stage that Scotland Yet came from behind and easily beat him out of the place money. Fair Mhc, favorite In the steeple chase, was beaten by Say Which. Tho latter opened up a big gap In the first circuit of tho field which Fair Mac found it impossible to close. A' the end Say Which wnn irlvlnir un li best he had In him hut it was enough, u uuiu mir ivinc sarejv Uld N w Haven trailed In a distant third. Polar won the fifth all the way, beating a lot of alleged good things. i Manrie got him off to a moving start land marto him last. Hold Up, tin Ishlng good and strong, was along In time, to beat Turnabout for place I money. Smarty, a hot tip; Frlzlet. I another of the same variety, and I Omer K. will have to wait for an other day. Evening World Racing Chart BELMONT PARK. JUNE 16. 911 JLSh f5J .l.hE?elr"j lnu. "id; eOTdrtloni: one "Ue: P" M.WO.iiu. -ill Win2l VL ni!JAiiJt'.f90t- Won. rld1n ""i Pr rt"ni. Time. 1 3V 14. " """ d. c. bj Tracery Moneta .VI. Owntf. Leilnjton staUe. Trainer, W. Si! Wallace. Index. " StsrteTa. I'.P.Wn.Wt. i 172 Jilm Paul Jones 3 105 l0) Sootlanrt Vet... 4 113 200' Dartmoor 1 112 (1K7I Hoiirtirrimn ...ft us ISS I)ariyrlgndllly. . 3 100 1 31 2 41 3 4 5 John 1 aul Jones had all the sperd. but furloin. Latter cloned rery tironr. lHrtrnoor 919 8l'IliIrFB7f2f,Sl,A'i !f.ulVlor '""'-J'ar-olda and upward: about two LmILa -j fJni 1vJ2j- A,.0!' ?-U Jftatf4i start food. Won drtilnc- place tame llelf ia- b- l-'' Itojer. Owner, J. J? llfrllne?: Iinlei. SUrlera. '.P. Wit. St. 4 1 I70.j Whlrti... (13.11 Fair Mac .... 1M .New Hum . 1W Klsmer ISO war Vlrtor. . 16S Long Trail .. . a lao i ITT . r, 140 3 3 . 3 138 4 .V . 4 146 0 2i 1" P 2t 2ie 41 P.. . M 132 2 41 M 31 Him fell Itcfmied. Say Which drrw out Into end. Fair Mas waa waited with too km. i loni tithe. 213 Indei. TIIJltD lUCB-The HUMale ILUIfUM added. At port 3 00. DC t h. Time. U4J. Winner. c. oy BtaW4CT. IM-.Wit.8t. j a; I'nset 121 I 2 ?OS Sa Mint (l84IOw)er on OT 2 1. 3 3 1 3 V-4 Uret walUtd bac of 8ea Mint to .e4 of the atretch. where lie went to the front and won brreting. Sea Mint showed ImproTement. Ooa'er waa always outrun. ni J rvyikiiiuMMf-uoacumj t-Jims American Oats- for thm-year.olda- fillies- one and three-eWtHbii mile.; rairso JS.Ooa M sort 3.30 Oit it 3 31 Start irrf t WoS dnrtni- ulace wame. Tlm. V.17 -8. Winner, b f. W Durbar LaVeUmbSeT' Owner. i'. i;urji. iT.inrr. J. ifi:ormsi. lrdei. r8tine,n. l'.l'.Wsi.Wi. M 103 namhettii .. ".Nancy !.ee . . (l.WTen Buttons.. IS.H J.-an Mrie .. 3 TT24 2 2 121 1 4 1)4 4 1 111 3 1 3 r.i 3" 4 4 1'. A. Clark entry. nambette raced back of Nancy to bead to be hard ridden to win XI". At poet 4.02. Off at Start t A aj winner, oh. c. by Supermau Utlen Initei. ffiairte" P.P. S'tt. St. IM Polar 10 lit) l.V, Hold Up 8 tn I0 TurnaJvut 0 107 1113 Nohant 4 124 143 Omer K J 10 ftmarty 3 110 2 rMllet -' 110 173 Oallot 7 107 ;1 .Innuica TleUr, 1 Kr.' Machine fiunner. . 3 112 lliwuig Maid.... 11 108 1'H r'4 J U 4H Ti 3 01 11 10 1 3 2H 71 3' 81 31 MM, 11 4 10 Tolar brld the race aafe at all .tagr. fihfiwed crnod epeed and finished out 4lrom 216 SIXTH ILACW-V)r two-ear-lds: maiili ...At rnst 1.35. off at 4.-4.V . art inner. La, r. ay nmjpirouimci livW, Slartera. Ilrorvnflai 144 Knot llraes 0!yni . Iri.h Ilrisadier. . V' nrrtlLant Hay. . . IH7 ': Pillar Hay Jav 174 '.7th Illtlsion. . . HT San .Strfano. . . . 107 Orertake Master Hind. . . Sa Master -- AVrswli lttt Unarcliar IM'.Wtt. St. j ' . A ?, ! i . 7 . l . 4 .14 .1" . 8 .13 .11 .12 . 0 11.') UfW 11.. IIS 11A lift 11-. IIS 11& 11.1 nr. nr. nr. it. 3 3V, .'la 1i V? ft I til 71 Si IS 10 tl 13 11 41 S4. J 12 SI 10 13 u iwt JlroonTflax loolj like a grnxl mit. Irtsli nngadier ran a good raee Knot Ortas BIG FIGHT REFEREE NOT NAMED TO-DAY Rickard Unable to Attend Jersey Conranission Meeting Make Se lection Monday. At the request of Tea Rickard, who said he could not possibly attend a meeting of the Jersey nixing Commis sion this afternoon to dacldc on a referee for the championship battle bcr tneen'Jat.k Dcmpsey and Georges Car pontler, the meeting was postponed un- I til next Monday afternoon. Rickard )ms Promised to attend at that time, Thr 1u"- f ,Klcka!?, w4ad 'n: nounerd by Commissioner noherty. head of the Jersey board. Ho further stated , thal nu3 Canlp3, manager 0f tho French IpugHlt, had noUned him he. D.-f Gimps, would not appear at any meeting and would be satisfied with tho commlj- ttlon'x selection. Neither Dcmpsey nor Kearns was on hand. Tho general belief Is that Harry Ertle will be appointed by tho com mission to act as third man In the 'ing. Tho nbjenco of Dompsey and Kearns Indicated they would string along with Db CJamps and abide by the Jersey board's selection. 25 MEN FALL WITH BRIDGE BRATTLnnORO, Vt, Juno 16. A new steel bridge, being built across the Connecticut River here, collapsed to day beratiso of tho snapping under water of piles that wcro et to carry a much heavier !jad than that under which they failed. Twenty-five men wcro on tho structure as It began to tip, and before any had been able to get off the span crashed Into the stream. They were thrown In all directions, some with considerable force, but nil were afcle te swlrn sbeut ant!', touts rescued them. A check of those, em ployed, showed nono wer muulng. WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK PAST. in. a. 'w. 3d. .s r. Kin. 'peters. Ol). 1' 3" 4 ft 1V 4 Robinson . .6-1 Hamilton .. 1 C. Kummer.6-C Turner 20 Smoot 40 8-ft 7 '7-ft 30 100 JUS 0-2 25 4-8 1-3 30 1-4 0-8 30 100 had to be hurtled to stare off ScoUand Yet In last unit In final elthth. miles; Tune, . O. H4 Her, hn. Jorteji. U. W. CU fTM. i i. , 4 1 2" 3 4 MhsWt . Crawford llumi ... Wolke .. Jorwn ... Harrh .. . 2 WJi ,.4-fi 4-K . 12 13 . 30 SO . 6 8 . 30 40 8-2 33 10 30 X 40 3-fi 1-6 4 8 3-2 13 14 .1 4-3 . 6 3 lead in first half mile, beaten off but waa tiring fast at the Ifanllrap; for tture-rear-oldj and upward: oae mile . a . I w . JV at 3 07. Hurt cond. won eaauy ntibKBroo.i 3d Pankhunrt. Orner, i. V. Whitney. ST. I'm. Jocteya. Cm. HI. CI. PL Id. fl Kum'fr.aJl 77 MO 3 11.8 2.H Callahan .. OanUver ,.ft-2 s 7 3-2 1 t-3 ' 1 ,Sr. Fin. Jrrteys. Qp. til. CI. Pi" ad. IK 1 81 da 1-6 McAtes ,...1.,-. r iKiim'ea.. S Mooney . . . . 10 38 n 1-3 in 3 4 3 4 h of stretch caturbt her at furlnnw nnle. ti Nancy Leo was nounoa the best of the others. V lood. Won eaailf place drlrlM Tim, l ll w Utile. Owner, ". tSft. Traufer. Millriai. rJi. Mr. FliT Jock 0C. IU. CI. "PL 5dT t 3 V, a di ttu, s 1V4 D' 1 a Kando .. Marlnelli Falnr ... J i s 4 0 12 10 60 4 4 IS 10 ;i 10 8 13 12 an I 13 12 3 IS H 13 20 ft'Vi Ihittna . 6 IU, .... T Tluel . . . 8" Yea-rin . 0 OnanMI 11 7114 10 Ilaynm 10' 11 .Mc.Atm lold Up closed lery fast throujh but fiu-lcni. Tuhatliout Smuty was outrun all the way - ii fl.e filnrw,. jmUi , vl. Won drtrlni; pSte ham7' Time. V.oTm"- 'inner, j. ri Madden. Trainer, W H Walker. Mr. fin. q,.. ut. c. FC'lnff 41 S 11 l'V II- -Marttii . 6 Knsor .... S 3 S 3 SO 7 J 40 1ft 40 12 40 HO 40 100 7-2 7.ft 7d0 Kum'er.3-11 4. ft 12 t .'I K. t l A 1ft 20 lft 40 'I". 4' hTmxh in 3 n 30 8 30 a 20 M m M 30 t! H 40 I ft 40 12 411 on 40 .100 S" a. Mamie ., . 6i Hamilton. 71 7i Mrwney . n si re t ... is ou,4 mor 10 10 Kin, .... !i M l'alrhr'ea , 13 IS fUllahan 11 lil MI1W . nnel .... s .1 lo lield on Tell. Olympus was gaininc at the end. RACING RESULTS AT LATONIA. FIRST RACE Six furlongs. Ground fiTin ,t0"!!.ft?,d 5-00, fl"t! siroc0. 'ln the Hoboken lllce Headquarters. 111.20, second j Honor Man. third. Time1 . . , -U1W. Non.sUrterareen orsTi They were taken from tho United Col. Taylor. Klnirilke. w. o. M.iin.,.' S"1"-'" authorities yesterday after Illff Son and Col. Ut. SECOND RACE Five furlongs. Bob bed Hair. 7.t0 and $4.30, first; Mar garet Winsor, J13.10, second; Inqulsl tlon, third. Time, 1.00 4-5. Non starters, Way-wood Lady, Starella, Marimba, , Lady Mother, Carllne and Bright Lear. J THIRD RACE One and one quarter miles. Nonakld, J76.50 and S0.S0. first; 1 ltrltlsh Llne.r, 5. 10. second; Dolph. ; tillrd. Time, 2.0G 1-5. Non-starters lnola, Frank 14., Capt: Tom. FOURTH RACE Hlx furlongs St. Atygustlnc. 16.40 and 14. first; Rapid Day, 14.30, second; Jark JIare Jr, third. Time, 1.11 4-5. All ran. AT OTTAWA. FIRST RACE Five furlongs Truro 14.95 and $4.1. first, Fast Trial. $3.70. sceond ; Billy Dunn, third. Tlmo- 1.01 4-5. All ran. SECOND RACE Two miles. Trans pero, $23,55 and $7.40, won; Woodruff $3,75. second: Beehive, third. Tim. 3.55. Non-starter White Crown. THIRD RACE Hlx filrlnnirs Tln.t.r, On, $4.fi0 and $3.10. first: aursllmt 'Voter. $6.00. soeond: Assiimntinn t-MrH Time 1.14 1-5, Non-starters. Ablaze anu joquina, FOURTH RACE Six furlongs. So ll Star, $14 and $.50, first; I'lllien, $ii.90, second, Sagamore, third, 'nmn, 1.14 2-5. Non starter, Oeenlon. FIPTH HAf'-F Ono mile, and snventy jnrdH. .Ixiuis, $24.20 nn.l $10.7.1, first: Madge, ft, 10,, second ; Chaaaeur. tnlrd. Time, 1.4 5 4-6. All ran. (Rsolna Entrlte en Paget 2 and 20.) WALL STREET BADLY JOLTED BY BREAK IN SEIZED SUBMACHINE GUNS "CLAIMED BY FRANK WILLIAMS, WHOSE IDENTITY IS MYSTERY Buf How Did the Arms Found on Steamship East Side Get on Board? INQUIRY IS NOW ON. Belief That Weapons Were Intended or Sinn Fein Army in Ireland. The mystery as to the ownership of the 495 Submachlno guna and ammunition eald to bo worth more than $110,000 seized on the steamship East Side yesterday centres to-day on the Identity of Frank Williams, who eays he ts the owner of the materials. Ho declares that they were stolen while on a truck In Hobo ken. WUIloms gives no address In his aflldavlt to this effect and re futes to f-ivc any Information about himself. A conference was hold to-day In tho office of the Collector of tho Port xo determine wno; was .responsible for Z placing tho urms on tho steamship, They worn not on'thVuhlp's manifest, 'Mhc ittlHnlrlnn In thflu mnm lnfnnrtA.1 " . . ' lor tile Sinn Fein Army In Ireland, The guns aro now In Hobokr.n Po- lice Headquarters, having been taken from tho United States authorities who seized them aboard tho ship be- ,. ,., , v. ,, , . v.w duv .Him i . 1 .lUIIUIIY, Til., IJtUb evening. They are under a dual guard toy tho authonliui, each claim ing jurisdiction. At tbo conference wcro tho Col lector, tho Surveyor and represonta- ltlves of tho Iaw Division and the l Special Agents' Department. 'When the Katt Side cleared yester- 3' day tho usual aUldavlt as to tho y manifest was mndo by Capt. Johnson and the Cosmopolitan Shipping Com pany, No. -12 Broadway. It was .." stated she was In ballast and hound s , for Norfolk. Va. At the omco of tho lino to-day it , waa said that tho President, A. F. , Mack, was out of town and there was i no information to bo hud. All the other officials, It was sold, were away. The East Side is a Shipping Boar boat allotted to tho Cosmopolitan Line. Martin C. Ityan, a customs In spector, presented a warrant to Chief of Police Hayes of Hobokcn this j afternoon from Federal Judge Lynch of Newark calling for the seizure of the, mm and nmmunltlnn ivlileh .rr they were seized aboard the East Side before she sailed for Norfolk, Va. They were under a dual guard by the authorities, both claiming Jurisdiction. Chief Hayrs gave up the property tnd it will be taken to a Onvernmunt war1ioiise in thin city. The question if the final disposition of tho arms camo up to-day before Itrcrder Oarston of Hoboken. Tho Oovcrnme.nt, through United Stiles Attorney dross of Newark, asked a continuance for a week. This was ob jected to by John J. Fallon, lepresent Ing the police of Hobokm, and Thom as J, O'Neill of Manhattan, an attor n y representing Williams. The Ra. cordnr denied tho request and set th" hearing down for late thl afternoon. United States Assistant District Attorney Oross said this after noon he would confer with Fcdenu (Continued on Second Page.) llrf, t'lsy finlf Tourney Klnnls. ATI. A NTH' C'lTV, Juno H - Mlsi Dorothy Doyle of Tornsi1no, Pa., tu day ilefe'ited her dsler, Mlfs Margaret Doyle, In the finals of thn Lnille.i' Invl tstlun (lolf Tournntnnnl at Xiirthfleld by till... up ntiA onej in pmy, Mrs. H. J. Doyla, mother of the girls, arted ut of ficial sore, lice per and raferee. MEXICAN !PEIE' DROPS 47 PO NTS L Wall Street Wants to Know Where All the Stock Is, Coming From. Several of the large brokcrhRo houses of tho Street, whoso customers are holders of Mexican Petroleum stock are urging a thorough Investi gation of the Mexican Petroleum myatory. it has bocomo a live prob- ability that the stocic Exchange win snnii.. v --t , " ..... .L vcstlgatlon. Ac, recently aa June 8, or only nlno trading day.s ago, Mexican Petroleum was selling abovu' 150. To-day It broke down to 103. There u'ndnnlably has hoen .vintamount of bcarpron- nn-n.t i .. . . . -o" ..v.umu narqing mo con- dltlon of tho company's Mexican A canvass of tho Street properties. shows that the stories so perslsttrntlv circulated regarding thu appearance of "aJt wu,cr ln tho company's wells ""i'"" unii mo provnTDiai Hre grain of salt. Yet this doubt of the accuracy o the stories, whloli Is for tified by tho vehement and reiterated declaration of tho company's officials that the? are wholly untrue, has not served to cheeky the decline, temporarily- oven But what concerns Wall Street as much as tho procipitata drop In tho stock Is the question whero all the stock lclng sold comes from. There probably ts not moro than 70,000 shares of Mexican Petroleum avallablu fori trading purposes. The Pan-American 1 Petroleum and tho Huasteca pc troloum Company own 3(0,000 shares of Mexican Petroleum. Tills leaves only 112,685 shares In tho hands of the public and directors. It has been sttted In scml-oftlclal quarters that directors' holdlngsj'otal approximately 40,000 shares. Yet transactions In the stock lost week aggregated 200,000 shares, and since Monday of last week over 400,000 shares of tho stock has changed hands. If the selling has been by bears, H hecomos an apparently unsolvahle purzlu as to where they borrow stock to deliver against short contracts. If only 100,000 of the 400,000 shares that have changed hands during tho last week represented bear selling, there i hnuld bo, from a bear viewpoint, un alarming scarcity of stock. If avail, able for borrowing purposes It should, In the ordinary course of events, be commanding a heavy premium. Yet tho stock Is eusy to borrow, practical ly aa easy as any other stock on tho lift. The Pan-Amnrlran Company offici ally denies that It hxis sold any of 'Is holdings. In fact, It could not do so without violating an agreement which It has with tho Stock Exchange. A'so, tho company denies that it Is loaning to markej operators or otheri' any of the s'ock It owns. It has been ninny yoars since Wall (.Street has hud such an entrancing, yet disturbing mystery. Apparency, If It Is to be solved, It must bo by Stock Exchango authorities. SENATE AND HOUSE CONFEREES FAIL WAKIIINOTON, Juno 16, Confer- eirwes between the Senate and ths Bouse on thei Naval Appropriation HI" elided to-d.iy In a. deadlock and th $4(4,000.00 hill with Uin Borah disarm ament ejonfnrenee, amendment wna Uken barlt to the House for action. INTO A SCANDA MEXICAN PETE' MAN W 1 DECEIVING WIFE'S COUNSEL IN TESTIMONY ABOUT MAID Banker's Wife Keplt Lvate at Hearing 1 by Answering 125 Letters Four French Canadians Arrive as "Surt prise" Witnesses for the Financier (8peclal From a Staff Correapondont of The Evening. World.) POUGHKHEPSIE. June 16. jkkiki iikaiuio ui ink. oiiuiiiaii t.iiijr jmu ui lu-viay s 5C3muu ivcicicc oicaMJii 5 oiiice acnmonious. ( nes.i upshot of it all was the announcement by Cornelius 'J. Sullivan, attorney ' n Jot Mr. Stillnian, that he would not June 28, as was his annolinccd intention, according to newspaper publica- r r 1 IfiBIOl) wl ) SLICING MEAT, KNIFE SLIPPED, BLED TO DEATH Whllo slicing meat for a customer In his butcher shop to-day at As hury Park, N. J., Mjrrls Mexnkoff'a hand sllpied and he drove tho knife Into his groin, severing tho femoral 'artery and bleeding to death before medical ahslstanco could bo sum- nioned. 568 KILLINGS BY SINN FEIN IN 11 MONTHS LONDON, Juno 16 (By tho Assocl at ed Press). Murders by "rebels" In Ireland slnco July, 1920, havo totalled 56a, Sir Ilnmar Qrcenwood, Chief Sec retary for Ireland, Htatcd In the House of Commons to-day. Tho number of crown forces convicted for murder in the earnc period, he added, was: The military, none; tho Royal Irish Con stabulary, one, and the police auxili aries, one, the latter man being found to be insane, YANKS GET TWO IN THIRD INNING Peck and llofmann Score on Pipp's Single One for Sox in 1-ourlh. POLO OltOI NDS. Juno 16.-The Yankees made tio runs in tho third Inning of to-day's game with thu Whlto S"ox. Hofinnnii singled to short, went to second on Shawkey's sacrillce, todk third on Roth's grounder to Wil kinson and se-iri'd on .MrClfllaii'.i bid tluow if Pockinii.iugh's grounder. Peck gut to third on a high fly whlrh McClellnn misjudged and which went down as n two-bigger for Ruth. Peck scored on Pipp's single. Chicago scored one run, in the fourth. Hoopoe winked, took third on Falk'.i double and came hor on Strutik's single. With tluee men on base jind two out In this inning Wilk inson grounded mit, Hal or to I "i pp. World's (irentist liir llaeluiiiue , riiMed. ST It?IS, Jum' 16 The passing of the International Fur Kxehange, at which some of the largest Riietlons In tin. hl'nrv nt .''ie trsdrt w... hhl, vas an outiced this iiftemnnn folloutng a conferem'o b t'een bunker ami officers of the Kxchonco. ESS ADMITS The publicity which the so-c4l!ii uivuiv.b i.,lic I1.1VC UulllcVCU IllUUC Ulc produce his client at the hearing on Ho rWllfl thai hn wmtM. hnav . . . ,,v V produco Mr. Sllllman for examina tion at a later date1, one whlch'wo'uti not bo announced ln advanco In' thi newspapers. Mr, b'ulllran had much to say about alleged ""leaks" In testimony beforo the referee and deplored them, ' saying that they attracted" yi crowd of people to tiho scene of tho head ings who "might well ho cngugrxt otherwise When Irene Kelly, ono-tlme parlor maid for tho Stlllmans, was on th Ht.ind to-day sho testified that she knew the hundwrltlng of Fred Beau, vals and that sho had frequently taken to Mrs. Stlllman Icttora frotti tho Canndlnn guido that arrived for her In tho mall. A delegation of young women from Arlington, tho suburb In which Is sit uated the homo of John li Muck, guardian of Guy Stlllman, where Mna.' Stlllman Is stopping, camo to Pough kecpslo this afternoon and presented' Mrs. Htlllman -slth n large bouau'et . I Many of tho delegation Worn Mill tut J I Ja"', nhout their heads, a style Mr Emiman lias Introduced In tho com. luuiuty. Thai (greater secrecy might t maintained at the hearings, all re porters wero barred to-day from the bulldlnir containing Referoo GleasonV office,? whero testimony la belnif, taken. Added to this precaution' against posslblo "leakage." an effort was mado to smuggle witnesses' into' tho building so they might noC be. . seen either by tbo reporters or the. newspaper photographers. As Mrs.. Stlllman had moro than IX letters to read this morning, and, many of them to answer, aha did Hot nppear nt tho hearing until 11. '0 o'clock, an hour after tho aesslon had begun. Shu entered tho build ng' a smiling as ever. . Her costume, not. so striking us yesterday's, conslatod of a plain blue silk skirt, Un crepj de chlno waist, with short sleeve, largo blue hat and white stockings and high whlto shoes. About .bijr neck sho wore a bandanna Four French Canadians from the St. Maurice district, threo women and it man, wh.i do not bpeak English; werj brought to the hearing shortly oftn noon at d hurried to Referoo Gleason's office. Tho Poughkecpslo Ttust Building,' wliero tho hearings aru being held, Is a magnet for thousands of the curious, nil eager to catch glimpses , either of Mrs Stlllman or of the wit- Traffic was so blocked In- front of tho building to-day that the pollen wero summoned to disperso tho crowd. The forenoon hearing closed at 12.45. licrnard Knlly, ono of the employee n to cstato at Pleasantvlllc, and his wife, I re tr, former'y a maid In the Stlllman employ, wcro on tho stand a.' tho morning, Kelly succeeded Fred Bra Urals aa manager of the. Pleamntvllle estate. Ho testifier! fn-dny tP;t hi WJlfu'.l? deceived and evaded John F. Bren nan. chief counsel to Mrs. Stlllman. when he waa asked yea tarda If ha 11 el S" 1 .1 Id-