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.THE .EVENING WORLD, T HtJRSDAT, JTTNE 1C, ItM. COIf ANIS PLANNING HIS FIRST VACATION 'bvitJle'tl fee in "Show Game" hi Twenty-Four Hours if Condi tions Change. eorce M. Cohan la ffolmr on a va cation. It will bo practically his Urst uorway hl flret In twenty-six ycaro. He will start ooon. He raado Ihla announcement yesterday. "I don't know how nor where," said h. "Vacationing: Is a new stunt with me, and.rve grot to learn how to do 31 It, but after & week from Saturday night I will bo out of the theatre." Mr. Cohan wan naked If ho meant It to bo understood that I1I3 retire ment from all branches of tho stage don't want tne 'closed shop' In tho theatre. They nro accepting It now because they nro Beared to death nt tho word labor.' Hut I am as sure iih I 11111 juro I'm alive that It can't last. Thn Interests of tho sictor, tho pl.iywrlKht und tho manager nro Broadway at Ninth Street New York. Business Hours 9 to 5. Telephone Stuyvesant 4700 JT is not bifr typo and big talk in tho newspapers but the quality, fashion and fair-price of the goods in tho sturo which make value and give lasting satisfaction. profession la to bo permanent. It will I..-) ln !.. ,.u 'uiiuui. jhu oi niqao aayn uio no- tors will breln to riallzo that what I present conditions In tho theatre . say is truo. "When conditions change bo It will continue," ho replied. "X believe," ho said, after a moment's alienee, "that these present dlnfcultles will dear up within a couple of years. They'vo got to. And the clearing up will be brought about by tho nctorti themselves "Ninety-five per cent of tho actors bo .poeidblo for wo to BUrvlve as a m.'in.iger I'll come back Into the theatre. I'll bo back In twenty-four T. Stewart & Co. hour, Mr. Cohan was asked If ho Intended to write play.H whllo out of tho man. serial side of tho business. Rare Savings on Women's Frocks, Blouses, Suits The Men's Semi-Annual Sale of Suits Swings Merrily on "Not unless I cun cast them," he replied. 1 9 f Formerly A. mm: No better candy can be made Choicest materials, modern methods, skilled candymak ers, and care in the making are the factors responsible forUnitedHappiness Candy success. Such a combination is proof positive of candy quality which is bound to please. The UacrAneiM pound U te ouncei of candy wigM doe not include container. Happiness Canary Club Offer 1 lb. Brazil Nut Caramels Kanlaito tt& 1 lb. Dukeland Chocolates, assorted Both Pounds for Si Candy Suggestions For Friday & Saturday Selected from more than zoo other delicious candy varieties Cocoanut Chocolate v . Chocolate Covered Kisses Italian Creams Verithin Mints Fraahlr ghrwrtdtd ooooantrt and Vuln tlaTored, ur erJn thsbiit can roriril uh1 centera, beaUiTllrht wtti or Daintr thin dlsca of peportnlnt In tha daltelooa klnas. Vanilla whites and dipped tn bluer eretus eoTered with bitter o&r.t:....50c lb. qZ 60c lb. 5S.u 79c lb. Viennese Crystal Mixed Special Home Made "Evangeline" Our flnMt assortment of herd Combination fhrwolatM rlo- csndlea. Purs eurar. frntt wnmDrasnon UlOCOiaieS flavored 'Swtlnettee, Butter Oood "homer" candle The rreatewt value In dollar fupa. Dainties, Chocolate fudjes. pecan rolls, stuffed chocolates fruit and nut straws and Stuffed Confeo- frulte and apricot mallows cream and hard centers tlom. Packed In 14 klidi In Aenn SI different! n n It ar-r .'.... Vf.. 75c lb. $1.39 kind !$1.00 lb. Happiness Soda Service at 25 W. 42nd St. 135 W. 42nd St. 35th St. & B'way 80th St. & B'way 146th St. & B'way is other, axtmr stores, oonvenient,t ixxjated. Digby takes care ofh own car- and when "Dig" c-' a job on the motor, his hands and faco are covered with grime. Up in the bathroom are plenty of good ab sorbent towels. J They are made from Boott Toweling. No matter what "Dig" does' to them, they will wear a long time. They are practical because they are made of selected cotton woven with a double ply thread. They stand the wear, they absorb moisture quickiy.and never become soppy. They are the kind Digby likes to use. Mrs. Digby buys Boott Toweling by the bolt. Each bolt makes twenty-four full-sized towels at very small cost. Boott Towellnjf Is full 18 Inoh width In 25 or 10-yard holts. Also In 36-lnch hem stitched towels. Buy it by the bolt from your dealer, cannot supply you, write us. If he ABSORBENT TOWELING BOOTT MILLS, Loaaix, Mabj. A gem of a Safe of Women's Suits : $37 75, of tricotine, earlier $68 and $75 Many models all new and desirable. t h e littlo Btralght-coatcd model, severely made with notch collar, and a narrow girdle. the new long 40-inch length coat. the youthful straight box coated suit, with satin soAh girdle. embroidered models not too elaborate. suits bound with braid. All carefully tailored and excellently finished. Midnight blue or black. Mostly in sizes 34, 36, 38 and a few in 40. Second Floor, Old Oulldlna Books by Mark Twain at Half Price, and less Rtgular pried Sale price 2 complete sets, 26 vols., half leather $74.50 $33.75 17 complete sets, 25 vols., cloth $49.50 $24.50 5D5 separatoVolumes, 17 titles, cloth, each 50c The separata volumes are part of Incomplete sets, cloth binding. The price per volume in the complete set is $2.90. You may have these separate volumes at 50c each. Some of the volumes are slightly soiled or damaged. Each one, how ever, is complete. Kindly note new location of BOOK STORE. Main Floor, Old Building Eyelet Embroidered Taffetas Georgette Crepes, Pongees The taffeta sold in our stocks a month ago at $7.50 to $8.50 yard the crepe at $5.50 to $6.50 the pongee at $5.50. All now, at. .. 2,000 yards won't last long at this price. The taffeta is of a very fino quality, 3G in. wide, black, navy blue, brown, gray, white, with borders and all-over effects. The Georgette crepe very $3.85 Yard crepey is in black, brown and navy blue, border and all-over effects. The pongee natural tone only is 36 in. wide, with border and all-over effects. Main Floor, Old Dulldlng VERY U 1 Gil GRADE Aluminumware a third less 200 of the tea kettles pictured above, 5-quart size, $6.40 grade at $4.25 each. 100 double boilers, 2 quarts, $2.10 grade at $1.40. 100 fry pans, 9 quarts, $2.10 grade at $1.40. 200 covered saucepans, 3 quarts, $2.15 grade at $1.40. 135 lipped saucepans, 2& quarts, $1.65 grade at $1.40. Covered saucepots Grade Sale 2001 qts $1.35 90c 1252 qts $1.65 $1.10 1253 qts $1.90 $1.25 90 1 qts $2.15 $1.0 1855 qts $2.65 $1.75 Seventh Gallery, New Building Lingerie Petticoats with tailored lines Designed to wear with straight-line daytime frocks or .sports togs. They're shadow proof cotton m a t e r i a 1, and they're made in short length two indispensable features in petticoats of this type. $3.95 and $5 The models are of tailored simplicity, relying for their suc cess on the excellent lines und smart hand-scalloped bottoms. Third Floor, Old Building "Please keep your feet down! How many hundreds of times have you said that about irre sistible little white shod Ct that had such a habit of leaving white marks on suits, dresses and skirts? But S. A. P. has arrived t S. A. P. Is a whit shoe dress ing that DOES NOT RUB OFF, gives an even snowy whitenoar. to shoes, and is tho moit superior preparation available. It is also used for military and hunting breeches, bolts, gloves, and so on. Sold in large bottles 50c each In the Downitalra Store. Flrt Floor, Old Building, and uurltng ton Arcade Floor, New Building. 74 India style Blankets reduced 'each $21 blankets $14.75 $18 Blankets $12.75 $16.50 blankets $11.75 $14 blankets $9.75 Easing up a little on space. That's all. Similar blankets, on order, will have to sell at regu lar price). . Wool in the filling; fancy col ored designs; mado in ono of the best olaoket mills of the West; known nil over the coun try; suitable (or campers, for dens, for throws, anil so on. Fourth Qallery, New Colliding 50 Oxford Bags excellent value The 16 in. $10.75. The 17 in. $11.25. The 18- in. $11.75. A STpecial purchase; good grade walrus grain COWHIDE, 3-pieco style, soVred-on corner protectors; silk lining. Very ha.-dy bagrf for summer uses wcel- snd trips, motor runs, and i "Aria very low priced. Flrrt Floor, Old lldlng A wonderful Sale for tiny girls Frocks coats hats everything from Mir own regular stock, rau c.lly re duced in price in some cases to less than half the original price. Included arc; - French dresses at $10 td $45 were $21.50 to $100. Silk coats at $10 to $25 were $21.50 to $55. Woolen coats at $5 to $10 were $10 to $37.50. Each little garment in tho sale was made especially for us this season in cither Paris or New York. Sizes 2 to 6 years. Third Floor, Old Building 400 Blouses to go at absurdly low prices Every type, from tailored silk blouses for wear with spdrts suits or sweaters, to blouses to bo worn with after noon suits and a few riding shifts, too. Going at $4.75 Originally $6.95 la H5 and more Lingerie blouses . of batiste and voile some hand made. Tailored blouses of tub silk and satin white, flesh, black, brown and navy blue. Gcorgetto c r c p o blouses white, flesh, bisque, brown and black. Going at $9.75 Originally $10.60 to $3!,. CO Crepe dc chine blouses. Batiste blouse s fino and dainty. Sizes are broken. Georgette crepe blouses white bisque, ortflesh; some are vri'tnm.od with exquisita laces. ' Naturally the blouses that represent the greatest re- 1 ! - ,. 1. 1- . auctions win ue cnosen cariy. second Floor, oid Bunding Clearaway of Women's Frocks This out-going tomorrow ofs frocks from our own Salon collection incomplete sizes--vnll bring savings of from $10.50 to $70 on a dress. $24.50 Originally $35 to $69 JO $55 Originally $76 ta tltS Silk frocks and cloth tmttcur frocks in both groups. De tails arc impossible, because there are many modola and in practically all of the silks and woolens that are in vogue this season. Early selection is suggested, because there are only about 80 dresses at these reduced pricei. Second Floor, Old Building Women's Gloves Low priced White gloves of fine Milanese silk with double finger tips. 16-button length, $1.G5. 20-button length, $1.95. Main Floor, Old Building 'Good Silk Socks ready at 65c These are thread silk, too with mercerized cuffs, toes and i heels. In black, white, cordo- van, navy, Russia, and chum- pagne. Sightly and serviceable. If he likes cool Underwear these summer shirts and , drawers of pluid madrus cloth ; will fill the bill. The shirts are ! sleevelets; drawers arc knee ' length. 'Die cost is little 75c garment. I Burlington Arcade Floor New uuiming There is nothing more fascinating than to watch the Expert Pot- j ter transform the "putty like" I gray mass of Hay into a thin, delicately shuptti piece of chinn. Year must be srw'nt in patienti practice before tho artisan be comes proficient. The potter demonstrating this art lit . special exhibition, in our f'lun.i S.iloiii-, comes from Stafford h,rr, England, and has spent iixt, ears nf his life muuidi'" ciu. Second Qallery, New Buildinu Girdle your frock smartly with a .j colored silken sash and add to it u note of brilliant color that is un , deniably chic. 500 Silk Girdles, $3 Our $6 and $8 gratles These girdles arc distinctly modish for wear with summer frocks and sweaters, and are made of lovely silks with smart stripes, plnids, effective flow ered patterns or brocaded ef fects in delightful' gay or softly blended shade and tones each has a bor-' r of deep fringe. Main Floor, Old Building 130 Bicycles are down to 1914 prices Men's single bar. ... v .$55 grade $36.00 jvlen's fancy bar $57.50 grade $44.75 Men's double bar $57.50 grade. ....... .$44.75 Juvenile bicycles $52.50 grade $34.75 All from our regular stock. New. Each with a two -years guaranty. Coaster brake, roller chains, easy riding saddle, non-skid tiros, motor-cycle stand, with each wheel. Frames enamel to endure. Don't think you'll find any other bicycles this summer at such good suviiigs. Iporti Shop Burlington Arcade Floor, New Building' " Genuine Reductions, "aw. About this Sale of Clothing Three facts to know about this sale are: (1) Every suit is a Wanamaker suit our own regular stock. (2) Tho variety is largo enough to fit and satisfy ALL men and young men father; and sons. (II) The price reduc tions are exactly as you see them stated in the adjoin ing column. A customer made the above remark to the writer on Wednesday morning, when the sale first opened. Surely, it MUST be refreshing to find a sale that bears the earmarks of sincerity and presents a 16gical reason for its existence. BURLINGTON ARCADE STORE Suits that were $15, ) (IQQ 17.50, $?0 arc now pOO Suits that were $55 ) flJQQ and $)0 arc now. . . PU Suits that were $G3 Q A n and $70 arc now... P Burlington Arcade Floor, New Building LOWER-PRICE BROADWAY STORE Suits that were $25 to (. . $.'() are now ) Suits that scre $32.50 ( to $37.50 arc now. ... I Suits thai veie $10 to $12.50 arc now ( $18.50 $23.50 $29.50 Broadway, cor. eighth and .