Newspaper Page Text
n IE EVENING WORLD, THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1921. jir-.v jLtfic x o into jxiivxy But Not So Enjouable or Healthful-Mrs. SWlman Snappy Comments on Hearing by Wife o! Millionaire Banker: "Mrs. Leeds has instigated this; she has re shaped Mr. Stillman's mind. "Something very good could have been made of him if he had been brought up differently by his father. He was brought up in an atmosphere of old-fashioned secretiveness, without affection. "Mr. Stillman would not be so popular with the ladies if he were not so wealthy. 'Oven now I would like Mr. Stillman to make a success of himself. j "Lven if I lost it would not hurt me." Mrs. Stlllni . .i- . im.u-c-d ilmt Sirs. Slorenco La !ur I. '.(in. the former chorus girl, i i!n- author of her hus band's dlvot-u' piotcjditiirs and nil her present truuuiit;. ain! she said so, without reson.r.l'iti. in a long Inter view with ip,rurs jouii rday after noon when Ctv hearings before the referee wcrt .: U-d for the day. The Interview oceur.-d on the veranda of the Poughk-i ; i home of John 15. Mack, Ktinrdi :l "d Ht' m of Guy li ma n, whose nntc-nlty Mr. Stillman baa denied. "Of cours..." M.-. Stillman said, "I know Mrs !,mi In at the bottom of all this. That hc has Instituted It, that she lias influenced and re shaped Mr. HUllirun's mind In many ways. Oil, uii Lnt.w, she' Is one of those wotnci k believe In hypno tism and mi.- .n-rlrm and ghosts and carries a ruhY.fs foot for luck, and all that." "When It n.i. lugiTostcd that per haps Mrs. !. j-ad "ciat u ipcU" upon Mr. Sti.lm.n h'.s wile ropliid: But don't ou think all women do that to niM . ." try to do ;t'."' "Nobody is ill good, nobo'lv u all bad," fihe '. r.s the iiucs'inr-.--olntcd tin- t- .neiv.ulrii to lier l-.u.'- famlly "but thuru is no need for me to drag them all Into this, you know. I really cjun't need, to bo supported in Just that aense. I do not havo to bo held up like a cripple In court." "In a way, things aro like a game of tennis Just now, but It Is not so healthful as tennis. You cannot plan what you Intend to do a Ions way ahead except vaguely. You must meet things as bc3t you can as they como up. "My personal future, however, does not depend on this lawsuit. I cannot see how this caso could affect my future in any way. Kvcn If I lost. It would not hurt me, since 1 feel that I am right. It's like tennis, as I said; If you aro beaten In one game, you may be the. victor In another. "Of course, It's not enjoyable. No body enjoys playing a dirty fight. No woman could enjoy anthlng like thla thing." THREE PlfOTOS OF MRS. STILLMAN POSED IN ATTORNEY MACK'S GARDEN NINTH MAN OIES AFTER CRASH AT m KABER FOUND BY AN E, PERSON band nn-i!n. ctnild have b ikid been ''' hip father, was brinish : oM-fashuiii',! vklled In a ; affection, v. if that did r. ft -thing vi i P"od .1 na.le rf linn If he i it if) d'ffercntly by i .i'. ; was that he '. :i - tmosphero -f t',.VIK" th.t 'K ina: wad without j. . if, i.i a family il m' 'n homes and :i tk.-tn. When you thing, you d dearly others priye ii it uudc retiiml and GRADE CROSSING: TO SLAY HUSBAND what goes .r: have not 1i.hi ' not realize li w them. You bo did not int.'' . .-mini. "lie fell .ii witii flatteiciM. and wealthy men an easy victims of tlut- tcry. Then Uhiv wore the women Town Demands Elimination of Railway Menace, Follow ing Collision. Vlie death toll of the grade ciosslng collision of a fire truck and a Jersey Central express train at Perth Amboy was inci eased to nine to-day when Andrew Thomas, the aged gateman who tried to flag the truck, died in tlir City Hospital. Two others In the hospital, Victor Jnnderup and Kdward whose love Is commercialized, whose ' Johnson, are In a critical condl- affections an influenced, of course, by the size of an emerald. "To be suit- Mr. stillinan would pcarcely be so popular v. it h the la lie- If he were not so wealthy, do vou think? One never can tell, but he certainly would not be so popular with a certain class of women. Mm of money are alwas flattered, nnd of ca, rse their vanity responds to flat- tion City nnd county officials ha-e started an Inquiry and the Hoard of Aldermen has demanded the elimina tion of the grade crossing. They also demand that speed of trains be cut to ten miles white the change Is be ing made. County Prosecutor Joseph E. Htrlckcr announced that the facts of the accident would be presented to at New Man Met at Picture Show Rec ommended That Mrs. Cola vito Be Consulted. .l. ., ., .., fl!t..PV at ' COUnty Jllr' home, it seems," .lie went on with a Uic to-morrow mornlnB. in an hearty laugh. "TUeir wives never to fl responsibility, flatter them. The men come home ' he fire truck was of the Eagle and hear about their faults. 1 sup- IIos a(1 Chemical Company. The pose, but it is the wives who trust express was bound from Jersey City Ihem and care for them and struggle ""negat. lloth were going about to push then, upward all the time. , """ty "."es an hour. "Even now, however. I would like' A remarkable chain of clrcum Mr. Stillman to make a success of stances, according to the gate-tender i.i.nir i..f nnt one lone busl- wns responsible for the accident. Just By Martin Green. (Special Staff Correspondent of The Evening World.) CLiEVETLAND, O, June 15. In a city of approximately a million peo ple, Mrs. Eva Catherine Kaber, after nearly two years of unsuccessful at tempts to hire somebody to kill her husband, camo by chance upon the person who made the murder pos slble. This person Is Mrs. Ermlnia Cola- vlto, the woman who exerted a power In the Italian section of Cleveland because of her professed ability to lnvoko tho aid of good-'and evil spirits. Prosecuting Attorney Stanton an nounced to-day that Mrs. Colavito MILLIONS FOR N. Y. POSTAL SERVICE Outlay to Begin at Once in Pro viding New Sub-Stations and Increasing Facilities. Immediate outlay of $10,000,000 to 120,000,000 will bo made in New York for additional post office sub-stations and other increased facilities. Post master General Hays announced to day, as a result of his tour of tho lty yesterday with tho Congressional Joint Commission of Postal Service and Tostmaster Thomas IS. Patten. Mr. Hays said tho Now York Post Oin.ce, which is tho clearing point for most of the mail entering and leaving the United States, has had little In crease In Its facilities since 1912, al though It transacts more business than the whole postal service In the Dominion of Canada. Figures on tho volumo of business transacted by tho various sub-stations showed that In eacn caso tne station bandied more traffic than that of en tire cities with which the stations were compared. HIT WITH HATCHET AIDING HURT CHILD Father Assaults Man in Auto That Slightly Injured Thee-Year-Old in Red Bank. NEW JERSEY PLANS TO ELECT IN TO L REPEAL DRY WOOD ALCOHO L KILLS TWO IN Association Against Prohibition Amendment Fights Anti Saloon League. ness of smashing some one or some as the alarm bell in his flaghouse thing. I can only say for myself that rang indicating that the express was .. m.lh,,. ,.. P.i on vou. al,0,lt half a m"o away, the fire alarm , . ..,iin , was also sounded. In a caso of this you must use them In retaliation, ' . .i i i i. mil klnJ- 11 was unoiriclally reported, tho otherwise tin y would knock you out ... ... ,, . . PI tllv in4Vt. inn L im.i. " "If I was .surprlseil at lrs.. llocke- foller appearing, It was merely sur prise. Ono must bo ready tor all things In ouch a case. The more tho mer rier, though It was not merry for them, I assure you, and It was very jnerry for me at times. "Oh, rvo had plenty of support from them" she wns speaking of her own COPS SEIZE COUPLE IN FIERCE FIGHT AT LITTLE CLUB RAID Tables Overturned and Hats Smashed as Police Battle for Diner's Bottle. structcd to leave their gates up and flag the train, permitting the Ore truck to proceed. Tho gate-tender said ho followed these Instructions except that. In stead of flagging the train, he rushed In tho direction of tho approaching fire truck and flagged all vehicles coming cast on Market Street The gates remained high In the air and with both the tracks and the vehicle roadway open It was a race for life between Uie express and the fire apparatus. The engineer nnd conductor of tho express, Theordoro V. Rrown and William Kldgeway, both of Harnegat, N. J., wcro arrested on a technical charge of manslaughter and held by Recorder Plckcrsgill In J3.000 ball each for hearing to-day. THE DEAD. Hans Holt, No. 210 Klicndan Street. John Donegal, No. VJ3 Grant Street. Peter Larson, thirty, married. No, 311 Market Street. Georgo Larson, No, 287 Market 391 Off den 334 Market 'The Llttlo Club In West Uth Street Was visited csaln to-day by Knrlsht hooch hunters. It was U0 when Do tectives MVGovern and Murphy reached tor a bottlo In the Docket of a man In n irnnn nt one of tile table. Tho owner piotestert energetically ai oueui. uiuim--i ui i-wu. the attempted len.ovul of tho bottle. Joseph Kutcber. No. nd tho sleuths .oon had I their hands law. No run. During iii M-i-iiiiu"- street. lowed hats were smnulicd. collars torn joacph Torgeson. driver of tho truck, and seven tables overturned, ono on No- 10 ueaUo Street. jJcGovcrn. John K. Mowbry, a member of tho PMnallv McGovern cot the bottle after truck's crew. mni-h of It contents were Fpllled on the Andrew Thomas, railway gateman romcn. Somebody seized McGovcrn's coat and did not let go until it was ripped oft. Ho said it was tho prison er's wife, a beautiful, richly gowned woman. The man said ho was .la.-k Solomon, twenty-four, clothing manufacturer, itv Arrangements wero mailt- for a public funeral for the firemen killed In tho collision. This will probably be held to-morrow. rertli Amltojr CrnnilnK Cnntlrmnetl at nnnurrinm Sli Yrnm Atro. TKBN'TO.V. Juno 16. Tho Stato Whllo stooping to pick up a threo-year-old child which had been knocked down and slightly scratched by a m i had offered to plead guilty to murder chine In which he was riding, William Announcement of plans for a war against candidates approved by the Anti-Saloon League, and for election of members of tho Legislature, in September who will vote for repeal of the Van Ness Prohibition Enforce ment Act, was made to-day tiy Will iam L. l-'isli, Secretary of the New Jersey Division of the Association Against tho Prohibition Amendment. Mr. I'lsh said that tho Anti-Saloon Leaguo would be "fought on Its own ground," and that the association would form political organizations In every county of the Stato to support wet candidates. "If fanatics can organize to strangle BUNDS WOMAN Victims Produced Bottle While Visiting Friend's Wife Loses Sight. iSiw 111 to Thn KTmlnK Wortil.) POUGHKKEPSIK, Juno 10. The deaths of Samuel Jones, No. G2 Jcffer son Street, this city, nnd William Seltz, his next door neighbor, are at tributed to wood alcohol. Tho wife of a friend of theirs by the name of Knapp, No. til laurel .Street, Is blind from tho t-ime cause. Tho two men called at Knapp's homo Sunday when he was out. They had a bottlo from which they drank, and Mrs. Knapp had one drink. Jones died at No. 211 Hast 121t .Street, New York, the homo of a friend, nt 7 o'clock Monday evening. Heltz died In his own home nliout the samo time. Dr. fionzalleH examined the body of Jones and said wood alcohol wua tho cause of death, and Coroner John A. Card of Poughkeepsle gave a slmllur opinion In the case of Seltz. A daughter of Mrs Knapp put tho liberty," said Mr, I-lsh, "surely free- whiskey on Ice after pouring It from Woman Sent to Prlaon for 9DO.OUO Tlirft. Mrs. Helen Grant Marshall, deputy loun collector or Kearny. N. J., was M'litencrd to four to ncven years In prlmiii by Judgu McCarthy In Jersey City to-day for the embezzlement of $90,1)00 of tho town s money In the lout nix fears. Shu was released on ball pending notion on a motion for n new Irlnl. The town collector. Horrv II. Cnltlincus. who won Indicted with her wns nrquitieii yemcraay BOYS SEIZED IN CA1 AS CHURCH THIEVJUil Leader lou on Three colleagues Also Accused of Robbing m Brooklyn Retailers. AC, In a cave they had constructed fey digging out several feet of earth as4 covering It with material from 1 R? T. yard, four small boys were ar rested last n'-jltt by Detectives Orey, Conroy and Casey of the Grand Aro-j nuo station, Brooklyn, charged wlthi being members of a rant; ttetj looted candy stores and other pUecaj and robbed the poor boxes of M.. Theresa's Church, Sterling Plac an4L ClaAson Avenue. The leader. Wllllo Touhey, fourteiu' of No. 508 St John's Place, Brooklya, was arrested a week ago ror robbing the poor box. Ho refused to tell, any thing and, wns sent to the Catholic Protectory. Later on ho Is said to' havo told who were his compaBloas and last night tho detectives discov ered the lads In tho cave where tho leader said they would be. Tho four are Wllllo Corrljran, No. 487 St. John's Place; Tommle Klernan, No. 806 Classon Avenue. Jlmmlo Long, No. 602 St. John's Place, and Georg c Lynch No. 832 Clasoon Ave nue. All are thirteen years ma. cfir hiding ttrt$ til una ute, JJC Othtr txmuUUi CdrXl fl'U lit to . . Fashion 'Brings Powdered Terfitmt Styles Oriental in dress sad in FLORIENT (Ftwtrt tf thi Oritnt) the new vogue in ulc . . . here ii rowninD per. tame ... the niw use of Colgate's M POWDER in the second degree, but that tho of fer had been rejected. At tho samo Kvans of Asbury Park was struck In tho back of tho neck by u hatchet wielded by tho child's father, Its original bottle Into a catsup bottlo. She Inti tided to use It as a liniment, sink. time ho denied that Mr. Kaber had '. "ft also offered a similar plea. Mrs. Kaber and Mrs. Colavito moved In spheres of society ns widely separated as their places nt abode. The witch doctor's homo was In the teeming Italian section of ICaat Cleve land, fifteen miles removed from the park-like suburb of Lakewood beyond tho western edgo of tho city. Mrs. Kaber's homo was one of the finest in Lakewood, and by reason of her husband's comfortable circum stances and acquaintances she had made among charitably Inclined so ciety women she had standing In her own community. FOUNDED HOME FOR "UNMAR RIED MOTHERS." In 1916 Mrs. Kaber founded, with tho aid of some wealthy Cleveland women, an Institution which she called the Hosodale Home and characterirod it as a "home for unmarried mother" After about a year she got Into dif ficulties with her wealthy associates, who withdrew. She changed the name of tho Institution to tho "Marian Homo" and enlarged Its scopo to In cludo the caro of children of working mothers. Daniel Kaber, her husband, was violently opposed to these enter prises, and whllo there had been dif ferences between tho pair previously, tho Irrevocable breach camo when sho refused to abandon hec psucdo chnr ltablo activities, out of Wfp'. accord ing to persons who were' iAnected with them, she made 'cQiiOTderable money. , v Ono of the coincidences In tht-s case Is that a woman who was employed by Mrs. Kaber to manage tho Itoso dalo Home eventually proved to bo (Continued on Fourth Pago.) Or, !n at the Hotel Rmbawy, "Oth Street . " . , . ..0....1 CT,i.v. jjuuiu ut riiunu uilliiy VvUilllllliaiuil- and Broadway. Ho was charged with or, ()f New Jersey rPpoft0(1 moro tnnn having hooch In his possession. The B,x year8 ap0 tnnt tl)0 Mni.ct street yptmc womsn vhn ,lpcrP'l hrIf as grndo crosiing of tho Jersoy Central his wife was charged with assaulting tracks In Perth Amboy was "dangcr- . k..--.,. Alia In nllhll wnfnfv " V-ww Miller Ilrntln TiibrrruloaU An- noelntlnn. The National Tuberculosis Association nt Its annual meeting at the Hotel Waldorf-Astoria to-day elected the follow ing ofllccrs: President, Dr. Jnmcs Alex ander Miller of Now York; Honorary Vice Presidents, President Hanlln;; and George U. Hushnell, U. S. A retired; Vice Presidents, Ltwson Ilrown. Sara liao Iikc, and r. ltnlph Miltonn nf I'ortland. Ore.; Secretary, Dr. Charles M. Korer of Washington, and Troaaurer. licnry u, nan. now lora. onlookers, who attempted to ston his tush, and tho hatchet struck a glanc ing blow, inflicting a deep gash which barely avoided tho spinal column. Kvans Is expected to recover. Tho machine wns driven by IVIward Evnna, a brother of the Injured man. The father was held In $2,000 ball to await the action of the Grand Jury. WON'T ACCEPT WAGE CUT, men can organize to defend it. Tho Association Against tho Prohibition mlt (,id nol ko tm, Ollori np BJlU, Amendment has set about tho task of and finally poured it Into the kitchen Ilocco doing that very thing In every Stato in the Union. "Next September tho political partie.s will nominate candidates for tho Gen eral Assembly and In a number of counties for State Senator. Hereto fore the Anti-Saloon league, although backed by a pitifully small minority of tho voters, has been able to im press candidates for the Lcglsltture not by Its numbers but by the claim that it held the baiauco of power. "l-'rom now on our association Is Jersey City Trolley Men Itrjcpt SU Per Cent. IleilncUon Plan. Tho proposed wage cut. to go Into going to impiess candidates that It effect on July, on tho lines of the rub- . holds tho balance of power, and that lie Service Railway Company in New a ErCat majority of the thoughtful Jersey was rejected by the Jersey City , and ilbcrty loving men and women uivisiun ui uio junaigumaicu Associa tion of Street nnd Electric Hallway Em ployees early to-day. The proposed "p scnia 13 a per ceuu reaucuon rr m mr r- rtfr OPMT Of the present wage scale. n GOT 4 TO 5 PER CENT. This action of the Jersey City Division . .. . Indorses similar action taken by tho PFR WEEK SHE SAYS, men in Nnwark. West Hnbokon. I'Unr. I vv --' J'14j son, Camden, New Brunswick. Eliza beth and DuneHen, It was said. of New Jersey arc in complete ac cord with Its Ideals and purposes." AS ALL IS "DRY," HE ARGUES "BUM" IS NOT SLANDER Prohibition has made the word "bum" no longer slanderous per so, according to an argument sol emnly mado to-day before Su preme Court Justlco Asplnall In llrooklyn by Attorney WlllU 13. Davis. Davis appeared as counsel for Mr3. Henrietta Johnson, de fendant in an action for 810,000 brought against her by Mrs. Nclllo Lacey of No. 220 51st Street, Hrooktyn, who alleged alandcr. Mrs. Lacoy, through counsel, aaid that Mrs. Johnson, who is her landlady, In tho presenco of num erous iK'oplo mllad her a "bum." Davis quoted HMxiter'a Dlctln ary, which defines tho word "bum" as a noun, is follows: "Nown slang, U, S. spree; a frolic or boisterous outing; a guz zler. Idle, drunkard or vagabond; a sponger of drink or the like." Davis argued that since Prohibi tion tho word must be obsolete, and hence not f,!anduuim, as then? arc no longer nny possible drunk ards. Justice Asplnall reserved decision. Is Great PrideFarm Tomato Octsup But When Kindly-Looking Man Had All Her Si ,700, She Had Him lnJielcd. Miss Irene Albcivcn, n too dancer of No- 1900 Third Ainui', wa trying to find her way out of I lunatown on a I winter evening six iniiiitln ago. She Flted a Chinaman where the wtt sl(U subway was. Just then a middle-uged. kindly-looking man approached her, said it was dangerous for a girl like her to be In such a neighborhood and volun teered to ascort her uptown. She ac cepted. To-day sho testified beforo the Grand Jury, and her erstwhllo escort. Frank I'erlno, No. 1212 50th Street, lirooklyn, was Indicted for grand larceny and re manded to tho Tombs In default of 12, COO ball. Tho girl said ho had sold her stock In the "Protective Gambling Association of America," which paid from 4 to S per cent, dividends a week for riot many weeks. Hhu s-ild tho first f,-w dividends convinrtil her that all was well, so slu- gavo up all the money Mm had, about II, Ton. Millions of bollla sold arnually Made Where th Tomatoes Grow In the Midst of the Sculh Jersey Farms Sold at Crxxtrn anJ l)dlaltiscn Shici J Toprfra& TTlSm IMrk .1 ii r- In IIIk llond Then. Tho trial of Antonio Dlgrogarln, twenty-five, formerly head runner for Kean, Taylor & Co., No. fi Nnssiu Street, ManhatUn. on charges ef rob bery, grand larceny in the first derre" ami anxauit In thi H''niid dt-Kreo In connection Willi the Ihoft Nov. 30. of 1 166,000 In bonds of that company, be gan to-day before Justice MacOrat In lirooklyn supremo Court. Don't be fooled. There is only one genuine ''PHILA DELPHIA7' Cream Cheese. It is branded "PHILA DELPHIA" on the package. Offenheim.llins& 34th Street New York A Special Purchase and Extraordinary Sale Friday At About Import Cost 1600 Japanese Crepe Kimonos (As Illustrated) Hand embroidered Crepe, in Rose and Chry santhemum Designs. Copen, Rose, Pink, Light Blue and Lavender. Extraordinary Value 2.00 1000 Pairs Japanese Silk Boudoir Slippers Hand-embroidered and Silk lined in self color. Copcn, Rose, Pink, and Light Blue. Special 1.00 OPPENHEIM.LUNS&(g 34th Street New York Will Close Out Friday About 400 Girls' Summer Dresses Sizes G to Ut years. Chambrays, Imported Plaids and Check Ginghams, Fancy Voiles and Organdies. Values to 5.90 2.00 gwnHwrm.-iiT.n .Milif1"