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fU : SLIDING GAS RATE BASED UPON MONTHLY SUPPLY , Merchants' Association Submits Plan When P. S. C. Opens Hearings hito Situation. All Ave members of tho Public Ser Mcc Commission, Chulrman Prcnder .ast presiding:, began to-day In tho auditorium of tho McrchantB Asso ciation, In tho Woolworth Bulldlni,', hearings on the gas rate situation In this city, the quality of tho gas fur nished and the determination of a reasonable price. The auditorium crowded. Corporation Counsel O'Brien was there with a detachment of assistants to protest the legality of the commis sion and to berate the gas companies, the latter evoking frequent bursts of applause. Chairman Prcndergast. outlining tho Intont of tho commission, said It had Initiated the inquiry on its own mo tion, and asked tho companies to fur nish tho data tov which they were requested. This was dono by prac tically all companies, some asking an extension of time to add to facts and figures already submlttud. The Merchants' Association filed a long petition oigolnst a Hat rato for gas, asking tho commission to sub btltute an equitable monthly service charge to all consumers at a scale of graduated charges under which the rate per 1,000 cubic feet should be decreased proportionately to tho In crease in quantity consumed. Corporation Counsel O'Brien hro delivered his notice of protest and asked If there was going to bo any litigation, adding he did not want any "sham-battles" at the expense of the taxpayer. Ho wanted also to know If tho commission Intended taking testimony and data "in capsule form" and then fixing the rate. Ho warned the commission that many gas rate coses were in the United States Su preme Court for decision In October nd predicted a victory for the people. CLERK, TRAPPED IN VAULT, BETTER Bank Watchman's Quick Work I Brought Rescue in an Hour. .Samuel Tlston. tho clerk who waa accidentally locked for an hour in the book vault of the Metropolitan Dank, at 23d atreet and Fourth Avenue, enrly lajt evening and revived later by tui motor, was said to-day to be rocovcrlt.g from his experience and would iprob ably bo back ut work In a day or two. A. C. Corby, second vice president and cashier of the bank, who aided In tho rescue of Tlston, said to-dny: "Tiston went to the book vault with some of the bank's books nbout S o'clock last night. When the watchman saw the vault door open ho closed It. The In stant ho did so he know that Tlston wus Inside. So ho turni'd on the electric lights of the vault and started the nlec- THE EVENING WORLD, THUBSDAY, JS'NrjE 16, 1921. trie fan with which It is equipped. Then no leiepnonea 10 me. I got mere in my car and Tlston was out In about an hour." Tho clerk was exhausted from hysteria when rescued. 8TH POSTPONEMENT IN COLEMAN CASE Polio. Detective's Lawyer Mopes to Be Ready for Trial To-Morrow. The trial of Detective Sergt. Henry J Coleman, under suspension, charged with "ibtMtlng out tho eye of ono young man nnd destroying tho sight ot an other." was again adJourmd to-dny for the eighth time when William J. Fallon, rmwp io' (", lulormuil Judge ltosalsky In General Sessions t hut lie i iiimuil -n trvlntr i homicide rnsp. Mr. Fnllon snlil he expected to be ablo to go to trim uy to-morrow. The men the defendant was alleged to huvt" Hijuriil were Mlrhnpl C5. Thv- lor, twenty-six, of No. 213 West 120th street, iitui nenry jnn' tnirty, of .No. 176 Knst 123d Strict si J. GLASSBERG HKTWKISN 30TII AND 31ST STS. 290 Fifth Ave. Branch: 511 6th Ave 3 DAYS' SALE MCTWKKN 30TH AND 31.ST NTH. our Special Reduction Salo Is not comprised of discarded patterns or inferior "mark-ups," but only tho newest standard models that give full satisfaction In every way. Short and Medium Vamp Shoes Model Model i. MODEl, NO. 1 Style 980.. Brown Kid Insert; two-strap; Louis XV. covered heel: turn sole. Stylo S31. Talent Kid, white or red Insert; two-strap, Louis XV. covered heel; turn sole. MODEL No. 2 Style 085. Vlcl KM, white in sert; one-strap; wood-covered military heel. Sires 1 to ?. A to EE. No C. O. D. or ExehAnge. PRICE $10 (A a v, A '. '. 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A A A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A SHOES SEMI-ANNUAL CLEARANCE EE Famous Dorothy Dodd Low Shoes AT EXTREME REDUCTIONS All of the Season's most desirable and smartest modes are featured in this sale at extreme reductions. Prices Cannot Go Lower Actual Former Selling Price Up to $12.00 6,510 PAIRS All Colors All Styles Every wanted leather, color and combination worn this season, including an unusually large assortment of white models. Every Desired Heel ALL SIZES AND WIDTHS Extra Salespeople Special Accommodations Make Tour Selections in the Forenoon If Possible S X. No C. O. D's THESE SHOES ON SALE AT 3 mi 8T STORK ONLY. NINETEEN WEST 34TH STREET AH Sales Final SHOE DEPT. AT KEAlt OK MAIN FLOOIt 5 th Avenue Wlicrc There Is Justice, Co-operation, Economy and Energy, There la Service. James McCreery & Co. 34th Street McCreery Quality Merchandise, as adrertiud, n Sale lc ginning Friday, June 17th. Telephone Fitz Roy 3400 Negligees Fashionable Types anflf Favored Fabrics Specially Priced Breakfast Coat of heavy quality Crepe de Chine, bedecked w i t Ii self - r u e h i n and vari - tinted flowers and tie sash. Illustrated.) Special, 9.75 Breakfast Coats of heavy Satin, adorned with self shell - r u c h i n g, modish pockets and tie sash. Coral, Ii i g h t Blue, Turquoise Blue, Orchid, Copenhagen Blue, Wistaria and Black. Special, 8.60 Breakfast Coats of very heavy quality Crepe de Chine, embellished with silk fringe; roll collar, pockets and tie sash. Special, 1Q.50 Negligees of heavy quality Crepe Meteor, unusually graceful, straight line models with Georgette sleeves weighted down with silken tassels. Coral, Tea Rose, Orchid, French Blue, Turquoise Blue, Rose, Wis taria and Black. Special, 16.50 Breakfast Coats of two-tone Satin or heavy quality Crepe de Chine, bedecked with niching unusually pretty models, with tie sash and vari tintcd flowers. Three fetching mod els in all the wanted colors. Special, 13.00 Tax Included. (Third Floor) Stunning New Models In Jersey Suits For Misses and Women Special, 14.50 Late Spring models different from all predecessors. They are lithe, slim affairs, more like natty tailleurs than Sport Suits. Ordinarily their price would be several dollars higher, but os we se cured them through a very special purchase, we are able to offer them for a price that is far below their actual value. Every wanted shade is represented, as well os modish Heather Mixtures, Rites U to 18, Misses' Section. Sizes 3h to Women's Section. Misses Dresses of -Taffeta, Satin, Lace or Crepe. Sizes 14 to 18 years. Formerly 05.00 to 75.00. Reduced to 49.50 (Fourth Floor) For Men All Leather Oxfords r.85 formerly 10.00 to 12.50 Quality nnd values stand ont most conspicuously when one stops to" consider that n year ugo shoes identical to these were. selling for dliiiost twice llii'. price even now they nro marked close to cost I Solidly yet comfortably con Htrucled of llhick or Tan Itussl.i Culf, All (Mtn't tikop Second Floor, Annex) "What tills country needs Is rn coiirnfrciiirnt visible signs of tlir bright future Hint is before us," sulci n prominent American nt n private bampirt the other evening We can't imagine anything more encouraging thnn the markedly lower price level now In effect. This low price level is not merely a "visible sign" It is actual proof. In many lines McCreery prices arc ulrcady down to their pre-wnr level luggage, for Instance In all lines they arc down to where women may buy without restrictions. Special for Friday and Saturday Children's and Misses' Strap Pumps Trim, stylish Strap Pumps of sturdy Tan Calf skin or Patent Leather with welt soles have been reduced to the following special prices for Friday and Saturday: !iy2 to 7. .formerly C.60, 4.95 112 to 2..formerly 5.25, 4.45 7 to 11. . .formerly 4.75, 3.95 (Second Floor) Beach Togs For Tiny Tots 1.50 complete A fetching Apron, Bloomers and a Sunbonnct fashioned of Pink or Blue Lincne. Sizes 2, 4 and 0 years. Apron and Bloomers, without Bonnet. 1.00 (Third Floor) Ice Cream in Short Order with an Auto Vacuum Ice Cream Freezer . Your cream Is frozen harJ and smooth In 00 minutes without nny tiresome turning. The freezer Is absolutely san itary, nothing can get out of order, and the Ice and sail H I m p 1 y can't seep Into the. c r c a m compartment. Sec demonstration, 1 quart or (l-dlsh size, . , 5.00 'J quarts or IL'-dish hlr.e.. 6.00 4 quarts or 2l-dish size. .10.00 (Sixth Floor) Opportune Reductions on Women's Silken Gowns Taken From Our Regular Stock There are singularly beautiful affairs of Georgette or Canton Crepe, Satin, Taffeta and Paulctte. Some arc tailored effects suitable for street wear, others arc quite simply adorned in semi dressy fashion still others are elaborate with rich embellish ment. These latter arc appropriate for dinner parties. Gorgeous beading, embroidery, hand-drawn work, tucking and gay sashes provide effective adornment. Only one or two of a style. 100 Gowns formerly to 65.00, 39.50 65 Gowns formerly to 150.00, 75.00 (Fourth Floor) Our Entire Stock of Oriental Rugs ''McCreery Master-Weaves of the Orient" l3 Off Regular Price The assortment consists of finely woven and beautifully designed Persian Mahals Kirmanshahs Araks and Sarouks, as well as many Turkish, Asia Minor and Indian specimens. Whether the room you wish to furnish he small, medium or extra large in size, you will find a rug to fit it which at the same time harmonizes with its decorative scheme. Embossed Chinese Rugs Included. Reduction will be made at time of purchate. (Eighth Floor) Dainty Negligee Slippers Priced in This Sale from 1.25 to 4.45 (very much below our regular prices) A boon to the bride and an unequalled opportunity for every woman to save. Through a fortunate circumstance which will not interest you, we were permitted to purchase the entire stock of one of the finest makers and importers of Slippers in this country. Every conceivable type of Boudoir and Lounging Slippers is included Satin Mules, plain or elaborately embroidered; Satin d'Orsay models, plain or embellished; Imported Chinese and Japanese models. Complete size and color ranges in every style. Thirty-seven different styles three to six colors in every model. These Slippers may not be returned or sent on approval. (Second Floor) ill 5 u wntji in in m OHITJ v a Mil uiu'l tat ii if 1 V i a. .'. it i a tt ft im I'm a l a it ill a i ia k a I to t a l I ii i m IV . a I a a a . a a k k a I m k til ai 1 ! , Ind .