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T- ' - - ' ; . f THE EVENING WORLD,, THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1921. UNLIMITED BOOZE . PERMIT COSTS $; BUT IN VANCOUVER Dispensary Opened Under New Law Sells Scoldi at $, Wine at 2 a Bottle. VANCOUVKIt, U. C. Juno 16. Nothing np'prouclitni? a stum-pcili-, jet a iituiuly How. or busi ness', ffructuil the tiovcrntnent llcjuur iliiL'iiHiirluM Iii-ro and In Vlolorlii VoMlcnliiy at tliu opening, unilc'r thn iruw moderation Htatutc. Kcolcli uhlsoy at Irom t to $5 n. quart, liccr tit $:o u barrel aiul Tviuas tit from y: lo $1 a bottlo wcro ofTurcd iicMons holding per mits, l'ortnllti cust75 each and rtcc no restriction on tho emountH purchased. According tojirovlnclal ofllclaJg, private lJquor 'dealers said bey vrould undersell the Government and defy efforts to pcnallzo thorn. SIX CARDINALS j " GET THE RED HAT WORK ON HARBOR FACES A TIE-UP. Appropriation of 5?5, 135,000 Asked, and Only $850,000 Granted by Congress. It -was stated at the United States Engineer's office to-day that Impor tant work In Now York Harbor and tho river clianuclu will have to bo suspended unless Conerens Imme diately makes new npproprUstlons. The Amount askod for this year's work was $0,135,000 und tho appro priation was only ' $850,000. Tho amount imkod for the dredfrtng of tho channel from Governor's Island to Ucll Gate Included In the $5,135, 000 request was J,200,600. Appro priation for this work was only J100.0OO. The pre-war estimate for needed improvements In this port called for 536,900,000, to" be spread over a term cf years. At prcjvnt costs of labor .ind material this estimate would LmU'c to bo greatly Increased. It was said that with tho money now available the engineers will bo rvi;u 10 uo nine ii anyininir mora loan to keep thu Ambrose Channel open. Pope Confers tmsignia at ftrblic Consistory hi the; Sala Regia. , t hOMH, Juno 16 (Associated Press). I'opo Bcnodlct, In a public consistory held to-day In thn fiala lloela, con ferred tho red liat on Cardinal Unso tiesl, former lapol Nuncio to Hp.ln; Cardinal Uenlloch y Vlvl, Archbishop otvllurcofl, and Cardinal Francisco Vldal y Bnrraquer. Archbishop of Tar rnKOti. who were made members of tho Sacred Collceu of Cardinals In tho consistory of last month. At tho tam time tho Pontiff conferred the rod hat on tho three Italian Cardi nals created by him on Monday last, Monslgnor Giovanni Taccl Poroolll, the Papal Major Domo; Monslcnor Camlllo Iaurcntl, Secretary of tho CotifcrcKatlon of the I'ropacamla, and Monnlgnor Aehtlle Rattl. PapaJ Nuncio to l'oand. Dr. Jenklna, Former Health Com mlUMlnner, SerlonMy III. Dr. VUIIam T. Jenkins, brother-in-law of IUchard Croker and former Health Commissioner of the City of Now York, a resldJkit of Slaten Island for many years. Is seriously 111 at the Hahnemann Hospital in Manhattan. Ho has been In the hospital for several weeks, and It Is said there ha cannot recover. Ho Is suffering from liver trouble. Little Girl, llelplncr Mother, I lliwlly Jlurned. Mary Roc'ss, twelye years old. of No. S3 Mlddagh Street. Brooklyn, was seri ously burned on the hands and body early to-day, when her clothing caught hre from the gas stove In the kitchen. Tho llttlo girl was helping tipr mother, Mrs, Margaret liogns, with tho Ironing. Hf Ml II I II II I vWM K SKA JTMSllTfT Safe Milk For tnf ante 9t lnalids NO COOKING Tbm-FonA- Drink" for All Ages. Quick Lunch at HorriR, Office, n4 Fountains. Ah for HORLrCtrS. SOnA Xmitatioi s h Snbttitatea :. U. S. Pat. Ott 32-34 West 34th St. i BOOT SHOP 32-34 West 34th St. LAST WEEK OF OUR ' Clearance SALE Presenting thousands of pairs of LOW SHOES At Prices in Many Instances Below Actual Cost SHOES THAT FORMERLY SOLD UP TO $12.00 WIL.L. oyc. KUKJJCU UU 1 Al .85 $ and Every wanted model shown and worn this season is represented in this collec tion, including. tur exclusive creations. 65 Styles, Including White Models. Sport Models in Fine White Linens and Summer Leath ers. Including Black and Tan Trimmed Mqd'els. Dress Models in Every W a n t cd Style, Leather, Color and Combination. Street Models include Brogues, Straight and Wing Tip Ox fords and Strap Effects. The shoes offered, in this sale' are of Queen Quality Boot SIiod standard In mode, materials and workmanship and are in no sense of the word SALE MERCHANDISE. SIZES 1 TO 8. WIDTHS AAA TO D. No C, 0. D'i. Nr Deliccriet. No Exchanges No Credit. Queen Quality Boot Shop :2-34 West 34th Street E7 GARTER mmm Wide for Comfort rllE widc-webhctl U. Z. Garter fits the calf of the leg. Never liinrls: never sliiw. On and off as easily as your socks. Hi hihptilihfT ami drrut nwnt mm t-vrrrwlifr. I for the "K. Z." itmmrrd on Us Mrwr. Tht only tcnulno V. 1- 1 Biuio m & m sb m.Bi HEADQUARTERS FOR VICTROLAS NOW ALSO HEADQUARTERS FOR m 4 mi m i m . mm m r m I m y - , ? 427 Fifth Ave. 5g5 Near 38th St. i rrrrvrV fas &ymm?7' ,nu u I lie; T has always been the philosophy of this institution that one cannot play every instrument in the band. That is why for twenty years we have preached exclusively the gospel of Victor Quality. We are not now changing our philosophy, but proving it. , Our devotion is. to a principle, not a .name. That principle is Quality. F6r twenty years its only synonym was Victrola. Today it is also Sonora. The Victrola still stands for Quality there has ben no change. But its historic isolation is challenged. A pupil has drawn level with the master and supremacy has company. We need not descend to comparisons. As children look equally good to their mother, so ours look equally good to us. It is a case of doubled not divided devotion. ' We neither like-the Victrola less nor the Sonora more. We simply must recognize and respond to the ever increasing demand for the superb Sonora. - You are cordially itwited to visit a Landay Store and view the representative and newly-delivered collection of "The Highest ClassTalking Machine in theWotld" SONORAS $50 TO $1800 CONVENIENT TERMS IF DESIRED 23 West 42nd St. OPEN EVENINGS 945 So. Boulevard Near 163rd St. NEWARK 775 Broad Street -- A 1 H nBVpjgBMHHHHHHHHH Sift FAW klBBMBMBBBaMMSMP I t Koifiv hv Tho Thos, P. :on mm att, iimmn