Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING WORLD, MONDAY, JUNE 20, 1921. m m 300 T0 1 ,000 P. C. ROFITS MADE ON ICE CREAM HER E (grant Profiteering Disclosed as Result of Thorough Investigation. By '. Q. Fov. (Sfcecial Food Expert of The Evening world,) ftr response to hundreds of letters from readers Tho Evening World has ducted an Investigation and tn- dor presents some astounding facts lalroirard to profiteering In tho man- uficturo and sale of Icn cream In this olt&'. According to most liberal estimates t costs, profits from Ice cream said iKew York range from 500 to 1,000 cent. In few articles of food has re been found any creuter evidence extortion from the consumer. Ice in, somo years ago, was regarded a confection, or a delicacy, but Is rapidly attaining the lmpor- See of one of our national food naiiles. I,aws standardizing the man uft cturo of Ice cream recently have le n placed on the statute liookn of for :y-flve State. Only three States Nejv York, New Mexico and Arkansas nave failed to enact laws safe truirdlng the health of their citizens in fixing Ice cream standards. Sew York City has adopted a etujidard of 8 per cent, buttcrfat ex clusive of vegetable of other fats, un do Sections 170 and 177 of the Sani tary Code, which regulate tho manu facture, ualo and Interstate trading In lccj cream In New York City. Olo .SaH he, Director of fooda nnd Drugs In the Department of Health, said to daj: "Ico cream Is not only a luxury, l)U6 an Important food Item. In nd- 3n, It is. prescribed by physicians ponvalcsccnt patients, and It was iccord with tho recommendation of ling physicians that New York adopted Its present 8 per cent. jerfat standard for Ico cream." recent round-up of tho manu facturers and dealers In Ice cream has resulted In tnklng hundreds of rarjjplcs which are now being BAiJjyzcd, and It was learned that Bor&e of the samples arc so fraudu lent that prosecutions will follow. TJhe wholesale cost ot everything entering Into tho manufacture of Ice rrenm has been reduced materially. Nugar is now selling at Cc or less, while a tO-ijuart can of 40 jcr cent, cream costs from J20 to 121, nnd 40. quart can of 20 per cent, cream from JU to $13 wholesale, according to the quantity. Tho "mix" Is tho term applied to tho preparation of the cream when ready to bo frozen. This varies, ac cording to the ptans ana purposes of the manufacturers, whosn principal object does not seem to be the quality nnd standard of the product, hut rather the quantity of the overrun. The "swell," or overrun, varies from S5 to 13f per cent, over the original volume, while a mix containing n fat standard of 3S per cent, will show u swell of 100 per rent , or rlnubln the quantity of t(i- mllU and nviim used. The following mix of 2G0 gallons will produce about RO0 gallons of Ire cream containing g per cent, butter fat, the grade called for by the Itonrd nf Health, the cost given being based on the present wholcsnle rate: Uttit. m F RE STARTED ON CRAIG N CONEY SI Quantity J cam, W1 qta. . 5 ram, 200 qta. . , 54 rana, 10l Qta 111 auaar !' 1h-. rrlitlnr 2'. It... unlU... ,.0f, huttirfat 3.1 bnttrrftt . "c bmtfttit craiiulatnl ataulanl ttandard rout. 10.00 i: co MO 0. 2! 1. :s Tntal ml nf mil . aim in Co vf iuu au.l tall , 21.00 Total IIH.IO Here It is shown that It costs $128.40 to manufacture COO gallons of standard 8 to 9 per cent. Ico cream, or 25.08 cents a gallon. The cost to tho large Ice cream dealers Is gen erally $1.30 to $1.40 a gallon, while the restaurants are charged at tho rato of 40c a quurt, or $1,00 a gallon for standard 8 per cent. Icu cream. The present cost of Ico cream to con sumers, which runs from COc to 80c n quart, Is extortionate, us the term "profiteering" fnlls more than meas ureably to express the present prices. As the prices given arc for a standard grade of Ico cream, tho profits on the Inferior kinds, In which all sorts of "sharp" practices aro re sorted to, is much larger. The use of "reconstituted" milk In the manu facture of Ice cream 1b ono nf tho many devices by which a low grade of cheap butter Is injected Into a low grade of skim milk to give It tho re quired percentage of buttcrfat, tho rancidity being nullified in the Pas teurizing process to which it is sub jected. Much of the Ice cream sold on tho beaches Is little better than frozen water, sweetened, with the milk con tent limited to a low grade evapo rated product. It Is possible to de velop a consumptive demand for Ico cream, second only to that of milk, at a price that would be within the means of the average consumer. Next to the exceaslvo prices charged for Ice cream nro tho prices charged for lemonade and carbonized beverages. Kven at the extremely high prices of lemons, a gallon of excellent lemonade costs only about 40c, as follows: Seven lemons, 22c: 2 pounds sugar, 12c; 2 ouncco citric acid, Gc. This will make 10 glasses of beverage, weighing 8 ounces, and a retail prico to the consumer of 5c would admit or 100 per cent, profit, hut 10c and 15c, plus a war tax, Is the general prlco charged for a much inferior bevorage. Htrnwbcrry flav ored beverages cost about 3c u glass to manufacture, but cost consum ers 15c. 10L SHE SALE Commissioner of Accounts Be gins Inquiry to Show Deal Approved by Comptroller. Tho officials if the Hoard of Kdtica tloti, charged by Comptroller 'ralg with ntUmptlng to mulct the city of $07,000 by a deal In a school site at Coney Inland, have gono on tho war path against the Comptroller. .Mr. Craig's action In asking the lrand Juries of New York and Kings Counties to make u thorough investi gation of the Coney Island school site matter was answered to-day by a de mand from Kdwurd U. Shallow of the Hoard of IMucatlon, who was In chargo of this particular transaction, that fjio Urand Jury include in its In vestigation a review of the acts of the Comptroller and some of his sub ordinates, who, It Is claimed, ap proved the deal. Mr. Shallow's demand Is made In a long letter to District Attorney Lewis of llrooklyn. Mayor Hylan has ordered Corpora tion Counsel O'llrlcn to conduct an Independent Investigation. It is charged by tho Mayor and other city officials that if thero is anyth'ng wrong about tho Coney Island school The Joy of the Good Old Times is in the flavor of "Eddy's" Sauce the laste of the good old garden things that made the cooking of our grand mothers' day so delightful. "Eddys Sauce MADE IN U. S. A. At Grorers and Delicatessen Stores. E. Prilchird, 327 Spring St., N. Y. F S NCMecfinWtfti-Ai)y Othtr Establishaftit In tht Wbrld WORTH THIRTY roURTH-STREET IRiADWAY FIFTH AVENUI Silk Frocks FOR SlIW NEWLY CnEATHiD AYODELS, SPECIALLY DESIGNED FOR SUAViAER UECHEATIONS Presenting Unprecedented .Values A TWO TONED FROCK OF LUSTROUS R0SHANARA. CREPE, APPROPRIATE EITHER FOR SPORTS OR JNFOJ?AAL "WRAP, IS SLENDERLY SIAPLE OP- LINE COLLAR, CUFFS, POCKETS AND BUTTONS ARB IN 22 .50 THIS FLUFFY 'FROCK OF CEORGETTE COMBINED "WITH LACE IN LARGE FILET PATTERNS 19 SUITABLE FOR THE M.0RE FORMAL OCCASIONS OF DAYTIAK "WEAR; cA UNIQUE IY DRAPED TUNIC IS ONE OF THE NEWER FEATURES OF THE A0DE FOR SUnAER 36 s0 FOUR COMPLETE FLOORS ARB DEVOTED TO THE SALE OF "WOMEN'S OR AUSSES' FROCKS OF SILK COTTON OR CLOTH site matter the Comptroller is re sponsible. 1'fndlng tho action of the Corpora tion Counsel and tho Grand Juries tho negotiations have been suspended. In conjunction with the Corporation Counsel Mr. Hlrshllcld, Commissioner of Accounts, started an Investigation Into the Bchool site inuddlo to-day Attaches of tho Comptroller's oillce who worked on tho caye were exam ined. The minutes of tho Sinking Fund Commission show that on Juno IS, 1020, the Comptroller recommended thnt certain property on the north side of Mermaid Avenue, Conc Island between West 23d Street and West 37th Street, which had been in litigation for many years be rclensed to various claimants at tho rnto of $200 n lot after tho payment of back taxes and assessments. Such a settle ment ho reported would yield tho city $173,000 in taxes and assessments and $30,000 In payments for tho releases. The Sinking Fund Commission unanimously adopted the Comptrol ler's report. Subsequently tho Hoard of Kducatlon contracted to buy some of tlita property for a school slto at the ratu of $2,000 a lot nnd Comptroller Craig's opposition to tho plan brought on thu controversy. "ICEMEN" RAID SALOON. Ilry AkpiiI, In llUnnloc, .Mnl.r A r remt In Tlirrr llritnUl n l'lncm. Posing as icemen. Prohibition Agenti liln.iteln, 3old.irnlt!i an 1 lteagtr, tin "Flying Squadron," vtaltrd three placea In llrooklyn early to-day. They had a nogon loaded with Ice and Were attired In Icemen's clothe. They arrested Jonn Oga. bartender, of No. 107 North Piflh Street, for allosed violation of ihc Vol stead Act. The nthcy were ariiunil the corner to thu place of Uenjamln t.enee nleh, where they arrested Ler.cenlch ard his son, John, a college student who was said to have been acting as bar tender. At No. 333 Oakland Street the; took Into custody Stiphon Smith, owner, nnd Joseph Schnsowlnskl. bartendtr. The five wire held In $1,000 ball eich iv I'nlle.l State Commissioner Itai'luln. THE doors of our new home are open to you. It holds gifts galore, charm ing things from many corners of the earth, in greater array and widerchoice than ever. And though our building is new, the old, old spirit of sound values and good service is with us always. OVINGTONS "The Gift Shop of Fifth Avenue" Fifth Avenue at 39th Street 1 1 i Sanitary Precautions r Everv Grade Adairy must ' have a sebaraie milk house 'H il JJ 11 1 7 iwnn ngniweii aramea cnmerii floor. The windows land doors must be screened. There must be a vat of clean lice water for coolind the milk, I and this vat must be covered. There are many such reasons 'which malie Borden s OradeA the quality milk. BORDENS Form Products Cojnc. Cortlandt Z96I mm i II m III mm a a f . Just Out! Just Out! ! The World 1921 Summer Resorts Annual and Good Motor Roads Guide Many First Class Automobile Tour Maps. Thousands of Announcements of Foreign and American Summer Hotels, Boarding Houses and Resorts. PRICE 10 CENTS At all World Offices, Subway, Elevated and Railroad Sta tions and Newsstands. By Moil, 10 cents. Address Summer Resorts Dept, The World, Pulitzer Building, New York City. STORE HOURS-9 A. M. TO 5 P. M. IBegt & Co. Fifth Avenue at 35th Street N. Y. Established 1879 TUESDAY New Summer Fashions At Special Prices featuring CORRECT SPORTS ATTIRE Heavy Pure Silk Sweaters 20.00 Tuxedo models in novelty block or stripe weave, with pockets and braided silk girdle with long silk tassels. In navy, black, brown, beige and tomato. MAIN FLOOR Frill Front Voile Blouses . . 4.50 Dainty blouses to wear under a suit or sweater or with a pretty skirt. Becoming long roll collars, edged with lace. Full pleated frill, also lace trimmed. Two models. MAIN FLOOR White Novelty Silk Skirts 10.00 Beautiful novelty silks in check, block and plaid weaves. With narrow belt and pretty pockets. THIRD FLOOR Sleeveless ShantungDresses 15.00 Shantung Silk in the natural color smart, comfortable and durable. Tailored model with belt, pockets. Misses' sizes. SECOND FLOOR White Buckskin Oxfords . . 7.50 Genuine white buckskin, with rubber soles and heels straight tip and ball strap outlined with foxings. Sizes 3 to 8 Widths A to D. THIRD FLOOR STORE HOURS 9 A. iM. TO 5 P. M. The Mans Shop The "Fifth Avenue Limited" on the Busy Man's Schedule Lord & Taylor's Express Elevators to The Man's Shop A Wife's Opportunity In The Man's Shop GREATLY REDUCED the grade of fine silk and imported and domestic lisle socks every man wants and that his wife can buy for him with perfect confidence in the result. Furnishes the ladies with a splendid opportunity to become acquainted with The Man's Shop and to sut' prise their husbands with a most sat isfactory purchase. Special at SS Cents Heavy weight silk socks, seamless, with lisle tops, toes and heels; in black, white, cordovan brown, navy and suede. Quality evident at a alance have sold up to the present at much higher price. Special at 65 Cents Deautiful quality lisle socks, mercerlttd and fuIT fashioned; In navy, cordovan brown, ray and tan. Top a pair of Summer Oxfords with unusual elegance. Reduced for this occasion. Special at $1.15 Very fine, imported, mercerized lisle socks, full fashioned; in modish two-tone effects; black and white, black and purple, cordovan and white, cordovan and green, gray and blue, gray and white, gray and green, navy and white, navy and gold, and other combina tions. A big reduction. Lord & Taylor 38th Street FIFTH AVENUE 39th Street Tenth Floor Express Elevators Without Stop The "Optimus" Shoe Exclusive in Style I