Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING WORLD, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1921. r NEWS OF N. . HIGH SCHOOLS (Ooti'inuctl From Twelfth, 1'agH.) nnics i tic senior dcfeiiteil Hip Sixth Form S l fi, wlillo tin- Klftli Kurin fll bcfoto tho Seventh 12 to 0 ... Tho fdrthcomlnj; number or the- MfiR plo will Ijo tlcvutuil to tli Clinton Arista, Tho Mngplf stuff, consists of Edward SI. Kline, crtiloi In chlof: Coun ter J'. Cullcn, .taiii' S llockel, Vaughn li. XiannlugtOM, Sidney W. Wnllnrh tiiiU Ahraluun A. Antovllle, associate; edi tors; Barney U. Fcnstcrstoclc. Lawrence Singer, Joromo L. Strauss, sportliiK cdl- nwi Itvmnn Ttitliln Ittnilriri. ft.,n.M. rauf Knnor. nrt staff: Hyman J. Uold-bere-. circulation maniiirer: Sidney M. Cohen, advcrtlslni? mnnaser: J. A. Hipes, racuity naviscr; is. i. ureon. art critic. Morris. The Oil! Vive, a literary society. ts nrlntinc: n imall weekly bulletin. which la poateil In. the lunelitimma. The bulletin in devoted tn news of franornl Interest the nlmlrnli. and a under tho I'llltnrshlp of Itenjuinin Breen. Sin then the OunblKh, an other aoclety. has bPKin to print a bulletin alonff tho name lines with Abraham Leavltt as editor. Tho spirit ef the thing seema to have spread and bulletins nrn heme posted all over tho lunchrooms. Tho seventh term Is printing nnu mid also tho Xreshles. On Nov. 15 and 16 the pageant "America In the Making" was shown to tho students In tiiu auditorium. Tho debating team will meet Sluy vesant at Stuyvesant at S o'clock to night, nuhln, Slnmm and I.evenstcln will arfruo for Mortis. Ituhin and Levenstclu will speak In the lefuta tlon. The seventh team is 01 aani.intr de bating and basketball teams virtu ally everv other term Is .it ivmU on similar teams, and it la expected that In tho near future there will be many interclasi matches. I ... The Penhlch and Alacris societies vlll debate tho "l''rnedom of tho Philippines." This question has been the cuiisu of mueh urtfuinrnt In the school, and tho result of thn debate la looked forward to with much Inter est. The Chess Club has reorganized, Rnd Its members havo chosen tho fol lowing oltleers: Wi'liiian, President: rrenowltz, Vice President. and Gleeksman Secretary. The bmlnosa manncur in ffaranlto. ... Work has been begun by the Span ish Club on I.n I,rve. a magazine to on Driniea in .-ipanixn and to no sold Kavarsky has been choson editor In chief. ranged for Office-s' Tj,i, in i Ju... Dec l. Toe nett.y elected ollKers of tho Oovcrniug Council .ll iMcmde. ... An Oriental operetta, Tho Persian Princes, " will be peiforinej b tho Oleo Cub on tho afternoon of Dec. to J'hu pla lll bo handsomely mounted und is being thoroughly rehearsed. L'atr;cc Schledewi'.z wtd take one ot the leading parts. ... A Christmas bazair was held l'rldny and S.uuiday to raise funds for lh choUrhipa given taivnled ai t atudei ts ot the sehooi. More than 500 workers sold eery conceivable type of gH. l'"rlday evening te ivaa erej In the foyer, while Saturday motion pictures and dancing served to make tho enter tainment en'oyable. The sehooi hopes to Increaso tho number of scholarships this year, tivening High Schools. Harry .Miller has been riveted Presi dent of the (icneraj Organization of the liny Hldgc Uvei.lng Mtgli Sell ml. llrooklyn. Other oltleers .ire Noim.t Robertson, Vice Piesident, YVlllimi Paul, Secretary, and Kay Iladow, Tre-u-urer. Students st the Uast Side livening Willi Stliool, 1 1 1 v i n t o 1 1 and Uldridge Streets. have issued a faculty number of their publication, tho Proif-cs. A koteh by IClls M. Orossnvin u( Henry I. Korr. who left the scho l to ro to Hvander Chllds, l used as the cover lllustrallon. To one outside thn school tho most Impressive lea'-ti'o of the 1 roRrcis Is not tne original sto'es. drawlnsrs or Jokes but the serious questions considi red lu a serious way. An .irllele by Philip N'anes on the Arms I'lie'-ienra In rt. i nulon la an example ATHLETIC EVENTS AT HIGH SCHOOLS Washington Irving. Eight of the Washington Irvins classes ure 100 per cent, depositors In Uie school bank, which reports ,121 new account- In September and 4S3 In Oc tober. The total amount deposited In tb paat two months was nearly J2.003. ... ThsM will he a performance of the photoplay. "Coppy nicks," starring Thomas MelKhan, on Saturday, Dec 3. for tho benefit of tho Harry Lee Wcls ner Scholarship Fund. ... A dramatic programma has been ar- N'ext Saturday tho Kv.indor Chllds Rwlinnilns toam, which is In a lie for llrst iilnco with u total of seven won, nono lost, w'.U competo arrnlnsl tho Itlclimnnd 11111 natntora. There will bo no other athletics for tho school that day, aa most of the teams have completed their schedules. Morris'H soccer und football sea sons arc at an end. Tho basketball, debating und chess seasons arcs he Frinnlns. All these teams are nrrans Inir nintches for the near future. The rifle team met Krasmiis nt Morris and tho final score was 190 to 190. Tho Commerce quintet made an aur.plclouH start last week by defeating' Chiroprntlc. College, 58 to 4. Jacobs (Captain), Pakella and Castronovo starred in the came. The two former arc veterans of Inst year's champion, sh.p team and form tho nucleus for t:io new choice. npi.t; vitiA AiniiTs rtKPrr.Ens. SOFIA, Nov. 21 The (lovcrnmer.t hn authorized the entranro Into niil frarla of 7,000 Russian refugees now at Oalllpoll. The refupees In riul uarla now number more than 25,000 SOCIETY YOUNG FOLK TO PLAYFOR CHARITY MEDICAL BODY ASKS ANTI-BEER BILL VETO 'Murder nn t!ie Half ?litll" Fix iu-.t ot Placa k'lik'iuiiiniiiit lo-AiJ Nurrv. Members of the Junior Leairuo and many other 501111c people nro Liter estod In the entertainmetit to be jtlvon to-morrow night at the Plaza for tho benclU of tho Junior Auxiliary of tho Mnnhattanvlllo pay and Nursery. A mchidrahiu entitled ".Murder on tho Half-Shell or lluckets uf aoru" has been written by Algernon Urcig for the occasion and will bo presented ' by n cast composed of many well-j known jimtcus actois and actresses j under tho dlicctlon of Mlas Omco Henry. Silas Virginia Do Ht.vcu Is to play the had. Others having prominent parti will be Mr. and ira. Van Henry. Carlmell ji., tho Mihsos Christ, na NIohvil.i, Julia Shanlty, tlraco Iletid rick, Matjone Hugnes, Dorothy SchUf, Olorj Thoinas und Thelma M. Ukuii; Pino temerson McMlllln 3d, Loulu C. Owena, Meredith Wood, Cyril Uutlisr, Uobertson I. Cleveland, and J. Botry Underbill jr. In the chorus will bo Mrs. John Sanford, Mrs. Lawrenco Doylo and tho Mlsse-j Dorothy Hrown, Catherlno Okie, Marie Iamarchc, Kdlth and Frances MoCoon, Constance Hanks, 1 Helen t-a Fetrn. Isabel McMlllln, Matnarot Mennessy, Nina Chatlllon, ' Natalie Hanna, Helen Johnson. Vic- I lorlne KcJli-KR. Ioui"e Trlppe, Klalnc 1 Shearer, Isabella W001I and Betty1 1. ii.Humau. 1 lie ycuuijj uieii w 'u 01 cludo llielurd Hall. J.ouls de Zcrcza, Gilbert Vail and Morrison Clem ents. Miss Oraco Henry, who has directed many other amateur entertainment successfully, has devoted mueh tlmo to tohcaisliiff this play. Others ac tively Interested In its success aro Miss ItMith McCoon, Chairman of tha Kxecultvc Committee; Miss Marjorlo Cleveland. Chairman of tho Knter- I ment Committee; Miss Catherlno I Okie, Nursery Chairman; Miss Mary j Appleton, secretary; Miss Dorothy Battle, Publicity Manager, and Mrs. 1 OeorRO A. Sopor Jr., Chairman of Tickets -frr York Aaaoclntlon Sends Slinrp Protest to llnrdlnit, Dr. John P. Davln, Executive Secre tary of the New York Medical Associa tion, has sent to President Harding tho organization's petition (or a veto of thj Antl-ltccr 13111. It says: "There Is nothing In the history of tho practice of medicine In tills country to Justify this control by Congress, neither Is there anything inherent In the powers, tho traditions or tho knowl edge of Cougiess to Justify this assump tion of tho suzerainty over tho profes sion of mediclna us practised In tho Unllcd States." Hector Condemns Dry I.nrr na "Ccn. anr" on Clirlat." DETROri", Mich., Nov. 21. "Prohlht tlon Is destroying tho liberties of the American people; It Is endangering the Fourth Constitutional Amendment; It Is making hypocrites and placing a dis tillery In almost every other home," U10 Hev. Dr. D. W. Pulllngor, rector of tlrace Church, told his congregation yes terday. . Dr. Pulllnger declared the Prohibition Inw was for from temperance. "It Is the most Intemperate thing I have ever seen," ho said. "I can see no good reason for making It Illegal for 11 n American to have refreshments In his house If ho desires them. "To adopt Prohibition Is to pass a vote of censure on Jesus Christ, for he made wlno and drank It too," said tlio rector, Jlrrr London Man Killed hy Trolley, 'Hil to Tht Brwilne Wnrl.i.l NEW MJ.VDON. Conn. Nov. SI. Charles Faucett, while on his way to work at the Ilobert Galr Paper Mill Co., at Montvllle, was struck and killed bv a Norwich to New London trolley car this morning. Copes, 19 and 16, Find Marriage Dismal Fail ure Voting IJIoper?, Wed Throe Months, Now Cry Loudly for Frfcdom. PllILADHMMItA, Nov. si -Mrs. PtKgy (.'ope, tho nWtoen-yonr.old Over brook g-lrl who eloped with Charles Cope, nineteen-year-old son of un At lantic City banker, on Aug. 29, an nounced yesterday that sho was "through" with married life. Tho young husband also declared he was an enthusiast now' for tho slngto und simple llfo. "The next man I marry will bo a man," said Mrs. Cope. "It Is a sin to Insult God's woik beeauso He meant lo make Cluirllo n man; but lie failed miserably." "Marry again? Well, I guess not," said young; Cope. "1 havo had one oxporlenco and that will last inu a lifetime. Never again." "The worst you think ot Is too good for him," remarks tho bride of three months. "I was happy with har Just one day. She was Impossible to set along- with," the husband assorts. While tho youthful Copes were busy telling whnt a falluro their marrlago bad been, O. Frank Cope, the bride groom's father, was contending that the pair never were legally married. The girl was slxteon years old." Mr. Cope deflated, "nnd my Bon was nineteen. Besides thin, all the wit nessed were under ago." Cope and the girl were married in Mount Vernon, N T., and got a lively reception from Cope's parents.' Cop" was clapped Into the Ventnor Jail hy his lather ,11 a "runaway boy," nhiv the bride wept and pleaded. Tne t.i'l doors opened fin. illy nnd the Cpua weru reunited. They mado their home with the bride's siepfather, Milton V. Young, nn Ovcrhrook contractor. MENU for an Old-Timc Thanksgiving Dinner Oyster Cocktail Cream Tomato Soup Celery Picklci Hoast Turkey Creamed Onions Sweet Potatoes Cranberry Knurr Grapefruit .Salad IMuin Pudding Nut Ilalslns Coffee And, of Course, a a RelUh for all ktfTlUlAJ OLD ENGLISH MADE INU. S. A. At drocers ami Delicatessen Stores K. Prilchira, 327 Spring Si.. N, Y. DIAMONDS WATCHES JEWELRY SILVERWARE IVORY PYRALIN GOODS ETC. AT WHOLESALE PRICES Send for Big Illustrated Catalogue H. M. MANHEIM & CO. Wholesale Jewelers 87 Nassau Street, New York PENNY A POUND Remember The .Folks At Home Special for Tuesday and Wednesday, Nov. 22nd and 23rd Chocolate Covered T x. The choicest, ripest, most LJaXGo cnrefully selected Dates. The Pride of the Orient. Put up in handsomely decorated Thanksgiv ing boxes. POUND BOX 24 Milk Chocolate Covered Fruit and Nut Pudding 59c A Thanksgiving treat that has all the charm and flavor of the old fashion Plum Pudding. Our regular 79c Koods. POUND BOX SPECIAL THANKSGIVING ATTRACTIONS On Sale Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday High Grade Assorted Chocolates Thanksgiving Round Box or Bon Bona and Chocolates put up in beautifully decorated boxes depicting life in the early New Lncland Days. POUND BOX POI tainers, tastefully decorated and filled with choirest Chocolate Covered Sweots. PACKAGE COMPLETE 49c Very High Grade Assorted Chocolates All that the name implies in quality, variety nnd thorough candy excellence put up in richly ornnmunted containers. 2 II, Boxes, $1.60 POUND BOX 80c Thanksgiving After Dinner Package Contents: Assortments of Sugar Peppermints and Wintergreens, Crys tallized Ginger, Milk Chocolate Peppermints, Newport Mints, Milk Chocolate Individual Nuts, Burnt Almonds, Glace Pineapple and Salted Assorted Nuts. PACKAGE COMPLETE 89c Gotham Assorted Chocolates or Bon Bons and Chocolates: A very superior assortment of toothsome sweets put up in neat, handsnmo con tainer. POUND $ 2-Lb. Boxes, $3.50 BOX Our Jewel Package (Assorted Chocolates) A real treasure chest of candy gems, each a Ranter piece of delicious perfection, attractively put up in beautifully artistic package, declared the hand somest candy container ever "V created. The gift box supreme. "BH J Hid PACKAGE COMPLETE &dJJ Thanksgiving Combination Package Mads up of Chocolate Almonds, Spiced Jelly Gums, Opera Drops, Smooth Almonds, Par lays, Caramels, Orange Tinted Hard Candies, Assorted Chocolates, Chocolate Manhmal lows, Nonpareils and 2 lithographed character masks for Thanksgiving fun. PACKAGE COMPLETE m jl Ccpjha jl Just as a Thanksgiving Special! Blue Serge and Gilbert Gray 89c Thanksgiving Mixture Our famous collection of as sorted hard candies put up for this occasion in the charucter IsticThankbgivlng Orange tint. Thanksgiving Loftypops Materials are provided so the six Loftypops can be dressed up asThanksgiving figures and stand at each plate as favors. Kuppenheimer Suits Without a question the two best suit buys in America! Beautifully-tailored. Chock full of style. The Blues are fine serges and un finished worsteds the famous Biltmore, Junior, model. Two or three-button jackets. . . . Light and dark shades of Gilbert Gray. Fine for business wear. Fine for dress-up, too! . . . Every one a Kuppenheimer. And temptingly priced Three Convenient Store 270 Broadway at Chambers J,7 Cortlandt Sired Broadway at Jtfllh Street 7W! Outdoor Thermometers A'o nctd for giteing about the Mather Con tult Uie thermometer and drea aeeordingly. Temperature and Health Temperature is an important (actor in cvery-day domestic and business life. The only accurate method or deter mining temperatures is with precise thermometers. The idea of measuring changei in temperature was concejved by Galileo Galilei in the year 1 592. and the Fahren heit scalj now generally used was de signed by Fahrenheit of Dantzig in the year 1714. This scale has 32 de grees as the freezing point and 212 as the boiling point of water. 1H Indoor Thermometers Hnnble ymi to keep ytmx home at the proper tern fierature to insure comfort and health. Our stock of thermometers comprises the best American and European makes. Oven Thermometers Will CAiMf you to Mie fuel and preivnl failure of your baking by proper heat adjustment. AH Our Thermometers Are At Lowest-in-tlie-City Prices From 19c to $6.74 Clinical Thermometers A mere illness involving a doctor's big bill may be avoided by the timely use of a fever thermometer. njjjv 3 Slain Floor Balconr, 34th Street, Rear. Herald Square i&no. & New York :iSM5SSamtHHtE?.tSS15J ARM FOURTEENTH STREET 6labll,UJ 1 827 WEST OF FIFTH AVE. Specials in MEN'S UNDERWEAR for Tuesday and Wednesday Values That Speak for Themselves Fltect or Ribbed Shirts or Drawers (Jtica Hodyguard Knit in Fleece or Illbbed. Moleskin Novelties grey or tan finish 2,400 garments In all. Special .70 Otis Dalbriggan Underwear Shirt or drawersSpecial .75 Rels's Lavender Line Union Suits Wool mixed winter weight all sizes Special 2.15 Men'sA ll-Wool Union Suits Grey winter weight. . . Augusta Union Suits Grey worsted mixed winter weight well made all sires 2.00 Stuttgarter Union Suits Medium weight all sizes Chalmers Union Suits Ilibbcd winter weight nil sizes I.50 Men's Root's Ttcoli Underwear Shirts or drawers grey soft finish shirts, sines HI to 40; drawers, siies Si to 44 Special 1.50 Men's All-Wool Underwear Winsted, well known make sinnh or double breasted shirts druwers, grey, soft finish. Special 2.74 Rcis's Medium Weight Underwear Grey soft, durable shirts or druwers all si.cs Special 1.01 McDowell Underwear Shirts or drawers medium weight Sprcial 1.2tS Royal Standard Winter Underwear Single or double-breasted shirts or drawers sizes up to 30 Special 1.2-1 Twecdndalc Medium Weight Underwear Shirts or drawers grey wool mixed Special 1,'1 See Pages 11 and 21 tor Other Hearn Advertising. Sheffield Farms Co. offers PERMANENT JOBS Fr GOOD MEN Clenn, able-bodied American citizens, between the ages of 21 and 35 years, will be paid, as route aaleamen, 35 DOLLARS A WEEK PLUS 2 COMMISSION APPLY AT 209 LEXINGTON AVE., NEW YORK CITY 154 WEST 3 1ST ST., NEW YORK CITY Or Any Main Distributing; Branch 51 . m . fit POUND 19c PACKACE OF SIX V,BOX 1 ... .1 54c