Newspaper Page Text
-THE EVENING WOBLD, WEDNESDAY, JANUABY 18, 1922. 18 EXTENSION 0 RENT F LAWS AND HOUSING to provide a method for ilctcrnilnlns what constitute! "a lair and reason able rent," jtid tu eliminate the ;on Eesllon In the city lOiirts of land lord nnd tenant ctses 01 PROBABLE r.i Kil.t.s w unmix. Joseph It. 0.lsjtinpr of No. 1514 Oliy Avenue, a watchman for the Sohmltt bfrger Detective Agency, Was killed this morning nhrn struck by a taxlcab at Sfventli Avfnue and 4'.'d Street. Tho taxi did not Mop, but the police say they huvo the license number Powerful Interests Uniting to Defeat New Lockwood Measures. v nit t o nc nv CCD A n 1 1 I i Ml I I ii .1 I. u There Seems to Be No Chance of Landlords Stopping Aid for Tenants. By Joseph S. Jordan. (8pctal Staff Correspondent of The Evening World.) ALBANY, an. IS. There Is eolns to be a flcht to the bitter end on the housing situation, and hostile forces are Catherine: at the Capitol against the extension of the Emergency Rent laws and an extension of the life of tho Lockwood Housing Committee. The Lockwood committee may end with tho session, but there seems to be tio chance of the landlords winning their fight against the extension of the Emergency Rent Iaws. They may not bo extended for the two years, which Senator Lockwtod Is expected to ask, but thr.t ihey will continue In force for the next year no man In either Houso doubts, at least openly. Tho report of tho Lockwood Com mittee will be filed with the Legis lature on Feb. 6, and will be accom panied by about twenty-five bills. One of the bills will give to pub- from tho dismissal of Indictments. Another will deal with organiza tions In the building Industries, whose practices In restraint of trade have been tho principal obstacles In the way of solving tho housing situation. Senator Clayton n. Lusk, Majority Leader In the Senate, says he per sonally favors granting any reason able extension of time for the laws and for tho committee Itself. He expresses tho belief there will be no serious opposition to either. Gov. Miller could settle both ques tions by a message to the Legisla ture demanding the extensions. Up to this time the Chief Executive has been silent on the housing situation. (Tho Governor has Bald that ex tension of the rent laws appeared to be a necessity and he "took it for .granted" they would be extended). While none of the G. O. P. leaders have come out In the open, the un derground gossip has it that the life or death of the Lockwood Committee Is a matter of political expediency. Republican leaders fear that Samuel Unterrayer. chief counsel for the com mittee, may get too much credit for hla part of the work, or may go fur ther In his investigation than It was Intended the committee should go. The Association of Real Estate Boards has Its representatives on the ground hero to-day and has an nounced that part of Its legislative programme contemplates acts to com pel fire and life Insurrncc companies nd other Institutions holding public or trust funds to Invest mora heavllj In real estate mortgages. A State wide survey by the association has shown that lack of mortgage moncj is largely responsible for tho poo" showing In building in large cities, and probably as much to as tho high cost of labor and material, high freight rates and the attitude of the building trades. So far tho association's programme Is In accord with tho findings of the Lockwood Investigation. They also want exemption from Income Tax of the proceeds of billdings up to H 0,000, and legislation will bo asked WHY does such a fine con cern as Charles & Co. ell Ferris Hams and Baeon? For sixrr years the best fam ilies in Ne York have en joyed the full flsTor of these fine products. Still cured by the old-fashioned process. F. A. Ferris & Co., Inc. New York FERRIS HAMS S BACON A little higher inprice-BUT! Dandruffy Heads Become Hairless If you want plenty of thick, beauti ful, glossv, silky hair, do by all means get rid of dandruff, for It will starve your hair and ruin It If you don'J. It doesn't do much good to try to brush or wash It out. The only sure way to got rid of dandruff Is to CIs solve It, then you destroy It entirely. To do this, get about fouV ounces of ordinary liquid arvon: apply It at night when retiring: use enough to moisten the scalp and nib it In Kently with the finger tips. By morning, most if not all of your dandruff "will be gone, and thiee or four more nppllent'ons will completely dissolve and entirely destroy every single sign and trace of it. You will find, too, that all Itching and digging of tho scalp will stop, and your hair will look and feel a hundred tunes better. You can get liquid arvon nt any drug store. It Is inexpensive nnd lour ounces Is all you will need, no matter how much dan druff ""! have Till lm,"le W-medy never fails. Advt. APARTMENTS FURNISHED COMPLETE FROMSUts&Ott 10thST."L"STATION ht. 5inrj SATURDAY k2mhssw EVENINGS. $3.00 Down 950 5.00 ' 75 7.50 100 10.00 " 150 15.00 " 200 25:00 " 300 maw FLEXIBLE BRACELET. 1 Gold Mumtflcfn' rr rut Diamond t aim l wit ut Jul WW CHARGE ACCOUNT so Employers' Reference. Confidential iu or Ark for Otilo 4 Sveryear- Everywhere THE WIWT IIAIlt NET (Bach and I Motor Brand) U tho nt for you for all omj Ions. bMMW It rojnhjnM nnasnal .trrnath villi IhtLIpIIIit. Tho tfnl niwrrt nrwf ha prwrrr-d the lateral ttitorr of thr. hair, and it Not rome to you lu'trona, Hantlc and Inilnlnlol morrorrr, doubljr utmng- brcaue reinforced with two ritra airskM to thr urt. A.k for. Inottt On, and Bo hure Vou Of t The West HAIR NET djeadt&'MolonSrwid I OUR ONLY PLACE J i " v i i The Shampoo Exquisite With and Without Hmnna Soflrx TtrerrTr thft natural olU and will mnhr your hair look thlrktr. toftrr and lovrller. An ahtolulrlr inff lliamnoo. One Siie Only lOe CAP OR RINGS. AtX SHAPES 15c EACH Gray and Whltm Doubl Price. At Good Dealers Everywhere It Ware yoir aair in ' 15 miaaltl wita tail i'ubbW little dcrict, without hmat. Crdof2. IfV Card of 5,25 Wt Electric Hair Curler Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Ntw Yo.-U Offiet, 39S Broadway Formerly A. T. Stewart & Co. Broadway at Ninth, New York You would Esterase THRIFT. H Telephone 4700 Stuyvesant Store Hours: 9 to 5 JO ere Are REAL Opportunities LILLIAN Corsets $7,95 ($12.50 to $20 grades) Well-fitting styles, not to be reordered. All sizes in the lot, but not in every style, $18 Pari8ienne Corsets, $12.95 Models in handsome silk figured brocade for medium and full figures. ' Redfern Brassieres, $1.95 Cleverly designed model of pink silk figured brocade introduced by us a few weeks ago which has met with tre mendous success. Third Floor, Old Dulldlng DISTINCTIVE Fur Coats and Capes Smart silhouettes. Excellent furs. Moderately Priced Black caracul coats, $39 o With self trimming, others with skunk or squirrel collar.'. Moleskin coats and wraps, 9295 Gracefully designed and trimmed sometimes with skunk of excellent grade. Mink coats and wraps, $835 to $1,095 Dark well matched tkins. Kolinsky coats, $595, f.S75 Straight full coats with deep sleeves. Gray squirrel coats, $650 and $695 Most unusual at this price. Hudson seal (dyed musk rat) coats and wiaps, $495 nnd $535 In several models and with plain collars. Hudson seal (dyed muskrat) wraps. $715.50 Dark brown kolinsky collars. Gray caracul and nutria capes, $450 A flaring cape with most be coming collar. All 45 inches long Second Floor, Old Building IN THE Wi MEN'S FASHION SALONS Sport Frocks of kasha cloth and French flannel Two delightful fabrics ft Kasha cloth $97.50 to $145 White or golden yellow most attractive; lends itse'.f with much distinction to one piece frocks or to a charming over-blouse and skirt as illus trated. French flannel S39.50 to $89.50 Used in beautifully tailoreJ frocko in brilliant red, with dyed crocheted wool lace a quaint touch; in tan and chamois color, bound with navy blue ribbons; and in white with just a sugges tion of brightest green in but tons or embroidery. A frock of navy bluo flannel with a white linen blouse, ac quires much chic by a square little cape, made in a most ex- traordinarily simple fashion. Illustrated. Second Floor, Old Bulldlno Exquisite at negligi Negligees ble prices Hostess gowns, Tea gowns, Tea coats, Boudoir gowns, Breakfast coats. were $19.75 to $105 Now $12.75 to $97.30 Whimsical fashion created these negligees original crea tions and adaptations of import ed models on delightfully simple lines to bring out the beauty of the lovely materials crepe back f-atin, Oeoigette crepe, chiffon velvet and satin and the fascinating coloring"!. Metallic and two-toncii rib bons, dainty laces, pretty flow ers, ostrich banding, bright beads and hand-anpliqucd mo tifs serve as .the decidedly smart trimming details. Third Floor; Old Building Victor Records Reduced Beginning t o - d a y Victor 10-in., black label records will be 75c. in stead of 85c. And Victor 12-in., black label records will be $1.25, instead of $1.35 Thi.s i.- getting back to the pre-war prices. Phonograph Shop, ElQhth Gallery, New Building The Safety Windo-kleanr Cleans the outside of the window from inside the room. The device sets or the sill no nails or screws required. The rubber wiper plate i serrated and holds the cloth firmly. Tho rubber also ac'.s as a cushion and prevents damage to tnc puny, mi.i- nig io regulate or gt i order. Safe, simple, practical Demonstrated h ' Housewares Store. $5. Seventh Gallery, New Building of the ALL Winter Coats for women to go at $34 for $49.50 grades $48 for our $59.50 to $69.50 grades (untrimnied) $54-for our $75 to $79,50 grades $78 for our $94 to $110 grades $98 for our $125 to $145 grades $125 for our $165 to $185 grades. Every winter coat in our Salon collection fur trim med and untrimmed models. All tailored to our order in fashions varied and authoritative. Silhouettes those that Paris has sanctioned. Colors black, navy blue or brown the smart shades for street wear. The Furs Dyed Wolf Beaver Squirrel Nulria Caracul Moleskin Natural opossum Seal dyed coney Beaver dyed coney Wolf Hand finished linings of plain colored crepe de chine or silk add a distinctive finish to these coats. Second Floor, Old Building ( The Fabrics The fashionable soft weaves with deep pile surfaces. Exactly 117 of these Quilts at $16.50 And no more It is important to state the number, because this quilt (there is only one kind included in this offer) is very well known, and has not been available at so low a price for years. You may rely upon it there will be a big demand for it tomorrow. It is Our best quality wool-filled Quilt covered in plain Japanese silk Pink, blue, old rose, dolft. orchid covers. Each quilt beautifully tufted or with handsomely etitched-In design. 87 wool-filled Quilts at $7.50 Also a very advantageous price, and limited to 87. Large size quilts, sateen covers bought in Paris figured and floral effects with plain sateen borders. Wool filling tied in. Fourth Oallery. New Building Hurt Luggage Regular prices are one-half more SOROCHKA Russian Peasant Frocks for Girls of 2 to 6 years The simplicity of peasant fashions and the pictur esque colorings of their em broideries which are so ell adapted to children's clothes are beautifully il lustrated in these charming frocks. Cotton crepe or albatross of very fine quality in a soft creamy white or lovely French blue makes a most effective background for the exquisite $14.50 to $25 the Uussian cmigreos here in iew tone, and have the two fold charm of being true conies of the clothes that Russian children wear; and of being more moderate ly priced than imported frocks. Third Floor, Old Building rr-:h". GREENBRIER Tweed Sports Frock with its own cape Specialized at $37 For Miss 14 to 20 The price is absurdly little but it is simpb An other instance of our in genuity ai.d foresighted ness. The tweed is of excellent quality, in delighttu1 shades of blue, violet, green or rose. Second Floor, Old Building Tenth Street Leather suit-cases $6.65 to $36,651 Hat boxes ; . . . .$5.65 to $20.00 Enamel cases $4.35 to. $31.35 Leather bags $7.20 to $47.35 Fitted suit-cases $16.65 to $70.00 Hurt luggage. Hurt prices. Pleased customers. For the hurts of the luggage are small, and do not make the goods less serviceable. While the hurt to the prices ia substantial, and means money in the pocket. 104 pieces. The leather pieces arc of good, stout cowhide. . , Main Floor, Old Building "Jazz Played Out" Musicians and music lovers generally think, hope and pray that the above caption, as found in a leading weekly, is true. Tho new music rolls for player-pianos and dance rec ords for phonographs bear It out, as there is a notable ab sence of the "jazziness" once so prevalent. We havo about 2,000 vocal and instrumental music rolls to sell at 35c each, tho former prices of which were more than twice to five times as much. First Gallery, New Building Attractive Lingerie for large women Great variety of new models imported and do mestic adroitly fashion ed on slenderizing lines of firm batiste, cambric and nainsook. The Philippine and Porto Rican under things are beautilully hand-embroidered and tre run with .larrow veins of hand-drawn work; the do mestic garments, are pret tily lace and embroidery trimmed. NIGHTGOWNS, wi'.h grace ful round or becoming square necklines imported, $2.95 $3.95; domestic, $1.25, $1.95, $2.50, some with reinforced armholes, $2.95, $3.95. ENVELOPE CHEMISES imported, $2.95, $3.95. domes tic, 95c, $1.50; some with rein forced armholes, $1.95. STRAIGHT CHEMISES domestic, $1.50, some with re inforced armholes, $1.95, $2.50; Roinforced DRAWERS, 95c, $1.50, $1.95. Third Floor, Old Building Black Spanish Lace Silk 36 in. $2.95- Beautiful heavy quality of all-over lace so soft and silky that it drapes exquisitely. Stunning large designs, or conventional floral patterns; square mesh effects in many of the popular pattern's aro re sponsible for some of tho sea son's most charming models. Desirable not only for entire gowns, but for sleeves, sashes and panels on crepe and satin gowns. ' First Floor, Old Bull Chauffeurs' Ulsters $28 . - -Our-.$39.50 grade All wool double breasted durk gray ulsters, sizes 34 to 46. 50 full wool lined. 60 wool yoke lined. The Men's Shops, Burlington Arcade Floor New Bulldlno Hand-made Lingerie Blouses $6.95 Fine French voile trimmed with wide bands of hand-made filet lace In charming patterns. Blouses with Tuxedo collar and ve&tcc with graceful roll collar with pleated jabot with frill The unusually nice quality of the material is emphasized by most attractive designs in hand drawn work and charming bits or hand embroidery. Other Filct-tnmmed Hand-made Blouses, $3.95 The material voile and the needlework in theno hlnufcs is just as attractive as in the more expensive blouses, but the trim mings are somewhat more simple. The models are equally well-rut and there is ar inter e 'Ing variety of tjpe. . Second Floor, O.d Building 3,600 prs. Men's Socks ctkti S mothtrt wilt 1 w A famous Make, 38c pr. They were intended to be sold for 75c pair, but some little fault developed, and here they aro at 38c. Pure- silk, plain weave. Silk . .aited (silk outside, cotton back), ribbed weave. STTk and artificial silk mixed, side clockings. Men buy theso socks by the dozen, two dozen, three dozen pairs, on the rare occasions when we can offer them underprice. Rlaelr hrnum assorted colors. Sizes 9Vi to 12 In the lot. but not In every kind. The silk socks have mercerized cotton tops, toes and heels. Burlington Arcade Floor, New Building EARL Ot WILSON SHIR TS, $4 to $7.50 grades, $2.95 SHIR TS, $2.50 to $3.50 grades, $1 .95 Only once each winter is it possible to get E. & W. shirts under-price. This is THAT time. Tho shirts arc perfect, in the good fabrics for which E. & W. are noted. In the regular patterns and colorings. Negligees, with soft French cuffs some with collars attaclied, some with collars detached. Sizes 14 to 16. Sleeve lengths 33, 34, 35 in. A very good choice of colors (guaranteed fast) and designs in each size. $10 and $12 Velours Hats Now $7.50 "Welt edge and cut edge. Black, gtcen, brown, tan, gray. All imported. Burlington Arcad Floor, New Bulldlno