Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING TORLD, FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 1922. 26 t IIS ABSENT. t lEIt M GOULD j ourt HeaFSHAmeficaiv.Heiress. U "i Accuse Hiisfiand and Or-t iv : . jrt ders Casftb'apn. ; eUURIS, Jtfn.'-lo.22Woii"rrnsf ft. dark 'aloalr and a large, wldo-brlmmwl. ur- trlmmed hat, tho former Miss Anna oitld, now Duchess do Tnlleyrand, trtrtcesM do Sagan, arri'vod ' nt tho Palais do ,Juatlco'latp.-csterday for the proHmlnaiyjeedlntrBof her suit tot divorce. Tho Duo did not put In on nppearanco itmd, 'jvaa; not ropro .TW Duchoss was heard by Piui m, Ident Sorvlxx. of tho civil tribunal ol the flclno Department, who Is heal the divorce division. In accordance with Ficncli law, the J.ldfto Is first supposed to hear j.urtlcs with a view of rcconcllluti'in. Vho absence of one of the iwiriLR, oftcr being duly apprised of tho pro ceedings. Is taken as ruling out any Orobablltty ot reconciliation, and the party; which attends Is authorized hy tho'-JUdgc to proceed with a definite divorce notion, Tho necessary au thorization was jfiyen to tho Ducw-ns do Talleyrand by President Sorvln. If may bo a rnattcr of a month or two before-the hearing In tho Cham ber. The Duchess's case, ns cxnlalnod to tho Judge, was, that as a result of certain Information tho Duchess Jiad ,the Due's rcolngs and comings watched by private detectives. On his return homo In tho early hours pnq morning a few weeks ago, ho ouml detectives awaiting him, They Informed htm that they pos sessed proof of his relations with certain dcml-mondalnes; that the Duchoss wus aware of this ana had laid down conditions, tho observanso of which were tho oniy alternative to her beginning suit for divorce. These conditions Included his retire ment to tho German principality of BnKan on an allowance of nbout $12, 000 tIlCiii',l It Is stated. Friends of tho DUo suggest thiit his return to Purls ufter consenting to sluy nl Hngan whs dun to his .considering the allowance liiKiimclcnt. When he re turned here he concealed hitiiKrlf, even hlH.ncnr relutlves bolng unuwuro of his whereabouts. k How they deliver milk in Russia when they have any THIS picture of a Petrograd milkman was probably taken before Russia went Red. In those days they had enough milk. Now there is little. The Russian people have found that the "freedom" they have obtained is chained and manacled with hunger. Hearts that live in the same bodies as empty stomachs grow sick and die. Freedom, without food, is a failure. We do not realize how for tunate we are. in this country. Here thcre'.isfood enough, for all. The only food problem wc have, as a" nation and as indi viduals, is to know what to cat and how much. But in spite of this abundance and all that the doctors and food experts tell us, few of us cat the proper foods or the right amounts. Wc are more concerned about the taste of food than its effect on our health. Many of us depend upon the quantity of food for health and strength rather than on a wise choice. We have little sympathy with the food faddist the man who thinks of nothing but food. His life is one long potential sickness, however well he may be. But we do believe that most of us eat too much heavy food, loo much food that is too hot or too cold. And few of us drink enough milk. A man who can get milk to drink and doesn't is no better off than the manwho can't get milk. Drink milk a quart a day at least. A Russian would tell you that happiness is largely a matter of good food and the resulting good health. Dairymen's League Co-opbrative Association, Inc. utica, N. Y. liilili, FOR a long time she had been troubled with gas after her evening meal. The dis tress was most painful after eating potatoes or other starchy foods, of which she was very fond. Then she started taking two calces of Ffeischmann's Yeast every night between her evening meal and bed time. She poured about a half cup of boiling hot water over the yeast cakes, stirred them thoroughly, added a little cold water and drank. She found she could eat anything and sleep splen didly afterward. Thousands of men and women are finding that Fleischmann's Yeast corrects stomach and intestinal troubles. It promotes the flow of bile and pancreatic jutce. It is rich in the appetite-stimulating vitamin, so that appetite is always kept normal and you are protected from indigestion. Add 2 to 3 cakes of Fleishmann's Yeast to your daily diet. You will find that your whole digestive system is greatly benefited. Place a standing order with youi grocer. He will de liver it regularly, She could eat anything without indigestion or sleeplessness LUDWIG 'Baumann's Gigantic Notice The Wreckers Have Started to Tear Down the 35 St. End of Our Buildings to make room for our new 12-story building Pur Regular Entrance Will Be Maintained On 8th Ave. Near 36 Street 9 x 12 Axminsters Iteeular Tripe 5(f Ktcliirril lo 39.29 Q&r Ciuh or Credit In beautiful Oriental and Floral designs suitable for any room. The .Wreckers Are At Work and There Are ;V.ast Quantities of High-Grade Merchandise Still To Be Disposed Of. TOMORROW WE OFFER MORE WONDERFUL BARGAINS THAN EVER The Entire Balance of Our $3,500,000 Stocks of Furniture, Rugs, Lineiis, Bedding, Housefurnishings, etc. MUST GO AT ONCE Cost and former selling prices have been disregarded to sell it quickly Prices Have Again Been Reduced to New Low Levels 10,000 Reg. 85c 10-Inch Double Face Columbia Records Vocal, instrumental and oWe numbari- 35c The entire balance of our stock has been divided among our three stores and the same bargains are on sale at these stores as at our 8th Avenue store. Harlem Store Newark Store 144 14(2 West 125 St. 49-51 Market St. HERE ARE BUT A FEW OF THE THOUSANDS OF BARGAINS 349 Bedroom Suits Feg. Price Sale Pri:e Mahogany Bedroom Suits. 4 pes $00 $249.34 Bedroom Suits, mahog. fin.. 3 pes.... 200 1 1 9. 89 Walnut Bedroom Suits. 3 pieces 375 229.49 Bed)oom Suits, ualnutfin., 4 pes. ... 325 196.69 Bedroom Suih American Walnut finish (3 pieces). Full size Bed, Dresser and Chiffonier Reg. Price S14S. 86 .89 Mahogany Bedroom Suits. 3 pes $330 $198.49 Bediccm Suits, mahog. Jin.. 4 pes. ... 240 144.87 Bedroom Suits, ualnutfin.. 3 pes.... 250 159.49 Walnut Bedroom Suits, 4 pieces 450 274.89 $193,000 of Dining Room Suits wchut Dining Suits. 3 pieces $650 $398.74 Oak-Dining Room Suits, 4 pieces 375 228.98 Mahogany Dining Suits. 3 pes 7C0 425.87 Walnut Dining Suits, 4 pieces 480 289.67 Qk Dining Room Suits, 3 pieefs 325 198.67 Walnut Dining Suits, 10 pieces 675 414.98 Jacobean Oak Dining Room Suits. (Three Pieces. ) Reg. Price $250. 148 98 Walnut Dining Suits, 3 pieces $650 $399.24 Mahogany Dining Suits, 4 pes 775 478.39 Walnut Dining Suits, 3 pieces 400 249.34 Walnut Dining Suits. 4 pieces 750 448.49 Oak Dining Room Suits. 4 pieces 275 174.49 Walnut Dining Suits. 10 pieces 950 598.98 297 Living Room Suits Tapestry Lining Room Suits. 3 pes. . .$200 $124.49 Leather Living Room Suits. 3 pes ... 275 169.24 Cane Tapestry Suits. 3 pieces .... 3C0 189.67 Tapestry Lhing Room Suits. 3 pes... 325 .198.89 Vast quantities of Brass and Enamel Beds Must Be Disposed of without regard to cost. $12.50 White Enamel Beds. all siias $8.49 $16 White Enamel Beds, all sizes... 10.67 $25 Ivory Enamel Beds, all sizes 14.98 $39 Walnut Enamel Beds, all $39 Walnut Enamel Beds, all sizes .. 22.49 $28 Brats Beds, all sizes. . 18.49 $45 Jrass Beds, all sizes.. . 24.74 $50 Brass Beds, all sizes. . 29.98 $60 Brass Beds, all sizes. . 39.67 All remaining Chiffo robes must go regardless pf former prices. $45 Enamel Chilforobes. ., $24.67 $95 Wal. Veneer Chifforobes. 59.49 $140 Wal. Veneer Chilforobes, 87.34 Our Entire Remaining ;, '., Stocks of Linena, Comfortable, ' Blankcta, Curtains, .;, ,; Draperies, etc. ' Regardless of 'X, Cost or Former Prices ; ,;, $7.50 Comfortables, silko. V ' line $4.49 j: $8.50 Woolnap Blan- .:, kets 5.49 v $3 Crochet Spreads, hemmed 1.98 S 45c Kitchen Towels, ea. 29c ; 60c Bath Towels, ea . 39c ', ;, $3 Napkins. 15x15. dbz. 1.69 . $4 Scotch Curtains ...2.49 ' $2.50 Lace Curtains. .. 1.59 ;. ! $3.50 Cushions. . 2.69 5 Piece Fumed Oak Living Room Suits Reg. Price $83 49.98 Consists of Tabic, Arm Chair, Rocker, Chair Rocker. and backs cov ered in fine imi tation Spanish leather. Arm Side . Side Seats Here are but a few of the wonderful bargains in Wood Beds. $25 Enamel Wood Beds. full size $14.98 $50 Walnut Beds, full size.. 29.98 $60 Walnut Beds, full size.. 37.49 $80 Mahogany Beds, full size..... 48.67 ENGLANDER Day Beds With cretonne covered mat tress and pillow 27.49 3 Piece Bed Outfits Reg.Price $48 28.98 This outfit con sists of White Enamel Continu ous Post Bed, Heavy Link Spring and an all cotton Mattress. Amazing Bargains in Tables of All Kinds $12 Parlor Tables, mahog. finish $7.49 $15 Parlor Tables, mahog. finish 9.98 $16 Davenport End Tables. 10.49 $50 Fumed Oak Tables 29.98 $55 Library Tables, mahog any finish ... . 32.49 $83 Davenport Tables, ma hogany finish 49.67 Rockers and Arm Chairs have received specially drastic price reductions. $5 Colden Oak Rockers. . . $2.98 $17 Golden Oak Rockers. . 9.98 $20 Golden Oak Rockersrw, 12.49 $38 Rockers, mahog. finisk? 22.49 $20 Fumed Oak Chairs.. 12.89 $30 Fumed Oak Arm Chairs. 19.74 $50 Velour Chairs, mahog. finish frame 29,98 $60 Mahogany tiniih Chairs. 39.98 Tapestry Lining Room Suits. Reg. Price $125. Sofa, Arm Chair and Arm Rocker. 74 49 Tapestry Living Room Suits, 3 pes.. .$575 $349.24 Cane Damask Suits. 3 pieces 650 398.49 Mohair Living Room Suits, 3 pes.... 875 549.74 Vilour Living Room Suits. 3 pes.... 9C0 574.98 LUDWIG s Baumann's DEPOSIT DELIVERS Your Purchase of $200i ( Pay the Balance in , Small Monthly Payments LIBERAL CREDIT We will gladly open an purchase ol i r: ces and with the situLcst ou Whether oui punhas' is $5 or as muili d $ ,tXX make terms to 'i,it ouri c in; You nee-l not disturb your savinx. Py n email first ayment yuiir puiclitse will be cieliv.rcd immediately linn pry the h Innco tn small unnthly p y-nieiils account for you with the without any extra charge tlay ol cash. Our Liberal Credit Terms Un IBS PurchJH On 7S On SIM " On 111. On i-'SO Lsivtr Amounti In Proportion. iu Can Pay Mont i!; II You Pre er. 90 Wk. IJ 00 a Wk. Ma. JIM Wk. 13.10 Wk Open .9 to 5.30- Saturday Kt enings Until 9.30 LlldWj America's Greatest Furniture House Open Saturday Evenings Until 9.30 This Can Give You But A Faint Idea Of The Vast Quantities Of Merchandise Still To Be Sold. $307,000 Bedroom Furniture. 214 Dining Room Suits. $219,400 LiTing Room rurmlure. $63,000 Bed and Bedding. $3,1Z5 Curtains and Dra peries. 398 Coal Ranges. $38,000 Mattresses, Springs, Pillows. $12,390 of Dinner Sets. 1,129 Brass, Enamel and Wood Beds. 374 Baby Carriages. $172,000 Rugs and Floor Coverings. 934 Buffets and China Closets. ' ' 1,237 Pairs of Blankets. 963 Comfortables. $284,350 Dining Room Fur niture. 69,000 Yards of linoleum. 119 Luxurious Living Room Suits $9,325 of Pictures, Clocks, Etc. $29,400 of Bed and Tabic Linens. 337 Refrigerators. 198 Sewing Machines. 3,127 Dressers and Chiffo niers. $10,150 of Reed Furniture. 348 Duololds. " 73 Gate-Leg and Extension Tables. 529 Lamps, Stands, Sewing Tables. HOUSEFURNISHINGS At Greatly Reduced Prices $8 Brighton Wringers $4.98 $4 No. 7 Copper Bottom Boilers 1.98 $35 Coal Ranges 22.98 $35 3-burner Gas Ranges... .24.75 59c Acme Iron Fry Pans (3 sizes) 29c $10 Dining Room Domes (complete for gas) .98 $9 Portable Gas Lamps (complete) 5.95 95 Piece American Porcelain DINNER SETS Reg. Price $25 16J5 Rntquality American Porcelain $1 Corn Brooms, excellent quality 47c $5 3-foot plain Kitchen Tables. 52.98 $2 Galvanized Food Choppers 1,39 $1.75 Aluminum Percolators 95c $2.25 Aluminum Tea Kettles .1.49 $1.75 Aluminum Rice Boilers 95c Special for Tomorrow Floor Demonstration Phonographs All in excellent condition, including Columbia Grafontlas Cheneys, Puritans Granbys and Supertoncs Values up to $1)9. AM to f,o at one p' i e Your finite are Vnilril. Come early for bes v-.Im i . Do not evrjusc us toilh any other stores with similar names t West 125 St. 35 36 St. Block 8th Ave. NEWARK, N. J. 49-51 MARKET ST. ti. In recomwcnc'ii.L us to yt.iir ivicrds Ic si re tcil tl cm that WE HAVE ONLY THREE STORES si-rum 1 " - " H M i i ,- ft iff tar 7"W