Newspaper Page Text
1(3 WAtl STREET FEATURES OF THE TRADING. HOUR BY HOUR. By It. Ii. Batson. 10 TO 11. There was an urlmlstakable air of hesitancy In the stock maikul this niornlns. With the tjcsslon limited to two hours, and with a holiday In tervening beforo business is ie sumed, few' traders, Including those on tho floor, were disposed to enter Into now contracts. Such business no wn. rviri'led on IllOStly rep resented tho evening P ot existing contracis- Instances whero fluctuations amount ed to as much as a point compatcil with the close ot yesterday weso rare. In early dealing American Ice ran up for a gain of, more than thrco points to u new high record on confident expectations that the dividend will bo Increased nex. week. Columbia Uraphophm. shares continued to be favorably In fluenced by measures being taken to protect the company's credit, and stocks that have been In the specu lative limelight recently because of their spectacular advances were de cidedly firm. On the other hand, stccLralK coppers and other stocks that arc the best gauges ot the market's trend were dull and moved within an extremely narrow range. 11 TO 12. Activity Increased during the second and last hour, and with tlio increase In activity prices took on a firmer tone. The leading equipments were able to rise a point or more, steel shares rose to now high- marks for the day, with tho short Interest in Re public displaying considerable un easiness. American Can, May Department Stores, Kresgo were among tho specialties that wero conspicuous for the extent of their gains. Oils were run up quite sharply, with Mexican Petroleum showing a gain ot more than two points over the low of the week. Tho only" Influence in the news of tho day was to be found In the charac ter of railway earnings statements for December. These were more unfavorable than had been expect ed, especially in the case of the St. Taul, but tho railroad group as u whole was steady. Both cotton and wheat closed strong. Foreign exchango rates wero firm. FOREIGN EXCHANGE CLOSING. Sterling, demand, 4.24 1-2; cables, 4.25, unchanged. French, francs, de mand, .0819 1-2; cables, .0820, up .0000 1-2. Lire, demand, .0444; cables, .0444 1-2. up .0001 1-2. Bel gian francs, demand, .0784 1-2; cables, .0783, unchanged. Marks, de mand and cables, .0030, oft .0000 1-4. Greek droch, demand, .0439; cables, .0444, oft .0001. Swiss francs, de mand, .1952; cables, .1954, unchanged. Guilders, demand, .3670; cables, .3675, up .0005; Pesetas, demand, .1507; cables, .1509, unchanged. Swedish kroner, demnnd, .2507; cables, .2512, up .0007. Norwegian kroner, demand, .1567; cables. 1372, up .0002; Danish kroner, demand, .1991; cables, .1996, up .0001. ROME BANK TO REPAY 70 PER CENT. BY 1923 Former Director! Are 4 Sub arrlhr 150,000,000 Lire to ItrorKunlrr. ROME, Jan 2S (Associated Press.) Immediate settlement of the affairs of tho Banca Italllana PI Sconto, says tho Messaggero to-day, will be made on tho following basis: Kirst Payment of 70 per cent, of the deposits. 40 per cent, of which Is to bo paid In 1922, and 30 per cent. In 1923. Second Investment of 10 per cent, of the total deposits In shares to recon struct the hank's finances. Third Investment of 5 per cent, of the total deposits In reserve. Fourth -Subscription of 130,000,000 Ilro by the former directors to icorganlzo the institution. Fifth Tho remaining 15 per cent, of the total deposits would be enttusted to the bank to meet subsequent eventual ities. COURT FREES 7 MEN ACCUSED OF HOLD-UP All lOharKrd lij- Herri- Wainlrk With taul flint llolilirry. Seven men charged with assault and robbery on complaint of Harry Waa nlck of No. 438 Crown Street, Brooklyn, have been freed by Magistrate Urown In Gates Avenue Court, Drooklyn. They are Abraham Wltdorohle, No. r,79 Dumont Avenue ; Abraham loldman, No. 344 Osborne Street; Albert 'Levin.', No. 173 Hlverdalc Avenue ; Louis Horo witz, No. J49 Watkins Street; Jsadore Lazerwatsky, No. t45 Watklns Street; Max Zlmawitz, No. 345 Chester iStreet, and Casey Invaahoff, No. 342 East Kifcy-first street, all of Brooklyn. VTasnlck cliargetl that on Jan. 2 the aeven attacked him In Kingston Ave nue and demanded $20, threatening to kill him if .he did .nt give It to thein. fop. iivi.AN iiosri: hui.k tlax. Corporation Counsel O'Brien last night denied reports from Albany that the Legislative Committee of tho State Mayors' Conference Committee had turned down the Mayor's home rule plans. Mr. O'Brien -aid the only sub ject discussed In Albany was a pro uoial to give cities local self-govern- "ot and the right to frame their Charter, and that It had been approved In substantially the form that Mayor i tivian winira 1 1 . TJjnilEXTIFIUIJ MX FOUMJ 11KAD. An unidentified man was found dead at 6.S0 o'clock this mornlna; In front No. I' oevcntn Avenue, tin was aocnu sixty years old, clean shaven, with grey TTn nnr a hla-l nvnrfnat. blue nra coat and blue overalls, and ti in silver. The cause of death ,.nt hom rtptsrmlned. hut there were marks ot violence. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS Ntt Hlh. Lav. Lait. Chan: i Adams Express ntfc Mi 13U 41 33 35 E814 3654 83 143 1HU IV4 Stt 6814 T4U 39 31 103H D8 4!4 U 46 30 14 -U'.i 116 iss'.s 81 13U 7l ro 87 21 21 3 03 33 S 61 AJax riubbcr .... .Mlls-Chalmsra . , H'l t 33 3S 68i 38 03 U(i'i 11IW. w; Mi 8D)i T41 40TI 31 14 V, 41 !J 33 35 Am Act Chem... ,m Iloach Mac. Am Ilraka Sho?.. Am Can Am Can pf Am Car A VMry.. Am Car A F pf. Am Cotton Oil.. Am Drug Sjnd... Am lea Am Ice tit... Am International. Am Linseed Oil.. Am Loco 68 4- '38. 1 95 146 1 118 -I- 1 1 B 80 3 74 40 -f 31 106 68 4 0 46 30 63 100 !i Allied Chem Mil Am Safety Tlaior 4!i Am Ship & Com.. 9U Am Smelt ft Ref. 46t, Am Steel Vi 30 Am Sugar G3 Am Sutnroh 30 J-. 116 Am Tob 132 Am Tob eta D . J28 Am La Prance . 9 Am Wool 82 Am Zlns 13li Anaconda 48 Asso Dry Goods. 53 133 - 128 U 9 81 13 47 53 1 06 87 27 21 3 05 33 54 108 60 H Atchison r.y .... 96 Atchison Ily pf.. 87 Atl., Gulf 4 W I 28 At Glf V t pf 21 Atl Fruit 3 lialdnln Loco ... 96 Halt & Ohio 33 Halt Chlo pf.. 64 Hatopllaa Mining. V, Ueth Steel 8 pc. 10S .103 Beth Steel O.... 61 60 IHclyn Itapld Tr. 9 9 Ulilyn na Tr ctfa 8 8 Hums Bros A ... 116 116 llutte & Supeilor. 23 23 UutterlcU Co .... 30 30 Calif Packing ... 68 63 Calif Petroleum . 46 40 Calumet Ariz.. S9T4 C9i Canadian Pacific 123 123 Cent Leath-Jf ... 31 31 Cerro Do l'aaco 34 33 O'.J 8 110 25 30 68 40 60 -I-123 31 34 09 2 83 14 63 17 20 52 44 68 2 64 Chandler Motors CO C9 Chi L Alton Ily.. 2 2 CHI t P 7 po pf 8J 83 Chic Gt West pf. 14 14 Chic Nw Ily... 63 63 Chile Copper .... 17 16 Chlno Copper ... 2G 26 Cluett Pcabody D3 Bl',4 Coca-Cola 44 44 Col Gas Uler... 68 68 Col Grapho , 2 2 Comp, Tab Reo 65 64 Consol Cigar 27 27 Consol Gas 88 Consol Textile.... 13 86 1H 5 63 33 101 61 9 21 18 60 109 1(2 78 8 12 78 91 83 13 CO 68 142 8 88U 13 BH M!4 Con Int-Cal Min.. 6 Conl Can 55 Cusden Oil 34 Corn Products ... 102 Crucible Steel ... 61 Cuba Cane Sugar 9 Cuba Cane S pf. 21 Cuban Am Sugar. 18 D.ivlson Chem .. 61 Del & Hudson.... 109 Del Lack A W... 112 34 1 101i H 61 - li 0',4 18 - U C0',i ,i 109 l!i 112U 19ts T4 8!i H 15U U 78.i 91 "i 2 85 ur, n BB'i ?i '.i can u 142H 114 8H 18',4 31T4 '.4 8 07',; in 84 U 4 73 Y. 12',; Kndlcott-Johnson.. 79 Ki 8 Erie 1st pt 12 Famous riayers.. 78 ram Players pf.. 93 rishcr Body 85 Kreeport Texas .. 13 General Asphalt.. 67 Gaston Wll Wig General Cigar ... 68 General Electric. 142 General Motor ... 9 Gray t Davta.... 18 Great Nor Ore... 31 Guan Sugar 84 Gulf States Steel. 68 18 31 8 66 84 73 12 100 3 2 6 82 29 48 66 12 13 2 33 28 18 117 46 27 Haskell & Barker 84 Houston OH 73 Hupp Motors .... 12 Illinois Central .. 100 Indiahoma Rutin . 3 Inter Cons Corp . 2 Inter Cons Cor pf 7 Inter Harvester .. 82 Inter Motor 20 Inter Paper 49 Inter Mer Mar pf 67 Inter Nickel 12 Invincible OH .... 14 Ulanrt OH 2 Jones Tea 35 Kennecott Copper 28 Keystone Tire ... 17 Krone 120 Lacks. w Steel ... 46 Lee Bub & Tire . 27 Lehigh Vailey .. 68 Loew's Ino 12 Loft, Inc 11 Mananl Sugar ... 43 Man Elevated .. 43 Man Shirt S9 Martin Tarry .. 32 100H 3S 2 6f 8214 2914 49 -- C611 1 12U 14U SSli 14 2811 H 1614 li 119 4 48 27 H S814 -12U 1014 -r 421i 43 39 31 U S14 68 12 10 43 43 39 81 2 105 111 Mclntyre P. Mines 2 May Dept. Stores 108 Mex Petroleum .. 11'-?. 112 nu 2974 Middle States Oil. Mldvale Steel .... Mo, Uan & Texas Mo, Kan & T pt. Mn Paclfio Mo Taclflc pt.... 11 11 SOU 29 V. 11 14 Hi i6i; iau 4411 41i ISli 13 2414 2411 87 8014 1474 14'4 C8U tali 7314 7314 19K I'U 11 1014 Mli W 77 761 2514 2514 '314 3 2i 21i s r. 13'i 131i 15214 120 104 lOi 714 714 lli 1114 4314 4314 mi; cm 3414 344 6914 6D 20 20 S2i 824 20 20 10 18 84 ' 34 V4 ' Uli 2414 24U 112 1UT4 W, S8V1 34 3374 SO 7914 95i 95?i 1414 1414 72!4 7114 32 SI H 3114 31 8114 51 714 714 BOH 5014 2114 9114 21U 8114 8414 3414 214 1!4 i 2T4 274' 6314 63 17i 17U 1914 1914 40 iO 8014 SOU 17 "i 17 li ' 178 178 ' 115 11B 28 U 28 . .10 38 li 69U 8814 H 4i . 4114 4014 , 1014 10 . 44H 43'i , 37 !6i Hi 10U J 4414 -13 24 87 1414 Mulllns Body .... National Lead .. Nevada Consol .. N Y Airbrake ... N Y Central .... MTN1I n... Norfolk Southern Norfolk & West.. Northern raelfle. Nova Bcotta Bteel N It It of Mex 2d Okla V & 11 Ontario Silver ... Orpheum Circuit.. Otis Elevator Otla Bteel B814 2V1 7814 14 1514 14 11 2 DSli i 7614 : 23H : 3 ' 211 13'i i:aA 10i T,i ' lUi 45(i -r om etiii 20 82H - 20 1 -I- 84 li 24U 113 say, 34 79 Ti 0314 H- 14H tit, 31 31 6IU 714 wi 31 H 21U 34U 1 SV, 6211 nu . lD'i 40 80!i 17U 118 115 28 88 83Vi 4i 41H 10U 44H !H - Pacific Derl Cor Paclfio Mall .... Pacific Oil I'an-Amer Petrol. Penn It It People's Gaa .... l'era Marquette , Plillada Company Phillips Tetrol... Pierce Arrow ... flares Airow pf. Plerro Oil Pitta West Va ullman Co Pnnta Aleg Bugar Pute Oil Pub Serv of N J Hall SI Sprints. Hay Copper Heading llemlngton Typo Tleplogle Steel ., Rep Iron & Steel Itrpubllo Motor .. Ttoyal Hutch N Y St I, & San Fran. St L & Southwest St L 4 South pt Santa Ceo Sugar. Seaboard Air Llna bears-Roebuck Seneca Copper .. Sinclair Oil .... pir,,..pti.ff 8t'l Southern Pao . Southern fly ... own Stewart-Warner . Stromberg Studebaker Submarine Boat . Tex Oult Bulp..', Tenn Oop Ch.. Texas Company . Texas Pacific.. of had has no THE EVENING WORLD, SATURDAY, JANUARY Net High. Low. Last. Chacg Tax Pao Coal. 24 Third Avenue ... 20 Tobacco Products 4K5i Tranacon OH .... 10 23' 24 ?0 20 63 9 128 126 6 -22 63 18 67 42 63 09 83 fC i '0 127 1 127 J 8 22 68 : 18 67 ' 43 53 09", Union Taclflc... 12TU United Fruit 127 United Food Trod 6 Un My In Co pf. 32 Un lUtall Stores. 64 Union Oil 18 U S C 1 Pipe pf ST U a Ind Alcohol 43 U 8 Rubber 63 US Rubber 1st pf 00 HUB Steel 83 ST. H 118 Steel pf 117 Utah Copper .... 62 .Utah Securities .. 10 , Vanadium Steel.. 33 117(7 l7i -(- ; fc2 10 ' 33 79 79 6 8 15 52 00 60 37 7 14 0 143 2, H 10 33 Ml SO Hi, 8'j 10 1 62 00 1 60 Va Iron Coal It O 80 EO 0 8 16 Vo Iron Coal C Vlvaudotl West Maryland.. West Pac Corp.. West Tae Corp pf 32 Westorn Union... V0 Wvstlnghoure White Motor .. 50?i 38 8 14 8 144 38 8 14 ' White OH .... Wlcktvtre Steel Willys-Overland Woolworth .... 141 Total sales, 275,100. MOTHER OF 2 AT 19, GUILTY OF LARCENY Angelina Pacante and Her Cousin Also Wanted by the Buttalo Police. i.-.-oi.L- Pnnfinli.. iwpntv. and his r-misln. Angelina Pacante. nineteen. ' . . . were found guilty respectively or at- tcmntcd jrrnna larceny in mo scconu rWrcr. nnd nettv larceny to-day hv a Jury before County JudS0 MacMahon in Brooklyn. Tho girl wso is very utomoWes. Absence ot wind pro pretty, admitted under close cx.-ynl- vented the formation ot dritts, but nation that she is tho mother of two the depth on the level was enough children, one three years old and the to strand practically all vehicles ox- nther one vear old. Shu lins heen arrested thrco t meo on charges of stealing and is now out on bail on a grand larceny charge In Manhattan, the police say. If they had been found not guilty they were to be taken to Buffalo on the ch-irso of stealing $4,000 worth of goods. N, YMcrnc jfrtn rr v WAV I ino siuim uttme, wua uwiwiac una . NhfcDS MUKt A-KAT .,orf 0,...i ,.nn,irti EYES LIKE HAVAN'S Policeman Gets) Revolver nnd Cnr- tridireii From Prospect VarU Promennder. A man walking up and down Prospect Park West near 13th Street, Brooklyn, early this morning, was watched for time by Patrolman Haran, of the Fifth Avenue etatlon. Then Haran went to him and said. Jocularly, "Hello, Joe, cot vour trun with-you this morning?" "You'bet I have," was the reply, men Haran searched tho man and found a loaded revolver and eight extra cart. ridecs In his pocket. He was car- nirtln Tlnrntta. thrty-three. of No. 553 sixth Avenue. Brooklyn, anu later nc was held In J5.000 ball for Special Ses slons for violation of the Sullivan law. BOLIVIA'S REQUEST REFUSED HI rKfc.3ILfcIN Tliliika Chill-Pern Parley Must . . , , ., , rnnnlr M. ' WASHIIMO'iuim. Jan. lc"'"" nf tli Bolivian Government for reprc sentation In the forthcoming treaty Ancon Conferences in wasnuiKiun "" tween Peru and Chlio nas Deen reiuseu with regret by President liaraing. air. UarHInc savs that the matter or uou vla's participation In the conference a matter ior ctuoi, wmoiu.q.- tlon of the two governments concernea. BABY ABANDONED IX COIIT IAltDT PAJU?. A habv boy. three days old, was found abandoned thui morning in Van CorlUindt Park, near Grand Avenue. The Infant was discovered by Michael FtVgran on his way to the lake to skate, The child was wrapped In a woman's milt and n. baby blanket. In a XnttLtnilXit taken to Kordham Hospital. Tho child has light hair and gray eyes. . a ins TIIHEE l'.VSSHXaiHU STOLE ,, ,r.xi Three young men got into tne taxicau . . . . . . oT.-ned nnd driven by Tatrlck Gilllck, Noll 212 floutll orange a venue, ai nruuu Street and Brnnford I'lace. rsewara. nlRlu. anu uu:u iu fu. I'nim arrival there, when Ollilck opened the doors to let them out, he was faced by three revolvers, one ol the men got on to the driver's seat and dinvn away. Gillick walked DacK to Newark. rintis'l'l SCIENCE I'l V.1S1I.G I'Ht .sTEES XAJIEl). BOSTON, Jan. 28. Judge Crosby, In the Supreme Court to-duy appointed U u .i '.i hi ; u M i U '.i Vi i 1.1 n H 'i 1 U .i 'I ; l U V U 1 li 2 .i U 'i !i H S rrrrt M. U-imson of Boston. llliani 11. McKenzie of ConibrldRe and James 13 Patton of this city, as trusteed 01 me Christian Science l'uuiisning .society. FLAPPERS! HEAR WHAT PROFESSOR SAYS ABOUT YOU! He Talks Right Out in Washing ton Irving School; Says Dread till Things. Everybody knows that a flappei is a young girl; but thcro are Innumerable views us lo just what kind of a young girl ;i flapper Is. Here Is tha view of Prof. Herman Hotno ot New York University, ex pressed in an nddresa to gradu ates of Washington Irving' High School: "A flapper Is a person who prefers Ignorance to truth. "Who has a conscience - which docs not bother her. "Who can dlctuto to her par . ents at home. "Who prefers to learn the seamy sldo of life from experi ence." Is the Professor right, flap pers? . ., , TWO FEET OF SNOW SOLATES CAPITAL TRAI N.Y. BOY REPORTED LOST Many Hurt 'in Accidents South Also Covered Under Record Downfall. WASHINGTON, Jan. SS. Wash ington and the surrounding Middle Atlantic section was hurled to-day under tho heaviest snow fall since the blizzard of '99. Starting late yesterday afternoon and still contlnulncr early to-day the snow and covered the National Capi tal to a depth of from a foot and a half to two feet. Street car service was practically suspended early to 1.iv snii ru-nsreels were all acMvlti", Governmental and otherwise, would be greatly curtailed. Tho storm which covered a larse section of the Kant, did not come tin heralded as for two or three das snow had been falling In the Atlantic Stales to the South of the Potomac I River. In some States such as Vlr- 1 ..! U.AH1.1 Inni. .tqUfilnff Vn PCIt'll ",,u' ul"' " U to dentil. Tho wcaincr iiurcan ...,tprriv lssued a nredlction of i,raVv snow throusll tile east ana northern portion of the South., I . A JIZ cept 111030 ol xne Heavier type. l lie storm cut on v uamiiHi"" i-vm pletely from tho North. From mid night to 9 A. M. no trains had left Union Station for New York or had anived from New York. Train service from tho South, where snowstorms have been reported for two days and from which section stalled between Itichmond nnd Wash ington. Hallroad olncials were at tempting to get a train, comprising day coaches only, out before noon for Baltimore and possibly to Phlladcl phia and other points North. Weather reports show that the huge snowfall Is general over tho Middle a Atlantic section and extends south in Virginia. SAYS HE BROKE A RIB AFTER PROMISING CURE Oateouatli Sued for IIOO liy Womnn Patient Mabel H. Plnkerton has begun an action In Supreme Court for $25,00 dam ages against Dr. John It. Buehler. an osteopath, of No. 680 St. Nicholas Ave. r.t. ft. nlllirml f ffl PtlHn P Of OHP 1 of her ribs during an osteopathic tieat mcnt Be ' J" J, ,. 7 ", lull cnaiKca ma wtvu"' " ,- nnn iv-slow, her to health, but H,,. i,i. treatment was so "careless, - . .,.vin nA imnrn(" rhit of he broko' one of her ribs. She further charges tnat me iraciureu nu 1.1 mi yet menuea ana nvcrs mai. uib ihjuu may oc pcnnmicui., is C PLANT DAMAGED $50,000 BY A FIRE Vu Second Blase In Atlantic City Bnlldlne In Fifteen Honrs. ATLANTIC CITY, Jan. 2S. Two fires In the local plant ot the American Ice Company within fifteen hours yesterday , ,,, tnnnn Thp first caused a loss fout 000 Theftrrt tiro In tho morning did little uamw-, but all the apparatus as called to the "re to-night and the firemen had a two 'hours' light. So far as can be ascertained, the sec- ond fire was caused by friction, 1e- stroying tho Insulation of the electric cables in the elevator shaft. Tho cork and shavings In tho plant wero quickly a I ii 11(1 Wilt , Tenant, ,n several frame of houses adjoining were driven out , last WIDOW.s VP.BBICT t,lX- FIIIMBH. The ADDellate Court in Brooklyn unanimously confirmed the ver ... .,. . nn .Ta,. 7 diet of iSS.000 returned on Jan. 1921, in favor of Mis. Mabel Tapley. against the Pier .Macninn ur -i Brooklyn, by a Jury befoie Justic Fawcett In Supreme i-ourt. iiroomyii Mrs. Tapley's husband. Herbert. wa killed by a train while lie was work- in for the Pier Jiaiuinr uri.a. Mrs. Tapley has sir finall children ctNAiiu rnEicini:" iiiimiv? inowx a r BOSTON, Jan. 28 -The Cunard freighter Vellavla. which left London 011 .Inn. 20 for this port, has broken down at seas nnd is u-turning to i.on ilnn In tow of another vessel, accordion trr advices ivcnlved hero to-aoy. mo Vellavla has a caifco for this cil and for Portland, Me. 'MiKis out i.',r"n l'tHtoW" BOSTON, Jan.v2S Two men attacked John Doherty, earning the V.o7u pay roll of tho 8. M. Howes Co.. Charles town stove inanut'u turers, this after noon, seized the money ami m:u. Notice to Advertisers Direlsr idTfrtlilni tsf 'opt ind ! omen for rllker tbf crl dir Mnnllni "tla ,' fctroim world If riwITta ' " ;-r --' prrwdloi DuWIctUon cm w ll.!'rltll..0"!" met rntr tuau. ul lo ordr 01 reipi World Offlrt Copf amtiinnt X- mttt bj Tht World mu.l t IKtlni by I I'. 51 1,1. M. -. rfM tOT D -iPC'ir rotlit Htolloni of Tb.' St.J ni'ia iuj" rld or 1 P. M ThMi0i tttdlni iwfnr. ir.l.t.. "A-r;,-- .mrftTlDEI 10 ll NS MOV NG IBldO . li Tb World murf be i-l Tbw " fcundir Main t.h..i rori 7 py whirll not tx-m nottni b i I' M rndif. iirlni row" iuieh his sc. bn rf "d 1,1 lnwrtion ordtn not rt-Mi'd ' M, m b. emltttd I. rmoM rfqulff Mill If thf ordir ot Utfit rre';' " to'1" ordfr. Pupln fopj or ordtrt -Wfiifd n' 'kill Wl.l, THE WORLD RATS LEAVE RUSSIA, OVERRUN BUDAPEST Cat, Srarre. tiring High l'rlrra Itnilr.nts Attack Shopkeepers. Ul'IMPDST, Jan. 25. Jtats and mU are migrating in snamis from the Hui' slan famine arru, nnd lludapost la now ovcrrut' nlth them. All efforts to rid the city tor this scoumc have failed, and tho devastation caused by thrm s;oe on apace. The inarhct-hallj, food ntorea and warehouse are awaxmlne with the rodent, which run about even In tlx daytime. So danKtroiu have they be come that when dUturbd they will turn and iihow llfht. Sevoral merchants have lieen bitten recently. Tho situation I" nnrravated by the dearth of cats In Hungary. During the war. when food was xcarce, thousands of famlUe ate tltolr cats. Since then the Inrreaslns denmnd for cat fur n. a cheap substitute for expensive fttrs. hus takeo a fmtlier toll. As n consequence, the comparatively exorbitant price of 3,000 to 4,000 krono l bclnj; offered for a Kitten by Mioplinepers. In some Ullages the peasants have given up poultry raisins; and live turned to the nioto lucrative business of cat breeding. CAPTURED AFTER CHASE IN HOTEL ASTOR LOBBY Alleirrd Thief Camtht After I'nr xnlt Around Chairs. Walter vber, twenty years old, of No. 55. West 160th Strec. formerly cm ployed by the Shubcrts. theatrical pro ducer, was held in Ji.000 hall in the West Side Court cs'.crday on a chargo of burglar)'. According to I'rcderlck, a clerk In the Ehuberls' 4Uh Street Theatre, Weber went to the office Thursday Afternoon and got a. typewriter, saving e was taking It to Kio main ofhee. Lee accompanied Weber to the street, whero he dropped the machine mid fled. Ho ran Into the Hotel Astor, followed by Patrolman Wlngo, r.nd was caught otter a lobby. chase around chairs In the MERCIER, SLIGHTLY ILL, ARRIVES AT VATICAN Prlwitc of llrlRliuii Say Ills Cold la Not Nerlnoa. BOAIK, Jan. .'S (Associated Press). Cardinal Mcrtlcr, t'rhiiatc of llolgium, arrived In Homo to-day to attend tlio conclave of the Sacred College, nl.ich U1 meet on Feb. 2 to elect a nu"- eessor to tne laU' rope uenenKt .xv. The Belgian prelate was sunering from a sllghi emu, irut ne sai.i it wui not scnous. lie won! Immediate).. the Vatican. t ' ksi " th; Is IHU li IWMtI lll", 11,1 1 I' il HllliraTil i 1 28, 1922. DANCER AND MANAGER ARRESTED AFTER SHOW Thrliua Harvey anil Ilratnurant Mail Taken to Poller Station. After the show at tho Club Datiantit, Nu. 201 West C2d direct, tally this morning Deputy inspector Troy and Lieut, lllncs of Police Inspector Uolsn'a staff arrested Thelmn Harvey, twenty one years old, of No. SOS West CCth Street, a dancer, on a chargo of per forming an Improper dance. Arthur Sachs, thirty-one years old, of No. 423 Foster Avenue, Brooklyn, manager of tho restaurant, was arrested on a chargo of permitting tho dance. Miss Harvey nnd Hnchs wein tnken In un nutomobllc to (ho West 47th Street Station. Miss Harvey's maid went with them, rnrrylng tho gown worn In tho dance. After they hiul been at Iho pollco station twenty minutes Radii nnd the dancer were balled' out. HAYNES APPOINT 21 FEDERAL DRY AGENTS I'rolilliltlon ('oiiiiitlaalnnrr An- nonncra Kllrlit In Slow VnrU Mtale WASHINQTOX. Jan. ;s. Prohlblllnn Commlsslnner Haynes announced to-day the appointment of twonty-otie Ind eral t'roldbltlnii agents to serve In the States in which they reside. The list Includes : John .1. Ollten, .Syrnruso; Henry J. Uyan, liochestor. .Innies A. Hyiin, Rochester; Walter I'liner, jiidiiietown ; 5oiirge . .nrsch, ltoc!i.itPr ; A niter S. Mealier, nnanillngim . 'A. Kwel gel, N'ew Yotk City; Charles C. Hook, Huff, In i) IJmiiis .M, Wnshlmr- tnn. Pa, ii'i'l I'ni.o M. Juikltj, t'niii- RAISULI NEGOTIATES FOR HIS SURRENDER tint Npnnlsli Oi min under Sep Only IliiNf to l'lan fnr lriiic. TliTl'AN. Jlorocco, Jan. 2S (Auno cinted Proas). The bandit Itnlsull, bald pressed us the result of tho loecnt'Span Isli operations, has aiked permission to reopen negotiations for Ills surrender. I In pleaded for cessation of the bom bardment, which has created u panic among h's followers. But tho Spanish counnniubT are continuing their preparations for a u .innpt Ion of their ndvanco from Buluir rnx with a strong column. They fear Itnlsull's offer was mado to gain tlmo foi his -scape. mmmmfi- saw KILLED AS HOOCH 300 psaIl"Thom3eland I I VIII IKMHIKM I t! I -'- r.Frewrll. H fAr M.MIIIi Ar I A nnrTn niiii niiin for uamig on uie prince mm yiub i ki in mini: I I IIVL I U UUILUIIlU lla't 'lK't from Chicago and are btnT One Man Burned to Death, Another Saves Life by Leap from Window. KxploMon of alcohol and a flro caused the death early ttwlny of Pas citinlc I'urosaro, Ihltly, nf No. 7106 New Utrohl Avenue, In tho two-stury fniliic building ut No. 5!0t 13th Ac nur, In the llorougli I'atU section ot Brooklyn. Policeman Jcffry L'pham of the Fourth Avenue Station was aomo dls tnnco away In the Isolated section when he saw flames shoot from the windows of tlio second floor. A window was raised and a man Jumped to thc ground and ran. After sending" In an alarm tho policeman chased and caught the man, who said ho was Salvatore Morcllt ot No. 667 Coney Island Avenue. The flro was confined to tho second Upij. win ic fit-ciueii found tho charred lf.-Jy of I'urosaro and what appeared to be pait of n still. Morclll, who was taken to tho King's County Hos pital suffering; from burns and from fractured heels received when ho Jumped, wild no and n tnnn ho know only as "FrauU." "iad boon redistill ing denature!, alcohol, according to the pollco. Tncy hail a quantity of tho alcohol on a gas stove. Morclll said ho foil asleep and when ho uwoko ho und tho loom wero nflro. He said tho second door had been used ns a "hay loft." Tho lower floor is a blacksmith shop. Our Mid-Winter Sale of GOOD FURNITURE Begins Monday, January 30th, at 9 A. A I. Bed Room Suites Living Room Suites Dining Room Suites Odd and Novelty Pieces FURNITURE in the widest selection it lias ever been out pleasure to offer. The livable, comfortable kind that will hand somely adorn and capably serve the small apartment, suburban cottage, or the spacious country house. Prices the lowest in many years for furniture of the Macy standard of quality. For Details See Tomorrow's Papers Herald Square tStno. 6r (Urn Doll nnd Candy Aa Amer ica' l-aFretrrll. I Thrco hundred Polish orphans brought to this country from Siberia durln the war sailed at noon to-day from Hefco tint for Danzig on the Prlncf '.Matolka. They arrived In Jw Toilt last ilght from Chicago and are being sent back by the National PolWi Com mission, If relatives can be found the will bn given Into their charge. If rrt, they will bo placed in orphanages. Play rooms have been fitted In ths third clasa cabin for them and the crowd that saw them off had atended to their wants as to dolls, toys and candy. They aro In charge of two PoHih piieat. iiiioun riiiiot;:ii k f. o.x bictcm: AMI IIHOWMKII. Itobort Vail, fifteen, son of Mr.'ai ' Mrs. Frank Vail of Quogue, l I., wn drowned last night when he crashed, through tho Ice over a meadow whiv' riding home from tho beach on hu bicycle. YT7IIAT an essay Charlea ' ' Lamb could have writ ten on Ferris II am! Like Ferris Bacon, it is cur ed by our unhurried, old fashioned proceas.Tbe flavor lias been famous for over half a century. F. A. Ferris & Co., Inc. New York FERRIS HAMS 8 BACON A little higher mpriceBUT! m i qp YorL m 'i r