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13 ' o THE EVENING WO'RLD, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1922. "A- ay f4 ft V. i-'. ,1 BRITAIN WILLING E; Foiincllnnd tla Interested In naherlr-s disputes tHal have arisen wllli the i flitted Stntes. Cannilu Is roncei in-il over tariff duties. Australia him a multitudes of financial anil romim r rliil problems in which the United States Is Involved. (Continued From First Tape.) wholly separnlo In Us duties fiom the Ilrltlsli Ambassador to France. Doth nrc accredited to the French Oovorn menu but the Minister concerns him self with tariff matters and questions r.hlch do not huvo u political aspect. Representative) lUlney of Tllinois has lately Introduced n bill prov il ing for the sending of un American Minister to Ireland. Some people liavo thought this would Invo ve the delicate question of r. rognlzlnir Ire land as an Independent sovcieiRtitj and have Imagined 'hat the l'.rlti.-h Covcrnment would of:v pbjecttons The truth Is that Oreat Hrltaln Is not BOlnft to stand rn formalltu R. but will welcome as many p i.ts of contact between her dominions ar il tho United States tlia. it is po'sll'le to have. For Inslanee. the Vnl'ed States maintains In Dublin a Consul who has for many months bceri deal ing directly with tl.t Sinn F-ln proup. Similarly, tbu United "5t:i'ts has u Consul General at Ottawa to deal directly with the Culindnn Oovcrnmcnt. For many months Au.strnlla lias bad ft commissioner In New York liandllnB questions of finance and other matters alrcctly afreet Inp Australia. When ever the Ilrltlsli AmbasKador hero hat had a matter brought to his attention of Interest to Australia ho liu.s called tho Australia! commissioner Into con rultution. As a motter r-f fact, the Itntish Government would prefer to liavo each dominion handle that part of external policy which affects a par ticular country, but Is naturally ilc alrous of having only m- mouthpiece on foreljm policy as a whole. In tho treaty lotween tlie Itlsh Free Stale and Great Britain the hitter retains control of military and naval policy. On questions so broad oh to affect the wholo emplro there will lie but ono point of contact the Ilritish An bassador. Hut on the thousand and ono questions which Cinudn. for in stance, has up with the Wa-shlnston Government every day Micro will not be the sliRhtcst objection to direct communication between Canada unit tho United States or between tho Irish Fre.o State und , the United States. Canada has many commercial mat ters which affect her alone and which have no iclritlonshlp to other paits ul tho British Kmplrc. Some of her pro plo have thntiKht a Minister oufrlit to be maintained In Washington for that purpose. Tho British Government has upon occaslini told the Canadian au thorities that Canada could send nor own representative to the United States any tltae. The Impression pre vailing here Is that when tho Canadian Government Investigated tho matter and found that It would cost $80,000 a year to maintain n diplomatic repiv-sentatlve, It waa felt that tho sam objects might bo achieved by Bending a commissioner from time to time, who would work In co-operation with tho British Em bassy. The fact 1b a commercial represen tative operating In New York and In other business ccutres Is really what some of the Britbih dominions want instead of a Minister to sit In Wash ington with all thc expense, of diplo matic life and few of tho contacts that aro needed to Improve commer cial relation. New Zealand, for Instance, Ih in terested Just now in the question of meat-packing monopolies. Now The nrlllsh view Is that tho closer the dominions tret to Mm United I States, the better It will be for the British Empire as u whole. There K some doubt whether Canada or the Irish Free State or anv other do minion will want to go to the ex pense and tioublo of ii separate illp'o mutlc and consular system. There is some doubt, too, whether tho United States Government will want to : re nte u Minister to go to Ireland with the salary and other expenses of a le gatlon when the same work can lie done by the Consul General, if the courtesy were extended to Ireland, the United States would have to send ix Minister to each of the other British dominions. The chances an that If such Items nr proposed tl.ey will be swept aside by the broom of ('hailes Grosvenor Dawes, .vho flings its many items out of the budget as he can Irrespective of tie; diplomatic amenities ami com testes involved. This will not prevent any of the dominions from maintaining eotnmis .iloners or Ministers here, but they will all be linked up with the Brllish Kmbassy, while the American Gov ernment inn, without offense to Great Britain, take tho position that the United States already h.'m sutllclent pointM of contnet with the British dominions. SEVEN MEN SAVED ON SINKING YACHT WASHINGTON, Fe.l. 8. Itescne of seven men from a sinking yacht ulmut 120 miles at sea off the Carolina roost wusireportcd In a wireless mes sage rclnyiil to the Navy Department from the naval station at Morehcad City, N. C, early to-day. The message followm "Steamei Joslah Nacy rescued seven men from the yacht Alpha at S V. M., Feb. 7, In latitude .11 degiecs minutes north, longitude "S degrees, 52 nilnuteH west. Yacht abandoned In a sinking' condition with distress sig nals flying anil running lights burn ing." Lloyd's 1921 register of American yachts shows two bearing tho name of lpha. One is owned by G. Marshall Allen of No. CO Broadway. At his of fice it was said that In November ho had laid tho yacht up for tho winter. Tho other Is owned by Herbert K. Yerxa of Mnrblehcnd, Mass. Last I Days J mum I. MILLER Semi-Annual SALE Every Slipper in Every Store Re duced to Extra ordinary Values. iK.yi jm S JO McCiatcfoeoitfs A Clearance Sale of Men's Winter Underwear Comprising our entire stock of Winter-weight Union Suits and Two-piece Garments At Unusually Low Prices In Natural or White Wool White Lisle and Balbriggan Cotton Very Special A limited Quantity of "Wallace" Linen Mesh Drawers in all weights (2,75 Garment Fifth Avenue Rtg.Tntdt Mark 34th and 33d Streets CHARTER CHANGES FACE J.ONG DELAY lhiny 'iv I'rcdicis No Hxtu I ntil After November Elections. (Staff Correipondent of The Evening World.) ALBANY. I'Vb. 8. The Impression is gaining ground nt the Capital that iheio will Ik? no extraordinary session of the leglslaturo this year unless It Is called nfter tho election In Novcm I er. The Impression hod already r.ptcad leIoio tnaltnm wcro compli cated by the death of termer Francis M. Scott, Chairman of the Cliurlcr Itevislon Commission. With tho appointment of a new chutrmm, and the time needed foi hliri to ac iiuaint himself with the work that has been done, it 1b deemed Impoesluli. that the report or tho commission will bo ready for n luto summer session us planned. Tammany Is not anxious to go to the fall rUctlon with n new city char ter Just fiamed by Itepubllcans, for there Is no doubt that It would Iks a factor In the campaign, and tho party which passed It through tho Legisla ture would claim full credit for it. But, apart from the political as pects of tho situation, It Is not lc lleved the commission can possibly have a report ready liefore late fall. Some of the lawmakers lx1lnvn nn. slderatlon of tho charter will have to lie postponed until tho regular session ill lft23. while otllerH Inrtlrin in fl,., opinion that the extraordinary session will lie convened after tho November election. SEIZED ON CHARGE OF SLAYING KATZ Se.umn, Arrested in Philadelphia, Said to Confess Part in Hold-Up of Furrier. John Krlekson, a seaman, was ar lested In Philadelphia to-day charged with tho mnnler of Samuel Kntz. fur iler, of No. 601 Fifth Avenue, Brook lyn, on Nov. 2f. Otto lloltho and Hniiuvnld Modsen, also seamen, are now under arrest here charged with complicity. During tho hold-up, tho pollco say, one of the men struck Katz over tho head with a revolver, fracturing his skull. The furrier died five hours later In the Methodist K)lncopnl Hospital, Brooklyn. Oelectlvo lloWt Malcolm suw a man running from the store nnd aftei a chase arrested Holthe. On Holthe's Information Mndsen was arrested a week later. Both men, with Kricltson, had lived at No. 172 Carroll Street. Brooklyn. They admitted complicity, the police say, but Insisted that Krick- Hnil llPMlL till1 flcillh IttrlW V?Hr.L-nnnU hi n-ni fttiiiu hm un return or a icitcr he sent heir ftom Philadelphia, lie is said to have admitted he wus Impli cated in the hold-up. saw nnd ho was pulled Into It. Ho died i was unmarried, Is survived by two Kix hours later In the house next door I brothers, with whom ho lived at Bloom fiom his mutilation. Van Ordcn,' who 1 Ingdtite, N. J. FATALLY CUT BY SAW, IS GIVEN CHLOROFORM former Scrtlpr Jtun 1.1 veil M 1 Ilium 4flrr Acrldenl. Death fulling to como for six hours oftcr he lmd been practically cut In two by a revolving saw in Butler, N. J , chloroform was administered last night to Walter Von Orden to ease bis agony Vim Orden. who was a former servleo ninn, was employed In Fisher's saw-null. Late yesterday afternoon his sweater i caught la tho largo circular revolving pi mtm mrm mjj IP The Name is Your Quarantee 'TP HE RE is a &reat satisfaction in knowing that, after you have spent your money, you can always took to the manufacturer to stand back of his product 1 1 gives you a feel ing of confidence in your purchase. The name SONORA on a phono graph means more than a mere trade mark. It signifies the stability that comes from Sonera's great prestige it is your guarantee of tone quality, fine cabinetry, strong, endurine mechanism and the utmost in skilled workmanship. THI INSTRUMENT OF QUAttTY onor, CLEAR A3 A DC LI. The Highest Class Talking Machine in the World DEALERS EVERYWHERE Sonora Phonograph Company, Inc., George E. Brightson, President, K-rJ Fifth Avenue nt 53d St., 279 Broadway .i i i B VJ B M 5TREET Spoadmu Zftfticfvenue ANNOUNCE FOR TODAY AND TOMORROW A Remarkable Purchase and Sale 970 High -Type Silk Dresses in New Spring I lodes Exact Dup licates of Successful Mode Is Selling at 39.75, 49.75 to 59.50 18.00 Correct and Individualized Modes for Evening, Dinner, Theatre, Informal and all Daytime Occasions IN THE NEWEST SPRING COLORS Periwinkle Blue Flame Mohawk Orchid Henna Brown Black This remarkable collection was purchased from a maker who specializes in exclusive types of dresses. The high character of the styling and the workmanship and the extensive variety of models presented will immed iately impress the most critical. At this sale price they offer a most 1 .1!nn nnnAvtl 1 I t rt c Inn -lltlCrt nnrenn k11 a... Materials include Canton Crepe, Georgette Crepe, Silk Lace, Silk Taffeta and Poiret Twill. Sizes 14 to 42 lo.GO W ifl m 18.00 IL Attman'-ffifc WolleIls, and Misses' New Bathing Costonmes for tlhe .season of 1922, provide an attraction of special interest in the Department on the Third Floor, The most advanced models arid the moat fashionable materials are featured in tho collection. The prices arc sufficiently varied to meet all requirements. Little Gihiilldireini'sv . Sprimig Outerwear now being shown in the new models, mate rials and colors, includes the following (in regular stock) : t Little Children's Coats an smart tweeas, homespuns and other desirable fabrics, at prices ranging from , . $110.75 to 38.50 Little Children's Hats, in colors to match the coats; showing attractive combinations of silk and straw . at $4.00 to 06.75 These are but a few off the many charming mew things now ready for the littlest folk. . (Second Floor) Sprfag Hosiery for Misses, Boys and Children (including infants and the tiny toddlers) is now being shown, in the new assortments, in the Department on the First Floor. The following are of special interest: Infants' Hose (ribbed) off fine-quality white wool; sizes 4 to 6V3 . . - Per Pa 60c Children's Wide-ribbed Hose Cotton, in black, white, tan and cordovan; siaes 6 to 1QJ4 . . - per pair 50c Lisle, with cuff tops; in black, white and the colors in demand; sises 6J0 to 9x per pair 0c Boys' Black-ribbed Cotton Hose heavy weight; sizes 6, to EOJ, per pair 60c Boys' Wool Golf Hose in the wanted colors; sizes 64 to lOS, per pair $1.50 and upward iflabfcon 9bmjc - jfitti) 9bcnue 34th anb 35th streets DYE SWEATER, SKIRT, DRESS STOCKINGS OR DRAPERIES IN "DIAMOND DYES" Duy "Diamond Dyei" anil follow the sample directions In every package. Don't wonder whether you can dye 01 tint succeisfully, because perfect home dyeing is guaranteed with Diamond Dve even If you have never dyed be fore. Worn, faded dresses, skirts, waists, conts, sweaters, stocking, draperies, hangings, everything, be come like new again. Just tell your druggist whether the material you wish to dye is wool or silk, or whether It is linen, cotton or mixed goods. Dia mond Dyes never streak, spot, fade or run. It Makes Little Difference What You Need y.T A World "Want" Ad. Will Giml Find It ran V -