Newspaper Page Text
12 THE EVENING WORLD, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1922. ft- A t 4 v J,. rvrriifin d tWAK T BROWNE FORCIBLY EJECTED BY ESTIMATE BOARD k I But Real Estate Board Mead Serves Paper on Comptroller Craig. Stcwmt llrowne. famous as lh uan who can hold up a (350,000,000 'budget with a scrap of paper known as a mancliimuH, was escorted from fto-dny'(t meeting of the Hoard of jstlmntc by Patrolman Michael Cox jjwhllo several members of the board Sand not a few of tho grinning Midi ;encc drummed the slow mcasuro of a WelI known funeral march. Tho exit yraB the denouement of a thrcc-act tcomedy-dmma In which Comptroller 'Craijr, Acting Mayor HultHTt, and iBrowno wcro the principal actors. jThc plot revolved dlrzlly about a isnystcrlous paper. ; Tho meeting hud Just started when jilrowne, palo and excited, madn iiln Vway Into the press "well" and slid u ' -Very Important looking legal docu ment toward Comptroller Craig. The Comptroller pushed back tho paper. Then the paper slid back and forth In :plng-pong fiwhlon b'cluecn tho Comp troller and JJrowne, the former telling ;the .Intlor that there was a tlmo and ;place for everything. Browno ald ho was determined to "servo tho paper and did," and left the room with Bhouldcrs squared and , a defiant toss of his head. ( Patrolman Cox, on duty In the lower ;corrldor of City Hall, says ho saw iBrowno and a Hoard of Kstlmule messenger In an altercation on thu stairs. Tho messenger told Cox S Browno was wanted by Comptroller JCralg. Cox accompanied Browne, vwho, ho says, agreed to return. f When Browno was brought before (the bar of the Kstlmato Hoard Comp Urollor Craig suggested thut he be ur- ralgncd before tho Acting Mayor In that official's capacity as u Magistrate and charged with disorderly conduct. "That Is out of order," Bald Ilrook ,,lyn Borough President Illegclmann. I "Instead I move that Mr. Browno be '' escorted out In state by n cop." Patrolman Cox, very military In ' bearing, escorted Browno out. "Do you know what's In the j paper?" tho Comptroller was asked. 1 "What paper?" he replied. 1 "If Acting Mayor Hulbcrt had 1, gono through with the plan to try ',, Browne for disorderly conduct," said ,', Comptroller Craig ufter the meeting, ' "Browne might have been In lull by this time and unablo to pester" tfio , Board of Rstlmatc. Browno will make a public nuisance of himself at Estlmato Board Meetings onco too j often." Mr. Browne later announced his In tention of instituting suit against Mr. j; Craig. .; "Comptroller Craig technically had , mo under nrrcst for fivo minutes," said Browne, "and Acting Mayor Hul ' bcrt wouldn't stand for his act. I'm , going to tako that fellow to court on ' some charge. I don't know what I'll charge him with, but something has , lo bo dono"wtth him because of tho ' way he's behaving." Mr. Browne said that it was prac tically impossible to gain access to ' the Comptroller at his offlco and he liad to resort to serving him at tho ' board meeting He explained tho , papers wcro certified copies of trio Court of Appeals decision ordering the remaking of the 1922 budget to include pension allowances of tlreniCi., lollce and teachers. What became of Vlho papers Browns said he didn't 3;now, but he claimed tho Comptroller ' .liad been legally served. BUCKET SHOPS LOOT UPWARD OF $2,000,000,000 A YEAR Ply Trade Industriously Here and Form "Swindle Trust" in Chicago. From $500,000,000 to $2,000,000, ooo Is stolen unnually from the pockets r' tho American public b c itldcnco men and fraudulent brokerage houses an official of the Now York Htock Bxchango estimated to-day. Tho estimate Is based on figures from reports of tho Federal Trado Board ' In 'mcnt .kers' Assoc' 'Ion. Most of this sum comes from tho poor or from thoso who have nccurr- 'ited n. few thousand ii-'-lars. Both of these classes nro tho most easily gulled by smooth talk and dreams of cosy winnings that will make them independent for life. A fever of speculation has brought about an Increase In fraudulent dcalrs as shown by these developments of the pant few weeks: Nineteen persons havo been In dicted In New York on charge of conducting bucket shops, and mora indictments ure expected shortly. In Chicago authorities havo un covered a "swindle trust" whlc' took thousands of dollars from foreign born laborers on promises of Interest payments which ran as high as 100 per cent. BANKRUPTCY REFEREE FOR M'MASTERS & CO. Firm Win Exprlled YenleriUy (From Consolidated HicliBnire. Judge Learned Hand at the opening of tho United States District Court to day appointed Robert I. Stephenson, formerly an Assistant United Ktatcs Attorney, ns referee In bankruptcy for tho firm of It. II. McMnstu-n & Co., No. 82 Broad Street. The petition In linnkruptcy was filed by six former employees of the firm, who claimed $.ft0 In salaries duo and unpaid. They ('.sported the firm owed J700.000 and hud ntM'tH of only $30,000, for the most part In uncollected accounts. The members of the firm named In the petition are Itoy II. McMasters and Janvjs A. Cor coran. The McMasters firm was expelled fiom the Consolidated Exchange yester dny when an announcement by W. H. Kllkwortli, President, that thu expul sion was tha first step of a general housoclcnnlng of Its membership. After b conference at the firm's of fice, Mr. Stephenson Mid that ho would be iinnbtft to makn any statement .m io Itr financial condition until he re ceived thn reports of the ncoountnii't ASicMostercs & Co. had branch of fices In Chicago, Milwaukee, New Hh ven, Iflchmond, Va Petersburg. Vn . and Pittsburgh. BUFFALO COURT KILLS BUILDING INDICTMENTS Jnallrr Ponlry Declarr Ilonnr.llr lair tfrirnnalllntinntil. BUFFALO. Feb. 17 Justice Pooley handed down to-day a formal order overruling a demurrer of District At-torm-y Moore and declaring Hncon.itllu tlonal the Doniwlly liw, under which Indictments weie obtained agabiKt building supply merchants, following (tin lockwood Investigation hero. Timothy N 1'iclnVr. Special TVptjty1 Attorney Qeneral, who assisted District Attorney Mooru In thu investigation, said: "Wo will press an appeal at once. It will bn presented to the Appcllatn Divi sion In Itochcster In March and, regard less of the ruling of that court. It will be carried on to the Court of Appeals In Albany In April " CRAIG AND COLLINS WORK TOGETHER, BUT THEY'RE NEW YORKERS A C'rnlg fintl n Collins sat In pel fuel Jiarmony at to-ilny's otlmrwlfo very d. Mordant meeting of the Hoard of In timate. When Murray ltulgert moved up lo the post of Acting .Major ie eaiien of the abnro of Mayor Hylan, who Is In Palm Ileach. William T. Col lins. Tummany whip of the Board of Aldermen and Vlco Chairman of that body, became Acting Aldermanlc Pres ident. As such he sat at to-day's ICsil mutc Hoard mooting. Jlo mid rot along very well from start to rtnlVi. "Would that tho Cralgs end the Col linses got along os well on thn ntlwr side of the water." observed a im m- ber of the board. R. R. WAGE PARLEY NEAR AGREEMENT Possibility of Deadlock Between 52 Ponds and Workers Said to Be Fading. An amicable understanding will bo tlici outcome, of tho wngo parley at the (liand Central Terminal between rupiesmtntlvcH of fifty-two Kastrn railroads and delegates from tho Con ductors' and Trainmen's Brother hoods. This was tho Inference drawn fiom tho friendly discussion at to- day's session. Tho possibility of a deadlock and reference of tho matter to the United States Labor Board nt Chicago was said to be fading. Deflnlto Information of develop ments was refused by Vic President P. K. Crowley of the New York Ccn trnl und by President L. K. Shoppard of the Conductors' nnd President W. O. Leo of tho Trainmen's Brother hoods. Tho railroads seek a return to tho wago ncno current In 1920, when tho Labor Board awaitlcd tho men a 22 per cent. Increuse, 12 per cent, of which has since lice ncut off. The men ask the restoration of tho full 22 per cent. finit.MA.W MK1SS FOITUTII I'AV- mk.vt or .ii,ono,oiio aoi.n maiiks PAltIS, Fob 17. The ncrmnn finv- ernment to-day advised tho Allied Ilrp. arnttons Commission that the fourth ten-day paynunt of 31,000,000 goH marks was inado this morning to bnnks designated by tho Guarantees Com mittee. This payment is in accordance with the temporary schediilo adopted recently by tho Reparations Commis sion at Cinneo. liBOBBUBaBIBBBaiUfaUUHltiriljti.'IIIiiiBu.,-U..u.u.UN-,. U1B FlinikPiiiePui'iiuttre MID-WINTER SALE DINING ROOM, BEDROOM and LIVING ROOM SUITES ALSO PERSIAN and CHINESE RUGS AT REDUCTIONS OF 10 TO 50ft in , ftdfcfcs 5 31 I rjB-eorr .-l (l ;. I t, I'll 1" 1 - This event more than any of its pred ecessors has brought us the largest volume of business of recent years. Perhaps because of so many similar occasions elsewhere, the oppor tunity lor comparison nas rvvAn4-A X7k nr.1r nf VllUfl 'JrXlCh better than that those who have furniture needs avail themselves of the chance to "look" before buying. .:. Fl int L Horner G- inc. : RADIO AMATEURS ! ' MAY BE GRADED BY O. S. Department of Commerce novr Considering Sew rstrm WASHINGTON, Feb. 17. A system tfC, grading amateur radio operators so Ibat tho more proficient may bo ae- ' cirded greater privileges. Is under on t'deratlon by the Department of Com ,r erce, W. 13. Terrell, Chief IlaJlo ln- ,;f 'jector for the department, said to-dny LC the annua1 convention of amateur T 'dlo operators of tho districts com-r-lslng the Atlantic Coast States from Pennsylvania to Florida. Hlrara P. Maxim, President of the American Radio Belay League, presided the greater part of the day was given over lo thu presentation of teenntcul pipers. TUGS HASTEN TO SHIP WITHOUT FUEL OR FOOD 9 be West Carulfax Reported Adrift Oft nntacket Llichtslitp. BOSTON, Feb. 17. Two Shipping Toard tugs, tho Barrcrfork and tho llumaconna, were ordtnd to proceed from New York to the assistance of the Cicamshlp West Camifax, reported Hi rift with fuel and food exhausted obout 2J0 mllca from Nantucket llght lilli. The West Hdaru, also a Shipping )ard Vessel, reported by wireless that tie was habtcnlng to the West Carat fca's aid. Sionn servicb o rotitTii aso SIADIS'O.'V AVUSUKS. The New York and Harlem Railmi.l Company, which operates the Fourth ai d Madison Avenue line, lias added ftivcral cars to its rush hour schedule, according to checks made by Inspec ted of tho Translst Commission. Dur-iti-j tho recent investigation Into the transit situation, tejitlmony Indicated this line was not giving sufficient ser Vioe during rush hours. BtSAPPB.MtS ON Sill.' rilOM NEW VOItIC TO NAPLES, NAPLES. Feb. 17. Rosarlo Callo. fcrty-Ove of Salerno, disappeared frcui tin Steamship America during Us voy EKu from New York, It was reported K on the etcamti's arrival here to-day. Last Day -Tomorrow! Toilet Articles at Lower Prices Every Toilet Article in this sale bears a special sale price, presenting an exceptionally good opportunity to buy in quantities and save. ) A Few of the Items Are: Ivory Finished Boudoir Set Special Sale Price 25.00 It is of the Louis XVI. design, decorated and hand-carved, in cluding Mirror, Hair Brush, Cloth Brush, Comb, Puff Box, Hair Receiver, Buffer, File, Button Hook and Shoe Horn. . Toilet Preparations Witch Hazel, quart size .' 75c Peroxide, lb. bottle 21c Parson's Household Ammonia 45c Glyco Thymoline, lb. bottle 77c lienro Thymoline Mouth Wash 95c Lambert's Listerine, large bottle '. 72c McCreery Tooth Paste, large tube.: 28c Sanitol Tooth Powder, can 21c Lambert's Listerine Tooth Paste 32c Rubber Goods Surgeon's Grade Hot Water Bottles, choco late color. 2-quart size. J.OO Pure Gum Water Bottles, guaranteed 2,95 Pure Gum Syringes, with five-foot tubing. Guaranteed. 3,00 Household Rubber Gloves pair, 49c Houbehold Rubber Aprons .. ." each, 35c Soaps Conti't Castile Soap large bar, 1.55 Roux Castile Soap large bar, 69c Carlton's Bonnie Baby Castile 1 doz. cakes, 1.45 Pears' Unscented Soap 1 doz. cakes, 1.65 Pears' Transparent Glycerine Soap i cakes, 57c Imported Toilet Soaps, Jasmin, Moss Rose, Cologne and Parma Violet odors. 3 cakes, 65c Imported Buttermilk Toilet Soap 3 cakes, 1.00 Armour's Venetian 1S. ' ! Peroxide Soap, Ver bena, Violet, Geranium Rose, and Corylopsis odors. doz. cakes, 95c Talcums Orange Blossom Talcum large can, 24c Vivaudou Violet Talcum can, 12c Mozart Rosary Talcum can, 12c Colgate's Splendor Talcum 2 cans, 25c Imported Face Powder, "McCreery" 65c French Face Powder box, 19c Houbigant's Ideal or Quelques Fleurs Face Powder box, 2.15 Shampoos Clcansel Shampoo bottle, 19c Crcme Cocoa Shampoo tube, 32c t 1,440 Boxes Imported Talcum high grade 2 boxes 25c (Main Floor) Mail Orders Rudoc Prompt Attention No Approvals 5th Avenue James McCreery & Co. No Returns 34th Street m ai SSI Hi i i C3I I HI I a s sai as .an ail Ml Ml I Oil I I I I I I I I I SB I Take 30 Minutes Off And See These Fine OVERCOATS Latest Styles. Lowest Possible Price . . . Genuine, Up -To.. 100 Garments. Which We Have Marked Down To $3750 f And Some Exceptional SUITS Of the Smartest Fashioning And Most Popular Shades. Which We've Reduced To a Modest 325o!l HI. SB as it Final Clearance Sale of Clothes FOR BOYS 1 5 ALL-WOOL OVERCO ATS.M ACKINAWS $ n 95 and 2-PANTS SUITS Now Suits and Mackinaws, sizes 8 to 1 7. Overcoats, sizes 4 to 10 20 OVERCOATS and 2-PANTS SUITS. . $13.50 25 OVERCOATS and 2-PANTS SUITS . . $16.50 Our 34th Year in BuiineM Three Convenient Store; 279 Broaduay, near Chambers Broadway, at 49th Street 47 Cortlandt Street SK. ID. a H M IB 10 IB its n IB IN IB IB IB IB IB IB B B IB B B IB IB IB IB IB IB Id IB IB IB IB IB IB IB IB IB S3 HHJ IB IB IB IB IB IB IB IB IB IB IB B IB IB IB IB IB FUDEItAIj AID TO TIUDK. WASHINGTON, Feb. 17. Financial aUtanco aggregating 263.13C,000 has necn given by the War Finance Corpo- era lncs enactment of the law rerlylnp the corporation. Director Meyer reported to tho Senate yesterday. Advances to assist exports, It was stated, amounted ration to American exporters nnd fnrm- assist exports of cotton. Violin Outfits Excellent Outfits Adapted for Beginners $20 $35 $50 Outfits for the Advanced Student A cenuine Dicndonnc Guarncrius model, with outfit consisting or Case. Bow, Instruction Book, Music Stand, Rosin, Strings, etc $75 A Splendid Amcdce Dieudonne. Paris, Selected Violin, with beauti ful plush-lined case. Tourte Model Bow, Instruction Hook. Music -Stand, Rosin, Strings, etc At a Special Sale Price of $100 Genuine Old Violins $100$20,000 Small Cash Payments. Balance Weekly Payments Inspection and Comparison Invited HVE RuDOLPi WuRLtlZER Cd Pianos and Victrolas 120 West 42d Street Between Broadway nnd Cth Ave. Phone Bryant 8110. If unable to call, mail this coupon to-day. Wurlitzer 120 W. 42d St. w.-s-it I mn Intrrchtrd In n $ Violiu Outfit. Klndlj srml me fall particulars. ClifcU litre J U Interested In Old Vlolliu. Name Address I rBBBs1si1iillSisiiisissBSissaaasi(iBBsisisiaisiasjsiasisisi am SMITH & SON'S B00TERY 15 East 35th Street Mutray Hill 0391 (Opposite Alimans) Final CI earance of Ladies' Sal v ' i 1 ' ' ' ' ss r In Black and Brown Calf Leather Only Including Grey Suede, Grey Kid, and Brown and Black Cloth Tops. Extreme Large, and Small Sizes in widths AAA A to E are a feature .85 FOURTEENTH STREET FaaadU IS27 WEST OF nFnTIg 1000 Pairs BOYS' TAN SHOES at Wholesale Cost Price 2.65 Goodyear Welted Soles The shoes boys like be cause they are diirable and comfortable, and yet look well enough for dress or school wear. Sizes 24 to 5,, D width. Because we received a price concession for late delivery we arc able to sell these shoes at their to day's wholesale cost price. No Mail or I'hone Orders. A Clean-up of Women's Tan Low Heel Oxfords Special 4,85 The sort you see every day worn with wool hose they have sola all season at $7.50. See Pages 9, 13 and 31 for Other Hearn Advertising. NOW ON SALE 1922 WORLD ALMANAC 35c COMPLETE IN EVERY DETAIL Sold Everywhere BY ..1AIL 50c ADDRESS iEV YORK WORLD, NEW YORK CITV ij5b4p