Newspaper Page Text
ten xo r II II 200 freshes hold Sinner fort after t nnnr nnnm nnniio Triumph in Class Battle With AM of Lynbrook Firemen and Feast To-Night. LOE SCORE PRISONERS. Second Year Columbia Men Lock Captives Up in Brook lyn Warehouse. . Two hundred Columbia froMimon cpont to-dny In the Hlosnom Heath Inn, iliynbrook, J. I., safely In winc tuarf, against imirtUHllnp noplmmorcn wholwould havo liked to prevent the freshman dinner, which In to he eervjil by the Inn nt S o'clock to night Fifteen or twenty frcBlimcn nro prisoners in a Brooklyn warehouse. Thcy wero captured by nophomorcn In a riotously noisy battle which kept Lynbroolt awake for hours after mld UBtitr and wan ended only when the Lynbrook Pre. Department turned the hose 'on the Invading, sophomores and chased them out of town. Tho freshmen rejoiced over the telephone to-day to all who Inquired of tfyom nt their stronghold that none of their class officers or their dinner committers was nmonfr those kept away, from the coming festivities by tho ophomorcs. They count nmonir tho ljilsslnp, however, Edward Iiurkc, a star of tho freshman football team, and .Harold Wilson, Ruard of tlitv basketball leum. Tho only rejrrcU mingled with tho chortles of victory of trio freshmen are that they havo not been ablo to capture any snpho. more class offlccrs for exhibition to tho diners. There is an Intricate code governing this dinner controvciB. As neany as ono who has not tbe advantages of present day acadcrr.lo upllfo can dis cover, tho principal cltusos aro then; lilt? uiuiiv:! luub uu iiiiiu uvincLii .iii'-j- 1 iilsht' last night and midnight nett Saturday. Once InKlo tho restau rants prospective diners must not be molqstcd. Nelthor side must employ or ask for help from the authorities or other outsiders. Tho freshmen met at it o'clock last night, at No. SJ9 Broadway in the of fice Of tho fathor of 1'reshman Hitch cock.'1 Thcro, buttle ordors wero Is sued. Beginning at 10.30 o'clock do tachmcnts began leuvlnj; for I.yn hrook. Tho nophomnreti had spies outsldo tho assembly place. Tho sophomores n'-companled tho first detachment of forty freshmen 1o tho Long Island station, rodo with them on tho 11.01 train to Valley Stream and trollod them two miles i foot to tho Inn, at which they ar rived ten minutes nftct midnight. The odds were too heavily against tho sophomores to warrant an attack. Tlio second detachment moved di rectly oh Lynbrook on "the 11.80 train. Called together by telephoned sum monses 'trom tho spies, there wero forty or fifty sophomores on this train. Many others made directly for Blossom Heath Inn In automobiles. Tho sophomores mads a determined attack on tho road between the rail road station and the Inn on the sec ond, detachment. When the running battla reached tho Inn, a closed auto mobile drovo up. The sophomores pretended to mako n concentrated as sault on tho occupants of this car, caUntf to each other that It contained This Orien tal Ring Isallegedby Chinese to be almost uncannv in its Dower tn bring to the Warf Ilnsltl. Happiness, Prosperity, Long Ufa and Good Luck. The fad of the hour the country over. Don't accept Imitations! None genuine unless the is stamped Inside. ai dm loaay at your ivcai jeweiry sura. Aik St iu IluUtry. 91 2 IN MUD 1 STUUNGSILVEB UtUyw.umuitti.ei 10Mpnth3 ToEqj2 ThU beautiful 18 K lirlaU White iioli Kd fa content Hint ilitnlMefnt prrfvt cut dUraoad IUudtomely rnfEATtd numltm. JU MnslM 130 a rtlavtlnum ring. FpwUl . .I23 llcidtu rtr for M14"n Udi QoUlty ndVlufi, Cll or mk for Catalog 44. Ncnmntoyer'i lief. crHic. Confidential. LWSweet&C. Cuticura Soap SHAVES Without Mug Qtta 3 h tlx towrtx tmmltjntat rtayUa. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears he Mgnawrs of t W ISC' J "iT" m. BHaBBBBBBaBBBBBBBB si? the members of the freshman dinner committee. The frrshmen, alieady In the hotel, nervously awultlng the 'nrrlvnl of the committee, wete fooled by this strat egy and bloled out to the rescue. Thus twelve of them wero kidnapped and thrown nto a waiting motor truck to bo taken to brooklyn. Vlllageis were uwukened. There were no policemen nhout, for the night forco of two had been summoned- u mile away to a fight. Edward Percy Howard, President of the village, aroused by phone, summoned deputy Bjiernis. i wo mora ircsnmcn appeared in u car and wero made prisoners ns Po liceman Jackson of iho day forco ap peared. He was roughly handled but finally managed to take a student to tho station. The student refused to dlBclose his Identity, In the frncas Milton Sandler, a sophomore, was knocked down by an automobile and received slight abrasions which were treated by a physician. President Howard summoned the Flra Department and tho apparatus camo on tho jump. Tho- firemen stretched hoso about the Inn and In tho principal streets. They wero told to turn, on tho water at the first outbreak. In tho course of tho watery argu ment between the firemen and tho sophomores ten wero arrested, rhey were turned loose when the nature of the disturbance became clear. Thirty freshmen locked In a bov car at Vnlley Btrcam and abandoned were released by villagers at daybreak uiri mado their way to Lynbrook unmo lested. "And now It's all over but the eat ing," Chulrnmn D. L. llegan of tho 1025 Dinner Commlttco Informed all Inquirers this morning. STRICKEN IN ELKS' CLUB, GAS HEAD DIES QUICKLY. J. II. Armitrong lSxplrea In Ilello vue From Apoplexy. J. H. Armstrong, forty-three, Aaalat ant Treasurer of the Consolidated U&a Company, died In liellevue Hospital last night , fifteen mlnutea after being taken from the Elka' Club In Weat 43d Street. Apoplexy was given aa the cauae of death. Mr. Armstrong waa unmarried and lived at the Kills' Club. Mr. .Armstrong wm in Ills offlcea Sat urday, and apparently was In good health. He paaied Saturday night at tha Elks' Club, had breakfast there yester day morning and then left the club. A few hours later he returned in a taxi cab nnd said he felt III. A physician was summoned. Late In the afternoon Mr. Armstrong's condition became worse. litvix conn has uelapse. BOSTON. Feb. 20. Irvln S. Cobb, author and humorist, was seriously 111 at a hotel here last night after u re lapse from Influenxa. Dr. U. II. Ste ven said hla condition was "serious hut not dangerous" 32 Big U N NYCORM The Instant There are 32 heaping portions of tasty, nourish ing cereal in every package. It costs less than of a cent for a big portion as nutritious and satisfying as a pound of steak! and it cooks in 2 minutes! Get a package at your orrocer's. The Patent Cereals Company Geneva, N. Y. How quickly it heals! That's what you'll say after applying RESINOL 5oolhinq And Hc&liru) Use freely Cannot in jure the fenderest skin 11! Wretchedness OF Constipation Can Be Quickly Overcome by CARTER'S LITTLE UVEK PILLS. Purely vege table act sure CARTER'S IITTUE IVER the liver. Re-J ueveDiuoui cess, bead PILLS ache, diirl nt and indigestion. They do their ouiy, S snail PHI Small Dose Soiai kMea in u in i in i in j World WantS WQrk Wonders. J)) THE EVENING WORLD, MONDAY, FEBRUARY Reel Reviews By DON ALLEN "That," said the housewife after spilling the cream on her dunday morning tablecloth, "Isn't as bad as last week when 1 spilled tbe coffee." "No," muaed her husband from be hind his paper, "but It Isn't clean." And that's about the cinema situa tion along Broadway this week. It Isn't as bad as last week,, but It's far from perfect as films go. The outstanding feature of the week Is Marshall Nelln'j "Pcnrod," which Is unreeling at tho Strand, much to tho delight of the old young ones and tho young old ones. Mrs. Irene Cnstle tripped back ,to tho 'screen Baturday night,, oi. "French Heels," which Is on for v run at the Came'p. Gloria Swanson has been registered In tho United States Pat ent Office as "Her Husband's Trade Mark," which sho Is showing at the Rtvoll, while Ethel Clayton' Is spend ing "Her Own Money" at tho III alto. The Capitol Is showing "Cardigan" to tho accompaniment of American mu sic. But two holdovers survive. Thoy are "Orphans of the Storm." at the Apollo and "Foolish Wives," at the Central. Ernest Lubttflch, tho master pro ducer of Germany, will bring his lat est "big" film, "Tho Loves of-Pha-ruho," to tlio Criterion to-morrow night for an extended 'run. PASSING IN REVIEW A lot of folks after reading Booth Tarklngton's wonderful "Penrod" stories expressed a wish that somo day tho lovablo boy and girl and grown-up characters would flit across the screen. But they thought It couldn't be done because of the sup posed scarcity of Juvonllo players to assume tho many and varied roles. Well, thoy got their wish, and it HAH been done. But It took a Mar shall Ncllan to do It. "Penrod," Ncllan's latest and best, with Wesley Barry, the human freckle, In tho titular role, Is unwind ing right merrily this week nt the Htrand. For those who are looking for clean, wholesome entertainment and who wnnt to take a couple of Dishes of Delicious - Cooked Breakfast Cereal DYE FADED CURTAINS, SKIRT SWEATER, DRESS OR COAT . IN "DIAMOND DYES" Each package of "Diamond Dyes" contains directions so simple any woman can dye or tint her old worn, faded tilings new. Even If she has never dyed before, she can put a rich, fadeless color Into shabby skirts, dresses, waists, coats, stock ings, tweatcrs. coverings, draperies, In five minutes 'Tape's- Diapepsin" ends Indigestion Gases Acidity Sourness Flatulence Palpitation Take "I'upe's Dlopepin" now1 In five minutes your stomiirli fyes (mei Don't bother what upset your stomach or which portion of the food did the damage. If your stomach is sour, assy nntl upset, nnd what un Jnfct at, litis fcrmentcil into stuMmm liuiip-i licad illn anil nrlie; m, criu la'.f lilies and uriils und uncliae!.tcii l,imU .'Mart tnU n little I'.ip's D niimin inn mi nr 111111111" i"u niitiiirr wiatislt ( I became of the IndlgeUioninddUtxcM,1. tore. mil in flr siiiii (tt " ounilrr what horns off and sail luick to boy and gltl land, the Him ml In certainly th place this week. It won't do at all for thow who ftnvc hoot Wei Marry li Improving all the time as far as acting and ficcklcs nic con cerned, nlthoilKh. speaking In the parlance of n beauty parlor, his latter attrlbuto would scarce be noted down among the "Improvements." It doesn't mako much , difference how old you arc or how crabbed one might feel, "Pcnrod" will bo good for what alls you and you'll come away from tho Htrand feeling much better than when you went In. The music, being up to the Htrand standard. Is quite pleasing and adequate. Gloria Swanson In "Her Husband's Trade-Mark" at the Itlvoll Theatre displays enough gowns In five reels to stamp Stuart Holmes, friend hubby, tut a cloak and suit manufacturer In stead of nri Investment broker, as Clara Bcrangcr has cast him In her story of Mexican bandits and Wall Street Incorporators.' Miss Bwannon Is convincing as an obliging wlfo, but HolmcH seems too much of n gentle man to Justify such a title as "Slimy Bat!" Yes, he Is killed In a fall and the United States cavnlry rescues Gloria and her former sweetheart. Thomas Wllford, creator of the mysterious color organ, renders a symphony of weirdly blended colors and designs. Vlctorlna Krlghcr, prima ballerina of tho Moscow Grand Opera, roused the Rlvoll audience to sustained applause, prolonged for a few minutes, during tho next unit of Dr. Rlcsenfeld's programme. Harold Lloyd appears In one of thoso Inlmltablo mirth provokers. Su san Ida ClouRh, mezzo-soprano; kings "One Fleeting Hour." Thei ovcrturo by tho Rlvoll orches tra Is "Second Hungarian Rhap sody," by Franz Liszt. "Her Own Money," with Kthel Clayton in tho leading role, Is tho of fering at tho Rlalto. It Is a Para mount plcturo adapted by Elmer Rico from tho play by Mark Hwan, and has many amusing Incidents. An eco nomical wife and an extravagant hus band produce a situation that docs not Jibe very well when it comes to paying for a home, and a Jealous married woman adds to tho perplexi ties. Miss Clayton portrays tho stenog rapher and young wlfo and Is assisted by Warner Baxter, Charles French, Clarence Burton, Mao Busch and Jean Acker. An entertaining feature of tho pro gramme is "The Young Painter," the third of n scries of film plays based on famous paintings. Rembrandt's, painting Is the basis of the story. hangings, everythingl Huy Diamond Dyes no other kind then perfect home dyeing Is guaranteed. Just tell your druggist whether the material.! you wish to dye is wool or silk, or whether It Is linen, cotton or mixed goods. Diamond Dyes never streak, spot, fade or ran. Advt. mm Millions of men and women to-day know that it Is needless to hare a bad stomach. A little Diapepsin occasion ally keeps this delicate organ regu lated anil they ent their favorite foods without frnr. If your stomach doesn't take care of your liberal limit without rebellion! if our fiiuil is , cl.inui iti- in stead of ,i help, ri'im-mlirr tin- ('ml. r,t, Miit'st, uiiit liiirinli-.s iii, I ,i iii i I'ape'i Diapeiisin, ulucli mris nnl slt cents fur a Ursrr i .im- at ilruu with Alary Astor ns tlio borgar maid, In the picture of that name Tho music includes "Hotinlc Hwrel llei. mp." ung by Hetty Autleiwni. a inllo Milo anil the overturn "I.elloie No :i tfjouttger looting un ker'HwlanJ Sage Tea Darkens Hair to anu Shade TTTHEN you darken your y V hair with bage 1 ca and Sulphur, no one can tell, be cause it's done so naturally, so evenly. Preparing this mix ture though, at home is mussy and troublesome. At little cost, you can buy at any drug store the ready-to-use prep aration, improved by the ad dition of other ingredients, called "Yyyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound." You just dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. By morning all gray hair disap pears, and after another ap plication or two your hair be comes beautifully darkened, glossy and luxuriant, Gray, faded hair, though no disgrace, is a sign of old age, and as we all desire a youth- lul and attractive appearance, n get busy at once with Wyeth Sage and Sulphur Compound, and look years younger, For Raw, Sore Throat At the first sign of a raw, sore throat rub on a little Musterole with your fingers. I It goes right to the spot with a eentle tingle, loosens congestion, draws out soreness and pain. Musterole is a clean, white ointment made with oil of mustard. It has all the strength of the old-fashioned mus tard plaster without the blister. , Nothing like Musterole or croupyl children. Keep it handy for instant ( use. 35 and 65 cents in jars and tubes; I hospital size, $3. i BETTER THAN A MUSTARD PLASTER Nature's means of stopping coughs comes to you direct from her vast Spruce Forests. Over 60 years in house hold use. . CONCERTS AND MUSIC. TUES.,21at,8.15 ORATORIO Carnegie Hall Society of N. Y. Choral Concert Cliolr of 250 mixed ore, unaccompanied. I In music of the Kurly Chuich, the Russian' Church and I modem lialladu nnd paitfonga. Bololsti, I'.V.V OAl'TIIIDlt and HltNUsr ALBERT STOESSEL, Cond. 7So to 12.50 at Don Olllce or 1 W. 3Uh. CHICAGO OPERA MARY GAIIDr.V. nrn.r.1 wjIk MANHATTAN SSESft To-night at 8, "Manon." Tun., "1a- Jongleur d Notre Dame." and "I A Robinson." w,.".ltll.n Thorn., "Monna Vuunu." 7f fU,.. 8at- ""Uoletto." Sat. Mjht., ot Three Kings." (Mason k iiamlln, the official piano.) METROPOLITAN ANDRE CHENIER AMUSEMENTS. SRSMSi AGNES AYRES ' ATTtQNOOM 30t In "The iMti That HIOHTJ 50t "ail No Turning," MaMaataaMaiafalaa TO NIGHT THIS TOWN HAM., at S.15. 113 W 43rd St Senator Meyer Will Speak on New York's Schools NO ATOII88IIVN aiAiuu: Aul'lce fultlto IMurallon Aamx-iatinn wana LerxtrAl Palaeo FEBRUARY 17,hto,25'' 10 AH.V3 lOW RM - ADM 7Sftet,tu iLSAMUOWESNtWSilOW 20, 1922. AMUSEMENTS. Mi rWSJst WiwJiiiiiaSl MIDNIGHT ROUNDERS WITH AN ALL-UTAH f'AST CO. of SO MrCO.VNKI.I, MIMCSON 1HKK.N ll.VI.KH HAItltV KKI.I.Y lUCIItO IIAItltV lllNHH SA.M lll'.AIt.V MAXIi: a ii;iiu(iiv iii:i.i:n i;i.kv otiikkh. HmoklhK IVrmlitrd In Holes and kogea. ASTOD Th 4"!lt 4 li'way. r.ves. 8. SO, Mats. Wash. Rlrlhday tc Bat. 2.30. I l.t KXtinLt-KN" KNTKIITAINMENT. -Ulde Dudley, Kve, World. "A I.It.T AND BPHI0HTMNE8S TO TI1E TUNKJJ THAT NOT ONI.r OOT THIOf ovkk Tine rooTi.iniiTH. hut bvkn OJJT CI'ON tub hiurwalk and into THU SUnWAY." Trlbunt. i:vB.(eJ.8,t. & Holidays), Dest Beats SI. 50. BIJOU West Street. Evenings. 8.30. Mat. Wash.'irday t. Bat., 2.30. ""DOVER RffADS M9Y Inn rillftfl'c 39th. nr. B'y, Evs. 8.30 lllMAIHW aWIIIVtl W Mata.Wash.II'daylBat.2.30 I MOUNTAIN MAN With Kidney Itlaekmrr 48rr. WW. ATS THUHS -5AT. (IKKKNWlCll VIIfiK Til. Mats. Wed. 8at, Evs. 8.45. 4th Ht. 7th Av. Hprlng 0409. Arthur Pauline Lord n "Anna Christie" Hopkim Presenti VANDERBlLTMk?v.d3iIau VANDI APOLLO THEATRE WEST -IM BT. Twlea Daily 1;W 1;10 ta iTiaTaiirwi ailaj Pos ft-lV BLWHT I 1 II 111 1 IB I D. W. GRIFFITH'S tam. lfsissisi I mikta sod Oatnrdar afatlnea. SSt to II N AMSTERDAM 'W4,3 5T tv.sfl IS KATS.VED.SSAT. 30f.l9.e NO higher ZIECFBLD TRIUMPH MARILYN MILL.KR. LEON BRnOL In NEW AMSTKUDAM ROOF, nt 11 NEW Z1EGFELD MIDNIGHT FROHL CUDIDC IVunv and 40th Bt. Eva. 8.20, cmrirvc Matlncea Wcd. & gat. at 2.20. DORIS KEANEt'hne CZARINA LIBERTY WJ st. Tonight 8.20 Sharp A New Comedy by the authora of "IJulcj' 'To the Ladles! I Helen Harts Olto K.tipr i vrcilM wt T.n;.U Q n l"t Mat. LItbUHl4,S iuiihiii u.v Wed. IRENE BORDONI ?r,?L 'THE FRENCH DOLL HUDSON J"? TO-MORROW AJ( THE RUBICON COMEDY lth VIOLET HEMINd. II tS!ll.V 124 W. 43d Bt Evea, S.13 nClllf ITIIIICI Mats. Wed., Thura. t Sat. LAURETTE 3. Hartley Manners' New Tlay The National TAYLOR Anthem JPA UA1E, 1 I MatI. wed. St Bat. 2.20 Pesjaniss and Her In r New Revue PARK TlL'' FRANK FAY'S FABLES" i;v8 8.3U. .. .... TIavtl ' KV. EV, journal HOLIDAY MATIN I.I'. t,u. ..". ....... ...n,i,r.r li'.nv. 3S 8t Kva. 8.30. rN UrtHHUliICfl Mr.'uvd. t Sat. 2.30 "BULL DOG DRUMMONU" A Ileal Melodrama," with A. 15. fliaiiifws. ni-t sonn v,.t 44tn Ht. i:cs. at B.ZU. DCLAOl-tJ Mats. Wed.. Thura. A Sat. DAVID LENOREULRlCasKIKI IIKI.ABCO l'l I'.oenln r n R T West 48th St uveninga ai j.-u. LUK1 .,,i. wed. It. Bat. at 2.20 IJvenlnga at 8.20. & Bat. at 2.2U. WALLACK EDDINGER-MA1,Y NASH "CAPTAIN APPLtJAi;ri.- f ED. WYNN the pewecr foot GOOD MORNING DEARIE TIMES SQ. Allan Pollock in "A Bill of Divorcement" With Janet Beecher. Theatre. W. 42 SI. lives.. 8.30. iiais. Wed., Thur., Bat. MADicnnnn klaw Thea., w.ism at. MAKlt UUKU Ev,.8.30. MtB.Wed. A Bat. ln "LILIES Or Hit ri&Lu Uy Wm. Hurlbut. With 1'redericU I'erry, I W.45 St.nry.1470.Cv 8.15 sharp Mats. Wed Ht at 2.15.1 "MUSIGBOXREVUE SAM H, HARRISX,""'; Kva. 8.15 ats.Wed. L Sat. 2.15 SIX CYLINDER LOVE With Ell NEST TUUEX. DULCY FRAZEE M.t Wed. A Bat. 2.20 LYNN FONT ANNE 63D SfT-v? "Tat. BATUrtWDAYtC2n36! SHUFFLE ALONG S? Eitra MldnUht Terformanee Ved. at 11.30 XTRANl 1 Witi, Wesley Barry IjFiry Si 4T St.'' gtmnd Symphony Orch. lOLYMPlCI I 1ITII ST.. Somo ShOW I atthacti'dn Butiesnuers M0RDELLA Vi"lAY NHlHT-AMATECnS, BROOKLYN. I'll -. IIIV I. .lin.1. I lip lioll . Mr I iiliiaii, Hni.i.n " ll " ink Jgrl. .IuiUxhi lifliMj. Haiti .,ii llorenee Mllllllllhlllll, I'OlllUlllO ....rairiiTsi QTtfAAin HamptonN iKrSU STARDUST '-TROOKLYN ,,. e llnrv. N.el. i AMUSEMENTS. Jo!tOtl'S 5cth SI Tm-a.JAV 69 Ht. Kv.8.20. 1 AL J0LS0N "bombo" 8;."'2.Kvii.8.30.Mtl. n.nui !,., HVaah.ll day i, Sat.2.30. BLOSSOM TIME I "A Joyous a comedy an ever I aw. I and witlr srtat ttdotn In It, too," HITS V4B-CW0J56-KSA1S WEO.-SAT, .v oeiianirui ntrtainmnt. Among the notabl productions or tha Reason." Ileywood Broun. AT And Ti-ie- JkVUMXf g "More Melting than 'The Bat' an ofy of thrilk tha creepiest mntary play I em saw a tatid ornin of ttarb, thrills and clammy creeps set offby hysterical laufhter." Kenneth ilacgowan, Globe. BOOTH S&ty fnATS WED -SAT HOLIDAY MATINEE AT THESE TIIEATIIE8 WASHINGTON'S NORA BAYES We,t 44th st- EVB- 8-3a Mta.Waah.U'day4Bat.3.SQ lllolldav Mats. "The Deluge" A human comedy Plymouth Th..W.4S St. Era. 8.30.M&tB.Wed.,TliUrs.Sat. weaneMay or "UeluKC" and "Anna Christie." ?) i.3AT3'jrO CASINO Empire of JVM Smottons SO ( Oood Ordtestra Seat fl.M 'THEATRES UNDER DIRECTION OF HUGO RIESENFELD' 83 WM' CRITERION -R ,Jl1-. . ,i in Ja4aW5Hiaal.Jt R IVOLI GLORIASW ANSON 'n D'way 'tier Husband's Trade Mark' at 49th Bt. A Paramount l'ltturr. RIVOLI CONCEIIT ORCH. Il Yl.laAW.VJ AT t l 9 AVi 1 41 ST. "DOC" BAKER ft CO. OP 10 Other B. F. Keith Aets. GEORGE AMLISS In 'Tha Ruling I'asslon' PBOSPECTSi VDICHESTEE RUTH RO YE Other II. r. Keith Acts flEOnGE AltLINS In 'The Ruling I'asslon' m. nesT vAuotvme a-feATuge films 1" A Jack Norworth. Mae West ft Co., ' Thank Vou. Doctor, 1Iamton A Illal-e, Lew Cooper, Orren & 1)1 ew. Kay. Hamlin t Kay. Qattlaon Jones A Co., ota. GEORGE ARL1SS In "THE UULING PASSION" Kl PHK.Mi: VAUIIEVILI.E. GEOItor. AMLISS In "THE IIUI.INO PASHION" t HIIPIIKME VAUJIEV1LLE. Dane K Contest Ev'y Thur Ngt Wm M alien. Crredon t DaMs, .Tohnxon. lluker L Johnson, Clark 4 Btor). Ncins A Ooi don, Dolly spi ll, deorge Arllss In "The Hilling Passion." 3m WEAR 6IVAVE jlllAI? VI AVE 1 cit m ivu i AMU8EMENT8. LYRIC Bt -w-," POSTPONED until TO-MORROW (Tuesd) NIGHT MuTlca.ted,. FOR GOODNESS SAKE SHUBERT U. W. of B'war. Era.8Jia Wan. Wash. IVday A BattSO.! SUffi. TINS & NEEDLES' PRINCESS MUl Bt.oX rj'way. ET..8.45 Mata.XVAsh nMov a n., 5 NnQlliy TDCU HO in "DESERT nuiiinnii IIILIUII SANDS'! SELWYN tiuca., w. m at. j:v.a.20, . I Wel.,A Bat. at SS0.I Joseph O'awthorrt and IJUIan Lorralaa In A MUSICAT. COMEDY ItETELATlOWr COMEDY 4ut Bt- nr- I,'w"jr- Ev- BPETR0VAhH1SffiS!P LONGACRF. Weat th 8U Eva. at 8.30. Mata. Wed. A Bat. at 2.30. THANK-U LITTLE TI'EATllE, W. Ulh St. Eva.8.3a Mat. Wed. and Bat. at 2,30. The Jst YEAR BELMONT Bnr. Ev.aso W A-LrSc!l.,'Jilr.wl,n H tha flavor. MONTM ARTRE WAByiCK-HFt WATS XWED-SAT. IIIKTHDAY. REPUBLIC """"-Sd St..W.of U'y Uvs.8.80 AsI-aaaaaTW UW 1 I saaaaaMasaaCassktaaaaaaSraaMn BROADHURST&diS: MARJOLAINE jui With PEM8V WOOD A I.l'.NNOX 1'AWl.E. Chauve Souris lu,i Jh-lre DIBKfT fltO.M LONDON I'AIIIS JQTIICT Th W.oflly ClrcK-3820 nv.8.30 MI.Tues..Wfth.H,dy8Rt.2.30 rrllTDAi THIATRC TOOAV ?fla ssrs si sa Hk" n TONIOHICII CAat lAtHHti ptetmrf ' a u 1 --J WPJUMfllM ma tint DttlilOOQOOO Pictvri IT san mr -r f PHARAOH In the days when they knew how to live and love The ma.tor work of ERNEST LUB1TSCH; creator of "Deception," "Passion" and "Gypay Blood." A PARAMOUNT EMU. JANNINOS PICTURE DAGNY SEIIVAKB BEG1NNINGT0M0R.. TUES., NIGHT 7.30 evenings qq. ALL SEATS R IALT0 ETHEL CLAYTON TIMES in "IIKU OWN MONET." SQUAHE. A l'aramount Picture. Famous Itlalto Orchestra. CASTll FRENCH HEEL! CONTINUOUS CAPITOL " Tl... R1 ail 'CARDIGAN' St an All-American Trocram. II way at 51st Bl. Capitol Grand Orrli. p.- n. 148,11 Bt A 3d Av. Pop Bronx Opera Houae rrlccll Mati,Wed.,8at Fiske O'Hara SSSSSP FOR 8 ALE. -DIAMOflDS-i VVarchoa- - Gold Jawolry lint rsrornt secures UnmedUU WlmT. No latertrt on unpaid baUaos. TrsasactlcsM coaridsntlsL IUllsbls Ooodi. ON LIBERAL CREDIT Teimi aa Imw as $1.00 s Wirt, Call, Writ cr I'hon rjt. MM. Will Bsnd Hsnresentatlva If Daalrad, ARerkWatchtSDumondCd 6 MAIDEN LANE 4th Floar. Taka alavator UPTOWN STORE: I Cfll Av v,r Bchulta'a, 1 flight u 3UJ Jin AV. Kniranea on 4Sd St. mONB VANDF.IIIIILT ittt. nlAMAM a .w nr- - s a-si rs l.i 3 VTM sHiliJ 1 iuux? s wvtuiyl ttu 9 r. J SfMDrotntntuenneitdt CASTLE CONPIBINTIAL S r ITO1" BROADWAY A STORE-NOT AN OFFICE l)IAMONDS C?Dm Sq WATCHES AND FINE JEWELRY I fcst llbtrtl Ttrms Brst VALUCS In th OtyT-n DnVAl DIAMOND C WATCH CO.I $1 Weekly Buys $50 Diamond Rind $2 Weekly Buys $100 Diamond Rin J MITTIlliriH.ITAN. 47 WP.ST AtTt 8TIIEr fAMEARENE js4littTi(r continuous I C jLfA.XMIDNIOHT 'O