Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING LSS IN FIRE NEAR HARVARD $100,000 iTwo Firemen Injured, Business Sec tion Threatened Printing Presses Fall. . CAMBRIDGE, Mass.. March 1. iWra that threatened the business sec tion of Hnrvntil tind Hraltlo Squares crly to-day caused more than, $100, 000 iSamaeo Woro It was brought under control by firemen and apparatus called out on ti general nlarm. Two firemen wcro Injured. Tho Jilazo started In the ltoylston Block at tho corner of Itoylston and Uratttc Streets and was confined to that building, ulthouch'spuihs carried by n hlsh wind several limes iiicn- xced udjaccnt structures. l'rlntlns presses in tho plants oC the Caustic- Printing Company and tho Moflotnca Book Bindery, situated on '.ho second nnd third lloors, added to to confusion when they crushed to 6 basement. CRIME AND DEATH RIFE ' AS MARDI GRAS ENDS I llrnil. ' Itslnir In rir Orleans W'n r of Violence. Ni:V OULEANS, March 1 -Four dead, two critically injured, six stab Ings, several lishootlngs una three hold-ups Is the toll of Mnrdl 3ras. end ing here last night. Two riot calls brought out police to free-for-all fights. Xumeioiis wngon calls hauled law vio lators to tho lockup fur Into the night. Ortat i ongcstlou of traffic brought automobile accidents and the Jams biouglit pickpockets much In evidence. A elirck-up lo-dny shows niimi'rnus rt larto of purses llflr-d. hack nnoKR.-v, inns aktkii TIlllKi; MONTHS. Dennis Coney, sixty-two, No. 13C Mm Street, Jersey City, who has struggled against death since Nov. 23. after nn GccJueiu in w:ncn uis nacK was uroKen. led of bronchial pneumonia to-day at Hellevue Hospital. A vertcbn la his hack was fractured when he fell over a railing while at work on a building at 59th Stieet and Klghth Avenue 1r had been In bed nt the hospital silicon WIDOW OK" .1 A M US O'NKII, ItU- ivntTP.n dim it i n i. i:f;r.i,i:s. (Special to The livening World.) NKW I-ONDO.V. March 1. A report received here to-day from lx)s Angeles l,v relatives says Mrs. James O'NVII, widow of the lnti .ctor. died ycstvrdiy of appoplexy W.e b-HV.-s two ron. Kngenp and Janus. WO RJiD, fWE DN ESDAY, MARCH Remember The Name 35? 9 ITS STRENGTH, PURITY AND FRAGRANCE ARE. UN EQUALED 1, 1922. ' 17 ORK Thursday I 11 5.30 I 1 Jiai The Sealed PacKet is yotxr safeguard breaking out of the sk.n. even Itcliing eczema, can he quickly Sonic by applying Mentlio-Siil- I declares a noted skin specialist, ise of its germ destroying prop i this sulphur preparation in- Uy brings case from skin inita- Vsootlics nnd heals the riv.ema lup anil leaves the skin clear hooth, seldom fails to I without delay. trouble should til Mcntho-Sulphtir from druggist and use it lil.c I. Ailvt. rcliew- the Inr Sufl'crers from imam ,i mil. II ,111V mid IDNEYS ACT lD TAKE SALTS Jackache is sisn you have been eating too much meat. you wake up with a dull' icry in the kidney region it gen-' flly means you liavc been cai'ng' j much iicnt, says a urll-knnu n jhority, Meat forms ur'.c .u ul u hi :, . 1-rwnrks tlie kidneys in Ihelr effort I filter it, from the blood til they some sort of paralyzed and lngsy. Ifcn ynur-hidnevs get sluggish and 'j, you relieve tliem. like you '(eve your bowels; removing all the Ay's urinous Waste, else you 1 kache, sick headaclic, tr.y spells; Jr stomacli sours, lungue is coated, j when the weather is bad ou haw Winfatic twinges iwk conmii a good, rename pny- ' jinit once or get from onr phar- Mist about four ounces of .lad, ; take u tablcspoonful in a glass, atcr before breakfast lor a few !m and your kldnevs will I hen act U lids famous sails is made I nun ', (acid of grypes and lemon juice,' ibincil with Iithia, and h is been i for gcjicrntions to clean and 'iuiatc sluggish kidneys, aUo to .'i .mi,,. .,,.i,ir ... ;i .... i . h Svilts is a life '.iniT tin- icaul n 'iters. It is inexpensive, cannot mil makes a delightful effci-lithia-watcr drink Adt. ' k Color in Cheeks Better Lookins? Take Olive Tablets. ur skin is yellow complexion -tongue coated annctite mini' Iave a liud taste in your mouth '. nO-gOOll fcclillir von .shnnlil Jive Tablets. .awards' Olive Tablets a sub for calomel were prepared by .yards after 17 years of .study Jdwurds Olive Tablets a re a t vegetable compound mixed ve oil. lou will know tliem olive color. (ve a clear, pink skin, bright eruptions, a fcclinir of Imov. kc childhood days you must the cause. Awards' Olive Tablets act on r and bowels like calomel - no dangerous after effects. overcome consignation. T.,1... wo nightly and note the nleus- I..H ,,,, . 1 IU11S. .tlllllOnS Ol lOVPS lire ualiy nt 15c nnd :10c.-. -Adit. 'nv CLIUI l i.'ni. ounds Cuts. Bruises and Rashes, applv m I Healing Zemo femo is a clean, antiseptic h.iuid lit cools amrrv skin, heals Ti t t , r nCWOrm. Ecremn. remnv r,,,-, it ins. blackhenris nnrl rnishr. F...r f itching scalp. All Drusgis- :BROOKI.YN: Jin&rieaJ uhrenost Speeialuts FULTON STREET-BROOKLYN Continued for Tomorrow A Dress Sale of Great Importance Constituting an Unmatchable Offering of Hundreds of Exclusively Modeled High Cost Spring Dresses At a Price, Quality Considered, Not Equalled in Many Years Tafida Charmcusc Canton Crcp: Georgette Developed in Models Made to Sell at 55.00 28.00 Four Models Illustrated Frocks of fascinating beauty de signed along newest Spring lines in charming Panel, Surplice, Tunic and Straightline effects; in French blue, gray, rust, henna, navy, black, periwinkle, tan, flame and brown. if i mm 4 & 750-752 8-hAve. Corner 46 St. ill K.1SV r.ivmpnt Plnn Annll. Puruwh.r. VAltkm 1 Rrt Mil., M V We Furnish Apartments and Homes on Weekly or Monthly Payments. Mote Truck Deliveries 1 3-PIECE IVORY FINISHED BEDROOM SUITE Con- ff QR sistlna of Dfeer, Chiffonier and 2.inch Continuous Post s?hH,3 Metal Bed. is Illustrated Jv Columbia Crafonolai from $30 Up on Our Easy Payment Plan. March Columbia Records on Sale. All Goods Marked In Plain Figures. A Complete Line of New Home Sewing Machines on Credit Up to $110. TfTTTCTrj SECRE- rWi IPSiMin Fumed V dluitrated, E f $24-98 Open Monday and Saturday Evenings. -TMlANEFl?--w Enoi-mder pvi36Eii'' Lever-Lotk I SSLSSShl Couth Bed I pSnwS wi,h rfljtLr J TlTfl H ! I Impen.ii i lggjtrfLfl.lLif Complete.' I UVftfiS-TSrfcf svw at $22 -so 46th StJ50-"2EEIGHTH AVE. 8th Aye UN IRRITATIONS Rely on Cuticura To Clear Away Skin Troubles Bmp to duis, Olnbwat to ooth, Talrvm to dow dr, 2bc. &mopltof Catlciro, Vft. x.Ukido. fftai T'lfE WORLD prints more 'Bnfiiacsfl Opportunitieo' than all the other New York morning newspapers added together. dorit gamble with INFLUENZA I SHx'Tiill&ysA ColmneM tnd common-( durinff the current epi demic of influenza. Hy iteru and indifference aie one'i gieateit enemiei, while danger prevails. If you value ood health, ihun nee;in2 crowds. Walk on the sunny side of the ilreer. Exercise. Oel plenty of sleep. Avoid fatigue,eold3,lietd. aches, constipitfon. Take Hill's Cascaia Bromide Quinine Tablets regulaily and don'l worry about influenza. I Beware of influenza. Don't take a; chance with colds and la grippe. The odds are groat the dice loaded. Throw your fortune on the side of health and life -by taking Hill's Cascara Bromide Quinine Tablets regularly. Strengthen your resistance to the dangerous "flu" germs that Gil the air you breathe. In 1918-19 influenza caused more deaths than the World War. An other epidemic is now snuffing out thousands of lives. During the present emergency take Hill's Cascarn. Bromide Quinine Tablets regularly and nvoid colds, constipation nnd other strength sappinj! disorders thai make you an easy victim of intluervn. Every druggist has Hill's w orld-famous C. D. Q. Tablets. 1 hey are dependable best by test. Don't experiment and don't delay insist on Cascara Quinine Tablets, and get them now. At alt Druqqil 30 cents W II HILL COMPANN DETROIT. MICHIGAN Ask for Hills Cascara Bromide Quinine Fulton St. Bond St. Livingston St. Elm Place BROOKLYN IVIEW HiiHincHs Hours !) to No One Would Ever Think Such Men's Shirts Possible at 89c THIS SALK is thf first salo m four i nr that lins mndo them so. We bewail the selling with clove to ten t lioiitmcl Shirts. There is perhaps enough left for one more day's bin selling. One Shirt in Every Three Is a Shirt Worth $2 or $2.50 at Today's Value! Of the balance, none NU'ss than a l.."! Shirt and a very j.'ood $l..r Shirt, loo. They are all our famous "larye body' model. All have soft cuffs. Materials are largely madrases of the belter sort. Sizes 1 t to 17. I..,, i-r Main Floor Coats, Capes, Suits, Dresses $25 the Price And Every One New! New! New! l.'WEHY ONH the pink of perfection in .style. Kvery one a Locser cpuilily garment. This p j fiives fjretil opportunity lo thoe who must be careful as to expenditure hut who must dress correctly. We know what the ureat City has to offer, and we know that these garments for tomorrow are incomparable at the price. There is a purpose in this service. It is to normalize prices as l.ocser's has been doiii steadily. At $25 Women's and Misses' Frocks '',; Errni Hour of Day or Eirnimj "Iraifjlil line linnet anil panels are inmnR llie infil ifs Kiiilirniilery nnd lucks iuuoph I lie I riinminBi. Salmi. Crepes ile flmie. ir r;elle.s ami i cmiliiimlionH X'nriet aniainu! ICverv untiled onlur All -ies friiui those of ireiieroils proporl iteis lo I hose for misses It. 111. 18 years 1 -.ft'it rifth I'loor. At $25 Choosing a New Spring Suit Is Such a Pleasure : Variety Is So Great One iloes not liaxe lo lake a Suit thai looks like one's neighbors'. Kuril I,oeer Suit (onforins lo llie mode, hut lillle toilelirs are niMril lo jiive imliviilualily That is why l.oeser Soils sell so (iiiekly mimp llie falirirs are Itteei's. Iiomespiuis, mtxlure.s. Iritolines, eh-. Some are i ii l.ox inoilels, olliers haw liell.s. Man show cmliroiilrr ics of rare eliarin All sii-es for women and It, l(i. IS vears. Oilier Suits al $19.75, $33.75, $35, S39.75. At $25 New Spring Coats and Capes Women's anil misses' sizes in tweeds, homespuns, mix tures lined most beautifully. A rlioiee of loose ltox models and helled Coats. The circular capes are large and gen erous, man' are in gorgeous plaids Skirts Drop to $6.95 hut I hey keep their charming styles anil good color notes. ' Plain and plaited. All lengths, 20 to 112 waist measures. Ite sure to hring your sweater so that you may secure a correct contrast or match in color Women's and Misses' Sports Knickers $5.95 $7.75 $8.95 Twrcds in plaids and mixtures. Charmingly designed hut cut M-irntifically so that there is perfect comfort. Wc need not tell you that golt and tennis, hiking and other outdoor sports take on' new interest when you ear Knickers for these activities.'kci SeconU Kloor. For a. Suit, Coat, Dress or Skirt You Can Buy .111 IVool Material At $1.95 a Yard AS A SPUC1A.L attraction in the I oeser Woolen Fabrics Section a collection of all wool fabrics wanted kinds has been marked at I his very low price which in some instances is only half I he real value. The home sewer will find this a rare saving opportunity to purchase the material for a new frock to be made up with llie aid of a McCall Printed Pattern. All the fabrics are ;H inches wide and include Novelty II rf7'.s- in Slripc.i and Checks Fancy Mixtures, Velours, Navy lilue. Hurye N Sports Flannels in lir'ujht Colors I,,,,', i 'm- Second door. Changeable Silk Petticoats Special at $3.50 TIIESK NKW I'KTTK'OATS rustle of spring in erisp laffclas and wonderful colorings. .Just the kind of Petti coat that one likes to bruin the new wardrobe with. The flounces arc tucked and much bcfrilled. and the changeable effects run to greens, blues, browns, wistaria and tfold. Also ul this special price you will find some silk jersey Petticoats in attractive models. nr-iAras-fl..-....-,., I.:,r,rr H' ',n,l Kloot 1 I For the First Time in Many Months We Are Able to Announce a Supply of the Scarce and Much Wanted Chiffon Silk Stockings THK SIIERHKST OF SHKHIl SILK STOCKINGS are much sought for as a feature of summer outfits. Hut sheer Silk Stockings of the Ix-ltcr grades ore scarce; in ftict, few stores have representatory stocks. Yesterday wc received a large shipment of this popular Nik Hosiery, and it is good fortune out of the ordinary to find every desirable weave and style and at prices that are very moderate for the extreme high grades offered, At $5:50. "Onyx I'ointex" chiffon, finest gauge ingrain thread silk Slock nigs, with ilouhle silk to sand soles, in oul. At $5. "Onyx I'oiutex" chiffon, fine gauge ingrain thread nlk Stockings, with single 1'aris clocks, in hlack, white and African At SI. 50. "Onyx" fine idieer ingrain thread fcilk SIik kings ill hlack only. At $4. "Onyx" fine sheer ingrain thread silk, in hlack only. At S3. 50. 1'ine chiffon -ilk Stockings uilh selvagcd ibroail scam; hack, in l'ln k ami light gray. At (3, "Onyx" fine Infoii thread silk Mocking in lil.ick and all the v. inted .shoe .sfi.ules Levin a Main floor. Stamped Linen Huck Towels $1.19 : Regularly $1.59 Needlework Store, Second Floor WK 1'UHriIASKI) the linen in hulk and bad the Towels stamped in our own work room. All are first quality. Irish huck and the stamping is in several I retty designs. Size 17x31 inches. Very at S1.19. Stamped Linen Scarf, 59c Of ecru crash, with fringed ends. slamiH-d for easy colored cnibroider Size 18x50. Stamped Infant' Carriage Robe, 73c Regularly SI. 25 On fine iquc in an attractiTc basket design. Pillows to match, regularly Cite, at 49c. Stamped Infant' Bib, 5c Regularly 25c On fine quality pique in three de signs. Stamped Tarn of Sueds Finithed Cloth, S9c Regularly SI. 39 Mani ed for effective einhroiden . in sweater colors. Splendid for sport or school wear. I.oeser's Sei-und Flour. Gold Band Dinner Ware Now at Half Price ASPKCIAI. I'fltrilASK gives lo housekeepers this price ad vantage tomorrow on a superb lot of high grade Nippon China Dinner Ware. The decoration is the most popular coin gold baud, a de sign much favored. Special sets may he made up from llie following pieces Dinner I'lates. regularly 418 a dozen, at ...$9.00 llread and Hotter Plates, regu larly S.."i0 a doxn, at $4.25 Soup I'lates. regularly ll 10 a dozen at $7.20 I'ruit Saucers, regularly $7.30 a dozen, at. . $3.65 Tea Cups and Saucers, rrgularly $HU0 a dozen, at $8.25 Meat Dishes, medium size, reg ularly 93. at $1.50 Open Vegetable Dishes, regu larly $ 03. at $1.35 Sugar Howls, regularly $4.03. at. $1.35 Cream Pitchers, regularly $1.30. at . 75c American Porcelain Dinner Sets $28.50 Instead of $45 Manufactured and decorated b Knowles, Taylor. Knowles Com pany, one of America's leading Mit lers. The sets are e.implete 100 picce compositions and the decora tion is a pure coin gold hand. T.ccrii T1.i8f mnt.