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THE EVENING WORLD, FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 1922. CHI FF ESTATE TO PAY STATE TAX 0M4,426,282 lvalue of Property Left in New York Shown by Executors' Schedule. Value of. the property left by Jacob lit. Schtff, to bo taxed In New York IStatc. Is $33,257,003, aa shown by tho ichdliile prepared for tho Stato Tax rotnmlsslon In tho Inheritance tax rocccdlnir to beeln shortly. The net estate on which tho executors estl- ntc a tax will be tlxed, Is $34.l?6,- ' As lu tlio cuso ot J. Pierpont Mor- Bsan and other flnanciei s, the taxable property as fixed by the estate does Knot Include the good will valuo of S f 0..1.IM.. I . . ... t . . 1 . . (. miai. ouiiui. a luiuicab til jvllliu, l)BU Co. This firm has paid to tho cs- ktn 1C.222.990 fur Mr. Kolilirn Intnrrat f, la tho firm. to havo tho Incomo for life, nnd then tho principal Is to bo divided among Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer L. Schlff and Mr. and Mrs. Felix M. Wnrbtirsr. Most of tho trust deeds cxccuUd by Mr. Schlff wero mado more than two years before his death, when lie was In perfect health, und for that reason tho executors do not expect u question to be raised. Whllo tho schedules nro subject to revision In ,tho transfer tax proceed ings It Is not expected that there will bo any chungo of Importance, duo to the fuct that the bulk ot the estate Is In stock and bonds, tho vuluo ot which Is tixed. Probably the claims of a deduction for the Federal Incomo tax will be disallowed, in nccordanco with pre vious rulings. In tho estate of An drew Carneglo It Is proposed to carry this question to the United States Su premo Court. Tho list of . Mr.-Schlrt's bond hold ings shows that tho largest Item is $6,395,970 In United States Victory notes. The only other parcel ot Lib erty bonds held by Mr. Schlff at the time of his death was $462;00O of flint Issue. Tho bulk of tho bond holdings was in New York City notes and cor porate stock. SUBWAY THIEF GOT HER CITY INSPECTOR BADGE Police Ilepovpreil It When lle(rril l'lcUpoeWot Wn Srlpil. Felix Clcslok, twenty-nine. Nn. s Orchnrd Street, tvius nrrestod in tho crowd nt tho qrand Central subway sta tion Hast evening charred with iiiivlng stolen n ng from tho pocket of Rosa lind Click of No. Ill Kast 118th St rent. Tlirro was nothing In tho ling. In ClPilok'.H possession Detectives Wlcli mid li'irns found tho bnrtgo of an Inspector of freight nnd moiiMtroj). It ! ov ! to i... tut of Mm. Kiitherlnr l Towers, an inspector, whoso pocket hnd inn picked n Miort whllo liefoit) nt the Hth Street Mntlon. Always Delicious Always Refreshing Sold in sealed aliimiiium pacKets only Never in BulK. BLACK-GREEN-MIXED mr Schedules to be submitted In New York do not Includo property in Sea bright, N. J., where Mr. Schlff had a summer home, or In any other Stato or In foreign countries. Mr. Schlrt's rostdence at No. 965 Fifth Avenue, nnd Its contents were not owned by him, so aro not listed. Mr. Schlff left less than a third of the fortune of J. I'lerpont Morgan, lj;ss than half that of Henry Clay l'rlck and Anthony Jf. Urady, and i only about $10,000,000 more than An drew Carnegie, who spent his later wears trying to die poor. Hut Mr. (Schlff was a constant benefactor of (charitable nnd religious organizations d individuals. Tho total estate was further re- uccd during Mr. Selilft's life by trust unds for relatives. With the sched- ilo will bo submitted affidavits show- that Mr. Selilft's purpose in es- illshing theso trust funds was to urthcr his purpose of treating all his Justly. In his will Mr. Schlff gave $1,330,- 0 In direct bequests to oiganiza- lions, and divided the residue of his tato equally lietweon his son, Mor- imcr It. and his daughter, Filoda S. ttrburg. Tho sum each will receive, It tho schedules arc accepted. Is J 10, -8S8.H1. jMrs. Theresa Schlff, the widow, ie flpved nothing in the will for tho 1 ta lon that In 1910 her husband estab lished a trust fund that she nilghl havo an Immediate nnd constant in come in case of anything happening to him. Ho set aside securities val ued at $6,053,045, from which she Is SPECIAL! To-Day & To-Morrow on 1. y THE FAMOUS HAMILTON WATCH at etandard spot cash price of A2 and 10 Months To Pay No Employer. Reference. Confidential, Call or write or Catalog 41. j II I r -a I Golden Syrup : I II awE2i Madebythfr refiners oF Domino Cane Sugars Cane Sugar Granulated Cane Sujjr . yrup THE MOST POPULAR FLAVOR IN THE WORLD The rare taste oP sweet sugar cane im parts aii irresistible fTavor tomeuxy good things to eafcYou can wisely use Domino Syrup everr day in the yearas a table spread unusually ap preciated or as a cooking aid ofmany helpful uses. American Sugar Kefimsag Company "Sweeten it with Domino" Granulated, Tablet, Powdered, Confectioners. Brown. Golden Syrup You must sa p WARNING! Always say "Bayer" when you buy .Aspirin. Unless you see the name 'Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians over 22 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Neuralgia Toothache Neuritis Lumbago Rheumatism Pain, Pain Accent onlv "Baver" package which contains Drooer directions. " 0 i. 1 Hnndy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablet coft only a few centa. Druggit also sell bottles of 24 and 100. niu i. i ...u. iiir mi nijir Muuiaeturt or Monoctt!ct!aHr or smeyucMia : t, m: 1 "pffll 1 15W 34 St. 2S Floor-t n BETWEEN FIFTH AVENUE AND BROADWAY (OPP. WALDORF HOTEL) (fjB ilpi'ir s,i ir .n. n.f, I The World's Largest Second Floor Clothing Institution Cor. :t! ;i nioch, fnun flmnil On. Sti. , Lmm I AtlanticCity jCjQ ' AC J . . ttmKr illH rWWi vV 'RBHHpii . Iliidxiii Trrmliml . t-.m A. Al. kmuw' iH aT LW ' iKf2'- Jrr-ry llj 1M WmWm JKK mmW -i Miippliic ill Nrniirk. I'.llralirlh. H mKtW lmW&&v382a- ""''"I'Yiirnii'i- ,"m,1W Open Daily jkWFiXWWWW mJW ABmSP Till 6 P. M. aH Aw 9Lw mPH. -r. bbbbbbbH 4w 'bbbbbbbbbI Itonle Ilin llmndwnj l.lmllfU Till 9 Ltflh. FREE! H W Only 100 to Be R Sold Limit j Oni; S to a J tomc VOCALION, AT A. M. TO-.MOIIIIOW nt both Hoivs e placi' uu itatt a taige '.f CiilillH't I'linno-l-:vt'i v oni- la u staiiriurit inaKi'. nntionally will hi koIU at tliu 7l cut pilco of V' NO PAYMENT DOWN I'hp firn 100 inirchavr nt ra.h Mure will r-i icivcn I i:i:i. a hpnulllul i'aIiih Mahornur lirn ii ffa or lwtrl(i win. t I. ' nl InoltldPrl WE HANDLt ALL MAKES VICTOR, COLUMDIA. S0H0HA. BRUNSWICK. AEOLIAN PRIMA DONNA wjj N. Y. Phono & Piano Rooms, 112 We.t 23d St., Near 6th Ave. JerufT CUT ftlnre I7S Montlcrlln Air Both Storei Open Erg. 10 o'Clock LOOK FOR THIS STAMP IN YOUR RING xourcnincie uoou Luck Kins is genuine unlrts Inaidt). Tht nrn v n Who onlii Ritrrounded wiih 1 the uncnnf pow tr laeeorainbT to ths Ancienti) of bringing to the tt.ircr Mallh. Happln. proaprtlyt Lone LH and Good Luck. AotJ lowtr priced tir.itittinna of nofupcrttltloua value Theptnu.Miiitl 60 ropn!r Hire) or II 00(LUhtwftfht 8lt In olid a tori In c ollver, at your .oeatjiutlry Star; Ak alio to ao It in polJ. Tan Mlllton Hannv O rid a a Fnr two generation! thi t iimbol hai been of the weJiiirir rinv. Whetlier the plainer ooeof the decorated deiigni here 5: IUVI11 .ra ek inatfpi-a 1 ring fa hown, see if thia 4 la In vae yoor nnjr, a an , am a ranee of Good Kor tone, dtmand it In the preddinr ririff you buvt Teeth Without Plates I tire Decayed Tcelh Tighten Loose Teelh Treat Dueated Gunu 1 Badlj Decayed Teelh and Roots Careful!; Eitracted. Teeth Thoroughly Cle aned. BETS OF TUB. Tit. r" Gold and l'orctluiu Crowna. HJ" llrldzework, rilllnes and Inlaya H of Gold. Bllvcr and 1'orcelalu ZT Made at Reasonable Prices. W :0 Z. IIHOKKX I'LATICS IIi:i'AIItl'.l) r x I T T T I 1 "ourt t X. if. (o P. It. Oni, J HllII.i: Y()U WAIT. 9 I I ? E. 125th St. I 169E.MlhSt. H B.Oor.Oth At. N.W Cor.St A 740 LexiottMi kit., nr. 59th St. lOver I.lccctt'n Drue Store 103 E. !25thSt.,N. E.cor Park At. (Over I,nff a Candy Stnro.l Our USth aud 34tli rlt. ai de will be open on Sunday anUI 1 f. M. sod on laeidari an Thuradafe uatll 7 I. M. I j mm If you arc not tronir or well you owe it to jourietr to rnilta the follmvuiK tent si' how lonff ou can work or how rnrvouc-an walk without IxHoimnr timl. Next tnke twi five gunu taltli-tn Of NI'XAll-I) 1UDN ttirw tltnra tx-r ila for ti unkn. Ttien test our trenth aitain und aee tiow much you l.aB Kailinl. Many fx-ople liaie inaili thla teat and have brfn aiton Uhed at llirir incrraird lrru(tt. endurance and eneriry Nusati il Iron ia guaranteed to (rite utn faction or money refunded At all rood drurriita. Gulicura Soap Imparts The Velvet Touch A Killing! Holding out to the very last in thd vain hope of avoiding taking a loss, two prominent clothing manu facturers were finally forced to make a tremendous sacrifice on their stocks owing to the lateness of thd season, and Sold to at Our Price and Mow On Sale (Beginning Today) at -i '111 ( No Chargei for Alterations);''" Suits. Overcoats & Ulsters For Men and Young Men Made to Retail at $30 to $50 Many of the Suits are of medium weight, and of the correct cut and color for Spring wear. The savings on the Overcoats are so big that they make a splendid investment for next Winter. All Sizes. Every One Strictly All Wool The Suits: The Overcoats: Color Black, Blue, Brown, Gray, Green, Tun, Light and Dark Shades, in various mix tures. Nothing miss-inA- Fabrics Hard Worsteds, Unfinished Worsteds, Cheviots, Vicunas, Cassimeres, Home spuns, Tweeds, Flan nels, Serges, etc. Many appropriate for Spring wear. Patterns Chalk Lines, Pencil Stripes, Over plaids. Checks, Her ringbones, and plain effects. Styles One. fivo, three and four-button Sack and Sport Model Sin gle and Double Breasted. Color Black, Blue, Brown, Oray, Greens. Olive, Tan and Heath er Mixtures, light and dark shades in 2-tone effects. Fabric Elysians, Im ported Fleeces. Tweeds, Shetland. Meltons, Beavers. Keraevs, Chinchillas, and all standard fabrics. Plain and Plaid Bucks. Patterrm Shadow Stripes. Plaids, Checks, Diagonals, Herring bones and Overplaids, Fancy Mixtures, Plain Colorings. . Styles Belted Coats,' Storm Ulsters, Sport Ulsters, Motor Coats, Dross Coats, Box Backs, Form-fitting Business Coats. Large as our regular stock is at present, we made this huge purchase because it gives us an opportunity to present our customers with a value absolutely without a parallel We got them at a FRACTION of their worth and pass the benefit of this big transaction to YOU 15W 34 St. 24 Floor Opposite Waldorf Hotel, Between Fifth .Avenue nnd Broadway1 OPEN DAILY TILL 6.00 P. Mr SA'lURDAY TILL 9.00 P. M. i