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THE EVENING- WORLD, MONDAY, MARCH Q, 1922. 11 OOES PRQHiBiTIQN . BUSINESS MEN TALK , (Continued From Page l-'our.) On etronsf drink ns over befoie. Thu Mt'u&tlon Is just this: Tljci forces of law' are not backed by public senti ment, and without that they can never put a rtop to the Illicit liquor traffic. R. G. KNOTT, Newspaper Publish er, Louisville, Ky., at the Majestic Prohibition has not entirely pro hibited, but perfect enforcement can ot be expected so soon. There Ifl Wuch less drinking than before, and thero has been a notable ImprovQ ment In general conditions. The sentiment of Louisville strongly up holds the Prohibition Law an It stands. , C. B, LEMAR, Clay Producer) Au gusta, Ga., at the Martinique. Pro hibition Is a farce In Georgia. There Is aa much liquor as ever. The qual ity Is good, too, because a lot Is ap parently coming from the West dles. The Prohibition Law lacks the public support, without which .no J law can be effective. Heer and light wines might brhg some semblance of order to tho situation, and would at leat give the Government a part of the huge revenue now going to tho bootleggers. HARRY LEVIN E, Women's Ap parel, Milwaukee, at tho Astor Pro hibition has not affected tho man with money, and the poor man. Instead of drinking pure whiskey, either makes hls'own or buys a lot of poison. We have more drunkenness in Milwaukee than ever, and crimes have increased to some extent. The general senti ment in my community is that Pro hibition of whiskey would lie a suc cess If beer and wines were permitted JOHN McCLELLAN, Merchant, Houston, Tex., at the Astor Prohibl tlon has not prohibited the sale of liquor in our section, but fitatlstics Jauited show that it lias done good. 'BWiVml .InrlrrpM nro ilfrilinir s'i'Vrlilv with bootleggers, who aie incoming scarcer. W. B. McDOWELL, Barker, Sharon, Pa., at the Commodore We in tlio Industrial sections of the State lno been Its benefits. Theie is less llqm.r now than ever before. ' FRANKLIN E. MARTIN, Com mercial Illustrator, Detroit, af the Astor One can git plenty of liquor f Detroit, but he would be foolish take a chance with most of It. 1 think that Ave years from now will be a better time to ask whether defi nite results have been obtained. F. 8. MAYER, Wholesale Cloth ing, Cincinnati, at the Pennsylvania I can answer your question In three words: It has not. F. L. MURPHY, Engineer, San Francisco, at the McAlpin It has not. W. L. NI8BET, Merchant, Sanford, S. C, at the Pennsylvania So far as statistics go, there Is more whiskey being made now than before. Ono can get nil he wants for $6 a gallon. PERRY OTTESON, Shipbuilder, Seattle, Wash., at the Martinique There Is plenty of liquor In Seattle, most of It brought In from Canada, but tho price Is high, and this has resulted in an undeniable Improve ment In work In shipyards. The be lief Is gaining great headway, how ever, that tho problem can best be solved by allowing beer and light wines. GEORGE W. POTTER, Rubber Business, Chicago, at the Astor Pro hlbitlon has not prohibited. The man with the price can get all tho liquor he 'wants such as It Is. If Prohibl tlon did nrohlbl't I'd bo for it. but un dcr tho existing circumstances It does no one any good. B. PRED, Ladies' Clothing, Omaha, at the Pennsylvania One has no trouble In getting liquor; he can get nil he wants. FRED V. PROVOL, Fur Dealer, Salt Lake City, Utah, at the Pennsyl vania Those who want liquor have no tiouble at nil in getting it. More over, since we are not far from the Canadian bolder, we have had no wood alcohol troubles. The, liquor which Is obtainable Is of the excel lent bonded variety, and Is not ex pensive. WOODBURY RANSON, Kalama zoo, Mich., at the Commodore Those who want liquor can still get It. JACOB ROTH, Manufacturer, Erie, Pa., at the Commodore I cannot see that Prohibition has prohibited in my .State. DR. T. C. REDFERN, Winston- Corns? rt just say oiuejciy to your druggist Stops Pain Instantly The simplest way to end a corn is Bluc-jay. A touch stops the pain in stantly. Then the corn loosens and comes out. Made in two forms a fl 1 ! I , J and in extra thin plasters. Use tfnicnever tnrm vn nreier. ninsfrrs Safe, gentle. Made in a world-famed laboratory. Sold by all druggists. rr,C Writ Tlnw J Mnl- nhlnnn t.a Mr VillunrtI linnlt '7'nir( 'mi- nl tit i i i 'war v n i; z.i ! INFLUENZA f 'tion and worry make you an I'll ensv virtim nf H--t,. ;n.. . -" jr wiuu- enza germs.. The present emergency' de mands commonsensc and cau tion., Strengthenyour resistance by takinc Hill's Casenra RrnmM 'Quinine Tablets morning and ygnL Have u. u, Q. Tablets I nandy.Use them reeularl v. Pre vent colds, headaches, grip-pe, constipation and keep yourself in the pink of condition.! Use Hill's regularly and you will do your bit toward check ing the present epidemic, ( all Druggutt, 30 emit' y,9 'W. H.HI LI. CO. DETROIT. 'Better than aspirin' scat tAtvt f ..,! J Salem", N. C, at the McAlpin Prohl-, bltton has not prohibited the consump tion of liquor In North Carolina, as there appears to bo plenty available for those who want It. Hcforc Prohi bition most people would havo noth ing to do with moonshiners, but now they arc doing a flourishing business. Prohibition, therefore, has fallen far short of Its purpoeo. WILLIAM 8ILVER8TONE, Mer chant Tailor, Milwaukee, at the Penn sylvania Just ns much beer and liquor Is being drunk In theso dry days ns over before. J. B. RENWICK, Hotel Business, Easton, Pai, at the McAlpin I re cently made a trip to the Pacific and back. New York Id as dry as any section, and Now Yorkers rcalizo what that means. I recently read in tho newspapers that a college had abolished tho Junior prom because of the execeses of the young men and women; fiuthcr comment Is un necessary. W. RANSOM SANDERS, Smith field, N. C, at the Astor. It Is just as easy to get whiskey In my section of the country as it ever was. In fact, bootleggers go ( around solicit ing orders, and instead Of trying to sell a quart they try to sell one gallon or live. Hut, as a rule. It Is awful stuff. HENRY F. SMITH, Cooperage Bus iness, Paducah, Ky., at the McAlpin In my section there have been fewer drunkards, but an enormous amount of liquor Is being mado on which taxes cannot be collected. Any one who wants It can get liquor anywhere. HARRY W. SMITH, Theatre Man ager, Tulsa, Okla., at the Astoi They sell as much liquor In our part of the country as they ever did, and I think that tho existing conditions are all wrong. The' Government Is losing money with 'which to pay tho sol dlcrs' bonus and other Items of taxa tlon. I favor liver and wines, heavily taxed, and believe that we could learn n lesson from Quebec, whero salo Is under governmental control. M. J. STARR, Merchant, Memphis, Tenn., at the Astor Peoplo seem more anxious to. drink now than ever before, and I know some former teetotallers who will spend Hfiy nmount for liquor simply because It Is harder to get. In our se tlon there aro ninny stills; whero one Is 'de stroyed, ten others tako Its place. I see more Intoxicated people now than before Prohibition. f H. S. STRICKLER, St. Paul, Minn., at the Astor One can still buy liquor in St. Paul, but not so openly, con veniently nor cheaply ns beforo Pro hibition. I do not think .that It goes to the peoplo who formerly used it, nor to those whom 't was Intended to protect. But whllo it has by no means failed, It has not come up to thp dream of Its sponsoro. W. G. TAFT, Sporting Goods, Seat tle, at the McAlpin Prohibition has prohibited in tho sense that ono man cannot go to the next and get n drink as In former times. Hut , there Is plenty of liquor to bo had In Wash ington, and if a man really wants It ho can get It. L. G. TITUS, Cleveland, at the As tor That depends on how lnmo you are and how close to home you stay. Prohibition is like the end of the rain bow you can't llnd It. A prominent citizen of Ohio had remarked that the State now lias 1,000,000 stills In use, whereas it formerly had a limited number of breweries. Prohibition pro hibits In Cleveland just us it docs In New York. CHARLES E. WARD, Limestone, Buffalo, N. Y. Meh can get all tlioy want in my section, and tho liquor situation is alxnit the same as in New York City. A. C.WHITNEY, Salesman, Bridge port, Conn., at the Pennsylvania. So far as I can ee Prohibition has had no effect. If It were put to a vote beer and light wines would unques tionably come back. Dr. C. R. WOODS, Rutland, Vt., at the McAlpin. Prohibition haa not prohibited In my section any more than it has In others. Thero Is not so much liquor now ns thero was six montliH ago, but I cannot predict what situation will obtain when spring and summer come. Rutland Is about 100 mllo from tho border. WIKIS AMI IIIMIVM) :il.HC5K l- iinni.n v. Mrs. Ma U'nrUrop of No. 176 llulney Street, Itrooklyn, In her petition for $50 a week alimony and counsel fees pend ing her suit for Jlvorro from William Wardrop. nn nutr ru'rcssorles salesman, alleged to-day In the Supreme Court t llrooklyn tluit he,- husband has been living nt No. 317 West 53th Street with n woman mimed Peggy Moore. Mr. Wardrop In n rros hill ehnrged that 'us wife ban had ii'lallons with Dr. John lllckeit of No. 1I2S Imshwlck Avenue and John Irvine of No. 323 Sclicrinu, horn Strew, who deny It In altldavll. Justice Cnllaghiiti reserved decision. NEW YORK POLICEMEN DECORATED BY FRANCE Dlvrn I'elliT Mrilnl if llnnor for lliinrillnic lltlimullirl Visitors. Chief Inspector of Pollco James Lahey, inspe. tor John O'llrlcn, Lieut Jump J flegan, Detectives Wllllnm Van Vnlkenlierg, Cornelius J. lltowno, Louis Herman, Ornige Mc Ardney, Charles Newman. IMwa'rd Cooler. George S; (lllljeit and Chris topher Kelly liave lieen ilemraleil t,y Charles Scully, John L. House, nbt Welsh and Georgo Stan, agents of Urn -Department of Justice, .were similarly honored. " '. Jj, All of tho meir Were" assigned! 16 guard Marshal Koch and other "ilUUBJ the.Vencli(io,verninent utli i lie police gulshed French officers and facilitate Medal or Honor, nrrording to a. do- I their movements during their recent Hpatrli limn Pails pulihslie.l io day. j visits to tho t'nltcd Stntes. Combjng Won't Rid Hair of Dandruff The only sure way to gel rid of dan druff is to disMlc it, then you destroy It entirely. To do this, get about four ounces of ordinary liquid nrvon; apply it at night when retiring; use enough to moisten the sculp and rub It in gently with the linger tips. Do this to-night and by morning most if not all of your dandruff will be gone and three or four more appli cations will completely dissolve and entirely destroy every single sign mid trace of it, tin matter how much dandruff you may have. You will find, too, that nil itching and digging of the scalp will stop at oner, and your hair will he fluffy, lustrous, glossy, silky and soft, and look and feel a' hundred times better. You ran gel liquid urvon at any drug store. It is inexpensive and never fails to do the work. Advt This delicious jnn is1 absolutely pur nml is Kuiinuitci d lo c nindo from nothing bill ripe fruits n ml Minr. without tho nddi t i o ti of artificial flnvoriiifr or color ing ninttcr or am preservative!. 31 Magnolia Pure JAM Assorted Flavors One-Pound Jar 25c Cheese Finest Whole Milk Cheese Per Pound. 21 Pure Lard Cut to, Per Lb. 14 A Special McCreery Sale of Crystal Electric Washing Machines 59 50 Now being sold the v country over for 119.Q0 1 RY 59 50 Every Machine new and in first-class condition . The result of a very advantageous purchase making this the most important single item of our March Housewares Sale 'TpO save Money, Time and Effort that is the hope of every housewife and the object of this machine. 59.50 Small First Expense The price in itself is a wonderful saving, made possible only through the magnitude of our purchase. When you stop to consider the cost of the year's accumulated laundry bills, and the expense of a laundress for, let us say, 50 weeks at 4.00 a week, 59.50 for num berless years of laundry work is a remark ably small sum. Washes Laundry for 6 in 15 Minutes The "Crystal has long been recognized as one of the bebt Washing Machines on tliu market. The selection of the materials and every detail of the construction was made to insure durability and long, efficient use. In 15 minutes it will wash the laundry for a family of six, spotlessly clean, A Simple Operation Merely turn the lever .it ihc cud of a quarter of an hour, without any exertion on your part, you have a tubful of wash ready for the electrically operated wringer which swings 'nto three different portions: 1 For rinsing; 2 For bluing; 3 For the final wring ing into the basket. There is no wear ou the most delicate clothes. 5th Avenue HOUSEWARES DEPARTMENT, SIXTH FLOOR James McCreery & Co. 34th Street Herring Marshall's Tomato or Kippered Per can, . . . 23 c Bread Butler's Bon Bon, the Loaf That Really Weighs a POUND. 6 Coffee "Famous" Blend Every Sip Satisfies Per pound 25 Beans Fancy N. Y. State Cut Refugee Beans Per can 10 Butler's Milkr.: 10 LakeViewMiik?.9 Just Pure Condensed Mlll and Sugar Whole Milk Evaporated, Unsweetened Pancake Flour &10c Buckwheat 2p& 15 Aunt Nanna's Makes Cakes In a Jllly Blue Ribbon Prepai ed Always Ready N.B.C. Seta Wafers per pound LuXj N. B. C. Lorna Dcone OOp rer pound uuv HARLEQUIN The New N. B. C. Sugar Wafer per pkg 7' 10c Crisp Ginger -Snrps per pound Cocoanut Macaroons r per p:und lUuteu Jfoobg tEfjat Appeal to palate anb $ocuetuooK Portuguese Sardines, 't can 5c American Smoked Sardines, can. . 8c Peerless Codfish Threads, pkg 2c Gorton Pure Codfish, 1 lb. pkg 30c Blue Ribbon Pure Cocoa, )falb. tin.. 10c Walter Baker's Cocoa, falb. tin. . . 17c Triumph Yellow Cornmeal, 2-lb. pkg.lOc Essie Salmon Steaks, )j can 25c Fine Sound POTATOES 5 IS?" 15c Large Ealing' APPLES Per dozen 40c California ORANGES Per dozen Sweet Florida ORANGES Per dozen 40c Save money buy your jimcerlcs at nny one of our 601 conveniently Iccatcd crccn - and - s;oI(l stores James Biitler Inc. WARNING! Always say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin. Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians over 22 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Neuralgia Rheumatism Toothache Neuritis Lumbago Pain I Pain Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proper directions. Mnl ' Itajrr" t nf 12 Ublru !-i '' t !- of 21 anil 100 All rtruneUti. iiplrlo U tfce Tldf uirt of H.i-r Utatifirtur. t MoDVmJcicilrii ( iJlcjUccU i