Newspaper Page Text
Ml THE EVENING- WORLD, TUESDAY, MAROH 7, 1922." 7 1 v v, v 'v. 4, 1 xArxr i Ain fTO HIGH WAR PAY AND MOTOR CARS Men Unwilling to Give Up Tastes of High Life Ac quired in Flush Days. Tho National Surety Com pany which, as It has received a total of burglary claims In 1921 noarly ono-thlrd greater than In the previous year, be lieves It knows as much about the crime wave as anybody, sets forth the following anises for the unprecedented activity of criminals: Unwillingness of men to Vivo up the tuHtcH of high life and cxpenslvo pleasure ac quired during the war-wage period, drugs, unemployment and the parole and pardon of desperate criminals, as well as the system of the suspended en team. The perversion of the auto mtbllt, the Surety Company considers the chief reason for the success of criminal depredations. 2 WOMEN INDICTED IN ARBUCKLE CASE HEIRS PAY BACK $25,000 GIVEN ACTRESS Lanalry .tronnntlnic Closed After Minnie Dnprre Claim I" Settled. A final decree nui filed by'Surroeato ftlletreau here to-duy on the account ing of the executors of the t-stutc of tliu Major William II. Lnnglcy. a sum tner resident of Heliport, head of the William II. Lang-ley Company. There was a gross estate of J431.8S8.50 and a net estate of 336,51J.32. After .Major Langley's death, a claim Of 115.000 was timtle ugiilnft the estate by Miss Minnie Duprec, an uctress. WlllUm C. bun city and Mrs. Kdlth Langley Maloncy, a daughter, of Co vin, Cat., favored payment of the claim, and payment was made by the execu tors. Then Mrs. Marjorie L. ltyun, an other daughter, filed un objection, de claring the claim of MIks Dunree should never have been paid. VI lllain (,'. lianrley and Mrs. Maloncy puM buck the 21,00, with Interest, to tliu eutute, the Interest being 13,187. CO. amwsts tiihke i. vroia:. AUTO. Patrolhian Sullivan of the West 47lli Street Station early this morning' haw three young men with an automobile who aroused hl auspicious nt (.fit'i Street and Tenth Avenue. He ai rested "Wltllajn Towers, twenty, of Nj 5il 'West 4(th Street; James Moiiurry. twenty-four, of NO. 103 West Suth Street and David Medar, twenty -five, Of No. 513 West 50th Street. He found a pistol on the floor of the car. The BA1UV according to police records, was stolen Sunday from the Hobert Stlllson Company of So. til Eighth Avenue. Mrs. Neighbors and Mrs. Dates, De fense Witnesses, Charged With Perjury. HAN FKANCISCO, March 7. Mrs. Mlnnlo Neighbors of Los Angeles and Mrs. Krnncea 8. Ilutcs of Chicago, who testified for thu defense In the trial of rtOBcocC. (Kutty) Arbuckle, were Indicted on perjury charges early to-dny by the County Grand Jury. Police do not know their present lo cation. .Mrs. Neighbors testified at Ar buckle's trial Hint she Haw Miss Vir ginia Ituppc, In connection with whoso death Al buckle is accused of nun Hluughtcr, nt Wheeler Hot Springs, Ventura County, Cal., In August, 1921, and that MIhh Ituppc hud suf fered two sick spells whllo ut the Hot Springs. District Attorney Matthew Hnidy said ho hnd cvldenco to prove Miss Happe was pot at tho Springs at the tlmo stated by Mrs. Neighbors. Mrs. Hates testified that shu worked with Miss. Itappo In a Chicago depart ment storo In 1912. Records of tho Chicago storo show that Mrs. Bates worked there In 1909 and was dis charged in 1910. THOUSANDS AT FUNERAL OF "BERT" WILLIAMS Artir Talk Join Nesrroea In "Trib ute t l.te Comedian. Kuneral services over the remains of "Uerl" William", famous and 'widely respected Negro comedian, were hild In the Protestant Episcopal Church of HI. Philip, No- "J West 14 th Street, nt 12.30 o'clock to-day. Previously the body hd been taken through tliu streets from the late homo of , tho nctor at No. 23DJ Seventh Avenue, at tended by tens of thousands of ptople of his race. Many prominent white actors, actresses nnil managers who had been iispoHhUmI with Williams In tho past twenty tars visited his home lust night iirnl tlila morning. Nora Bayer, Hdilie Cantor, Irving Uerlln and Ur nurd (ininvllle were among those who sent floral offerings. Final services tinder Masonic auspices will ibe held nt noon to-morrow In tho Masoni.t Temple. WOOD AI.OIHIOI. CM, A IMS A. urltllll VICTIM. An unidentified nian died In Kings County Hoipltal to-dny, a. victim of wood alcohol poisoning, according to physicians. Tho man was found un conscious under a hatch aboard the steamer Julia Luckcnbach when tho ship arrived here from Philadelphia yesterday. H. Koch Prices Make Downtown Shopping an Extravagance C. F. INC KOCH & CO. 125th Street, West y 250 SPORTS SKIRTS In a Specially Tempting Offering at 7.95 Values to $14.95 Exceptionally well tailored-akirts, developed in all wool prunella cloth and novelty fabrics; made box and inverted pleat styles. In brown, navy and black, showing plaid ef fects in Spring colorings. Sizes 28 to 32 waistbands. 7i ml Floor Home from school and hungry XJERE they come Tom and Ruth and young roly-poly Bobbie bounding in from school and just as hungry as three husky school chil dren ever were and always will be. "Mother, I'm hungry," is sure to be the first thing said. And what shall it be? Not just sweet things, which they seem to crave. It should be-something to give them the sustenance they need. And yet it should not take the edge off their appetite for dinner which is to come. Milk yes. But make it Borden's Chocolate Malted Milk. Full of nourishment, it satisfies their little appetites with its rich, chocolate flavor. And to them it is as good as a treat at the soda fountain. They get the goodness and the nourish ment of Malted Milk, flavored to suit their taste and they enjoy it besides, which makes it all the better for them. No trouble to serve it. It's ready mixed. Just add water or milk hot or cold. Keep several cans on hand and serve it often to the youngsters. Get the new, ready-mixed Choco late Malted Milk- it's Borden's a name which stands for the Best in any milk product. THE BORDEN COMPANY Borden Building New York 3crcte4iJ CHOCOLATE MALTED MILK S. I. MAN, 88, BURNED TO DEATH IN HOME SHIP NEWS INFORMATION Overcome tlncnpe Is 1 Trrlnir to Heller. Henry Myer, clghty-clght, was burn.M ' tf death early tl Is morning In a. flro 1 Due To-Day. Ilr.lcn. St. Michael , rb. 23 llymtain, Plymouth Feb. 10 Rnnta Teresa, Valparaiso Keb, 1A Kntonln, tmrizlB Keb, 21 Bllonev, Havana March 3 Which destroyej his farm housv cn Vi..m.. :i. iu. Annadalo Itoad, near Annadalc, 8. I where ha had living alone sluco Iho death of his wife. When ths flfi had. been put out his body, partly drensei, was foun 1 In the dining room, und It Is believed that ho was trying t find his way out through tho Mnohe when ho was overcome. Tho District Attornsy's office and tho fire ii'iirslml have started Invuntlga-lions Duo To-ltorroiB. Southampton March 1 Keb. 22 ..... ...March 1 nivinnlc, Hnioiiia, LKerpnol Munaniar, Antilla HerKiiiirjoril, llersen St. Mllilel, Antwerp CnuronU, qunnstown Due Thursday. Mt Coirolt, llamo.irg ....... Ilunou r, ilrcnien Sai in .Mnrtn, Satitl Marta... .Feb. 23 .Fab. IS .Feb. 20 Oerrmiaa March March Araauara Ft. Victoria, Dermuda Duo Friday. Orapcaa, Southampton Fab. 28 Munarco, Naisau March 2 Leon Xlil., Cadiz Feb. 28 Bail) To-Day. Malta close. Balls. Modena, San Domlnso. 12.00 M. 3.00 I'.M Ulnntdljk, Itotterdam.. 0.00 A.M. Noon Sails To-Jforroir. Malla clone. Satis. Ft. Hamilton, B'muda 7.30 A.M. 11.00 A.M. Cnxlat, Santos 8.00 A.M. 11.00 A.M. Jean. San Juan 8.00 A.M. 11.00 A.M. Slsaota, Santa Marta. 8.00 A.M. 11.00A.M. J. I.uckenbach, Crl tobal 12.30 P.M. I M Aladdin Hornet SaUs Thursday . H'S'Si Malls Clone. ...Feb. 2j xunnekahda. Hamburg.. It. HO A.M. S.n0 I'.M .March S 1 U'ltawav I'tttlt, I.ltiau. .10.30 A.M. 3.00 I'M. r 22-26 West 34th St 6th Ave. at 16th St. JuaranieedwestJumitureTrices SPEAR & COMPANY guarantee absolutely lowest-irt-the-city prices, on any of Uii? advertised mer chandise and offer to refund the difference in price on any purchase elsewhere at less than Spear's price- The additional inducement is offered to make payments over a period of 3, 6, 9, 12 or even eighteen months fThis Week Only Free Offer With Spear's Special Club Plan of the Famous HOOSIER FREEl Tool Set ten pieces., all of the best Carbon Tool Steel: Six knives, two kitchen forks and two spatulas. FREE! Fourteen-piece Crystal Class Container Set, with Aluminum tops, as illustrated, for foods and spices. There is a built-in place for each of them in The New Hoosier. We deliver your Hoosier when you pay your first dollar. You pay the balance a little at a time. Be sure to see the new apartment style Hoosier also included in this Special Offer. , Delivers Your New Hoosier Including Free Kitchen Set. Special Tool Compartment, Tray and Crystal Class Containers, as Low JCC 7c J v ' J ON SALE AT BOTH STORES as' FREE HOOSIER I 10-Pc Kitchen Set pnrr 14 Crjslsl Class annpartme PAY AS LITTLE AS 20 CASH and the balance as convenient at Big Reductions Fringed Wilton Rugs 9il2 . $115.00 8.3xlOA..$108.75 Fringed Turkestan Velvet Rugs 9il2. $58.75 8.3x10.6 $55.75 9x12 Fringed Almeda Velvet Rugs, $92.50 8.3x10.6 . $88.50 6x9 $59.25 9x12 Velvet Rugs(notfringcd) $38.50 9x12 Tapestry Rugs, $18.75 8.3x10.6... $17.75 6x9 $10.75 HALL AND LINOLEUMS STAIR Includes Laying CARPETS 8-4 Linoleum $1.65 per yaril $1.25 Spuare Yard Prices Guarantee J Louest-in-Uie-Cily This Beautiful DRESSER Made to Sell At Not Less Than $75 37-25 A most remarkable olfenng. These dresjers are finished in American Walnut, witll fronts and tops of guaranteed five-ply Aeneer. All interiors of rich Mahogany. Full 24x30 incli plate mirror. Choice of Queen Anne or Tudor Period design. ON SALE AT BOTH STORES The Biggest Bargain of the Year THIS SUITE AT LESS THAN HALF PRICE FOUR PIECES. 54-iiKh Bullet, China Closet. Extension Table and Enclosed Server, beautifully "J C (inshed in American Walnut or Mahogany, with fronts and tops of guaranteed five-ply veneer. I bsv Ail intetiors are of rich Mahogany WHILE THEY LAST. Chair extra as selected. m jl ON SALE AT BOTH STORES At 16th St. Store Only Dozens of Suites and Individual Pieces at Unheard of Prices 9 H2j WILLIAM AND MARY P I. R I 0 D MINERS, in American Wal nut. Jacobean Oak nd Ma '"Kjny muli. As Low As $9.75 QUEEN ANNE PE R10D VAN ITY DRESS ERS, in Ameri can Walnut or Mahogany fin ish: inaile to sell at $150. A Most Remark able Value. As Low As $39-50 WOOD BED STEADS, in Mahogany. Antique Ivory, Golden Oak ami American Walnut finish. As Low As Dutch-Colonial tvnpt. rfMi-htfttt riaplllnr tvnes. Encllah and Amail- can types. Colonial and Calllornla bungalows, Aladdlnettea and summer cott&eefl. Thin now AlnHrfln hnib im InvlliiMfcl In vau. It Tileturaa and describes over 100 new and beautiful home' designs. Complete details, help ful floor plans and specifications are Included. Visit Our New York Offices Tlie competent staff, of bulldtnR experts In our Ni York offices ale at our service. Let them help jou plan your home. Wrtto thsin or better still pay them a call. Buy Direct from World's Largest Manufacturer! J tun ud nui puy a penny 01 prom to any aeaier. rne Aiaaain ayaiem sae sou one dollar out of every fire. Our four treat mills avc you SOS on labor by ellmlnatlnc hundreds of hours of carpenter's time. Expert factory milling saves you 18 Vaste of matetlals. All lumber cut-to-fit by rapid automatic pouer mnchlnes. Most Rigid Building Codes Indorse Aladdin Construction! .Maddln's expert enfdncers nnd architects design and build substantial, dur able homes. Strength of materials and quantities furnished aru si eater than required. Aladdin Homes pass tho New York Building Code k labor by ellmlnatlnc hundreds of hours of carpenter's time. Expert factory t milling saves you 18 vaste of matetlals. All lumber cut-to-fit by rapid A automatic pouer mnchlnes. h sr V Hi L " mnnr -n PRR CENT, n 9 a i ". . rnnnl -.l PP.R CENT. .ic.jii.toTViyaeal!on6rAsj titinftlheStivadiSejid Pflflrg tllO Signature of CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Cheerfulness ?rf- TkriJWJljno' MMraAnr i i.-inf.ilmcdTfor " j 'p-.-.eJhncss ana rsxmaeSijnalor Exsxt Copy of Wrapper. In Use For Over Thirty Years6 CASTORIA THt,CCNTaU , SI CITta Danderine' Stops Hair Coming Out, also Thickens and Beautifies It $9.75 35-cents buys a bottle of Danderine" at drue store. After one application vou can not find a particle of dandruff or a falling hair. Besides, every hair shows new life, vigor, brightness, morecolorandabundance. Hurry 1 Let Danderine saveour hair. YOU CAN'T WORK WELL WITH A COLD NOIIODY liki-b to be .irountl ;i person suffering from u heavy cold. It exposes them neccJIesily. Ynu run tiikc cure of your job uml keep business and tocinl" cnpBp;eiiH'iils shortly after you begin using Dr. Hell's I'lne-Tar-Honey. For It is prompt in helping Native expel flit congestion, ullny inflainniation, cast' breathing, and drive uway irritutiim couglis. Use it give it to the kiddies. Dnn'i suffer a minute longer than tin have lo. t all dnlggisls. 30c DrBelli Rne-Tar-HoneuSN 3f RED PEPPER HEAT STOPS BACKACHE The hrat of red peppers lakes the "ouch" from u tore, Iami: back. It can not hurt you, and it certainly ends the torture at once. When you arc .suffering so you can hardly get around, just try Heil Pepper Hub, ant! you will have the I ; quickest relief known. Nothing ha ', sueh concentrated, penetrating heat ' as red peppers. I - Just as soon as yuu apply Pied ptp- i per Hub you will feel the tingling In three minutes it warms the ! ore spot through and through. I'aln-; Hid soreness arr gone. ' ' U iwiy druggist for a Jar of I' I Howies lied Pepper Hub. Re sure tft) cl tin- genuine, ullli the narrpG Howies' on each package. - Advt. f s