Newspaper Page Text
, . ..... ' THE EVENING WORLD, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8, 1922. ft' Gradle Rocking Out of Date, Says Mrs. Vanderlip Women Address Rotary Club lor First Time m Thir teen Years. Breaking a precedent! fes thirteen years, tho New York Rotary Club M addressed by three women at its monthly dinner In the Hotel McAlpln last evening. Mrs. Frank A. Van derlip was the first woman to apeak su a meeting- of the club since 1909 the other speakers, representatives of the New York State Lcajrue of Worn em' Voters, wcro Miss Rachael Higgins a A Mrs. James Lees Laidlaw. They opTko on tho part tho American woman has played In politics, "The difference with women to-day that we've stopped rooking tho fcradlo beamed we've found that It hould not be rocked und bo wo havo found Mmn in pntor ,,nlH1ri ' Mm LVanderllp said, ronucaj macmnoa aro wtiat wo object to. They arc a form of uutoc r which must bo based on a clti- e-ijvfr that docs not think. The cf Ct of our coming has been not to sturb parties but to Increase tho umber of Intelligent citizens. "Wc hope eventually to lc ablo to iango tho name of. the league to tho gua of Voters, so that men may eclvo tho benclU of ouv cxperl- iccs." Mrs. Laidlaw said that American manhood was the most- prepared dltion to the clectorato that the hls- ry of democracy has ever known. "Just so long," sho s:ald, "as wo ilerato a National Senate that con ers International problems on i lUtlcal basis, jusi so long aro no Ing to be unworthy of the great ir6therhood and sisterhood of the orld, and so long the world will not safe for democracy.'.' tariff measure giving . preference of 5 per cent, on goods Imported from! Canada and Great Britain and of SOI per cent, on empire manufactured cot- I ton piece goods. lAStAIOA ADOPTS lllOU TARIFF. INCSTON, Jamaica, March 8. The jlatlvo Council has passed Nature's Way Old Mother Nature won't be hurried. Her supreme gifts her mott delicious fruits her loveliest flowers are all the results of slow work ing natural processes. Ferris Hams and Bacon are produced Nature's war. It's a bit old fashioned ana slow, but the flavor has been fa mous for sixty years. F. A. Fcrrii&Co., tac.NcwTsrk HAMS 8 BACON A Uttie higher inprice-BUT! Three Big Specials At Our Soda Fountains and Tea Rooms For Wednesday and Thur. Mar. 8th & 9th Chocolate Ice Cream Soda with whipped cream J 5c French Chocolate Caramel Sundae 15c with whipped cream French Chocolate Ice- Cream Cake. .. .20c with whipped cream top; portion Special for Thursday, March 9th 4 CHOCOLATE COVERED EANUT CLUSTERS EST 24c Extra Special Noonday Bite! Between the hours of 12 noon and 2 P. M. we will solid half pound bag I JC of this special for ASSORTED FRUIT AND NUT BUTTERCUPS Our regular 54c goods. EXTRA SPECIAL, jt jt POUND cLLLf BOX OS We Also Offer: Chocolate Covered Charlottes "Just a bite" 5c Milk Chocolate Covered Marshmallows POUND BOX 69c Sensational Value Giving In A Brand New Spring Stock RUGS CARPETS AND LINOLEUMS 9x12 Smith's All Wool Seamless Brussels A Dependable Seamless Wool Brussels Rug In a We ai JLTt ponmcni 01 wanica patterns, 'io-morrow a 9x12 Smith's and Bigelow Harlfords Heavy Axminsters uti I In a pleaalns assortment at patterna 9x12 Seamless Wilton Velvets VJ1 I The finest group of Oriental pattern ever nhown CfeJ To-morrow low pi Ire on these fine rugs is Heavy Wool Carpet $1 For halls and stairs. Full line of patterns Best Inlaid Linoleums 1 10 Colors clear thrniiish. to hack. Complete assort mcnt of patterns; 2 yds. wide; aq. yd Inlaid Iteninnntj. We assortment of patterns, sq. yd. 7JC Texoleum Floor Covering 9 ftp Amerieu's fnrcmoKt smulary floor rovrrlne. " d- fj fj wide, on d t mono Free Deliveries Within a Radius of 100 Miles TSxttb &urj tflilte, 1 2 1 WL. 33D &t. A Treasury Department representative, at the tntnwmrttinrt Huron,! Ill rtaaiaf nnv r.,iain,t,ofa in making out Income Tax returns. A Man Asks to Be Advised of Things to Avoid A young man will be wise to 9hun these five things: Idleness, Anger, Tcdiousimss, Drowsiness, Scandal, Gossip Simple things tncy are; commonly indulged in, thoughtlessly become habits and wasters of time. Unconsciously they mould character and cause the loss of character and friendships. Strive to lceep .to all things that elevato rather than lower standing. (Signed) March 8, 1922. Graceful Veils for new Spring, hats univucu cumuli Vbll a v. inches wide, 54 inches long, deep hemstitched border !?3.6U. Square octagon mesii veils, j with floral, scroll o' conven tional borders in self or con trasting color, $3.50 to $8. Between these two extremes are octagon mesh veils with spider web design curtain veils and square silk shot land mesh veils in bright and conservative colorings. Street Floor, Old Building Boys' Wash Suits Low-priced $2.35 200 new smart little suits of kitty cloth. In shades of gray, cadet and navy blue, green ana brown, in very attractive Oliver Twist models, for boys 3 to 8 years; also in middy styles for 3 to 10 year boys. Street Floor, New Building Cjl? fl P Formerly A. T. Stewart & Co. Broadway at Ninth, M Jffjffjj lA ffll n lJ) Ncw York. Store Hours 9 to 5.30. I3H H 'ty fyHWUMiy Telephone-Stuyvesant 4700 l Downstairs Store Why should $11 Pumps he down to $3.85? BECAUSE these are sample lots and small groups of one kind and another from one of the best makers in America. Some were $11 regularly; others were as much as $18. Mostly pumps smart styles fine grades in widths AAA and AA for women who can wear narrow sizes. And another group at $3.85 Fifteen styles mostly tho graceful pumps that are now wanted for Spring wear. Plenty of sizes; widths A to D. These are the $5.40 to $7.90 grades an unexpected group of 2,500 pairs. Downstairs Store, New Building Who has seen Silh Pongee, ,ff?c yd. You have seen this grade at various prices from $1 a yard to $1.50. It is all silk; smooth finish; 32 inches wide; in white and natural. For frocks, waists and drapery uses. Downstairs Store, New Building Low-price Starts Come marching in Well-made Spring 1 patterns ( Jojg Fancy-stripe sliiits good ones. 3.C00 will go on sale Thursday. . Soft cuffs; sizes 14 to 17 It wasn't so very long ago that $1.65 was a low price for shirts like these. , Four-in-hand Ties, 25c Half price for good four-in-hands. Tho maker had iint-l lengths of the fabrics which explains thi s-ale price. j 1,800 to c!ioo-c 'mm in all sorts of pattern- colorings Downstairs Store, New Bi'lldinij 986 Paris Hamd-imade Batiste Blouses. S4.15 More and more women are learning Art Needlework And how to design and decorate boxes, scrap-baskets, screens, etc. , So wc have had to enlarge that part of the Art Needlework Store given over to free tuition of our customers in the making of lamp shades, pil lows, bed-lights and other pretty utilities for the home. Save Half the Cost Many Icautiful models o ditplay. Thorougly experienced (eacher. x SPECIAL pin cushion frames, attached to rhina doll heads, $1.25; regularly, $1.75. large night light frames, attached to china doll heads, $3.75; regularly, $4.75. First Floor, Old Building The gay colors of Spring in Crepe-de-chine Frocks IN THE WOMEN'S FASHION SALONS Reseda or the brighter jade green, periwinkle blue there's Spring for you clear steel blue, rose color, rust, gray, sand, and, of course, navy blue, black and white. $59.50 to $95 As if the colors were not enough, rows and rows of tucks, some narrow, some wide, or panels of knife pleats in various widths, give the silhouettes added grace with out marring the simplicity of line. Second Floor, Old Building The new Paris Millinery L LJ Is now being presented in the FRENCH SALONS The Genius of LANVIN Lanvin's genius for unusual decorations and her exquisite use of color, is beautifully expressed in this hat of Tuscan straw, faced with radiant coral. Original models, also, from REBOUX GEORGETTE MARIA GUY LUCIE HAMAR EVELYN VARON SUZY LEWIS ELAINE Paris models, $30 to $95 We shall 03 pleased to make exact copies of any I'ans model in our atelier, at prices still mora moderate. Second Floor, Old Building 9 $1.15 is an unheard-of price for such exquisite blouses Fine French Batiste. Rainbow tints. And white. As a matter of fact, tomorrow's price is Less than cost of importation This is to be a season of just these kinds of blouses with lovely collars, flutings, jabots and frills. Wee tucks and fine hemstitching give a charming daintiness, too. Paris says blouses in colorshere they are in the shades which only France can make: Shell Pink Mauve Biscuit Frcncli blue and white Also one model in sheer French voile ; the jabot-effect collar of which is bound in contrasting color. There is only one place from which blouses like this come P A R I S ! Sizes 34 to 44. Third Floor, Old Bulldlno Sheer Silk Stockings $2.25 An excellent quality, imported chiffon weight with mercerized soles and tops the hosiery so much in de mand for present and summer wear. Black only. Sizes. 8I2 to 10i2. Silk Stockings in the new shades $1.55 Mercerized cotton soles and tops; seamless foot and .Jock scam leg. All tho favorito new shoe shades, Including fawn, rose, taupe, new beaver, castor, Havana brown, Russian calf, black and white. Sizes 8V& to 10 Street Floor, Old Building , Slip-over Sweaters, $3.75 Unusually attractive They are for sportswomen who like sweaters of tai lored simplicity and arc particular about lines and finish. Well-made of fine soft yarn, with collarless neckline and narrow tie girdle. In jockey red, jade green, orchid, black, rust, tan. Second Floor, Old Building "Dolly Madison" Bedspreads The spreads with the permanent crinkle Impossible to muss or mar its original appearance. They need only laundering and to be shaken out. The material they are made of is unique, having an attractive design worked in a stripe. . Single bed size, including bolster cover, $15 Double bed size, including bolster cover, $17 M All cream, cream with delft stripe, cream and old rose stripe. Scalloped edges and cut out corners. v Seventh Gallery, New Building Best of All Hardwater Soaps Knickerbocker Hardwater Soap Regular l g $1.50 dozen 60c during March Every March we hold a sale of this QUALITY SOAP, and more and more women avail themselves each year of the opportunity to stock up and save money. It i- good for hands and i'uco am the bath. For iri own-up-1 1 children. As pure a oap a- inmUTn knowledge can produc". I,. rakts nf agreeable size, which ma. lie ummI to the lust tliui'pi. Uns-cented, or emod inn touch of 'nigrum;? violet, i ,.i nrMiu or almond. . or telppnone oniei - pm jn . -m ui attention street rioor. Old Buicto.- Some Half-Price Groups in the March China Sale Twelve-inch heavy Cut Glass Vases $5 for $10 grade Two shapes, a beautiful design cut In high grade lead glass, which accounts for its brilliant iridescent lustre. $1 Imported China Salad Bowls 50c Attractively decorated in floral de signs; various colors; 10 inch size. American Art Pottery at Half A manufacturer's discontinued line of jars, vases, jardinieres, basket-vases, umbrella jars, fern dishes and jardinieres with pedestals. Many of the vases may be made into stunning lamps. The prevailing tone is gray with a touch of melting mauve; the figures, great trees and branches of a beautiful soft green. Vases, 10, 15, 18 in. $1.50 to $4.25 for $3 to $8.50 grade. IlaskeU 75c to $2.50 for $1.50 to $5 grades, .lardiiieres, 7, 8, 0. 10, 12 inches, $1.25 to $5 for $?.50 lo $10 grades. Jardiniere-. 7, fs 10, 12 inches, $1.25 to $5 for $2.50 to $10 und $2C, gradoo. Umbrella jar $1.75 for $9.50 grades. Kern ilMic and linings f, 7 in. 90c and $1.25 for $1.80 t S2.50 grade. Second Gallery, New Building i 4 '4 t i I H 13 4 i