Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING WORLD, THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1922, IP M' NSURANCE CHINA TRUST L PLOT, UNTERMYER SAYS iStock Companies Accused of Choking Competition and .i, Influencing Laws. 4(8ceelal from n Staff Correspondent P of The Evening World.) 1 ALBANY. Marcli 9. Declaring tho Jjnsuranco companies were engaged iln a criminal conspiracy to shut out ' .competition and to liavo created laws Jo their own pecuniary advantage, ' Jamucl Untcrmyer before tho Senate Committee on Labor and Industry started his tight to-day In favor of uieir cuminiuinn in connccuon wnn "tho Workmen's Compensation Law. ,', He spoko for more than one hour .In defense of the amendment to tho Jlnw Introduced In tho Senate tiy licr- 'nurd Downing of New York City, n 'Democrat, und W. W. Campbell cf .Schf-ncctady, u Ilcpubllcan, giving -ill tho Insurance business exclusively to the Stnto fund. 'M statements," said Mr. Untcr myer, '"oro no only on my responsi bility as n professional man, but upon ho ovldcnco adduced before tho Lock- , vood committee, and Is out Of tho msuths of the highest officials of tho biggest stock Insurance companies In the Stater , "Tho uniform premium fund of the Insurance companies for un enrned. premiums yields to them $35,000,000 a year, of which the policyholders rccelvo 'nothing and every cent of which goes into the pockets of the stockholders. "Part of the criminal conspiracy of; theso, companies Is to drive out of exlstcnco tho Stato fund and tho mutual companies. .The former does business for the Workmen's Com pensation Law for IB per cent, less than tho stock companies .and tho mutual companies for 25 per cent, less. Yet the former gets but 9 per cent, of tho business and tho ma nuals even less. "Tho Btock companies make Illicit rebates In direct deflanco of tho law and their officials havo admitted un der oath that thoy have Indulged In , irregularities. When a big Insurer seeks lower rates than thq law re quires he Is tbld the law forbids rate cutting In liability Insurance; but that there ara no regulations on ac cidental and casualty policies and that the latter can bo had at such a , rate, taken In connection with dno for liability, that tho rato of tho latter will bo below anything tho mutuats ' or the Stato fund can provide.- "Reading from tho Lockwood re port, It Is shown upon tho testimony of tho Insurance heads that n big cor poration got a rato of 80 cents on tho hundred, whero the rate should havo been' SI. In another cgao the rats was made $1.00, where It should have been $2.60,' and tho Ward Baking Company was given a rebate of $150,000." Chairman Duell of tho committee interrupted Mr. Untcrmyor. . ' "Do you think this Issue Is a llfo and death struggle?" he asked. .-"It Is not o. struggle at all." replied ' Mr. Untermyer, "It Is certain death for State fund Insurance It the toT.i pan I oh are allowed to pnitlclpnlc. Concluding, the counsel said "theso Insurance Interests arc becoming more ppwcrfut than the state. Tlicl lobbyists now Infest ever' legislative hnll in the country." "You sec how vcrv tmnmtnnt a bearing tho Workmen's Compensation Law has on tho housing situation. It Is of vital Interest that the cost of In surlng men on construction work be cut down, for the cost enters largoly into mo cost or construction." One of theso who appeared in oppo sition tolho bill was Charles H. Wll loughby Who, Mr. Untcrmyer do clarcd, indulged only In generalities. whllo ho was backing his statements with facts, Chairman Duell asked Ifr. Wllloughby, who represented tho State Insuranco redcratlon, If ho could controvert Mr. Untcrmycr's statements.- "No," was tho reply, "but I could explain thorn." ARREST REVEALS $12,000 SILK SWINDLE "lf H'aclorj" Owner llrlil In f.1,KI( on ArralKnnient. Detective John Schurlng testified In Morrlaanla Allen Court to-day that Kamucl Bergman, w horn he arraigned on h chnrgo of grand larceny, went to con- siticraDic pains to rig up a plan by which he swindled denlcrs In women's garments out of $12,000 worth of silk. According to Schuclng, Bcrgninn bought sewing machines and started what was ostensibly a dress factory at lo. mi St. Anns Avenue. Then he visited dealers In dresses and volun teered to manufacture garments at a very low rate with material Supplied by tho dealers. After gathering $12,000 worth of silk fronvslx dealers ho disap peared with It. Seducing found hlrn and the silk last night In a loft'in East 30th Street, Manhattan. 'Magistrate Mc- Andrcws held Bergman in $3,000' ball. PLUMBER WINS.$S,000 IN ALIENATION SUIT Itrnokljrn Man Had Ulvorcrd Wife, JVnmltiB Heal Estate, Operator. A Jury before Justice Cropsey In the Supreme Court, Brooklyn, to-day gave n. verdict for $5,000 In favor of Abraham Botwlnlck, a plumber of No. 409 53d Street, Brooklyn, against Max D. An nenberg, a real estate operator, for alienation of tho affections of his wife, Mrs. Anna Botwlnlck. Annenberg In fifty years old and a bachelor. Hecently Botwlnlck obtained a decreo of dlvorco from his wife, lie said hn found his wifa and Annenberg together. Annenberg alleged that Bot wlnlck held htm prisoner for twelve hours and endeavored to obtain money from him. Ho said ho was talking over business matters with Mrs. Botwlnlck. JlWl'KD OK FKlJli KIVI3 STOIUES TP Jli.VTll. William Bnrston, sixty". Janitor of tho apartment houao at No.' 105 Qulncy Btreot, Brooklyn? cither fell or Jumped from the roof of the adjoining houiO this morning and wnJ Instantly killed on the pavemont of tho court yard, five, stories below. The dead man's wlfo refused to give, any Information to the police and declined to .JiUoW a note which ho Is said to havo left. "XATL'llK nOCTCMl" FINKD fWOO. William Lowy, "N. p.;"' ;was fined $500 In the Court of Special Sessions, Ilia Bronx, to-day for practising modi cine without a license. The "N. D.." Lowy said, stands for "Nature Doctor." Ho was" convicted on evidence obtained by ft woman detective who visited hi massage establishment .at No. 1311 Washington Avenuo. Lowy,' sho testi fied, volunteered to cure her of rheuma tism. U. S. NOW SEEKING FATIMA'S BIG JEWEL Bclievo Diamond Was .Snuigggled into This Country in' Cus tody of Sheriff Nagle. Tho Colleclor nf the Port of New York now seeks possession of the huge family diamond, which tho Princess Fntlma of Kabul, now Afghanistan, brought to this country, In the hope that Its sale would aid her financially. The big Jewel Is In tho custody of Sheriff Nagle, having been atlachcd by Now York ci editors of Princess Fatlm.i. When Government agents demanded that the Hhcrlff turn over the gem to them, ho refused. The Kcdorul authorities then appealed to Huprcme Court Juxtlco Lehman nnd hald they believed the diamond had been smuggled Into tho country. Jus tice Lehman ndvlhcd them to make their appeal in Federal Court. Princess F.tttinu nnd her three sons, uro to bo sent back tp Afghanistan this week by I he British Government, When they arrled In all their robes of state last summer thoy wcro re ceived by President Harding nnd Mayor Hylan. The PrlncesB had 5x pectrd to sell the big diamond hero for $350,000, but tho best oTTcr for It was $25,000. Scvornl Now York hotels nnd merchants have claims against her nnd n Klfth Avenuo Jewe ler hns filed a suit against her to rocover $'-,000 on a promlssary note. TWO Mill. POMMIES TOLF.N IX CHICWiO STATIOX. SPIIINOFIULD, 111., March 0. Two pouches fit first class malt, one made up locnlly nnd tho other coming from Chicago, were stolen from tho bag gago room at tho Wabash depot curly to-day. Local postal officials were un able to my what the loss lll be. A COLD morning, a hungry boy, a dish of hot Ralston, a happy mother. She knows her boy fa ' getting in Ralston the kind of nourishment he needs to make him robust. Ralston i "whole wheat delicious and ' tempting. Being whole wheat, it is full of vitamines. Ralston is the perfect food for growing children. Try Ralston TkeicWevrheatlieed yea amr f Best 1 for Saiacfc Rooking lllllllll "III Once you try 1 II H H B I Li m 4 ri m m k D K IBS Once you try Mazola for salads, you will prefer it to the finest imported olive oil. Mazola costs much less than olive oil no im port duties no ocean freight charges Sold by grocers everywhere. T? T X? 17 Beautifully F IV. JO JO illustrated Cora Products Cook Book of 64 pages. Write Cora Products Refining Co. Department A, Argo, I1L aft IT. - ffiM a MAZOLA Used exclusively for Salads in many leading Hotels and Restaurants IIISlBllilllllBllll SEPARATE ROOMS . FOR WOMEN JURORS St. Paul Clubwomen Campaign for "Sensible Accommodations" in Future Trials? ST. TAUU March 0. Following the protest! of husbands over the mixed Jury conditions here, Bt. Fral dub women hnvo started a campaign for "sensible" accommodations for women. "I think It's a crime," said Mrs. a. II. llestor. "Tho Ira to husbands who stormed the Jails when they found out their wives wore looked up with men wcro Justified." Oov. Proiu said pres ent facilities for caring for mixed Juries are Intolerable and Sheriffs must pro vldo separate rooms In tho futuro". Tho Minnesota law still requires that Jurors bo locked up together for tho night, as tho law woa passed before equal uuf frngc came. Tho Sheriff has so far -only con sented to tho use of heavy screens to partition oft tho Jury room. ' I , WII.I.MM rilOTO.V IIKSSO.N IIICAI). Wllllum t'roton I lesson, Treasurer of tho New York Mutual Oua IJglit Com pany, died la-st night at Washington Squaro Hospital of general debility and heart disease. Mr. llcsson was born In this city on Oct. 14, 1842. the year Cioton water was introduced here, and from that event ho was given the name Croton by his parents. Ho married Miss Sarah llcdllcld of an old Now York fnmlly, who died two years ago. He Is survived by a daughter. Miss AuguJtn nesson, who lived In the Murray Hill Hotel with her father. , pay-as-you-leAve if-you-like-it-plan pays in the movies Oregon Theatres Find Houses Are Bigger and Revenue Is Just as Large. ' nEND, Ore., March 8. That tho pay-as-you-Ieavo plan adopted hero Monday'by two mo Hon plcturo theatres Is resulting In bigger houses and at least as large revenuo as formerly, was tho declaration to-day of J. B. Sparks, manager of tho theatres. Many still pay at tho old rate, a few pay less and practically nono walk out without dropping somo Uiungo In tho box left at tho door. It Is optional with each patron how much ho shall pay, or whether ho pays at all. MOBILE SELECTIONS. , i MOHILK HACK! TrtACK, March D The livening World's selections for to morrow's races nro as follows: FIRST RACH Corkey W.. North Shore, Arthur Mlddleton. SRCOND RACE Captain Burns, Bat tle Mountain, 1'cholnnd. THIRD RACE MalvoUo, Granny Lee. Helen Atkln KOt'RTi ilACE Aco JJ Aces, Rising Rock. Applejack 2d. FIFTH RACE Back Bay, Assume, General. SIXTH RACE Mab, Dickie W Leo nora Moss. DANIEL REEVES Ihe Better 1 IM Chain "Store T" grocers EGGS! White Leghorn Poultry Farm E G GS DOZEN POUND I J Reeves Best O1? ifi TOMATOES Large Can Standard Quality 15c BLUE RIDGE CORN Now Selling cans 25c I DEL WiONTE Sliced PINEAPPLE No. a Can 23c ROGERS BRAND EVAPORATED MILK 3 cons 25c DEL MONTE i BAKED BEANS J. 4 cans 25C I INDIAN RIVER GRAPEFRUIT Large Size 3 for 25c REEVES 15 cent Standard PEAS Now Selling 2 cans 25c EAGLE BRAND ASPARAGUS 25C Can DEL MONTE PLUMS Large Can 25c ROGERS BRAND CONDENSED MILK 10c can WILLBROOK APPLE JELLY IS or.. Jar 15c REEVES Best Brand CATSUP 15c bottle Eanry California SUNKIST SEEDLESS I ORANGES , 7 for 25c Real Old Fashioned APPLE SAUCE No. 2 Can 15c ROBINSON ATTACKS FOUR POWERvTREATY Senator .Sees Same Obligations as in Article X. of League ' Covenant. WASHINGTON, March 9. Demand ing amendment of the FourPower Pa cific Treaty In at least two particulars, Senator Robinson, Arkansas, Democrat, In a speech to the Senate to-day de clared: 1. That tho treaty Is an alliance based on the use of force. 2. That It Imposes on the United States the same obligation to help other nations which was In Artlclo X. of the Lcaeuo of Nations Covenant. ribBAns auurr to in stnilnFiiij own iurn. Carlo Barbara, of N. 2S0 Elizabeth Street, pleaded guilty to manslaughter In tho first degree before Judge Tauoy In Ocneral Sessions to-day. Barbara was arrested Aug. 31 last, for tho kill ing of Antonio Curntola, of No. 7 Rlv- Ington Street, on July 3, 1315. Ac cording to a confession mado by Bar bara, Curatola Was killed In a scuf flo over failure of Curatola to return & tine belonirlntf r ttu rlw. irt.n -convicted man said tho ring was worm mvv. BORER WORM COSTS 0. S. $2,450,000 President Asks Congress to Appro priate That Sum for Teredo's Destruction.. WASHINGTON, March 9. Presi dent Harding asked Congress to-day to Include In tho "Navy bill for next year a supplemental appropriation of $2,450,000 for use In counteracting damago caused by tho teredo, a wood gnawing worm, at Mnro Island Navy Yard, California. o BAIJf HALTS WORK 'IN JUNES. ILAZUSTON. Pa.. March 9 Seven anthracite mines In this vicinity were forced to suspend work to-day on ac count of lileli water duo to heavy rains yesterday. ciiAtti.Ks nnnr. Charles Uoey, vnudoville actor, found upconsclous a few days m;o In his room on West 3Slli Street, us the result of n cerebrat hemorrhags, died yesterday in llellevue Hospital. Ho had been on the tage thirty years. MUSTARD Back to Standard Price 14 in vj? Mustard -jj&fiiH Soups IUr a buhdih Add a Dash ot Nacco Big Brother Will always brings Chiclet home ui"th him the (vhole family likes them. Do you like peppermint? get the yellow box tutti-frutti? ' get the pink box spearmint? get the green box 10 for 5c American Chicle Co. delicious -candy coded chewing gum t Swji iwirr Prune Cake Fill INOi Drain cookcdSumweet Prunti, remove the stones 2nd measure 1 cupful. Chop fine, dd 14 cup oraage marmalide, B cup fine) chopped walnutsfl teaspoon lemon juice. Mix well and spread between layers. SVNIWXZT BRIAD PUD- ! DING! One cup Sunswcet Prunes, 'washed, f oaked, phted and put through food grinder, 2 eggs, beaten : add yi cup sugar, 2 cups scalded milk; yi teaspoon each orange and lemon cxtnct,prunes and 1 thick slice of bread cut in .'small cubes. Pour in buttered bak- ingdish, ttt in pan boilingwater. Bake In moderate oven until cus tard is firm in center and bread is browned. Serve hat or cold, t . Siwswirr Pmror. Corrrt Cam: Two eggs well beaten; 1 cup ' sugar yi cup milk t 2 cups sifted flourt 2 teaspoons biking pow dcri Viup melted shortening) . 1 teaspoon vanilla extrift. Best eggs, add sugar, slftflourand baking powder add to mixture gradually with milk, beat Until smooth, then add melted shorten ing and extract. Pourinto two greasf d'layer cake pans, cover entire top with uncooked pitted j Sunswcet Prunes. Bake in mod ' crate oven. Suxsweit Pmjke Salad Pixi AFru Dutstma t Cooked Sun sweet Prunei, pitted and drained; allow4 prunes and 1 slice of pine apple for each service. Place the pineapple on a rrisp lettuce leaf. Sukswcet Prune SourrLif Take 1 cup cooked Sunswcet Prunes that have been pressed through a colander. Beat white of 4 eggs until stiff, add 4 table spoons sugar, 1 teaspoon vanilla and carefully fold in the prune' pulp taiyi cup chopped walnuts. Pour in an ungreascd pudding dish, set in pan of hot water, bakt in a moderate oven until firm.! Serve with custard sauce made J of yolks of 2eggsandlcupmi!b orwhh whipped cream, SoksweetPmwxakd Cottac Cheese Salad: Remove (tones' from cooked, cold Sunswcet' Prunes. Fill with cottag chetiej place on lettuce kavesi ferv: with thick mayonnaise dressing j SuNswitrPaimi PATTWtOnt half cup Sunsweet Prune pulpt 1 tablespoon sugari I teaspoon r flourj Vi teaspoon saltj tea-' apoon nutmegi 1 yolkeggi f cup scalded milk. Besftyolkot, ggl add sugar, and fcmaUnf dry ingtedients,Hne 6 plpsa with ftakr pastry, fill withth mixture. Bake in amadflm bet ovtn until firm. Cool digbth,1 cover with roerlngue iaai of stiffly beaten egg whit and 2; ublespoont sugar. Bake In sic if oreo eight idisutaa. oixai crumbs i chopped suet; Fill prunes with a small por- tion of salad dressing and arrange a 1 cup soft bread aholl apple. Place a spoonful of dress ing on pineapple and sprinkle with chopped walnuts, For dressing melt 2 tablespoons butter, add 2 tablespoons flour yi teaspoon salt i teaspoon dry mustard) mix well) cook until frothy add J cuppineapple Juice, 1 teaspoon lemon Juice. Cook until thick. Pour over 1 well besten egg.Cool. Fold in Kcup of whipped cream. aholl cep chopped applet: yi cup brown' . , i i . i f U A blip uiupyvu, un-i cooked Sunswcet Prunes Jfl cup shredded citrons 1 cap flour sifted with yi teaspoon each of salt, soda, nutmeg, einaamea, cloves and allspice j yi cupmolas- pine sesi 3 cctrs. beaten separately. Mix In the order given, folding! in4he beaten whita of tez at the last. Grcaseapuddlngmord, pour, in the mixture, having mold only, two.thlrds filled; Adjust ebver and place on a rack in a kettle of boilingwater and steam about three hours, having water boil ing constantly. The water should be about two-thirds of the depth of the mold, StnJftr nmtteH Rtcipt Pa tin lnltJ nit J tJilJ hur vm Dtmtille Satnct Dlrtittr-it'j frie! Calfrrnla Trumand print Grvweri Int., Itf Mrktt Strut, San hit, Cm. 4 v.