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i "PfitE even: OA .T T 1 l WOULD, THURSDAY", rABOH 9, lds! i l r 4: 1 . 1 BABE RUTH TELLS ft sr f 4 Mr OF HIS PLANS FOR YEARS 10 COME Bambino Declares Confidently He Is Good for Ten k Years More. UUST BEGUN, HE SAYS f King of Swat Will Again Break Record Despite Suspen sion, He Promises. HOT SPniNGS, Ark., March 9 (Copyright. 1922). OcorBO Herman Kuth, High Priest of Swat, docs not consider that an Income surpasslnB that of the President of the United States by any means represents the ultlmato worth of a real baseball star. Therefore, when his present flvo Voar half-mllllon-dollar contract ex pires ho wilt bo out thoro on the fir ing line fl&htlng It out, or tossing it out, with the two Colonels who own tho New York Yankees to seo 'Just i what tho next big salary boost will be. It will all depend upon how much : money tho battling Babe has drawn "tit tho gato during tho next five sea sons and Just how far he, steers from tho iro of Judge Landls. Babo de clared to-day that hereafter ho was "a business man." Tho two Colonels agreed with him. Just before leaving for Now Orleans (o-day to Join the main Yankee squad, Ruth consented for tho first time to say omethlng about his new status as the highest salaried man ever known to tho national gamo, as well as something about his prospects of the noxt few years. Ituth believes that he Is Just enter ing the domain of l)lg accomol sh menta. When his present extraor dinary contract expires In 1926 ho will bo thirty-three years old. By that time he feels ho -will havo established such a stnndardlied output of home runs that he can keep it up in definitely. If confidence Is half the battle, Babe already has most of the American league pitchers headed for the showers and Is on his way to making n mighty den tin tho Yankee Colonels' bankroll atho rato of $500 for every fnur-THLSO clout. "Why man, I'm Just beginning to bat," he said to-day, unconsciously varaphraslng his greot navai proio tvnn. John Paul Jones. Quess ril have a lato start this year all right," ho continued with a crln, "so I won't put a number on ihe home runs, but I will mako more !mn Jast year, and keep on making more." Buoyant -with youth, riding the top wave of ipopularlty, confident that he lias not ncarcd tho pinnacle of his career, tho Babo nevertheless had n lark half-hour to-day. Somo one brought up tho subject of the Income lax and began to figure thligs out for the Bambino. "Business man' that he li, Babo needs a little help at "flggers" now and then. So his killjoy friend with the pencil i ctuctantly convinced Ruth that every tunc ho knocks a homo run In 1921! he will havo to pay to his Undo Ham something like $166.33. In other Words, If the present rate of tncomo lex keeps up, and the unhappy pros lxicts are that It will, the United States Treasury will grab off JuBt nlcmt one-third of every dollar that Itabo Ruth makes during the rfcxt live years. "Guess Til havo to 'bust' out more of 'cm than I thought I would," said (ho Babe scratching his head in an tiltemnt at real Uocd thouitht. Babe Ruth was asked If he thotight other ballplayers were worth salaries Hiiproxlmatlng his own. Ho evaded comparisons, but Raid: "A man ought to get whnt he can en in. Don't mako any difference whether It's running n farm, running it bank or running a show, u man who knows he Is making money for other people ought to get some of the profit he brings In. it's business, I tell you; there nin't no sentiment to It. Forget that stuff." "What are you going to do with all your money?" Babe was asked. "I've got five big years of baseball ahead of me now, and I guess I'll have five moro after that. Whrt'a the use o going further along than that? I haven't ever thought of quit- ling tho game. I feel as If I was Just ntnrtlng In to begin. Course, bam mil is different from anything elx?. Look at those birds sitting across the lobby. They urc business men, gal ling 'fit' for tho season, too. Mm iney arc mluuie-ugcu and giay nn.l n What you birds call the prime of life. I'll bo thirty-three when my new con tract ends, and a lot of people nro reading mo out of the cumo nlrrndy. I'm going to 1x3 n business man, loo, In baseball. Kxpcrlcnco helps you u lot In this game. Just as In any other." Rutli has a reason for saying that. Ho Is Interested In tho scientific side of sport nnd has been studying omo slow-action moving pictures nf his gulf awing tho last few days. They havo shown his entire body In ac tion during tho stroke. Ruth's swing s not a perfect one, from tho pro fessional golfer's point of view. The camera shows him upon both toes ns ho hits tho ball. That Is "bad golf form" but It tells something of tho lilducn power behind tho fcat the batter wields. Col. "Til" Huston, who has been litre with Ruth ever since the con truct was signed and who accom panied the Hot Springs squad of Yunkecs to Now Orleans to-day, beamed with satisfaction nt the condi tion of his diamond Ktnr. Col. Huston is a man of conKldcrabln girth. "Why, lost year Ruth wiih us big as I nm, und look nt him now," said tin Colonel. "Ho has sot tied Into a hard working chap. He's got tho ambition und tho ability, nnd thoro Is no telling what he will do In the future." THUGS GET $5,600 AND WHISKEY LOAD Brooklyn Hold-Up Yields Cash ami Auto Filled With Booze. The police ore searching for five obtain, three of them armed, who Inst evening held up three men at the cntrnnco of a stable at No. 215 23d Street, .South Brooklyn, and escaped with SG.CSO. Tho victims were Frre- man T. Goldman, of No. 794 Noh trand Avenue, who lost $5,400; Solo mon Blumcnstcln, No. 722 Conoy Isl and Avenue, who lost $250, and the latter s brother, Joseph, of No. 1763 Bust 12th Street, who lost nothing. According to Detective Sergeants McGowan and Dwycr tho victims say tho thugs made off In nn automobile In which twonty-llve cases of whls key, worthi$2,800, wore hidden. They said, according to the dotnc'tlvcs, that they received nn order to bring the whiskey to the stable for a salo nnd that they wcro preparing to unload It when tho thugs drew revolvers, held them up and then escaped with money and liquor, The automobile, which belonged to Goldman, was found later but thre was no traco of tho whiskey. CAns FOIl THIS rKN.USYI.VAMA. PHILADELPHIA, March 9. Tho directors of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company to-day authorlxed tho pur chase of 230 all steel carj for th pas senger service In nddltlon to twenty itctl dining cars previously authorized. The I.oiik Island llallroad, one of the principal affiliated lines pt the system, haa ordered fifty alt steel passenger cars for early dollvory. SECRETARY HUGHES DAUGHTER ENGAGED TO NEW YORKER i WouldMake Wife Pay Half Toward Family Support Senator's Bill Also Provides Whipping Post for Her if She Beats Hubby. ANNAPOMS, March 9. A bill has been Introduced In tho Bcnalo by Senator Fox of Baltimore adding fif teen articles to tho Stato Constitution and designed to grant "equal rights i men." One provision permits the samo laws concerning assault upon a wife be equally enforced against hus band and wife, "and any wlfo or hus band convicted of Buch charge, may whipped by not moro than forty lashes or bo Imprisoned." Tho bill further provides: "That males and femnln nn freo and equal and that neither shall MISS CATHERINE. Miss Catherine Hughes to Wed Chauncey L. Waddell, World War Veteran. WASHINGTON, March . Tho engagement of Miss Catherine Hughes, daughter of the Secretary of State and Mrs. Hughes, to Chauncey L. Waddell of Now York City, was announced to-day by her parents. Miss Hughes was graduated from Wcllcslcy College in 1920. Her fiance h tho son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Waddell of Greenfield, O. tlo was a member of the class of 1918 at Har vard, and was In tho air service dur ing tho World War. Mr. Waddell now Is associated with Dillon, Read & Co. of New York. Miss Hughes, second of Secretary Hughes's threo daughters, Is twenty- three. During the war she was Wclleslcy farmerette. Sho has not been Interested In politics. VAUDEVILLE FOR SYNAGOGUE. The annual all-star vaudeville enter tainment for the benefit of the Young Israel Synagogue, No. 229 Bait Broad way, will be given at the Longocre The atre Sunday evening under the Auspices of tlio Sisterhood of the Young Israel Synagogue. The performers -will In' elude: Soplilo Tucker, Frisco, Oeorge Price, Maxle and George, Joe Cook, Jean Alexander, Fields and Gotler and Frank Marvin. It Is expected Benny Leonard also will bo present. Harry O. Frombers la President of the Institution. win lie tbttu A NEAT springtime " model of the popular one strap Pattern. Comfy, Low Box Heel, Medium Vamp, Medium Pointed Toe. Sizes 1 to 9, A to E . In fine Black Vi'ci Kid, Trimmed with Black Suede. The Some Pattern in Brown VldKld, Brown Suede Trim. Louis Heel. $11.95 JGLASSBERG 225 W. 42d St., New York lllrrrtlf Upputl r Iflnmft hnaricaA Zcrcmcnt SpedalidiT 0ppenheim.6ll.ins & 34th Street New York Exceptional Values Friday Tweed Cape Dresses For Girls and Juniors Sizes 10 to 10 Vr.y. Most Unusual at 18.00 Representing one of the season's smartest styles. Shown in tan, rose.orchid, and Copenhagen blue. Sport Model Spring Coats For Girls and Juniors Sizex JU to 10 Years. Featured at 19.75 Heather Cloth, Brighton and Herringbone Tweeds, and Plaid-back Polo Coats. Belted and loose fitting. Semi-lined with Silk. be grnntcd any privileges that are not enjoyed by the other." "That It shall b tho duty of a wife to contribute at least one-half to the expenses of the homo nnd tho sup port of tho family. "That In ull cases of separation or divorce, tho plaintiff shall tfo ro quired to turn I ah funds to the de fendant wirllclent to meet tho ex penses of trial nnd to compensate counsel appearing for tho defend ant. "That In dlvorco actions, where It is shown that tho husband Is de pendent upon thewiro for support, tho wlfo shall bo required to furnish money, by way of alimony, for tho maintenance of husband and chil dren during pendency of tho suit. "That any wlfo who appropriates to her own uso prtvato funds of her husband may bo tried and convicted of embezzlement or larceny, as tho I'HSo may be, and sentenced under tho laws regarding Inrceny. Tho same to apply to husbands." SAXONIA ARRIVES AFTER WILD VOYAGE I'a.tiI Gnles All Wr Over Got Gronloft'a S O M. The Cunanlcr Saxonta has Just completed Ihi- roughest trip her skip per, C'upt. V. II. t'osbiick, ever experi enced, ho slutcd when she docked to day at her pier at the foot of 14th Htreet. "Wo ran Into a fog directly after leaving Liverpool on Feb. 28," tald Capt. Hossack, "and then we. en countered head gales that tossed us about like a chip. Tho gales con tinued all tho wuy to Halifax, and we ulso had plenty of wind coming down tho coast." Chief Knglncer Jim Rogers also paid his tribute to the storm, describ ing It in one word: "Hotton!" Tho Saxonla picked up a rudlo from tho steamship Hyndam on March 2, relating the plight of the CIrontoft. Capt. Hossack said his ship was COO miles from tho Grontoft, and It wai therefore hopeless for him to try to reach her. He kept his wireless man at work, however, sending out SOS messages until he heaid nt 6.30 P. M. from the nyndam that the steamship Estonia had reached tho position given and had found no I nice of tho Gron- 'toft. 2L Altmatt & 0k Important Sales for Friday Women's Imported Chamois Lisle Gloves (Mousqiuietaire style; 16-button length) in white, biscuit, covert, beaver and silver at $hW per pair (Sale in the Madison Avenue section of the First Floor) Women's Haodmraade Dimity Blouses plain or ornamented with crochet lace ' iat$3, These Blouse's may be obtained with the youthful Peter Pan collar or with the always fashionable V-neck (Sale on Third Floor) Wrtp fourt& fttreet Qftfrtp-ftftft fctmt BEST & CO. INTRODUCES The Demoiselle A TWEED SUIT WITH THE NEW BELT LINE AND FLARING SLEEVE ft I '! ARiS is sponsor for the lowered waist line, but this new tweed suit wears its belt low for another reason. Yhe high school and college miss originated the fashion, and the "Demoiselle" was designed to meet a popular demand. From its broad col lar to its jaunty little pockets, it is a youthful suit. In clear, bright, . Spring colors. Sizes 14 to 1 8 years 42.50 SECOND FLOOR Hkgt Sc Co. 5th Avenue at 35th Scrett-f N Y. Victr ola In Period Model Cabinet Walter Camp's Dally Dozen, $15 Recordolns 2b $8 Down $8 Per Month Lord & Taylor FIFTH AVENUE franklin Simon & Co. A Store of Individual Shops FIFTH AVENUE, 37th and 38th STS, For Madame The Qape or Qoat For Immediate Wear Replacing The Winter Wrap With A Wrap That Can Not Be Replaced In Either Fashion Or Value . . . 68 00 Six Models And Six CoLoks In Marvella, Gerona OrWondora . . . Introducing Spring Ideas from the Jatest "Paris Openings. 'Beautifully Silk Cpe JneH. Women's Wrap Shop Fourth Floor 4 it;