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STEALS $6,600 FROM GIRL IN 123D STREET Weather-'-PnOBABLY RAIN. NEW YORK IT'S IN r To-Morrow's Wtsthtr PROBABLY RAIN) COLDER. THE EVENING WORLD"! EDITION 'Circulation Books Open to AIL" i nuu Mill Oil. IE wj . sssi i VOL. LXII. NO. 21,996 SENATE PASSES $100,000,000 WILL VOTE TO-DAY Senator Robinson's Reserva tion Will Show Attitude of Senate on Pact. .cCUMBER ASKS POSER. Wanft to Know What I las Be come of Republican "Asso ciation Pledge of T920. WASHINGTON. .March 1 1 . Suji- JTrcaly .cisrain took t no onens vo when eriato leMiniod debate on the pact The roll t nil to lie taken to-day us .vnnrloi! l.i fi.t Ihn fli'st time hu uttltiiilr nf minds of various Sen- itors who have nub previously taken in active Dart in tho Treaty fight. rhn n.m.mlitif.iit l.i l.r. rn V... fTcrecl b Nonulor -ItohliiMm, Domo- rut. of Alkmitns. It iironoseh par- (cipntlon.- of non-signatory nations In he "confrroiiies" of the T'caty in- OIVIIIK III' U fllU'll'Mh. Senators McCumlicr of Noith l)u- otn imil I. enroot of Wisconsin. Iioth mm iti C'.nv lixi nir iiir i no n 1 1 ni-ii I inn stcp toward intci national under- W.. .. . . ..... . inwirnllc t1 1 .. n;' lolllpn I M Oil thl flll- fnn. ....... .r.i-ntt i-I.tI.1 (il - 1 I . . . .. . In ..1, l.t ll,n :i ultiuiwvi .in nun - iu.i.i u. .....(.v- nm nroiri .1 in inr. iiui aftui-ii iiuu . ... . . ..... ... i .i .. i,... 1....1 t'omc of the Republican campaign Ige of P.) 20 loi- an "association 01 ma" ..n-ilmir-mir tlie entile World its scone. Senator Lcnioot said: "If this treaty is rejected 1 believe csldcnt Harding, ir no snouiii re ive information that other treaties ould consider tho w'thdrawlng of o Senate anil iniorm tnc inner rtios to ihe treaties that further Hon iinon them will bo .postponed at I ill' lutiuii.i .11 .....i..n.a .1. rt. jvember will nave tnc opportunity the election of Senators whose ins are expiring, to express itself on tins inipoitant issue. If this 1 l-ciit v be re ected I mm ft iit no Democrat Indorsing tliat ac L lie ..loeteil to the Senate ill W Northern State. If this treaty be octccl, the iiopuuiican majorny next vember will lx- equal to that which id in November, l'J.u. 3o,ooo i noi.n iii:m: I'ttoii DKX.MAIIK. IUJU ....1.V. .It .I,UU1,.UU u. 1..1 .I.U ' n 1. .. .A .1.... .... t. IT! VUiI.IIII..K'l UN .111- (tl.Ulli- n Oscar II. It was consigned to the . 1 .I.-. .1... ...nt..1 u nr.. f tin. ON AMENDMENT TO 4-POWER TREATY AV LLE.VE.ft WlVLa, AKKLMLU UN tVK Ul lUAKKVlNU 1 VVLL1 ill Names of Two. oorc was arrested on a charge bezzlcmcnt prcfencd by llanlct , a Iloosler school teacher and E eleventh bride. .Mooro deserted a'ter they hnil lxcn married lesa a JTck4 lt-CS pUcfied, and took DAILY. Cop) light (New I'liblKhliic LONE THUG STEALS 16,600 FROM G RL N HARLEM ST.; ELUDES POLICE IN CHASE Detective Fires Two Shots at Robber, Who Escapes in Taxicab. THRONGS SEE HOLDUP. Robbery Staged on On.' of Busy Corners in Sigl.i of Crowds. A snappily diessed vomit; man with a blown derby hat set slantwise, on his polished hair walked up to Miss Hue Abel, cashier for Deulsch Uros., furniture dealers, at the northeast corner ol 123d Street and Thlid Avenue as she wus entering the store at 1 o'clock this afternoon, snatched f i om her hand a brown imper parcel containing ?G,600 In .bills and escaped ItiT a. laxiculj al'Cv belnpr shot' at by ecfive and chased by the same sleuth In an automobile for half mile throush the coiiRested streets if east Harlem. 'I'll money constituted t lit- Hull's pas loll for Ihe week endlns to-nlsht. Miss Abel never saw the inbber be fore, but he was tvit!t;ull well i.t -iiuamted with Hie routine ol tlie Deutu'li loneeru as It i elates to the pa.Miient of salaries and wiiue- Miss Abel, who lives at No 1 Tl'S Ilollnnd Avenue, tho llions. is a niece of the niembei-s of the firm. For se -era! cars it - lias been her ui.-.tom .o Ko from the stole, about 12.;;i) o'clock Tuesday afternoon, to the Chatham and Phoenix Nutional Hank branch at 1 "5th Street and l.cnox Avenue and draw the money for the payroll. Since the advent of the hold-up epi demic she has made the tiip to and from the bank In an automobile b'e lonninK to one of the members of the firm and driven by Clarence .Smith, a Nero of No. 237 West 133d Stieet. The trip was made without incident to-day up to the time the automobjle drew up at the curb in fiont of the main entrance to the store. As Miss Abel started across the sidewalk on one of the busiest corner i in Harlem, w(th the parcel under her li ft arm and her rlKlit hand claspms it, the derby-hatted younn iiian stepped up. Hefore she sensed his in lent Ue grabbed tin. paicel. .Miss Abel held on and screamed. Tin- youns; man was the stronger and witlt a wrench he obtained possess sion of the money. Then things be gan to happen. A brown taxicab which had been standing, headed eastward, on the south side of Kast 123d Street, near tho corner, with the engine running and the outside, door open, began to move slowely. Tins thief ran across tho street, leaped into the taxi and slammed the door. The driver step- (Contlnucd on Second Pago.) $500 which she said liolonged to her. Miss Kvans said that when Mooro lelt her she lcported the case to a national ls tectivo association who tiaccd "Ueorge Melrose," tlie namo under which she man led him, to Lo gansport, Ind., and then back to In dianapolis, where ho was arrested. According to tho story Sloore told tlie police, lie had proposed to several Indianapolis women, since his arrival hero last week. Of tho eleven slils ho, said he mar ried, ho could not rememlier the lam names of two. His first wife was Klora 13olf ot Wyoming, Pa., whom he man led twelve years ago. They had on:, child, ho said. He is said to havo confcsncd to marrying tho following oilier women in tho order named: Amelia Werner, Detroit, married at rlc viorlill by I'rw tiimimuj, 11)--. MRS. R. S. SAVAGE, WHOSE MARRIAGE FAMILY OPPOSES (Hiolo by Keystone iew FOLLIES BEAUTY'S FAMILY TALK OF El Relaties Say Cenex a Witchell Returned Ring to Young Savage Before He Left. tlcncva Mitchell, of tho chorus In "Sally" and tho ".Midnight Frolic," who was married last week at Mllford, Conn., to twenty-year-old Itobort Sav age, was reported to-day to bo con sidering a suit fcr tho annulment of the marriage. Her grandfather. S. W Ilicc ot No. 307 West OSth Street, lonllrmed the report that (Jenova, who is seventeen, nnd her husband separated Saturday night and that ho left -lie following day for La Jollu, Ca! , to teo his mother. "It's a mystery to us why Geneva ever married him," said Mr. Uice. "The day after they were married an unelo ot hers accompanied her to young Savage's apartment in his hotel for dinner, when she told him she didn't think sho cared enough for him to llvo with him." Miss Mitchell, aeconling to tho re port ot tho separation, allowed Sav age to seo her to htr grandfather's apartment, where she had been mak ing her home even alb i her marriage, nnd when they reached tho door handed him her wedding ling, de claring sho didn't want u any longer. Mr. Itiso said the girl mother, Mrs. Vcrna Mitchell, probably would start an notion this week to have the marriago annulled on the ground that each Is under age 191? World Almanie. Hit rraily rtlcrcno booh, 35 tifiti per copy on iliadi: tnr n"U. poitiga pre. till, 90 cenli. Addrtii Ciitiitr, New York WirM, Jrfw.Yerfc.Clty, 1NG MARRIAGE NEW YORK, TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 1922. DIVA ASKS $75,000 FOR LOSS OF VOICE Mrs. Powell Indignantly De nies She Promised Physician Half of Damages. HUSBAND ALSO TO SUE. lans to Bring" Action for S20.000 Spent in Medi cal Fees. Mis. Alma Webster Powell, opera singer, living nt No. 915 President street. Urooklyn, took tho stand bc 1010 Supreme Court Justice Cropsey and a jury to-day as witness In her action against the New York Central Railroad Company for $73,000. Mis. Powell alleges that she received In juries in a railroad accident near Millerstown, N. Y., on July 2, 1920, in which one of the cars of the train Ittcamc derailed and rolled down the embankment. As a result, Mrs. Powell said, ahg was so Ijadly Injured that sho lias lost Wr voice. "I was on my way '.o l;eep an en gagement," sho said to-Utiy. "As we came near Mlllerstow'n the car In which 1 was riding became derailed. 1 was so confused that oven now I do not know exactly what happened. I was taken to the Sharon Hospital In an automobile, and remained there four hours. I have been In pain, pain, pain, ever since. A. Judson Powell, husband ot the plaintiff, Is to bring an action for $20,000 for medical fees as soon as his wife's case is finished. In reply to questions by her coun vel, Mrs. Powell detailed the acci dent. She said sho was sitting !n the second car of tlie flvo-car train, when It became derailed. It rolled down tho embankment, where Mrs. Powell said she found herself on tho roof of the car, which had been turned upside down. Her right ankle was broken, she said, making the right leg two inches shorter than the left. Tho right wrist was broken, and her Tight little linger was broken, so that it is now crooked. The. latter two injuries prevent artistic rplano playing, Mrs. Powell said. Leaving tho hospital, Mrs. Powell said, she was taken to her country home, at Sharon Springs In an auto mobile, and remained for many weeks. Mrs. Powell became excited when she was asked on cross-examination If she had offered one of the three physlclnns who attended her (o go "fifty-fifty" with him if he would testify In her favor at the trial. Lean ing forward in tho witness chair and grasping the arms, sho spoke with Indignation. "Preposteious! I certainly did not. Never'" sho exclaimed. RADIOPHONES PLANNED FOR AUTO STAGE LINES Driver to Kcrii hi Tonrli Wttli California Central Station. SAN FLANCISCO, uMarch 14.-Own-rs of automobile utage lines operating out of San Diego. Los Angolcs and Big Bear Lake have applied to J. L. Dillon, radio Inspector for the Department of Commerce, for permission to equip their stages with radiorphono scti and 1'Oinnuinicato with tho .stages from a central station. The plan Is to allow order to be given drivers while on the road. A $60,000 Sale From Four-Column Sunday World Ad. RUDOLPH FUEHRER IIABY CIIICK SrKriAMST, 81 BOYD AVIS., WOODHAVEN, N. V. March 9, J:i The World, Now York. Dear Sirs! I wlh to advlis that through an advtrtlsement lnrcrted In Tho Hunday Wurld, I have just received from a very Urea corporation In Chicago an order for baby chlcka and ducka, the agcrecate o( which la about 11)0.000. llelnc a very conetant user of your paper (or advertlilnc, I thought that thta might ba of tntereat to you. Very truly your". nuDoi.rti KUEimnn. The Sunday World'i 600,000 Read.r Pottett an Unrivalled Purchao a j inz-Pjmwt IN TRAIN WRECK MATZEMUER'S 100 HUSBAND RETURNS TO JOB AS CHAUFFEUR Glotzbach Resumes Old Posi tion in Frisco While Diva Is on' Tour. NO FRICTION, HE SAYS Didn't Like Dwelling in Pal aces of Babylon, He Tells Interviewer. SAN FRANCISCO, March 14. Floyd Qtotzbach, the husband of Mar garete Matzenauer, famous diva, whom sho termed "100 per cent, man," is back at his Job at the Del Monlc Hotel here driving tourists about. "I'd rather be a chauffeur In Cali fornia than to dwell forever In tho palaces of Habjlon," he explained. It would seem Glotzbach was forced to let another man drive his wife's automobile. "It. would diivo any man crazy to sit back among the cushions and squirm every time he felt the backlash of the transmission, whun all It needed was a ical mechanician." ho declaied Glotzbach Is quoted as declaring that there had been no friction, that the chauffeur husb&nd just "escaped" when bis brldn wad not looking. After ths marriage Mme. Matzen auer said her first marriage to Ferrari Fontana failed because of urtlsts' temperament. J3ho wtnted a "man," sho said. The antithesis of her tem perament theory Is hinted as'respon- siblo for tho wreck of the new ro. mance. Officials at the Metropolitan Opera House, where Mine. Matzcnaucr's en gagement for the present season closed recently, said to-day they be lieved tho singer was out on a concert tour under the direction of Arthur Judson, Philadelphia concert man ager. Inquiry at tho Matzenauer residence In Rye, N. Y fulled of response, no one apparently being at home, Mme. Matzenauev's colleagues and musical circles generally expicsscd great surprise over the report that her husband had icturned to his old position, there having been no hint of an impending separation. PRESIDENT GOLFS AND FISHES TO-DAY A Fev Hours Left of His Short Vacation, With Ideal Weather Conditions. WKST PALM BEACH, Via., March 14. Fishing and golf were enjoyed by President Harding to-day before leaving by train for St. Augu?tine. Officials of the American Legion In Florida, gathering here for the State convention coincident with his anhal, sent Mr. Harding a convention badge, and their regrets that he would lie unablo to address them. Mi. Harding announced before leaving Washington that ho would decline all invitations to mako addresses or take part in public functions. The Ideal weather conditions which the Presi dent has met with in Florida con tinued to-day. j ST. AUGUSTINE, March 14. President Harding and Mrs. Harding have deviated from their announced Intention of joining in no public en teitainments during their vacation in Florida. They have accepted an in vitation to be honor guests at a pub lic reception at tho Ponco Do Leon Hotel here on Wednesday night. Fifteen hundred Invitations to tlie function were being sent out to-diy. YEAR IN PRISON, FOR FRAUD ON TURF Owen Peel, of Well Known Family, Sentenced While His Wile Is Freed. LONDON. March 14. Owen I'eil, of a well known Welsh family, was to-day sentenced to 12 months' Im prisonment for defrauding bookmakers of 3,000 In tho betting on tho 'Juko of York sta-kPH. Ho had pleaded guilty. Mrs. Peel, daughter of the well known sportsman, Sir Robert Jandlne, was acquitted of the charge to-day. Tlie sentence ot Peel lias created a sensation in Kngland he cause of the social prominence of the parties involved. Peel's scheme involved tho arrange ment wit i i postmaster of a town to put ii" firl timing on telegiams sent after the race, betting on the1 winner. Pntfrfd nil SnniM'ln4 Mlt-r I'ntt Office, New Vurk, N. Y. HOUSING AID BILL MME. MATZENAUER, WHOSE HUSBAND IS BACK AT OLD JOB MME.. IVtATZEMAOCR. 0MDHKIN STUDIO. T DECIDES TO-DAY Consolidated Co. Also Re lieved From Turning Over S800,000 to a Master. WASHINGTON, Match II. -The Supicmo Court to-day announced that Its decision In the New Yoik City gas case would bo made effective at once. Tho Court also denied a re hearing to New York City and Slate officials. . Tho Consolidated Gas Company of Now York City Is by this mandate relieved from turning over to a special master to-morrow more than $R00,000 of Its February collodion, this amount icprcsenllng tlie excess the company took In dining the month over the statutory eight v cents per 1,000 cubic feet Thu attorneys for tho Consolidated Company contended that the company woum do put to a great financial hardship In meeting the current do. mund on Its revenues, and claimed that u was only fair that the l-.ii companies bo given immediate benefit of the Supremo Court decision. Tho decision, mudo on March r,. helil that tho 80 cent gas rate In New orK city is confiscatory nnd that rome J20.000.000 of tho gas companies levenues which linvo been Impounded Mioum oe returned to tho company. I'nder ordinary court procedure. decision would be effcctlvo in thiity nays aiicr u was. announced, or on Apnl 6. The case Is now closed. The Couif-i decision was made by Chief Justice Jan. THEY THROW DRINKS INTO YOU NOW OVER IN NEWARK Bartender Pours Booze Into the Patron's Mouth So He Can't Get Evidence. Deputy Police Chief McCrell of Ne wark to-duy told of a new way drinks aro served In cafes to pre. vent evidenco belnjr taken away A man walks up to a bar. If he appears all right the bartender tells him to stand close, put his hands down at his Bide, throw up his head and open his mouth. Then tho bartender pours tho dilnk Into tho man's mouth and collects tho price. This prevents seizure of the liquor us evidence by policemen who have been go ing around with small bottles far this purpose, I NO GAS REHEARING U.S.SUPREH COUR ANOTHER L0CKW00D BILL IS BEATEN IN COMMITTEE; HOUSING FUND MEASURE WINS IMMEDIATE STRIKE IF Sixty Unions Decide to Reject Fxpeced Reduction of $ 1 .i Day in Wages. , Anticipating the recognized Inten tion of the llullding Tiades Employ ers' Association to cut the wages or common nnd semi-skilled lulioi' l a day at tho earliest possible uamnent, Patrick J. Crowley, President of tlie Building Trades Council, said lo an Evening World n-porter ,lhl after noon: "If anv cuts ill wages art lnadti by tho Employers' Association tiiorf' will lio all Immediate stiMci' " The statement wan made at tho close of a flve-lioiii- meeting of the. lililldlng Trades Conned ul No 12 St. Mark's Place. Present nt the meet ing were 110 InlslntvM delegates, rep icscntlng slxt) unions embracing US. 000 workeis. These delegutes voted unanimously to accept no cut of any kind In wages Imposed on common or senil -skilled InUn The class of Inboi refei red to, which Is made up of so-called labor ers and helpers of all kinds, now re ceives from $ j.fio to 57 a day. Tlie re are several tiades not asso ciated with the Council such us brick layers, plastciers ami pafhters to the number of about 25.000. II Is ex pected by the Council that in event of a strike they also will go out. Tho Council's agieemcnt with tho nssoclatlon expired Jan. 1. Ilecauso of the failure of the two IkhIIcs to agiee on a method of arbitration the association extended the agreement to Match 10. day after to-morrow. Christian (!. Norman, Chnlmiiin of he Hoard of Governors of the ussoei atlon, said his organization would make no new agreement with th- council unless the public had a voice In adjusting their differences. The reason for tills, he said, was that the Lockwood Committee investigation hud discredited both laboi and capital in the building industiy in the mind of the public , public .gioup, representing Unrly- fivc organizations aichllt'cls, cham bers of rominoiee, moitgage com panies nnd banks made three offers to "sit in" wilh the Council and the Association, but tlie Council lejected the offer The A"sooiation informed The Eve ning Woild that If the Council finally i ejected the offer of the 'public group t would cut wuges Jl a day PUTS TAXI CONTROL INTO POLICE HANDS Rule., Committee Reports Steinberg Hill to Check Criminal Chiiifl'eurs. ALBANY, March 14. The Steinberg bill, which puts the licensing and regit Intion of taxiM in New York City tip to the rollie Department, was reported List night by tho Assembly Rules Com mittee. The measure bus tho support of I'lni'f Magistrate MeAdoo. Anfemblymnn Steinberg ald tho main objec t of tho lilll Is to stop licensing of criminals us chauffeurs. "Tho iccordji show." said Ao.inibly mnti Steinberg, "that many taxi drivers are. In collusion with gunmen, highway men, and that tiny hao even resorted to murder." 224 BOTTLES OF SCOTCH TIED TO THE ANCHOR I iitni liipeetor I'tnil 'rt W'ny nt MuiiKUlltiir l.liinor. sAN FRANCISCO. Mnrc:i It. -Custom' inspectors hen to-day lold of another manner of hulinir whiskey on liK-oimn; hlp. They Incited anil i i"ific.i'ed ? lot'lej of Scon h nmskry tied 'o l ha anchor of the steamship Melville Dol-, Ur. f IS THREATENED BUILDERS CUT PAY PRICE THREE CENTS Bill Providing for an Appeal From Dismissal '-of Indict ment Goes Down to Defeat State Trade Board Meas ure Still Hanging Fire. Compulsory Prison Sentences for Anti-Trust Law Violators Beaten in Committee Shackno of New York Votes With Foes of Bill". By Joseph S. Jordan. (Staff Correspondent of Th Evenino World.) A MANY. March 14. The blggeit of nil (he housing bills ivm pursed through the Bcnnto early thls mornlng with flying colors. It was tho bill permitting life Insurunco compuniei to Invest 10 per cent, of their assets lu tho construction or tenements. This Is the measure which is ot especial Interest to New .York City rent puyers and homo seekers, for be hind It is the promise of the Metro politan Life Insurance Company to Invest $100,000,000 In tho building of dwellings which will bo within th reach of u poor man's Income, for th .rent must not exceed ID a room. Tlie bill was transmitted to thu As. sombly, where it took the plaee of its companion measure In thu Committee on Uulcs. It will not regain there long, for an agreement has been t cached between the legislative leaders to puss It and it is understood tho .Governor is ulso In favor c-Tlt. Tlie Lockwood Housing hm p,vv,. ing for an appeal from the dismissal or an Indictment was beaten to-duy In tho Senate cities Committee, the Lockwood forces being able to muster no more than k votes in its favoi. A majority is eight. The Htatc trade board still hangs fire, no voto bcll taken on It duo to the absence of Senator Hhnclcnn of New York. I'urthcr consideration of the pro posed measure was deferred later in the afternoon. At last night's session Mcnntin Lockwood Introduced an amendment to the Trade Hoard measure exempt, ing fiom its provisions dairymen unci ugilculture co-operative associations. The bill piohiblts corporations from becoming members of any form of or ganization of compctitorsj or becom ing parties to any trndo'-agi cement with competitors wlthoot having flrsi received the approval of such trade boa id . Chairman (iibbs succeeded ystci- d.iy in killing tho bill making manda tory a prison sentence iii addition t a line lor violation of tho anti-ttust law of tho State, and removing from tlie courts thu power of suspending sentence. At Inst night' session of the com mltteo Senators Walker of New York and Swift of Uuflalo weio absent. Mr. Lockwood had lelled norm thoi suppoit for his bills and it was upon uicir presence iu-cutv inui no oaseil his hopo of out two moro of tlie dims, Thn eftrbl biiN tenoite.l ntit ..s... advanced to third leading in the Hen- ato last night, xno unis, nith the commltteo Note on cjcIi. were ui follows: No. 1 Potmitting mutual insur ance companies to write the same class of rleks as siocl. companies. Acs Jlbb, Lockwood, Burllngtune, Lowman, Dick, I'eaion, Campbcil, Smith, Lusk, .McGarry, Shackno. Noes None. No. 2 AmenJlns; New York Cit Charter to iiiiniu the eitv ,tn Im.e oer siib-contiari. when general con tractor: aoanaon worn, .unanimous. no, a ieu.uirius couna t tun f -