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? i t I k t ; V - I to- 20 T&E EVE N I NQ WORL WEDNE SPAY, M A'jft C H 15, 1922. m m flats AT $7.50 A ROOM TO BE READY JAN. 1 Will Be Erected in East 97th Street Between Madison and Park Avenues. While tho Semite In Albany war parsing tho Lockvool bill releasing JIOO.000,000 of tho Metropolitan Life Insurance Company's fuwla for hou InK relief, tho flrbt step to bring moJ prn npartmcnts within tho reach of the Kmall-salarlcd man was takpn hen yesterday afternoon by tho Phclps StoUrs Fund. I'Inns woro filed with tho IJulldlnff Department In Manhat. tan for the K00.000 six-story house which won tho I'helps Stokes contest a month uro. Tho property, bought last week. Is at Nos. CS-t-G-S East 97th Street, be tween Madison and Park Avenue. The prlco was not tnado public, but It was slightly in excess of tho 140,000 tt aside by tho fund for this pur pose. Cliolco of this site, nearer Central I'Hrk thun had been Intended origin ally, assures as desirable a dwelling 48 am bo had In New York City for leas than $7. DO a month per room. As ex plained In The Evening World wnen tht award of tho prlzo to architects Sibley & Fcthcrston wus announced, the houko will consist of ninety-six rooms, separated into two, three and four-room apartments, all with private baths, ttcurn heat, hot water, elec tricity in fact, every modern conveni ence except an elevator. Tho four- room apartments will rent for $31.20 a month, the three-room for (24 und tho two for $1C80. "Wo expect to begin work by the first of April," said I. N. l'holps Stokes, architect and President of tho Phelps-Stokes Fund. "Tho contract for tho foundation will bo let soon. Tho house, will bo ready for occupancy by the llrat of tho year." When nBkcd his opinion of the bill permitting life Insurance companies to build houses, Mr. Stokes pointed out that tho question was ono of conflict bctWecn tho social and tho economic aspects presented. Ho said: "As un architect I feel that Re leasing such a vast amount of money for building may retard that readjust ment In the building Industry we all look forward to. Dut I readily admit Unit In tho present emergency the urgent need of tenements may bo so great that It warrants prolonging the period during which bulldlnr and con struction will return to a normal basis." AI.LIK UPHOLD VIENNA CABINET. VIENNA, March 15 (Associated Press). The downfall of the 8chober Ministry has been averted by Allied In terference. Edward H. Young, the Brit ish Controller, notified the Austrian Government that the retention of Chan cellor Bchober was a condition for the disbursement or credits to Austria. IN THE REALM OF MUSIC J Philharmonic Orchestra Wakes the Echoes at the Metropolitan. By Frank H. Warren. Wlllom Mcngclbcrg, by exercise of a vigorous baton and n crpntorcin left hand, succeeded lost evening In making tho Philharmonic Orchestra sound plausllilo In the Metropolitan Oppra House. As n rule this serloj of Tuesday concerts has aroused about as Joyous a mood riu ''Tho Dead City," but Mr. Mengclbcrg discovered the antidote. Ho had his men on iliolr musical toes and all his choirs work ing on full time. It requires valiant servlco on tho part of tho horns foi an orchestra to reach the big spa ex of the Metropolitan auditorium from tho stage, and Strauss's tone poem, Eln Hcldenlcbcn" (A Hcros Life), was tho openings. Tho strings like wise were a subject for praise; they were vibrant and sonorous, perhaps, with their fellow Instruments, too much so In the section that tcJIs of the hero'a battles with his adversa ries. This study In cachophony Is for thoso who like It. There was arrevl dont let down In Interest on tho part of the audtenro and It took tho hero's works of peace and his relenso from the world together with Mr. Qtildl's violin solo to restore tho equilibrium. The climax was a thriller. Little Edna IlublnHteln, tho fifteen- violinist, whom Mr. Mongol -i. rc h uugM over with him, proved hhe is no (lsh by giving a rcmark lip perfoiinnnco of Bruch'n first loncri'" Her big, brilliant tone icnched all parts of the hall, while her assurance, and aplomb amazed. "And still they guzcd..ana still the wonder jttpw that one small Tiead oouM rairy all alio knowi1' 'There nei. few false notes In tho finale, pi i l aps a concession ' to opera-goers who vjiilil not feel at home Jfn the un sir e 'if strict adherence to pitch. enileiHH"!in's overture to '".Midsum mer Niht's Dream" was the other cnhestral number. h! nrtlstry. His aecomnllshed ac companist wan his wife. Uctsy Culp. Tho opera bill for next week Is: Monday afternoon, benefit of the Emergency Fund, act 4 of "II Trova tore," with Pcralta, Gordon, Salazar, lo I.ttcn: net 4 of "Faust." with Sun- dtllus, Hnrrold, RothleK act , Iloheme," Farrar, Chamleo: act 3. Aula." Muzlo. Mnrtlnelll; night, Mcnstofclo." Wednesday. "Faust. " Farrnr, Mnrtfnelll. Thursdar. "to- rngrln." Friday, matinee, "Mndama Butterfly;" night, Mozart's "Cos! fan The Philadelphia Orchestra, by m itihln? the order of Its programme .it t lie last minute, disarranged the (ihi'ilnlo of tho reviewers. Conse iiii'rilly familiar Wagner selections c liar-inert the early arrivals Instead of the anticipated "Pilgrim Vision" of Ji hn Aldcn Carpenter, written In 1 1 n'bratlon or the tercentenary of the .Mayflower landing, and tho B-llat piano concerto of Ilralima, played by Osslp Qahrltowitsch. Itecltals of the day were by Louis Oornay, a tenor, and Jerome Ilappa port, boy pianist. Everybody likes a big man, so Mr. Dornuy, irood naturcd nnd plcasiint, found on enthusiastic audience. Ho Is a serious artist, how ever, and manages 'a real tenor voice with considerable skill. His Schubert and Hrohma numbers were conven tionally done, hls'Frcnch croup not quite no well; but In the three Dutch folk songs, flavored with u "humorous qlliilntmus tho singer beat disclosed It Measures Up in Tea Quality ssar laaaaaaaanaanBaaaaabnaaaMBaas isi tmm wtammmm asMMasaaasjasaaaaaai 100 of its Selling Cost STANDARD" THE WORLD OVER DYE FADED CURTAINS, SKIRT ' SWEATER, DRESS OR COAT IN "DIAMOND DYES" Each package of "Diamond Dyes" contains directions so simple any woman can dye or tint her old worn, faded tilings new. Kvcn If she has never dyed before, she can put a rich, fadeless color into shabby skirts, dresses, waists, coats, stock ings, sweaters, coverings, draperies, hangings, everything! Buy Diamond Dyes no other kind then perfect homr dyeing is guaranteed. Just tell your druggist whether the material you wish to dye is wool or silk, or whether It Is linen, cotton or mixed goods. Diamond Dyes never streak, spot, fade or run. Atlrt. 1 French Dressing 6 tablcapootu VtaioU 3 tablespoon Lemon Jmif or Vlnasar X teaipoo Salt 1 teaspoon 6ugar X hupoaa Paprika Mix dry Ingredient. Add Ma Cola and lemon juice or Vinegar and beat until creamy. This drcatinf .may be made la larger ajwsntltlea and kept ki a bottle and shaken as used. Some add a dash of mustard or Worces tershire taaca to flavor. Many of the greatest ex perts prefer Mazola as a salad oil because it blends more perfectly with the other ingredients of the dressing. This is one rea son, wlyy Mazola is so ex tensively used today by the best clubs and hotels as well as in dining cars, on lake steamers and trans-Atlantic liners. FREEur:a Corn Product Cook Bdok of 64 payes. Write Cora Products Refining Co. Department A, Argo, 111. Bestr for Salads nd Cooking MAZOL Used and recommended by Public School Domestic Science Teachers iijiiiiiiuiiiiiiii II II I tutte" (first lime). Saturday mati nee, "Don Cnrloa;" night "IVOra colo" and "IVAmoro del Tro Re." e 1 Ollll, STItUOK Br, KLEVATUD TItAIM. While ntnndltiK on tho platform of th IlrlilRe 1'lnza elevated station At Lang Island blty Ust cvenlnfT waiting tor u train (or sfanlmttan, Miss Marlon Ilranca, of No. 231 Kast 82(1 Street, Manhattan, was struck by nn Astoria train. Iloth her Ices were broken and phn received a (r&cture ot the rlglit hip. The clrl was taken to St. John's1 Hospital, Lon$ Island City. , f Strong! ud TESTED to hold a weight, of eighty pounds. Strong enough to tie up a big package, neat enough for a dainty package, that's why LUDLOW TWINE is the nil-purpose twine for home use. And so convenient. The handy package eliminates the -bother of tangles and snarls It's more conveni ent than saving old scraps. Tough, strong, durable, LUDLOW TWINE is made of jute from Bengal, India polished smooth, not waxed so that it will slip through your fingers easily. Ask your dealer for it 25 low m ine WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS Henry Gsde Corporation Hoffman-Corr Mfo. Company Geo. W. Millar & Co., Inc. Wilkinson Brothers &. Co., Inc. D. I The M. J. Grady Company, Inc. I Charles F. Hubbs & Company. J. P. Nawrath & Co., Ipc. D. S. Walton & Co. P. Wlnne Co., Inc. KEEP STRONG One bottle of pure, emulsified Norwegian cod liver oil taken Jt titan a trlVTAM f ilrari n mnnlk UOWj III U UU JUU 111UIC JUUU U'Uii u uwa.ii tuvit m iuuiiui hence. It's more economical to give your body-help before MitdanM to dispne. is broken down. A very little Scorrs Emulsion OF PURE NORWEGIAN COD-LIVER OIL goes a long way in sustaining strength and keeping up re sistance, Rcsolvm that you will buy a bottle ofScott'a & Emulsion at your druggist s on your way f home, and start protecting your strength. Afi:S TbPtocSI?" wide In Norway iiud refined lu our mm Amcrina li laboratories. Ills a Scott & Bo woe. Bloomfield J.I. i-n Medicine No Alcohol or Oanaerous Drtiai. WOULD WANTS WOIUC WONDTSftB Am u i i v-vwr laai Teeth Without Plates lureDccitwlTettb Vuhbn Uoh Tnth BaJly Oecijsd Telh ant) RmU Qinuuj utrscua Item introurwy Ucuted. Biri-s or Tiiariii. t Gold and l'orctlam Crowna. ST Urldsawork, tllllnsa and lul.yi P ot Uold, Silver and forcclaU a Mads at Reatonabla Prices. !Ol 2. onoKRN ixArrs nicrAtitKD al wiiili: you wait. 2 E. 125th St. I IMLMlhSl. B.B.Cor.Bth At. . A. Hi Lninxlan At., car, 59th St (Over I.lggett'a Drue Stare ) imp i?cii,;r N F ... d..l i Over Loft'a Candy Btorn.) I Our 12311. rt. and 34th hi 0( T flr will In nprn on bund.trM until 1 f, M. and on larMlar. and Thurwltia until 7 l, M. IIouti f A. XL to $ P. U m a. v r. m . uatly m -.SALE AT THREE BROOKLYN &TORESt 1329-1331 BROADWAY Near Ontcs Avenue BROOKLYN 1 N48l(M812 FIFTH AVE' Bct.Vsth & 49th Sts. BROOKLYN . FULTON STREET awBRIDGE STREET at HoflMubHdi Station Brooklyn Thursday A Sale I . Special Purchase Just Received 350 Sport Tweed Suits For Women and Misses Tweeds of the better kind hand tailored of quality N and 8tjjle the kind ive liave sold at 24.50 to 32.50. 15 .00 15.00 This early season Sale results from" a series of extraordinary pur chases and Includes 25 new and totally different styles. Spring colors predominate orchid, rose, Copen, pumpkin, green, brown, tan, rust, etc.; also Herringbone and diagonal weaves. These, models, developed in the linest homespuns, English and American tweeds, are the last word in sports and street apparel. All full silk lined. Many with Crepe de Chine. New "Stout Suits" Smart Spring Models on the Slenderized Lines Sizes 44 to .50 Handsome Tailleurs of grace and distinction with slenderizing lines. . All strictly hand tailored and beautifully made. Some trimmed with braid. A wonderful opportunity for a woman requiring a large size suit to get an exceptional bargain. 34 Poiret Twill Cordine Tricotine Sale of Spring Sport Blouses 9 Splendid Values i .79 All Sizes White voile and dainty borders with collar and cuffs of checked gingham, dotted swiss and white madras. Fifty styles. Laundere easily and you will be pleased with the way the collar fits over the collar of your suit coat. 1.79 -Also Thursday- Remarkable Offering of 250 Steel Beaded New Spring Dresses For Women and Misses 22 .50 These Dresses are lavishly trimmed with steel beads a vogue that is in great f-vor this season. There are Party, Street and Afternoon Frocks in the assemblage in which the new panel effects, cascade sides, unusual sleeve arrangements are pictured. The Materials: Georgette Crepe, Canton Crepe, Satin Crepe, .Chiffon, Taffeta. In all of the most fashionable shades of the season. Periwinkle, Navy, Brown, Henna , Orchid and Black 2250 2250 'SALE AT THREE BROOKLYN STORES- ft II m II II