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mo-. TflE EVENING WORLD, FRIDAY, MARCfH I I i' WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF m LOCAL. 'Antclo Peck, nineteen, of No. II' Arthur Avenue, the Uronx, wan tlrlvlnc hone drawing a I is tit truck ucrosi the VIUIj Avcnuu IlrldKf toward Mnnlint Uui, this morning when tlio iinlnint, frlEhlcnctl by a' strain roller, bolted. ijHEifAncelo was thrown to the roailwny but refusetl inllrnl attention. fuirnliniin Itannlng. of tho Kanl U'f.tli sin-Vt Mu tton, stopiHil tlio horse nt Klift AtriiUe I'htup uess, tinny-two. or jo. j-j M&Soulh Second Street, llrooklyn, died tab wound Inflicted In a row Monday ft: . nfsht. f M Ttin TaPfMfiiirli.Vcnrb ffft-V 1V.HI fn opened ycitcnJny. Job are more plentiful, repori h Industrial Aid IJureau. No. Ka Worn Street. If you are a die or tool maker or tt radio operator, thert'n j 1oh. "Women ure wanted too JIUs iltlen Ware, violinist, will ho ptar at a benefit psrformanco Sunday evenlns at tlio Vmderbllt Thcatro lor the rollca Hero I'und, The Well College Club of New Vork Trill have a dinner at tlio Waldorf Astoria March 21 to open the campaign to raise 11,000,000 for the college. Krank Jackson, twenty, a Negro - tetftblack. died at llcllevuc Hospital to-day from a'twillet wound Inflicted b Detective Scrgennt William J. llaupt inan, of the West 152d Street St.nlon In the hallway of No. 106 West I37lh Street, where Jackion and another Negro. Herbert Joseph, inUtook ihe detective for n rent collector, it i alteged, and tried to hold him up. A truck of Klrkman & Sons, soap manufacturers. No. 213 Water Strut Brooklyn, became- unmanageable nut Ihe New York arch of Manhattan Urhu-e a, little after 8 o'clock to-day. Tin ! truck was Jummed against Ihe guard mil. Hush-hour trnfllc was hailed for ten minutes. An ambulance surgeon landaged the bruised leg of Jean lim mlck of No. 2323 Madison Klrect, Drouk lyn, the chauffeur, and he wuo sent home. The Inst Illumined sign has been re wovei! from 31th Street, between Fourth . olid Seventh Avenues, duo lo Iho per sistent efforts of the 3Uh Street Hoard of Trade. There wern mow than eighty signs when tho Hoard of Trade stuned Its legal fight lo havo them taken d.i.'ii The explosion of a water boiler In the rabln of the steamship J. K. MHrliih ut West New Hrlghlort. H. I . thin mirn Ing ncvcrcly scalded Marino le I'ort i. i.ilstutil steward, nnd Koben Jhkiii. tabln boy. They were removed lo .-n Vlnccnfs Hospital. West New H lghton. and will recover. The loss of the vessel .was about H500. ' William Arnold, under arrest to day charged with attempted burglary, ut No. 318 Ninth Avenue. M the man who while being examined at tlio Iden tification Bureau, on Jan. 17, 1513, Jumped 10 feet to Iho sldowalk be low nnd ran along Uaxtcr Street till liu was shot In Iho back by a police man. . He recovered In llellevuo Hos- DODGE IN FIGHT TO OBTAIN RELEASE I Counsel Gels Habeas Corpus Writ Just as He Is About to De Put to Work in Jail. DETROIT, March 17. A fight to obtain the release of John Duval Dodge, younff Detroit millionaire, from the House of Correction, where he was sent yesterday for a llvo-day term by Judge Charles L. Uartlett on a speeding charge, has been started by his counsel. As young Dodgo was being classified for his term In tho Workhouse this morning, a writ of habeas corpus was served upon tho superintendent. It was made return able this afternoon before Circuit Judge Ira L. Jaync. Dodge spent his first night of Im prisonment on a cot In the Jail cor ridor, a physician having declared ho was suffering from a fever, Induced by nervousness and excitement. He was declared to bo Hulllclcntly ic covered this morning, however, to be assigned to a job of washing dishes, working on tho coal pile or taking caro of tho prison furnace. The writ saved him. pltal and 10 days. was sent to the Island fop DOMESTIC. Although he had served thirty-six years as Surrogate of Onondaga County at Syracuse. Kdgar P. UIbjis. who died Match 7. fallid to mako a will. He left $23,000 In personal property and xtcn tivo real estate holdings. Federal Judge Morton at Uoston dls n.isnl n petition for naturalization h m.Bi.l by Uenjamln Shanln, who rininiMi exemption during the war as nn nllil. Tilt odore A. Hell, for many years Democratic leader -In California, has eglslercd a a Tlepubltcan at San l-r.inclnco. He served as u Democrat in Congress anil was Democratic candidate for Governor In MM, 10lo and 1918. FOREIGN. Provincial Prohibition Inspectors seized car III the Canadian Pnclfln fr.ilnlit yards at St, Johns, N. H containing nliotit $18,000 worth of Scotch whiskey foi New Tork City. CHALLENGERS PAIRED FOR DAVIS CUP PLAY Fourteen nations challenging tho United States for the Davis cup were palled off for the play in tho prelimin ary rounds by the United States Lawn Tennis Association to-day, ' Tho "blind rlnw" resulted lit tho fol , owing pairings- Denmark against Hrl llrh Isles, Canada iignlnit France, Hcl glum against Australia, Hawaii against Czecho-Slovakl.i, Spain against tho Phil liplnes, Humanla against India and Italy ugalnst Japan. The nations paired can sot tho dato and name the lip for their prelimin ary rounds. The winner of tho final round meets Iho American team In tho challenge round for tho cup In tho United States. I'INU WOMAN WAS SHOT. NOimiSTOWN. Pa,, March 17. When the body of Mrs. Anna Landcs, who died yesterday, was being pre pared for buiinl to-day death was found to have been duo to n bullet wound below the heart. Her death previnuy hud been pronounced heart disease. Tn p Itro believe she was Ihe vli-i'm f a stray shot. FlinfeFineFurniture Saving He-furnishiwg! Kollrl llahoaany Rptnct Detk (at iUuttraled), Hi 1 Mtltottny Ubh dtcorttion flO. Fruit sepsrarey GIFTS, of course. But a legion of en gaging little touches which have power, far beyond their size or price, to lend a new charm to the rooms you know so welL OVINGTON'S "The Gift Shop of Fifth A venue " Fifth Avenue at 39th Street Society forovrr 75 years his relied upon Gourtud't Oritntii Cream to keep the skin and complex ion in perfect condition through the stress of the seuon's activities. Send IS e. fof Trial Size rtlD.T. HOrXINS ft SOI now I OfH LU7 3$voadwau 18.00 lb. to 18.00 Offer SATURDAY Fashionable Spring Frocks At Unusual Price Concessions 18.00 Not Sale Frocks These But From Our Higher Priced Stocks and Offered for Tomorrow Only Your personal inspection will convince you these ure marked below their regular prices. The styljng, quality and workmanship are so obviously of the fit cr sort. Canton Crepe, Georgette and Taffeta fashion the frocks for afternoon and informal wear. Crepe Knit for smart sports models. Poiret Twill combined with Canton Crepe in a clever three-piece costume. And all the lovely spring shades including navy and black in the approved modes. SPECIALIZED PIIKSS SALON SECOND FLOOR. Hand Tailored Tweed Suits 17.50 There arc at least n dozen different styles, in varying length coats, with delightful ways of pockets, link or regular button closings, and very smart collars. Tailored with the utmost care to insure lasting lines and lined with silks that bespeak their value. In a wide range of light and dark Spring colors. Sizes 14 to 42. A Very Fine Collection of Tweed and Twill Fabric Spring Suits from 22.50 to 85.00 SPECIALIZED SUIT SALONTHHU) FLOOR Sports Topcoats and Capes 17.50 Swinging jauntily from the shoulder anil falling in straight lines, the sports cape achieves u new distinction, nnd adds mint her swagger note to the sports costume. The coats arc equally smart with their loose, flaring backs, which may be belted. In tweeds, homespuns, herringbones and plaid back coatings. Capes and Wraps of Silk Crepes and Luxurious Weaves in Extensive Variely from 25.00 to 125.00 SPECIALIZED COAT SALON FOURTH FLOOR brings to liRht the often-overlooked thabbiness of one particular room. Daily use nnd consequent familiarity accustoms one to a Bedroom Suite which has outlived its time or o Dining Room Suite too far worn to do credit to the home. Flint displays not only suggest the exact designs to harmonize with your scheme of decoration, but permit you to select dependable furniture at no advance in cost over inferior furniture from unknown sources. Pi int L Horner inc. 2or26-wtet36tH(. "CtnnnUnllT rift rilfh Arm" (0 Attractively Priced Sports Blouses 1.95 To complete the Sports Suit, femininely tailored models of dimity, voile and batiste, with round necks and button backs; slip-on styles and others; collars, cuffs and pipings of ging ham, hand-drawn work and flutings. Orchid, rose, bisque, tan, Copen, flesh, white. Slip-on Sweaters 1.79 Fancy cross-bar weaves in red, bisque, jade, black, tan and brown, jockey and brown, with smart necks. 16-Button & Wrist Length Silk Gloves 85c A low-price but a fine silk glove, some with embroid ered backs. Beige, brown, black, white. All sizes. Radium Silk Envelope Chemises 1.85 Extra quality lustrous silk radium, with dainty lace tops and ribbon straps. Silk Jersey Pantalettes 1.79 Ankle lengthy reinforced; "shirred cuff; in petticoat shades, including black. Glove Silk Hosiery 1.85 I'lain and novelty weaves; all 'silk from top to toe, in fashionable colors, nclud ing black and white. Glove Silk Vests 1.85 Extra heavy quality glove silk, with ribbon or picot edged self straps. Flesh, white, orchid, maize, jade. H Altaian & (Err For tomorrow (Saturday) A Special Sale off ' - Misses' Hand4aiJoiredl Smite offferlinig unnsiuirpassed value at These Suits are smart Spring modeEs, attractively developed no all-wool nraateoals of superior quality, inmost of them in ' tweeds, but a number in melrosa; all of them feature the new, desired shades. The coats are finely silk-lined. Am Important Of If en m Misses9 Tailored Top very excej 325 Seven new Spring models are featured in this Sale, showing various smart developments in foreign and American tweeds, fleeced woolens, camels'-hair cloth, chinchilla and plaids, and presenting a wide range of choice in the matter of color. for the misses; Both of these Sales will offer outfitting of youthfol women as well and both, will take place on a. The Second Floor jUatrison gbenue-jFtftf) gbemie, i?eto gorh fjirtj-(ourtfj Street TOrtHiftlj Street The McCreery Haberdashery An Exceptional Sale! 1,200 MEN'S SHIRTS DRAWERS 65c each MA This underwear is made of fine Pin-Checked Nain sook sleeveless coat shirts with knee length drawers to match. These garments are full cut and well made. James McCreery & Co. IN FLOOR FIFTH AVENUE THIRTY-FOURTH STREET It Makes Little Difference What You Need A World "Want" Ad. Will Go and Get It 4 . I aw"i i waxy hmm.w-.