Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING WORLD, SATURDAY, MARCH 18, 1922. a OTHER SPORTING NEWS L Captain ot Yankee Team And Great 'Card9 Slugger . Clash at New Orleans Interesting Battle for Batting Honors When Stars of the American and National Leagues Oppose Each Other in First of two-Game Series Between New York and St. Louis Teams. V (Special to The Evening World.) NEW ORLEANS, La., March 18. Ruth and Uornsby both at the same ball park. On tho same afternoon. And In tho same gang. Such Is tho baseball dish that will bo Bcrvcd to the local fans this afternoon when tho till n-rvl H rt Vnnlrnn. undfl. .tin r.j.a.Miil command of Miller Hugglns, und tho clouting Cardinals, under tho leader . ship of Branch Rickey, meet In tho first of their two gamo series at Holnemann Park. Ruth Is a baseball attraction in him self. So Is tho Larruping Hornsby, who scribbles after his name, Cham pion Uuttcr of the National League But to-day they will both appear on tho same menu and i largo crowd Is predicted. Nearly all of tho itscrved nnd bpx scats have been disposed of for tho game and the one to-morrow and there'll be -an overflow crowd when the Battling Babe and Hornsby step to the centre of the ring. Muggins will use till of his regulars In the game, with Ruth playing In centre field and either Camp Skinner or Norman McMillan In light Held. Elmer Miller, who is already In con dition to start the season, will be tho , only regular missing from the line-up. lluggins is making a bench warmer out of Miller for to-day, so that he can experiment with Skinner and Mc Millan In right field. Jones will start proceedings against the Cardinals, and It will be his first game ns a member of tho American League champions. The former Red Sox pitched to tho batters In yesterday's practice and showed that ho was ready for tho fray by cutting loose with his fast ball and curve. Jones will work tho first five Innings and Frank ("Lefty") O'Doulc the last four. On Sunday Carl Mays will start and will be followed by eithor Hoyt or Bush. lluggins, however, Is not going to let go of any of the regular pitchers. He Is working them hard every day nnd expects their effectiveness to keep the Yankees up near the top un til Ruth and Meuscl rlnlsh out their terms of punishment. Hugglns could have had Bob Veach from the Tigers for Johnny Mitchell and Bob Shaw key. Whllo tho little manager was willing to part with Mitchell he re fused to give up Shawkey and the deal fell through. There was no practice game yester. day, although the weather was again warm. Hugglns gave tho regulars an hour of batting practice against the pitching of Hoyt, Shawkey, Mays and Jones, then tho regular infield had a session Infleldlng. Giants to Line Up About The Same as Last Season Except Pitching Staff - Groh at Third, Frisch at Sec ond and Shinners in Centre Field at Opening. (Special to the HvcnlnB World). BAN ANTONIO, Tex., March 18. With two full wcck3 of training past knd gone, the tecond team chosen and sent on Its way and tho annual barn storming of the regulars about to be gin, It Is possible to get an Idea now as to how the Giants will line up on the opening day of the National League season, April 12. It will bo the same as they lined up for the last batUe of tho 1921 Bea- ,jr!WU UlUl 1111.11 bUliiU Wi hik oiu- ir Helnlo Groh, tho (150,000 third base star, obtained from tho Cincin nati Reds, will bo at tho bat corner, while Frank Frisch will take the place 6f Johnny Rawlings at second. Ralph Shlnnei, tho $35,000 minor league star, obtained from Indlan kptU:j, w.ll play In centre field In blaco -f th' lamented George Burns. Deal. Otherwise tho team Is tho saem Which won the -World's Championship -Bancroft, Frisch, Kelly, Meuscl, Young and tho two husky catchers. Frank Snyder and Earl Smith. But not tho pitching staff. Phil Douglas Is Btlll holding aloof.- "Slim" Bailee has gone to tho minors. Fred Joney is building up after a long Ill ness. Bill Ryan, Pat Shea and Red Causey are still victims of Illness and oro arms similar to those which mado them of llttlo uso for tho season of 1921. Jess Barnes is in good physical trim, but harbors an 111-conccaled resentment at the club's nctlon In putting him on tho market, which may affect his work. Virgil Barnes and Claude Jonnard, practically untried youngsters, will be carried as regulars for the lack of better pitchers. The argument ot the club officials Is "If they are ever going to be ready they ought to be ready now." These youngsters may turn to and "deliver the goods," but until they are put to some stronger test than practice games with the White Sox and the Texas League Club it will be dangerous to gamble too strongly on their usefulness to the World's Cham pions through tho regular season. One man, and one only, of tho pitching staff Is up to his 1021 form Arthur Nehf, tho lone left-hander. Ho appears ready to Jump In now and repeat his triumph of the world's series, and his triumphs over tho Plttsburghs and Cardinals which clinched tho pennant. But he is alone. Some brisk work must bo done In the next three weeks to wMp the pitching staff Into shape for a campaign which promises to bo a bruising one from the start. As the situation is now, what with ab sentees and sore arms, tho club could use two veteran pitchers. If the sore arm squad doesn't improve. If Doug las stays away, if Virgil Barnes and Jonnard fall to show, then '.hese pitchers must be obtained, and quickly. There may be a big money deal or a big trade, but there is an exceedingly fine chance that some thing will happen, perhaps before tho dag falls on April 12. John McGrnw admitted yesterday that ho had sent Ryan, Causey and Pat Shea with the second team nm ply to give them a chance to got more work not with any Idea of sending them down the ladder. Mill, the pitchers are cut up over It. They all like the prestige that goes with being with the regulars. Bowling News Nineteen five-men teams bowled In tho Evening World headpln bowling -thamplonshlp tournament at Thum's VVhlto Elephant alleys last night and out of this number eight players were rewarded with medals for connecting With the headpln a sulllclent number of times to record 100 or better. Edgar W. Reed, of the Y. M. C. A. learn of Tarrytown, N. Y., was high tnan with a score of 111. The great hllmhAP nt V M f A fnn whn feamo all the way from Tarrytown to i, loot for their boys pulled hard for mm lo Kei lull uii ma llliui uu.ll bu lhat ho might tlo Tommy Lund's high total of 113, but ho had a little bard luck and gathered but eight. J. Wagner of the Murray Hill No. 2 team was next In line with 109, fol lowed by R. M. Zimmerman, 104 j barl Voglor, 103; Thomas McNalr, 102; John J. Lally. 101; Jules Salpe, 101, and Fred Krapf, 100. ' This afternoon the annual prlia bowling ontaat of the Eastern Ladled' Uowllng Congress, which It comprised of a half hun red or the moll prominent women'! boni ng cluba o( thli city, will be atagad at Dan .ahr's Leno. bowling alleys. It 1 calcu ited that close onto 1,000 women will take art In to-day's conteat. which la ached led to ooan at 1 o'clock and continue un til midnight. President Mrs. Veagsr and Tournament Seueiary Mrs. Ilabensteln have Irranged a very (Inn list of prizes. Dyekman l'alace Ladles' Club, which Is i so to Tclcdo to take part In the Women's National Howling Tournament during 'he fitter part of April or the first week to flay, save an excellent account of them lelves in a match game rolled with a team it man In Ilrooklyn. The ladles averaged It for three names, while the men brat Jiem out with an average of 850 S-3. The Dyeknuut Ladles.' Club Is composed of Mrs. KujuL Mrs. Ohl, Mrs. Condon, Mr, Helns indilr. llusk.. OTHER FIGHT RESULTS. CLARKSBURG, W. Va. Bob Mar tin, A. E. F. heavyweight, knocked n. ---. n-nnor 0j New jeraey n tne second round. CANTON, O. Dave Shade, Cali fornia welter, took every round but ono In last night's twelve-round fight with Jimmy Jones, Ohio champion. HUNTINGTON. W. Va. Old Sam Langiora, uoston, knocked out Cy clone Smith, Denver, In the second round. LOUISVILLE Pal Moore, Mcm phls, won a twelve-round newspaper decision from Tommy Ryan, McKeus port. Pa. BUFFALO Jack McCarron, Phil, dclphla, knocked out Jack Loney, St. Catherines, Ont., In the fourth round. Nate Lewis, Buffalo, outpointed Frank Borry, Detroit. Murray Soren, Buffalo, outpointed Carl Smith, Rochester. Plttston, Pa. Franklo Farmer, PIttston, won a ten-round decision from Willie Allen, Philadelphia. BOSTON Jlmmie Amato, New York Welterweight, won referee's do clslon from Billy Carney, Salem. OMAHA DOXEIl III 13 AS IIESUI.T ur Jl. I). OMAHA. Neb., March IS Inveatiga- tlon Into tho death of Charles Havllce, Omaha boxer, twenty minutes after ho was knocked out by Roy Carter of Sioux City, la., here last night, will be he:d to-day according to Lum Doyle. State Boxing Communion. Dr. M. J. Ford, who examined the boy. said that he was In excellent condition before the fight. Death was due, the doctor said, to paralysis of the respiratory centre wntn nia neaa struck the canvasa. DODGERS id 50 PER CENT. OVER LAST YEAR'S TEAM Most of Brooklyn's Rookie Pitchers to Be Used Against Louisville To-Day. (Special to The Kvenlng World.) PENSACOLA, Flo.., March IS. Manager Wllbert Ro-blnson of the Brooklyn Dodgers, who arrived here this morning from Jacksonville, which was tho training baso of the club, woro a big smile when he nllghted from tho Pullman which carried his huge form to this city. There Is apparently nothng unusual about Robbie wearing a smile, but to day's smile is .ne which would appeal to every one who sighted the robust chieftain of the Brooklyn team. Rob bie has many reasons to bo happy. Primarily among them Is tho fact that his team, In spite of efforts of the weather man, was able to round Into good shape. Another reason Is the strength of his club. Robbie's team this year Is a 50 per cent. Improvement over the club he piloted last spring. Tho pres ence of Zach Wheat, HI Myers and Burleigh Grimes had mado a notice able difference In tho personnel of tho Brooklyn club, and the Dodgers may prove this before their series with the Yanks Is half over. Tho Dodgers tackle the Louisville club, champions of the American As sociation, to-day, and whllo the minor leaguers arc considered one of the best clubs In the AA leagues, Robbie isn't expecting much trouble from them. His boys have had about two weeks' more training than Joe McCarthy's ColoneU and he believes that this will be a big advantage In their favor. It Is likely that Robbie will use most of his rookie pitchers against tho Louisville team, and In this way he will be able to give his veterans a good rest for their coming battles with tho Yanks, which start next Sat urday, By next Saturday Grimes ought to be ready, nnd with him In shape and the other regular hurlcrs In fine con dition tho Dodgers have a splendid chanco to show up the American League champions. Thero la no sign at present that Robbie expects to change his Une-up. Schmandt, Olson Crane and High have done well lr the Infield, while Wheat, Myers and Tom Griffith have played wonderful ball In the outer pasture. The Brooklyn tenm will leavo hero on Wednesday for Mobile, where they meet the Southern League team of that city In two games. The first game wll bo played next Thursday and the second tho following day. Fistic News and Gossip By John Pollock Two twelve round bouts and two of eight rounds will be staged at tho Garden on Monday night. Midget Smith meets Joe Burman of Chicago In the main go, Sammy Sieger meets Vincent "Pepper" Martin In the other fcaturo contest, while Johnny Men delsohn of Milwaukee, vs. Pete Hart ley nnd Mickey McCobe vs. Jimmy Carroll uro in the two eight-rounders. Articles of agreement were signed up to da for a bout between Harney Adair, tho local fighter, and Jimmy Kelly, the veteran welterweight of Harlem. They will come to gether In a twelve-round contest at the how of the Commonwealth Sporting Club of Harlem on Saturday. AprtI 1. Two more bouts have Just been clinched. Tony Caponl of th West meets Tony Zllt of Pennsylvania for ten rounds, at Erie Fa.. Monday night, while Ilobty Michaels of Nw York will hook up with battling Johnson, the gamo fighter of Trenton, N. J., In a twelve-round go at tho Arena A. O. of Trenton, N. J., Tuesday night. The Itlnk Sporting Club of Ilrooklyn and the Commonwealth Club of New York will hold shows to-night. At the IUrx. Mike O'Dowd vi. Soldier Hartfleld. twelve rounds; Frankle Fields vs. Jimmy Henry, ten rounds. At the Commonwealth, rrankle Jerome vs. Abe Friedman, twelve rounds; Joe McKcnna vs. Moo Ginsberg and Willie Davis ra. Johnny Cooney in twelvu-round bouta. Fay Kelser of Cumberland, Md., who has fought many battles elnce he placed him self under the management of Ike Dorgan, has been signed up for another contest, He will go against Harry Foley, tho good light huavywelicht of New Orleans, for fifteen lounds at New Orleans ou neat Trlday night. Dill llrennan, the former Chicago heavy weight, who li now making his home In New York, may engage In a bout In Eng. land about May SO Leo Flynn, his man ager, has accepted terms for Illll to take on Joe Drckett. the English heavyweight, In a twenty-round go at a big hall In London. Fljnn Is waiting for nrmnan'a transporta tion. Fight Promoter Paulding of ths Ice Pal are of Philadelphia has signed up Jack rieeves of California to meet Tommy Luugflian of i h.i .if.pliia 'n the featu.e bout of eight round and Tony Caponla lo battle Willie Oreen for eight rounds at Um show ot his club in next Tuesday night. Jack Sharkey, who has been at Hot Springs for several weeks, will battle Hoy Moor of Bt Pul. In featura bout of twelia rounds at the Pioneer Sporting Club snow on Marih S. Instead of nut Tueda night. Johnny Murray of Harltm battles Happy Smith for twslvs rounds and Dan Lyirh tights Walter Donovan tor sight rounds Original Celtics And Brooklyn Meet on Courts BASKETBALL SCHEDULE. TO-NIGHT. Knights vs. Powers Brothers (Metropolitan Lcaguo), Patcrson, N. J. Orlenta Speed Merchants vs. Lin coln Stars, New Rochelle. Shcrldans vs. Original Central Five, Central Gymnnstlo Society. SUNDAY AFTERNOON. Starling areys vs. Frnnklln Se niors, Hoffman's Casino. Van Nest Five vs. Franklin Ju niors, Hoffman's Casino. Corrlgan Separates vs. Red Top Five, Corrlgan Cnscy Hall. . MncDowclls vs. Hrooklyns (Met ropolitan League), Palm Garden. Visitations vs. Brooklyn Dodgers (Metropolitan League), Prospect Hall. . . Original Italian Flvo vs. Hudson Big Five, Tammany Hall. 8UNDAY"NIQHT. Original Celtics vs. Brooklyna, Arcadia Hall, Brooklyn. , Powers vs. Knlghta (Metropolitan League), Grcenpolnt. MacDowclls vs. Dodgers (Metro politan League), Prospect Halt, Brooklyn. Prestige and fame will be accorded tho Brooklyn Basketball Flvo to morrow night at Arcadia Hall, Brook lyn, If that combination Is successful in conquering the Original Celtics for tho second time. The Celtics hayo already tasted bitter defeat at the hands of the quintet across tho river but the loss has been attributed to the lack of spirit which has been bo palpable In the last few contests in which the New York team has par ticipated 'in the last few contests In which the New York team has par ticipated. However, since tho Celtics have realized that their only chanco toward better playing and toward greater prestige lies In the, casting olT of sentiment, or at least In making that sentiment which concerns Ernie Reich a passive one, and since they appreciate the necessity for going Into tho gamo with all of their old tlmo iggresslvencss, the New Yorkers will loubtlcss display their usual form In '.he game Sunday night. Another victory over the Celtics will, for that reason, bo accepted an a true basis of Judging that tho Brooklyns are superior. The first conquest may have been due to tho failure of the champions to display their good form and not to the un usual speed or ability of the vli tur.i. but the second will necessarily serve as the deciding factor. Although the Brooklyns deserved much credit for winning over tho New York team. notwithstanding the circumstances, they will earn tho right to call them selves champions In consonuence otv u Hccona acrcau BARNES AND HUTCHISON COVERED 10,000 MILES IN WINTER, GOLF TOUR CHICAOO, III., March 18. Jim Barnes of New York, National open golf champion, and Jock Hutchison of Chicago, British title holder, covered more than 10,000 mllea dur ing their winter golf tour, which ended with their return to Chicago yesterday. Tlwy played In u matches and tournaments In citl.-.i on tlm Pacific Coast and along th.' Gulf Coast, winning moat of the n counters of the links, netting a number of courso records and bag ging two championships. Harm h won thn California open clmmplrm shlp and Hutchison took tho North ern California title. Everywhere In tho West nnd South tho champions found gulf booming. Large galleries followed the players over excellent though new courses, and even among tliu amateurs they found many fin. players who could bo defeated only by superb golf. YALE SWIMMERS BREAK FIVE WORLD'S RECORDS. NEW HAVEN, Conn.. March 18. Flve world's records were smashed In tho Carnegie Pool here laat nigh', b) the championship Yalo swimming tenm, which continues to lead for the Innr colleglate nquntlc title. Four of the new marks were established by the Blue re lay teams and the other was set by N T. Guernsey, Yale's champion plungiT The records were mnde In a mti t lir which Yalo easily outscorcd Columbia auomsey, who comes from New iork broko his own record for the 7.'i-i"t plungo when he won the event In .10 seconds flat. This makes th mn, plunge record that Guernsey has broken within threo days. A Yale relay team made up of eigh teen swimmers established new marks for the 400, 500 and Cuo-yard one-mile relay races. Dob Start In Scores Another I v. O. CLARKSBURG, W. Va.. March is Bob Martin, A. E. F. heavyweight boi Ing champion, scored another knockout hero last night by putting away I'url Danner. of Elizabeth In the ee- "H round. This la Martin's tlghty-se- .-nth knockout In 101 bouts and his f. irth this month. The bout waa held before a capacity crowd at the Opera liou.e. sow voaic novisit nt fcii:Mi:u. BOSTON, March IS. Vincent 8ir o and Jamea Donavon, Boston lll.' welghts and Red Allen, New Y-rk were suspended by the Mansae huee'ts Boxing Commission for "conduct in judicial to ths game," J TWO RIVA GROUPS COME T 0 CAMPAIGN FOR IRELAND HER E Both Provisional Government and Republican Emissaries Arrive on Aquitania. Although tho delegates of the rival Irish Republican and Frco State Par tics came to New York on tho samo ship, landing yesterday from the Aquitania, ono hotel was not large enough to lmrlor lioth parties. There are three men In tho Free State mis sion and two ralvocntes of nothing but a republic for Itxlnnd. nnd nil live hod engaged quarters at the Waldorf Astoria. Tho Republican or nothing pair, Austin Stack, formerly a Minister In tho Dall Elrennn Cabinet, and James J. O'Kelly, Dnll Elrennn member from County Louth, carried out their origi nal arrangements and took two rooms at tho Waldorf-Astoria. Tho three Free Staters, or representatives of tho Irish Provisional Government, finding that their rivals for American atten tion were at this hotel, traveled up Fifth Avenue until they reached tho St. Rcgs, where they engaged quar ters. James O'Marn, ono of tho most prominent patriots In tho old Sinn Fein movement; Commandant Gen eral Plcrco Bcasley of the Irish Re publican Army and Scan MacCollte, Town Councillor of Dublin comprise tho delegation representing tho Col-llnH-flnfflth faction. It Is their ob ject, as well ns the object of their rivals, to pluco conditions In Ireland before tho American people, each side according to Its lights. Mr. O'Mara and his companions left tho hotel nt 10 o'clock this morn ing for u walk In Central Park nnd did not leave word when they would return. Messrs. Stack and O'Kelly, seen at the Waldorf, said they were to take luncheon with somo Amerlcun friends at tho McAlpIn this afternoon nnd nt the concVftslon of that func tion would Issuo a statement setting forth their alms. DRAG EAST RIVER FOR LOST BOOKS 0 F ACCUSED BROKER Office Boy of Randall, Seized in Rochester, Says He Was Asked to Sink Them. Grappling hooks will play a part In the bucket shop Investigation, If the Police Department compiles with a request to be made to-day by District Attorney Banton to search the ted of the East River for the books and records of David B. Randall, broker, No. 32 Broadway, whose office boy Is alleged to have admitted that he threw tho books overboard recently from a ferry boat at his employer's request. Randall, whoso real name In be lieved to bo Ronzono. was arrested yesterday at the Seneca Hotel In Rochester, N. YM on n warrant issued by Magistrate Oberwagcr charging him with tho larceny of $1,600 irom Alfred A. Herman, No. 2B0 West 88th Street. A clerk for Randall, whoso name Is Friedman, told Mr. Baldwin and Mr. Srhrelbcr that tho ofTlco Uy had con fided to him tho story of his Instruc tions from Randall to sink the books in tho East River. Geotge Gordon Battle nnd albert Massey, attorneys for brokers of tho American Cotton Excnange, .mKcd Olatrlct Attorney Banton yesterday that any officers, directors or mem bers of the exchange against whom ho expects to seek Indictments v given an opportunity to havn the complainants heard first by a Magts trate tathcr than tuken directly be fore a Grand Jury. Mr. Banton said he would prefer to take tho matter MP with a Magis trate llrst. FREES BROKER IN LARCENY CASE A chargo of grand larceqy brought against John M. Cross, a brukei , of No. 859 Seventh Avenuo by his l-rother-In-law'by marriage, wim dis missed by Mnglstruto Ohorwager In Centre Street Court to-day. on motion of Assistant District Attorney Bald win. Tho complainant, George firant, who married a sister nt Mrs. i 'rosi, was rebuked by the Court for t.ulurn to have his testimony agree with the charges In the rompljIM Turning to Mr. Cross, who acted as his own counsel, Magistrate Obcr wuger said: "Ir anything this Is a civil action tor the return of $700 which the plaintiff cays he loaned the defendant. There Is not even any evidence that He defendant did not pay iiucK the money. This court la not here to nlr ditficultlos betwocn two brothers It is .i pity Mr. Cross was brought here Irbt on chargos of Insanity and then of grand larceny. I want you to understand, Mr. Grant, that unles- voii dlscovor new evidence tlo ad judication here Is'flnal." ' Th. Pni I rl Mr I Vntn tn "ktop ynur letter writing campaign and Bettlo your differences outude." Mr. Grant, who lives at No. 132 West '30th Street, charged Mr Crosi wl'h having. failed to dcllvor any Htoik or other securities In return lm $7'i p.nd. This Is the fourth action brought by Mr. Grant against Mr. Cross which baa been dismissed. Stock Market ByR. R. Batson. Although the stock market wns called upon to withstand n considerable amount ot prodt taking In to-dny's abbreviated session, It waa able to nbsorb this profit taking In n man ner that must have been decidedly niniir'i,ini, tn liiMHm-M nt atocks. This profit-inking wn8-lortlcularly pronounced In tho steel snnres, uiw coppers nnd n number of specialties thnt have recently registered sub stantlal advances. And whllo It wns accompanied by new short sel"ng on the part of trnders ho bcllev tho mnrket Is sadly In need of a tcchnlcuj reaction, n firm tono was maintained throughout tho two hours of trading. Tho chief feature of tho market wns the conspicuous strength of New York Cent nil. which sold up nearly two points to a new high for recent years. Thero hnvo-becn no new developments In the uffnlrs of the . company to nccount for Its market strength. Improvement In earnings has been simply keeping pace with tho improvement shown by other lines. The regular quarterly divi dend litis Just been declared. A now largu bond Issuo Is In com temptation, and It seemod that the strength shown by tho stock today wot largely In tho nature of n win dow dressing for the new bond Issue. Other railroad shares failed to show any particular change. Trui'tlims wero strong, with Brooklyn Rapid Transit registering a gain of well 'beyond a point. Other tractions rose In tho extent of good sized fractious. Traders could not llnd nnythlng m overnight news on which to bane new market commitments, but Iwllef that rubber prices will soon -Iki ad vanced lent strength to the rubbr and tiro, group, while equipments and motors wein still Influenced by current business Improvement In those i ml ll s 1 1 leu. Tho close was llrm, but only In very few Instances did net changes ex ceed fractions. In the last few minutes of trading Brooklyn Rapid Transit took n fur ther sharp forward spurt with buy ing evidently being of a t Ht urgent character. Tho net gain at the close was more than E points. B. It. T certificates showed cor responding strength. f nith. 14 Vt 17H 1 1 7V 40 ;.iH 3IH POISONED N TUBS A il a in KthrcM . Ailv Humely .... AJax Kubbwr .... Alaskan Gold .. Alaska Juneau . Allls-Chalmtra .. Am Agr Chem... Am llitt Suirar . Am Doacli Mains 4SV. Am Can 47 '4 Am Car t Knun. 1M Am Cotton Oil .. 1(1 Am Drug Synd .. Mi Am Kxfirrsa .... 13.1 Am IIMo ti I. .... 13?4 Am lllrto A I, it. ;i Am Ice loilVi Am International. I3t Am Unseed Oil .. 33 Am trfK-omotlte .. 10Si AIIWmI Clicni M Am flafety ltuior 7U Am Rh A Com... I4 Am Hm & llrt ... D4 H Am Hm A Urf nt. OnU Am Htecl Iomi.. Am Hugar Am Husar nt . . Am Bum Toll .. Am Tel A Tel.. 152 Am Tobbaco .... 138 Am Tot pf new 101 Am Tob ct II.. l.lltl Am La France.. 101 Am Itaillatiir ... Win Am Wool SSVi Am Writ r pf... S8 Am Zinc 1I Am Zinc pf 311 Anaconda' &2ft AhscIs Itealliatlon 3H Anno Dry (loods. Atchiunn ty ... lilnmi Ity pf . Atlanta. 11 A All. All Coast Llnu. All llulf A W I. All tluK A W 1 pt it Knlen Corp. II Auto Hnles C pf. H Atlantic Trult . . ' 4 lluldnln Loco ... I0S Unit A Onlo 3H H ill A Ohio nf . .. U lWtopltRi. Mining. ll-'lh HI. -el II.... likn Itnpl l Trail. II 11 T etfs J'ku i'n. on On. . ltrunn Blioo Hums Hum A.... 127 Hums Hiom II 40V Hutte Cop A Zinc. Huitv A gulp Cmldu Cent Oil.. Call! I'nikllis,... Calif I'etioloum.. Calf IVt pf i2 ...I... )'rf'i Lew. Last. ChM. ,X3 CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS l7 MS 2 wis 311 1 isv; 10 Uil 4354 0 i'tIS 13 7d 32 i 01 Canadian Pacific IM 3h 1114 ALLEGED SLAYER'S DEATH1SW1YSTERY Hudson Had Been Kept Under Close Watch as Dangerous Prisoner. The pollco had found no explana tion to-day of tho manner In which John Hudson, nllcged slayer of "(loo goo" Knox, In West G2d Street, In bootleggers' feud last August, ob tained the morphine that caused his death Tuesday In Bcllevue, whence he hail lieen taken from the Tombs. Hudson had been considered a dan gerous prisoner nnd kept under close watch. Ho was commlttid to the Tombs early In Fcbruaiy on a charge of stnbblng two brothers In a quarrel, and gave tho name Costelln, but de tectives recognize! him ns Hndxon and wero to chargo him with the murder, ot Knox. Ho had received no visitors. Tues day ho wuh released ftom his cell with other prlsonnrM for a "constitutional " Ho spent tho two houm walking uloiit with two men from an adjoining nil A few minutes after returning to bis cell ho fell unconscious. An autopsy showed morphine. Idllul him. Deputy Medical Kxnmlnor Schwartz said lie wan a habitual user, though Wutden Hunloy of the Tombs itml relatives und friends of the dead man siud he was not nn uddlct und bated drug UHors. Tho mystery Is wheie and bow ho got the drug. As Waiden Hartley is Katlsllcd ho didn't g t II In. in the prisoners ho hail liocn with tin to is n theory ho waa poisoned by m inn s ol tho underworld. JOHN M'HENRY HANGED. WASHINGTON, farch 18 John Me- Ilenry. twenty-four, former N' 1m- don, Conn., youth, was hanged In the District ot Columbia Jail yeMer1n for tho murder of n Washington city de tective and n automobile dealer. An attempt to prevent the l"iiinln was made by the local branch of the Hons nt Iliah Vr.f!l,im u-hi... off . cers said the taking of .Mi IP or. life lo-uay wuuiu amount io n n. v. ml on of the feait day of Ireland pitron paint. NAMES SAjiTSJFOR FRANCE. I'ope Tufa Vlrlttu lur flr.t, Joan of Arc .reoml, PAWS, March 18 The Vur'n Mniy Is declared the patron saint of Frim . nnd Joan of Arc, now Sllnt Tune in. peconaary patron saint. In I'of I'm. first order concerning France, r . : n-i I to-day In the Catholic press siitpi'ixn tost ron o. n. nr WASHINGTON, yarch 18-'; It. Well of New York ha pointed Freliht Traffic Mnr, i. r ,. I'nlted States Lines, Vle I. Lovn of the Shipping Boar I n,- to-day. Mr. Wells will at- dutlea March 2 and will liavi . . kstant Htewart Itobertsun nf i Hoth oft! -lain have had Ion hip . In the Buropean trade, Ur Low :i i. i-nr;.' ,1- f trie I .. nt in. ! Cent Leather I'crro -Uo l'asco SHU Chandler Motors 73 Chi a A Olili Chi & Alton Ity P M A fit I' Kit 23 CM A MTI lilt pf 3? fill It I A 1' ... 10 ClllA I' II pc pf 70 cm i i' ic pf it cm tit West Chin (11 West pf ll Chle A North lly. (R)4 Chllo Copper ... Chlno Copper ... CI C C A til L... Coea-Cola Col I'uel A Iron Col A Southern . 18 2!) (VI 43 H 30 47 Col (lus A l'.loc.. S.'H Cnl lilupho 3. Cotnp Tali A Itec 70 I'onaul (1h 110 Coi.sul 'l'ekl 13 dm Ini-Ciil Mln . 7 Oil 3d Ciiiii I'rod 1U fiurlblo Hteel .. te fiuclulu Hteel pf K3 Culm Cane Hucnr 17 I'ulia Cane Full pf 3l Consul lllstilti .. 1 I'uliuu Am Huaar 2.1 Imxluon Clieiii . I ...I A Hud Hid, Lack i' W. Homo Mines ... Hire Htor Hat.. Illkhorn Ciml . . Cudlcott-Johiivm Cilo title 1st pf Cila Vd pf ruinous Pla)ers. Klsher Ilody ... risk Hubtier . . I'reeport Texas . lieu Asphalt .... lias Wll A Wit. lien Clj;ar lien Hlectrlo (iiiU IIS 114 Hl mi ic. Kl mis 17 11 hl lu.-. 17 lS(i wr. 70 180 H 42 3 8 4IV4 Cen Motor 1UU lieu Motor pf .... 7t lU-n Motor drb... K5 C-n Motor 0 pc. 74 T. c.oodrleh 40 (iuodrlch pf Wl ilninliy Mining .. '."JH lit Northern pf..k73 in pior urn o-i- i'i u.i ti Huxur 13 (iulf Htutea Hteel. 71'. Ilindre l!"i lloimton Oil 71', Hupp Motorn .... 13 Illinois Central .. 10 lmllahoma Ilefln. Inspiration Cop.. Inter Cons Corp.. Inter Com. O p(. Inter Ak C pf Inter Harvester.. U4 lntlr Motor 33 Inter Paper 44 Inter Mir Marino 10 Inter Mer M pf.. 71T4 Inter Nickel .... 15 tnvmellilu Oil ... ID Island Oil itt Jew, I Tea 1U .liel Tea pf .... C3 Jones Tea 40 Int Comb Cn... 27 Kunsss City Ho.. '.'3 Kelly Hprlmfleld 4d Kelmy Wheel ... 1)8 Keiiiieeutl Copper 30 Un lrde tlas A3 lirinlte I.I3V4 l,a. lido Oil ... 113 l.u' kanannu Htl , 4'J l.nks Erie A W.. 17 lie Hub A Tire.. 31 le'high Vulley .. M Lll-lictt A Meyers. liu li, m Inc. . t,i,rt Inr I. Una Loco Munuil Humir.. M.tu BlevaUd.. .Man Bhlrt Maiiln furry .. '1 ! Mo It.. kWll 16 13 102 10 40 33 IS Maxnell Motor U 10 IP liityr Mines.. ll' May I'ept Store. US Me Petroleum... 125 Miami Cupper ... !H Middle Stale Oil 14 Midvulf nteel ... 3i Mini A 61 Lolui 0 Mo Kan A Tn.. S Mo K A T pf.... O'i Mo rarlflc IS'.i Mu I'tiiric pf ... M Moi i Ward 17 Mil. Ins Ilody . . t0 M 8 P H S l (11 n n ' -.tial Arm. l.'lt Sal It H Mti 2d t -v i'i nitl III.. Hit 137 Sal Cloak A Hull -' Low. 83 13 17 H 1 4(1 X 40 43 4 40 133 2(1 3 133 13 70 ios 43 33 I0. 03 7 13 33 1X1 33 72 09 33 121 137 101 131 10 SD M 27 10 30 62 2 3(1 07 80 2 00 20 21 C 14 4 108 37 33 I (11 13 12 M 44 12(1 40 n 23 12 7 61 01 13(1 38 3(1 74 1 6 23 37 40 70 02 8 111 (10 18 28 (13 43 30 47 81 3 70 110 13 US 3(1 101 61 8.1 17 30 23 U 6'J!t 117 111 2(1 110 1(1 80 1U 17 11 80 1113 17 17 00 . 70 16(1 10 74 83 74 40 83 20 74 33 12 73 10 73 15 100 3Ti 41 2 8 41 01 &2 44 13 71 13 18 IS 10 63 30 20 23 43 08 30 62 133 S2 48 17 31 68 S 13 1(1 mi 102 SO 30 35 28 13 17 18 112 121 28 13 31 OS 6 21 64 IDS 80 til's 12 4 137 41 Last. M 17 1 4(1 40 43 43 47 134 2(1 6 133 13 TtH ion 43 33 108 04 7 14 ran 04 33 73 08 34 122 137 101 131 10 81) 81 28 10 30 31 2 & 07 IM1S 2 00 20 22 0 14 4 108 37 63 Net Cture. H S H 'i - H S H - W - U ' U 1 - 'I u - w H - 1U . ' u 1 H U Ml H H 1 H (14 18 8 1H 8 On 3 V, 127 - 40 -6 20 12 70 62 I- 01 1311 38 3(1 74 01 B 23 37 40 - 711 0 H r. i s 10 00 18 28 63 43 30 47 83 3 70 110 13 0 311 104 33 83 17 30 y 23 60 118 114 21 140 10 83 3 . 3 1 S 10 17 11 -80 103 17, 18 00 s 70 150 10 74 83 74 40 8(1 2U 74 33 13 73 10 70 15 101 3 41 3 8 41 04 32 44 16 Tt 15 18 114 10 as 39 S 27 23 43 08 30 62 1 133 62 1 49 11 S 68 103 '4 f U 1 - 1H National Conduit. Nat Knam A 8tp 1 Novada Oonsol . ' Now Or T A M. I New York Ont.. I Now York Dock. I N V N II II.. I N Y Ont A Wast ! Norfolk Southern. Norfolk A West.. II Northern Pacific. ' Nora flcotlal Htl. : Nunnally Co : Oklahoma P A It Ontario Bihtr .. Orpheum Circuit. . Otla eteal 1 Owens ItottllnR . . : I'ae Dee Corp .. I'nclflo Oas .... I Pacific Oil w I.. ( I'an-Ainer Petrol. Pan-Am ret pf U 1 I'enn It It I Penn fleab Steel, rcopte'a Gas I rem Marquette . I'hllada Company i Itillllps Petrol .. I Pler-co Arrow ... : Harca . Arrow pf , I pierce Oil Plerco Oil pf .... I Pitts A West Va : Pressed Steel Car. Pullman Company. 1 Punts Ales Sugar Pure Oil : Pub Denr of N J, I Prod A Ileftners.. : Itap Copper ! Heading ' ltcmlnfton Type. . I lleplogle Hteel Hep Iron A Hteel. ! Hep Ir A Hteel pf i ttepubllc Motor . . Itoyal Dutch N V I Ht Joseph I,oad.. Ht I. A Han Pran : Ht L A Hnilthwe'l Ht I. A Hnuth pf Santa Cec Sugar. Hat ago Arm .... Hi, inn Motors ... Seaboard Air L. . Hcahoard A I, pf Heara-ltoebuck . . Heneca Copper . . Hhatluck Arliotm. Sinclair Oil Hloas-Bheff Steel. do Porto Hlco Bug Southern I'aclllc. . Boutin m Ity Southern lly pf.. Stand Oil of N J I Stand Oil N J pf 1 Sliomnerg Rtudebakor 1 Submarine lioat. Huperlor Oil Tea Oulf A Hulp. Tonn Cop A Chcui Texas Company . Tesaa A Pacific . Tex A I'ac Coal . Third Avenue ... Tidewater Oil ... 1 Tobacco Products Tru..cun Oil .... Trans A Williams Union Oil Union Pacific .. : Union Paa pf .. United Alloy .... United Fruit .... United Four Pro Un Ity Inv Co... Vn lly Inv Co pf Un Hetall Stores U H O I Plr-i. . . USUI Pipe pf. U B Ind Ale 1) H Itubber U B 8melteri ... U 8 Hteel U H Hteel pf ... 1 Ctsh Copper .... Utah 8ecurttlea . Vanadium Steel., Va Caro Chem. . . Vlvaudou Wabash Wabash pf A.... Wabash pf II.... West Mary 2d pf West Union West Airbrake . . Westlnghouse .... Wheel A t. H ... White Motor .... White Oil Wlt-kwlrn 8teel .. Wlllys-Overl Willys-Overt pf .. Wisconsin Central Wool worth i Worth pump .... Worth Pump pf n Total sales, (03,6 16 ia 102 6U 40 33 28 IB 18 18 113 122 28 14 0 6 614 23 3H 1S so 61 12 4 137 I 4l!i -t 1L 78 J2 3S M lkt 150 X LIBEHTY 110NDS. 1 Liberty 3H& opened 97. SO, up .04', 1st 44s, 97.90, up .18; 2d, 97.74, up .02; 3d. 98.80, off .04; 4th, 97.90, up .02; Victory 3ys, 100.00, up .02; 4im 100.80, up .02. cunu. Opened firm. Retail Candy, 0, off Vi ; llndlo, 3li, up H: International Rub--' ber, 7Ts, up H; Cities Service com " mon, 197V4, up H, Slmms, 11 Hi off ' Vt ; Curlbbeun, 4; Glen Alden, 43W. up , ; International I'etroleum, lt.'?, Merrltt, 12; Stand Oil of Indlnna, 88Vii up FOREIGN EXCHANGE OPENED -1'IllM. r Sterling, demand, 4.40V4: cables, ' I.40V4, up 2VJ. French francs, de- niand, .0907V4; cables, .0908, up .0005, - Llre, demand, .0511; cables. .0514Vi. -up .0002. Uelglum francs, demand, , .0S63H; cables, .0854, up .U008V4. t Marks, demand and cables, .0036, up " .0000 Vi. Greek drachma, demand, .0442; cables. .0411. off .0002. Swiss -francs, demand, .1950; cables, .1952, up .0002. Guilders, demand, .3795: cables, .3800, up .0015. Pesetas, demand, .1563; cables, .1665, up .0002. -Sweden kronen, demand, .2630; ca bles, .2635, up .0015. Norway kronen; demand, .1733; cables. .1713, up .0003. Dcnmurk kronen, demand, .2120; ca bles, .2125, up .0013. HELD IN BIGjMAIL ROBBERY. After Aliened DUritlar la Tried la Jersey He, Will Pace liar Hera. Frank Calabreera. held under $25,000 bull on a churge of belne an accessory In the J7.000.000 mall truck robbery In Chambers Street, Just off Broadway, last October, appeared In Federal Court In Newark, N- J- yesterday on a writ t of habeas corpus obtained by Frederick 31. I'. I'earse, Assl'tant United State DUtrlct Attorney In New Jersey. Ha waa brought from Hudson County Jail, Jeraey City, whtre he had been con fined since laat December, when he waa arrested on a charge of burglary, An agreement was reached that tLj application for Calabreeae's removal to Now York would be postponed to April 4. iv hen It mtt) be renewed. Assistant I'roaocutor Vlekers agreed In the event . that is convicted on the burglary charge somen will not be Imposed Immediately so thai the defend- -ont nii lie tuki'ii to New York to aa swur tliu mad jobbery clura.