Newspaper Page Text
.1 f- w iy. :; ' ; if ipjpf piliiiiplijwppip The Evening World's Comcs" Theatrical News anudi Gossip- MONDAY, MARCH 20, 1922 1 . l ; m r Mi About Plays and Players By. BIDE DUDLEY RANDOLPH HAr.TL.KY manager la udvanca for David Wurfleld, lias written u il;iy und It in to bo produced to-ntght In Stamford by tlio stock comrany .it llio Stamford Tlieatro. The play Is "The BrcuMng Point" and It lias been singed under lho personal supervision of l'io au thor's wife, Emily Wnicemhn Hartley, manager of tho Stamford Thoutre. This. Is not Mr. Hartley's first r'.iy, but reports say It promises to be Ills best Unfortunately ho cannot be In Btamford this week to see "The Breaking l'olnt" acted, but ho can And satisfaction In knowing that sev eral Hroadway producers aro going up to have a look at his new work. Tcrhaps It might bo (.onsldorcd unbecoming for mo to say anything in praise of the play," writes Mrs. Hartley to us, "but I cannot help us traring you 1 feel very proud of It " OBSERVATIONS. The announcement that a Kansas man is to pay nn Income tax of $4, 000,000 has brought Us no little per turbation;. Wcvcrol peoplo who know wo are fiom Kansas aro accusing us of being that mar, and ono fellow, who "isns himself 'fe Duke, threat ens to (ell our wlfo thut In his opin ion wc havo been holding out on her. Iir nil seriousness wo wish to stnto that we aro not tho Kansas man re ferred to rn tho despatches. Wo can provo that wo pay our tncomo tax right hero In Now York; also that this time It Isn't anywhoro near $1000,000. As for holding out on our wife well, we're a married man, If that's any admission. ' The theatrical business Is In such a stato just nt present that almost anythln could happen In It without causing undun surprise, but we don't Uellevo the first class show business could be successfully combined under one management, ns was hinted at In that hundred million dollar corpora tion story. A. L. Brlanger Isn't ready yet to let anybody run his business arid neither Is Lee Shubert. Their booking departments are working to gether amicably, but that Is merely a sensible plan to keep first class at tractions from competing with each other and thereby reducing tho re ceipts of both. Hut suppose It were possible to Unite all the first class theatrical Interests how long would U- be, after tho arrangement had been effected, before there' would be an oppsltlon circuit of theatres and opposition producing plants! Our guess Is about one month. ; f TAKE HOME AN EGG. ;Jlm Gillroy has sent us a pro grammo of a performance given at Col. Wendelschaefer's Prcvldcnco Opera Houso, which !b Interesting. Following tho dope on Act IV. of "Little Women" la a lino reading: tVFresh eggs fiom Col. Wendel schaefer's Farm, Warwlckncck, for sale nt tho box office." 'Now were tho Colonel dispensing bad' eggs, the nctors but they're not bad; they're eating eggs. JOE'S CAR One and the Same! IT MAY BE JOCKEY TRUEX. Ernest Trucx of "Six Cylinder Love" baa asked his boss, Sam H. Harris, to let him rldo Truo Ftlor, the bangtail Mr.1 Harris bought nt the race track In Havana recently, tho next time he is entered. Ernie, who Is hardly more than a gnat-weight. comes from Colorado, where ho used to ride overythlng from a bucking broncho to a wild, shimmying Denver street car. If he rides a race wo will bet on him through sheer pride. We knew Ernie out West long before lie grow that trick ntustnchc. THE FAVERSHAM CAST. Rehearsals will begin to-morrow under Fred G. Latham's direction of "Out to Win." In which William Favershaw will be tho Mar. Charles Dillingham will produce this English melodrama. In the supporting cast will be David Glussford, 11. Conway Wlngfleld, Herbert Ransom, Stanley Harri'on. Edgar Knit, Reginald Car rtngton, C. E. Thorp, H. Ashton Tonge, Robert Ayrton, Ontency Boll Ernlta Iasccllcs, Helen Daubo und Adria Hill. A DREAMY RHYME. Arthur Rosenfcld, tho POET, Is n Doris Kenyon inlmlrer. Ho saw her In "Up tho Ladder" recently and was so lmprcsfcod thut he wrote tho following poem with his eyes shut: Doris, so shy and street! So intriguing so prtilet Hecords of all sturs you shatter By your uork in "Up the Ladder." I've watched you since you started ; from obscurity you have parted. Things thut block yvur path you scat ter. Truly, you've climbed "Up the Lad der." Miriiuic. 58 lOOH felAMCUt? - I GoT A Mr m L way of makin' Th'smort shot t0 U 1h GKEEN OoMN fx inn KtiMnr r IT i 5TEERIHC IOHEEL P A fAt. Tirj S Till vi.i.. . ". I I rniuf a i i r . i . . . n WLt- CLUB I ujose iu 'samp. rnm & uav.! c r-1, Now watch Me pitch LHIS BALL' UP OM -Th'SOFa! I Cepr. 1922 (N. Y. Em. World) By Pnu Put Ce. Jo&, Ybu'vei. GtfT A CrREAT MEAb - with nothing IN it - You lo Tiaat "The. same- as you .drive, a c?Atk IHE. MINUTE. VOU GRAB THE. C STEER IfHG tWHeeL. Ybu HIT 'somsthing'. r r I irmU B.I Aalm . Ill -7.i , ? Nv;t - I Got A MtW L. r-1. MOuJ UllTCLl t.-rv.u I H - I 1 -nr w,- rHKin IH OMOI SHOT TO H .TMl BAtf IIP Kl -ni SrtBA P W r-1 J In &ICEM OoilN txtNN KUMnrh IT i ,A V V. I VI- I A &- A I 1 y - "-'c .'V. si umm J rr, , A ml m "Wt it A ' j . r I Ml; I i i I ii l i in I A id I c i t'vn4i I I i p THE BIG OTTLE FAMItY Saved ! Sbo camT ? ' 'fflSi - r X ' U A WlL ILL tA (AE "Tb HELP V4R f Mpiil A CouLTJ TAt' V J -.J . ' ' " 0 , P ' ' ' ' ..buu. Cu'-i'i LITTLE MARY MIXUP Proof Positive! AM1 UST.H l" KATINKA Doi'f Try It on Ferdie's Brain ! IKWlNKA SAAD SHE VAS COMMA CALL HER PeopLE EVGPV rWMS. Irt CREATION iPTHtiY ViOOLDN'T COHE ACROSS WITH A RAISE S cree nifigs By DON ALLEN Why does Charlie Chaplin usuzae a funny walk, wear largo shoes, affect a paint-brush on his upper Up, wear a derby and swing an agile cane? . The answer it-Ill appear in this space to-morrow. ll'alcli and sec if toa iccre rlffhf. 200 PER CENT. RIGHT. 1'atny Ruth Miller, the seventeen- year-old leading woman for Tom Mix, Is a smart youngster. 8hq proved that her skull Is not exclusively a founda tion for bobbed hair recently when Richard M. Page, n widely-known psychologist, gave her the acid test as to mentality. Patsy didn't hesitate n moment tn naming Romeo as the first ruler of .Rome and In answering tho question: 'when was tho Declaration of Inde pendence signed, and If so, why?" She fell down, however, when the noted psycho asked her to give an I excuse for the filming of some plo-tures. Well, now, what could ho expect from a seventeen-year-old girl? HEY RUBE CALL. Tlionids ftlclghan lu now shooting scenes for George Ado's "Our Lead ing Citizen." Tho following appeared on the call sheet of tho l.uek studio recently: "We want: "Ono minister. "Seventy-five women, all age: some well nrcsseu. majority mediocre. "One hundred and thirty-two men. "Eighteen toughs." Some combination for one picture, say we. CLASSICS. Do you remember that clusslc of the now more-or-lcss extinct saloon "ThtWf Kuco on tho Harroom Floor?" II. A. D'Arcy, who penned Ui famous lines that helped to bring about t)io present moro-or-less Prohi bition era, -Just celebrated his seventy- ninth birthday by posing for the 8elr nlck News. Whllo posing, the poet entertained the camera man by reciting tne famous poem backwards. Ho also announced that ho was hard at work on unother epic poem to be entitled: "Tho Gang Down In Our Cellar." of a . , . , M (,. i (N. y e,.. wU) Br Prm p. c I UUfc.iY DOC- IT KUST BE? SERIOUS -J ' fVJHV NO DOCToR-l'M MoT HURT ! O SHE'S LAYIM' THERE ALL - OMF OF TUF C.DI HPOEW TOLG I ? I V BAUD AGED UP i Nr Uftw Tn WtMin: a . ' in5wN uw iowjb hi i ti i iv,.r,. ii I ? Hou the scrap CAne out s J I o S. M r jmmm uuvjol- lin r . i i A GERMAN "SALLY." The German .production of "Sally" will open 'in Herlln Thursday night with. Kopliiu Henlile playing tho title role. In addition to this new com pany and tho New York troupe the ZlecWd musical piore Is playing in London. 1'ortB. Mrllxnnnr and the Knglish provini-fM, ivln-iu four orgunl zatlons uie timrini: REAL STARS TO APPEAR. E. 1 Albeo's midnight bonellt for f-i Jewish Wnr Relief Fund, at the 1 i ' 'heatro Saturday night, I ginnlii. it 11. 4D o'clock, will havo nu ineroi j stars. Among them uro Jolson, Irving Ucrltn, Dorothy Jar don, Lillian Lorraine, Florenco Moore, RHYMED THRILLS Josephine Itoyle. daughter of Ed win Milton Ruyle, playwright und man of letters, liaudid us tho groutest thrill of tho month. "It Is IV poem from her own pen, and wc are enter ing It In the contest, thinking pos sibly the Judges will uward her the prize, a copy of the song, "You May Hold Me Tight If You Get Me Tight." Miss Royle'H poem, entitled "Those Flapper," 1b printed herewith exactly as slio wroto It. Look: ' teoiiiffr lioui fhof huir oroe liiii took up that cxtatic pose Upon your lean und oh, those noser That knowing nose thut upward goes! Them leys! Them lanky silken hascl Two skinny urvm and two elbowsl .1 gown; a frown; irhat feet are Ihimtt Them friur.i? Oi. please don't teusL Wc knows how much they shows. mcnt that makes us wonder It reads: Nallonul Theatre KOOM AND lldAIlli Adnltl 2Sc. Children 10o Tucker, tho Dolly Sisters and John Btrel. CHEAP ENOUGH, SAY WE. Loncy Huskcll has sent us n clip Ping from u Harrlsbutg, Pa., ncwa- pella T1',vyi fiua 4waida, BocMq paper, allowing a theatre advcitlBO- GOSSIP. Ullly Heard is In Atlanta organiz ing a mlnstiol show. An apartment house in Detroit has been numed for Louise Groody, of "Good Morning, ueurlo!" The Manhuttanvillc Nursey Asso. elation bus bought nil the beats for "The Cat and the Canary" for next Monday. "Montmartrc, ' at Inn llelmont Theutre, Is proving somewhat of a surprtso. It has caught on and In veiling out. Robert' McWade has tren rnuuRcd by the Helwyns for a iolu in "The Bchenckcm Six." Kd Wynn's fumed country place nt Great Neck Is known us Cracked Coll- ings. Kach Monday tin- nclghlom gather to su 11 s wash on the line and enjoy u luugh A meeting of tin" Cummittrc On posed to Political ' nhoiclilp will ! held at the rooms m tin- American DrumatlstH, No. 1 IS West !5th Street at 4 P. M. Wednesday. Moro thun fifty lugh schools, sent tercd through New York und New Kngland, have mude riRcrvations fo theatre tmrtles to see "Get To nether" ut tho Hippodrome. Kay Marbo of "The Hottl Mouso will naa a P&nji oi guui vkul nenjamln Dean School at the Hhubert Wednesday ufternoon. Incidentally, 'ay Is becoming famous as "Sho of the beuutiful legs." Martha Miller, who recently re turned from Africa, where she shot lions and other circus animals, will havo a box puity at tho Century to-night to see "Tho Roso of Btam- boul." Vera Myers, daughter of Jake, Is dancing In "Ixila." John De Sllva, Shubert office boy, will act In tho Rambeau show. Augustln Duncan Intends to gtvo a professional matineo performance of "The First Man" shortly. Sophln Tucker will sail for England ( n April 1. Sho will be given tv he ml -off party at the Paradise Crys tal Room Thursday evening. A French hat worth about $100 awaits ii claimant at the Empire Tluvatre. Some woman loijt It Whllo seeing "The tV.arlna" March !. James T. Powors says he Intends to put on rompers und uppear Just once In the kid role In "The lllush lug Hride." tlllaiu A. lliiulv is r.niiug'ng to present "The Law llicukri" in Sine Sing soon. Fred Nlblo and Op Adams have written u. musical comedy called "Dimples." They wioto it In Hiook lyn Nelllo Ree!l i,l si Vlnreiifs llim- lio liliu, 'School Das," atternoon right in her room. JOoHnnlt T-iaraa ihif Mr The Day's Good Stories A, nnr- - u.-.r .....-.. ..r-- WIMXW'IWW.'U'-" " r COMPENSATION. OMMY had a toothacho and his mother tried to calm him pre paratory to the necessary visit to the dentist. "Now, Tommy," sho pleaded, "you will bo a bravo boy, won't you, und havo It out? It won't hurt much and tho horrid ache will bo gone." Tommy, however, continued to comedy, "Such a Little Queen, Is threatened with a production In Crecklsh. It will be called "Such a Llttlcovltch Queenovltchskl." A THOUGHT FOR TO-DAY. Almost anybody will sign almost niiv kind of petition for ulmost anything, If properly approached. FOOLISH MENT. ; ore to sec the field mouse duiur, J love to hear him .sinnil, iluf not if he disturbs the ants You knoio just hoio I feel. 10- I ."senio nut 1 rittal saw t) so" I the other altt ta4 ChannlngJE FROM THE CHESTNUT TREE. "Do you enjoy reading?" "fjr. very much!" wftta PU led flannels,? howl his protests. Then Harry, his senior by ono year, camo 10 uis mother's aid. "Aw, come on and have It out! he urged. "What's the matter wan you. inyway? Don't you Know i ii ue one less 4o brush?" Harper's Magazine. GETTING IN TRIM. A MOTORIST Journeying through l tho Ilumnus Rldgo region of Arkansas came upon two men wallowing In the dust of the big road belaboring each other right zeal ously. As the traveller brought his car to n halt to keep from run ning over the combatants thoy arose and whack ed a portion of the dust from thnlr cnnlientH. Then, SieiU'H't. the track, they produced pipes from their pockets, and ono onercu ms io. bacco to tho other in me inooi. uu cable wav. "Pardon me, gentlemen, Bald. rrrt"'rft 'htrr wttnt tlghUng about?" "Aw, that wasn't fighting, presizcly," replied one of the Cornca ln tho summer. TOO SOLEMN- .Mtio Murray was whisking a friend about town to show her tho sights yesterday and they ncared Grant's Tomb. "That's a handsome bit of simple architecture!" suggested M. M point ing to the tomb. "M m m! yes!' ngrcea tne rriena. "Rut don't you think It s a bit too gloomy7" Mao wouldn't trust Herself to an swer STATIC. 7-eena Keefe was a baby star ln "The Fatal Wedding." Selznick Is screening "Rupert Hentzau." 'The Sleep Walker" must do tne, chap who crawls over you at xnrr picture show. Constance Talmadgo will appear in "Mrs. Lefflngwell's Boots Right and Left." "Renorted Missing has been defi nitely decided upon as tho Lie for Owen Moore a latest mm. it lias already been known as "Sink or Swim," "Lovo Is an Awful xmng" nnd various other alluring names. inmru Ashmoro Cirelman, wnovo' adapted "Smllln' Through" for Nor-- ma Tolmadgc, doesn't believe tho bromide: "Onco a press agent always nrcss agent." He UBed to do one. but Is now using his typewriter for more serious stuff than mere blurbs. United Artists, Inc., keeps spread ing out. Tho company now has ex tensive offices In Paris, Marseilles, Lyons, Lille, Brussels, Prague. Stock holm, Christlanla, Copenhagen and Newark. Douglas Fairbanks has engaged Paul Dickey to play the chief heavy role in his next big picture. They haven't made much Of the name, but It Is to be "Robin Hood." "Tess of the Storm Country," which Mary Plckford la to reraako soon, has tho record of being shown moro times and to more persona than any other film. (Now wotc othar film companies start counter-claims). JUDGJItl AV Ul 1 . movio game, will swine- tha mesa phono during the niralns of Charle Ray'B next picture -t William Fox will film 'H winter men. "My name Is Gup Johnson, una three or four of my oldest girls aro beginning to wall their eyes and talk about love. This yur gent Is Bung Shaddock, the best rough-and-tumble scrapper on the Ridge. I ain't aa soopte as I used to be, and I'm Just practising up with him against tne time when I'll have to fight a pussel of bons-ln-law." Kansas City Star. en, a - . jkulNsobi A GUARANTEE. IN the days before the great night of stimulants It happened that, through englno failure, a train was halted at a town In New Jersey. The wait had becomo monotonous, especially to one large, florid gentle man, who wandered out on the plut form between cars. Spying the con ductor, ho asked about the delay, and was told that tho wait would be close to an hour, or until a relief engine could be sent from Jeroey City. "Can 1 get a drink In this town?" lia .iskeil. lie could. 'Well, if 1 do go thore's no likeli hood you'll pull out and leave me?" he porslstod. Tho conductor shook his head negatively. "That's all right," continued the passenger, "but what guarantee have you that I won't be stranded here in this two-by-four town? Take me with you," replied too Eileen Percy, ln her latest release, plays a stranded actress who finds romance in a ono-mule town. Joseph Tooker Is advertised by the Fox praise agent as "a finished actor of tho old school." No, reader, that isn't whv he's In the moves. "Fin ished" doesn't mean that at all. . . Moro than ioo "brokers" ran wild'. In tho Stock Exchange scenes In Shackles of Oolo," Bin jjarnuro" latest. Then- haan'' been an moici- ment so far, tmt the week H young. Anno Corn well, who plays an In valid In Gloria Swanson'e 'XWded Cage," has a soft Job. She "acta" all tho tlrno whllo reclining In a wheel chair. Walter Hlers, Paramount comedian, Is all asmlle. Why? Oh. tho base ball hennon is only a month off. Hurry Rupf, rroduror of School Days, leaves shortly fo.- th Cnait to direct Wesley Uarry In a coupt inort, thrillers. . The lliht h'.iowlng of Jrcno Castles "No Trespassing" took place Satur day afternoon In tho Hodklnson pro jection room. After tho showing Miss Castle announced sho was going to Miami, Fla. (Wo don't mean what you think, at all). Prosperity sign: Theatres In small tbwns where snows wero given loff three nights a week are booking alii-, nights. Bounds Uko Ciinrlca Hrhwjfo bafclLUDi-. Tj 'v Ii : 'I Mi a I 'I u ul 'h.l Sr. I v