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rv.ffT.- J JIBE DISGUISES THE EVENING WORLD, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22, .1922," TO HELP SECURE !E (Continued From irst Patre ) Ills own) nml found lllrscli tlicrc Ith n. woman nol Ms wltc Mr. Chess becitrtr com Incod Pint his llcnt had lcn the ot,m of fnlsr (allmntif nnil m.ulo nn InvrstlRtltlcn. liThe result of this wm his statement ffto Sir. llanton that ho cuM provo his n rmnir oti for UerkonltZ to call oil iMilm. Installed a dlrtnlihonr nnd with Ifetpctlvo IJntney Flood "lixtrniHK Hi" fin an adjolnlnc office ar.d had -?Ovc Helen Thomas n iin rabiiHorf wife, who wanted n divorce &ERKOWITZ FELL INTO THE W TRAP. t& norkowltr. falling Into the trap. Rnptecd to pet evidence for her for J200 When ho went rrom tne omcc her to set tho money from a nrlBli- ttwrlnc hank yesterday afternoon, VDcr);ovitz was arrested. Mr. Chess told the District Attorney at Ilerkowltz paid he kept rooms In 'est 37th Street for the Mairlnit of Imtds. nnd that ho could furnish por faons who would mako up to resemble rSnv rllvnrro defendant. The police Wound In Ucrlcowilz's room on the jfrlrst floor u larRo collection of jCBomen's hats of all klnd:i and shapes, Innany in boxes and others In paper HjackaRCS. Thesd were confiscated. !The landlady of the lodging houso ut that address said that she had been trying to net Hcrkowltz out of her lJjouso. She said that ho had a con stant stream of callers at all hours pf tho nlRht und that ho slept most lf tho day. There was a private flcphone In his room. RAID ENGINEERED AT HOMfc OF ACCUSED. Mr. Chess learned of tho alleged 'hjise to which Bcrkowltz's room was tiftit when Hirsch complained that the Iwyldcnco In tho divorce nctlon against llilm was utterly false. When ho got fllh touch with Berkowltz and talked (rivun nun auuui. uiuuk u , v Alcnce, he Bald that Berkowltz told ltjlm ho could get an actor to make litin to resemble uny one also a woman rt"o be found In tho room with a de fendant and detectives to miUto tho ttfd and afterward testify that the jfendant was the man In tho room. Berkowltz offered, he added, to fur- jtBlsh manufactured evidence at a cost t3f $1,000 tho affidavit. When "Mrs. Whraruui." th name Detectlvo Helen noma's assumed In her Interview with tlBcrkowltz, inquired what "evidence" ctvoUld cost her, Berkowltz replied that ,Ht would bo $1,200 and that he wanted fctwo weeks In which to do the work, THe explained that It would be'noces "tsUry to shadow the defendant and tijimke tho raid when the defendant bad ino chance for an alibi. ;R' Ira Waldsteln, a milliner, of No. 121 West 42d Street, was one of tho iipersons examined to-day by Assistant 'District Attorney Hastings. Waln ;jiteln had been one of tho persons who ,'Jshadowed Hirsch before tho divorce faction. He declared to-day that he )Kad never been employed by Berko IWitz, but had Bhadowcd Hirsch st "itho request of Mrs, Hirsch'a father, ;Jdosslr Fein, of No. 538 West llSth -tgtreet. He had known tho. family for Jtyeara and was well acquainted with tjllrsch, so he was sure, he Bald, that Jhe man ho Identified was Hirsch. Samuel Margulles, a cloak maker of No. 1270 Broadway, was also exam- Is. SOON TO HAVE '' VOICE IN ALLOTTING until tho Allies now liavo frono ahead und apportioned German repartition money without considering America's claims. They had Invited America iip.iln and ngnln to tin present, but without result. Tho problem became so complex that It Is believed the first thin? Bee- retary Hushes did nftcr President Harding's return from Florida was to advise that, It would bp Increasingly rtimrult to handle American ques tions unless America officially were represented on the commission. It Is beginning to be apparent that the Iteparntion Commission, which is wholly Kcparato and distinct from the League of Nations, Is a most powerful economic body with ten tacles reaching Into American com merce. There aro those who believe Ocrmanv's exports and Imports eventr.illy will bo regulated by tho Iteparntlons Commission nnd that tariffs may be Imposed which will af fect Amerlcn vitally nnd against which Interminable legal argument and diplomatic effort will have to be exerted. JUSTICE TO TAKE LOOK BEFORE DECIDING CASE RUNAWAY HOUSE WRECKS BOOTH, BREAKS WINDOW llarL Into Jmrler'a Store When Puller Try lo (Inlet It. A horse drawing a bakery wagon run nvrnr In Itroadway, Brooklyn, to-day w:ille Its driver was In a store and crushed Into a R. It, T. transfer both at nrondwsy and Havemeyer Street wrecking It. Patrolman Joim Sheohan of tho Clynier Street station and Patrolman Ileloli of tho Traflo Squad tried to quiet the animal, but tho horse backed Into the front window of It O. Arozdn'vi Jewelry store, at No. 203 Broadway. Alter thin, the horse submitted to be ing led ha.'k to tho stable by Oeorso lyinchlaudee, tho driver. (Vinry Island rTvr,ller Srrk In junction AftTnlnut Operation of lireilire nilz.abctli Mcucrand Pasqualo Frlngo, who said they represented 500 property owners, applied to-day In the Supreme Court, nrooklyn, for an Injunction to restrain thu operation of a suction dredge which la at work on the cast side of Coney Island Avenuo south of Neptune Avenue, on a bond of $5,000 o protect their rlrfits. They stated hat the fllling-ln work of the dredge backed sa water Into their cellars. The concerns sought to bo enjoined nrc the Realty Associates, the Melton MacDorvild Co., Inc., and the New Jer sey Shipbuilding and Dredging Com pany. Their answer was that they arc developing the cnlchborhood, that sew ers will soon be put In, nnd that line residences will follow. They also blamed the recent rains for the flooding. Justlco Callaghan said he would go himself and take a look- at the work before deciding. SHOECRAFT 27 WEST 38TH STREET Special Event REMOVAL SALE in tbe Children's Department FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Infants' Shoes, $2.25 Infants' Pumps, $1.75 Situ 2 to 6; Un. white or bUdc leathen; button or lice. JiUti to Hit thlUrtn, iPt ,Ul h fUJ to mop vcuicni u VMttttt memory. SHOECRAFT SHOP 27 WEST 38TH STREET Ortwecn Fifth and Sixth ArenoM . 4msrioaA' Borrtxcrst Spectaltifo" Oppewheim.llins & 34thStret New York The Vogue of Fur Scarfs Fashionable With the Tailleur or Street Costume Choice One and Two-Skin Scarfs Specially Priced White Fox Scarfs Value 110.00.. 75.00 Baum Marten Scarfs Value 85.00.. 65.00 Platinum Fox Scarfs Value 75.00.. 55.00 Hudson Bay Sable Scarfs... Value 75.00.. 50.00 Stone Marten Scarfs Value 39.75,. 29.75 Wolf Scarfs, New colors... Value 32.50.. 23.50 Natural Squirrel Scarfs. . . .Value 15.00 . . 10.50 if; (Continued From First Paso.) Congress. The leiral experts of tho 'epartment of Stato felt that any fur- tther dealings with the Reparations (Commission after that reservation twos effective, would bo Illegal. K This left tho textile Industry at (serious disadvantage, and appeal after appeal has been mado to the Presi dent to urgo Congress to pass the 'necessary legislation to pormlt Amerl- run representation on the Reparations Commission. S And thus the situation has drifted Prunella Cloth 13.75 ins 34 STREET- Jtetuxen 9iftfiJltenue tkJBaaduay THURSDAY , A Most Unusual Sale 850 New Dresses A Remarkable Special Purchase From a Leading Manufacturer At Much Below the Regular Prices Btaiti Canton ChechJ Prunella CM IJ.75 Oppenheim,llins & 34thStrett Special Values Thursday Misses' Mannish Top Coats Shea 14 to 18 Ytors Also Suitable or Women to 36 Bust Herringbone, Tweeds, Plaids and Double-Faced Coatings Exceptional Value at New York Newest Sport models in box effect or belted, with raglan or set-in sleeves, fancy pockets and notched collars. Silk-lined throughout. Misses' Tweed Suits Sizes 14 to 18 Years Also Suitable for Women to 36 Bust Combining Unusual Style and Practical Merit Exceptionally Low Priced 20.00 Distinctively tailored on youthful, straight lines, to be worn in box effect or belted, some featuring inverted back pleats. Favored Sport colors. Misses' Departments, 3rd Floor 13.75 VOU wllLbe astonished at these extraordinary values such carefully made, high-quality dresses are most unusual at 13.75, and we Invite the most exacting comparison. Daytime and Informal Modes of Canton Crepe, Georgette Crepe, Satin Canton and Taffeta Sports Models and Cape-Dresses of Crepe Roshanara, Prunella Novelty Checks, Krepe Knit and Combinations comprise the collection. Beads, embroidery and touches of gay color are most tastefully applied, and the new light and dark shades are well represented. Sizes 14 to 44. Look Tor The Label i PerfectSboulder and Arms Nothlnff tmuli th l bttutltul, soft, pcuiy white appearance Gouraud UrUnul Cream renderl to tha ahouUtra and anna. Covm iktn blcmuhet. W1U not rub off. Far superior te powder. Smt lie. tor ItlHSUt !,FE&D.T.II0TIUK3 SUN NtwYork Canon Ciepe I3JS Altmatt & (Un An Imniportaint Hmrclhase of Men's Spring Overcoats finely tailored from the most desirable fabrics will be placed on sale to-morrow (Thyrsday) at $43S0 A very low figure for overcoats of this superior type, in the making' off which special attention has been given to style, cut and finish. The yoke- and sleeve-linings are of silk. (Men's Clothing Department, Sixth Floor) jOTafcteon gbenue- Jfiftfj gbemie, Jieto gorh EfjirtHourtfj Street TOrtp-Wtlj fttrect Per Copy ORLD ALMANAC 35c Complete in Every Detail AT ALL NEWS STANDS AND BOOK STORES BY MAIL, POSTAGE PREPAID, 50c Per Copy I 1 1 IT I n, ( tyTl't WA ADDRESS.! NEW YOR WORLD . new york crry