Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING WORLD, THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1922. 27 1 IN THE REALM OF MUSIC "Faust" Has an Off Night, in Attendance, at the Opera. By Frank H. Wnrren. .What shall be said of the operatlo (Wtlon when "Faust" falls to ilklw? Perhaps the fact that It was suns but a week ago, plus the fact that the Bolto version, "Meflstofele," was given only last Monday, and that, on the same afternoon Miss Far rar's friends mado a grand rally to tho colors when she reappeared In an ,t of "La Boheme," all combined absorb tho Faust-Farrar enthu siasm of tho week. At any rate, last night's attendance at tho MetropolP itan, when the Gounod setting of tfoethe's tragedy was given, con stituted no record In these days of surging opera crowds. However, tho excellent cast stood to Its singing Mini 1,'nrmr fllil her Jewel 60I1K tlBtlcally: Mr. Martlnelll, in mo rinmniirn." rhaDsodlzed as 1U usolously as the most modest maiden could desire; Mr. Danlso "dlo pos Bonted" In truo Italian stylo; Clar ence Whltehtll wus a designing Mephlstopheles; Mary Ellis proved a fetching .Slebel, tho choruses went well and tho Kcrmessc scene was lively enough. Mr. llassclmans con ducted. Florence Trumbull, pianist, was heard In recital In Town Hall in tho afternoon. A Mozart Fantasio, two Scarlatti numbers, Ucethoven's So nata Op. 27, No. 1, a Chopm group, a Rachmaninoff Serenade, an Intermez zo Bcherzando by Leschotizky, under whqm Miss Trumbull studied, a Hour ree (for left hand alono) of Salnt Saens and Liszt's "St. Francis Walk ing on tho Waves" made up her pro gramme numbers. Miss Trumbull Is an averago performer. Portions of her programmo she mado Interesting portions wcro Inclined to be dull. An Interesting selection of songs Is promised by Idelle Patterson, soprano, who gives a recital to-night in Aeolian Hall. Mrs. Patterson Is ambitious arid studious, and her appearances In tho. past have afforded keen enjoy ment to those who apprcciato good elnglng. Both local symphonic orchestras vO scheduled for concerts to-day. -'ho New York Symphony this aftcr oon at Curnegie Hall will play techalkowsky and Wagner, with llsa Stralta, soprano, as soloist, and -ho Philharmonic this evening will resent Alexander Schmuller, violln (t, In Slbellus's concerto In D. The dress rehearsal of Mozart's pcra "Cosl fan Tutte" yesterday di.s iosed that Mr. Gnttl-Ca&azza has n urprlse In store for his patrons In e way of stage settings. The de igns are quite unlike anything the etropolitan has heretofore gono in North VestCorner Sixth Ave515:& There must Porceloid Side leer Hygienic; Solid Oak; Porce loid Food Compartment; at illustrated, at, $27-98 CREDIT- LAV" ZAtt t ic -trtUt- .Cr 3-Piece Living Room Suite in Tapestry or Velour .Mahogany Finish Frames, with loisicrcu in apcsiry or vciourf as 4-Piece American Walnut Bedroom Suite . rh 1 . , I r- , i . . . Anne renoa uearoom ouue, imisned in American Walnut, consisting of Dresser, Cliifforobe, 'able and bow-foot Bed; 4 pieces, jlli-' L Moioii thick iti.ivi:mi; uvr.iivmitsuis. .a ' MQltilt thick u:i.ivi:ihi:b Mvr.nvwiicuii, for.. Mozart, could he see them, would undoubtedly open his eyes In appro clattve wonder. FOR DISADLKD MEN'S RELIEF. Representatives of fifty war and civic organizations of the city will meet this afternoon at tho home of Mrs. Louis Ledoux, No. JSO West 57th Street, to arrange for a" mass meeting at Town Hall next Tuesday nlcht to discuss the question of the disabled soldier. J. Noble Bradcn is Chairman of tho com mittee, on which are Mrs. Ledoux, Al bert Z. Cray, L. S. Urecklnrldge, Ed ward 8. Mills, Walter Hamilton, Thomas Walsh, Thais Magrane, Mrs. Arthur Terry, Mrs. II. B. Gardner, Miss Ethel (lowers and Mrs. Francis Rogers. Sage Tea Turns Graff Hair Dark fvf f RANDMOTHER kept M ncr nair Deautiiuiiy darkened, glossy and attrac tive with a brew of Sage Tea and Sulphur. Whenever her hair took on that dull, faded or streaked appearance, this simple mixture was applied, with wonderful effect. By asking at any drug store for "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound," you will -get a, large bottle of this old-time recipe, improved by the addi tion of other ingredients, all ready to use, at very little cost. This simple mixture can be depended upon to re store natural color and beauty to the hair. A well-known downtown druggist says everybody uses Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound now because it darkens so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell it has been applied it's so easy to use, too. You simply dampen a comb or soft brush and draw it through the hair, taking one strand at a time. By morning the gray hair dis appears; after another appli cation or two, it is restored to its natural color, and Iraki glossy, soft and beauutul. OBS2 be a reason! Whenever we have "keyed" our customers to find out which medium of advertising was bringing the best results, we have found that old cus tomers and recommended cus tomers greatly outnumber those brought in by any other adver tising. This can only be due to com plete satisfaction with our merchandise, prices and service and should mean much in help 'SMI I liliiM ing you decide where to buy your furniture. Generously, if Desired Cane Panels, Up- 1 Q,5) musiraicu, ai B J Vanity Toilet $1 TO .50 as illustrated jL I J 56-Inch All-Wool Home spuns and Tweeds Were $1.68 1.22 New spring colors aid mixtures. Women's Extra Size Suit 8 oi crn Were $42.73 Ol.DU Black and navy three styles. Size MVi to 51. Women's and Misses' Suits en ern Were $29.73 sSO.DU Black and navy tricotine sizes, 10 to 44. Women's Coats Were $29.73 18.5a Herringbones, poplins three-quarter or full length. - Women's Extra Size Wraps and Coats 42.50 Were $59.73.... Twill cloth coats wraps of shaw sheen. Sizes 42 to 62. Women's and Misses' Skirts Were $10.97 5.85 Tweeds and homespuns smart tailored models. Women's Silk Dresses Were $22.73 & $24.73 17.77 Crepe dc chine, canton crepe and taf feta sizes 3G to 44. Misses' Jersey Dresses Were $9.73 to $10.73.. 6.88 Plaited skirt and overblousc navy, brown und henna. Junior Misses' Dresses Were $18.94... 13.50 Taffela and crepe all new Spring models. Junior Misses' Dresses Were $4. 47.... 3.17 Fine quality gingham and chamliray. Girls' Navy Blue Serge Skirts rn Were $1.94 1.0 Full kilted, wit b all ached nhilo bodies. , Misses' and Girls' Middy Blouses nn Were $1.24 Excellent quality jean regulation styles H to 18 years. Girls' Tub Dresses Were $1.94 1.58 chum or 3. Variety of pretty stylen in pinnlmni or ehambray sizes 0 to 14 years. Silk Blouses Were $9.97 6.75 l Crepes. 2.17 Including new Spring printed Crepes. Hand Made Batiste Blouses Were $3.37 .. Hemstitched, embroidered and filet lnec trimmed sizes 34 to tl- Extra Size Lawn Blouses Were $2.47 1 fiQ Tailored models sizes IG'j X.VIt to 54f Women's Pure Silk Sweaters- 6.50 Were $9.48 Tuxedo styles fnnr ueave black white and navy. Women's Worsted Slipover Sweaters Were $2.94 2.35 Fancy weaves various colors Women's Extra Size Cambric Drawers- rn Were .68 White with ruffle and hem. Sateen Petticoats Were .91 to $1.17.. .75 Mack, navy, royal, taupe, brown, purple, hunter various models. Shadowproof White Tub Silk Petticoats Were $2.94 2.14 Hip line hem or flounce model. Spanish Lace Allovers ?r8 1.50 and 1'louncings Were $2.21 For evening ilressci and blouses. Embroidery Edgings and Beadinas - o Were' 10 02 Fridaq, as CIscial, Bargain Day 20TH GREAT SPRING SALE A Double Event That Combines Price v Reductions from Every Department ; Into One Great List of Special Money-Saving Values WE RESERVE PRIVILEGE OF LIMITING QUANTITIES Women's Trin$med Hats n ok Were $2.95 and $3.95 Variety of colors and styles. Girls' Trimmed Hats Qtr Were $1.57 and $1.95.. 0 Smart styles and color combinations. Trimmed Hats a a a Were $7.50 s . . . 4.44 New dnes and tailored models in Spring shades. F6x Scarfs OK ftn Were $34.50 ZD.UU Fashionable shades ot brown or gray double furred. Kit Fox Scarf 8 iq nrr Were-$23.50 lo.D Various new shades. Imported Italian Real Filet and Crochet Laces Headings were i .14 yd Inserting! were .24 yd... .IS Edgings and Inserting! were .87 yd. .19 were .07 yd. were .47 yd. .2 't were .07 yd. .34 were 5I.17 yd 59 were $1.27 were .77 yd. .38 yd i ITALIAN IMI'OnT DHPT. THirtD FLOOn. FRIDAY 512 MISSES' SUITS SOLD BELOW COST! 15.77 Reg. Values $23.73 to $29.73 Thirteen different styles in tricotine, Poiret twills, serges, tweeds and sports mixtures, Tan, Copen, navy, black and newest sports colors. Plain and fancy silk linings. Sizes 14 to 20. Women's Percale House i Dresses an Were $1.94 JL.Uvl One pifce models sizes 30 to 52. Bungalow Aprons- on nere Good quality gingham. Sateen Petticoats Were $2.24 Q Sp'rins Deep Vandyke pleating new snaucs. Little Tots' Princess Slips and Gertrudes qq ' Were $1.67 .OO White lace and embroidery trim med sizes to 7 years. Children's Princess pi;no . .. 1 flflifintf Greeners n n . . J. . " Damty yMa-O to 11 years. Babies" Shoulder C4 n i ii',,-,. lyr .1, c:n i i . .. .3H aim rvuui, alio ratriDI) in : )ers. Infants' Fine Silk and Wool bhirts- - 1A Were $1.35 and $1.45 i" mn'ii , FOURTEENTH STREE'l hounded 1827 WEST OF FIFTH AVE. Step-ins and Vests rrr Were 1.28 .O Dotted silk mull orchid,, flesh, blue. Novelty Soisette Silk Step-ins and Vests Were $2.28 1.44 Flesh, orchid and blue. Bloomers Were $1.68. . Dotted silk mull. 1.08 Crepe de Chine Chemises Were $2.48 1.64 All new shades nreltily trimmed with lace, in several styles. Crepe de Chine Night Dresses Were $4.50 3.17 . .54 Tailored or lace trimmed. Stamped Gowns Were .74 Made up ready to embroider. SATURDAY , Little Tots' Coats- - n nn Were $9.75 recd uml sport matcriulsMZcs ;! to " v'"rs' Lic f Cats 5.50 um,,plln;.wii b)ue to li years. rose him s Lit tie Tots' Tub Dresses Were $1.97 1.00 Little Tots' Pontic Dresses Were $1.67 .90 fiinjihara und cliambrny sizr t 0 vrars. t:iiI 'f n wtnc Jtuia iwmuerx Were $1.47 iO ,,ingham nml chambray-sirc, to (i ra" Utile Tots' Terry Clothe M r. T i f nT A A iTVi)i.JI 4W.4rf"X a,Ul.9 , to s vcars. Infants' Flannelette runners Were .67 ' i! fhtenn-ns with dran.tnrj n yhtijowns with dranrirj Sec Page 11 for O titer 40-Inch Satin $2.45.....::; Street and evening colors 40-Inch Canton Crepes Were $3.25 '. 1.84 2.44 Heavy quality light nnd dark colors and black. 40-Inch ' Charmeuses 1 AO Were $1.95 ;.1.40 Light and dark colors. 35-Inch Black Dress Satins - cn Were $1.74'. Serviceable quality. Storm Serges1 Were $1.28 .1.00 SO inches wide all wool. All-Wool Ottoman's and Taffetas i in Were $1.48 1.1U 40 inches wide. Men's Wear Serges .Were $1.97 1.27 Hi inches wide all wool navy und blade. 34-Inch All-Wool Tricolines n orr Were $3.28 6.6 i Navy und black fine close raised weave. r . ii... Were $1.78 Xt I 51 inches wide ull wool newshado Silk Mixed Chiffoneites Were .50 .37 j .'l.') inches wide all leading shades. j Mercerized Shantungs ; Were .57 34 1 ;13 inches wide various colors. Plain Color Voiles nn Were. 45 .61 I 41 inches wide full range of colors. Chambray8 -n Were .21 yd. .14 Splendid assortment of colors mill lengths. Ramie Linens Were $1.10 Oyster white 30 inches wide. Imported Japanese L repes Were .35 All leading colors. 36-lnch Fancy Sateens ! Were .70 .66 .24 .55 Attructive designs on light nnd darK giouuds. Yard Wide Lining Satins 1 1A Were $1.37 1.1U Yurioiit colors. 1 nch Nainsooks L30 Were $1.90. hliter 10 yards in piece. M-Inch White Novelty Were .40 Yd. .28 While Poplins 36-1 rich -1 Were .55 35 j Highly mercerized. i Long Cloths -lOOt Were $1.95 Piece JLuU so inches wid 10 yard, in p,.,. Bleached Do met Flannels .12 Wr 91 "; .Xll.Wnnl Whit,, '""li- nrr Flannels Were $1.17 .87 " so inchcs wide- Metal (,irdles 1 1 A! Wire $1.47 and $1.97 1 . I U N- e ' ' sign. N p ' ! sicnv , Adxertitinf, Milanese Silk Pettibloomers Wcrc $8.94 Cuff or pleated knee. .4.77 Glove Silk Pantalettes Were $3.17 2.52 Well reinforced. Glove Silk Bloomers Were $3.47 2.66 Flesh extra well reinforced. Misses' Sateen Bloomers Were .78 and .97 . . .55 Pink, white, navy, brown 8 to 18 yea rs. Sateen Camisoles i i a Were $1.48 l.JLU Orchid, taupe, flesh, navy, black. Extra Size Silk Jersey Petticoats 9 rrr Were $4.94 O.D Deep plaited Vandyke flounce various colors. FRIDAY 4,524 UNTRIMMED HATS AND TRIMMINGS 1.38 Reg. values 1.75 to $3.50' Large, medium and small shapes, in new est Spring straws and colors. Included are some silk faced models and a limited number of popular hood styles for juniors. 1,860 Flowers and Fruits Wreaths Wheal bands ntul some ostrich trimming rrr rCg. values $1.13 to SUS.i lO 2,495 Flower Clusters Wheat bands, flowers and fruits, raglc quilU on reg. values nnd at A) 'Ye T-i tuning Scrrlcc Women's Double Extra Size Underwear r a Were .77 .0-1 Si-mxuI Sty!oi. Women's Double Extra Size Union Suits a Were .87 .01 nccw-siceveic I lf0,IC,'s Cott is loose or tight on Of Were .57 and .67 .OU Low ntck und sleeve ess tight knee. Children's Waist Union Suits Were .57 .4U I,ow neck sleeveless. Knee length. . ... i Were Si. 07 .Z lllack, cordovan anil grey. Men's Mercerized Hose Were .28 1 Q ' i, ii i . . l i.. 1 ,,0"1,l,' ,oIc "1"r1' ,"1,c"1 hoel men rt'ic iiais Wire ?3.5 2.50 Were 93.45 tf.OO Were 83 50 1.75 , The cn. nn'i moO ilcurnhlr jtvlri Hand Dags Q Were $4.87. . . 77777. . . Leatner and silk black, navy and brown. Women's All Silk Hose 0 17 Wcre $2.97 25.1 Full fashioned black and cordovan. Women's Silk Hose 1 ne Were $2.07 1.1 4 Hlc' mercerized tops full fash ioned. ' Women' 8 Silk Hose-t Ao Were $1.97 1.48 Tllac 1, cordovan and colors full fash ioned. Women's Silk Hose Were $1.45 .O lilac i. cordovan and colors moek seam ull sizes. Women's Silk Sport Hose An Were $1.35 ... l.UU Ribbed or plain greys, tans and browns. Women's Imported Lisle Sport Hose Dir Were $1.25 OO Full fashioned heather mixtures. Women's Extra Size Burson Hose n Were .35 57 Hem top black, white, balhriggsn and cordovan. SATURDAY Corsets ' 04 Were $2.00 l.iht i. eight cotilil and butiste. Pink Corsets n 4 Weir $1.00 .4 I'.lui'.c lop s:zes 20 to 25. Maternitu Corsets Were $2.00 .86 I.oiv bust long hip 22 to 38. Silk Br ache Corsets Were $9.00 4.24 Low I'ust clastic inserts in baok. iJlastic Top Corsets Were $5.00 O Q( l'iiik brocie .OU Linene Brassieres .q Value $1.00 .05 Heavy bee trimmed sizes 30 to 48. Extra Size Brassieres Were $1.00 6(5 White front fastening lace en broidery trimmings. Hand Bags Were $2.67 ."; 1.75 HniMii, blue, black and buff. Double Thread Turkish Towels q Were .34 I... IT 03 Hemmed white striped terry border