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' " """"Wjis1" 1 " "' 'i ",'"r -"" -- THE 'EVENING WORLD, THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1922. . ' ' ,'v-f":' ' , "i I FAINTS ON STAND i miii in i mi n m nnr wntH iulu lurAut ALLEGEDSLAYER Mrs. Ursula Moller Laler Tells How Husband Was Mur dered by Thug. '.Mrs. Ursula Moller screamed nnd then collapsed on the witness stand 'In the I3ronx Supremo Court to-dny ''when she was asked to Identify Alrlc Westllnp, the prisoner on trial for the murder of her husband, Carl Mol- "ler, Ko. 16C8 Kelson Avcnuo. "Please I can't look" she said, and fainted. When Bhc was revived the question was not repeated, nnd so she has not formally Identified Wcstling. Dut sho told her story. "The man enmo on the nleht of Dec. 24," she said, "and talked to my husband about buying some Jewelry. There was argument nliout tho price my husband wanted for a ring (1,400. I stepped Into the room. I saw the man's hand como out of his overcont j pocket with u pistol. I saw him shoot and my husband dropped to the floor. Then I saw the flash of another shot and It wns I who was wounded, tn the breast. Tliu man turned the pis tol toward my husband nealn, then to ward mo nuif fired aaln. Then ho took a jiackaso of Jewels .and ran downstairs. "I was almost unconscious, but I KOt up nnd follnr.-rj Whon I reached tin street I saw him walking away. Theio was a man passlnir on u: truck nnd I pointed out the wnlklng man to him. Then I lost conscious ness and knew nothing more until I wokc up In tho hospital." The truck driver was Richard Lyons, and it was ho who captured Wcstltnsr. .The defense sprung a surprlso this afternoon by calling Wcstllng to tho stand to tct up a plea of Belf de fense. This is tho gist of his testi mony: "I went to Moller's homo In answer 'to' an advettisoment of Jewels for sale. The first time was on Dec. 23. The prices asked were so low that ! I became suspicious as to where the 'Jen els came from and finally Moller admitted they were smuggled. I made an appointment to call tho next day. "Meanwhile I though It over. 1 hsd been a private detective once, and I still had my old card and revolver, dating from 1900. 1 thought It was my duty to take Moller to the proper authorities and 1 went to Mis house the next day for that purposes When I told him of my purpose he prappled with tne nnd had mo down. 11 was getting of better of mo when I reached for my gun( got It out and fired " MRS. WILLS RELEASED TO HAVE OPERATION Woman Arcaaed of SlaylnK Una iMiad In gerloim Condition. ATLANTIC C1TT, N. J., Mnrrh 23 Judge Robert 11. Ingersoll to-dny nlgned nn ortef for ths relense of Mrs. Mnr cclln Wills, accused of shooting nnd killing her, huibnnd, Ixmln Wills, in their home here' last Saturday In order to permit Mrs; Wills to go to u local hospital to have a serious operation performed. The condition of Mrs. Hills has caused considerable nlnrm. nnd It Is feared she might dlo If Uio operation was not performed ImmcdlntMy. GIRL TAKES STAND FOR SWEETHEART SLAYER n Mir llrnUr With UliiMltnrR Ulirn Mnln Mhii t nllril Him Tlilrf. .Mm Miii. i It'iM'iit'ml of No. 176 NOAtrnnrt Ann n ltiooklyn, former ilatii-ei- of Willi in uirift'.ji'rg, on trial for lii 1 1 r.- biH'i' Jii'U'- Tallcy In deh orn! Si -.iiih ii of killing Rnmuel I.uMn, nt No I IB Korsvthe Street, took the stntiil f (liiiHliiTg tn-day. Miss Hosetitliiil. i pi utlnirtlvo niul pretti ly gnnnml yourm woman, rorroborntcd nlnslicrg's ."lory r yesterday that Luliln hml been the 'aiiso 6tr Miss ltncntliiil Ui'iikint! Iht engagement Willi him. (!ltiMioi muv Uo liought mi etigngc ment ring from l.iibln for UCO, tho dia mond In whlrh Imil l"' I' stolen from a blind wnimin dliniiotiil peddler and he bnil no knnvlcdk'e of the theft. Ixitur he fiunrnlleil with Ltililn nnd tho latter told Ml. KfHintlnl tlie Hlono was stolen nml lln.l)irK wns a thief and no nooil After Uililn told her ntmut the. stone she gave tlie rliiR hack to OlnsborR wlio pawned It for Mnn nnd sent her tlie tlrket. Tie . niiKi mi tit was broken then Tlie euf will go to the Jury tomorrow T . . ... BOOT SHOP 32-04 West 34th Street Famous Queen Quality" Footwear Very Specially Priced $K.OO 700 Pairs of Pumps and Oxfords Every pair displayed is from our regular stock. Queen Quality Models with all the grace of lines style and crafts-manship the name Queen Quality implies. Two, three and one strap effect with Louis, Baby Louis or walking heels. In Black Kid, Patent Leather, Black Suede. Tan Calf and Brown Kid. Queen Quality Boot Shop' 32 and 34 West Jfi Street 'it 1 m t5 BONWIT TELLER UCO. FIFTH AVENUE AT 38 STREET For the Informal Affairs of the Lenten Season and the Weeks that Follow 1 If WOMEN'S DINNER GOWNS 95.00 A COLLECTION which translates into the American language of fashion the Parisian story of the mode. MOIRE SILK in side draped gowns. BEADED TAFFETA in gowns with the basque or cuirass bodice. BEADED CREPE DE CHINE in gowns with the wide wing skirt. CHIFFON, black or tinted, in gowns with the Hellenic silhouette. LACE, black or tinted, in exquisitely draped gowns. RENEE CREPE SILK GOWNS With the Circular Skirt Mil 39-50 M mjffazw A char mine Afternoon Gown with the cir- ii il&yV CU'ar 8irt ound at tne bottom, and with Atij Sf -f dainty i mported embroidered organdie V" ci CW around the U-shaped neck and short sleeves. Vta-a tri frfl&k He"na' BeiBl NaVy TN Mrr" !. Hunt on frvr nnd nw "ItluM" Wnril, Thai slinpln, Innocent loklng word "InvestlKnte" has heroine taboo In the Inn ( vocabulary. Itn stirrs- Ik the shorter, but iby no jneniu ler word "survey." Mmor ilybn has beoq InvestlgAted so en oy grnna juries una .Meyers nml iliiMnw.r. nml IiIh lnmml..liitini i.t AccountH has made bo many Investiga tions Him me Ji'ijur ima uocomo Drain enry 01 me uru. n bui so me Mayor indvertently shivered overy time the nA Itlt'OMtttriltfl U'nM lltt Tlla rU..n. docsn'l shiver easily, but It got on hla iron nerve. o in luimy s puiiuc Hear ing on legislation, the Mayor said Hint In fiitiin tin wonl "survey" would la the right word Hyl UKll oftr Ul MAYOR HAS NICER .WORD FOR UGLY "INVESTIGATE" SEEK 18 HIGH SCHOOL BOYS FOR AUTO THEFTS ' . ( r . - . N ' -r TiiiiI. Ilitny Cnrs fur Joy Utile nml Then Alinnilonnt Tlirim HITKAl), Mm eh 2.1 Uf leellves sl.irteil out to-dny lo ni rest et&htcen hlnh school bos, nllened to 1wive been iiivoImmI In numerous theftx of iiulOmo blles durliu; tlio Inst thine imintlis, Their names were furnished by I,nv rencu sisson. seventeen eir old, under mrest at Urle for nss-iultltinnn olllecr lio '""led to arrest him nnd two other hoys on a elmrK" of strnllhR n car. , ' All of the elKhfeun boys. Hlsson said, attend Hie same hljili wliool. Stolen curs imp ilmiidoiied after Jo) tide, the iollie SUV KS 5? -3) day - Thorpe 24-26 FIFTY-SEVENTH STREET WEST March Sale of SPRING BLOUSES A special sale of Tailored sport shirts and Blouses in Crepe de Chine, featuring ten distinctive " models; also a number of French Blouses in Batiste and Voiles. 8.50 Heretofore as high as 22.50 Collection of one hundred Imported blouses in Handkerchief Linen, Ba tiste and French Voiles with real lace, dainty embroideries and hand drawn work; included are some fancy printed Crepe de Chine materials in tie-back models. 12.50 Heretofore as high as 45.00 No C. O. D's., Exchanges or Credits aEcC Si ft iJmaricaS Uorrmcnt Spcctaafo Oppenheim.llins a 34th Street New York Very Special Friday Girls, SpringCoats t and Circular Capes Sizes 10 to 16 Years. Featured at 15.00 HeatherjCIoth, Bren more and Herring bone Tweeds, in box and belted Coats, also graceful new Capes. Silk and Tweed Frocks For Girls and Juniors Sizes 10 to 1G Years. Values to 29.75 00 Crepe de Chine, Taf feta rr.d ccmhi na tions cf Crepe tie Chine and Cixpv Knit Ci'pe Frocks ct Tweed For to morrow (Friday) A Special Reduction Sale off BLACK DRE: ILK: itses) at exceptionally low prices 40-ninicIh Black Cafllot Satfiirn.. -(Ihavimig the new Fremclh soft-draper finish)- at $2.15 per yard ' ' 39-nmiclh Black Gaimtomi Crepe (heavy weight) at $2.65 per yard ; 40neclh Black Crepe de ClhDee. ' ( quality; goiaranteeiil not to slip) at $2.65 per yard 405 nch Black Crepe -Satan (very heavy quality, soft and lustrous) at $2.65 per yard ,. ' 40amiclhi Imported Black Clniijftfoini Taffeta at $2.65 per yard one orders will receive (Sale on the Fnrst Floor) prompt atteotioo Telephones 7QOO Murray Hill Weil 42nd Street Stem Brothers West 43rd Street oAnother GHcw oAssortment of Tailored Suits for Women Priced in a Sale for Friday and Saturday SPECIAL at J 53 8 (Sizes 34 to 50!) $uits of unmistakable distinction tailored with expert attention to finish and detail, and expressing in fabric and smartness the very best fashion ideas of the season. Various models in Tricotinc, Poiret Twill, Oxford Cloth, Pencil Stripes and Tweed Mixtures. Featuring narrow belts, mannish pockets in several styles, snug fitting shoulders and sleeves in short all of the marks of highly skilled workmanship. Richly lined with silk throughout. cA Hide selection 1V1 favy Blue and Black' SUNDAY WOLD WANTS WORK MONDAY WONDERS 0 O Of