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THE EVENING WORLD, TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 1922. TEXTILE STRIKE GROWS; 9,000 OUT Two-Thirds of Operatives on Strike, More Lrvrence Plants o CotC. LAWRENCES, Mass., March L'8. Tho strike In the cotton milts hero trained strength to-day. It was esti mated that at the seven milts affected tbrpw-quartem of their aggregate working forces were absent, approx imately 9,000 persons., as compared with 7,500. the number estimated uis out when tlio mills closed last night, and 6,o00 when tho strike began yen tcrday morning. Several plants were to badly af fected that It was said they might close before night. Tho Methucn ' Company shut down tho first day, and the, Arlington Mills, tho only cot a , ton mill to announce no wago ic JL ductlon, did not open at all. Thcro was loose picketing at the ' opening hour, with, no disturbance. Tho strikers then .went lo the com mon for a mass meeting, the. princi pal speaker at' which was Ben Legere, leader of th& one big tinton. .There Is a proposal for tho two organiza ' lions to join forces. rAKMEnS UNIT-IS WITH LAIIOn. it GREENSBORO, N. O., ilarch 28 A political alliance between the North Carolina Farmers' Union, the State Fed-1 Firemen and Englnemen was formed at eration of Labor and tho State Dlvl-ln conference between leaders of the 410H of tlie Brotherhood of locomotive : three organizations ncre. For bur Home BLUE RIBBON FURNITURE Bi0 INDUCElgkNTS NEXT WEEK 6 AVE. at 41 ST- BUCKLEYNEWHALLG) 4T Annual SVrirv Saler IfeeK REG U.S.PATOFF. TOPCOATS Special for Sales Week $00.50 28 The Knitted Cloth of whifch these coats are tailored will not stretch, shrink or lose its shape. It does not wrinkle or get out of shape and seldom needs pressing. Its unusual texture has not the appear ance of a Knitted Fabric. It is a fabric that will always hold its rich color effects. These coats are in the much-desired loose fitting. Box Coat Model. Cambridge and Oxford Grays and Brown and Green Heather mixtures. Sizes 34 to 46 regulars, stouts, slims and shorts. MEN'S and YOUNG MEN'S BLUE SUITS Sales Week Price $4Q.OO Every suit is tailored according to McCreery's high standard of workmanship. They may be had of the finest quality All Wool Serge or Unfinished Worsted in a weight for all year round wear. Double and single breasted models. Many have silk sleeve linings, Sizes 34 to 46 regulars, longs, shorts and stouts. (Fifth Avenue Men s Shop Second Floor) During Spring Sales Week MEN'S TIES 95c . - Made of fine Imported and Pomestic Silks in a wide variety of new Spring designs. Practically every color and color combination is included. (The McGreery UabcrdasheryMain Floor) James McCreery & Co. THIRTY-FIFTH STREET FIFTH AVENUE -THIRTY-FOURTH STREET Store Hours: 9 to 5.30 Telephone: Stuycesant 4700 94 fjmuwA Formerly A. T. Stewart & Co. Broadway at Ninth, New York On the Many Islands of Florida it is astonishing to sec the long rows of Austrian pines that grow rapidly tall and beautiful, like the old-time Lombardy poplars. At Palm Beach and elsewhere they are planted close together to form a high, graceful, but thick, green wall in front of stately mansions, desiring to shut them in from the roads. In some vegetable farm regions these trees form hedges to break the force of heavy winds blowing over the wide ocean and other waterways. There arc hints of help fulness in nature, if we train our eyes to see them. yip (.Signed) March 28, 1922. If Miss 7 to 14 will permit us we .should like to intro duce to her the new Leather hats at $8 Young girls will adore these hats for wear with school or sports clothes. Being of leather, of course, they are always chic, under sunshine or rain. A leather ornament, peeping over the edge of the nnrrow roll hrim, is the only trimming. Navy blue, gray, brown. Second Floor, Old Oulldlng Ampico Matinee Eighteenth in the series of 19S1 -iZ Wednesday, 2.30 P. M. in the Auditorium. Louis Stallings, soprano Hans Barth, concert pianist The New Concert Organ Dr. Alexander Russell Flnt Gallery, New Building Ampico Recordings for April are ready You MUST hear the magnificent playing of Moussorgsky's Russian dance, "Hopak," by RACH MANINOFF. There are also artist's inter pretations of Tales of Hoffman, Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsody No. 10, Mendelssohn's Midsummer Night's Dream; and seven clever pieces of the new popular music. Flrt Gallery, New Building Lemon shape Soap Lemon odor Soap A new cake of famous Knickerbocker Hardwater SOAP, shaped like a lemon, ' with the scent of a lemon, has been added to the list, and is available in the March Sale at 12 cakes for 60c Knickerbocker Hardwater soap is one of the very best toilet soaps made. It is so cleansing that it may be used for washing delicate laces, fluffy baby things or mousse lines. Millions of cakes are sold every year many housewives stocking up for the year in March, because of the low price. Violet, almond, verbena, or unscented in cake form. Lemon, in the shape of a lemon. Street Floor, Old Building Wicker Lamp Shades at Half Price Dimension Were Note 8 in. shades 80c 10c 10 in. shades $1.80 90c 14 in. shades $2.80 $1.40 16 in. shades $4.00 $2.00 18 in. shades $4.50 $2.23 20 in. shades $5.00 $2.50 Excellent grade of wicker lined with silk in gold, rose, red, a few in blue and green. Second Qallery, New Building For town and Country Women's very custom-like Topcoats and Capes Now, in the. early spring when the air is too mild for the fur coat but still too crisp for the suit alone it is ex tremely nice, for motoring or trotteur wear, to have a top coat or cape of this type, to slip over the one-piece tweed frock or suit. English tailors have established the vogue of the fabrics used tweeds in herringbone stripes and smart looking mixtures tan, gray, brown and fleeces in the natural tan sometimes with overplaids. floats, loose beltnd. wnvon leather buttons, $29.50 to $79.50. CAPES, circular, rolling collars or throw scarfs, $25 to $39.50 Simply designed and perfectly tailored. Second Floor, Old Building 285 Odd Dinner Sets are reduced to Half Price to adjust sleeks before the March Sale of china ends, on Friday next. $90 sets now $-15 100 and lOG-pc. sets Service for It) $40 sets now $20 100 sets of American porcelain, pink rose design, traced gold handles. $45 sets now $22.50 10 sets, American porcelain, morning glory design, pink and green, traced handles. $55 sets now $27.50 5 sets, American porcelain, delicate border with roses, coin gold handles. $65 sets now $32.50 5 sets of fine imported china, small pink rosebud design, traced gold handles. $75 sets now $37.50 40 sets of fine imported china, broad cobalt blue band, gold edge, traced gold handles. $87.50 sets now $43.75 25 sets of fine French Limoges china, delicate ivory border with small flowers, coin gold handles. 15 sets of fine imported china, in beautiful Dresden flower de sign, traced gold handles. $100 sets now $50 5 sets of high grade china, rich coin gold band design, gold handles. 52-pc. dinner sets (Service for su) $20 sets now $10 50 sets of American porcelain, two gold line design, traced gold handles. $22 sets now $11 $28 sets now $11 10 sets at each of these two prices and their patterns are those of the IOC piece sots now selling for $20 and $22.50 i American porcelain. , $31 sets now $17 10 sets of Theodore Haviland china, in a delicate rosebud design with traced gold handles. More Glimpses into the ravishing riches of the Women's Salons of Fashion. This time it is FROCKS. Long and lovely. Brilliant of color. Many, many styles. More thought than ever has been given to frocks from $35 to $69.50, while individual models at the higher prices show the quality of the inspiration behind them. SECOND FLOOR, OLD BUILDING $59.50 $155 $35 Fine pleats says Paris for spring, .so Jin pleats say n great deal for this erqie. frock. This smart jroeJc and matching cape make clevei we o a double faced Jabric crepe-back satin. $145 Simplicity, aided by just enough hand-drawn work, charming in this crept Iroct; in exquisite colors. ranels a) sand colored embroidery accent the slen der silhouette o) thu frock oj black crepe satin. $69.50 $45 $57.50 $69.50 Rodicr's javonle Flora kasha rai and black em broidered ejjrct on white ground gives chic, to this frock. Itluc stripes and blue ribbon bindings on orange flannel a sports frock of great smartness. Sflcilterland sent us this sports frock oj gayly colored nhbonzene ; hand crochet ed anil most unusual. Checked Dundee ttveod requires nothing but gooi workmanship to make a distinctive sports jroik. $67.50 $95 $79.50 $187.50 Dyed hand-made lace and chijjon in one o) the lovely new browns a de hghtjul gown. Chijfon, aver double Georgette crepe lovely pastel shades achieve the graceful silhouette. Circular and iherejore new draping oj the skirt distinguishes this simple crepe gown. The one-sided drapery oj this crepe Roma Jrock may end in a softly tied sash or a train. On the Main Aisle Sateen petticoats, 95c to $2.95. Lustrous washable sateen in a number of pretty styles for sports and dress wear. Regular and extra sizes. Silk Petticoats, $2.95. Taffeta, silk jersey, jersey and satin and jersey and taffeta. New Spring models. Pettibloomers, $2.95. Silk jersey, cut generously full and reinforced, finished with tailored cuffs or single or double accordion plaited frills. Delightful array of Spring colors and flesh, white anil black. Street Floor, Old Building Misses' $75 Suits Copied to sell for $39.50 Only detail omitted is the elaborate embroidery on the sleeves. This suit is carefully tailored of navy blue or black tricotine. Coat is lined with light gray crepe de chine. An effective finish. Second Floor, Old Building Spring colors in Silk-faced Duvetyn $4.50 yard Glorious fuchsia shadi of purple and red. Br.Hiant orange and tangerine reds. Chamois yellow. Soft beiges and grays. Navy blue and black. Orett Good. Salon Flr.t Floor, Old BulMIng Fine Stem and Tabic Glass Ware Fifth Less. A whole table full of heavy cut glass at half price! Second Gallery, New Building Men's Gabardine Raincoats, $30 A very low price for coat- iikf those. All wool. Thoroughly weather-proof. Equally pleas ing and satisfactory fni -unny days as for rainy days. In two shades of tan. Single breasted. Belt all around (which may be removed, if de sired). Raglan sleeves and set in sleeves. Street Floor, New Building You can relieve that foot strain VOU can be rid of flat A feet, tjred, aching, swollen feet; weak ank les, strained leg muscles and other foot ills. Just put your feet in a pair of Shoes for Men For more than fiftt--n years these famous shoo-, have been helping men to walk in comfort. They positively prevent foot ills, and correct them If they have developed. Let us help your feet by fitting you to a pair of these famous shoes. Many styles to select from. Wc are exclusive agents Also Fashion Anatomik shoes for Women sturdy Anatomiks for Children. Tan calfskin Ired shoe, id uim toe, extra heavy single ole, a smart dressy -Jioe. A rrnxes show uhrrc Bodu urnfjht In 'Is tn incorr , t Knalomxk i ngha and Shot I -and