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Newspaper Page Text
4 f THE EVENING WORLD, MONDAY, APRIL 3, 192. 17 DEATH REVEALS RICH L AWYER IS ENGAGED TO WED Braddin Hamilton to Be Bur ied From the Home of J? His Fiancee. The dentil or rtr.nMIn Hamilton, wcnltliy lnwyor of Klvcrliead. I.. I., and former assistant ri-otor of T?t. Bnrthnlom'Hv's Churcli. Npw VorU. iv-" vealed that ho liml been eniraspil to marry Miss Murle TIopo or lloltvillp. near Patchogue. Mr. Hamilton died suddenly Satur day morning In tlio !,on.j Island House, Iilveihead. lie hocann' ivnli wlille walking alone Hit stitut and went Into tho hotel to m.t. Hr-forr a physician arrived he was dead. Tho body was taUi-n to tho under taking looms of S. II. Hill ,t lirother and efforts wore made to Jiiul his relatives. ,t. Francis Mngec or Itlver hcad, a clone fiiend, telephoned to everal persons. Including Miss Hope, who Is a sister to John Hope, post master and Bxoccr In lloltsvilli!. Il was the brother who told ol" he en Bascment. Mr. Uumlllon was slxty ono years old and Miss Hope Is about thirty-five. After efforts to rmd u-liitm-s failed the Ixxly was taken to tin- Hope liomi and it will be bulled lioin tlieie at . o'clock this afternoon. It became known yesloida, that Mi Hamilton had drawn his Mill in 1P1S nnd that he left a small heipiest to Miss Hope. The residue Is left to a nunibei .if relatives, mostly nephews and hifo . but tlieir addresses weie nut Mvrn Duvld C Watts was named . eev.ini The estate is expected to reach $ '(" 000 and consists for the most pari ' land In Suffolk and Wisim Cumuli"., bouslit by Mr. Hamilton at sale fin taxes. Mr. Hamilton was bom m ford Canada, and was a -, chute of Camliiidxo fnlvei-fit), where In- wv . it classmate of Viimo Albert Vietoi i Bon ol Kdwaid VI I. xuw iivvi: mninvi t tti: i'i.v. Tlio Hoard of IMiuftui-j ..f tlie ,Vw Yolk. Xi-w llnven and llutfuid ltall roail Cuiapjny Iihs extendi d the ia-iIoI for deposits uf tlie. 1 per cent, dr Den tures und' i the threo-j ear -tt tilin plan tervntl.i appruM-il by tin- lilt- ltat Comnieivi fominlR.-lun. Tin- -llri-clnr-t hope the plan Mill bei om uputiithe by April l.". It "ill b'' etfeetive ml If u ccpted by piuiti-:ill ill ilebentniv holders. k'ICO PRACTICAL A flexible it fairy fingrrt t will curl the hair, lone or hobbrd, while von arc drMitnc, or can be kert on all night comfortably Nor the -lighten danger of injurloc the nett hair. Sold at notion counter. If tout dealer doci not carry them, write . taOAIHVlV.NV 14-Karat Gold THRU AND THRU SI ii .sr -r 23 JEWELS 12.50 Atari luff MdikIim ntorniiis; til X Ynrk nnd latthic until nUhl nl ii uVIork, ftf ulll sarrlfhe t untt-hrs (his ! lnl ne rln. We hnr rerrhed n frrh 'ipply of J-wrlpil Mtttrht- dircrt from Hie factor?, mul in rifr In (INjMir nf tl.t I.irgr ttork ijuiikl) I prt u rjuitk (iirnour r our monrj, hp htp miiiiiic to lukr u rry llort nrnfit. p urn nlurinrr 1hr iowellfd MBlclif- on sale for nnl SlU.Aft Ihr bmfht price for rounl fimilKy In the United, tatff. The natch U uirn's full Mze. The 'ii-Jowet'd motrment fully fiimranleed an it ha been timed, tented, nujulrd itnd rre nlated. 'I he cuie It-K. Milld cld thru nnd thru and ho tmnprd to preient any niiMiinnrrMnnuinff. nua w hiinjrri to my 1 . AMiy tiff Ire test. It U citarunteed for n lifetime. Many Jeweller would clmre you more than 12.30 for flip cno ulone. We nlll hell thlt nluuMi" untrh upon tlie dUlinrt iinderfttandlnff tluit If nu ran duplicate It for a penny lens than $:i(t.00 you ran brine It bark and e will refund sour money, We rannot fill uny mall, mcsbenger telephone or dealers' orurrtt. B.GUTTER&SONS NASSAU ST..N.Y. Sffi?St 1ZQ Reel Reviews Uy DON ALLEN l'otlowlng. what might lie termed, 'i " to Mctliusaleh" week, llrondwny cinemas arc jierhlnff up n. bit nnd tho movie bill o' fare nluiiff Uroadway Is somewhat moie dlveml fled at present. Cinema manasuis, who teemed to haio been otrtclcen with oldlllmltls lor the. past seven days, yesterday stepped out of the rut and are un winding- n few novelties In thu tlltn line. Chaplin, in the long: press-agented two-recler "Pay Day," heads the Hhort fe.ituio bill at the Strand while Will KoRers presents "A l'oor Re lation" at the Cap'.tol. The nivoll Chimes In the ncw-lllm ehonis by showing Pola XpriI In "Tho Ited Peacock" nnd "Slslois," a sobby af fair. Is the lead-film nt the Camoo. Murtnn Davles moved from tho Itivoll to the mailt., taking "Ueauty's Woith" light iilonpr with her and Mondial, the seir-liberator, is doing both si fee n nnd personal appearance duly in his latest thriller. "The Alan 1'Yom l!o.onil.J" at the Times Suuaio. 1'. may, nnd then again, tt may not be. significant that one of the films featured along with Pola Negri Is "The Anvil Chorus." The man we sal next to must have been playing tin; bats bazlntn ho didn't like tho lllm at all and was afraid cverjonc in the thttitro wouldn't l;ue,v It. "Orphans of the Slomi." like the much-talked t poor, !,eems 10 bo nl- ways with us at Uio Apollo, where business keeps up In spite of tho lengthy run already enjoyed by tho film. The "tiovcs of Pharaoh" keeps right on going nt tho Criterion nnd Harry Carey In tlie thrilling western "Jinn to Man" Is off to n good second week nt tho Central. c PASSING IN REVIEW Thoro are two distinct Charlie Chnp llns, viz.: Chaplin tho clown and Chaplin the nitlst. Both blend per fectly In thn unicellng of the latest Chaplin two-reel fe.ituic "Pay Day," which heads thP film bill at the Strand this week. Add tho two Chaplin personalltlei to the glorious stibject'of pay day and j-ou could 'not ask a funnier or moro pleasing bit of entertainment. Chnrllo plays a bilcklayer. but what an out-of-the-oidlnnry bricklayer he makes of it. Charlie seems to have forgotten much that ho should of Hit old days and nt tho same time he has remembered much that you an; glad ho didn't forget. "Pay Pas" has been a Ions iim coming, but It is worth the wait. The balance of the Strand bill Is fully up to the scieen ma ik and the music is of tho Strand super-quality llatr lloltdinl, In pcri-on, in the picture. In spirit, In the lobby and in the box office, started what Is hoped to be an extended run at the Timei Square Theatre, last night in his latest thrill tlltn, "The Man Prom Beyond." Tho Moo deals with a man, burled m tho core of il alaeiei lot) yeais ago. who romcs to life after :i t-Miturj of cold storage ami wonders whut Us nil about. 'Thcro are thrills,, then j couplo of thrills nnd then moro thrills. Hou dliil Is whirled to tho edgo of N'lagnm, saves tho girl and Hut ns thrilling ns Is thn lllm, Hon dlnl's "Thirty Minutes In nnd Out" nut-thrills It. Always partial to Htury. wo can truthfully say that" his "stunts," old nnd now, will hold any audience spellbound for at least I'J of the 30 minutes ho Is on tho stage. Tho Capitol management advcitlses " typical Capitol i.ogrnmmo." Will Itogers In "A Poor rtclatlotr bonds thn bill and most of the rel Is music. "Sisters' is the feature cinema at traction this week at U. S. Moss' cozy Cameo Theatre on West 4Sm Street. This story or repressed emotions Is taken from the novel by Kathleen N'orrls and directed 'by Albert Capcl Innl. Seena Owen, Matt Mooro and Olndys r.eslle. aro llip chief players. "School Day Love," nn Kducatlonnl Comedy with wlsp-crncklng kids, trained animals and hokum Is a good laugh provoker. Sardines, how they are packed and shipped, Is an enter taining bit of fish footage. The Cameo News Kvetlts, a 'violin solo, "I.e Deluge," Is rendered artistically by Samson Noble, while Miss Uossle Gerard takes care of the vocal enter talnment with the rendition of "fllnn nlne .Mia." Pola Negri, in her latest starring vehicle, "Tho Hcd Peacock," at the lllvoll. portrns tho experiences of a girl of the slums who becomes u belle of high society. Tho film Is an adap tation from a play by John Krnly nnd gives Mts Negri many opportunities to dlsplav emotional acting, which she makes the most of. Advertising induces a first sale But "Quality" alone maKes permanent custom iiQAf Jin ah m All A II A Once tried, is never forsaken HZM Sealed nacKets only BlacK.Gr een or mixed COWPERTHWAIT & SONS UPTOWN 3d Avenue and 121st Street 2212 to 2224 Third Avenue "Everlasting Furniture" Ask Your Grandfather DOWNTOWN Park Row and Chatham Sq. 193 to 205 Park Row Progress and Service Go Hand in Hand III l.Sl'.l I In- famous Do Will Cliitlon train look mi hour lo run 1" milo from Alliany lo '-rliciicclady. To-day I lie J()lli Century l.ini ik'tl races 1 .000 miles from Nov York lo Chi tano in "20 hours. Tlii.s iniirvt'lous progress 1ms ' .'iddvd grontly lo lln roml'orl, liiii)iiH-ss and cn joymcnl of life lo-day n ISO" Cowpcrllnvail's l'tiniilurc hiisiucss was founded. In tlieie I years il lias jjrown from a liny shop lo the large- Chalhain Suare and Ihousands of eiistouii'f, and all this lime makiitt: Tu Witt Clinton Train of 1831 Harlem stores, sutmlyins many homes more happy and comfortable. This is the season of the. year vhen eery family wauls to dn" up ils home with new furniture, riifjs and furnishings. Call on us lo supply you with anything for housc-kcepm-:, and you will find at your com- r' maud the same obliging service, moderate prices. yfC ' y) and extended credit terms that have prevailed at Mfyl&ZCtU Q$f ( owpiM'thwait's for 1 1. years. N ....snrr'..;s . ,Vl"'',-.-rt" The 20th Century Limited I I Open Saturday Evenings Harlem Store. Open Monday Evenings Also $160 Colonial 4-Piece Mahogany Suite Reduced from $225 Payable $2.25 Weekly $178 Same Suite in Walnut Reduced from $250 substuntinl suite made along tbc seiere lines of (olouial furniture lleautilully praincd wood l'rclty Drc5ser. ample Cliifforobc, Droning Tablr with three mirrors, and full bi?c Hcd. Other Suites for Small or Large Bedrooms at Reasonable Prices $237 Louis XV. 10-Piece Jacobean Suite Reduced from $325 Payable $3 Weekly brryiccnlile ami liandsomr Jucobciiii o.ik in a suite of manual Ii iios-. nitli curved aprons cocklcln'll oniiinienls anil 'croll feet. U( inch llufl'et with mirror-bnek. Cliitui ( lo-i-t with lutliceil kIhh: Server witli extra shelf: 48 inch extension Tubl' Cliatri nnd Armchair with genuine leather scats. Designs of all Periods, in HaJnui, Mahogany, Oak, etc. 1 ;, $72 Windsor 5-Pc. Set Reduced fiom $100 Payable $1.25 Weekly Richly srnineil dark brown Mahogany Ideal breakfast .set or for a small dining room. Gateleg Tabic and four Windsor Chairs. ! Colonial Four Post Bed Antique brown Mahog any, with Rrain of head board carefully matched Hizc i ft. 0 bj 0 ft. Reduced dlQl from $55 NOW ipd $157 Upholstered 3-Piece Living- Room Suite Reduced from $225 Payable $2 Weekly Long Sofa with unusual 'nl.u.'l luei-n nne legs. Ilemnvable Mai nlia.ll spring eushions in Sufa ami ( Other Suites in Velouror Leather, With or Without Mahogany Frames Oak Dining Room Chairs Strongly and handsomely built, with genuine brown leather slip seals Only $3.40 Refrigerators Hardwood outside, white enameled inside. Lift top, and one shelf. Size 14 inches deep, 19 inches wide, ."'0 inches high. Special $10.95 Rug Bargains Sale Regularly $62.50 Price Velvet Size 9x12. Seamless Axminster Sale Size 9x12, Regularly $75 Price Tapestry Brussels sale Size 9x12, Rcgulai ly $43.50 Pi ice Wilton Sale Size 9x12, Rcgulai ly $160 Pi Ice Velvet Carpet snl Foi Stairs, was $3.25 a yd. Price Inlaid Linoleum Sale Regularly $2.25 a yd. Price $44 $48 $29 $98 $2.50 $1.85 Bicycle Days Are Here Our "Jtrliance" -i dependable ma chine, enameled in bright color-.; mud-tuard-t- R u .i r a a -tred tm For Roys $39 $46 nnd Girls For AdulU Stroller Carriage Medium v 1 ' e . lighl wrigh' -'i ''S'v made nf f , , 1 -I Willi billion pn-tu 1 Cowperthwait's Liberal Credit Terms 25c Weekly on $15 Worth 75c Weekly on $50 Worth $1.50 Weekly on $100 Worth $2.50 Weekly on $200 Worth $12.50 Weekly on $1,000 Worth Other Amounts In Proportion. Pay by the Month If You Wish. No I'xtra Charges of Any Kind 10 Off for Cash 'L J Special, $26.75 Cowperthwait & Sons Oldest Furniture House in America 3rd Ave. and 121st St, 2212 to 2224 Third Avenue Downtown Store: 193 to 205 Park Row Between City Hall "Sub" Station and Cliatlii'" Sq. "L" Station. Where Economy Rules vr it. j Prices Reduced Rock Bottom For the Metropolitan District Fresh Creamery fc P"V BUTTER 3c 'Ji,,,, PRINT Ilb QO SQJftmm&a, BUTTER Car," Fine Cane Granulated SUGAR 5 Cakes A PGSoap24c White Naphtha s Had! JL MUELLER'S MACARONI or SPAGHETTI Save 3 Cents Cans "lona" Brand PEAS Save 3 Cents KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES or Post Toasties Save A Cents Rolls "Pacific" Toilet Paper 2 20 pl(0S. 7 Save 21 Cents 25 Sardines N3KSKin . can 15c Rinso . , . packaflC 6c Heinz Baked Beans sin can 9c 1 Baker's Cocoa . '2ibcan 17c Lea & Perrin's Sauce m 25c j Gorton's Brick Codfish 29c Gold Dust . iare pkfl 25c ! Shredded Wheat package l2Jc BREAD 5c CRACKER SPECIALS Fig Ncvvtons lb 19c Lorna Doones lb 23c Social Tea Biscuits - - pkg 13c ORANGE PEKOE B0KAR COFFEE SUPREME A&P Solo Distributor-. 1 aiwlnvothfij ORANCEPtROE TFA Li 1 9c lioc ATLANTIC & PACIFIC The World's Largest Grocery House '- 4" f TEA GO. I ..ii II--- ii i - 1 "i A w -,illu Si J I i