Newspaper Page Text
i The Eveoflng World's Commies MONDAY, APRIL 10, 1922 Theatrical News and Gossip $ v 1 1 hi 5 !. fcac it J- About Plays and Players By BIDE DUDLEY '0 LD play bills often ai very in- terestlng. In a package of 'iiiom nint us bv Martin J. j Dixon, years manager of tho Jrhlrd' . onue Theatre, la one an "tiounclng Hal Reld's play, "A Work 1ng Girl's Wrongs," which, accord ing to the, bill, showed "the downfall .fif' villainy and the triumph of houest jliibor." Guns and knives are used in the play, and one lino In the nd ivertlslng reads: "Sea the boy who Is y?alnln' U meet McGovern." Then '.tjiere Is a lino quoted from the dia logue and classed as "one of tho best lines from this beautiful story of real life." It tf: "Yes, there Is a diamond upon your finger. Jack lias none except upon a hot day when ho Is at work; they are upon bis brow llko a diadem diamonds of honest sweat, the gem n'f labor which, when they are (spent for the woman he loves, fall Into tho flowers of her heart and sparklo there as pure and bright as a drop of dew In the heart of a roso." X picture of a scene In Act 1 shows the villain knqeked down by "tho lioncst arm of a worklngman" and there Is another picture showing tho midnight murder. Them wus tho good old days. NUTT8 DOPE. . - Jefferson Shrewsbury Nutt writes us from nogosh, O., to suggest that "u leal story" ought to bo written about Police Commissioner Enrlght's book of Don'ts. His suggestions follow: '"Dead Dud I and tho wife believe her and me could get a lot more out of Commissioner Enrlght than hns Iron printed about that Don't book of his. Can you Imagine what would happen If I and her stepped Into his office und I nays: 'Well, Commission cr, I Just pursued your Don't book. It's all right, but what about the crime He'd probably hesitate, and I'd say right quickly: 'And how about the ti'Jne pontoon system?' When he got through talking Jessica could smile and stop up. She'd say: 'What about Hie broken hearts, Commissioner? Got .itny Don't to heal them up?' Then, If you 'had tho Police Band there Bhc could slug her factory girl song, 'Thty. Jleld Up Fannlo Smith and Took tho PayRoll.' It has sentiment and never falls to bring a tear. Oh,vwo could write a great story, but, by the way, I need $11. Try to get It to me by .Wednesday If you can. To-day Mayor nimble, while talking about n trip to nurupe, suld: 'I'd give my head for one.' Blanoy Pitts, who hcord him, ald: 'Oh, Your Honor, It would cost , InOn? than one lone,' Much excite ment but could learn nothing. Jeff." j JOE'S CAR T -:- That's Nothing to the Way He FEELSi 76 JL HERE IT 13 - REG-UlAt? AS 1 INSTAUMeNT OH TU'CAP -MV Vrr?V I cts i r-RlEND MAY NEvet? -uicitp (O ME BUT 1 CAM Ai i.iaC count om This! r- I am- here's 'Mike's cvtbiDA-m.- FOR LAST M.OH MOT PA VET-I X-t.fcO -GEMERATot? ,CAV?&oM iAUl Copr. 1922 (N. V. En. WU) By Prw Pub. C. M - AN I. HAVEN T 30T TCA To fcltE.IN.J MlKtS&OT 'it 'Hc'GE.T5 1 MOBE TUM OUT 'OF 'H TiAu i 'ba AM UF NPVIPt .fi bRWES IT !5 1; ' r-4 , ? . i d h .! r THE BIG LITTLE FAMILY In Terms of Area! s . II - ( 6ifPLe! ix Voo vnoJ ) S b-iryeri - ! 9 j : " y ,J rr . . A7 whkt t cost-do Air .x vsr'zn Come here VMtfl W Hm-m yb0 know -tupr L SLf NCDEPvR-V $ e, j T v LITTLE MARY MIXJJP Will Uncle Repeat? Cpf. 121 (H.y.Zn. wy)Jr tw. Ncxa? TO OFPER PLAYLET8. . Tho StuyMesant Players will present K prou'niiiimo of pl'iylets nt the Oreen nlch House, No. ZJ Harrow Street, on hnnmiuy ccnlngs, April 15 and 22 This body of actors Is striving to build what they call a little Art Theatre. T POEM! jjtnry llotchklss of "Just Because," nt Earl Carroll's Theatre, htd writ ten a ortc-act rhyme which wo arc producing hero for one performance only. Curtain! .SVte' bobbedr tier . hair, , :f , And 1 confess, J 1 think she'f QUu Bobbed her rfrc. I - . e A&AitA pop ) A FOR ROSE COGHLAN. benefit performance to aid Hose Cojrlilan Ih being arranscd. Hum H. Hiin is, hh President of tho Producing lliituiKcrH Association, announces he has obtained tho use of tho Apollo 1 hratro on Sunday evcnlnc. Anrll 23 'tho following-named havo volunteered Itv.nsslat: William Collier, Klorenco Moore, Wllua licnnett, Joseph Sant cy. Ivy Suwyer, Solly Ward, Reno -llano, Hose Rolanda, Kmma nalg. Iticliard Keen, Mite. Marguerite' and lrank Gill, all of "The Music Box tjevue," Others will be announced as ihey agree to appear. Incidentally. re'd Itke to say something nice about Mr. Harris. Since last September he HO given the use of his S.-im II. Har ris Thoatre to organizations for wor- :hy bcnefltB on Sunday evenings und UM not only assisted personally but nas instructed, nis stnrt to' do every thing possible tq make each benefit u success. Many thousandn nf rinl. irs have been raised Indirectly by lr. Hurris for various charities and through it all he hus smiled and 'rfJrkeiJ his hurdebt. KIDDING DEATH. , jW'is Uayt been advised that Krank Uiffell his discovered a way to. shoot 1" bullet through a woman without hurting her. The lady Is Mile. Pe Uimar and she Just loves to be shot Krank is shooting Mile., at Proctor' tpth Street Theatre this week and IJiey say the net goes over with bane: J. ELIMINATING FRAUDS. iilercafter when a girl who gets 1 trouble tels tho world she Is of the "Follies," she'll have to prove It. K. Uf tfeld Jr. has decided to finger rlnt all his stage beauties. '"It's only fair," says the producer, jliat the public bo protected agalnsl Uieso flagrant frauds that ariso so ij'qucntly.'" Why not kiss prints? ' GOSSIP. . j Helen MacKellar in "The Shadow fill be (fin a New York engagement jn Apm z. . . i A. G. Delimiter will produce soon ? .1 Not pAVimg- Th n- 1 1 n r . . . s 1 imm n x i-j7 1 s r wur .. . ? 1 . 1 - . ' ' I mil IAT I II I VI I X "MPT.W l L -T' J I B Z-ii. KATINKA No Hope! No Hope I WZhR THERE'S "moUBLE IMTrttS HOUSE asW DID Tvk IVeS-HE SAY SHE ZsJZtA , ; v lHOPC XlL NEWER See (MoT A CHANCC) Q , 1 1 SEW WM THREE LETTERS) Your missus has falleki in love boss Tell has his phctr:ra,ph l,?VT lT- I a picture of that fgrdie not t (askin' per one an' Didn't Euet4 VJITH VilLUAM VEAKBEAM THE fT fVou HOW ON HER BOReAO IN A J AvJFUL FOR "HOtAE VJRECKER OH J A CHArJCE ) v ?. (SET A KEPLV ! -moving picture: hero, an' her ) she Raues silvjer frame !T I married J y0UR bureau, "Sc' v.: ' ' ' c RHYMED THRILLS D Cornelius Pluto Splvln of Bronx- vllle, please stand up! Mr. Splvln the Judges In the rhymed thrill con test nave awarded you the prize, a copy of TuleyVally Watson's latest pong, "You May Hold Me Tight If You Oot Me Tight" Congratulations! Of your thrill. MIks Willie Coollgun, one of the Judges, writes: "Mr. Splv)n s jhyme Is both esthetic and aroostlc. I Imagine ho Is n deep thinker, possibly a. student of Swash, tho great Hindu philosopher and tom-tom artist. I Bhould very much like to meet Mr. Splvln and talk ethi cal culture with him. provided ho Is a single man. I make this stipula tion as I am not an Intentlonal'home- wrecker. By the way, what Is Bronx vlllo?" The Splvln winning rhyme Is imtl tied "A Muley null." It follows: .1 mulcy hull iras playing In Neighbor Munson's lot. I came along just straying And 'bout the bull forgyt. I wore a red bandana. Ills anger irus iulensr. ' Mil thrill camr. tlu-n, street Anna. 1 RAFEtA' JCMFEl) THE FEXCE je-uv -a ,1 1 tier Temporary iiuaijanu," a com edy by Edward Paul ton. Louis Calvert, now. In "He Who Cots Slapped." will direct "What the Public Wunts." Carle Carlton will sail for Europe May 15, W. Brooko Johns will go along. The Players' Assembly will make Tho ''Night Call1' a regular evening show Instead of a special matinee bill. Frances White will appear at the Oreen .Room Club Hovel Sunday night at tho Cohan Theatre. "Oct Together" begins Its last two weeks of its engagement at tho Hip- podromo to-jday. Charles Dillingham will launch William Faversham in "Out to Win" at tho Majestic, Buffalo, April 18. Loulso Groody Is back In "Good Morning, Dearie," after laryngitis Madeline, Van was good as her sub stitute. Tho Hlppodromo will bo seventeen years old Wednesday. Special birth day features will bo offered In the show. "Uncle Tom's Saloon," a synco pnted melort. uma. will bo In the new DeWolf Hopper ontcrtalnmont. Rcgiita Wallace has been added to tho cast of "Whispering Wires," Kate McLaurln's melodrama. MarJorlo Itambcau'a new play, triglnally called "Jenny Jones," Is now "Her Three Husbands." The Edwuid K. Rice "Surprise Party," schrduled for tho National Theatre Sunday evening next, prom ises to be a very Interesting affair. K. Zlegfeld Jr. has gone to Chicago to attend a dinner given to his wife, tUUle Burke, by. prominent literary A" DIFFERENCE EXPLAINED. TWO darkey boys In a Southern city met on tho street, each u'pnHnp n now unit Cinn . . , 1 -.1 , 1 How much do they set you back for dem clo's?" "Fo'ty dollahs," was the response. "Fo'ty dollahs?" "Yes, sah; fo'ty dollahs." "Look at me." said tho first." "1'so The Day's, Good Stories and stage Tuesday. people. He will return got on a buU w'at's mos' perzacztly llko- yourn, and I 'don't pay but $10 fuh mine. Somebody sure fllmflammcd you.'' The possessor of tho $10 suit took hold of ono ot the coat sleeves of the 110 suit and pulled on it. It stretched. Then straightening up, he said: "See here, boy, tho fust big rain yo' gets ketcned out In dat coat of yourn Is gWlno to say 'Goodby, Niggah, from now on I'so gwlne to be yo vest'!" Judgo. . A THOUGHT FOR TO-DAY. Since Mrs. Hank Peterball of Wells- ville entertained Baron Otto Van Beani a Texas cattleman, at din ner Thursday evening, she has been calling herself Mrs. J. uY Belleville Peterball. FOOL1SHMENT. The little girl was very tall. And yet her family name was Small. They called her Lengthy Mae or short, Which you can see they hadn't art. FROM THE CHESTNUT TREE. "I gave my friend a rain-check." "To the ball gamo?" "No, I mean on umbrella.' ence by cutting down scrub oak. and selling it. Tho wife did most of the cutting, while the husband drove the wagon and sold the wood. An oil company drilled a wildcat well on their land and struck a gusher. This raised the pair to tho millionaire class. Tho glad news was told the man in town, and., after dis posing of his load, ho hastened back to tell his wife. She might havo been expected to drrtp her axo with a sigh of relief, but this Is what she replied: Well. I wish you'd buy me a new axe-handlo." Judge. WHAT SHE WANTED. r-r-mttKH are many stories from the I new oil fields of tho effect of suddenly acquired wealth. Many, unused to money, have wiuan- uereil their thou sands ulth reel less a b a n d o n. while others have continued tho even tenor of their way. u n d I s turbed by millions An elderly couple had never known anything but drudgery. They lived on a sandy farm of a few MOTHER'S Screenings By DON ALLEN 8ELZNICK EX0DU8. The Sclznick Picture forces da parted yesterday aboard the "Manhatw tan Limited." Under the guidance o Pennsylvania Railroad workers, the big aggregation of stars, writers and publicity men climbed aboard. The will switch from the "Manhattan Limited" to tho "California Limited at Chicago. Among those who occupied tho tvr' enteen drawing rooms were J. W' Bchlelff, Myron Sclznick, Elalti Hammers tein, Owen Moore, Eugeno 'Brlen, NUes Welsh and other stars Directors Ralph H. Ince, Vlctpr Hern man and George Archalnband wire also aboard, as was Tamar Lane, the demon pralso agent, who Is to locate nn thn nivml. Selznfck expects to keep his fllA I activities centtcd on tho Coast for probably a year, when ho will return to Now York. FORCED COINCIDENCE. Tom Guraghty, widely known New York newspaper man, and now 'was! up in tho movies, ran against a hard, directorial nut whllo directing "The Man From Homo" In London a short while ago. Tom needed a typical American small town paper to use In a close-up He tried to explain to a dozen Eng lish printers what he wuntcd. They failed. Then he sent a few emis saries scurrying around.."' In three days one of jlhcm turned up with a frayed copy of the periodical pride of Oreensburg, Ind. Ono peculiar part of- the yarn la that Oreensburg was Garaghty's birthplace, and the other peculiarity Is that the story Is true. SHOT, BUT NOT DEAD. Raymond Grlfllth was yesterdi presented with a rubber can-opener by, the Marshall Neilan start for his wise cracks about the studio. "Cameramen shoot fools first," read Griffith from Screenings. That must be wrong," continued Griffith, "for they've been shooting three weeks apd I'm still alive." 'Which only goes to prove," chlmedc-fi In Matt Moore, "that they tc blnmetfjl bad marksmen." awajie, and she makes me get u when I am' awful sleepy." Edin burgh Scotsman. UNSATISFACTORY PLAN. -"v ADD) came nome xrom wie oince II early one evening, nnd mother had not rcturneu irom som frlendK whom she had been visiting for tea. Little four-j car-old ilwennle up to her father's side. "Daddy," she cried, "I've been wanting to see you for a long time when mother's not near." "Why, my little girl?" asked the father. , "Well, dad." answered Gwcnnie, "iflpase don't tell mother, because nhe's nn awful dear, but I don't tlilnlc. bhe knows much about bringing up children." "Wlmt makes you think that?" asked her father. "Well." replied Gwennle, "she it acres, which was too poor to cultivate profitably, so they eked out an Qkbl makes me go to bed when,'! am wide RESTAURANT AMERICAN. tQ CRAM BLED EGGS," ordered a customor' In a cly market restaurant. "iiiiiK toast. murmured his companion, who was not feeling well. "Scramble t w nnd a graveyar Btew," sang out the waitress with the Titian hair, "Hero," cor rected ths second man, "I want milk toast." "You'll get It, b u d d y," replied th girl. "That what they call milk toast down In Pittsburgh, where I worked." Tho two customers held a confer once and decided to "put one over" on the "fresh young thing" fom Pitts burgh. The first ono wanted a glass of milk and tho second one a cup of black coffee. When the girl appeared to put "set up" of the restaurant artillery In front of the men tho second man gave the following order: "A bottle of lacteal fluid for my friend and a scuttle of Java with no sea foam forme." "Chalk one an' a dipper of-Ink,1 shouted the girl, She didn't even Brin. Tk Arkllght. A CARP. TO STAR. Georges Carpcntier, who-has cJhso for recalling a chap named Jncquofi Deinpsey, is going to take nniMhT. fjlng ut the movies. But this time It will be in London and under tho direction of J. Stuart Blncklon ot New York The noted rieneh le.ither pusher has Just scrawled his Parisian John Hancock on a scries of articles thai call for him to bo 175 pounds, camera side, and free from cauliflower cars, swollen lips, ebony rjrn and all other inaugurations. For thnse reasons, f'arprntiT will ry and finish his picture acting lic- fore Dcmpsey leaches dcah ol Lun non, ion know. For lint twain tnl;M nfect again and Meorgea wouldn't tin any matlne" Idol follow inc sm li ,i meeting. ' The picture hasn't been nanvd avf et, but its a cinch It will NOT hfJ "Tho GlorioiiH Fourth." AIDING "ARMY." L. Lo&ky, Vice President of ' the Fnmou.s-Plnj csr Lasky Corpora tion, Is the latest addition to the Citi zens' Committee of ISO prominent New V.a Sr ..I ,,. ...... .. , . r , . , . Army's lloniu Service appeal 'fn $500,0(TO. Tlio sum Is o be raised lif Greater New York between May 1 and 10. Will H. Hays is also acting as ii member of the committee and Lee Shubcrt wil) acl l .Chairman of the theatrical division of tho committee. Ho has assured the army of the full est co-operation of the speakers and the movies. 1 FADE-INS. Allen 1 Ioluliur, -dliTctor, needed a Chinese with uu old-fushioned queim for a part In his latest production. Aftor &earching Chinatown for days ho discovered that the little pig tails' are as scarce as fleas on sandstone lions. Mabel Normand is about start East to sail for London. During her vacation trip she will visit Palis. Rome, Xaplcri and Madrid. George Drungoid, screen actor, Is also an author. Ho sold his first story yesterday. Ho says the checjt just about pajys for the paper hefJit wasted while writing the yarn. - ', Use of the radiophone by movie ' directors threatens to do away with tho Job of assistant director. If It would only eliminate some of the "stars" It would be- doing something. William Conklln, screen player, started his acting career as leader of supers for William a. uradv-, JIls salary was 16 a week. But living was cheaper then. Anita Stewart Is the latest scintil lating film luminary to visit the bob ber shop. i Shannon Day (no relation to Dco- orotlon) was formerly a Zlegfold star." . Joseph De Grasse,,ble director, is acting In that capacity for Charles Ray In his latest film. Motion picture stars don't like to havo It known they havo the flu. AVc know of five prominent stars' who i '-fused to allow their praise agent? to mention the fact that they havo suffered from tho malady recently. "Locked Out" is thotltle of Altco Calhoun's newest picture. Wanda Hawley Just w&n a popular ity contest In Brooklyn. Agnes Ayres has' started work on her new film. "Bordeiland." "Pink Gods," by Cynthia Stockl'ey is ,to oe fenrnyn Stanlavs's nc; Paramount production. Broadswords will be the instrument ot combat In Fnlrbanks's next picture. lie win temporarily tievt the foil. s iy i ,tm ! u'l II lilfc lii'miil it iriti'lli.n I