Newspaper Page Text
v ' THE EVENING WOJILD.:. WEDNESDAT. APRIL m. las r . - liLff dYLUi IM for queens made UTJJ.ZTC u R A Hi r -EsomMMtort Jl V Aftta 3 m Ltd AN 57th st to Tcrmlna,s ofCo- h SFr " u ainiuiul sr?!u -n IHIUIUV,! U I1IILL.U fill rona and Astoria Extensions. Toweling Pillow Cases Comfortables ' ' cttabltsMd department of women' extra $(ze sWk liniin nnrnil rOOJ? ...J Mwww . Cutlery BUnk'U 1 FOURTEENTH STREET Wtw WEST OP FIFTH AVK j apparel, located on Third Floor. HOUR RECKLESS That Is Limit for Autos, With 1 2 for Trucks 8 Miles on Downtown Streets. In answer to a widespread demand Icra new trafflo. ordlnanco to curb reckless Olivine In tho city, the Board of Aldermen yesterday by a voto of to to 4 adopted a set of amendments to the speed regulations. Because of Its Involved character, doubt was ex pressed aa to possibility of enforce ment. 'The ordinance provides that for commercial vehicles, except in tnc outlying sections, twelve miles an hour shall bo "prima facie evidence of a prohibited rate of speed," and that eighteen miles an hour shall be a. prohibited rate of speed. In' the outlying country districts twenty-two miles an hour constituted a "pro hibited rato of speed." 'Other vehicles have similar differ entiations made with fifteen miles prima faclo evidence of reckless driv ing and twenty miles a prohibited rate of speed. Automobiles other than commercial may speed up to twenty five miles In country districts. Tho ordinance was the product of a 'special commlttco of which Alderman John J. O'Rourke Is Chairman. Prac tically the only discussion before the board camo In adopting tho proposal .'to raise the speed for turning corners from four to eight .miles an hour. 'A rate not exceeding twenty miles an hour Is allowed on any bridge, park drive, parkway or parked street. .In thickly populated residential dls Atricts tho Police Commissioner, upon "the application of the' Aldorman rep resenting the district, must cause signs to be erected Indicating the rate of speed on such streets, which is to be fixed by the Aldermen. A cross-walk in the middle of the block must not be gone over at a rate greater than six miles. A rate of speed exceeding eight miles over or across any street In those sections of Manhattan lying west of Broadway and south of Weceker Street and East of Broadway nnd south of Houston Street or through any street In which there Is an elevated railroad also con stituted a prohibited rate of speed. Alderman O'Rourke told the board that further amendments to the pres ent traffic laws would be proposed next Tuesday. sAiLon, sTinvNBo nv faix, is DROWNED. Hading Hemmlng-son, forty-six, a sailor on tho Texas Oil Company steamship Roanoke, In dry dock at the foot of Dwlnht Street. Brooklyn, fell from a ladder while boarding the ves sel early to-day, struck Ills head on the dock and was drowned in Erie Ilasln, Mil 3CARAT$ 69 74 Sparkling Blue-While .Manx diamond drnters come to us whfn thry are bard-np for tpnt rath, nnd sMI diamond o IK AT I.KWS TllsN TIIK COST TO 1.M POKT TflKM. Today anil tomorrow only wr will II n n'lal lot of purkllnr htu while Cfouin diamond! writhing of a carat at the lnvet prlre In (he rnltre United Malts for diamond or rnunl quality. They nro rut with a w-ldo nprrad or mirrare and look larger than ) rnrnt. without luss of hrllllanrt. We rlalm In lr able tn ae you at leakt loo on tlirti diamond ASD OCAHANTEB TO RF.I'ttMl KVI'.HV IHNKY 10U 1'AIO IF VOI! CAN MATCH TIIK.W IN ANY OTHKIl .IT.lVKI.nV MTOHT. TO It A PENNY I.KSH T1MN notlM.E OCR PKICK. Thfy arr set In yonr rholrr of men's or Indies' II rnrnt olld sold ilng. lVe can ac you from 40N to 100?b. nr Aiire to Inspect our diamond before purrhaftlng else where. SIT.CIAt Curat IVrlgbt. Iiewrlptlon. RAIltiAINS. New Kormer rriee. 21.00 .. Ml.ftt) . . . strum , $10.00 ... M7.00 mi. oo $109.00 . IIS.OO l"rlee, 5 10 Chi J.IO.(K) rSJ.Ull $100.00 i;,o.oo U. I t. nine I I I, mil- mir 11 hlte 11 hlte. 11 hlte 11 hlte lVliite "4s ft. "lue I t. IIIIIU fc ct. lllue i t. niue $I.V).00 jno.i)0 $ 1711.00 l00.fl0 I171S.0U One Ct. lllue 11 hlte IV, ct. ItluraiVtilte. I? Ct. Itlue 11 hlte. SI-IS Ct. nine White s:3s.oo NOTK KACII DIAMOND CAN nK IIV rllANtil'.D AT Till! FIJI.I, PURCnASE rnit'K ANY TI.MB WITHIN TWO YEARS. aCUTTERSONS V7CS Nassau st.,n.y. awiat AIJ A Park. Row and Nassau 5k Say Ben-Oay at any drug store and vou will get tube of the original French Baume.Bengu, (Analgc Ique), then apply ai follows! ensi lage the area of pain with the Bsume rubblne gently at firit arid then with more ttrranei. Keep a tube hsndv for Lumbaro. THOS. LEEM1NO & CO.. NEW YORK RAPID TRANSIT PLAN FOR QUEENS MADE B. R. T. Trains Would Run From 57th St. to Terminals of Co rona and Astoria Extension's. Real rapid transit like the Manhattan-Bronx kind was decided upon for Queens yesterday at a conference be tween Chairman Georgo McAneny of the Transit Commission and officers of the Queens' Borough Chamber of Commerce. The plan was evolved by Chairman McAneny and accepted uncondition ally by the chamber. It solves the problem of how to extend operation of B. R. T. trains over the Astoria 'and Corona elevated extensions In Queens. The plan contemplates purchase by the Brooklyn Rapid Transit Company of a, sufficient number of steel, sub way cars, similar In stio to those op erated by' the Interborough, for oper ation to and from 67th Street Station In Manhattan and the termini of the Astoria and Corona extensions In Queens. At the S7th Street Station passengers could then transfer to either tho express or local B. R. T. trains by stepping across the plat form. Alt B. It. T. ' express and local trains mado up of the 10-foot-wldo cars could operate as at present northward In Manhattan to B7th Street, but not beyond that point. Passengers deslrjng to go to Queens would step across the platform and take a train made Up- of narrower cars. INJURED AS TRAIN HITS AUTO AT S. I. CROSSING Ftrrman Thrown Forty Kr,et and Skull Vrai'tnred. Frank Shaw, twenty-live, No. 230 Burshcr Avenue, Dongan Hills, Blaten Island, Is In a serious condition In Statcn Inland Hospital with a fractured skull and other Injuries sustained this morning when his Automobile was struck at the Burgher Avenue crossing by a' Staten Island Rapid Transit train. Shaw, who la a fireman of Engine Company No. 71, Dongan Kills, was thrown forty feet. Thcro are no gates at the crossing. Freckles and Blotches. Are Easily Peeled Off If you are bothered with any cutan eous blemish, it's a poor plan to .use paint, powder or anything else to cover It up. Too often this only emphasizes the defect. Besides. It's much easier to remove the disfigurement with ordinary mercolii'd wax. Applied nightly, the wax will gradually remove freckles, blemishes, moth patches, liver spots, sallowness, red blotches or any surface eruption. The affected cuticle Is ac tually peeled off a little each day, until the clear, soft, young and healthy akin beneath Is brought wholly to riew. Ask the druggist for one ounce of merooUzed wax and use this like you use cold crern. Remove in morning with soap and water. Many who have tried this simple, harmless treatment report astonishing remits. It transforms even the most unsightly complexion Into one of Irre sistible beauty. MERCOLIZED WAX (c) n k D 1023 j tygz say Bluejay to your druggist Swpa Pain Instantly Tie .;'nr'.t5t v-y to end a corn i! " loo.'h otops the pain in "' fit.i tin corn locsciu -.i.,c- rot JSJudc ill two fornti ;olorlcit, clear liquid (one diop doe it I) and in extra thin plajters. Use whichever form you prefer, plsster or the liquid the action is the same Safe, gentle. Made in a world-famed laboratory. Sold by alt druggets. Fret: WriH Bauer 4 Black, CMcapo, Dept. Jft, tor vahiaelt Book, "Correct Cars of the Fct." COUGHS THAT PASS IN THE NIGHT V3 iilioseheped Perfect Sk alder and Aral ftothinf eauslt the beautiful, soft, pearly whits apporaoce Couraud't Oriental Cream readers to the shoulders and ams. Coven tliin blemlihei. Will not rub off. Far lupcnor to powders. Send lie. for TtlatSU ,rUD.T.H0rrjN3 a au.t KewYeik Corns? TV m as 7, 1 I sW II , i n n- t t r i r. r r ' '. rr : 1 lim Housekeepers' Week Dept8. Included jscpto. iHUHueu i m I V I J I IV H B V Y. 11 I W A W V Linens Towels Toweling Silverware Muslins Sheets Pillow Casei Cutlery ANNUAL HOUSEKEEPERS'- WEEK TABLE LINENS 70-ln. Bleached Linen Damaaka were 2.18 1.58 Heavy Quality Bleached Linen Damask Napkin ttxll in. were $8.fi0 . . . i . O. '1 4 Bleached Linen Damask Pattern Cloths and Napkins Cloths sise 70x70 were ?6.7i.... 'l.'I Cloths site ,70x88 K . - were$8.fi0 O.'lO Cloths sire 70x103 were 810.40... . Bleached Linen Damask Hem stitched Sets cloths, size 60x00, and H dox. napkins to mtfi were $10.05 ,.7.27 ANNUAL HOUSEKEEPERS' WEEK TOWELINGS Cotton Crash Toweling good wearing quality blue bor ders were .15 "J Cotton Glass Toweling assort ed red and blue checks were .24 17 Pure Linen Crash Towellngs splendid wearing quality red or blue bordcrs werts .28 Heavy AU-Linen Crash Towel ings well assorted colored bor ders also glass checks in red or blue were .38 " 90-Inch Pure White Linens suitable for bedding, cmb'y, etc were $3.74 yd... 2.40 TODAY TRIMMED HATS Were $2.95 to $4.94 1.74 Women's Extra Size VOILE BLOUSES Were $2.25 1.83 MORNING SPECIALS On Sale Today and Tomorrow Until 1 P. M. To prevent dcaletu buying, quantities restricted. No, Hall or Telephone Ordcr.. $2.45 Salin Crepes ........ .1.78 40-inch large assortment ol street and evening sbarlrs. SILKS MAIN FLOOn. $1.19 French Serges... 88 40-inclies allrwool Copen, rose, cast r, "prunf burgundy, henna, $1.32 New While Goose Feathers 82 PILLOWS BASEMENT. 67 ct. Little Tots' DUper Drawers and Waists. ..... .38 Lace and embroidery trimmed. dVmEMISCIOND FLOOR. $1.47 Infants' Nainsook Slips, .77 Yoke and bishop styles lace and embroidery mmrd. INFANTS' DnnSSES-BECO.ND FLOOIt. $1.97 Little Tots' Tub Dresses. 1;00 Ginghams and rliambrsy empire and belted styles-si es to 0 yrs. INFANT DRESSES SECOND I LOOH. $1.28 White Nainsook Skirts . -92 Lace nnd embroidery ; Jrim;""'- EXTIIA SIZE UNllBnWEAn-THIIlU I'LOOH 77 ct. Women's Double Extra Sir.e Underwear 51 Low nctk - sloeyeless sbort sleeve cst - loose or tight knee drawers. ...... KNIT UNnEnWCAR-MAI.S FTOOB. EXTItA SIZE DEPT. THIED I LOOK. 85 ct. Men's Genuine Leather Belts 48 fulftkin and cowliidf (run-metal buckle black only all ues. MEN'S KUr.NlSIUNOS - MAIN FLOOTl. $1.59 to $1.74 Men's Shirts, 1.24 l.iirjr ssi-orlment of repr" and wli.l- fifi'ii- nr ' .slteri II sirt- MENS rLHM.-IIIM.3 MAIN ( LOOll Rugs Draperies Comfortables Blankets ANNUAL Notable Values, in Apparel and Other Wanted Seasonable Merchandise. Napkins size 2ii22 M were $8.50 0,4rO 69-Inch Bleached Mercerlxed Damasks were .0,7 && Mercerlred DamaskRound Scal loped Pattern Cloths sise 72x74 in. were $2.75 l.O Hemstitched andScalloped Mer cerized Damask Cloths site 58x58 in. were,$1.25 88 20-Inch Hemmed Mercerized Damask Napkins were $2.25 Dozen 1.33 Imported After Dinner Memphis Cover ' were $2.03 Each l.O'l Extra Heavy All-Linen Crash Towellngs splendid quality for dish and roller towels were .40 .37 18-Inch Pure Linen Figured Huck Towellngs in assorted floral designs (or gueit and hand towels were $1.24.. .88 Pure Linen Hemstitched Pillow Cases firm, close weave 22$x36 inches were $3.2. Pair 2.35 Union Linen Hemstitched Sheets part linen 72x10) good wearing quality were $0.30 Pair G.21 TOMORROW $7.95 Men's Troutcrs 6.25 Fine quality cassimeres worstcdi and flannels sizes 28 to 50 sll colors. MEN'S CLOTHING MAIN FLOOn. $1.45 Men's Spring Caps. ..1.20 Tweeds polo cloth and mix tures lined. MEN'S I CATS MAIN FLOOU. $175 Men's Sweet-Orr KhakfTiouseri.'. 2.29 Various lengths cuffed- siies 30 to 50. MEN'S WOUK CLOTHES-BASEMENT. 25 ct. New Curtain Muslins. . .18 Yard wide spots, figures snd stripes. CURTAININQS BASEMENT. 59 cL Tickings 43 Stripes nnd floral designs fine quality. , TICKINGS BASEMENT. $2.24 Sheets 1.54 80x00, L'tkn snd Dwiglit Anchor SHEETS BASEMENT 57 ct Novelty Tissues. . . .44 Silk stripe effects large variety of styles and colors. WASH FABRICS BAREMHNT. 25 ct. Percales 17 Yard wide strips and figures on w liitr rroundi. WASH FABRICS BASEMENT 50c White Organdies. . . .4 10-inch sheer snd dainty for bloufrs nnd Dresses, WHITE GOODS MAIN TLOOn $1.97 Men's and Women's Umbrellas 1.66 Novelty handles. UMBRELLAS MAIN FLOOn $16.50 Boys' Two Troiiser Suits 12.85 All-stool cassimercs. rheviot snd livccds, medium, liglil snd Ur cr.s', brown arid liputlirr m'x'urr-s 'iprr'nubfine!, stripen lml-s ivcl ni'i'lrU M I., 17 t:oa CLOTIIINO-HHUD I l.'J-Jl- FOURTEENTH STREET crM.mW 1937 WEST OP FIFTH AVK HOUSEKEEPERS' WEEK xJ kJ TODAY 8160 A P R Reg. Values ,48 and .58 Bungalow aprons in ginghams, percales, chambrays, percale and linene combinations, cretonne and chambray combinations and gingham and chambray combinations. Checked, striped, figured and plain colorings. Band aprons in percale, chambray and ging ham. Also percale bib aprons. StaotAeasomWe o y 1 VP J 1 TODAY 6000 OPAQUE Window Shades Reg. value .70 , Fine quality opaque shades, mounted on de pendable rollers, packed with' slat, brackets, nails and nickel ring pull. Colors include light ecru, dark ecru, green, dark green, Nile green, dark blue, gray, dark olive, tan and white. Size 6x3 ft. New Location Fourth Floor UNUSUAL VALUES IN KNIT UNDER WEAR Including such a varied selection that every one's taste is satisfied in knit underwear for immediate and Summer use. Qualities are the best, and prices unusually low. Women's Fine Cotton Under wear vests high neck, long sleeves medium neck elbow sleeves low neck, sleeveless loose or light knee drawers regulur sizes were .57 'iZ extra sites ierc .07 5T Women's Cotton Underwear vests low neck, sliort sleeves, or sleeveless loose or light knee drawers regular sites were . JS ' I extra sizes were .03 '17 Women's Fine Cotton Vests -low neck, sleeveless bond, bodice, or crocheted top -rcijular a,nd extra awes--- were 33 and .17 .!! Women's Athletic Union Suits fine nainsook low neck, sleeveless - loose knee were $1.17 97 Women's Fine Cotton Union Suits low neck, sleeveless bard lop finish loose or light 'cne'tr'.t regular sizes were .77 ... .Oil extra sites were .87 . . 4 W Children's Knitted Waist Union Suits vest. t snd drawers i ombineil low nn L. !-e rlc.s Lni-e length nil.' 07 1 J J TOMbRROW O N S 78 Reg. Values $1.28 and $1.48 TOMORROW Boys' Nainsook Athletic Union Suits low neck, sleeveless knee length were .87.. .. . Boys' White Cotton Union Suits hih neck, short sleeves or athletic style knee length were .37 .'11 Children's White Cotton Vests- -lo'w neck sleeveless -hand lop finish were .24 . . I Otis Dalbrlgtan Union Suits sleeveless short, knee oi ankle length were 1.U l.SO Otis Nainsook Union Suits small check sleeveless knee length were .95 .78 Men' Medium Weight Under wearMcDowell make shirts or drawers gTy mixed wool excel lent "quality were $1.45.- 1.21 Men's Balbrlggan Shirts or Drawers were .48 . ,87 Men's White Shirts or Drawers sleeveless smsll check weave were .48. .. .? Men's Cray Underwear "tiTV or drawers' were .05 .74- Men's Knit Union Suits finest Selected cotton short sleeve ' 'V length -a Iblftlc if tc M.15 -S ANNUAL HOUSEKEEPERS' WEEK BED MUSLINS 'Values in Housekeepers' Week will be welcome to those who plan a new supply of bed muslins for private cottage, hotel or hoarding house. Bed Muslins fine quslity blesched 30 in. wide were .14 11 Unbleaohed Muslins .10 in. wide were.llj-i 5 36-inch Fruit of The Loom Mus lins mill lengths of 10 to tO yards full piece price .41 yd. . .lOJi No mail or phone orders. Sheetings of Fine Quality No Dressing Bleached 4-ineh Were. .36 241 ,44-incb were .38 2H 50- inch were .43 82 54-inch were .40 .. . .37 63-inch were .53 42 7i-incb were .39 4-I 51- incb-were .65. 52 00-Ineh were .78 tt7 Unbleached 45-incb were .30. . . t 2 51-inch were .43 . . .32 tW-ineh were .49 .87 7-2-inch -were .33 42 SMnch -were .39 4I 80-inch were .05 S2 No mail or phone orders. Sheets and Pillow Cases well known make whose name we cannot mention- (or advertising purposes Pillow Cases " Hemmed 4i86were .35 ,. .2 45x.1l) -were .U7 27 Hemstitched - s 44x30 were .33 2 45x30 were .37 A .29 Sheets Hemmed 54x90 were 81.09 81 54x09 were (1.17. ,M 84 Sx90 were 81.17 81 7xOO were 81.t7 ..OO 81x00 were 81.37 1. 1 1 81x99 were 81.32 1. 1 4 90x90 were 81.52 l.JJ 1 OOxOO-were $1.02 .....1.27 Sites before hemming No Mail or Telephone,Orders ANNUAL HOUSEKEEPERS' WEEK Comfortables Flowered Sllkollne Comfort ables roll on filled single site were 81.07. . . 1.4 3 j site were $2.8.1 1.08 Attractive Sllkollne Comfort ables with brocade silk in sertions cotton filled full site were 83.02 2.90 TODAY TOMORROW New Assortment of Nurses' Uniforms (illustrated. white cambric, well made trimmed with good quality pearl buttons convertible collar and link cuffa or surgical sleeves sites 84 to 46 were 83.00 ?!,57 Nurses' Uniforms white-one-piece models of linen finished cambric convertible collars and two button cuffa-r-si'es 3ft to 46 were $3.94 2,94 Nurses' Uniforms waistline models with flat collars, and short sleeves separate belts were 83.94 .2.9- Nurses' Conservative Uniforms of white linen finished cam bric little short sleeves and deep detachable cuffs sites to 8 Special 2.74 and 2.95 Nurses' Caps various wanted styles 18 to .58 Sheets Hemstitched 54x90 were $1.00 87 63x00 were $1.17, 04 8 1 xOO were $ 1 .37 1 . 1 4- 81x99 were 81-58) 1.24 OOxOOwere 81.52 1.24. Sites before hemming. No mail or phone orders. HIU Pillow Cases of fine quality muslin Jammed 42x36 were .34 25 45x36 were .33 27' 30x36 were .42 30 .54x36 were ..17 34 Hemstitched 42x36 were .38 20 43x36 were .43 31 50x36 were .46 , .34 34x30 were .57 .38 We carry a largo assortment of embroidered initialed -snd lsc trimmed Pillow Cases. Assorted Striped Tickings were .26 21 Full and Three-quarter Six Feather Bed Ticks Ready Icr $2.07 2.27 Bleached Cheese Cloths , .38 inches wide absorbent were4!f 3) Dimity Spreads Summer weight hemmed 03x00 were 81.07 ...,.. 1.49 72xOO-w.cre,.U47 l.7 81x90 -were 82.07,., 1.97 Crochet Spreads for three-quarter beds " were 81.70 ii..l.38 Full and Three-quarter Size 81.97 .....iAl.-1.57 Full Size Satin Marseilles Spreads hemmed or , scalloped fine quality were $4.97 8.97 Full Sire Satin Marseilles Spreads medallion patterns were $3.03 w 4.09 Silk Mull Comfortables florsi centres plain borders cot ton filled full site were 81.07 3.84 Floral Comfortables p lain sateen borders filled with 100 pure lamb's wool full site were $5.52. 4.4 5 f Nurses' Wear Well-tailored, durable uni forms, and other things which the nurse requires for her crisp, immaculate costume. She may pur chase here at substantial ly lowered prices, for these two days only. Nurses' Operating Gowns heavy white fabric fasten at back special 1.75 Nurses' Prlscllla Blouses of white linen long or short sleeves convertible collsr Special 2.00 Nurses' Blue Chambray end Striped Gingham Uniform with convertible collars and surgical or two button ruffs sites 3 1 1 o 46 Special 1.95 Other Solid Blue and Striped Nurses Unlfotms to , .50 Nuisee' Muslin Aprons with bibs gathered or fitted skirt were 81.58 1.33' Nurses' Skirt Aprons gathered or fitted- . were$l.48 1.28 Nurses' Muslin Bibs Special .58 Nurses' Bungalow Aprons of white cambric butt n front models edged with rickrsrk Special 1.2SV V" I aaik. 1 ( ;.-