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. .. . ... - -v----.--t-.vB..-. .-n....-... uMiiiS7SWa THE f'EVENir&- WO B I13i AY, A'PSIt 1, '1920 Pwwfer Coe Girfe Will Produce "Jeanne d'Arc" On Magnificent Scale Unusual in College Urama Ik Whole Production, From dostunies and Scenery to " Fimrices, to Be Under. Con- -; xixo of the" Student "Body.- TIuntcr CoIIcbo presents Its an- Snuui: varsity play, "Jeanno d'Are," by PlePc MaeKaye, at the Town Hall f 1 .. . rri.n . , ..... I .1.1.. Pycnr lis on a larger- scale than any attenjpted before, the cast, which ln- gfcludci eighty people, boliifr more than ptwic? that of any previous play, H 5,1s nlf the first time the varsity play has .been given outside the college fchapgl. AU the appurtenant nccessl Ulcs df the production, from costumes find sfenery to finances, are controlled ty'tll) students..; TliiJ play Is one of startling con- itrast.J the; Scene changing from tfjo Village of Domrtmy with its country games und dances to tho magnificent coin t of Charles VII. df France, then to the battlefield of Orleans, whevo boldlcrs and tortured priests go out to battle singing the hymn of Jeanne d'Arc, "Vcnl Creator Splrltus." Tho last act discloses Jeanno In prison worn out y the endless tortures of her tral "Tho play closes on a note of high courage, for Jeanne's "voices" come back to bring her faith even as tho priests begin their mourning chant of "Kyrle Klelaon. Chrlste Eletson.'' The chief members of the cast are Olive Whcaton, who plays the title role; LuellloGrapp, D'Alencon; .Mar garet Itlordan, Ia Trcmoulllo; Anna Meade, King Charles: Augusta llol scr. Archbishop of C'hartrcs. Tho re maining speaking parts aro played by H..llartung, J, Itot'ow, K. Dallcn, S. HurwitK, M.' Noll, U. Aberlln, K. Hatch, M. Prltchard, li. Lovlne, A. Htcln," P. Berkowltz. M. Martin, N. I . I- lilt. Lit SAYS NATION NEEDS MORE HARD WORK L ESS PROFITEERING McCumber, Launching Tariff Bill, Tells Senate Prices Must Be Reduced Here. WASHINOTONjAprll 21. launch ing tho Administration Tariff Bill In the Senate, Chairman Mc Cumoer or ino unanco uommltlco warned manufacturers, factory labor er and retailers alike that a protective tariff alone would not bring a revival of business; mat there must bo a reduction of costs to within the reach of tho consumer's pocketbook beforo there could be a return to "old-time prosperity." Senator McCumber said the way to Above are seen, from left to 'right, Jean Waldman, Frances Cohen, Helen Sommer, itanding, and Mary McNally, Annav Meade and Helen Roach, front row. Olive Wheaton, who play the title role, la the tall figure in the pic ture at the right. The others are, left to right, E. Dallen, Muriel Prltchard, Mae Magdalen Nowl and Elizabeth Hatch. iJusenbury, It. Hrand, J. Horstcln, S. MoIIor, It. Snllcy, K. Gordon, B. Jncwbt, It ltonc! 13. Haskell, P. Hahn, M. Connor. It. Christie, J, Wnldmnn, P. Cohen, If. Sommer, U. Shnplro, B. Strass, M. JCano, t, Karlsh, I). Tanncnbauin, K. I.oowy. There aro also mora than forty, "supers" who play In tho "miiV scenes as soldiers, courtiers, peasants, Aic. 1'rof. Henrietta Prentiss coached tho play, assisted by tho mombsrn of 1119 Onl Kngllsh department. Miss E.' Vera Loeb and Miss liXlna Welles directed thei iscenery; Miss Agnes Small, tho- costumes; Miss Bernlco White, tho spngs; Miss Flora Rubin, tho orchestra, and Miss Augusta Neldhardt, the dances. Tho Student Varsity Committee In eludes Katherlno V, Kasser, Chairman Collego Dramatics; Florence Westtn, costumes; Deborah Drabkln, assistant costumes; Mildred Archibald, scenery: Kathryn EUe, proportles: Beatrlco Kohn, finances; Maibel Burke, pro gramme: Buth Miebllng, reception; Charlotte Berg, publicity; Hcbecca Silverman, box office. Important to . Saturday Shoppers. ' ' v A Specnafl Select2omi off . Natoiral '- . f Stoinie Martemi Scarfs of exceptionally fine quality will be on sale in tfae;Fur Department - A very loW'jprice for a really beautiful scarf (Third Floor) , , 1 A Sjpec'ial Cflearannce -of Boys' Fine Shoes L (chiefly discontinued styles of Bnlta make) In sizes TSfa to 6 v win offer very desirable value at $4.75 per pair PAH sizes In the collection, but not every size jfflff " lB I , ! . k in everv stvle. . " ... (Sixth Floor) The Bflomise Deparytinnieinit ' - makes a special feature, in the regular stock, of Misses' Blouses in smart mo'dels and materials, very moderately are ?ses, in blue or green, to harmonize with the modish, tailored suit of tweed . . . ' . .at $5.25 Diliiity BlotHSes, with front or back closing and long sleeves;- the free edges fluted or .edged with crochet lace; variously priced at .' . . . . ( $1.95 lo 2.95 Silk -Blouses,,, in most attractive models, at' ...... .. $5.75 to 9.75 (Third Floor) FashflooaMe Spirting & Smiinnimeip Clothes for Mflsses annd the Younger tlet are extensively featured at moderate prices ln the: Departments on the Second Floor. jUabteon Sbemic jFtf tli aibenue, Mm orfe reduce costs was for the 'manufacture or and tho retailer to ba eatltncd with "moat meagre" profits for n while, and for the factory employees to Increase their cQclcncy "to the highest possiblo degree." "This proposed legislation will cpen the way to. prosperity, in tho United States, but It will not, until uJled, bring about tl)ls result," declared Senator McCumber. "The American people must do tho rest, and right horo. I want to say a' word to tho American manufacturer and the American laborer In our factories. "This bill is. Intended to, and X ho Hevo It will, sufficiently protect your market oealnst ariv oxccsslvo foreign invasion, but Just .remember that over BO per cent, qf all your products must be consumed rtght here at home." Ho emphasized "the necessity on the part 6 the manufacturers f bringing down tho production cost ul their commodities to within tho pur chasing; reach tof this vast army of American . farmers and American wafje-carners.v "The solid. support of the Republican majority was pledged against' even tual acceptance of the American val--nation plan In the Tariff Bill by Senator McCumber. He promised that In tho eVent o( a deadlock ih con- forenco 'abundant opportunity for de bate will bo allowed. In -the Scnato. He said it wnuld bo Impossible to placo the American valuation titan in tho ponding Tariff .Dill because or tho atlitudo assumed by tho'' Finance Commlttco and tho Republican majority. Tho pledge wa elver by Bonalor McCumber In responso to sug-gMtlons by Senator Simmons and Senator Jones (Dcm., N. M.Vthat immediate consideration should bo Given that fcaturo o fthe measure. ' Tho new Tariff Bill, comprising 438 pages, was read in two hours. This was accomplished by skipping three pages to every one read. Senator Simmons expects to havs Wo minority report ready for proseif tatlon next Monday, it will bitterly denounce the , tariff measuro ' usf framed by tho, Jtepubltcatis In secret sessions. Th? Tariff Commltteo,'of the agrl cultural - bloc have.' held 'another meeting and continued' ' whip ping their amendments 'Into final shape. They' will propose a number materially- Increasing' rates In' many farm products In the , pending measure.4' ." nig: ovkss. f , (Krorn hu Clntfmiatl nnqulrcr.) ' w "Who that 'wrotc the llifei' 'A little ieaihlmtt-jSy nr diyiKeibi thlnt,' aslted' the Old rocfc ' "ftit linviT Well KrtfnG mnjl' vho WAI i trying 16 run nn automobile for tho flrnt lime," replied tho Grouch. 5 M&rf FtetiedlcM Tubt htmmtred . tJlVathind, f7.50 EVEN tfte best regu . t - lated bedding is a cu'ribus (combination of joyahdsorrow'tpving ton's Biftsr-whiar,afe to bp seen atveweH-reg-ulate'd' Redding4?-throw v'decided weight on the sideofoyv ' Ff tlj;i-Av'i -39t8teet v.: Extraordinary Offer of 2500 Pairs Full-Fashioned Silk Hosiery Colors: Gray, 5olo Gray, Nude, Almond, Cordovan, Brown, White, Black. All Sizes. 1.45 Ma STREET 1 ""'Yita.' 3&voadiDaii Saturday Radical Reductions on Fashionable Spring Apparel Navy Twill Suits Formerly to 35.00 ' 24.00 This season's smartest suits with the longer coat, many braid bound. Of superior Tricotino and Poiret Twill and finely tailored. Crepe de Chine or Pcau de Cygne , lined. Sizes 14 to 44. Tweed Suits Formerly to 29.75 15.00 Swagger Bports. suits of tweeds with box and varying length coats, Peter Pan or notched collars. All fashionable shades. Sizes 14 ta 44. Canton Crepe Capes Formerly to 35.00 22.00 Exceptionally good-looking capes of fine Canton Crepe with standing collars, both sides of Caracul fur. Others are in the Spanish Mantilla effect, bordered with silk fringe. Lined with contrasting colors. Afternoon Dresses Formerly to 29 J5 15.00 Fashionable afternoon and sports models of Canton Crepe, Georgette Crepe and Krepe Knit in charming new styles and all wantedVcolors. Sizes 14 to 44. Beaded Overblouses of Crepe de Chine 5.95 Exquisitely beaded in the fashion of Paris, with glittering steel beads in all-over. .motifs. Henna, jade, perl winkle, bisque, gray, navy, black. Fine Silk and Suede Fabric Gloves 85c Of the famous Van Kaalto make, in wrist, -gauntlet, 12 and 1(1 button .lengths,' Tucks mid embroidery are novel trimmings. Grey, beige, brown, black, white. . DroprStitch Glove Silk Vests l;95 e i t s Also plain glovo silk, with" ribbon'or self straps, p'icot'rcdRO(Lky blue, p-e d o h, maize, Orchid,' ulc, flesh, white. Reinforced under arms. Wxty-littt) street mm.." zmm. ism, i mm