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DEATH OF BOXER IN RING BATTLE DUE TO ACCIDENT BrooklyrTProsecutor Intimates There Will Be No Prosecu , tion Brody Fell on Head. 'A number of witnesses of tho bout In which Lou Brody, a lightweight, was knocked out last night In the Broadway Boxing Association, Halsoy Street and Broadway, Brooklyn, dying threo hours later In Bunrlck Hos pital, wcro questioned to-tosjr 'jy Ds. trlct Attorney Huston. Brody, who waa twenty, died of coacUsnlon of the brain after going to tho mat under a blow to tho Jaw. Mr. Huston said that, from tho in formation ho had, tho boxer's death was purely accidental. "I do not ihlnk," ho added, "that any action on my part in this caso will ho re quired, i hollevo in healthful sport. Boxing matches aro legalized and so long as they are conducted according HgV-TVCNIiy( WORLD, ' TUB 3 DAY, APRIL 2F, 1922. to to law they aro .not to bo critised. "Statistics show that fewer men aro injured in boxing than in any other Sport in which so many aro engaged, because it must bo re membered that boxing bouts aro be ing held nightly throughout this country. An accident similar to that which happened to Brody might have happened on the football or baseball Held or in the gymnasium." Brody's opponent, Krankio Pitcher, twenty-one, No. 504 Court Street; the club matchmaker and other officials were taken to the Ralph Avcnuo Sta tion and questioned, but 'released. Walter Hooko, reputy Boxing Com missioner, told the police he had wit nessed the bout and no blamo could attach to Pitcher. WOMAN SAYS WOMEN THUGS ROBBED HER Inr nhltn aim wnJr thrOUch the hallway Mrs. 8kolpd Mrs. Klin- ger stopped Iier, n i mo no mon. struck her p head with a blunt Instrument. Koff Bald she waa dazed, and (sho recovered tho lavalliero waA The defen dant denied tho res. Their will bo heard to-mori 4 BREAK WITK-WIFE DENIED PBENCHAIN Daolt In Chleaaiwyer im Silent on nemnrrlfleaort. CHICAGO. ADrf-Kefusins; stead fastly to say whflhe would remarry Madalynne Obenc' his former wife. If sho is acaultteher next trial for tho murdor of Belton Kennedy. rtaloh Obenchalplarea to-day he waa back in Chtyo ro-eatabllsh his $300 Lavalliere Missing After Alleged Assault in Brooklyn ' Hallway. On the complaint of Mrs. Anna Koff, of No. E9 Dclmonlco Place, Brooklyn, who said that two women living in the same bouse attacked her in tho hallway and robbed her of a $300 lavalliero, Mrs. Lillian Skolnlck and Mrs. Bcssio Kltngcr wero held to-day in $500 bail each in Bridge Plaza Court on charges of grand lar ceny. They both llvo at tho same address. Mrs. Koff said that' Monday morn- law practice, but would return to tios Angeles If she again needs him. IlFDorti from California said ODcn- chaln was believed to have broken with his former wife, to wnoae aid ho rushed lght months ago When she and Arthur J. Uurch were accused of Kennedy's murder. "There Is no chanco In our reeling foi each other," Obenchaln said to-day. LOFT INC., uicuun.H.Ert scs- Judee JUllan W. Mack sustained a demurrer yesterday Interposed by Ixft Inc., to tho information charging that the candy company had been guilty or misbranding in Interstate shipments in violation of the Federal Food and Brug Act. The argument was mado by Abram S. Gilbert for the company. ufpHHGHD Over 51 kfL, Markets in I SsbsP mmsT. Man linl 1 m anil Rrnnv auu ui visa Our SM Blend C0FFEI1)., 25c L. OPPfHEIMER See rh.m far Lttatlsas. Last 4 Dayji ' L udwig Baumann's 64th Anniverfy FURNITURE SLE Winding Up a Series of Amazing Bargains Throughout Our Stores. Buy Now and Save 25 to 40. Purchases Made Now Will Be Held FREE OF CHARGE Until You Are Ready for Them. Special Anniversary CREDIT OFFU Your first deposit secutho Im mediate delivery of j entire purchase. You need make any other outlay of cash. YOU MAY TAKE A Yl AND A HALF TO PAY THE.LANCE $ E Deposil Delivers $ Your Purchase of Smaller Deporits on BmHer Purchases, 100 A Deposit Delivers JL V Your Purchase of $20 no Deposit Delivers Your Purchase of OA Deposit Delivers 9jj Your Purchase of $40 C A DeP31 Delivers Hj V Your Purchase of Deposit Delivers Your Purchase of You Need Not Disb Your Savings Accounts opened fromo $5,000. You may open an aceoWith any Sale Article withouby extra charges of any kind.. Free Motor Deliveries Anywhere OUR LIBERAL CREDTERMS: On $35 Purchase., a Week On $75 ,, ..$ a On $100 ..$ On $200 ..$. a On $300 ..$ a Larger Amounts inoportion YOU CAN PAY MfHLY No Interest led Within 100 Miles of W York 11 Mj Cashier need eaat; heavy maplo frame.; tileh back : natu ral finish. Open An Account Wlthfc f r Our Special P I Threo Room Outfit I 7U Anniversary Sa Linens, Curtns, Comfortabi (1.50 Sheets, 72iO0.t.lS 75c Pillow Cases. 69s 14.60 Hemmed Cloths, 03x64. S.9S 2.'S5 Napklns.lBxlB 1.49 89c Towelling;. per yard .... tie 14.00 Dath Male... 2.43 15.00 Crib Comfortables. 3.69 JS.50 Ulanlcets. plain S.8S 19.00 Comfortables, sllkollns 6.49 $1.00 Cne, Prd .. SR.nn Mtaettn l'a 10.98 (20.00 M Antoinette Hots 14.9S 15.00 Crttrlpa Cua .... 13 AO I.a'anels. 65c Do Swiss 7Sc Crje Cum .... fl O AH Tbm Tatovsrs. 6.49 17.00 Ma Uoxis 4.B8 69a 3.69 1.9 3o 000 $160 Walnut Combination Bedroom Suib (Three Pieces), With Bow End Bed Consist of Dresser, Chifforobe and Bed. (Sold separately if desired). Dresser $38.34 Bow End Bed ) .. $31.28 Chifforobe 29.27 Toilet Table 29.47 neat 99 CaAh rcdlt. Open 9 to 5:30 Saturday Evenings Until 9:30 Ludwig America CftufFtmttmt Hmmt UJ11011 144 146 West 125 St. 35 to 36 St. Block 8th Ave. Newik, N. J. 49-51 MUCET ST. We have no connection with any other stores These are our only thrStores. NEW YORK SPRING HORSE SHOW DURLAND'S RIDING ACADEMY S WENT 66TTI STtlKCT. NBW YORK. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday April 25, 26, 27 and 28 si'ECiAt. Kxiii'nmnN nv mounted roucc. l-OLO TOimNAMtONT. l-OUll-tN-IIANOS. HIGH SCHOOL TtlDINO, tic. OVEIt BOQ ENTnitB. SKATS AND DOXIW NOW ON 8AI.B AT TIIB ACADKMV. noiea (for season)! 1st row, 199.00 ; 2d row, $06.00. Beats (nlshtlr)l All South Hal. ony. U.S0. All other front row seats, 12.20; 2d row, 1.63; 3d row, $1.03. Admls. Ion li.10 (tax Included). Keep Smiling WUIJ mM After Meal Wrigley's Doublemint is Peppermint flavor in double strength You'll like it! Your stomach will thank you! Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief ELL-ANS a5 and 75 Packages Everrhera Get Nerve Force from Nuxated Iron It will Btrcnsthen your nerves and In crease your vleor nnd endurance, often In two weeks' tlmo. It contains the principal chemical constituent of active, living nerve force In a form which most nearly resembles that In the brnln and nerve cells of man. It nlao contains or ganic Iron like tho Iron In your blood, and Ilka tho Iron In spinach, lentils nnd apples. Organic Iron enriches the blood and plenty of rich red blood means more nerve force, bo that Nuxated Iron not only foods what might be termed arti ficial nerve force to the nerve cells, but It stimulates the blood to manufacture a greatly Increased supply of new nerve force. Get a hnttin nf Vnintml Iron to-day, and If within two weeks" tlmf you do not feel that It has Increased your nerve force, and made you feel better and stronger In every way, youi money will be refunded. Sold by all iTHEItIXJ5TRAXED WEEKLY IDEUTSCHAMMM National Song Festival The Silver Jubilee Song Festival of tho United German American Singing Societies will bo held this year at tho 13th Eegiment Armory in Brooklyn, May 27th to 80th. Celebrated Soloists from the Metropolitan Opera House and 5000 singers will take part in the musical programme, and tho attendance at each concert will be 12,000 people. To celebrate this important musical event. will publish a greatly enlarged edition on Wednesday, May 24. This special Song Festival Number will bo of great interest to Germnn-Americans, as well as to visitors and participants. They will eagerly read this splendidly illustrated Rotogra vure magazine and preserve it as the Festival Souvenir. The Song Festival Number of Tho Illustrated Weekly, Deutsch-Amerika, goes to press on Tuesday, May 2nd. For advertising rates, call, write or phone: STAATS-HEROLD CORPORATION 22-24 North William Street, Now York. Telephone i BeeUman 4300 New Spring Goods 33 OH You've lieanl of Spring goods being offered at low prices around mid-Summer! You've heard of "bar Kulns" In Winter goods In Spring! Dut this Is the first and only time you're being offered NEW SPMNG GOODS JUST WIIKN SIMtlNO IS STARTING. Sale Starts Tomorrow Morning For WED., THURS., FRI. & SAT. STORE HOURS DAILY 9 A. M. TO 6 P. M. r-MORNING SPECIALS-, 9 to 12 only COTTALAP FL0ORCOVERING (Unitary Trt nf. : jds. wide. Wide tnrirtj ot pattern,, t)f nil colors, r in a n t XMf Icnilhi. 8. Yd sC 9x12 GRASS RUG Imported $4.50 aKool Axminster $1 C.95 1J Made by Alrx Smith M Co. Hlch nllfi. cIomIy wnrn. In rich Oriental nnd floral detlfnv SiO and 4.0r6.() ft AImi 7.6D Mramlra Vclvrtt. &MwLE?k9xl2 Velvet $1 7-95 17 23 IK, pi3 A closelr ronitrueted rav thcan yarns wcra djrd before weaving. Insuring fast color. onm floral pattern only 9x12 Royal Axminster Made for wear. In pattfrni and colors most popular now. 83xl06sl.? Wilton Velvet This Is at heavx, all-wood rue. In one tOi QC Blrce, In all Oriental and allwirer deal inn I J) X "f .asj eautlful colorful effects, pleasing to. the ' tatV 9x12 Royal American Wilton ZZu?;j-z. $35-00 9x12 ( Dauphin Wilton $59.75 John & James Dobson' A hl(h-claas, close! j waren fabric 1 silky rinlshi pretty blues, tans and ros. effects) also 8.3x10.6 Summer Rugs at Off Oval Braided Imported Japanese Rugs Grass Rugs Beautiful Color Combi- Plain and Pretty Chinese nations Patterns IS x 36 in $1.05 0 x 12 ft $5.00 24 x 36 " 2.93 8 x 10 " 4.00 24 x 48 " 3.95 G x 9 " 3.00 27 x 54 " 4.95 4 x 7 " 2.50 30 x 60 " 5.95 3 x 6 " 10 3 x 6 ft 6.95 27 x 54 in .98 4 x 7 " 9.95 I 18 x 36 " 69 $3 Velvet t- wn Genuine Inlaid Carpet J.OH Unoleura ULa t7 In. wide, suit- I rialn eolora oalr. 7J able for halls and I Yd. 2 yards " tulra "Ida H,. Vd. mm t r xrv 1 a r m i Buy Today 10 Months to Pay c-n. Ot course tou wfO want fine Diamond- one that will reflect the sincerity of tooi pledge. You can hare It to-day at FINLAYSI No need to wait. You can establish confidential and dignified credit to-day with 10 month to pay on any Diamond selected. IThe Diamond' illustrated is especially selected. Perfectly cut. bluevbit 14-Kt. mounting. Special at $4&0. Each Ring furnished in a handsome, attractivt ttik-imea presentation case. I oe most popular Betrothal Ring. Diamonds at FINLAY'S are accompanied by a written guarantee of quality. De luxe catalogue of Diamonds and Jewelry of erery description. Sent free of charge. Write for your copy to-day. Address Dept. W.-500. DIAMONDS FROM 925 TO 55,000. Store Open Evenings Until 9. 1650 Broadway (Between 51st and 5 2d St) New York . . READ THE . . Pictorial and Sporting Edition OF a The Evening World For Complete News of the Day tVKDIT WOULD WANT W0I1K WO.NDEB8 1 Im i