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THE. EVENING WORLD, !fr TIE SPAY, APSTX. 25, 1922, ft f V -,v i World News in Brief LOCAL. l4y Ator will speak at th luncheon ef tl At-ocUtcd Press at tlio Waldorf tilts' afternoon. The lute Theodore N. Vall'i paintings an to be sold nt the Anderson Galleries. Charles It. McMahon, a salesman Uv in't the Woodward Hotel, was ar resied last nlnl.t on a charge of forging a certified check for 57.50. Clorer. fifty-one. world's oldest horse, will be exhibited at the Fashion and Beauty Daiaar In Madison Square Gar des, jiay s to IS. Mrs. Minnie Katnln, No. 33S Deekmnn Avenue, and Mrs. Tina Juriwn. No. 351 Beekxnan Avenue, Bronx, for distributing- Anarchistic literature, were con vlcted of criminal anarchy yesterdays Since Jan. 1 1,020 dog owners have been, arrested because their pets went unmuzzled. Mrs, draco Strachan Forsythe, who ts seriously ill In Van Cortlnndt Hos pital; Bronx. Is suffering from spinal arthritis. The Knights of Columbus are pro viding entertainment In 333 hotpltals where war veteran are convalescing. Anna Kllng and Barbara Jewell, each twenty-one. rrsldrl 1ier nnl Junior students at Hunter College, have fin ished a hike to Detroit, begun April 1. Mary tntosco, three, was badly burned playing about (ho gas stovo in her home, No. 10 Elizabeth Street. She I" In Volunteer Hospital. Tho body of a woman found In East River Sunday was Identified yesterday us that of Mrs. Edwnril Grant, twenty one. No. 163 West 145th Street Her husband said alio loft home two weeks ago. Mrs. Hattlo Adorjan, proprietor of The Den," No. 924 Prospect Avenue, Bronx, was held In 11,000 ball charged wlUi beating her mother-in-law. Another JL. all metal monoplane was presented yesterday by John M. Iarsen to Cnpt. Itoald Amundsen for use In a Polar expdltlon. Mayor Thompson of Chicago and his cabinet will como here for a week May 3 to get transit data to support his mu nicipal ownership 6-cent fare plans. Salting on the Mauretania Is John R. Gregg, noted educator, to take control of thirty-three of the leading commer cial schools In Great Britain. Thomas A. Edison returned to Orange yesterday from Fort Myers, Fla., and at once went to work In his laboratory, Mrs. Freddie Welsh, wife of the light weight cx-champton, was arrested yes terday for speeding through Hollls, Queens. Mnbel II. Darmltt, who went on a hunger strike when arrested In Newark accused of selling worthless stock, was freed In (1,000 ball yesterday. Kuzma Kurshman, thirty-three, of No. 704 Washington Street, a track walker, was killed last night by o subway train nt 110th Street ond Broadway. His brother, lio was with him, was unhurt. DOMESTIC. The excavation of Tell El-Ful, two miles north of Jerusalem, supposed by many to bn the biblical Glbeah of Saul, has been begun by the American School of Oriental Itesenrch, James A. Mont gomery of Philadelphia announced. Word has Just been received from tho Governor of South Dakota by the Wash ington Nutlonal Monument Association that n huge granite slab shortly will bo shipped to be placed In the Washington Monument. The schooner Magic, which on Auk. S, 1870, in lower New York Bay. success fully defended the America's Cup against tho British yacht Cambrll, has boen condemned at Key West. Seventy-four paintings, comprising most of the collection of the Into Mrs, Potter Palmer, have been sold nt fhl cago by the Palmer Estate to Howard Young, a New York art dealer, for an amount said to lw about 31,000,000. Tho presentation of a Mexican flug FUR STORA GERemoJtling and Repairing. Telephone MURRAY HILL 7300 BONWIT TELLER 6XO. FIFTH AVEN.UE AT OS STREET A Collection of About One Hundred WOMEN'S CAPES and COATS IN MARVELLA and GERONA Assembled From Regular Stock and Reduced . From Former Prices for Wednesday Only to 60.00 r '"THE collection includes several models that typify A the season's fashions in the beautiful soft; supple fabrics of marvella and Gerona. MARVELLA CAPES Three DlslincUce Styles A particularly smart marvella cape with throw collar lined with con trasting duvetyn. Graceful marvella cape with new draped collar and self string ties. A most attractive cape designed in the silhouette of the season. GERONA COATS And Wrap Capes A swagger coat of gerona is fash ioned in English flare style with rag Ian sleeves. Gerona coat in a slender silhouette has an effective pointed collar. Wrap cape of Gerona with ingenious cape like sleeve treatment. WOMEN'S COATS SECOND FLOOR tlmericcCs foremost Specialists OPPENHEIM.0LUNS 8 i 34th Street New York On Sale Wednesday Misses' f (Navy Blue) i Tailored Suits f : : ' I Equalling the Style and Care ful Tailoring of Much Higher Cost Models Remarkable Value 29.75 f Trlcotine. Polret Twill alfo Imported Brighton Tweed, in slender straighl-Hne " models and youthful box coat effects. made by Maria T. da Obregon, wife of tho President of Mexico, schedule-! to tnko placo In Independence Hall, Phila del pirn, on April 26, will not be per mitted, according to Harry K. llaxter, Chief of tho Ilurcau of Standards FOREIGN. The Japanese delegation at Genoa have given a dinner in honor of the American Ambassador and Mrs. Itlchard Washburn Child. Viscountess Ishli was hostess. Tho making of moonshine liquor In Ireland has assumed alarming propor tions and threatens to Impair Erin's stnndlng In the Urltlsh Isles as the most temperate of the group. Monte Carlo Casino stock Is dropping on the Stock Exchange and the com pany Is considering passing or reducing Its dividends. A new department of the Soviet Gov ernment will be created to reguluto the electrical power and fuel Industry, It Is announced from the Kremlin nt Moscow. 8PKSOE HEADS Film DUIIEAC. I'eter C. Sponco of No. 70 West 71st Street was appointed Chief of tho Bu reau of Fire Prevention yesterday by Commissioner Drcnnan, to succeed Dr. William F. Doyle. Mary had a little lamb With fleece down to its toes, But they bobbed its hair to make a puff To powder Mary's nose. HXGIENOL uywdtr AifP ALL LAMB'S WOOL-STERILIZED ,WASHABLH Now in Progress Important Clearance of Dresses Originally to 29.75 Originally to 35.00 Originally to 59.50 Originally to 85.00 15.00 22.00 38.00 48.00 giftftmuc 34 STREET fivoaduiay Today and Wednesday Clearance Sale of SUITS Actual Savings up to 25.50 HIGHER-COST TWO AND THREE-PIECE SUITS AT EMPHATIC REDUCTIONS An opportune event for you to procure one of the season's smartest suits at very substan tial savings representing many dollars less than their former moderate prices. Three- 1 Piece II Suit, Wr I 84.00 I I ll 15.00 in is.OO JaT 24.00 Formerly to 29.75 15.00 Tweed Suits Box coat and long coat mod els, with Peter Pan or notched collars. Rose, orchid, tan and blue. Silk lined. Savings up to 14.75 Formerly to 39.75 24.00 Tailored Suits Two-piece suits of excellent quality Tricotine and Twill, smartly tailored, with the new long coat. Silk lined. Savings up to 15.75 Formerly to 59.50 34.00 . 2 and 3-Pc. Suits Beautifully tailored of Navy Blue Poiret Twill and Trico tine and silk lined. Peter Pan collars and bell sleeves. Savings up to 25.50 49m n a v Three Piece Suit, 1)4,00 15.00 t 14.00 84.00 EAUntatt Sc da will be offered, beginning- to-morrow, in Women's Balta Pwiinrap amid Oxfords comprising a largo assortment of desirable styles, which hove been taken from regular stock because of incomplete size ranges and will bo uniformly marked at the greatly reduced price of $8.75 per pair This is a very uncommon opportunity for the economical purchase of a season's supply of smart footwear, many of the shoes included in the Sale having hitherto been in stock at very much higher prices. (Second Floor) Safe Storage for Furs, Rugs and Draperies FUR STORAGE Remodeling and Repairing Phone 6900 Fitz Roy franklin Simon & (To. A Store of Individual Shops FIFTH AVENUE37th and 38th STS; Introducing For 3xCadame and Mademoiselle ql airette The New Sheer Silk Stockings iAn entirely different type of sheer stocking which will not rip or run and will outwear the ordinary silf stocking. 50 3 Stockings of gossamer sheer ness and fashionable fineness which are actually "run proof and yet wear better in the long run and are priced less than other stockings of equal delicacy of texture and not such certain serviceability. In black, whitey nude, natureet pearl or medium gray with graceful slipper heel. Feminine Hosiery Shop Street Floor ifflabteon &bemte- jfiftfo iHbenue 34tfj ant) 35tu Streets J3eUi orU 9